View Full Version : Are Weapon/armor crystals slotless?

2013-04-09, 04:07 PM
So I don't like weapon crystals. I mean, they have pretty cool effects, but... I just don't like the concept. My players are kind of on the same page, but one of them really likes the Crystal of Return. I plan on giving him a set of gauntlets with that effect on them. However, as far as pricing goes, I'm not sure if I should consider the crystals slotless (and therefore divide their value by 2) or slotted. Ideas? Opinions?

2013-04-09, 04:09 PM
You can only have one crystal on a weapon or armor at a time, so in that way, they are slotted.

I like them. Lets you get a certain ability that is otherwise useless, but in some fights necessary. (Ghost touch I'm looking at you.) It really helps mundanes be versatile like casters.

Sgt. Cookie
2013-04-09, 04:21 PM
Technically speaking, augment crystals DO have a slot, the same one that the item/weapon uses. So, while they are in and of themselves slotless, they are useless if not attached to a slot.

Making Toast is very much like using Augment Crystals. You may have bread, but without a toaster you won't get very far.

2013-04-09, 04:22 PM
That is what I thought. I was thinking that since it's not a slot I allow, it would be slotless, but that doesn't change their value in core. Thank you! :)

And regarding the versatility it brings, I'm all for making an item with multiple "modes" representing various powers (Gauntlet of Return that turns to Ghost Touch on command), but I'm not so cool with the concept of having PCs take crystals out of their axes and switching them to another one as ghosts are getting close.

2013-04-09, 04:32 PM
That is what I thought. I was thinking that since it's not a slot I allow, it would be slotless, but that doesn't change their value in core. Thank you! :)

And regarding the versatility it brings, I'm all for making an item with multiple "modes" representing various powers (Gauntlet of Return that turns to Ghost Touch on command), but I'm not so cool with the concept of having PCs take crystals out of their axes and switching them to another one as ghosts are getting close.

Ah, well it is all flavor at that point. I had a character that used the mechanic for the augment crystals, but was playing a steam punk inspired character. It was flavored as a turn crank that readjusted the magi-tech's flow or whatnot to change the items minor attributes. Same action as swapping a crystal to do, and to add more powers to the crank they just paid the cost of buying the new crystal.

You could even have it be a variation of an intelligent weapon that switches up its powers.