View Full Version : Snow White & the Huntsman A Game Idea

2013-04-10, 06:41 AM
So just bought this on dvd and once I can watch the Hobbit it'll be the next movie I'll try to watch.

Now I've been thinking and having listened to the Postcards from the dungeon podcast on this I don't expect much from it but it has given me a couple of ideas I'd like to discuss and see what you think.

I'll avoid specifying a game system so I'll get to the point(s)

1) Snow White is the villain of the game, her mother being very evil died supposedly died in childbirth in fact she possessed her newboen child and has grown up keeping her true identity a secret even as her "father" has remarried.

Being evil she began a campaign to turn everyone against ehr stepmother intending to use her as a scapegoat once she's old enough and will kill her father implicating her stepmother so she can gain sole control over the throne.

The Seven Dwarves are servants from her previous life and are aware who she is and live to serve her whims allowing her to commit misdeeds without anyone tracing it back to her.

The Huntsman was selected because her stepmother befriended his wife and her dwarves murdered the huntsman's wife and family as part of her scheme to blame them for her father's murder.

He however is aware the dwarves are responsible but not about their mistress which is where the PCs come in...

If one of them is running a dwarf they will recognise any one of the dwarves for their very evil reputation, any arcane spellcaster who is told about this will know who their mistress was and that she supposedly died forty years ago after a (supposedly) failed attempt to escape retribution by stealing the body of a newborn child via her magic.

Of course evidence suggests the stepmother is this evil sorceress and that the Huntsman is her loyal servant but why is he asking for their help to hunt down the dwarves?

If they don't have a dwarf PC then they might become suspicious if the Hunstman is arrested even though he had been with them the entire time and their protests only get them jailed too as accessories leading to them having to find a way to escape and prove their innocence all the meanwhile the true villain of the piece plans her next move...

2) She's still evil but her father is also and he married his new wife to gain her wealth and fortune and its coming to the time he plans to get rid of her and is seeking a suitable catspaw...

He originally planned on the Huntsman but his daughter is apparently in love with him so even though he had the man's family killed he is thinking of blaming the dwarves who witnessed the event but then those PCs come wandering into view and he has this funny idea he can kill two birds with one stone not that the PCs are going to like what he plans to do about them though...

2013-04-10, 08:52 AM
Oh God... that's a horrible, horrible movie... i think the worst thing however was that Snowwhite seems to have an effective charisma of 1, while everyone treats her like she has 20 :P

2013-04-10, 10:09 AM
Oh God... that's a horrible, horrible movie... i think the worst thing however was that Snowwhite seems to have an effective charisma of 1, while everyone treats her like she has 20 :P

Haven't watched it yet, but got wondering what if she was charming (Charm Person, Spell Focus/Enchantment, Heighten Spell maybe not sure if thats remotely high enough!:smallbiggrin:) everybody and noone realised it?

I figure for option 1 she left the Huntsman alone because she didn't need to charm him but for option 2 I figure she might eventually try it and the PCs might draw her ire especially if there's a female PC and she assumes she's a rival for the Huntsman's affections...

Still wondering just how awful it truly is though...:smalleek:

2013-04-10, 10:29 AM
I was deeply divided on the movie. Well Snow White herself was bad ( though given some of her dialogue I can't blame the actress that much) the evil queen was great and some of the imagery was breathtaking. With a better Snow White and some dialogue tweaking it could have been great

grom the mighty
2013-04-10, 12:41 PM
Snow White and the huntsman is a terrible movie. The design of the setting and some of the characters look amazing. But that's a very rare occurrence.

Since I doubt you have huge expectations for it though it won't be too disastrous.

The Hobbit on the other hand..... If you're as big of a fan of the LOTR trilogy as I am, you might even cry.

Sorry to be such a downer, but the lower your expectations are starting the more you'll enjoy it :smalltongue:

2013-04-10, 01:31 PM
Snow White and the huntsman is a terrible movie. The design of the setting and some of the characters look amazing. But that's a very rare occurrence.

Since I doubt you have huge expectations for it though it won't be too disastrous.

The Hobbit on the other hand..... If you're as big of a fan of the LOTR trilogy as I am, you might even cry.
Sorry to be such a downer, but the lower your expectations are starting the more you'll enjoy it :smalltongue:

Just watched the Hobbit on dvd, was worried they'd cut the movie in addition to putting all the extras on the blu ray version... I still say Radagast isn't as bad as some have said.

The Eagles come off as seriously bad ass, but Smaug makes me hopeful the next part will be much better!:smallbiggrin:

Maybe leave the Snow White for the weekend and if really put out will try the Kristin Kreuk version to compare the two!

grom the mighty
2013-04-11, 03:48 PM
I still say Radagast isn't as bad as some have said.

The Eagles come off as seriously bad ass, but Smaug makes me hopeful the next part will be much better!:smallbiggrin:

I liked the eagles too since they're part of the lore, and I didn't mind Radagast THAT much, i was just annoyed since he has no place in the hobbit at all.

What really got on MY nerves is how they turned Thorin into an Aragorn clone, considering he gets the most screen time out of anyone (at least it felt that way to me :smalltongue: ) and his part is much, MUCH bigger than in the book, to the point where it feels like the story isn't even about bilbo :smalleek:

2013-04-12, 06:19 AM
I liked the eagles too since they're part of the lore, and I didn't mind Radagast THAT much, i was just annoyed since he has no place in the hobbit at all.

What really got on MY nerves is how they turned Thorin into an Aragorn clone, considering he gets the most screen time out of anyone (at least it felt that way to me :smalltongue: ) and his part is much, MUCH bigger than in the book, to the point where it feels like the story isn't even about bilbo :smalleek:

I agree when i watched it at the cinema (2d version) I totally missed how much smaller they were than when i watched it on the tv and wondered how I missed the fact that when Thorin was introduced i thought he was about 6'+ tall and then when they're in that scene with Elrond it was like... Oi how did he lose over a foot in height?:smallconfused: He's almost as tall as Bilbo now!

Do Dwarves visibly shrink in the presence of elves or does that only apply when next to Hugo Weaving?:smallbiggrin:

Funny enough every time I've watched this movie I had this image of an extra scene where they run across an elven princess and then we discover those 12 companions are actually his chaperons to protect him from all those rampaging women of various races who upon sight try to drag him out of sight for some reason!!!:smallwink:

Well it would give Azog even more reason to hate Thorin after all!:smallbiggrin:

Back in the Felloship of the Ring movie I had always wondered why Aragorn's old girlfriend was wandering out there in the wild without a bodyguard....:smallsmile: