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2013-04-10, 06:11 PM
“But those rare souls, whose spirit gets magically into the heart of others, leave behind them something more real and warmly personal than bodily presence, an ineffable and eternal thing. It is everlasting life touching us as something more than a vague, ill-defined concept. The sound of a great name dies like an echo; the splendour of fame fades into nothing; but the grace of a fine spirit pervades the place which it has passed, like the haunting loveliness of Spring.”

J. Thuberhoof, Equestrian Author.


IC Thread 1: The Broken Road (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=257960)
OOC Thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=254824)

2013-04-10, 09:44 PM
Crown scowled furiously at the collective ignorance to his plight, turning up his nose with a noticeable *hmmph!* "Well I for one would appreciate resting in a place with a slight more protection against the ravages of random and sundry wildlife and the rain. My coat does not agree well with common rainwater."

2013-04-10, 10:11 PM
"That's three for the canyon," stated the pegasus, looking at the colt at his side. Protection from the rain, his fuzzy flank! What did he expect, a feathering castle?

Not that Dive Bomb would mind finding something like that. Imagine the things he could find there, or even books! Did the ponies here even have books? Had he seen any in the memory?

Focus. Focus on the now.

"Are you alright?" he asked grudgingly. "Fainting is generally a bad sign."

One Tin Soldier
2013-04-10, 10:48 PM
Grease Spot frowned as she dredged up half-remembered snippets of Lawrence of Marabia and other such desert-focused pieces of fiction. "I thought that it was a bad idea to go in a canyon during a storm? Maybe we should try slightly higher ground."

Not that there was an overabundance of that around. She looked up to slope of the dunes around her, her legs quivering at the thought of pulling herself and the sled up yet another slope.

2013-04-10, 11:05 PM
Crown scoffed loudly. "Alright? Of course I'm alright. A Cork is always ready and capable for the trials at hoof." He shut his eyes and turned his nose up, the very picture of furiously recovering dignity. "And for your information, I did not faint; as I said, some small, zippy wilderness creature must have struck me on the head. It did not count on me being tough prey, and thus it fled."

As tempting as the canyon was, a part of him was cautioned by Miss Spot's words. Did not floods sweep through canyons such as these? Did not greater dangers lurk within them? "Ah...Ambassador, have you encountered such canyons? Are they really so dangerous?"

2013-04-10, 11:31 PM
"Not in my experience, but while I've camped in several places, a desert canyon is not one of them" replied the ambassador.

2013-04-11, 07:09 PM
"The greatest danger I could think of in a canyon would be a flood," declared Dive Bomb. "In which case, we could collect the water we need."

2013-04-11, 11:20 PM
"Water, shelter, a concealed resting place, whatever are we waiting for?" Crown tossed his mane - somehow still marginally groomed - and advanced forward. "If all it costs is a little extra time to march, then we should take a little extra time to rest in the morning."

2013-04-12, 02:07 AM
The sun burst over the horizon as the party approached the rocks, bathing the cloudless sky in a coppery red and the landscape in gold. Immediately, the temperature began to rise, boiling away the last vestiges of the night's coldness.

As the party exited the sandy valley and approached the rocks, they soon had a better view of the canyon in question.


Unlike most canyons, which one would assume remained level from start to finish, this one sloped gently downwards between the broken and jagged cliffs. The group could chart a relatively smooth path towards a sandy plain in the distance, although some care would be needed with regards to the sled if they went much further along the rock-strewn ground.

Still, there were plenty of possible camping sites for the party to pick from at the mouth of the canyon. They could pitch tents in the open, or in the shade of one of the large boulders in order to use the shale as a windbreak. While that would still leave them somewhat exposed to the sun, there were also some caves that would provide even more shelter should they choose.

Iggy, meanwhile, was regarding the boulders with intense concentration. He hummed, he hawwed, and circled them thrice before apparently satisfying himself enough to give the boulder a gentle flick with his hoof.


"Good news everypony! These ones don't make you disappear!!" he called back, his investigations complete.

2013-04-12, 11:02 AM
"Surely, your powers of deduction must be on par with such geniuses as Fetlock Holmes," is what the pegasus didn't say. After all, that would be rude, and from what he'd observed, such rudeness appeared to be something that could only be used between close friends. His observational skills must be the match of at least one pony here, he mused grimly.

Now, where to set up? The glorious orb on the horizon glowed a rosy red, promising a blazing heat later on. Already, he could feel the coolness of the night melting away; If he wished to recover any of his usually boundless energy, he'd need to find a place with lots of shelter.

Yet that would mean...

The cave yawned before him like the maw of some great primal beast, gaping wide to swallow him whole. Swallowing, Dive Bomb resolved that he'd set up his tent on the very edge of the cave entrance. That way he'd only have to go... inside... if it got really hot. Inside... in the cramped... limited... no-sky...

2013-04-13, 12:15 AM
"Masterful work, Mister Igneous!" Crown called back and promptly hopped on a rock. Just because he could. "It should be a welcome relief that we may traverse this canyon without another share of magical foolery to contend with."

His curiosity sated about the rocks, he set about unpacking his own tent deeper into the cave. "Ah, this is more like it, eh? A nice, cool cavern, safe from heat and prying eyes. Still, do you think we ought to post a guard? I shudder to think that we may wake up in the talons of such ruffians."

2013-04-13, 07:45 AM
"Well, if you think it prudent, we do have two to pick from." replied the ambassador.

Iggy, meanwhile, had begun batting small rocks around with his hooves, much in the same vein as a kitten would treat a ball of yarn.

The caves were surprisingly large, despite outward appearances to the contrary. They stretched back far enough that the bright light of the sun failed to illuminate their farthest reaches. Around the mouth, at least, there was plenty of flat ground to choose from.

2013-04-13, 03:57 PM
"I'll look around," stated the pegasus quietly. That made sense, right? Find Rinda, check for enemies, see if he couldn't spot that cloud... Totally not the cave.

2013-04-13, 09:23 PM
The brightening sky made it easier to pick out Rinda as she circled above the party. The griffoness was flying high, a brown speck against the blue, and well away from anyone.

There were no clouds in the sky, nor any signs of the griffon bandits they'd faced earlier. The buildings of Sanctum, still some ten or so miles distant, rose in the flatlands beyond the canyon, tall and angular against the desert dunes.

Something dark and skeletal lay against a dune back along the direction they had travelled. It lay just on the far side of the northern dune, and had likely been just out of sight when they were walking along earlier.

One Tin Soldier
2013-04-14, 12:27 AM
One of the rocks that Iggy kicked bounced up against Grease's hoof. She idly kicked it back in his direction, before finally getting herself out of the harness of the sled.

"This should make a pretty good place. I'm definitely going bed. It's been a long night." She pulled out on of the makeshift tents, and began setting it up as a lean-to to block the sunlight from the entrance.

2013-04-14, 03:52 AM
It didn't take long for everypony to collect their sleeping supplies from the sled. Soon enough, the campsite took form around the mouth of the cave. With the lean to and the stone blocking out the sun, most of the tents were instead used to provide some respite from the hard and rocky ground.

The ambassador lay down on a patch of stone near the cave wall and began to tuck in to some of the food from the sled. Despite the losses there was still plenty of food to go around.

Water, on the other hoof, was going to be a problem. Only four rations remained to be divided between the seven of them.

2013-04-14, 05:43 AM
Oh, this was not good. Sure, they'd all known, leaving the train, that there really wasn't enough water to get all the way to... whereever they were going, but at this rate, they wouldn't even reach the oasis! That's if the splotch of blue really was an oasis, and not just a bunch of brightly colored rocks.

It seemed increasingly urgent that they hurry, not waste time, and not get distracted. Yet there was an equally strong portion of himself arguing that he'd not get another chance to study this civilization again, and thus he needed to spend as much time as possible right now to figure out what they were like, what their customs were, what they did on a daily basis... Maybe he'd even get lucky and there would still be ponies there!

He had to admit, though, that the general condition of... well, pretty much everything they'd found indicated that Sanctum City was not likely to be better than a pile of sandstone rubble.

Theyd deal with that issue when the time came; for now, he had to decide what to do. He cradled the container, staring at the liquid splashing around inside and tried not to think about it as he put it back down. There were others who needed it more than him.

"How did the sled fall?" he asked, glaring needles at the colt. As if he didn't know; after all, he'd felt the weight of those rations right along with Cork. Yet, five minutes after he left, the sled was in the sand and the water was missing? Not a good recipe for a happy pegasus.

2013-04-14, 12:28 PM
Soot began looking through the caves. This was more like it, the deserts had been far too open for her liking but caves were snug and easier to hide in if need be. Still, better be on the safe side and take a quick look further in. No one would be getting any sleep if they turned out to be sleeping in the mouth of a dragon's lair.
course if said dragon was sleeping soundly and we were very quiet I'm sure he wouldn't miss a few gems...

First things first, a detect life spell. It probably wouldn't find things most likely to be inside a cave, but having some warning on any dragons in there would be for the best.

Detect life: spell 1+ mind 4

2013-04-14, 01:20 PM
Hardly two days into the wilderness, and already their first real, team dilemma. Four rations of water. Seven bodies. And no guarantee if more water would be coming.

Naturally (and with great reluctance) Crown stayed his own hoof. A leader was nothing without their followers, no? Better that they should be cared for first, so that they may be ready and able for the trials ahead. That still left two bodies who would go thirsty...

The colt snapped up when he became aware of a question shot his way. "Hmmph. I imagine something must have sent them over the edge in our little scramble with the bandits." Crown huffed, none too pleased with his subordinate's tone. "I can't recall; their arrival was a blur of activity, and I was far more concerned with keeping my composure and ensuring the safety of everypony and everygriffon. Which is more than I can say for certain parties." He fired a withering glare at Soot...only to have her back and hindquarters take the brunt of his disapproval. It was difficult, remaining cross at a pony so industrious and resourceful as Soot, but he would find a way to manage. For her own sake and the group's, he would be angry as long as they needed him to be.

Such self-sacrifice! Now if only his sweetums could see him now...

2013-04-14, 03:46 PM
"I had thought you would know how we lost our supplies," stated the pegasus, "as you were responsible for the cart that held them." The glare intensified to a level almost approaching a normal expression.

2013-04-14, 04:14 PM
Soot began looking through the caves. This was more like it, the deserts had been far too open for her liking but caves were snug and easier to hide in if need be. Still, better be on the safe side and take a quick look further in. No one would be getting any sleep if they turned out to be sleeping in the mouth of a dragon's lair.
course if said dragon was sleeping soundly and we were very quiet I'm sure he wouldn't miss a few gems...

First things first, a detect life spell. It probably wouldn't find things most likely to be inside a cave, but having some warning on any dragons in there would be for the best.

Detect life: spell 1+ mind 4

Soot's spell snapped into place, but apart from the ponies (and griffon) behind her, it didn't show up anything. She could tell that the spell was working correctly, this time at least, but it just wasn't picking anything up.

2013-04-14, 08:58 PM
"Yes, but I hardly be counted responsible for getting surprised by bandits. That responsibility would fall upon our scout, would it not?" Dive Bomb's glare was returned with a vengeance. Soot could get a dressing-down later for her rash actions, while their wayward scout could get his scolding here and now.

2013-04-15, 12:05 AM
Nope, they were not making this about him. Another attempt to shift blame would not fly-- not here, not now, and by Pansy, not from him. "I note that Miss Spot was indubitably just as surprised as you were, yet somehow she made it through without losing vital supplies."

2013-04-15, 12:29 AM
One of the rocks that Iggy kicked bounced up against Grease's hoof. She idly kicked it back in his direction, before finally getting herself out of the harness of the sled.

The little rock had been welcomed back from its short sojurn with open hooves, but it was forgotten as the pegasus and earth pony began to argue.

One might have said that the unicorn possessed the courage and force of personality to put down such a fight himself without the need of anyone else to intervene. This would, of course, have been a such a blatant lie that it would likely have caused the supreme justice of the Equestrian Court to roll over in her bed.

Given that Blind Scales was a notoriously heavy sleeper (seriously she snores), not to mention that she was currently an indeterminate distance away in Canterlot, this would have really been quite the feat.

Instead, Iggy attempted to direct Grease's attention towards the confrontation, using a dictionary's worth of silent gestures and nudges.

2013-04-15, 12:44 AM
Oh-ho? Trying to wriggle away from his just desserts? Not on this Cork's watch, and he wouldn't have much luck trying it on his sketchbook or paints either. Crown stood, and shifted into one of his best authoritative voices. "Yes, by the grace of Celestia she kept hold of her supplies, and she should be commended for her actions under fire. But let us not forget; she suffered greatly at the talons of our captors, Soot could have very well been harmed, and they very nearly made off with the dear Ambassador! Where was our trusted scout, whom was to warn us of the dangers ahead? What was he up to when we were all treated roughly at sword and g...gunpoint? Hmm?!"

Crown let out a long, disappointed sigh, and shook his head gravely. "I too, lament the loss of our precious supplies, but your actions deserve an accounting for. Have you anything to say for yourself, Mister Bomb?"

Last-name basis. Things were getting serious.

2013-04-15, 01:30 AM
Oh, he did not just go there. This pony had the uncanny ability to get under his skin, to rankle and push at all the little buttons. That voice, that stance, that irrepressible assurance that what he said must naturally be true...

Okay, polite reservedness had not worked. Time to go full-on sarcasm and hope that maybe one of the barbs would penetrate that thick skull.

"Oh," he drawled, "you'll have to excuse my absence. After all, I was only attempting to lead away the griffons from the group, so your finely-groomed mane wouldn't get too much sand in it. I'm sure you can see that it was pure selfishness that led me to try to get four griffons to chase me so they wouldn't get to you.

"And the firework I sent to alert you that something had gone wrong? I'm sorry, that must have been too subtle to penetrate your delicate skull.

"Oh, and let's not forget how when Rinda offered me her help fighting against the lone griffon that actually followed me, I told her that she had better go fight for the group. Never mind, of course, that the griffon was quite angry at me, and that single combat was likely to result in my death.

"Noo! How silly of me!" The sarcastic grin plastered on Dive Bomb's face could have frozen a blast furnace. "Of course it's no matter when Crown Cork loses precious supplies! After all, who would think to blame him for how he acts? No! Let's blame the pegasus who helped pacify Tarn enough that he didn't blow a hole in you when you gave him a loaded gun!"

One Tin Soldier
2013-04-15, 02:45 AM
"Boys!" Grease barked, cutting into the colts' argument. "It doesn't matter who's fault it was. Placing blame won't help any of us now. What will help is going to bed and saving your energy for tomorrow. Not wasting it yelling at each other."

I sound like my mother, she thought, to some amount of internal bemusement.

2013-04-15, 09:20 PM
Crown - to his eternal shame - flinched back at the colt's retaliation, a splash of pallor flitting through his features. "Mister Bomb, you are out of line!" he sternly reproached, and it was then that Miss Spot intervened.

"I was not arguing; I was scolding," the mocha colt corrected with a toss of his mane. "A Cork does not merely argue. It is a waste of energy, a futile, savage practice, and most seemly for one of our stature. A scolding improves the future performance of the group, allows for self-reflection, and weeds out sloppy practices." As he recited his rules, he kept his eyes locked on the unruly pegasus'. "That, Miss Spot, can hardly be considered a waste of energy."

2013-04-15, 09:57 PM
Soot had tried to ignore them, after all there were more important things at hoof, like a dragon-free but still potentially dangerous cave to scout. But this was getting to be too much. At this rate anything in there will wake up and find us instead of the other way round. She angrily exhaled and stormed over to the two colts.

she said simply but firmly to the pair while pointing at some slightly elevated spots in the cave floor to serve as make-shift seats.
If any of the kids had been there, they would have recognized her tone as The trouble voice the one she reserved for when they fought.

Looking squarely at the two she added, to ensure there was no misunderstanding.

2013-04-16, 12:59 AM
"And a scolding implies that something must have been done wrong," ground the pegasus, staring right back at Crown. "Therefore, if one is to be scolded, it's the one who lost our water, and not the one who wore out his wings to save your life."

He closed his eyes, forcing his bristling wings to lay flat against his side. There was wisdom in what Grease had said. Deep breath in... and deep breath out. The fury receded, bottled up once more, until by the time he opened his eyes again, the only remnant visible of his anger was a slightly more bitter look in his eyes. He nodded to the two fillies in the room, and stalked to the cave entrance, not looking back at the other colt.

One Tin Soldier
2013-04-16, 01:19 AM
"That might be, but right now, that's not your job," Grease said in response to Cork's objections. "And from where I'm standing, it looked like arguing. Now I suggest you distract yourselves by getting ready for bed."

2013-04-17, 01:24 AM
Iggy lay himself down on top of the folded tablecloth that usually formed his tent. Tucking his hooves beneath him, the guardpony glanced between the others concernedly; he looked like he didn't really know what to say and, for once, this meant that he was actually quiet.

The ambassador, on the other talon, watched on with mild interest as he finished his tin of fruit.

2013-04-17, 10:27 PM
"Oh no," Soot said "We are going to act like mature ponies by nipping this in the bud before it bites us back" she sat down and motioned for Grease Spot and Crown Cork to do the same. She then began to stare intently at the back of Dive Bomb's head.
"Dive Bomb?" she asked "Would you like to start? What do you think is the problem here? We aren't placing blame, we just want to know what you think is the problem, not who."

2013-04-17, 11:15 PM
The mocha colt's eye twitched as he watched the unruly pegasus dare to turn his back to him.

A Cork always spoke with surety, always ruling and never being ruled by passion.

The cords in Crown's neck tightened as he matched Soot's glare, his own face implacable. "Miss Soot," he seethed, measured and steady. "I do not care for your tone."

Nothing more needed to be said.

Slowly, he turned to Grease Spot, a vein on his forehead pulsing noticeably. "I...appreciate your suggestion, Miss Spot." The colt huffed, forcing the sugarcoated acid from his throat. "And I shall...take it into due consideration. While you are in the mood for suggestions, then perhaps you may tell me whose job it is to provide necessary discipline? Whose job it is to set everypony to a task most suited for both their abilities, and our continued survival? Whose job it is, Miss Spot, to not only make but live with decisions when a life may hang in the balance?!"

Too much heat. Breathe in. Calm the blazing furnace of the soul. Steady. Controlled. "Well? Have you anypony else to suggest?"

(I hate to ask for a retcon, but Crown should realllllllly get a chance to respond to Soot and Grease Spot first.)

2013-04-18, 09:34 AM
Dive Bomb paused at the edge of the cavern, hearing the filly and colt behind him as he stared out, looking left to find the horizon.

It would have been so easy. Just open his wings, fly off, let the wind in his mane sort out his anger, and leave his trouble behind him. Oh, his wings burned, yes, but the day was already warming up; all he'd have to do was coast until he found a thermal, and from there he could ride the rest of the day.

So tempting. The horizon burned in the distance, taunting him with what he couldn't have; he sighed, and turned back into the cave. They needed him, if only to ensure that Cork didn't get them all killed.

"The term you're looking for," he stated testily, "is 'leader.' Usually a pony--or griffon,--" he corrected, "with lots of life experience, the better to judge the situation. Somepony who can be counted on to act rationally under pressure. A pony who will own up to her mistakes, instead of merely redirecting attention towards somepony else in the hopes that nopony will notice their pathetic excuses. Somepony whom people will follow and obey because they respect the leader's wisdom."

"In other words," he smirked, "the opposite of you."

"To answer your question, I find that either Miss Spot or the good Ambassador most closely fit the shape of a good leader." He chuckled grimly. "Even Soot would make a better leader than a puffed up colt who not only has delusions of grandeur, but regular delusions, too!"

One Tin Soldier
2013-04-18, 09:10 PM
"Dive Bomb, as much as I appreciate the vote of confidence, you really aren't helping," Grease said, giving him a look that she hoped was stern without being cruel.

"As for you, Cork," she said, turning her attention back to the mocha colt, "I think you must not have understood me, so I'll try to be as clear as possible. No matter who calls themselves the leader of this group, getting into petty arguments over who's to blame for what won't help anything. All that gets us is angry ponies and lost sleep." She pointed a hoof outside the cave, to the rapidly brightening sky.

