View Full Version : Making a Gesalt Build in Pathfinder, mind helping?

2013-04-08, 10:25 PM
I am very old to D&D, but very new to pathfinder and Gesalt. A DM I recently met is starting a Gesalt Campaign, here is the rundown

Stats 16, 14, 12, 12, 10, 10 before racial.
Two Traits
Level one Starting GP 140

I am wanting to run a Rogue/Wizard going into Arcane Trickster after I hit 5 to max my SA and get the 5th Wizard Feat I intend to pick up Craft wondrous item as I was informed it might be a very not over the counter magic item type game, should help the party and myself grabbing it.
I want to use the character as a versatile SAer, using spells to deliver when occasion calls. Im looking at it as a Rogue with Wizard toys to help a lot.

So Far I have an Elf, stats sitting at
Str 12
Dex 18
Int 16
Con 10
Wis 10
Cha 10

I chose TWF for my first feat, and Diviner for the wizard school. Im actually thinking of the scroll master for the archetype, having that I think will add quite a bit of versatility. At two I plan on talenting finesse, my main debate is should I go Human, take weapon finesse at one along with TWF (making him more viable in combat) and take the -1 skill? (14 Int +1 Human) OR Take my favored in skill and the skill would be the same as if I had 18 INT and my HP would be the same (getting my -2con back for being human)
As i am not as familiar with 3.75 as 3.5 and lower I am seeking advice on traits, archetypes, or even if the build is not viable, or if a better one is for what im shooting for, but so far it seems doable, but any and all advice is appreciated! I think thats everything...thanks again

2013-04-08, 10:47 PM
Arcane trickster may be considered a PrC which is not eligible for gestalt as it combines 2 classes. Ask your DM.

Scrollmaster archetype? The archetypes for wizards are mostly weird rather than useful and this is the perfect example. Almost anything would be a better idea than using scrolls as ablative melee weapons. You don't need to take an archetype on the wizard side and my advice is that you don't unless you have a specific use in mind.

On the other hand you want to look at rogue archetypes. There are several good ones.

You do need to think about what is going to be your go-to action in combat - damaging spells, battlefield control, stabbing people with two weapons, whatever - and choose options with that in mind. Saying you want to be versatile and do everything is basically impossible to optimise.

With full wizard casting available you should be able to handle one less skill point per level just fine.

2013-04-08, 11:10 PM
The dm is allowing for prestige, but it is working like a multi class. basically the gesalt path stops on both sides, and you enter the prestige. I was thinking scroll master not to use scrolls as my primary weapon, but as a versatile option ecspecially reach, vice arcane bond or familiar which can both cripple you. (familiar less so, but still) the rogue archetypes all seem to kill your traps ability, as the only rogue, seems like a bad deal. all the others seem meh, I will gladly take advice if im just not seeing the usefulness. your probably right about the skill point, plus more hp is always great. in combat im mainly going for the twf if enemy is distracted but if not I intend on using touch attacks after invis or summon for said distraction.
not really trying for "everything" but with the rogue side I should be good for the melee (from behind of course), and the wizard gives me lots of assistance or stronger ranged options. my goal is to use SA as my primary weapon, through a short sword, ray, or scrollish short sword.

2013-04-08, 11:48 PM
I rather like the Scout (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/rogue/archetypes/paizo---rogue-archetypes/scout) archetype. Alternatively Bandit (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/rogue/archetypes/paizo---rogue-archetypes/bandit) has nice synergy with the Diviner's ability.

It would also be possible to lose trapfinding from the rogue class and gain it back from a dip into another archetyped class (e.g. sorcerer or oracle w/seeker archetype, ranger w/trapper archetype) - the half-level bonus would be gone, but you'd still get the ability to handle magic traps.

An arcane bond with an amulet or ring should be no more danger than having to own a spellbook, which you appear to be OK with. I still don't see what you want scrollmaster for, there are easier ways to get reach, but whatever floats your boat.

2013-04-08, 11:54 PM
hmmm, true enough, if I go arcane bond it's going to be a short sword (dm gave thumbs up) I am ok with the spell book, I just don't like the idea of losing spell casting abilities for a week, I can have multiple books, only one bonded item. and yeah, reach is achievable, but shocking, flanking etc at will basically, or reach. is the appeal. as it is the same item basically as my bonded would be (short sword) im looking for reasons not too, rather than to. scout looks pretty appealing. thanks.

2013-04-09, 03:17 AM
Currently playing a pathfinder gestalts campaign using a Monk/oracle (hunted/flame)

if you wanted to go with a rouge build that got spells and magic toys might i suggest looking at oracle instead of wizard. basically Oracles are the sorc version of a cleric. however, Oracles can be so much more then just a potion for the group. for one thing if you pick the right mystery they work really well with rouges and the need to be sneaky sneaky, hide, etc. they go off cha and they get up to lvl 9 spells off the cleric list.

one of the nice abilitys that they can get right off the bat if you pick flame mystery and the hunted curse, is called gaze of flame

Gaze of Flames (Su): You can see through fire, fog, and smoke without penalty as long as the light is sufficient to allow you to see normally. At 7th level, you can gaze through any source of flame within 10 feet per oracle level, as if using clairvoyance. You can use this ability for a number of rounds per day equal to your oracle level, but these rounds do not need to be consecutive.

combine this with a bag of smoke bombs, mage hand, and ghost sound and you can lead your enemies on a merry chase