View Full Version : Andriod 4.0+ apps that make the DMs life easier?

2013-04-10, 01:07 PM
Are there any apps (preferably free ones) that can do the following:

Allow me to create a list of objects (or, rather, creatures) letting me fill in their attack roll bonus and their dmg dice and dmg bonus and then allowing me to save that list of creatures.

Then, when my PCs are battling those creatures, I simply select the relevant creature, hit a button and it generates the AR and DMG the creature made?

Also, are there any other apps that make a DMs life easier? If it matters, I need it for the 3.5 system.

The thing is, something like this would be incredibly easy to program, but I know nothing about android programming (though if there are no similar apps, I'll see about creating one myself).

2013-04-10, 01:11 PM
This wouldn't even have to be an Android-specific app; you could easily wrangle something up in javascript and then just navigate to it in the browser (using HTML5 local storage to record the creatures). If you really must have file system storage, you can use Phonegap (http://phonegap.com/) to wrap the HTML.

I'm busy with classes for another week or so, but I could wrangle something up after that if nothing comes of your search.

2013-04-10, 01:16 PM
I thought about that and while I do know enough web programming to create something like this I usually don't have internet access in the place where I host my sessions (friend's summer house). I really need something that can work on my tablet without having the need to go online.

2013-04-10, 01:19 PM
Then Phonegap is the solution for you. It's pretty simple to dump the data for monsters you add into a plain text file and then import it back into the app when it's launched. A project I'm working on right now does the same thing, only with different data, so I could just port that functionality.

2013-04-10, 01:31 PM
Would you be willing to make such a solution for me at some point, when you get the chance? I only got my tablet today and I've never had an android device before.

Basically, the program would consist of a list of objects that have three things:
- Name
- AR bonus
- DMG (which pretty much consists of three numbers - number of dice, sides per dice, dmg bonus)

The only thing I'd pretty much need is a button to add new objects, delete selected ones and generate the random AR and DMG for the selected object. The goal is for me to as quickly as possible take care of the enemy NPCs and monsters in combat so that the PCs wait as little as possible for their turn.

To others: I'd still appreciate any suggestions for apps for the 3.5 system.

2013-04-10, 01:46 PM
Yeah, like I said, once my classes are over I'd be glad to put something together.

2013-04-11, 04:55 AM
So, any other apps you guys not that exist that could enhance the DnD experience?