"If you really want to get us all home, then you'll do what needs to be done. And that's letting us all get to bed so we can get to a place with supplies tomorrow. It's going to be hard enough as it is."

2013-04-18, 09:55 PM
"Grease Spot, as much as I agree with you, I would rather this not wait until tomorrow. Sometimes these things take time, but in this sort of situation the more we wait, the more likely a conflict like this is gonna get somepony hurt."

Soot spoke from experience on this one, on the streets it was dangerous to let a petty rivalry get between you and a friend, it could even get somepony killed.

Turning to the indignant Mocha colt she responded to him calmly "You don't have to like it Cork, all I need is for you to participate so we can come to a solution."

Turning back to Dive Bomb she nodded at his comments "Correct me if I'm wrong Dive Bomb, but it sounds like you think our problem is that we do need some sort of leader but that you think Crown isn't performing that job correctly, is that fair to say?"

While she waited for his response she also posed the question to Crown. "And what do you think our problem is, we aren't trying to blame anypony here, just identify the issues so we can work them out."

((if it's all right, Soot's first bit can be after Cork's, with her just quietly ignoring him until she could get Dive Bomb somewhat involved))

2013-04-21, 10:22 AM
Crown met the eyes of all three ponies. These ponies in his charge, all talking down to him, ignoring him, insulting him.

A...a Cork always spoke....w-with surety, always ruling and...n-never being ruled by passion...

...and a Cork always defends the honor of his family.

Crown - in complete defiance to Soot's orders - stepped forward.

"Miss Spot. I know what needs to be done. I cannot forget what needs to be done, as all of you are so keen to remind me at every opportunity. And I assure you; we have far, far larger problems than dozy eyes in the morning. Slumber may prepare us for the next day's trials, but a lack of discipline? A lack of order? A lack of respect?!" A solitary drop of spittle flew unheeded from his mouth as he advanced. "These prepare us for nothing but failure! So you will pardon me, Miss Spot, if I use a touch of age-learned wisdom," a pointed glare to the pegasus, "and choose to deal with the larger threat."

"And good that somepony took the time to notice, as everypony else seems utterly and completely blind to its influence. It has already cost us dearly!" An accusing hoof shot towards Soot, stopping just short of her muzzle. "Soot! Your quick leap to magic devolved our standoff into a deadly struggle for survival! If you had only waited, I could've had those thugs eating out of our hooves. Instead, because of your rash actions, all of us were put in great peril! And you!" The leg swept to Dive Bomb, and he would've poked it right in his insubordinate chest if the blasted pony were close enough. "Though you wiggle and squirm away from the truth, I am not fooled. You flew away to scout, and we were then quickly discovered. Why did you not return immediately upon discovering a potential threat? What was it that kept you there, hmm? Was it inexperience? Was it a lust for knowledge? What caused you to linger long enough to bring trouble back instead of information? I haven't the slightest idea, because you are set upon on not only refusing to tell me, but covering your own guilt-ridden flank by heaping insult and filth upon my work, my name, and my family!!!"

Crown stomped his hoof, the cave echoing with his roars of accusation. Though he willed the fires of his soul out with every exhale, nothing but hot air emerged from his mouth. "Insubordination..." he growled. "Irresponsibility...blithe disrespect for position and standing...the mistakes of today will repeat themselves so long as you all allow these worms to exist in our midst. And I do not trust Lady Luck to save us every time." He shook his head, overcome with disappointment at his charges.

"That, Miss Soot, is what the problem is."

2013-04-21, 02:51 PM
He was trembling from the exertion, but Dive Bomb managed to turn his anger from "Vesuvius" down to "slow burn." Forcing a taut, painful grin, he turned to the filly at his side.

"The issue is not with whether or not we have a leader," he explained. "Indeed, I'd be perfectly happy to continue as we have been, with no leader at all,"--he paused, to fix the colt with a stare,--"each taking the task that makes the most sense. I heal, Miz Spot helps fix and create, you provide magical support, the ambassador provides advice and wisdom, and the two guards help keep us safe." He paused, staring at the colt pointedly. "However, this only works if we agree to it. If somepony gives himself airs, claims a position of leadership that he has not earned, and starts giving orders, then there's a chance of him getting hurt when his orders are not followed. We could resolve this by pretending to obey him, but... I don't particularly care to think about how that would end up. Having a leader is a good thing; however, that leader must display basic competence before being trusted with others."

The pegasus breathed, debating with himself whether he ought to continue. After all, he'd named Grease Spot as a good candidate for leader, and she had asked that he stop. Logically, he ought to display support for his choice by doing as she asked.

Sigh. Logic didn't seem to be working today, did it?

"Allow me to be as monosyllabic in my reply as possible," he began, "since those pointy things on top of your head don't seem to have anything to do with listening.

"Point one: I already told you. If you don't think I've told the truth, then so be it; the truth will not change upon the whims of a spoiled child." The last word all but spit itself into the ground at Cork's hooves.

"Point two: a fight for your life is not a quick thing to do." The words felt stilted, the grammar awkward. "I had to deal with a fight of my own. I'll note for the third time that had I not talked to Tarn, you'd be dead right now.

"Point three: I am not the one 'covering a guilt-ridden flank.' I've told you what happened in response to your inquiry." His glare could have burned holes in granite. "I've given no excuses, attempted to shift no blame, and refused no information! Meanwhile, my attempts to understand why we're missing water have been met with excuses, blame-games, and hypocritical demands for more information!"

"As for insulting your work, your name, and your family? I have no idea where you got that. No, the only one I'm talking about is you. Your father, mother, brother, sister, none of them are here, and none of them have anything to do with your abhorrent behavior except perhaps blame for spoiling you!"

He bit back a growl as he noted his demeanor and forced it into a neutral expression. "Soot, you ask what is the issue. The issue can be found in his beliefs. 'Insubordination...' 'Disrespect for position and standing...' Both of these terms show that he believes us to be his inferiors, his subordinates, his followers. This is not the case, and if he expects us to jump to his unreasonable demands, then someone is bound to get hurt eventually."

2013-04-21, 06:03 PM
So the issue was clearly more about Crown's behavior than anything Understandable, he gets on my nerves, too... of course she wouldn't deny he was a good organizer and had a knack for negotiating, but to her that didn't necessarily translate into leadership, there was a degree of empathy necessary that Soot always thought he lacked.
But, now's not the time to pick sides, we need to resolve this amongst everypony.

"So if I'm correct: Crown, you see the issue as that you are trying to be the leader but are being held back by a lack of cooperation. Meanwhile Dive Bomb, you think that the issue is that you don't believe Cork is meeting all the expectations required to be an effective leader. Would you both say that's a fair assessment?"

Turning to Grease Spot she asked "Grease Spot, as a third party in this, what do you think we could do to improve on this situation?"

One Tin Soldier
2013-04-21, 10:48 PM
"To be perfectly honest, I think this would be best improved by everyone not being completely exhausted," Grease said, more than a hint of testiness in her voice. "But since that seems to be out of the question, we'll just have to settle for talking like calm, reasonable adults."

Adults being key, she thought to herself. Cork doesn't seem like he's going to calm down unless I make some kind of concession to his ego. With that in mind, she endeavored to choose her next words carefully.

"Yes, Crown, it is important to acknowledge our own mistakes and the mistakes of others. It's important because that's how we learn not to repeat them in the future. You said it yourself, that's the whole point of discipline. But once the lesson is learned, you need to let the past remain in the past.

"So, tell me, do you think you - or anyone else here for that matter - is going to be more careful with our supplies in the future?

"And Dive Bomb, do you think you'll be more direct in your warnings in the future?"

2013-05-01, 10:43 PM
Crown's grating teeth made a noise akin to a mix of crying foals and sharp chalk scraping down a chalkboard. Steam rose from his coat, though whether it was from the long trot or fires within was anypony's guess. "I should hope we are careful with our supplies, Miss Spot," he slowly replied, never once taking his eyes off the pegasus. "To do otherwise would show a blithe disregard for all our well-being."

The colt exhaled a long, hot breath. "No, Soot. No I do not believe that is a fair assessment."


One hoof on the rock, advancing towards Dive Bomb.


"No, I do not believe my problem is so trivial as a lack of cooperation."


His eye gently twitched as the subject of his rage grew to fill his vision.


"Were I so lucky, we could all have been in our beds ages ago."


"No. What we have here is a complete and utter disrespect for everything I strive to accomplish, everything I hold dear, and everything that I am! Or at least, that is what Mister Bomb wishes to insinuate."


The two ponies were close now. One outstretched hoof, and they'd be at each other's throats.


"I can endure a great many slings and arrows. I can endure slander, misunderstandings, scandal, and late nights with not a drop of coffee. But if you dare to suggest that I am naught but a worthless sack of pony-flesh too stupid to even know it breathes..."

Crown leaned in, until their eyes were but an inch apart.

"...then you will have the spine to say it straight and clean to my face!!!"

(If he is held back, he will try to push onward, but not with great force, and continue his little spiel. If Dive Bomb moves back, Crown will follow until they are eye-to-eye.)

2013-05-02, 12:10 AM
Dive Bomb stared icily at the incoming ball of brown fury. The little pony in his head was pleading, begging to just say it already. He was even so kind as to provide exact wording and insults! Just say it!

No, that would be too easy, and probably only rile the colt up more. The anger hissing off of Crown was practically enough to conjure steam in the air; any more would likely cause him to burst.

He smirked, and stared coolly back at the colt. As he spoke, the chill in his voice would have made a lake ache for the time it was a glacier. "Prove. Me. Wrong."

Not looking aside--not even blinking-- he spoke again. "Yes, Soot. That is an accurate summation." It was harder to bite back the next few words. "And yes, Miz Spot, I'll be swifter to return from scouting missions in the future, barring extenuating circumstances."

2013-05-02, 06:24 AM
Soot winced as she saw were this was going. Quickly she stood up and followed Crown Cork "Crown, calm down now. Violence isn't going to solve anything here and it won't help you earn his respect." She looked towards Grease Spot pleadingly, this was going to get bad and she needed to make sure neither of them got hurt.

One Tin Soldier
2013-05-03, 01:20 PM
Some small part of Grease Spot was tempted to let the two of them fight it out. Diplomacy was rapidly becoming less and less effective, and it would get the argument out of their systems.

Grease decided to ignore that part of her in favor of actually fixing the situation. She stepped in between the two colts, preventing Crown from getting too close.
"Would the two of you stop this? You've both already learned from your mistakes. If you keep this up, it won't be discipline, it will be two foals fighting over the last cookie." She looked pointedly at Crown. "Now are you done?"

2013-05-03, 06:09 PM
Dive Bomb's chilling words only sent the colt into greater paroxysms of wrath. "Proof? Proof?!" he howled, and more would have been said were it not for the timely intervention of Grease Spot and Soot.

From the other side of the mare, Crown's sides heaved as he strained to reign in his fury. An inferno turned to liquid fire, seeping into his bones and blood, caking his throat with ire. "Yes. Yes I believe I am quite done, Miss Spot." He spoke with the calm tension of a rope pulled to snapping. "Quite done indeed. Done with advice, done with direction, done with insight, done with it all. Mister Bomb has made his stance perfectly clear, and I see no more fitting punishment than to give him precisely what he wishes: You'll have no more from me beyond token survival from this moment forth."

His proclamation complete, he turned on a hoof and calmly trotted back to his folded-up tent. "Mister Bomb," he continued without even deigning to look back. "When you have realized the depths of your foalishness, when you have begged forgiveness from the very stone-cold bottom of your heart, then and only then will my aid be restored."

With a casual flick of his tail, he tossed his morning ration of food - pointedly leaving the water behind - onto his back. "Until that moment comes, I bid you all a good day."

2013-05-03, 06:24 PM
Soot sighed, she was glad this hadn't turned into violence, she had been really worried there for a moment. But still this wasn't going to turn out well. For all his flaws Crown was still good at organizing things, and he could certainly talk to ponies, better than any of them at least. He just needed to learn how to listen to them as well. Still it seemed like this was as much as they were going to be able to resolve right now.

"Well then," she said after a long moment "Maybe we ought to sleep on this? I'm sure we'll be able to work on things when we're all not collapsing from exhaustion."

2013-05-03, 07:32 PM
There was a slight burst of movement, a flapping of wings by the cave mouth that heralded Rinda's return. The griffoness looked exhausted after everything that had happened last night, her feathers askew and bags beneath her eyes.

She gave the assembled ponies a searching look, before turning to the supplies with a strong air of "I don't care" regarding whatever had occurred in her absence. She proceeded to find herself a place to sleep, well away from the rest of the party, the only words she had for anyone was to report to the Ambassador that the rock golem had shut down for the day at the base of the canyon.

2013-05-03, 09:25 PM
So, to clarify: Crown was going to be quiet until he, Dive Bomb, apologized? Was there a downside to this situation?

He nodded to Soot, picking up a carrot and moving slowly to Rinda. "...Thank you," he said simply, after deciding what exactly to say. "Thank you for helping us.'

With that, he moved over to the cave door, and looked out at the rising sun. Maybe just a little flight wouldn't be a problem... Clear his head a little. It was a funny world if he blew up at someone like that in under two days.

2013-05-04, 04:13 AM
Rinda still had her back to the party when the Pegasus approached, so the sudden tension in her posture when Dive Bomb spoke may have just been simple surprise. It probably wasn't anger or guilt, not after the wonderfully harmonious night that they'd all just had.

It also probably wasn't because she was using her rapidly-dwindling supply of willpower to prevent herself from disembowelling the pony behind her. Nup. Couldn't be that.

After a few seconds had passed, and the Pegasus in question had left, she resumed her preparations for sleep without a word.

One Tin Soldier
2013-05-04, 02:39 PM
"That sounds like a wonderful idea, Soot," Grease said, already walking back toward her own sleeping spot. Surely Crown could be persuaded to resolve this properly in the morning, once they had all gotten some decent rest. And even if he couldn't, there were worse things he could do than the bare minimum of cooperation.

She lay down on the makeshift blanket, silently praising the opportunity to finally rest her aching legs. Tomorrow would not be a pleasant day. Especially since, and some point during the walk earlier, she had decided to give up her portion of the water. She could very well need that extra pony to pull the sled, more than just making it easier.

2013-05-04, 03:51 PM
Soot sighed again, this was not going to turn out well, but hopefully afterwards they could focusing on working together instead of blaming each other.
She returned to what she had been doing before the argument had broken out: investigating the cave. She knew she had been the one to bring up sleep, but she still considered it a better idea to make sure they weren't sleeping atop a nest of snakes. She was about to cast her light spell when a thought occurred to her.

"Hey, Rinda?" she called to the griffon. "I was going to scout out the rest of this cave, you know make sure we don't get ambushed in our sleep or anything. You want to come? I could use some back up in case anything goes wrong."

2013-05-04, 05:24 PM
The griffoness looked at Soot, memories of the earlier denunciation running through her eye. She seemed to be weighing her words.

[DC20 heart check, +8 bonus for situational stuff]

2013-05-04, 06:35 PM
Yes, a flight seemed like it would be just the thing. He needed some time to be alone, process, and just let the wind take him. "I'll be right back," he called into the cave, before flapping off into the air.

He kept pumping until the air began to chill, and just sat there, thinking. Why had he blown up like that? His reasoning had appeared to be sound at the time. Was he correct?

The wind tickled his mane as he glided. Crown was definitely hot-headed, but couldn't that same attitude apply to his own behavior? After all, he'd been the one to launch the first offensive, even if Cork had been the one to all-but-accuse him of putting everyone in danger.

After a couple minutes of juggling the question back and forth, Dive Bomb decided to get back. He didn't want to lose too much sleep, especially missing a water ration.

As he dove for the cave, he paused, and scanned the horizon to see what he could of the city.

2013-05-04, 07:36 PM
It was hot.

Daytime in the desert was a very far cry from the cooler night time travel that they'd been experiencing so far. Even though only a couple of hours had passed since sunrise, the temperature was already climbing precipitously, particularly when in direct sunlight.

[DC 15 energy check to avoid 3 damage, -2 penalty for direct sun. Aerobatics counts, save reduces to 1.]

Sanctum city, or what was left of it, was easily visible, a few more miles from their current location.


Two buildings, and what looked like the towering remains of a once-grand city wall poked up from beneath the waves of sand like forgotten islands.

Between the city and the ravine where the party was encamped, a half dozen objects littered the landscape. From on high, they looked like the dark, skeletal remains of once great beasts.

2013-05-05, 11:04 AM
The hustle and bustle of ponies and griffons alike filtered in as a soothing background melody to Crown's bedtime preparations. Things had gotten a little heated, but in the end, the old Cork wisdom had prevailed. After all, what better way to show a foal their folly than by giving them what they want? Surely it wouldn't be long now before they would realize their loss tonight, and come crawling back to him, begging for forgiveness. And he would give it to them! No need to be spiteful and petty here. Once they had realized the error of their ways, then he could take up his former post and lead these ponies back home in blazing glory!

As he settled down for the day in his cool, shady tent, he couldn't help but smile to himself as his eyelids fluttered closed.

Yes...everything was going to be fine...

[/end day]

2013-05-05, 06:07 PM
Soot put on her best convincing smile. "Come on, no one wants to wake up on top of a bunch of hungry wolves or something. And it would be best to check it out now, before we get too settled in."

Heart 3+ Situational stuff 8 = +11
(Ah just short, well maybe partial success?)

2013-05-05, 06:23 PM
Rinda paused in the act of folding her tent into a passable sleeping mat. The griffoness seemed to be tossing up the imagry that Soot had provided and weighing whether it would be nicer, in fact, for everyone to end up eaten.

At least then she wouldn't have to put up with noisy ponies when she was trying to get some sleep.

"Ugh, fine." she breathed, after a short while. "But only for a minute. I'm tired and this is a stupid idea."

[Partial success, I can't think of another check to make on this, so you can have a companion. But she's going to be fairly reluctant in terms of giving any assistance, and will still be looking to head back as soon as possible.]

2013-05-05, 07:18 PM
"Great! Then just give me a second here." Soot said as she focused her magic on conjuring a mote of light to light the path for them.

as the mote came to existence, Soot directed it ahead of them to where the sun's light couldn't reach.

2013-05-05, 07:43 PM
The two of them walked into the darkness, the clop and clink of their hooves and talons echoing off the walls of the cavern as they followed the golden orb of Soot's light spell.

The cave went back further than one would have thought, the area around the mouth was only a first chamber. At the back, Soot's light illuminated a path through the rocks that, after a few twists and turns, opened up to another, larger cave.

The second chamber was about the size of a large storeroom, big enough to hold an entire family of vagabond ponies and their unicorn caretaker and still have room for the little ones to play. Soot's little light was barely enough to illuminate the far walls from the entrance.

Unlike most caves back in Equestria, which would likely have been festooned with stalactites and stalagmites, the ceiling and floor of this cave were relatively smooth - a more geologically minded pony might have thought that odd, but for Soot and Rinda that meant only that they didn't need to weave their way around any obstructions as they explored.

Unlike the floor, the walls were criss-crossed with pockmarks and crevasses, like the trails of some species of rock-eating slugs. There didn’t seem to be much rhyme or reason behind their placement.

[DC 15 spot check to notice something DC 20 to notice something else; +2 for the light]

“Great, no wolves. Can we go to sleep now?” grumbled Rinda.

2013-05-05, 08:30 PM
The pegasus touched down lightly, almost noiselessly on the sand before the cave. Really, it was almost tempting to just set up a tent on the outside, rather than go back in there. He'd have to go inside anyway, though, if he wanted to go get his tablecloth. That would mean questions, and he wasn't entirely sure he had the answers yet.

After waffling for a moment or two, Dive Bomb squared his shoulders and walked into the cave. It was but a moment's work to fold the tablecloth into a rough mattress, and doubling the end of the sheet made a crude pillow.

He was asleep before he hit the pad.

2013-05-06, 10:15 AM
[Dreams of the Past]

"And here is where magic is born!"

