View Full Version : Can you use tentacles to wield manufactured weapons?

2013-04-07, 12:36 AM
I know some creatures with tentacles can, but is this normally possible?

2013-04-07, 12:55 AM
If you can talk a DM into allowing the opposable magic weapon special ability from page 28 of Masters of the Wild, you just need to be corporeal, have limbs and, "be able to stand without the limb(s) that wield the opposable weapon." That was never updated to 3.5 as far as I know. There's an extra stipulation that you have proficiency with the weapon, but if the magic weapon is going to provide all the grip I don't see why you couldn't wield an opposable weapon you aren't proficient with using the usual penalty.

2013-04-07, 01:50 AM
Beguilers (the race) from shining south can wield a weapon with their tails, if your going to make an argument to your DM you might want to toss that in. Id be cautious about it though because if one tentacle can wield a weapon, whats to stop someone from getting like 20 tentacles(magic is such a wonderful thing...) and have them all wield a dagger or something.