View Full Version : [3.5] PC evolving into mounted warrior

2013-04-10, 09:57 PM
So I started out with a 20 level build for a gestalt dual-dwarven waraxe-wielding Ftr/Wiz/Rog. Now I've found a kick-harse riding lizard [FRCS 308]...and I want to ride it.
But I'm so niche already, and on 4th level already.
Now, I know it ain't goin'ta b'pretty, and it ain't goin'ta b'optimized, but could I get a little help on direction?

Any source (save cheese, but suggest away).
Currently Ftr 2/Wiz 2/Rog 2, TWF, Dodge, Over-sized TWF, Mobility, Combat Casting, Weapon Focus (waraxe), 2 x Flaws.
Str 14, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 16, Wis 10, Cha 6.

Haven't really been focusing on sneaking as much as maneuverability for activating Sneak Attacks (i.e. Dodge, Mobility).

While my mount has a comparable 30 hp to me and the rest of the party at this point, his survivability later on is an issue. Altho I suppose a mount upgrade in the future is not out of the question.

Liking the 3 attacks of my mount...and of course the Climb speed 40ft.

I originally thought I would need some sort of training (i.e. Ride ranks and Mounted Combat) to make use of my mount, but so far haven't found any major roadblocks to using my mount.
Are there any?
Can I continue my build without worrying about adjusting?
Complaints? (other than "this is SO not optimized...loser")

As always, I bow to the collective flami...I mean, wisdom...of the Playground.

Happy gaming!