With a grand, sweeping flourish, Crown Cork flung open the double doors. Beside him, an orange pegasi with a silver mane shielded their eyes from the sudden burst of light and sound. Inside, rows upon rows of machines, boiler presses, assembly lines, wheel-turners, fizz-makers, and other modern marvels of engineering kept a steady, speedy pace. Glass bottles entered the menagerie of metal on one end, fell under a rain of fruits, sugars, and mystery ingredients, and emerged full to the brim with sparkling, fizzy soda. A small army of workers hailed the visitors to their domain before turning their eyes back on their work.

"Born, bottled, and shipped to the four corners of Equestria!" Crown continued as he led his client down a set of stairs and onto the assembly floor. "Though our tools may change with the ages, and we've had to bring in quite a few non-family members along the way," the colt chuckled at his little joke. "Rest assured that you will still find no bottled beverage - no fizzy drink, no wine, no sparkling water, no hearty juice - that can dare compare with the wonder that is..." He plucked a full, purple bottle from the line and held it up to the skies, letting the light sparkle violet streaks upon his face. "Cork soda!"

His pegasus companion applauded lightly with a raised eyebrow. "Yes, yes, that's all well and good. But tell me..." He leaned forward with questioning eyes. "What does it mean to be a Cork?"

Ha! As if such trivial questions could give him pause? "Quality!" He gleefully answered without a moment's loss. "Every bottle of Cork soda is full to the brim not only with flavor beyond imagination, but with the heart and soul of every pony in this fair company! From the illustrious Pop Cork, to the lowliest of janitors, we put the very best our strength and will can offer into our craft. That, my good friend, is worth far more than any 'secret ingredient'."

Crown seized another bottle from the line, expertly uncapped both, and passed one to his client. "Now, talk is cheap! Let us drink and experience the difference for ourselves; to Quality!"

The chink of glass sounded over all the machinery and ponies, and then all was silent...

One Tin Soldier
2013-05-06, 12:03 PM
Grease rested her head on her front legs, shifting around to get the most comfort possible, while Soot and Rinda went further into the cave. Despite the light, heat, and general distraction of the environment, she found herself slipping off remarkably quickly. Exhaustion took its toll, and within a few minutes she was fast asleep.

2013-05-06, 01:48 PM
"Hold on a second..." Soot said as she looked around the cavern with her eyes and light. She was no expert in caves but there was something odd about this place.

Mind 4 + Light 2 + Wary 1 = +7
extra roll

2013-05-06, 02:46 PM
Ugh… The light of the sunset filtered through the canyon, casting its gentle glow on everything it touched; it oozed between the crevices, trickled over the rocks, and finished its trip by shining at just the right angle to get right in Dive Bomb's eyes.

Throwing a wing over his eyes was futile; the light seeped through everything, insisting on an immediate return to wakefulness. He coughed, rolling over and staring at the pockmarked ceiling above. My brain feels like… What was the proper metaphor? It should probably be something involving ice picks, blenders, and the interaction between the two.

His wings didn't seem much better; they felt cramped, and the left one itched like he'd rolled in a pile of sawdust. Can't really afford the privacy necessary to preen, either.

Around him, he could hear the sounds of ponies getting ready. The sound of buckles clicking was probably indicative of Grease Spot getting into her harness, while the gentle, tenor snores echoing from further in was probably "Hiya!"

Gulping, the pegasus scrambled back from the grey muzzle that had invaded his thoughts. With a few feet between the two, his thoughts began to congeal into something besides "fly away." "Good morning, Iggy," he sighed.

In the corner of his eye, Soot prodded at Crown, cutting off the snoring. And back to Iggy, who was… waiting for something? He stared uncertainly at the smiling unicorn, slightly disconcerted.

Kay… he wanted something maybe? Moving… kay, and he's smiling now! Okay, let's get going then? Iggy smiled as Dive Bomb strapped himself into the harness, and the seven of them strode off into the night.

2013-05-06, 04:51 PM
"Hold on a second..." Soot said as she looked around the cavern with her eyes and light. She was no expert in caves but there was something odd about this place.

Mind 4 + Light 2 + Wary 1 = +7
extra roll

It took Soot a few moments to realise what was bugging her. It was something that wasn't immediately noticeable, especially given how she was looking at only part of the room at time.

It was the 'slug trails'. Most of them criss-crossed the rock in unidentifiable patterns, broken up only be the occasional gap or small hole. There were some, however, of a different texture.

They looked like they had once been carved, but given how they were now nearly worn smooth, it was clear that they had been put up a long time ago. Small symbols, in what she guessed had once been a ring near the back of the cave. She couldn't make out all of them, partly due to their age and partly due to the fact that some of the holes in the wall were right where a symbol ought to have been.

Pressing her nose up against them was the only way to get a feeling for what they were. Reading clockwise; there was a sun, then two more that she couldn't decipher, a horseshoe, a claw, a talon and another blank.

The second thing she noticed, which was a little bit more obvious than the first, was that there was something that had been carved much more recently. Done in a sharp, angular style, it contrasted to the other carvings and the smooth, winding slug-trails.

There it read: "GB. Eng 4 T. 2MW. 7621"

2013-05-06, 07:43 PM
"Come take a look at this." Soot gestures to Rinda towards the markings she had discovered. "Someone's been here before us, some more recently then others." she brought her mote closer to the carvings "Can you make heads or tails of this?" she asked Rinda.

2013-05-06, 08:28 PM
With an obvious air of reluctance, the griffoness walked over and peered at the markings Soot described.

"I dunno" she replied, after glancing at it for a minute. "Code? Or maybe just shorthand for something. Either way, it's not anything I'm familiar with."

Glancing around, the griffoness fought back a yawn.

"Look, we done yet? Even if someone was here, they're probably long gone, just like everything else in this place." she groused. "Personally, I just wanna get back to my mat and get to sleep."

One Tin Soldier
2013-05-06, 08:42 PM
A puff of acrid smoke jetted into Grease Spot's face, causing her to scrunch her nose and back away from the machine, dropping a sheet of metal on the floor. She idly waved a hoof through the air and surveyed the work she had cut out for her, now that she could see the interior. Behind the exterior plating was a set of gears, alternating between running and stopping while the machine went through its cycles. It was time to see if she could get the thing working properly once more.

The most obvious and attention-grabbing problem was a pair of gears that ground together noisily, scattering sparks and causing the oil to emit foul smoke. She touched a hoof to one, trying to gauge how it was set, only for a spark to fly onto her coat. She cursed and stamped on the ground, though the pain was actually fairly numb. It would be much easier to fix if the machine wasn't operating, but thanks to the circumstances that wasn't an option.

She looked over the rest of the panel, seeing if there were any other problems that needed to be fixed. Unfortunately, there was no shortage of them. One gear was isolated from the rest of its chain, too far from any motive gears to do more than sit completely still. Yet another was on the verge of breaking, with a visible crack that grew wider with each operational cycle. She gave it less than a couple minutes before it would fail spectacularly.

The engine coughed and sputtered, indicating that the whole thing might shut down before that had a chance to happen. It also gave her a small rush of panic. It had to keep running, no matter what. She needed to fix the gear system before the power ran out.

The easiest way to do that would be to replace the malfunctioning gears with ones that were properly fitted and whole. She opened up her toolbag, only to find that she had no such spares. In fact, they were practically empty, containing only three items. The first was a magic storage crystal, cracked down the center. Perhaps she could plug it in to the machine, giving her more time to work with. But with such a huge flaw, it could very well cause even more damage to the machine if it blew. The second item was a magnifying glass. Valuable, perhaps, if she needed to find fine cracks in the mechanisms. But the obvious ones were problem enough, and it was useless in that regard. Maybe it could be used to pry a gear out? Frustrated, she pushed it aside.

The third item, a small grease can, was much more obviously useful. She quickly brought it out and applied it to the two loudly protesting gears in the center. Instead of running smoothly, however, it only resulted in the largest puff of smoke yet, completely obscuring her vision.

Impossible. Failure was unacceptable, but she simply couldn't manage with the resources she had. How could she be expected to succeed under these conditions? How was this fair?

2013-05-06, 10:50 PM
The afternoon sun bathed the lush valley in liquid glory, turning its rivers to shimmering gold and its trees to patchwork shade. Fields of the finest flowers carpeted the land until they met a brilliant blue sky. Puffy clouds that looked thick enough to sleep on drifted lazily in a warm breeze.

All of it went ignored to the mocha colt in favor of the young filly nestled up beside him. Every brush of her coat, every little happy sigh she gave, every sight of her adorable little dimples sent electric joy coursing through him. Were he not already laying down, she would have brought him to his knees in an instant.

"Ah, Corky - wasn't it just so cute the way she said his name? - Ah reckon you'll never run out of private paintin' spots at this rate. Seems every time we track down a new 'un - angels themselves must speak in that drawl! - there's a dozen more y'just can't wait t'show me. Don't y'ever find it hard, gettin' so many places like this?"

Crown chuckled, dared to nuzzle her divine cheek, and whispered softly in her ear. "Ah, a terrible chore it has become! For once I beheld your beauty, every wonder of the world seemed dull and lifeless."

His flattery earned him a flick on the muzzle, his filly blushing hot through her already strawberry-red coat. "Y-you! You lil'...ooooh! Quit it!"

The lady was indeed pleased! Crown could not help himself but continue; "It is true! Your visage has ruined my mind's eye! Tainted it forever with perfection! And I, as a Cork, may tell no lies." He put a hoof over his chest and held his head high. "My word is accepted at most major banking institutions, I assure you."

She laughed away at his 'fancy-talk' and snuggled down into the crook of his neck, gracing him with the privileged to lay his own head upon her exquisite mane. "Oh Corky...Corky Corky Corky..." she sighed happily, before looking up at her colt with questioning eyes. "Y'know, what does it mean t'be a Cork?"

An...odd question for a time such as this. But! A Cork never left his Lady wanting. He stroked at his chin thoughtfully, as if he even needed to contemplate the answer. "To be a Cork, one must have Honesty in all one does. Honest actions, Honest intentions, Honest speech, a Cork lives a life open and true to all."

"For example," he smiled knowingly, leaning down to her ear again. "I will be open and true to you when I say that if you should grace my lips with your cheek, you shall make me the happiest stallion alive..."

She squirmed pleasantly, before turning herself around with a smirk. "Oh just quit yer yappin' you big idjiot an' come over here..."

Alas, right as the two lovers were moments away from mutual bliss, the world again melted away into pastel nothingness.

2013-05-07, 04:06 PM
The stars danced with Luna's moon, performing a sublime waltz across a midnight purple ballroom. Dive Bomb sighed in satisfaction, letting his mind wander out into the great expanse.

They'd made good time; the stars turned everything a gentle blue, illuminating obstacles and making travel much more pleasant. A shadow drifted over the stars, painting Rinda against the sky.

Ahead of him, Soot and Iggy clustered close to Grease and the ambassador. Dive Bomb could tell that they were conversing animatedly, but not much else.


"And furthermore, I'll have you know that a Cork is always honest!"

How many times had they rehashed this? Surely there had to be a limit to pride and how many times one can extoll a family virtue?

Dive Bomb groaned, trying to tune out the babble from behind him, instead focusing upwards. There was Taurus, and Capricorn, which meant that the Ursa Major was over there… Good, they were still heading west.

Yet… something was wrong. He scanned again, looking over the constellations, each in their turn. Everything was there.

Everything was there, which meant that there was no shadow blocking stars out from time to time.

Where was Rinda?

2013-05-07, 07:04 PM
Shorthand?... Oh she means shorthorn or shortmouth for non-unicorns. I suppose it could be that...but looking at it the best she could interpret was that the GB could stand for Goodbye. That led to some creepy connotations about this place, did somepony leave their final message here? Then there was the older carving. It reminded her of a clock face, maybe it was like the sundials at Manehatten central park? Right now though there was too much supposing for them to determine anything useful though.

"I guess we can," Soot said as she turned back to Rinda "I'd still like to know more about it, maybe the ambassador could take a look at it tonight?" she started back up towards the mouth of the cave, bringing her light close behind.

2013-05-07, 07:24 PM
Rinda shrugged again as she followed behind Soot.

"Yeah, maybe. Unless the lazy bird's gone to sleep." she observed.

Contrary to narrative causality, the ambassador was still awake when they returned to the main campsite near the mouth of the cave. He'd found himself a comfortable patch of ground to lay down his tablecloth-turned-ground-sheet and was writing in his journal with a quill.

Rinda hovered around for a little bit longer, but if not stopped by anypony she would soon head back to her own patch of ground away from the others.

Iggy was out like a light, the unicorn guardpony had rolled on to his back, hooves sticking into the air as he snored away.

One Tin Soldier
2013-05-09, 09:54 AM
The smoke began clearing away once more, revealing the still-broken machinery. Grease watched the newly-greased gears for a few moments, gauging just how much they were still working. They didn't seem to be sparking any more, and the grinding was not quite as loud, but if anything they were emitting more smoke than before. She slowly applied more grease to them, but it didn't seem to be making a big difference.

She backed away once more, putting the nearly empty grease can back in her saddlebags. It wouldn't be doing any more good at the moment. In the meantime, she was going to see what she could do about some of the other gears in the system. She looked back and forth between the isolated gear and the nearly broken one. Without any spares, she had no way of bridging the gap, but perhaps she could use it to replace the other. She just had to figure out how to pry the things off without any proper tools. She tried using the edge of her hoof, but without any success. Several different attempted angles later, the most she could do was jiggle it.

Well, there was nothing else for it. If she was careful, she probably wouldn't break the magnifying glass while using it to pry the gear loose. She retrieved it from her saddlebags and brought it to bear. She used her hoof to jiggle the gear a little bit looser, just enough to fit the edge of the magnifying glass underneath. Just as she was about to try giving it a gentle lift, the engine began to cough and sputter.

No! I need more time! She dropped the glass, leaving it stuck under the isolated gear, running over to the fuel gauge. Sure enough, it was practically empty. She looked frantically around her surroundings, hoping to see another power source, but there were only lusterless, empty jewels. She had no choice but to try plugging in the cracked power gem. She carefully approached the socket, gem in mouth and heart pounding. Gingerly, she lowered it in. As soon as it reached both contacts, she leapt back and covered her head. If her fears came true, she didn't want to be too close to the machine, or else some very nasty things might happen.

2013-05-09, 04:20 PM
"Hey ambassador, Rinda and I found something carved in the back of the cave, it looks kind of like a clock face with pictures on it. You want to take a look?" Soot asked while she was certainly tired, she disliked leaving something till evening what could be done now, especially if Iggy was wrong and there were some rocks that did weird stuff around here, then she didn't want to be sleeping in front of one.

2013-05-09, 06:18 PM
Where was she? Could she have flown ahead? Griffons didn't just disappear, that he knew of... He moved to spread his wings, but the harness didn't let him move! What was going on?

He turned, and the breath died in his throat. While he'd been scanning for Rinda, the other four had drawn away from him, into the mess of black ... Those were bones. Giant rib cages littered the sand, like discarded toys on a giant's playroom floor.

And now, they were slowly oozing, crawling, seething into something else. Black bones melted and slithered, gathered into an amorpheous mass that rose up against the sky. Wings spread out against the sky, blocking the stars until the only light were two golden slits that glared down on the party.

He shouted, but the night swallowed his cries. He lunged, but the stretcher and the cold behind him held him back. No matter what he did, the party remained ignorant of the danger that threatened.

With a terrifying stillness, a gash opened in the darkness, a gaping portal to a hellish green realm. The green flame lashed out, melting the sand, consuming his friends. The horror seemed to last for hours, but could have been mere seconds.

His friends were gone. All he had left was Crown, a stretcher, and the Compendium.

2013-05-09, 07:08 PM
The ambassador paused in his writing, looking up at Soot as she approached. A flicker of something crossed his face, but it was soon wiped away by a patient smile and his trademark ambassadorial good cheer.

"You say you found a 'a clock face with pictures'?" The ambassador asked, his tone subtly replacing the need for air quotes. "Well, that does sound fascinating, little filly. I shall be certain to have a look come morning."

"But for now, ones such as myself need their rest, it has been a very long day."

It took Soot a moment to process the relatively brusque dismissal, mostly because she was too busy trying to remember where she'd last seen that expression before. After a second, she had it; the look on the elder griffon's face, she'd seen it in Canterlot countless times - whenever she'd crossed paths with one of the rich, fancy Canterlotian nobility. It was the look one gave the bottom of their hoof whenever they stepped in something unpleasant. A mix of disgust at the object itself and frustration at the bother of having to clean if off.

In short, it had been contempt.

[Ahh the Low Class flaw, was wondering when it would turn up ... You can push him to a heart check on this if you want, but I'm going to need to hear your argument first before I can assign a DC.]

2013-05-09, 08:29 PM
Oh so it was going to be like that was it? Well Soot knew how to deal with these sorts of things, if they don't want to get involved, give them a reason to.

Soot shrugged and turned away "Hmmph, suit yerself gramps, I just thought you might want a look is all. It reminded me of this exhibit I saw at this museum one time, some paleo-pony era whatchamacallit. Really old looking, thought it might be worth something. It's no big though, maybe I could carve off a piece, might make a cool souveneir to bring home."

She began to trot back towards the carving, rooting through her bag before retrieving the chisel in her lockpicking tools. She made sure the ambassador got a good long look at the implement of artifact destruction.

She paused suddenly as though a thought had struck her "Hope it doesn't fall apart though, it looked pretty fragile, and scratching my signature in it probably didn't do it any favors..."

2013-05-09, 09:50 PM
"If that is your wish, miss Soot." replied the Ambassador, regarding the unicorn with a cool gaze.

[DC20 heart check, -2 penalty for calling him 'Gramps'. Wasn't the best argument you could've made there :smalltongue:]

2013-05-10, 06:37 PM
Soot scowled "Ok fine that was a bluff, but still I'm not making this thing up. It looks really old and it's a round carving with symbols along the edges. I just want to make sure it's not gonna explode when the sun hits it or something, ok?"

Worth a shot even if it would take a 19 or higher
Heart 3 - Snark 2 = +1
(well there goes my hopes that the dice gods would listen to reverse psychology)

2013-05-10, 07:30 PM
"Even if this clock exists, I'm certain it will keep till morning. Good night Miss Soot." replied the ambassador.

2013-05-10, 08:26 PM
"Well fine, don't believe me, see if I care!" Soot almost shouted. She angrily grabbed up her blanket rolls and laid them down as far away from the old griffon and the back wall as she could. Eventually her tiredness overwhelmed her bitterness and she drifted to sleep.

2013-05-11, 05:09 PM
As Soot settled fitfully into sleep, the stone clock face continued to haunt her dreams, each of the symbols illuminating in a clockwise fashion as she heard the sounds of the argument from before.


"How did the sled fall?"


"Have you anything to say for yourself, Mister Bomb?"


"I'm sorry, that must have been too subtle to penetrate your delicate skull."


"I was not arguing; I was scolding,"


"In other words, the opposite of you."


"...then you will have the spine to say it straight and clean to my face!!!"


"Prove. Me. Wrong."

But just as it looks like sun will illuminate and start the cycle anew the whole thing fades from the dream. Half-formed images reign until something more familiar began to form in her mind.

2013-05-11, 09:22 PM

Everything. Everyone. Just... gone. His friends, the people who depended on him... He was achingly, painfully aware of the gaping hole in his chest, like someone had grabbed his heart and started to rip off chunks.

"It's a good thing we were a bit slower," came the voice of Cork from behind.

If he'd only been a bit faster, done a bit more, then he could have... could have... He could have died just like them. "I could have saved them. Somehow."

"You can't save everyone," said the voice, overlaid with strange timbres. "I've told you that before."

Dive Bomb growled, stalking out of the sled's harness. "Yeah, and I've told you that you're wrong. Not like you listen; after all, who would dare argue with the mighty Thunderhead?"

"Nopony, but only because they know that I'm right," chuckled the yellow pegasus, as he shucked off his own sled harness. His voice oozed confidence, and the blue eyes under that blue mop--so similar to Dive Bomb's-- pierced his son. "And I'd argue that the evidence supports me."

"...Shut up."

"After all, you didn't save Nimble Bolt."

"Shut up."

"You're a failure, just like I said you would be. You should have just listened to me, stayed in Cloudsdale, and learned the family trade! If you had, you'd have been there for us! You'd have been there for him!"

