View Full Version : Spiked Gauntlet User.

2013-04-08, 12:52 AM
I've been wanting to make a spiked gauntlet character. Now it doesn't need to be super optimized, but I'd like it to be at least teir 3 or so. I wanted the Driving Attack feat, because it sounded really cool to punch people off into the sunset :smalltongue:. Otherwise the weapons I want to use (Okayed by my usual DM in case they are not legal)

Spiked gauntlets with Spring Loaded Gauntlets put together.

Was thinking that ranged disarm would be cool for the spring loaded gauntlets just for the awesome factor.

Idk though my initial build was a fighter since I think I'll be feat starved.

What would you all do?

The flavor I'm kind of going for is like a gentleman boxer, but with spiked gauntlets.

2013-04-08, 01:02 AM
Make warblade, pick any maneuvers you like the look of, profit.

2013-04-08, 01:28 AM
you're not gonna be tier 3 with fighter.

if you must be martial go tome of battle.

if you are willing to use spellcasting: cleric, duskblade, other gish build.

2013-04-08, 09:24 AM
Rogue and factotum are tier 3 right?
Either of those, with a 2 level dip for fighter feats.

Spring loaded gauntlets?

2013-04-08, 09:46 AM
Rogue and factotum are tier 3 right?
Either of those, with a 2 level dip for fighter feats.

Spring loaded gauntlets?

Spring loaded gauntlets are from arms and equipment guide. Basically a hand crossbow in your gauntlet

Jack Zander
2013-04-08, 10:49 AM
This really isn't what you're going for, but I've found spiked gauntlets to be incredibly useful for a sword and board caster. You have one hand holding a shield, and you need your other hand free to cast. How do you hold a weapon? Spiked gauntlet!

2013-04-08, 10:14 PM
The flavor I'm kind of going for is like a gentleman boxer, but with spiked gauntlets.So, basically, Dudley from Street Fighter III and Street Fighter IV, but instead of wearing boxing gloves to cushion blows, he wears something which will wreck faces worse than the loss portraits from Street Fighter II?

This really isn't what you're going for, but I've found spiked gauntlets to be incredibly useful for a sword and board caster. You have one hand holding a shield, and you need your other hand free to cast. How do you hold a weapon? Spiked gauntlet!I'm starting to get an idea that perhaps this could be combined with a warlock's hideous blow. Shields will still cause arcane spell failure, however.

2013-04-09, 10:13 PM
Duskblade might be fun in the tier 4 category.

Incarnate could be fun too.

Cleric is generally a strong option.

Erik Vale
2013-04-09, 10:19 PM
Remember to pick up the deflection feats, so you can get the epic ones.
Infinite Exceptional Reflection is always fun to use.

2013-04-09, 10:30 PM
Rogue is t4, and I believe Factotum is too.

Anyway, I would really avoid being a fighter if I were you. If you're really feat-starved, even the rogue variant from UA that replaces sneak attack with fighter bonus feats would be preferable. If you really want to be t3 or better, you've really got no option but ToB or spellcasting.

...Personally, I think it'd be fun to try out some sort of spiked gauntlet barbarian. Possibly with the whirling frenzy variant.

2013-04-09, 11:07 PM
Rogue is t4, and I believe Factotum is too.

Factotum is T3, chiefly because it can get Int to so many things and be useful nearly always.

2013-04-09, 11:58 PM
Take Bloodstorm Blade and put Flaming on it?

2013-04-10, 12:46 AM
I've heard of this bloodstorm blade.. ToB I assume?

Also in regards to barbarian, I just can't fit it in flavor wise. a gentleman doesn't rage, he's cool calm and collected. I'll work with ToB for now, see what I can do. I just love feats so much.

2013-04-10, 01:18 AM
Also in regards to barbarian, I just can't fit it in flavor wise. a gentleman doesn't rage, he's cool calm and collected.You could be both (http://8bittheater.wikia.com/wiki/Berserker_Axinhed), just alternating (http://www.nuklearpower.com/2004/07/08/episode-439-everything-is-fighters-fault/). Also, whirling frenzy has a bit less anger implied, but you're still prevented from doing quite a few things while you are in one, such as everything requiring patience or concentration (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/classes/barbarian.htm).

2013-04-10, 02:29 PM
An idea I've been toying with is dipping into Alchemist Savant from Magic of Eberron to put spells in poison and then coat your gloves in it with the Alchemical Capsules from Complete Adventurer.