View Full Version : [3.5] Sunless Citadel Linked Campaigns

2013-04-10, 01:22 PM
So, I've decided to post up my groups' Campaign Log; there are a few of us who are quite new to the campaign circuit, used instead to one shot adventures. So the DM has decided to break out one of the published adventures; starting with The Sunless Citadel.

Our DM is reasonably well experienced (3 full campaigns, and I believe he knows a few optimizing tricks), but I think I myself am a bit more capable with them (thanks to being a part of this site, and being a lazy student with nothing more to do than read books and mine them for useful tricks and stuff). The rest of the party are fairly new but are also flatmates, but due to having jobs, are limited in their time they can put aside for practising optimizing.

Problem is, my character is not a knowledgeable one, nor a particularly intelligence individual, so I think I might struggle with the Metagame a little bit. However, I've not read Sunless Citadel and the rest of the series, so that might help.

So, a quick introduction to our party. We are a couple of hours ahead of you. My best guess (with the exception of Zharon) is of their alignments is in Brackets. Zharon I know. He is mine.

M024-RT (Mozart, from here on)
- A (Neutral) Warforged Bard, used as a toy by a rich family from Eberron, brought to the setting by magical doohickery. Essentially a moving performing music box. Think of Shale, from Dragon Age in his reactions to pigeons. But replace Pigeons with annoying brats.

- A (Neutral) Hadozee Druidic Avenger, who was once a marine on a Pirate ship.

Loren Geldheart
- A (Chaotic) Azurin Incarnate. Ran away from her Human parents, but was captured by Goliath raiding parties and raised as one. I've just shown her player the Stoneblessed class recently, so I think she might be going for something along the lines of some Goliath class.

Vand Ar
- A (Evil) Half Cobalt Dragon Human from Skyrim. Yes. Skyrim. We were researching how to recreate it, and we came up with this from Dragon 356. We are using the Half Dragon Template Class (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/sp/20030912a) to recreate it. Not sure where she's going elsewhere with it though, but because she's evil, we're guessing something along the lines of a Dark Brotherhood style character.

- A (Chaotic Evil) Neraph Ardent. Formally a tribal memory keeper's apprentice, he was whipped off Limbo and deposited on this plane, where he has taken to a beggars life; but his powers have revealed to him the ability to live as more than a prince of thieves. He has taken the Time Mantle, and the Mental Power at 1st level. He has gone for City Slicker, through which he spends his time disguising himself into an extremely horrific individual rather than as an extraplanar ugly, and forging documents to make his way through the city checkpoints. His power at 1st is Synchronicity, because why not?

Setting it set. First post in a while...

2013-04-10, 01:37 PM
Sunless Citadel is a GREAT adventure. I'm running my group through it right now.