"Shut up!"

"You're not a doctor; you're a wannabe, pretending at helping ponies when all you do is drag them into danger! You let them get hurt! You ran away! You don't save ponies, and you never will! Your friends are dead because of you!"

With an inarticulate cry of rage, Dive Bomb spun once, delivering a crushing buck to the mocking voice. "I said, shut up!" he panted, turning back on his...

Oh, goddesses no.

His wings thrummed, pushing to get him far away. Directions didn't matter, distance didn't matter; the only important thing was to get as far away from that memory. Anywhere but next to that crumpled, burgundy colt's body.

2013-05-12, 01:10 AM
"Well? I asked you a question, Crown."

The mocha colt sweated in his freshly-pressed suit. Pop's office always held a certain grandeur to it; a glory not normally reserved for a humble Earth Pony. The room grew large around him, stretching off into the depths of his sight and imagination. The ceilings hung so high that weather-teams must be needed to inspect them for clouds every once in a while. Even his desk - a simple, mahogany affair strewn with papers, family photos, and bottles - loomed over poor Crown. He tugged at his collar, before clearing his throat to respond, "W-well, Pop sir, I imagine it is the workers."

"Workers, eh?" His father's booming voice shook him to his very core. "Tell me then; how our your workers failing at the jobs you hoof-picked for them?"

"They...they are not of the highest quality, sir." He danced about his words, flitting in-between surety and caution. "I assign them to a spot-on job, but it may be that they just...they just don't wish to work, sir!"

Pop Cork chuckled, deep and rumbling. The elder stallion held up one of their signature Cork brand bottles and beheld it idly. Crown saw both father and son in the glass, though greatly distorted. Was it his head atop his father's body? Were those his legs keeping Pop aloft?

"Crown....Crown my boy..." The half-pony shook its head wistfully, their mouths moving and shifting out syllables. "Tell me; what does it mean to be a Cork?"

So many answers. So many facets. How could he choose just one?

"To be a Cork..." He started in slowly. "One must lead their fellow pony. Direct them in the way they ought to go. Show them the errors of their ways, and do not begrudge them time to change. A Cork can achieve anything with anypony, provided his subordinates are able and willing."

The bottle-face smiled, stretching its waving teeth between the horizons of the glass. "That is what you will do, my son."

A jet of inky-black soda erupted from the mouth of the bottle with a sound like rolling thunder. Crown staggered to the floor, his ears and heart reeling as a voice echoed through the din:

"It is what you must do..."

2013-05-14, 07:12 PM
The first thing Soot noticed was the noise.

Dogs barking, carts and carriages down paved roads, the indistinct shouting of a pony from far-off, for other ponies these sounds generally meant a cacophony but to Soot they meant something much more comforting.



More particularly her home, an old tenement that nopony had owned for years and whose demolition notice had been "lost" a few years ago and never bothered to be replaced.

Once again it wasn't much but the sparse strands of tinsel and stunted little hearth's warming tree that decorated it marked it as something more beautiful than Canterlot Castle for Soot and her family.

Soot stared at the scene for a few moments before she heard familiar voices upstairs. Tentatively she followed them before coming up to where the assorted cots, mattresses, and hammocks marked the space as the bedroom.

"When will Soot be back, Drizzle?" a young voice Soot knew to be Scamp's asked.

She turned and saw Drizzle tucking the younger pegasus into bed.
Drizzle began to say something before he appeared to change his mind.
"I don't know," he sighed "but we'll keep looking tomorrow, I promise."

Soot could see Scamp's eyes begin to tear up as he asked "Did she leave us? Like everypony else?"

No! Soot began to shout, when the scene around her began to distort around her. She watched the world seem to stretch, like a bubble ready to burst.

Rather than risk losing it completely, she watched as Drizzle quickly responded to Scamp's fears. "No, no no no, you shouldn't ever think that, Scamp. And know that wherever Soot is, she loves you, and all of us, more than anything in the world."

He gave Scamp a kiss tonight and slowly began to make his way down the stairs. Staring through Soot as though she was using her magic.

Soot reached out as he passed her but the scenes wavering made her stop again. She looked at each of the foals asleep, Scamp tossing and turning on his mattress, Olive and Penny in their hammocks, and Whisper curled in on himself in his cot, before finally following Drizzle down the stairs.

She found him in their makeshift kitchen, cleaning up a few of the plates from dinner and slowly approached him until she was right next to his ear.

Taking a final look at her home she whispered in Drizzle's ear More than anything...

As the scene shook and distorted she could see Drizzle's eyes widen as he said "Soot?"

And then it was all gone.

2013-05-14, 08:25 PM
"How can this be happening?" gasped the pegasus as the world flew by beneath him. His wings ached, his lungs burned, and still he couldn't escape.

A black shadow oozed behind him to fill the sky. It defied his efforts to figure out what it was, changing each time he looked back; now it was his father, now it was a skull, now it was the face of one of his friends. Now Nimble's disappointed gaze floated to the top. Now...


His flight slowed, before a tendril of black licked at his hooves and reminded why he fled. However, the sight of Vereia calmly riding the top of the wave was more than a little disconcerting.

"Things will be alright," wafted her voice over the roar of the black nothingness."

"How can you say that?" Faster. Need to go faster. Can't go back.

"I can't help you," she said gently, riding on what was now a pale pony skull. "There are other people who need me more than you do. You understand, don't you? The good of the many outweigh the needs of the few."


"You'll be alright!" With a beat of her wings, she was at his side, smiling sadly. With a second, she was gone, leaving him absolutely alone, facing...


A glob of black shot out, clinging to one of his wings, and he lurched to the side. More shot out, pinning the other wing and sending him into a spiral. He stared out, tracing the dot on the horizon that was his friend.

Then the darkness swallowed him.

One Tin Soldier
2013-05-15, 03:04 AM
Nothing happened. She peeked over her forelegs; the machine was still running, and she had more time to work with. She looked back over to the gear panel, now more confident that things were going to go her way. She pulled out the magnifying glass, preparing to pry off the damaged gear so it could be moved out of harm's way.

Just in time for it to shatter with an earsplitting crack.

Grease fell backward, mostly out of instinct. Smoke billowed out of the machine, thick and acrid, as the mechanisms inside ground to a halt. Within moments, the only motion in the room was one half of the damaged gear, spinning on the floor.

All she could do was stare. This wasn't possible. The machine had to keep running. If it stopped, then she and the others couldn't get home, and that was unacceptable.

Except it had stopped. Completely and catastrophically. She had utterly failed them, and now they wouldn't ever be getting home. Panic, fear, and despair welled up inside of her. She would never see Brush Stroke or her parents ever again. She would never get to explain what happened. She wouldn't get to do all the things she wanted to get done.

And worse, none of her companions would get home either. They would all blame her, and rightfully so. It was her duty to see them home safe. Failure. Nothing but failure.

She rolled over, cradling her head, covering herself with the blanket. She didn't want anyone else to see just how much she had failed. She would rather just lie there on the ground in shame.

She rolled onto something hard and pokey, causing her to open her eyes blearily. After what felt like several minutes' confusion, she identified her surroundings. She was in the cave, and she had gotten tangled up in the tablecloth she was using as a bed. The sense of overwhelming despair from her dream still lingered in her chest, though now that she could think straight it began to abate. She hadn't failed yet, merely suffered a few setbacks. Somewhat serious setbacks, as her dry mouth reminded her, but not insurmountable.

Perhaps writing down her thoughts would help, and then she could get back to sleep, for a while at least.

2013-05-15, 02:51 PM

Crown stumbled over a stray rock in the inky darkness. How long had he wandered these caves alone? How long had it been since he'd seen even the faintest glimmer of light? The faintest hope of escape? If only he had a guide, or even a wall to run his weary, bruised hoof across. Anything to tell him that he was not merely stumbling in circles, lost and alone.

"Is there anypony out there? Will nopony aid me?" He cried into the darkness forlornly. Not even an echo greeted his ears. Oh, how tempting it would be to lie upon the stony floor, and simply sleep away his troubles, his life. But alas, his soul would not stand for such a whimpering end. What would his sweetie say? What would Pop say? Would they applaud his sensibility in admitting defeat? No. They would wish he fought to the last, until his hooves fell to pieces alongside his shattered mind. What an end to befall a pony of his stature! And he so wished to see his sweetie one last time...

"So, tell me, little Crown. What does it mean to be a Cork?"

An unfamiliar, growling voice shocked him out of his despair. His head whipped about, but only the uniform, choking darkness greeted him. "Who is there? Show yourself!"

The darkness heeded not his demands, and he was unsure whether to be indignant or grateful for that. A lump formed in his throat, as he found himself pondering the question. "To...be a Cork is a great many things," he started, slow and unsteady. "After all, a Cork can be a great many things; anything they truly set their mind to. But a Cork is more than a pony of limitless potential, it is a pony who Honestly believes in that potential in themselves and in others." The comfortable rhythm of his family idioms came back to him, and the colt stood tall against the dark. "What does it mean to be a Cork? To hold oneself to a higher standard, to show all ponykind how integrity in all aspects of life can take us to our true potential."


"A hedge ... you do not know."

The creature gave out a rumble of displeasure at the uncertainty.

"Nothing is perfection, and you cannot pretend otherwise. Nor can true art demand attention. Reflect on your failings. Remember Integrity."

The darkness pressed in around him. Crown felt an ant, helpless beneath the glass of something far greater than he.

"Who are you?"

Light streamed through the cave, sending him staggering back into the waking world.

2013-05-15, 06:48 PM
The sun set on the third day, but nopony really noticed.

The trails and trials of the last two days had taken a significant toll on the ponies. Mentally and physically, they were all nearing exhaustion after walking nearly forty miles across a harsh and unhospitable desert.

They'd fought bandits and spoken to memories of a time long ago, but these events were proving poor distractions from the creeping suspicion that they would never see their homes, their families again. It was a thought that had refused to go away with the setting sun, lurking in the deeper parts of their subconsious minds - conjuring demons and fears to plague their dreams.

As their restless sleep came to an end, the first thing many noticed was how dry everything was. The air, the ground, their mouth, their lips. Those who had drunk the night before found it an unpleasant, but tolerable experience; moisture would soon reappear as they licked their lips and began moving about.

For those who hadn't, the dryness would remain, coupled with the beginnings of a headache that underscored a simple fact - Ponies need water to live.

The second thing most would notice is that the sun had set. Thanks to the shadecloth over the entrance, the cave itself was nearly pitch black - only the barest trickle of moonlight was able to filter in.

The third thing they would notice, was the sound of rustling that came from where they'd had the food-sled stored. It was not a loud noise, but it was persistent - it was the sound of plastics crackling and shuffling about.

2013-05-16, 04:32 PM
From the corner closest to the shading curtain came a murmur, though at first a pony would have been hard-pressed to make out the words. Then gradually the murmur became a moan: "No... helpfu'... I can'... can..."

The moans became more agitated and panicked. "Gah!" Dive Bomb sat, panting, on his bedspread, staring at the rock face. It was okay; he was here. There was no black ooze covering him, infiltrating his nostrils, snaking in when he tried to breath through his mouth. There weren't any multi-voiced whispers surrounding him, enumerating his failures. His friends were...

He looked up, checking that they were all here, and flopped down in relief. His friends were whole, and most distinctly not carbonized dust on a glassy desert floor.

He coughed, hacking and wishing desperately that he'd drunk last night; the sand, in addition to clogging his wings, was invading his mouth, if the taste was any judge.

Once the echoes of the cough died away, he perked up. What was that noise? It sounded like it was coming from the supply sled. Groaning, he got to his hooves and turned towards the food.

2013-05-16, 05:37 PM
The cave was almost pitch black. Without a light source, there was a good chance Dive Bomb would stumble over something or somepony before finding the equipment sled.

2013-05-16, 07:31 PM
Perhaps the light was merely shock, some soul-stutter as Crown emerged from the depths of his own imagination. The colt blinked blearly into the darkness, feeling the cloth beneath him and gradually realizing he'd left the endless cave.



Crown breathed slowly, trying to savor a few moments alone with his thoughts. Let whomever needed to feed themselves feed. Let his pounding head subside. Let his dry throat and mouth moisten once more. Just...allow him a moment to ponder the visions of the night.

2013-05-17, 01:02 PM
Soot fretfully awoke from her sleep. A dream...it was a dream she repeated to herself. But it was still very clear in her mind and regardless of the dream was true or not, her family still needed her.

As she licked her dry lips she rapidly came to the conclusion. We need to find something, a town, water, even a landmark if it will help us tell were we are at least.

As her mind turned to the matter of supplies, her ears suddenly realized someone, or something was going through theirs.

She turned suspiciously toward the source and conjured her light in the approximate area of where they left the sled.

Light spell with a +7 bonus now thanks to the tool bonus.

2013-05-17, 01:45 PM
Dive Bomb flinched at the sudden light, and looked over at the glowing ball. Soot was awake too, then. He frowned, staring at his saddlebags; he'd slept on them wrong, and sand had gotten into some of the supplies. Picking the sparkler that had the least grit on its stick, he struck it and held it high to see better.

(Mind check?)

2013-05-17, 05:42 PM
The twin sources of light sputtered into life, startling awake anypony who was still sleeping and throwing light and shadows across the entire cave. In the instant while their vision adjusted, the thing the ponies would have noticed first were the eyes.

Dozens and dozens of eyes glinted in the shadows as scores of small creatures (http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/5/50/Kangaroo-rat.jpg/250px-Kangaroo-rat.jpg) turned towards the light sources. The rustling, caused by those who were rummaging through the food supplies, cut off instantly, and for a hoof-full of heartbeats there was complete silence.

Skree - skree - skree!

Silence was replaced with a high pitched squealing, and the stillness slain with a sudden burst of frenetic activity. Some of the creatures launched themselves at the ponies who'd brought the lights, while the others scattered with various bits and pieces of equipment in their tiny mouths and paws.

[Multiple checks available here depending on what you do]

One Tin Soldier
2013-05-18, 12:07 AM
Grease Spot opened her eyes once more as the others began to wake up. Once she had finished writing in her journal, she had lain back down and closed her eyes to rest - not sleep, she couldn't actually get back to sleep again what with the dehydration - but simply rest her eyes and think. She had, in fact, been about to get up and start adjusting the sled when she was roused.

All the same, she wasn't standing up yet when the lights came on and the rodents reacted, so she wasn't able to do anything but give a surprised yelp.

2013-05-18, 05:04 PM
Oh, feather. The pegasus cursed under his breath as he attempted to corral the critters as best he could. Nicely, of course, so as not to send the hundreds of mice into a frenzy. Letting them get away with their things was not a good idea, especially not this far into the desert.

2013-05-18, 05:39 PM
The critters were bolting is several directions, like someone had dropped a predator right in their midst. Most of those carrying equipment were either running out the mouth or deeper into the secondary chamber.

It would take an experienced critter wrangler to bring them under control. Or a team effort.

Or, Dive Bomb could try to race them to the entrance and prevent them from leaving that way with the party's stuff.

[driving to national park. Will be out of contact for a bit. Will post the DCs in the OOC thread. For use if either alternative is picked.]

2013-05-18, 08:42 PM
Rats do not count as finding something! Soot shouted internally as she cursed herself for giving the universe an invitation to make their lives more miserable. Of all the things that could have been scrounging through their stuff it had to be rats. A sentient thief could be reasoned with, negotiated with. Rats were just pests. Worse they were dangerous if cornered or if they think they can take a quick bite out of you. To be fair these things weren't exactly like city rats but her prejudice still stood.

Noticing that the little vermin were trying to escape with some of their supplies Soot raced for the entrance of the cave. She wasn't sure how she would keep a swarm of rats from escaping but she sure as Tartarus going to try what she could.

body 2 (wheee...)

(I am beginning to realize how much Soot's spells and skillet are geared towards sentient opponents, if she can't confuse/trick it to any positive effect her options become much fewer)

EDIT: (I am also realizing how much the Dice Gods enjoy toying with us :smalltongue:)

2013-05-18, 08:52 PM
(Ninja-Soot makes me choose a different option.)

Dive Bomb nodded, catching a glimpse of grey rushing for the door. That should keep them inside. Now, how to actually catch them? They were probably too small for even him to catch by himself, and by the time the group got organized, the rats would be long gone. What he needed was some way of slowing them down.

He groaned as he flew up towards the roof of the cave. If he did this anymore, he'd have to practice it more. "Catch the rats!" Then, he began pumping his wings down, pushing as much wind downwards as he could.

2013-05-19, 03:03 AM
Noticing that the little vermin were trying to escape with some of their supplies Soot raced for the entrance of the cave. She wasn't sure how she would keep a swarm of rats from escaping but she sure as Tartarus going to try what she could.

body 2 (wheee...)

With great swiftness, Soot bounded from her bedroll and sprinted for the cave entrance. Such was her alacrity that she managed to beat the small rats there, cutting them off from that point before they could get free.

The rats didn't so much scurry as bounce across the cave floor. Springing along like rabbits on their powerful hind legs.

[sets up some sentient foes for the future]

He groaned as he flew up towards the roof of the cave. If he did this anymore, he'd have to practice it more. "Catch the rats!" Then, he began pumping his wings down, pushing as much wind downwards as he could.

The cave was not that large, so Dive Bomb was not able to find much altitude in there, but the wind he generated was enough to impede the critters as they tried to find an escape.

It also startled awake a certain unicorn.

"Augh! Who left the fan on?" cried Iggy.

[harmony bonus to corral check]

2013-05-19, 02:14 PM
The sudden rush of light, sound, and wind - how in the blazes was there wind?! - startled Crown from his thoughts. He emerged blinking from his tent to discover-


Ugh! Filthy, grimy, dirty, skittering little rats! And their filthy paws were all over their equipment! Plans and orders sprang to his tongue but made no further headway. A promise was a promise; he was but a stupid set of hooves. A stupid set of hooves that was racing deeper into the cave to cut off the rats' escape.

[Going to be rolling in the OOC thread.]

One Tin Soldier
2013-05-20, 12:36 AM
Grease got to her hooves, belatedly moving to help corral the critters. Since Soot seemed to have the entrance, she hurried around to the deep side of the cave, hoping to keep them from disappearing into the darkness.

[I think that's just adding to the Harmony bonus.]

2013-05-20, 02:16 AM
The two guards had roused from sleep and joined in the efforts in their own ways. A large clear circle began to grow around Rinda as the rats bounded their way clear of the obvious predator.

Iggy, meanwhile, was following a batch of them around intoning the phrase "here ratties ratties ratties" in the vain hopes of achieving something.

[two harmony bonuses from the guards, but someone needs to roll to determine if all rats are stopped from leaving the cave from the back]

2013-05-20, 06:16 PM
Cork ran towards the rear entrance of the cave, but the dehydration, coupled with having just been roused from sleep, sapped his speed. Several groups of the little furry rats had bounded their way through the secondary exit before the mocha pony was able to block it off with his commanding and absoulutly fabulous presence.

With both exits sealed, the remaining rats were limited to milling around in the main cave - but it was only a temporary state. Most ponies who dealt with animals knew of a cardinal rule of nature; That when you corner an animal, you're going to find out just how vicious they can be.

Most shopkeepers in Canterlot had another variant; Corner a rat, and prepare to be bitten.

The pack was in flux, still in that moment just before realising that they had nowhere else to run, circling and spilling equipment and food around the cave. Soon, though, they would notice that both exits were blocked, and things could turn ugly unless somepony did something about it.

One Tin Soldier
2013-05-22, 04:58 PM
Grease advanced on the milling herd of rodents. It wasn't hard to see that they were getting spooked, and the wrong move might set them off. She approached them carefully, doing her best to adopt a non threatening posture. "Come on," she said. "We just need our things back, then you can runaway to your heart's content."

She glanced over the rodents. What had they taken, anyway?

2013-05-23, 12:55 AM
The rats had a bit of everything in their paws. Bread, biscuits, ropes, tablecloths ... the pack was still milling about, so it was hard to get a complete count. It was clear the sled had been thoroughly pillaged, though.

As grease advanced, the pack bounded away from her, swirling away in a bouncy, fuzzy brown tornado. As the denim mare spoke, beady eyes turned towards her. Bit by bit the horde slowed its springy stampede, and for a moment it looked like the natural Equestrian affinity for animals would prevail.

