View Full Version : "Unarmed" Scoundrel Caster <3.5>

2013-04-10, 04:34 PM
This concept was kind of from me rereading the Hidden Blade and the Gnomish Quickrazor. So here's my question:

How could a caster effectively use a bodyfull of hidden weaponry (let's say 2 quickrazors, 2 sleeve blades, 2 boot knives, 2 knee blades, and 2 elbow blades) while still being an effective caster. My thought was these weapons are his "back-up plan" in case the BSF gets in his grill.

2013-04-10, 05:55 PM
This (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/telekinesis.htm) is a good trick.

2013-04-10, 09:02 PM
This concept was kind of from me rereading the Hidden Blade and the Gnomish Quickrazor. So here's my question:

How could a caster effectively use a bodyfull of hidden weaponry (let's say 2 quickrazors, 2 sleeve blades, 2 boot knives, 2 knee blades, and 2 elbow blades) while still being an effective caster. My thought was these weapons are his "back-up plan" in case the BSF gets in his grill.

Depends on the build, depends on the caster class.
Thing about mages are that they usually have horrible physical stats, due to the class frames as well as min-maxing.

Can he still be an effective caster? Sure. Are the weapons optimized? No.
Now, the interesting thing is this, you cannot actually make 10 attacks per round without REALLY trying hard, and as a caster, that number is far lower.

Alternative to these things is either becoming a full gish, using a divine caster or using the duskblade class.

If you fully devote yourself to getting attacks, you would probably have maybe 6 per round. Sucky thing is, all of those weapons are probably NOT going to be magical.

Get snap kick
Dip into barbarian for pounce.
If divine, get archivist so that you can get lion's pounce and divine power.
If Arcane, get arcane strike.

It is not going to be a good build regardless.

Assasin spells are also up your ally, but becoming an assassin is killing your potential.
I suggest a Spell to Power Erudite, using the 11 TOTAL UPD.
It has the same amount of powers per day as a wilder, but can freely choose from it's powers known.

Don't play it like a swiss army knife, but rather thematically.
If you want to be the hidden weapons guy, do that, and play it to the tee. Only choose random powers when you need to.

Play to your style, choosing exactly what 11 powers exemplify your character, and you should not step on any toes.

It's the generalist STP erudite people don't like.
If you use it just to get select powers, not to break the game, but to further enhance your role, then no one gets mad.

Dusk Eclipse
2013-04-10, 09:06 PM
A gish build would be the best option; but do remember that just having many weapons don't allow you to make many attacks (natural weapons on the other hand do work). I would think that some extra damage (sneak attack, blades of fire or the like).

2013-04-10, 09:14 PM
I was actually looking at a Skillmonkey Beguiler who is a bit of a con-artist with a heart of gold.

2013-04-10, 10:13 PM
I was actually looking at a Skillmonkey Beguiler who is a bit of a con-artist with a heart of gold.

Unless you don't like psionics, there is literally no reason you couldn't play exactly the same way with an erudite. Yes, you have more ACTUAL skills at your table, but a dip into factotum with able learner, and you have nothing to worry about.

Factotum 1/Erudite 19.
Use the psionics for the powers you can get, and the magic for those you usually can't. Go find a beguiler, Pick his brain, get spells, profit.
You could literally play them exactly the same, except for the fact that you wouldn't be casting off the whole list. But there are only a few staple spells needed anyway.
Hell, in fact, with the ability to cast off of any arcane list, you wouldn't need all of them

1.Shadow conjuration
2.Shadow evocation
3.Shadow Binding
4.Shadow Double
5.Legion of Sentinels
7.Spectral Weapon
8. Shades
9.Shadow Mask
10. Project Image

With these ten spells only, you could really take on most challenges necessary. Problem with the beguiler is he doesn't get half. Moreso, all of them are Illusionary[Shadow] school.
Erudite can cast more illusionary spells than the beguiler can.
Not swapping out any powers, you could make a very well balanced and thematic character with access to those powers
You don't say you are an erudite, you say "child of the shadow realm", Dark man, or best yet, Obsfucator.

It's not the HAXX that makes erudite the best. It's the freedom. It is the answer to the Archivist.
Don't be haxx. Just get exactly the amount of spells needed to speak about who your character is, and make it happen.
Also, not having to worry about arcane spell failure, being stuck to one list, material components, and various other caster shenanigans helps alot.

If you are set on the beguiler however, remember, without sneak attack, you won't be doing hella damage other than the odd illusion spell, you won't be doing any. Beguilers are social casters. A cool character concept, as you don't even NEED to do damage, but when you put it that way, there is no need for the whole hidden weapon thing.
Just use your mojo, and more likely than not, get leadership.
Beguilers are HEAVILY dependent on teamwork.
If only they could use shadow conjuration and shadow double.

2013-04-10, 10:31 PM
The concept sounds very much like a Daggerspell Mage (CAdv). Maybe Rogue1/Beguiler5/Daggerspell MageX/Unseen SeerX? You'd be losing two caster levels (which makes it non-optimal), but you'd still get 9th-level spells and 6+Int skillpoints for all of the Daggerspell/Unseen Seer levels.

2013-04-11, 12:42 AM
The concept sounds very much like a Daggerspell Mage (CAdv). Maybe Rogue1/Beguiler5/Daggerspell MageX/Unseen SeerX? You'd be losing two caster levels (which makes it non-optimal), but you'd still get 9th-level spells and 6+Int skillpoints for all of the Daggerspell/Unseen Seer levels.

That was something to consider. I just find the rules for the "hidden weapons" fascinating. Very much reminds me of my Fo:NV character, who is a sniper and carries an arsenal of holdout weapons to suit every occasion. Have to kill someone discretely in a packed casino? Silenced Pistol does the trick. Have some guy who shot you twice in the head and you want fitting revenge? Frag grenades in his pants. Got to escape, but have to mow through a hundred heavily armed goons? Grab the 9mm Submachine Gun and spray into the horde.

2013-04-11, 06:19 AM
I personally think Master of the Unseen Hand from Complete Warrior is good for this by using Telekinesis for lots of attacks.
Be an arcane caster of your choice and use telekinesis to attack people who get too close to you. Master of the Unseen Hand has the problem of not advancing casting, just caster level so you'd have to ask your DM to grant you casting with it.

I may be mis-remembering Daggerspell Mage but I believe this meshes well with a rogue/arcane caster.