View Full Version : Legacy of Shadow

2013-04-10, 12:44 AM
Vilgorns Hold

Vilgorns Hold, the splending walled city state of nobility and strength atleast thats what they say. Chosen as this seasons Council Meet the city is bustling with activity as caravans of merchants, dignitaries and councilors arive. The great festival and feast that normally accompanies this great event is well underway. With dozens of stalls with games, food, ale and women fill the bustling bazaar sector of the town. The city guard are out in full force, as well as several groups of soldiers and body guards assigned to assist by their patron cities.
After several days of harsh and boring or maybe rough and dangerous travel you have finally arrived at Vilgorns. Be you part of the security detachment for a dignitary, a traveling monk or a merchant princess on the run from an arranged marriage you have decided to come to the festivities. You have a good bit of gold in your pocket and a few hours to waste before the council meet begins and it seems like a good time to visit the local tavern for an adventure or two, or well not actually the tavern is closed for adventures this time of year anyways.
You decide to go out to line up your next day, sell a few vials of knock out poison or just to enjoy a few hours repreive from your duties and your pursuers. Maybe you will engage in the mages duels, fight in a tournament of arms or just sit around spinning tales of wonder and lore about the fires and bar around the city. Your destiny ultimately awaits you, unbeknownst to you soon you will not be able to escape it. For something old, forgotten and evil lurks and it is ready to come back into the world to destroy all that you hold dear.

Over heard rumors ( Just tidbits for you guys) The High Elven Empire has been positioning Auxilary and Legionaires units near the borders. A few skirmishes with some of the Great Lands towns will be discussed and possible defense and war plans.

More drow from the Deep delves have been raiding the dwarf holds, something sinister is brewing down below.
The minotaurs are on the move, rumor has it they have been destroying ents and entlings with an unnerving motive.
Strange creatures have been sighted around the Bone Citadel. The Grand Lich Lord has not revealed what they are but has attended the meet in person.

(( Do a bit of what ever you want whilewe wait for everyone. Introuce yourself, let your character unwind and ill push you guys a bit when we are all ready. Things will begin to get interesting and dangerous faster then most games.

2013-04-10, 12:10 PM
"Move towards me. Do not attempt to climb down." orders a rather average looking individual in full-plate (which is... not so average a thing to wear, even for a caravan guard).

A yellowish pile of... something oily responds by oozing off the oil-skin protecting the rest of the contents of the merchant's cart from the very slightly rotten smelling creature. It thumps to the ground, none the worse for wear (indeed it could survive falls of almost any height without damage).

"I think my first priority should be getting a wheelbarrow for this. I wish the merchant had been willing to transport mine." he thinks, knowing how slow the fat glob was.

He makes his very slow way through the market place, making a few inquiries, followed by the fat glob, and a hopping bag with a tube at either end, one tied shut, the other pointed straight up to prevent as much leakage of possible... not that there really was any, but when dealing with concentrated acid it didn't pay to take any chances.