Squeak squeaka squeak!

Suddenly, one of the larger rats bounced forward, advancing on Grease with a high pitched and largely unintelligible tirade. The pack shifted to watch the confrontation, forming surprisingly well ordered ranks. It was a marginal improvement to the situation, at least they weren't damaging things or trying to escape anymore.

Squeaka squeak squeak. Squeak squeaka squeee!" stated the big rat, defiantly.


"I don't get it, does he want me to eat him?" said Rinda, after a moment's silence.

In response, the lead rat bounded a hoofspan away from the griffoness and unleashed another series of squeaks in an indignant tone. This particular rat had appropriated some of the bits of iron that the group had salvaged for makeshift tent pegs. Waving it around like a baton, he jabbed it threateningly at Rinda, causing the griffoness to growl, her feathers bristling.

"I uh, don't think so" replied Iggy, head tilted as he listened.

[pre-typed post. Check. Pass through town with mobile coverage, check. Partial success leading to another challenge? Double check!!]

2013-05-23, 09:06 AM
The pegasus frowned, allowing the winds to dissipate as he drifted downwards. They appeared to be intelligent, if not quite capable of Equestrian speech.

Dive Bomb squinted, focusing on the leader. It was possible that they understood it, though, given his reaction to what Rinda had said. This would require some thinking before he could be certain, though. Perhaps a bit of experimentation?

"Do you understand us?"

2013-05-25, 02:16 AM
The leader stared at Dove Bomb before giving a short pair of squeaks before rubbing it's forehead with a tiny paw. The rats expression seemed rather exasperated.

"I think he said 'yes'" observed Iggy, helpfully.

2013-05-25, 03:09 PM
Soot rolled her eyes, "Look ya little rat, this is our stuff, got it? Just pass it over nice and easy and we'll be out of your fur. Or we can let our more carnivorous friends have their taste. Rinda?" she turned to the griffon inquiringly "I've always wondered, do you smoke rat or grill it? I've seen it done both ways in the Griffon neighborhoods in Manehatten and wondered what you prefer."

2013-05-25, 04:00 PM
Crown, standing tall, resplendent, and intimidating at the rear of the cave, raised a curious eyebrow at this latest development. Rats that could speak in squeak? Perhaps they really had fallen into one of his adventure novels. What was next, a stone pony to lead them through the desert?

...oh, right. They found that already.

Chuckling to himself, Crown idly cast his gaze over what the rats had taken. Thankfully, he'd had the foresight to get a suitcase with a good latch and lock, but it never hurt to double-check. Besides, if they had their last bit of water and things went south, he might very well have to dash for it.

2013-05-25, 11:49 PM
Dive Bomb winced a little; here they were, meeting an intelligent... He really didn't want to say tribe, if only because of the negative connotations, but the word fit. A tribe of intelligent mice, capable of understanding Equestrian. Now if that wasn't fantastic, he didn't know what was.

Idly, he mulled over the fact that he'd become accustomed to having a fifteen-foot golem hanging around, yet the thing that was getting him excited was a tribe of sentient mice.

Logically, though, they had to have learned Equestrian somehow. That meant that perhaps they'd met up with others before? Maybe he could find out which way to go!

That is, if the mice didn't react horribly to being threatened as a first resort.

2013-05-26, 05:15 PM
Soot rolled her eyes, "Look ya little rat, this is our stuff, got it? Just pass it over nice and easy and we'll be out of your fur. Or we can let our more carnivorous friends have their taste. Rinda?" she turned to the griffon inquiringly "I've always wondered, do you smoke rat or grill it? I've seen it done both ways in the Griffon neighborhoods in Manehatten and wondered what you prefer."

"Me?" replied Rinda, glaring daggers at the leading rat. "I think I'll be happy enough with just raw."

The rat took a half step back, a relatively inconsequental distance on his tiny legs, before he seemed to catch himself. Planting the iron peg on the ground in front of him, he launched into another complicated series of squeaks and squeals, looking for all the world like a tiny pompus aristoc-rat with a cane.

Behind him, the other rats shifted in their ranks. It had the feel of a minotaur cracking their knuckles, or ponies scuffing the ground in preparation for a charge. All their eyes were on Rinda.

Rinda met their stares with an implacable and almost eager gaze. Iggy, meanwhile, had backed up a half step, and was glancing around at the walls and ceiling of the cave with a worried expression on his face.

2013-05-27, 05:17 PM
The rats shifted in their ranks, preparing for a charge.

Crown rolled his eyes, preparing for disaster. Could these ponies not last a morning without fouling things up without-

Rat. Middle rank, fifteen from the right. Slightly out of step with the others. Shifted sideways. Little arms clutched behind his back, and the thin neck of a bottle peeking from behind his its head.

...no. No apparently they cannot go a morning without nearly getting us all killed.

"Now now, no need for all these unpleasantness. We have a civilized fellow before us, can we not treat him as such?" Crown suddenly chimed in with a respectful dip of his head to the lead rat, a pleasant smile on his face. He then turned to Igneous. "Mister Bluff, would you take my place here? It is so tiring to be shouting across this whole cave, and I should like to speak with this fellow." As/If he approached, the colt darted his eyes to the walls and ceiling, trying to see if there was anything there giving the guard pause for thought.

2013-05-27, 05:33 PM
Iggy's lip turned downwards as Cork made his request, his eyes glancing between the rats and Rinda. But whatever objections the guardpony might've made were quickly swallowed, and he shuffle off to the rear tunnel with a nod of acknowledgement.

The ceiling of the cavern was a little easier to make out, especially with the lights provided by Dive and Soot. But whatever Iggy had been looking at was not immediately noticable.

[DC 15 perception check, +2 for lighting]

2013-05-27, 06:56 PM
Shadows danced across the ceiling, moving in time to the sputtering light from Dive Bomb's flare. Small pits and cracks painted an interesting and shifting mosaic across the cavern's roof. It was almost artistic, and it took the painter a moment to recognise why the sight felt vaguely wrong ...

Hadn't that same ceiling been smooth the night before?

2013-05-27, 07:38 PM
That lasted long. Dive Bomb hid his smirk as the painter approached, and then turned to the mice. If only there was more time... He didn't dare let his friends go on without him; they needed him.

You don't save ponies...

Dive Bomb shook off that echo, and faced the leader of the mice. What did the mice want? Supplies seemed to be logical, out here in the wastes. Yet that was the one thing that they couldn't afford to give them.

For now, he just waited for Cork to say his piece.

One Tin Soldier
2013-05-27, 10:08 PM
Grease looked back and forth uneasily. Dealing with animals was hardly her forte. While they were hardly physically threatening, if they attacked they would likely get away with a fair portion of their supplies. Negotiations seemed to be the best bet.

At least Crown seemed to be broken out of his unhelpful funk. With any luck he could convince them to give the supplies back, though she had no idea what they could offer in return. Perhaps doing something for them? Though anything significant would probably take too long.

To be honest, she thought to herself, tricking them might be the best course of action. After all, they were just rodents. They couldn't be all that smart. She but her lip. Even though they were just animals, that idea didn't quite sit right with her.

In any case, she would let Cork have his chance first. If things starting going south, she could suggest the trickery option.

2013-05-27, 10:16 PM
That's right. He remembered it plainly, the smooth rock face staring down at him as he slipped into slumber. Crown flicked his eyes upward and gave a small, almost imperceptible nod of understanding to Igneous.

The question was, were they in more danger from reinforcements, or from jaws that could pierce rock?

Either way, Crown advanced until he was a short distance away from the ringleader of these rats. Close enough to ensure none of his companions would butt in, but far enough away to not be threatening. "Good evening; my name is Crown Cork. Now, you understand us, but we cannot understand you. Will you deign to write for our benefit? I should like to know whom I have the pleasure of speaking to." With his hoof, Crown smoothed off a portion of the floor and pointed between the rat's spike-cane and the dirt.

[Heart check? Maybe? I'm not sure if one's needed yet.]

2013-05-27, 11:45 PM
[Certainly can make one now, or you're free to play the field a bit more to improve your odds. I'll let you know if things get to a point where a check is needed to progress/conclude; basically it's anytime he would go 'hmm, I don't know']

The rat brightened slightly at the earth pony's formality. Something about that little rodent face was saying 'finally, some civilised company'.

The rat hopped forward and began sketching crude pictures in the sand with his cane. They were poor enough to make an artist like Cork wince, although the diplomatically inclined would have suppressed anything from showing on their faces. The first image to appear was a pile of disks, stacked in columns with more disks lying loose around them, followed shortly after by a small crown. Chirping and squeaking in that high-pitched voice of his, the rat circled both of these images and pointed to himself.

"So what, is he some kind of rat royalty?" Rinda asked, scratching her head with a talon.

In response to this, the rat unleashed a rather derogatory series of noises in her direction and pointed towards the pile of disks for emphasis. Down the back of the room, Iggy could be heard chuckling, which soon earned him a death glare from the griffoness.

2013-05-28, 12:43 AM
Dive Bomb frowned, tilting his head to get a better look at the picture. Was that... "Money?" Really? That's what they wanted?

Why would they want money? Did they have someplace to spend it? Or did they just like jewels? Was this supposed to be a toll, or merely highway robbery?

2013-05-28, 12:55 AM
The rat nodded in response to Dive Bomb's single word observation. Hopping forward again, he drew a pair of arrows in a circle around the pile of coins.

Standing back, he gestured to himself again, combining another series of squeaks into an elaborate half bow that seem rather self-aggrandising.

2013-05-28, 10:12 AM
"The cycle of money...economics...trade!" Crown's eyes lit up in hopeful recognition. "Could it be that we are speaking to none other than the Trade-Master himself?" A made-up title, but one that sounded grand and impressive enough. If his hunch was correct, then this entire disaster would be utter foal's play to avert.

For him, of course. Certain half-witted parties whom he had the misfortune of traveling with stood hardly a chance.

2013-05-28, 07:30 PM
The rat considered Cork's words, and eventually gave a shrug that seemed to say 'close enough'. Nodding, in confirmation of the mocha pony's conclusion, he scuffled out the images in front of him and began drawing again.

He began with what looked like a jagged, flat sided U. After completing this, he gestured towards the entrance to the cave and gave a short series of squeaks.

Next to this, he drew a large, wobbly circle. This time, his squeaks were accompanied by a series of gestures towards the cave walls.

A series of boxes, drawn in a pile were next, this time he pointed towards the remains of the sled.

Next, came what might have been a trio of rats - or at least a foal's impression of them; with circular heads, on a circular body and lines for the little arms, larger legs and long, tapering tails.

Finally, he drew a big circle around all of these, before drawing a single rat above it. On this rat's head, he drew a miniature crown like the one he'd drawn earlier.

Planting the spike back in the ground with a definative chunk, the rat unleashed another barrage of incomprehensible noises.

2013-05-28, 10:07 PM
"So, what? The valley and cave belongs to him?" Soot studied the pictures a little more "And so by extension our supplies..." Soot frowned at this development. That's not going to happen...

"And what if we were to say that that's a load of horseapples and no group of rats could conceivably impose that sort of system on everyone who passes through, and I'm not just talking about morality here." she met her eyes with the lead rat. "Think about it, what could survive out there without supplies? So by taking it all, you're going to provoke each and every pony you rob to tear this valley apart looking for them since they'll die otherwise. No matter how many of you there are that's going to mean rats hurt or killed. You really want to risk that for a couple of bottles and some camp gear?"

One Tin Soldier
2013-05-28, 10:26 PM
Grease peered over Crown's shoulder at the drawings. The meaning of the individual symbols seemed clear enough, as well as what they meant overall, but she still felt like she was missing something.

"So you're saying that you own this cave and everything in it? Including our supplies?" she asked. A bit grandiose for a rodent. Or maybe he's just speaking for someone else, a rat princess of sorts.

Just as she was about to continue with that thought, Soot spoke up, pointing out a few things about this arrangement that she was planning to save until a more diplomatically appropriate moment.

2013-05-28, 10:56 PM
The pegasus examined the rodent, staring at him pensively. "What do you need with money, anyway? Is there a settlement around here?"

2013-05-28, 11:06 PM
Grease peered over Crown's shoulder at the drawings. The meaning of the individual symbols seemed clear enough, as well as what they meant overall, but she still felt like she was missing something.

"So you're saying that you own this cave and everything in it? Including our supplies?" she asked. A bit grandiose for a rodent. Or maybe he's just speaking for someone else, a rat princess of sorts.

The rat squeaked out an affirmative sounding answer, puffing himself up even more as he did so.

"So, what? The valley and cave belongs to him?" Soot studied the pictures a little more "And so by extension our supplies..." Soot frowned at this development. That's not going to happen...

"And what if we were to say that that's a load of horseapples and no group of rats could conceivably impose that sort of system on everyone who passes through, and I'm not just talking about morality here." she met her eyes with the lead rat. "Think about it, what could survive out there without supplies? So by taking it all, you're going to provoke each and every pony you rob to tear this valley apart looking for them since they'll die otherwise. No matter how many of you there are that's going to mean rats hurt or killed. You really want to risk that for a couple of bottles and some camp gear?"

The rat deflated as Soot asked her question. Looking sideways and squeaking out a response that sounded slightly abashed.

The rat then leaned forward, scratching out some crosses over about a third of the boxes in his drawing before squeaking out something that seemed like a question.

The pegasus examined the rodent, staring at him pensively. "What do you need with money, anyway? Is there a settlement around here?"

The answer to this question came in a rambling series of incomprehensible squeaks and squeals. After about a minute, the rat paused and made to scuff out the images he'd drawn.

He stopped himself before doing so, however, scratching the back of his head with a thoughtfully confused expression on his face.

Turning to Dive Bomb, he shrugged and spoke another, shorter, sentence of squeaks.

2013-05-28, 11:15 PM
Ah, there were the certain half-witted parties, right on cue!

But as luck would have it, rat dignitaries held merely a fourth of wit. An outburst which would have dissolved a normal meeting only pointed out the rat's foolishness to himself. And Mister Bomb's little point served only to confound the rat further. He could still work this to their advantage...

"My associates do raise a point; are you laying claim to our supplies as a part of cave ownership, or are you exacting a toll for use of your cave?" Sitting on his haunches, he first held out one hoof, and then the other, to indicate the two options.

Left hoof; ownership. Right hoof; toll.

"If it is the latter...then perhaps you might be interested in something quite priceless as payment?" He added temptingly.

2013-05-28, 11:33 PM
The rat leaned over, looking like he was about to tap Cork's left hoof with the iron spike ... at least until the Earth Pony amended his offer.

The rat leaned back, giving Cork a considering gaze before squeaking out another question.

2013-05-29, 12:18 AM
Crown had seized the customer's interest; time for the sell.

"You know," he started in, keeping both hooves outstretched. "I may not carry a title as lofty as yours, but I have great skill with a paintbrush. Back where I call home, do you know how many ponies look at my paintings?"

He leaned forward, his voice dropping to a hushed whisper. "Thousands. Easily tens of thousands. Each day."

True, most of that art was nestled on the top of a bottlecap, but in this case, that was precisely the art he wished to reference. "Instead of some supplies, what would you think of your very own piece of my work? Custom done, just for this occasion; one-of-a-kind! You could ask for a portrait of a terrifying beast, to scare away enemies from your home! You could have a painting of the sky, such that your kind may always see the moon and stars, even indoors!"

"Or..." He motioned to the lead rat, or more accurately, his cane. "...you can have a proper badge, befitting one of your high rank." Both hooves were extended again. "So; what do you choose? Common supplies, or a unique, priceless masterpiece?"

[This might require a check. I'm thinking a Heart check, with Soda Baron, Economics, and Charismatic applying.]

2013-05-29, 04:38 PM
Crown had seized the customer's interest; time for the sell.

"You know," he started in, keeping both hooves outstretched. "I may not carry a title as lofty as yours, but I have great skill with a paintbrush. Back where I call home, do you know how many ponies look at my paintings?"

He leaned forward, his voice dropping to a hushed whisper. "Thousands. Easily tens of thousands. Each day."

True, most of that art was nestled on the top of a bottlecap, but in this case, that was precisely the art he wished to reference. "Instead of some supplies, what would you think of your very own piece of my work? Custom done, just for this occasion; one-of-a-kind! You could ask for a portrait of a terrifying beast, to scare away enemies from your home! You could have a painting of the sky, such that your kind may always see the moon and stars, even indoors!"

"Or..." He motioned to the lead rat, or more accurately, his cane. "...you can have a proper badge, befitting one of your high rank." Both hooves were extended again. "So; what do you choose? Common supplies, or a unique, priceless masterpiece?"

[This might require a check. I'm thinking a Heart check, with Soda Baron, Economics, and Charismatic applying.]

The rat's face took on a sceptical shade as Cork continued his description of this 'priceless treasure'. The accompanying series of squeaks that followed were also tinged with the tone of a thoroughly unconvinced buyer.

[You'll need a heart check to get him to take the deal. All those would apply (with other modifiers to come if this deal is pushed), with the possible exception of economics. I'm not sure exactly what that skill will be defined at, but gut feel says that it should be un-helpful here if anything since you're trying to flog a non-practical item to a group of scavengers and traders?

You'd also have a harmony bonus from Rinda and Soot as the only two I can see having a meaningful contribution to the conversation so far]

2013-05-30, 11:40 AM
Alright, alright, a slight misjudge of character. These rats might have a stunning lack of business sense, but they weren't completely foolhardy with greed.

"What's this? Doubting the practicality of a good work of art?" Crown harrumphed and shook his head. "A well-made piece can offer you something that no amount of food, water, supplies, or money can buy; legitimacy."

He suddenly ducked down to the rat's level, and pointed out a nearby piece of rock. "Imagine; a stone slab such as that one, artfully painted with the price of a night's stay in your territory per creature. No more sneaking around and picking out supplies in the dead of day, no more arguing and drawing pictures, but ponies actually willingly handing you their goods as payment! Customers always appreciate an organized, civilized business, and when they see your artful sign? They will know just whom they are dealing with, and they will treat you with the respect you rightly deserve!"

Crown paused, gauging the rat's reaction. His hooves remained outstretched, if he wanted to come to a decision right away.

2013-05-30, 04:21 PM
The rat looked like he'd been about to object again, but he paused. Pensively turning the offer over in his mind.

[DC20 heart check, at a -2 penalty to flog him a non-practical object. Thanks to your argument, economics applies, you also gain a +3 harmony bonus from Rinda and Soot (whose individual contributions net each other out, interestingly)]

2013-05-30, 05:13 PM
Crown wore his most gentle, most confident, most winning smile he could muster. One last push to go in for the kill. "So, what will it be? Scrounging and scavenging?"

The left hoof shook.

"Or a civilized, reputable business?"

The right hoof shook.

"The choice is all yours, my good fellow."

2013-05-30, 06:31 PM
The rat hopped forward, tentatively approaching the earth pony.

Behind him, there was a sudden flurry of noise from the assembled pack - immediately silenced as their leader turned a hard gaze on his troupe. Almost hesitantly, the rat reached out with his cane and tapped.

Right hoof - They would deal.

But before the ponies could celebrate, the rat interrupted them with a loud squeak and an upraised finger. A short sentence followed, generating a lengthy pause as everypony remembered that they couldn't understand rattish.

Groaning to himself, the rat hopped back to the drawing board and scuffed out most of the pictures he'd drawn. The only one he left untouched was the pile of small boxes.

Next to it, he drew one large square with a few squiggly lines inside it. Levelling his cane at Cork, he chirped out a sentence. He then drew two arrows pointing upwards - first next to the larger squiggle-square, second next to the pile of smaller boxes.

After a moment, the rat scuffed out the two arrows, before redrawing them pointing downwards. Levelling the cane at Cork once more, he let out another sentence in a demanding tone that soon shifted to questioning at the end.

2013-05-30, 06:47 PM
Dive Bomb groaned internally. If this worked, he'd need to find a hat so he could eat it.

Two arrows, each next to its set of boxes. Perhaps showing equality; a fair trade, perhaps? That larger box full of squiggles... perhaps water? One box of water equal to several smaller boxes of supplies?

