View Full Version : Teamwork (PHB2)

2013-04-10, 05:01 PM
Hi fellow players,
I have asked this question in the Q&A but it might be too specific.

In the Player Handbook 2, p157, the "teamwork" is described.
The training time is written as 2 weeks, with requirements for the team teacher and the team learners and a limitation of level of integer_part(class levels / 4) if I understand correctly.

Does the PC teacher have to follow any formation if he already fulfills the skill / race / ... requirements or he is supposed to already master the teamwork tactic automatically without any NPC to train him previously ?

Does the 2-weeks training period has to be consecutive and how many hours a day do you have to train. If so, it makes the teamwork difficult in most campaigns.

Thanks by advance for your attention

2013-04-12, 11:31 AM
With 40+ views, I expected more answers to what seemed to me trivial questions for veteran players here.

Did I put the question in the wrong place ?

Gnome Alone
2013-04-12, 11:46 AM
Hi, I'm one of 40ish people who find Teamwork feats interesting but lack the PHB2 and/or the knowledge to advise usefully.

I'd just assume the trainer's figured out the trick already though. Makes things simple.

2013-04-12, 12:37 PM
With 40+ views, I expected more answers to what seemed to me trivial questions for veteran players here.

Did I put the question in the wrong place ?

That is a little rude. Be patient with your thread please. People here also have jobs and lives. Sometimes we check threads but can't answer because we are away from books. If your thread is still on the first few pages just he patient.
Right now I an afb. I will check for an answer to your question in a little while if nobody has responded yet.

From what I am reading it is pretty streight forward:
First the team must follow the training regime. It doesn't say you actually have to practice this, just that you as a group must spend two weeks doing it, so if you want the players to actually act it out the can but that isn't required.
Second, you must pick a leader and they must meet all prerequisites.
third everyone in the team must meet the team member prerequisites
lastly, after a week of practice everyone receives the allotted benefit.

2013-04-12, 01:13 PM
Does the PC teacher have to follow any formation if he already fulfills the skill / race / ... requirements or he is supposed to already master the teamwork tactic automatically without any NPC to train him previously ?The team leader isn't automatically the master of the teamwork tactic, any more than any of the team members. That's why there's the training period.

The requirements listed, and the training time, are the only requirements for getting the teamwork benefit (d'oh).

Does the 2-weeks training period has to be consecutive and how many hours a day do you have to train.Neither PHBII nor DMGII specifies. I guess it's assumed to happen during the downtime.

2013-04-12, 01:51 PM
With 40+ views, I expected more answers to what seemed to me trivial questions for veteran players here.
lol I may be a Veteran player, but I don't know an official answer to your question. There is a good chance there is no official rules call.

2013-04-12, 03:08 PM
I've never used the teamwork rules myself.

Ask your DM (or yourself if you are the DM) how he would like to implement these rules. If the two weeks are downtime then that doesn't really change too much for the game itself.

Except maybe for some kind of training montage.

2013-04-12, 03:11 PM
Thanks for your answers, my group is in bad need of this ruling (way too many close combat specialists which of 2/3 chargers).

ddude987 and Greenish seemed to point it was rather clear but I'd rather seem dumb than misunderstand their answers:
The leader (who fulfill the prerequisites) doesn't master the trick at first, nor do the team members (who also fulfill the prerequisites).

"A group of PCs or NPCs must train together at least two weeks before the group can gain any teamwork benefit"
Once the team has trained together for two weeks (for each teamwork trick), not necessarily on the trick, they understand it (trial and error ?). No NPC / external source of knowledge involved.
I intend to roleplay training sequences specifically on the trick but it's not required, only at DM's discretion ?

As for my impatience, I posted the question in the Q&A last saturday, upped it once. Once again the questions got lost 1-2 pages away in the Q&A, so I posted a thread. And the message was at the bottom of the 4th page when I upped it again.
Since I play tomorrow (6PM GMT), I wanted to leave another day in case of answers before my DM and I try to interpret the rules with less knowledge than gitp specialists. Seeing the first battle we had with our new PC recruits, a ruling too strict would prevent us form using teamwork, which is more than needed to improve our poor combat efficiency.