He turned, studying the rest of the rats. They, or at least their leader, were intelligent, capable of their own version of speech and of understanding barter. (Perhaps not the wisest of traders, but capable of knowing the general principle.) What else did he see? Any markings, perhaps?

2013-05-30, 06:59 PM
The rats were a mix of colours, mostly brown or a blue-y grey, but otherwise the only markings that were visible to Dive Bomb seemed individual in nature. A specific rat with a white stripe on his tail, another with a patch of grey on his chest.

Like most critters back in Equestira, and most ponies for that matter, these rats didn't really wear clothes, so there was no question of uniforms or gang markings or anything like that.

The lead rat noticed Dive Bomb's gaze and quirked an eyebrow at him, as if to say 'what's your problem?' to the pegasus.

2013-05-30, 07:15 PM
Crown nodded along to the drawings, never once raising an eyebrow or seeming at all lost. Art was his second tongue, after all. "Of course, of course. I wouldn't dare dream of trading a piece upon fixed prices. Let the final quality determine its worth, I say."

(OOC: And now I sincerely hope I understood those drawings. :smalltongue:)

2013-05-31, 04:44 PM
The rat nodded emphatically. The deal was made.

Turning to his assembled brethren, the rat gave a series of commanding squeaks that set the rats milling. Each of the small brown creatures began piling their spoils onto the floor of the cave, until three separate piles of equipment and food had been made.

In all of the confusion, with rats leaping over and ducking around one another, it was difficult to track which pile the water ration had ended up in.

[DC 15 mind check at a -2 penalty for visibility. Cork gets a +4 bonus to this for having spotted the rat in question before]

When they'd finished, the rat in charge turned to Cork, squeaking out a sentence before pointing to the leftmost pile, the centre pile and the rightmost pile in that order.

He hesitated, casting a glance at Soot, before reluctantly giving one last order that caused a few rats to take about a third of the food in each pile back over to the sled.

A glance at Cork accompanied a final series of squeaks from the murine entrepreneur. It sounded like a question.

2013-05-31, 04:51 PM
(Gah... want to offer a harmony bonus so badly, but it would be totally out of character...)

Dive Bomb considered the piles. So, according to how well Cork painted, they'd get to keep some or all of their supplies.

Yeah, they were doomed.

He turned, stalking over to the piles and began to figure out what they had left.

2013-05-31, 04:57 PM
(Gah... want to offer a harmony bonus so badly, but it would be totally out of character...)

Dive Bomb considered the piles. So, according to how well Cork painted, they'd get to keep some or all of their supplies.

Yeah, they were doomed.

He turned, stalking over to the piles and began to figure out what they had left.

The rat leader eyed Dive Bomb as the Pegasus moved to inspect the supplies that had been returned to the sled. Ensuring that the pony didn't come too close to the three piles they'd stacked in the middle of the cave.

Overall, about two days worth of food had been placed back there by the rat pack, about a third of what they'd had at the start of the day.

2013-05-31, 05:41 PM
With an expert toss of his mane, Crown beheld the piles. His sharp eyes had tracked the rats as they'd moved, and he was fairly certain he knew which pile it was in. He must've noticed correctly, no doubt about it. "Now then, if I understand correctly, you ask if the piles seem fair and equal? Such that the painting could be worth some number of piles?"

Mind Check
Mind 3 + Situational 2 + 5 Temp bonus = +10.

This is one of those situations where I'm genuinely not sure if Job(Painter) applies, seeing how it's a quick glance to follow a detail rather than studying a scene. I don't think it applies, but just make sure you GM-decide before looking.
Mind roll: [roll0]

2013-05-31, 06:01 PM
Mind Check
Mind 3 + Situational 2 + 5 Temp bonus = +10.

This is one of those situations where I'm genuinely not sure if Job(Painter) applies, seeing how it's a quick glance to follow a detail rather than studying a scene. I don't think it applies, but just make sure you GM-decide before looking.
Mind roll: [roll0]

[Job-painter yes, skill painter no. He's picked out the rat earlier, just has to recognise it when it drops its loot in the stash.]

Cork had no troubles with following the rat in question through the milieu. He couldn't be sure the little fellow still had the bottle, but the rat had definitely lingered by the middle pile to drop off his goods.

With an expert toss of his mane, Crown beheld the piles. His sharp eyes had tracked the rats as they'd moved, and he was fairly certain he knew which pile it was in. He must've noticed correctly, no doubt about it. "Now then, if I understand correctly, you ask if the piles seem fair and equal? Such that the painting could be worth some number of piles?"

The rat blatted back a negative.

Pointing at the first pile, he made a noncommittal sound.

Pointing at the second, he made a more appreciative one.

Pointing at the third, he raised his little rat arms up above his head and made an 'oooooooohhh' noise.

2013-05-31, 08:59 PM
Crown nodded in understanding. "Ah, yes. One pile for passable work, two piles for good work, all piles for very impressive work."

"Now then, two last points; first, I shall need your help in directing what information to draw. Price per individual and so it goes, and I can create the rest from there. Second," he raised a brow at the piles. "What would you say if the three piles before us are not of equal value, though they are of equal size?"

2013-05-31, 10:29 PM
Dive Bomb stared at the iron spike, and then at the mouse. Deep breath, Dive Bomb. He forced a grin at the mouse, stepping around him to get at the cart. Okay, two deep breaths.

Lessee... carrot, apple, tablecloth, stick, another apple... He frowned, pawing through it slowly. No water. Which meant that it was probably in one of the piles.

One Tin Soldier
2013-06-01, 12:46 AM
Grease watched the proceedings, frowning a little. It seemed that the better a painting Crown made, the more of their supplies they got back. Hopefully he was as good as he surely thought he was. And hopefully he could paint quickly. Time was wasting.

She joined Dive Bomb over by the supplies, leaving Crown to his own element. "Looking for our water?" she whispered.

2013-06-01, 02:10 AM
"It's not here," he said grimly, resisting the urge to facehoof. Yeah, this wasn't a good situation. And they were relying on Cork. Again.

He got the feeling that somehow the Universe was laughing at him.

2013-06-01, 02:22 AM
"Now then, two last points; first, I shall need your help in directing what information to draw.
Price per individual and so it goes, and I can create the rest from there. Second," he raised a brow at the piles. "What would you say if the three piles before us are not of equal value, though they are of equal size?"

The rats seemed to have no shortage of suggestions to Cork's first question, for no sooner had he voiced it then the pack began to huddle together and converse. Rats began shouting, or more correctly squeaking, their suggestions to the earth pony, accompanied by all manner of gestures and expressions.

As this was happening, the lead rat glanced at Cork and shrugged - a gesture he repeated again in response to the second question.

2013-06-02, 01:13 PM
Under the cacophany of squeaks, Crown nodded in apparent understanding. "Yes...yes...I see, I see...very good, I shall keep that in mind." To the leader, he held up a single hoof. "Thank you very much, now if you'll excuse me, I must speak with my compatriots for a moment."

Crown would attempt to wave the others over, and walk a short distance away from the teeming mass of rats. He would also have the good sense to direct somepony - probably Rinda - to keep an eye on the piles, ensure there were no tricks pulled.

2013-06-02, 04:58 PM
Soot went up to meet with Crown "Ok so the plan is after you get as much you can from the rats, we get ready to dash, then I'm gonna snatch the rest and we bolt. Hopefully their small legs mean we'll be able to get out of here easy. So try to get enough with your drawing so I can carry the rest, ok? Alright let's do this. Rats are suckers on three, ready?" she extended her hoof as if to start a group break.

2013-06-02, 06:10 PM
Under the cacophany of squeaks, Crown nodded in apparent understanding. "Yes...yes...I see, I see...very good, I shall keep that in mind." To the leader, he held up a single hoof. "Thank you very much, now if you'll excuse me, I must speak with my compatriots for a moment."

The rat acquiesced with all the politeness of a fussy Canterlotian client, impatient for the work on their project to begin.

Crown would attempt to wave the others over, and walk a short distance away from the teeming mass of rats. He would also have the good sense to direct somepony - probably Rinda - to keep an eye on the piles, ensure there were no tricks pulled.

A whispered word would be all it took to prompt Rinda into assuming a vaguely threatening guard position near the piles of food. The rats watched her warily as the griffoness lay down and began picking dirt from under her talons.

She made sure to give the rats an unobstructed view as to just how sharp they were.

2013-06-02, 06:56 PM
Dive Bomb sidled up next to the grey filly, looking at her outstretched hoof a bit before frowning. "I'm not sure that's a good idea. Most of us are rapidly approaching exhaustion, so a swift get-away isn't guaranteed." They were liable to lose stuff in the flight, as well. "Keep it as a reserve, I think."

One Tin Soldier
2013-06-03, 11:57 AM
"Doesn't sound like an entirely bad idea to me," Grease said, joining them alongside Dive Bomb. "I mean, I'd rather not have to steal anything from them, but desperate times and all that. Besides, they stole it from us to begin with."

2013-06-03, 04:28 PM
"Yeah, that was kinda mean of them. I should probably write them a ticket for that" mused Iggy.

After a second of fantasising about just how sternly he might word such a missive, he gave himself a shake and looked at the group.

"Anyway, I'm happy to help with anything, just let me know what you want me to do!" he said.

2013-06-04, 12:35 AM
Dive Bomb nodded at Iggy, before turning to Grease. "Do you feel up to grabbing all our stuff and running away with it? Would we be able to keep enough on the cart to make it worth it?"

Logic would prevail. Granted, logic was cringing at the idea of letting Crown save them, but it would have to do until the world made sense again.

2013-06-04, 12:53 PM
"Miss Soot!" Crown looked aghast to his young helper. "Where did you learn such uncouth business tactics? Certainly not from me, I should hope."

The young businesspony irritably straightened some imaginary imperfections in his coat. "It is good to know your faith in my abilities is so high that we must immediately resort to such thoughts," he quipped dryly. "But perhaps we should spend a few seconds upon what must be done on our Plan A?"

2013-06-04, 04:24 PM
"What? You don't think they're going to give it all back, did you?" Soot asked "Cork even if you make them the next Pony Lisa, I don't think they'll give us all of our supplies. From what I can tell they're a bunch of rodents whose leader has an inflated ego almost the size as yo..." she stopped herself quickly "...nicornia, yep almost as big as Unicornia." she smiled nervously and quickly continued like nothing happened. "Anyways, even if he does like it, he'll probably act like he's not as impressed as he really is, so he can get off with giving us less, I've seen snobs do it all the time to street artists in Manehatten. Anyway, that doesn't mean you shouldn't do your absolute best, because the more we get out of this, the less I have to carry when we make our getaway."

She thought it over a moment. "Okay, after Crown gets what he can with his painting, which I'm sure will be alot" she added to placate Cork "you guys go off with the sled to get a head start, when you feel you're far enough that you can outrun them, say, after 2 or 3 minutes? Dive Bomb, I want you to send up a flare or something to give me a signal. While you go ahead, I need Rinda to stay with me and hide. If there's too much for me to carry on my own, Iggy I want you to stay here too. I can use my magic to shroud us all until we see the signal. Afterwards we rush in, Rinda will distract them with the threat of being eaten by a hungry griffin, then Iggy and I will grab as much of what's left with our magic and we all dash out and meet the rest of the group. Now does that sound like a plan or what?"

she looked around expectantly for the praise that naturally comes following the recitation of an amazing plan.

One Tin Soldier
2013-06-05, 01:47 AM
"I don't know how much I could run, pulling the sled by myself," Grease said. "But I was already planning on modifying it so that two ponies can pull it. So that should make things easier." She turned to address Iggy. "Would would mind helping me pull? I think you might be best suited to it."

2013-06-05, 02:30 AM
"Okie dokie!" replied Iggy, happy to finally be of use.

2013-06-05, 09:44 AM
Ugh... Oh, this was making his brain hurt. This was not a good plan, no matter how you looked at it. But maybe Soot was right. Gah... Okay. The plan was to try for the optimal result, where the rats just gave them their stuff, and then be ready to grab it if they didn't.

But that meant he'd have to work with Cork... Buck.

"What," he ground, "do you need to do a good job?"

((What are you talking about changes I don't know what you're talking about.))

2013-06-05, 03:50 PM
Crown took no small amount of satisfaction from hearing the upstart pegasus ask for his help. Not the apology he was seeking, but a point was being proved, little by little. "First of all, I shall need a canvas upon which to paint; a slab of stone large enough to be impressive, small enough to be carried by a small company of rats, and shaped well enough so as to not be too unsightly. Second of all, I shall need a little peace and quiet while I work. I simply cannot paint well if I have rats and the like constantly peering over my shoulder and interrupting. Thirdly, while I want the majority of the rats away, I should want to see a few of them from time to time. Poses, specific coloration, especially on their leader. Finally, a pony or two to bounce my ideas off of. Just to get the creative juices flowing."

"Oh. And somepony to fetch my suitcase whilst I help inspect potential canvases." He gazed around the circle, looking for any immediate volunteers for assignments.

2013-06-05, 05:58 PM
Crown took no small amount of satisfaction from hearing the upstart pegasus ask for his help. Not the apology he was seeking, but a point was being proved, little by little. "First of all, I shall need a canvas upon which to paint; a slab of stone large enough to be impressive, small enough to be carried by a small company of rats, and shaped well enough so as to not be too unsightly. Second of all, I shall need a little peace and quiet while I work. I simply cannot paint well if I have rats and the like constantly peering over my shoulder and interrupting. Thirdly, while I want the majority of the rats away, I should want to see a few of them from time to time. Poses, specific coloration, especially on their leader. Finally, a pony or two to bounce my ideas off of. Just to get the creative juices flowing."

"Oh. And somepony to fetch my suitcase whilst I help inspect potential canvases." He gazed around the circle, looking for any immediate volunteers for assignments.

"Well, it seems a servicable plan." observed the ambassador, causing those who had forgotten he was around to jump slightly (mostly Iggy). "Although I still don't see why we should deal with such creatures."

"Regardless, I shall be more than happy to procure your briefcase for you, Master Cork." he finished, immediately latching on to the one task that required the least amount of effort.

2013-06-05, 11:37 PM
Oh, that was rich. Crown Cork, asking for peace and quiet. Fuming silently, Dive Bomb walked towards where Rinda was herding rats, and gently began trying to usher them towards one side of the cave. They'd probably be better and more intelligent company than he was used to.

One Tin Soldier
2013-06-06, 08:00 PM
Grease led Igneous over to the sled. "I was thinking about the best way to make the adjustments last night. We can scavenge some of the stretcher parts for the second harness and additional structural support. We also have to take these pieces off for a brief time so we can move this connection over and place another next to it." She pointed out the relevant spots with her hoof.

She was about to explain further when she saw a look on Igneous' face that she recognized very well. It was the "I have no idea what you're talking about but I'll nod in agreement anyway" face. Ok then, cutting the technical details.

"The point is that first we need to get everything off the sled while I take some of it apart and put it back together. That and a helping horn is always nice to have."

2013-06-07, 08:21 AM
Oh, that was rich. Crown Cork, asking for peace and quiet. Fuming silently, Dive Bomb walked towards where Rinda was herding rats, and gently began trying to usher them towards one side of the cave. They'd probably be better and more intelligent company than he was used to.

The rats hopped around in front of Dive Bomb, responding to the pegasus' chivvying. They mostly headed in the direction he was after, but a few kept trying to peer behind him, to see what the 'master artist' was doing with their commission. They wouldn't put up any fuss, so long as Dive didn't try to push them away from any of their piles of equipment.

Rinda didn't say a word as they worked. In fact, she made it a point not to look at him at all. She seemed especially displeased by the company.

Grease led Igneous over to the sled. "I was thinking about the best way to make the adjustments last night. We can scavenge some of the stretcher parts for the second harness and additional structural support. We also have to take these pieces off for a brief time so we can move this connection over and place another next to it." She pointed out the relevant spots with her hoof.

She was about to explain further when she saw a look on Igneous' face that she recognized very well. It was the "I have no idea what you're talking about but I'll nod in agreement anyway" face. Ok then, cutting the technical details.

"The point is that first we need to get everything off the sled while I take some of it apart and put it back together. That and a helping horn is always nice to have."

"Oooh, I understood that bit!" Iggy replied, his horn lighting up as he began unloading the cart. A small stream of objects began floating off in an orderly line, before stacking themselves on the ground nearby.

As this was happening, Iggy, of course, continued talking.

"So. Did you do much sled repair work back in Canterlot? Or is this new to you too? Where do you even learn sled repair? I don't think I've ever seen a book on it."


Back at the 'artists corner'(1), the ambassador dropped off the well travelled suitcase. Brushing his feathers, he addressed the Soot and Cork.

"Well, I see you two have the painting well in hoof, so I shall leave you to it. I'm not much of an art critic, you see."

Glancing around, he pointed a talon towards the exit.

"If you need me, I shall be over there ... supervising. Do you think you know what you will paint?"

(1) It is worth noting that calling that particular part of the cave 'artists corner' was a double misnomer, as the cave was more or less round and lacking in more than one artist at the present time.

2013-06-07, 08:59 PM
"Hmm..?" Soot had been so absorbed in her own plan that the rest of the world had sort of passed her by for a moment. "Oh! Sure, sure you go ahead we'll be fine here."

It took a few more seconds before the realization struck.

Did I just volunteer to be a captive audience for Crown?! her eyes widened at the shock. Almost by instinct her hoof shot towards her nose as she looked about frantically to check if there had been a round of "nose goes" she had missed. But no, there was no escape outside of an actual retreat, something that Crown might perceive as overly rude.

She nervously laughed and turned back to Cork. "Yeah... so... painting..." long pause "what are you... going to... paint?"

2013-06-07, 09:30 PM
Crown took his suitcase, and immediately started to get his supplies out. With any luck, these upstart rodents hadn't mastered the art of opening latches and locks. "The reason, Ambassador, is that they hold not only numbers over us, but position too." His eyes darted to the ceiling full of holes. "In terms of our own survival, our best chances lie in cooperation."

"Now then, the whole piece will certainly depend on the slab we find, but a few details should remain constant. Their leader will feature prominently, so as to show whom visitors should pay. Other rats will pose along the side as decoration, and if we keep food and water as the currency, then we can place value upon other items..."

And so the colt mused, contemplating his creation thoroughly before getting ready to paint...

2013-06-07, 11:42 PM
Cork tapped his brush on the edge of his paints as he surveyed the cave. Rats and ponies lined the walls, busy setting the stage or looking on in anticipation. The rocks were there, his imagination danced with ideas; thoughts that would try to draw out all things potential about the dark cavern and its owners.

He took a deep breath and let it out. It was time to paint.

[DC 15 check to paint something they won't spit in your face for. DC 20 to get two piles of gear back, DC 30 for three. Cutie mark special and all painter-related bonuses apply. Harmony bonus from Dive, Rinda and Soot. (+6), Grease, Iggy and Ambassador are doing their own thing. Tools bonus is probably negated by night time and rock-painting conditions tbh. -4 penalty for not being able to interpret instructions due to language barrier.]

One Tin Soldier
2013-06-08, 01:42 AM
Grease rummaged around in her bags, retrieving the tools she would need while Iggy cleared the sled of its contents. "I don't think you would find many books on sled repair specifically. Outside of technical manuals, anyway. I know because I've worked as a mechanic for more than a decade now. A lot of the knowledge easy to apply elsewhere when you've done it that long. In this case, it's basically the same as working on a cart or chariot, just without the wheels. Or the flight enchantments."

"Of course, I'm not really repairing it either. I'm modifying it, which is a little easier in some ways and a little harder in others." She moved over to the now-clear sled. "Ok, I'm going to untie this part. Would you mind keeping this from falling over?" she asked, pointing out the relevant part.

"So what about you, how long have you been a guard?"

2013-06-08, 02:37 AM
"So what about you, how long have you been a guard?"

"Oh, uh me?" Iggy replied as he braced the part Grease had indicated. "More or less since leaving school. I took a year off to help out a cousin's farm, but then moved back to Canterlot once they were back on their hooves."

He rubbed his chin in thought for a moment, nearly dropping the piece as he did so.

"I guess that's almost ten years ago too now."

2013-06-08, 02:04 PM
Dive Bomb sighed, staring at the rats. If only they could talk, maybe he could get some answers...

They could understand him, though, right? Maybe they could... "Do any of you here know how to write in Equestrian?" Unlikely, since the leader only used pictures.

2013-06-08, 05:57 PM
Most of the nearby rats shook their heads, although one did hold up his forepaw. He then proceeded to gesture again, this time holding his paws a tiny distance apart from one another.

2013-06-08, 06:58 PM
One of them, a little. He smiled, gesturing it forward gently. "Can you please help me?" he asked, placing his notebook on the ground near the mouse in question. "I'd like to learn more about your group of mice."

2013-06-08, 07:32 PM
One of them, a little. He smiled, gesturing it forward gently. "Can you please help me?" he asked, placing his notebook on the ground near the mouse in question. "I'd like to learn more about your group of mice."

The rat immediately looked rather abashed, conscious of the all too smug eyes of his compatriots on his back.

Smiling an embarrassed smile, he held up two fingers as he squeaked out something that might have been an explanation.

2013-06-08, 09:07 PM
Oh. Well, that put a nice twist in his plans, didn't it. "You can write... but not well enough to be confident?" he queried. "Could you answer yes/no questions, then?"

2013-06-08, 09:16 PM
The rat continued babbling, holding up his two fingers again, but eventually just gave up and nodded.

2013-06-08, 11:11 PM
Two... Two what? Two words? Two languages? Two ways to write? He frowned, staring at the crowd of snickering rodents. Why did they think it was so embarrassing? Was the rat only pretending to be able to read?

Hrmm. He frowned, and began writing in his notebook. If the rat couldn't write all that much, maybe it could read? Turning the book around, he displayed the list of questions.

Are there more of you here?
Have you as a group been here long?
Are we close to Equestria?
Do you know how to get to Equestria?
Is your power structure monarchic?
Do you have a stable food source?

He frowned; it was hard to think of questions that ended in "Yes" or "No" when his mind was swarming with things like "How did you get here," or "How do you survive out here?"

One Tin Soldier
2013-06-10, 12:43 AM
"Oh, uh me?" Iggy replied as he braced the part Grease had indicated. "More or less since leaving school. I took a year off to help out a cousin's farm, but then moved back to Canterlot once they were back on their hooves."

He rubbed his chin in thought for a moment, nearly dropping the piece as he did so.

"I guess that's almost ten years ago too now."

Grease finished tying off a section of rope. "A farm, huh? What does your family grow?"

2013-06-10, 06:28 AM
Two... Two what? Two words? Two languages? Two ways to write? He frowned, staring at the crowd of snickering rodents. Why did they think it was so embarrassing? Was the rat only pretending to be able to read?

Hrmm. He frowned, and began writing in his notebook. If the rat couldn't write all that much, maybe it could read? Turning the book around, he displayed the list of questions.

Are there more of you here?
Have you as a group been here long?
Are we close to Equestria?
Do you know how to get to Equestria?
Is your power structure monarchic?
Do you have a stable food source?

He frowned; it was hard to think of questions that ended in "Yes" or "No" when his mind was swarming with things like "How did you get here," or "How do you survive out here?"

The rat hummed to itself as he read his way down the list of questions, either nodding or shaking his head to each. The first two questions received nods, while the third and fourth received a firm shake of the head.

The fifth question resulted in a rather longwinded series of squeaks, and then a shrug, but the rat stopped answering by the time he reached the sixth.

Instead, he read the question twice, carefully, before looking up at Dive Bomb with a suspicious glare. The subsequent question that the rat squeaked out at him had a distinctly accusatory tone.

Grease finished tying off a section of rope. "A farm, huh? What does your family grow?"

"Oh, my family aren't farmers by trade. We have a quarry up near Baltimare, dad works on tunnel excavations and the like, there's always someone looking to get a hole dug especially with the railroad up that way. Rocky Mountain's Rocky Mountaineering - Just tell us where and we'll get you there." Iggy answered, singing along the last sentence with a kind of catchy jingle.

"My Cousin's branch of the family are the farmers. Rock farmers, actually. They've got a fairly good deal going, all sorts of crops ranging from gems to confectionary."

"How about your family?" Iggy asked as he helped with fixing the second harness. "What do they do?"

2013-06-10, 09:21 AM
Though the pegasus' face betrayed little, the way his wings drooped at the third and fourth question was more than a little telling. I suppose that would have been too easy, he mused bitterly. Chaos forbid that we should have a break for once.

Wait, the rat was gesturing. Um. Kinda-sorta monarchic? Maybe a system of votes or something? He frowned. There were a lot of them, and they'd been established for a long time. They had to have some kind of government.

He frowned, trying to interpret the rat's suspicious-sounding squeaks. He'd gotten suspicious after questions about food... Oh, of course. "I, er, I'm n-not trying to r-rob you," he stuttered. "I was c-curious about how a group like yours could survive out here."

A thought crossed his mind, and he mulled it over before asking, "Could you teach me how to find food like you do?"

One Tin Soldier
2013-06-10, 10:50 AM
"Oh, no one thing in particular. My brother is an artist back in Canterlot, and my parents - hold this beam here, please - my parents are retired. My mother was a blacksmith..." She paused in her sentence for a moment while she secured the part in it's new place.

"Come to think of it, you might know my father. Silent Vigil of the royal guard?"

2013-06-10, 04:33 PM
Though the pegasus' face betrayed little, the way his wings drooped at the third and fourth question was more than a little telling. I suppose that would have been too easy, he mused bitterly. Chaos forbid that we should have a break for once.

Wait, the rat was gesturing. Um. Kinda-sorta monarchic? Maybe a system of votes or something? He frowned. There were a lot of them, and they'd been established for a long time. They had to have some kind of government.

He frowned, trying to interpret the rat's suspicious-sounding squeaks. He'd gotten suspicious after questions about food... Oh, of course. "I, er, I'm n-not trying to r-rob you," he stuttered. "I was c-curious about how a group like yours could survive out here."

A thought crossed his mind, and he mulled it over before asking, "Could you teach me how to find food like you do?"

The rat squeaked something that sounded doubtful. Looking longingly at the piles of food and equipment, he began another sentence before giving himself a little shake.

Instead he reached into his fur, producing a small, hard rock. Tossing it to Dive Bomb, he squeaked out something, pointing to his teeth.

"Oh, no one thing in particular. My brother is an artist back in Canterlot, and my parents - hold this beam here, please - my parents are retired. My mother was a blacksmith..." She paused in her sentence for a moment while she secured the part in it's new place.

"Come to think of it, you might know my father. Silent Vigil of the royal guard?"

"Mut dephems, wuh e sthuthnd et de cahssle?" replied Iggy, who had decided to anchor the beam with his mouth as opposed to his horn.

[You'll have to toss me some details in the OOC about Silent Vigil. Odds are, if he's worked at the castle in the last ten years, they've probably crossed paths.]

2013-06-10, 06:01 PM
It just occurred to Crown that, until this very moment, he'd yet to paint so much as a bottlecap before an audience of more than ten. And even then, those ten were fellow artists. Kindred souls who understood the fires of his soul that he yearned to unleash upon the canvas. Not a room full of bothersome, nosy rats and unappreciative rabble.

But! A Cork did not choose their circumstances, they choose to work above them. Into the paints went the brush. Onto the stone went the paints. Into the imagination went the Crown. In the hazy blur between reality and fantasy, he idly plucked visions for his artistic bouquet, arranging them however he saw fit. After all, they were mere rats; what would they know of a quality work? Any work passable for him would surely net them at least their precious water bottle.

I should hope we are careful with our supplies, Miss Spot. To do otherwise would show a blithe disregard for all our well-beings.

His brush froze halfway through a rat's claw. Vision and product snarled at each other, suddenly growing discontent in spite of his reassurances. He was only doing what was necessary for survival; the whole crux of the punishment depended on it! How would that upstart pegasus ever learn his place if not through example? The colt silently posed his question of the darkness before him.

Nor can true art demand attention.

Crown started back with a sharp intake of breath. Had...had the ground just rumbled then? Was this the cave of his dreams? Could it be that...that thing was here right now?! The hairs on his neck stood on end, his eyes darted from side to side, but he saw nothing but the beady, expectant eyes of dozens of rats. Watching him. Judging him. Chittering in disappointment amongst themselves.

Nothing is perfection...

Balderdash! His work was as near to perfection as anypony could get! These bandits should be honored, nay, humbled to have an artist such as he practically give them a masterpiece. Priceless art for priceless survival; as fair a trade as one could get. What could they possibly dare to hold against him?!

Reflect on your failings...

The misshapen claw waved at him tauntingly. Fantasm shrieked in rage, fighting to reach the canvas. Rats scrabbled at the ground in mock applause of the sport before them. Crown pushed through the sea of mockery and criticism, straining to reach the opponent that he might pull them away, and let this minor error pass away. Onward he fought, until he finally broke through to a clearing and...

...and saw his own forelegs, wrapped 'round the midsection of his muse.

Remember Integrity.

The colt's eyes lit ablaze with an inner light. His hoof tightened on the brush and he attacked the rock with paint. Firm. Fast. Certain. He moved with fantastic speed but never once without complete control. The painting bloomed, outgrowing the slab and spreading onto the nearby walls, floors, anything that would hold color. Proud rats conducting business with the nobility of Canterlot. Sleep so deep that one night within these walls would feel as seven. Angels from on high such that not even the smallest mouse would feel in danger.

And still he painted on.

Who are you?





2013-06-10, 06:52 PM
A... A pebble? He eyed it, examined how it sat cradled in his hoof, poked at it. What was he supposed to do with this? The rat had poked a wrinkled paw at his teeth.

Urgh. This could not possibly be healthy. Vaguely recalling something from a Burned Jewels novel, he wiped as much of the dirt as he could from the stone and took a cautious lick. Who knew; maybe it was some kind of food that only looked, felt, and--again, ugh--tasted like rock.

2013-06-10, 07:29 PM
It was a rock. A hard rock.

Biting on a rock with ones teeth hurt.

2013-06-10, 10:01 PM
"So, I guess you do what you're going to do," Soot said awkwardly, really unsure what being an artist's soundboard would entail, she expected alot of questions about colors and strokes that she couldn't begin to form an opinion on, which would inevitably lead to headaches from an annoyed Crown.

"I mean, I'll be here, if you, like need an opinion or... something?..." Soot trailed off as she realized that Cork was no longer aware of her, or, judging by the amount of focus he was giving that rock, anything else in this universe.

Soot struggled to keep up with the brush's path across the stone slab. Here, there, it was like he conjuring the image upon the rock face like some sort of master illusionist, and yet far more real than any simulacrum, it seemed, despite the lack of any real movement, alive.

There was only one word that could come to Soot's mind while watching it though.


One Tin Soldier
2013-06-10, 10:03 PM
"Mut dephems, wuh e sthuthnd et de cahssle?" replied Iggy, who had decided to anchor the beam with his mouth as opposed to his horn.

[You'll have to toss me some details in the OOC about Silent Vigil. Odds are, if he's worked at the castle in the last ten years, they've probably crossed paths.]

"Brobobwy," she responded her own mouth full for a moment as she finished off a knot. "I don't know what his exact schedule was, but he was definitely around Canterlot. Like I said, he retired a few years ago, though. Oh, and you can let go of that piece now, I have it secured." All that was left now was to resecure the side part Iggy was holding with his horn, and attach the harnesses.

2013-06-10, 11:58 PM
Dive Bomb frowned, letting the pebble drop back into his hoof. "Am I doing something wrong? Am I supposed to suck on it?" Maybe it was just a cruel joke by the rats.

2013-06-11, 12:15 AM
There was only one word that could come to Soot's mind while watching it though.


One of the rats echoed Soot's appreciative tone with his own. The little fuzzy guy had been one of the ones most recently brought over by Rinda to help with the modelling.

"Brobobwy," she responded her own mouth full for a moment as she finished off a knot. "I don't know what his exact schedule was, but he was definitely around Canterlot. Like I said, he retired a few years ago, though. Oh, and you can let go of that piece now, I have it secured." All that was left now was to resecure the side part Iggy was holding with his horn, and attach the harnesses.

"Hmm, Silent Vigil, Silent Vigil." muttered Iggy, as he tapped his chin in thought.

"Oh I think I remember! He was a pegasus right? Originally pink in colour? Two blue lightning bolts for a Cutie mark?"

It was amazing where he got this stuff from sometimes.

Dive Bomb frowned, letting the pebble drop back into his hoof. "Am I doing something wrong? Am I supposed to suck on it?" Maybe it was just a cruel joke by the rats.

In reply the rat produced another rock from his fur and bit down on it.

The rock split with a crunch that seemed far too loud to have come from the mouth of a creature that small. The crunching continued until, with a swallow, the rat polished off the last of his snack with a grimace.

Apparently, even to those who could eat them, the rocks of this desert were not very appetising.

2013-06-11, 05:41 PM
Oh, you have got to be kidding me. They ate rocks. How the heck did you eat rocks? There shouldn't be any nutrients in rocks!

Staring in quiet horror, first at the rocks and then at the rats, he began to understand just why the rats were so eager to obtain their supplies. Logically, it didn't affect them; the rats were surviving just fine on rocks, so they didn't actually need the ponies' supplies. Still, Dive Bomb wanted to do at least a little something for them. But what?

"You eat... rocks," he said slowly, as if to confirm the obvious. "Nothing else?"

2013-06-11, 05:48 PM
The rat pointed towards the supply piles and squeaked out another reply.

As the rat stared at the mounds of grains and other items, his tiny stomach rumbled.

The rat squeaked out something in an apologetic tone.

One Tin Soldier
2013-06-12, 12:07 AM
"Hmm, Silent Vigil, Silent Vigil." muttered Iggy, as he tapped his chin in thought.

"Oh I think I remember! He was a pegasus right? Originally pink in colour? Two blue lightning bolts for a Cutie mark?"

It was amazing where he got this stuff from sometimes.

Grease shook her head. "Nope, afraid you're thinking of the wrong pony. He's an earth pony, with a gray coat - lighter than yours - and used to have a green mane. Had a tower for a cutie mark?"

She finished getting everything pulled back together. "There, you don't need to hold any of that anymore. Anyway, I guess you didn't know him by name. It's no big deal."

Of course it wasn't. Though that didn't stop her from feeling a little bit disappointed. It would have been nice to have some connection back to her family out here, no matter how small.

2013-06-12, 12:22 AM
"Oh that guy." replied Iggy, as he put down the harness he'd been holding. "I think I remember him now."

"Had command of the gate watch if I remember right. Handing out and checking passes for those leaving or entering the castle grounds after dark. I remember because of the cutie mark, it always looked so different to the white marble castle towers that I had to ask him about it when I first saw him."

2013-06-12, 07:04 PM
Cork's painting began to spread across the wall of the cavern, fanning outwards in a stunning display of artistic and creative might. The rats, skeptical at first, watched in silence as the masterpiece unfolded before them.

No longer an inanimate object, the painting grew ; like some flowering blossom as Crown poured more and more of his passion, of himself, into it.

Iggy, finishing with his work on the sled, turned to stare. The Ambassador, reclining on the stones near the entrance, nodded in appreciation as well. Even Rinda seemed in the process of swallowing whatever complaint she'd been thinking of voicing.

And, with everyone watching his progress, Crown Cork continued nurturing his work, and turning his vision into reality.

[Bumping this along now]

2013-06-12, 07:31 PM
Ugh... Now here was a choice where there didn't seem to be a right outcome. On one hand, the rats have stolen their supplies; they didn't have any right to take them, and stealing didn't really put any points in their favor. On the other, Dive Bomb couldn't help but feel a little sympathy for the little guys; an all-rock diet couldn't be tasty.

So, what was the right thing to do? If he were to give the rats part of their food--assuming that his friends were alright--then he'd have less in the future. He couldn't give it away and then ask his friends to do with less, after all. They had enough food for the moment, assuming that Cork was successful in his negotiations. And if the painting growing in his peripheral vision was any indication, they'd rapidly get their things back.

Gah. Dangit, he still didn't have an answer.

One Tin Soldier
2013-06-12, 11:54 PM
"Oh that guy." replied Iggy, as he put down the harness he'd been holding. "I think I remember him now."

"Had command of the gate watch if I remember right. Handing out and checking passes for those leaving or entering the castle grounds after dark. I remember because of the cutie mark, it always looked so different to the white marble castle towers that I had to ask him about it when I first saw him."

Grease smiled and nodded. That sounded more like him.

She finished attaching the second harness, making the sled ready to go. Now they just needed to get the supplies back on it.

Iggy, however, seemed distracted by something behind them. Must be Crown, she thought. What's he doing this time...

2013-06-13, 03:17 PM
Crown dashed about the cave, tending to the growing, living form

Swift brushstrokes sutured it into this world.

Soot kept fresh paint on hoof to give its limbs strength.

The breath of his mouth filled its lungs.

His very soul set its heart to beating.

How long he spent, waiting on its every need, he did not know. The dim memory of starting his work persisted, and all conscious thought passed away until the sharp *clack* of his brush falling against the stone floor - the first cry of the infant - marked the end of his toil.

What had once been a cold, dark cave had been reborn anew. Along the walls, lush, open fields beckoned for souls to enter, to come in and lay awhile, to forget the troubles of the road. Creatures of all shapes and sizes existed harmonious bliss underneath an evening sky. Griffons shared clouds with pegasi, ponies settled in the hay with cows and zebras, lion and lamb lay together in the tall grass. Beasts beyond imagining rested atop mountains beneath the divine wings of cherubim, their otherworldly forms offering no fright, only peace.

And everywhere the eye could see, industrious, noble, hardworking rats kept watchful eyes over all. A blanket of hay here, a sniffed-out light there, these quiet caretakers labored to keep their domain nothing if not the pinnacle of hospitality. And on the original slab of rock, the chief rat stood in unmistakable detail - down to the patches of color on his coat - accepting a payment of food and water from one creature, and a larger payment of inedible supplies from another. A turning sun and moon indicated the passage of a single day.

The message was simple enough; for a day's stay, an offering of food and/or water to their hosts. If such goods could not be spared, a larger offering of inedible supplies would suffice.

Wiping sweat and paint from his brow, Crown addressed the head rat. "If you...could be so kind as to recall your fellows who slipped out earlier, and have them deposit their takings on a pile...I would be most appreciative," he said nonchalantly in-between gasps for air.

2013-06-13, 06:57 PM
It took a few moments for the rats to react. Every one of them, from their leader right down to the smallest member in the pack, were too busy staring around at their cave, which had been transformed into ... into ...

Some art just could not be summed up in simple words.

The leader turned to his followers, and to the last rat they met his eyes and nodded.

Slowly, the leader turned to Cork. He seemed to be having trouble trying to find words of his own. His mouth opened and closed, gestures began but stopped halfway. Eventually, the rat seemed to give up, sagging slightly as he abandoned the traditional process of haggling over the final product.

Raising his head, once again an imperious, half-foot high figure of authority, the rat raised his tiny paws and clapped twice. The sound triggered a burst of activity amongst the rats, who immediately began taking the three piles of supplies back to the sled. Other rats appeared, from the back passage or dropping down from gaps in the ceiling, all of them bearing more of the pilfered supplies. There were older rats, younger ones, mothers and children, and all of them looked about in silent awe as they hopped through the cavern.

As all of this was happening, the head rat addressed the ponies, sprouting a long winded series of squeaks that only Iggy attempted to translate.

"I think he's saying 'thank you'" the unicorn said, somewhat unhelpfully.

2013-06-14, 02:56 AM
Dive Bomb turned as the rats began to scurry around him, scampering throuhg holes and grabbing supplies. He turned, slowly watching the spokesmouse lug a bit of carrot from a hole in the wall, and then...

And then...

He slowly drank it in. There was the leader, chest puffed out in pride at his noble rats' achievements and acknowledging a worth gift. Splotches of grey formed the mice, eyes bright and ears perked as they stared out of the wall.

When Cork proposed his plan, Dive Bomb had expected a few doodlings, maybe one well-done drawing of the lader, and to be escorted out under armed guard. This... How could so much paint have fit into one suitcase?

2013-06-14, 05:07 PM
Crown watched the reactions of his clients with obvious satisfaction. All the piles of food and water and supplies, and even the few that he let slip by earlier.

Who was being sloppy with their supplies now?

...although he did wish the lead rat had kept his drawing-stick. Crown made a few assumptions of his own, and ran with the conversation. "You're quite welcome. Fair trade is fair trade, after all. Now then; all you must to do preserve the work is simply wait for the paints to dry. Avoid getting them wet, and this painting should last nigh-indefinitely. Shielded from the elements and free from moisture means a long, long life for your cave-art."

One Tin Soldier
2013-06-14, 07:36 PM
Grease stared at the painting, wide-eyed. Sure, Crown had described himself as an artist, but this was honestly impressive. Especially given the time constraints. Whenever Brush Stroke set out to make a piece, it usually took him days for even relatively simple works. Sure, carving stone was slower than painting, but she expected to be waiting here for hours. This was... wow.

Maybe they wouldn't need to snatch-and-grab after all.

2013-06-14, 09:56 PM
Soot whistled at the finished product Cork had made, it was truly something. She almost worried that the next traveler would assume he'd gone insane to see something like it so out of the way.

Her eyes widened when she saw the rats giving not only everything they had presented, but also what they had pocketed all the while. She blushed realizing she had fallen for an easy scam after assuming she had figured them out.

Passing by Cork as she gazed in awe at the masterpiece, she quickly whispered "Gotta hoof it to you Cork. You certainly saved us a run with all this."

2013-06-14, 10:42 PM
No. Bad face. No expression, because if you do, Cork will be celebrating and shoving it in your face with bad grace for however long I know him.

Dive Bomb circled the room, examining the drawings carefully. It was good work--bloody amazing, actually, though he'd never admit it. And Crown'd gotten all of their stuff back for them, an amazing feat by itself.

Now if only "Artist" didn't coincide with "stuck-up wannabe Naponyeon," that'd be something.

Quietly, he moved to the carts, watching to see that everything was balanced in the load.

2013-06-15, 10:57 AM
The rats lined up along the back of the cave, their numbers swelled by the newcomers who had returned the remaining supplies. The young, the old - a whole tribe had come forth to see the miracle of art and inspiration that now imbued the walls of their home.

The lead rat squeaked a final farewell as the pack watched the ponies leave. Their faces were a mix of emotions; awe, gratitude, sadness and loss tinged the eyes and whiskers of the assembled. Most of the latter were belonged to the youngest, and directed at the piles of food that had been returned.

But the way out was clear, they had everything back ... and the desert night beckoned once more.

2013-06-15, 09:35 PM

Not an apology. Merely appreciation.

...it would suffice for now.

"When I say I will do what is necessary for survival, I mean that I will do exactly what is necessary for survival." Crown beheld his work one final time, waving daintily at the collected rats. Even though the weariness of the journey weighed heavily upon him, it had never been able to touch that ever-present flame dancing beneath his eyes. And yet, as they set out on this third morning, the fire within him sputtered and grew dimmer. Just as a little piece of himself had been invested in its creation, so too a little piece of himself was left behind.

Crown sighed deeply, then moved to his position at the rear of the company. "My word remains true."

2013-06-16, 03:15 PM
Dive Bomb shrugged into the harness easily enough, looking back at the mocha colt staring at his art. "Soot?" he asked softly, "would you mind helping me pull the stretcher?"

One Tin Soldier
2013-06-16, 04:00 PM
"So who feels up for helping me pull the sled?" Grease asked as she started to strap herself in.

2013-06-16, 08:30 PM
Those faces...

Soot couldn't help but feel a twinge of guilt at the thought of leaving these rats with absolutely nothing but a painting. Despite everything arguing that they should. It was ours to begin with, they could get by without it, they gave it up of their own accord so it wouldn't be taking, they would get some from the next traveler, ect. ect. But there was something holding her back from leaving them to their fate.

They remind me of home...

Stealing to get by, relying on each other to keep them going, Celestia flick it I'm not trotting off while they hope for the next traveler, if there is one.

She turned back to the rest. "Hold up a moment? I know we're stretched on water but what about food? It... it just doesn't feel right to leave them with a beautiful painting but an empty stomach."

2013-06-16, 09:11 PM
Dive Bomb paused, a fleeting look of guilt passing his muzzle. "They have enough to live on," he said quietly. "And higher quality food may make them reject what they already have."

2013-06-16, 09:26 PM
Crown flicked an ear lazily and scratched at his muzzle in a most undignified manner. "I suddenly find myself devoid of anything useful to say," he stated factually.

2013-06-16, 10:03 PM
"So you're back to normal, then," Dive Bomb snarked. It was out there before he could rein it in; the setup was just too perfect.

2013-06-16, 10:12 PM
"Come on," Soot said insistently "We've given them a chance to turn themselves around, but who knows when they'll be able to use all this?" she gestured to the painting "Besides, if something happens, they might need a little more than rocks, don't you think?"

She stared defiantly at Dive Bomb, refusing to back down on this.

2013-06-16, 10:19 PM
Crown looked blankly at the upstart pegasus.

He turned to look at the massive painting behind them.

He turned to look at the piles of food and supplies that he earned for them.

All he had to say, he said in a measured, level tone:


He snorted derisively, and turned away from Dive Bomb.

2013-06-17, 12:53 AM
Dive Bomb paused, looking askance at the small filly. How'd she known about the rocks? He'd thought that their discussion had been relatively quiet. "It is illogical to give them what they don't need," he began slowly. "They have a stable food supply, with no sign of running out. We cannot say the same for ourselves.

"With that said, I... it would be nice to give just a little bit. As a gesture of thanks."

2013-06-17, 04:54 AM
"I must protest" chimed the ambassador. "I do not see why we should continue indulging these ... well, these literal vermin. And I certainly don't see the point of giving them any of our rapidly dwindling supplies."

"Oh. I dunno" said Iggy, who had strapped himself in beside Grease. "I thought they were quite nice, once you get past the whole robbing-us-while-we-slept thing, I mean."

"Besides, it's always good to make new friends." he added, after a moments pause.

Rinda looked askance at the unicorn or a moment, before adding her own two bits to the discussion.

"Yeah, I think I've got to agree with the boss on this one. I mean, we need to look out for each other first here if we're ever gonna get out of this place. And really, what do we owe those guys?"

One Tin Soldier
2013-06-17, 02:05 PM
Grease felt conflicted. On one hoof, the rats had tried to steal from them, without even truly needing it. Whereas she and the others didn't even know where they could get their next batch of supplies. They certainly couldn't afford to give up their water. Logically speaking, they had every right to keep hold of what they had.

But on the other hoof... it just didn't feel right to leave them with nothing. Soot was right; they could spare a little. Even if it was just a meal or two's worth that they "accidentally" dropped, it would make the rats happy.

Compassion and practicality warred in her mind. She knew that a decision needed to be made, but she didn't think she could make one at the moment. So, she did what leaders often do. She delegated responsibility.

"If you want to leave a bit of your rations, then go ahead. Just don't give up too much."

2013-06-17, 02:17 PM
Turning to the griffons Soot retorted "Well we did just kind of barged into their cave and made ourselves at home. I know they stole from us but that doesn't mean we can just leave them hoping the next traveler to come along will have something."
She glared at the three opposing her. "It's not right."

2013-06-17, 04:59 PM
Crown's response to all this brouhaha was to practice his tail-flicking. If he could learn how to scratch his back while walking, then he could save himself a great deal of fuss and woe...

[Feel free to skip Crown unless he's addressed directly. True to his word, he'll be doing a whole lot of nothing on his own.]

2013-06-17, 06:16 PM
Turning to the griffons Soot retorted "Well we did just kind of barged into their cave and made ourselves at home. I know they stole from us but that doesn't mean we can just leave them hoping the next traveler to come along will have something."
She glared at the three opposing her. "It's not right."

"It's pure foalishness." Retorted the ambassador. "If you wish to waste your food on them, you may, of course, but you shall give them none of mine."

Rinda said nothing, but she shot the ambassador an irritated glare as he laid out his ultimatum.

[You'll have to tell me how much Soot leaves so I can track when she (and anypony else who is leaving something) starts running low. You had four about six days left each as I recall. The upside is Ill pay kindness or generosity regains commensurate with how much is left.]

2013-06-17, 08:24 PM
Soot glared at him before turning back to the cart. She withdrew about a day's worth of food for herself, mostly grains and other foods easily kept and distributed. Then she left the food for the rodents.

Looking at them all she gave them a stern look. "This is all I can spare so make it last. You don't know how long before the next traveler will come along. Savor it alright?"

2013-06-17, 08:58 PM

A second pile of food - about a day's worth of grains and other such foods - landed next to Soot's offering.

Crown put on a show of yawning, appearing quite dull in the head, and completely disinterested in whatever his tail had just been doing. Which was certainly not swiping a few supplies from the shed and tossing them over to Soot.

Absolutely not.

(After thinking it over, Crown would leave food too in this situation because reasons.)

2013-06-17, 10:06 PM
Soot looked up, surprised for a moment by the second offering before noticing that Cork attempting to distance himself from the act. She gave a little smile and 'I saw what you did there' look before going back to the stretcher with Dive Bomb. It was nice to know that Crown still cared, even when he was in a huff.

"Ok I think we're ready to go then."

2013-06-17, 10:32 PM
Dive Bomb snorted at the offering of food, and shifted in his harness to get more comfortable. Stretching out his wings, getting the kinks out, making sure he wouldn't get cramped on the night's journey. If his wings accidentally scooped some pears out of the sled and rolled them towards the cave, then of course it wasn't his fault. Giving away food like that was completely illogical. They needed their own supplies; they weren't able to give them out to everyone that wanted them.

"I think so," he agreed, a hint of a smile decorating the corner of his mouth.

2013-06-17, 11:16 PM
Suddenly a last thought crossed Soot's mind as she looked over the cave one last time.

The Carving.

Her pupils shrunk as she realized she had nearly forgotten it "Wait! Wait! Wait! Hold up, one last thing!" she rushed back to the rats.
"So what's with that carving in the back wall in there?" she asked the group, hoping to find the head rat or some other knowledgable looking rat in the group.

One Tin Soldier
2013-06-19, 01:49 AM
"Carving?" Grease asked. She hadn't noticed any carvings in the cave... though hadn't Soot been saying something about them that morning? She had been so tired, she could barely remember.

2013-06-19, 05:25 AM
If the rats had been surprised to see Soot return, they had certainly been surprised when she deposited her rations in front of them.

A days rations for one pony wasn't much, particularly when spread over upwards of a score of rats, but the gratitude on their faces still shone through. The youngest ones were beaming, tugging on their parents coats and chittering with all the excitement of children who had been promised dessert for the next week.

Soot could feel te warmth from those tiny eyes, it felt ... right

[2wp regain for soot]


Amazingly, a second pile soon joined the first, followed by several pears from the sled as both Cork and Dive added their contributions.

It was an additional boost to the offerings, as well as a heartwarming gesture of support to the unicorn mare.

[1more Wp for convincing others. Food stores now at 5 days]

Suddenly a last thought crossed Soot's mind as she looked over the cave one last time.

The Carving.

Her pupils shrunk as she realized she had nearly forgotten it "Wait! Wait! Wait! Hold up, one last thing!" she rushed back to the rats.
"So what's with that carving in the back wall in there?" she asked the group, hoping to find the head rat or some other knowledgable looking rat in the group.

The head rat had hopped forward as soon as the food had appeared, his expression one of disbelief as he stared at the offerings.

He had to tear his gaze away to answer Soot's question.

Unfortunately, his answer really only consisted of a short statement and a shrug, accompanied by some gestures towards the back chamber.

2013-06-19, 07:08 PM
"Nothing, seriously?" Soot asked in disbelief at the apparent lack of knowledge the rats had about the feature of the cave that had vexed her all day.
Turning to Grease Spot she explained "Last night after the argument I took a look in the back room of the cave. There's these carvings, it looks like a series of symbols in a circular arangement, like a clock face. There's also something more recent, looks like shorthoof writing. I couldn't make heads or tails of it so I decided to wait till evening when someone would feel like helping me." she raised her voice in the Ambassador's direction at this last part.
"I nearly forgot about it in all the excitement."

2013-06-19, 07:22 PM
The rat sqeaked out somethig apologetic before starting another explanation. After a few seconds of blank stares, he was interruped by Iggy as the unicorn guardpony deposited his day's rations next to the others.

The rat squeaked out one more frustrated comment, his paws opening and closing. Iggy took a look at him, then glanced back at the cart

"Huh ... Did you guys want me to go get that drawing spike again?" he asked.

One Tin Soldier
2013-06-19, 11:20 PM
Grease sighed and rolled her eyes. "If you're going to do anything, make it quick. At this rate we'll lose half the night just waiting around."

2013-06-20, 04:06 AM
Dive Bomb paused in his adjusting the straps, and eased out of the harness. "What's going on?" he asked quietly, sidling up next to Grease.

One Tin Soldier
2013-06-20, 09:43 PM
Grease shrugged. "Apparently Soot found some writing in the back of the cave this morning."

2013-06-20, 10:24 PM
There were writings. There had been writings, here in the cave, and he hadn't known about it. He could have spent the night studying, or figuring things out! And now, they'd eaten up so much time dealing with the rats that there wasn't any more time to study!

"I wish I'd known that," he said quietly, his wings bristling in annoyance.

2013-06-21, 08:57 AM

The drawing-spike landed next to Igneous' hooves.

Crown, meanwhile, fussed and scraped some imaginary uncleanliness from his hooves. Perhaps he had been a little liberal in his interpretation of the punishment, but if they remained here much longer, it would certainly become a matter of survival.

Hmph. How quickly to chaos a group turns when its guiding voice falls silent... He mused to himself.

2013-06-21, 12:05 PM
Iggy looked to the ground, before scooping up the spike with a burst of golden magic. Triumphantly, he held it out to the rat leader, who snatched it out of the air with a markedly unimpressed gaze.

Turning, the leader began to scribble again. First was an irregular blob, the same that had been used to depict the cave earlier that night. He squeaked a few words at the group before continuing.

Next to that he drew the same cave again, but this time drew a group of rats inside it. He then drew an arrow from the second cave back to the first. he squeaked out some words before scribbling a seven pointed star within the first, empty cave.

2013-06-21, 05:58 PM
Sadly, there was no sound of some other helpful object being thrown right at the ungrateful lot's hooves this time. That would involve Crown throwing himself at their hooves which, in addition to being physically unfeasible, was quite the opposite of the intended effect of the punishment.

Silence would be all they would be getting for now.

2013-06-21, 08:40 PM
"Some kind of connection?" Dive Bomb guessed. "Between the caves?" Oh, this was impossible; all he wanted was some kind of intelligent conversation with someone who'd tell him about themselves! And there was never enough time!

2013-06-21, 09:24 PM
Sadly, there was no sound of some other helpful object being thrown right at the ungrateful lot's hooves this time. That would involve Crown throwing himself at their hooves which, in addition to being physically unfeasible, was quite the opposite of the intended effect of the punishment.

Silence would be all they would be getting for now.

Triumphantly, Iggy scooped Cork aloft in a burst of golden mag--

No, wait. He didn't do that. That would be stupid

Instead, Iggy sidled back towards where Cork was standing, letting the others there handle the discussion. Quietly, so that only Cork and himself could hear, the unicorn pony leaned in and whispered.

"Don't you want to help them translate again?"

2013-06-21, 09:57 PM
Triumphantly, Iggy scooped Cork aloft in a burst of golden mag--

No, wait. He didn't do that. That would be stupid

Instead, Iggy sidled back towards where Cork was standing, letting the others there handle the discussion. Quietly, so that only Cork and himself could hear, the unicorn pony leaned in and whispered.

"Don't you want to help them translate again?"

Crown harrumphed and turned his nose up. "I don't see how understanding a series of doodles is critical to our survival. My efforts are better spent elsewhere."

Flick, flick, flick went his tail at his own back.

Ahhhhhhh, yes. That was the itchy spot.

2013-06-21, 10:21 PM
"Oh ... okay" he whispered, drawing back. "If you don't think they need it ..."

2013-06-22, 06:19 PM
"Some kind of connection?" Dive Bomb guessed. "Between the caves?" Oh, this was impossible; all he wanted was some kind of intelligent conversation with someone who'd tell him about themselves! And there was never enough time!

The rat shook his head, babbling along in his own language. It didn't seem like this was what he was trying to say.

[bumpity bump]

2013-06-22, 06:37 PM
"It was here when you got here, is that it?" Soot guessed

2013-06-22, 06:42 PM
The rat pointed to Soot, nodding in confirmation.

2013-06-22, 07:15 PM
Dive Bomb groaned. They didn't know, and there wasn't time to study it. "We need to move," he said quietly. There wasn't enough water to dawdle anywhere.

2013-06-22, 07:19 PM
"Well take a look at least," Soot urged "I'd hate to just leave it behind if any of us can figure it out."

2013-06-22, 11:52 PM
"Oh ... okay" he whispered, drawing back. "If you don't think they need it ..."

Crown started and intercepted the guardspony. "Now just hold on one moment, Mister Igneous. I don't dare entertain the notion that they don't need my help. Why, just look at them! Not a creative bone in their bodies!"

He pointed to the collected ponies.

The collected ponies who chose that exact moment to solve the riddle of the pictures.

Crown's eye faintly twitched, and he slowly withdrew his hoof. "...like I was saying, no creative bones before I took Miss Soot underneath my proverbial wing."

2013-06-23, 12:48 AM
"...Just a sketch," allowed the colt. It wouldn't take more than five minutes to sketch out what was there, maybe a bit more if he made rubbings of certain more detailed areas.

2013-06-23, 03:42 AM
"Well take a look at least," Soot urged "I'd hate to just leave it behind if any of us can figure it out."

The rat leader shrugged, gesturing towards the back passage as if to say 'go ahead'. Indeed, none of the rats would disturb the ponies if they chose to venture back there.

The passage between the two caverns was much the same as it had been yesterday. Smooth-walled, twisty, yet free of any obstructions such as stalactites or stalagmites. Of course, their absence would likely have gone unnoticed, save from ponies like Dive Bomb, whose background of study would allow him to attribute the observed fact to the absence of water in this place.

But while the tunnel was similar, the cavern itself was decidedly not

The carvings that had snaked their way around the walls were smoother, as if worn away by many more decades of erosion than they had been, just the night before. The carving itself, had faded almost to nothing. If Soot hadn't know exactly where it was from the night before, she could have missed it entirely. As it was, she led them right to what was now a series of near-formless indentations, arranged in a circle. It was nearly impossible to identify the carvings were there, let alone what each had depicted.

[DC 25 perception check to spot anything, higher gets you more.]

The most telling difference, though, was the magic. Only a unicorn would have noticed, but the air was positively thick with the feel of it. It seemed to permeate the whole room, wafting through the air and dripping from the walls.

Iggy, had frozen upon entering the cave, staring around wide eyed. After a few minutes of wonderment, he spoke;

"Awesome! Another cave! I wonder who put it here?"

====ooo000 000ooo====

Meanwhile, those who had remained outside were busying themselves in other ways. The rats, happy with their good fortune, had begun taking the food and carrying it back to the holes in the walls where they made their homes. The outer cave was abuzz with chitters and squeaks as they discussed their sudden good fortune, and (possibly) praised the generosity of their guests.

The Ambassador had taken the time to quarantine a day's worth of supplies for his own use, tucking them into his saddlebags and making good his half-promise/half-threat to Soot - no matter what the others did with the rest, he would have one day's more than those who had given theirs away. Rinda had gathered her own, largely under the ambassador's instruction, but surreptitiously dumped it back into the communal pile when his back was turned.

"I think we're down to five days worth now." she observed, as she looked over the sled morosely. "Unless we find a new source of food in that city place, we're going to be doubly in trouble before long."

2013-06-23, 09:03 PM
Dive Bomb scrutinized the wall, brushing a wing over the dimples in the wall before writing down what he saw in his notepad. "We don't have time to stay and study this," he said regretfully, tucking the notepad into his saddlebags. "We can try to figure it out as we walk."