View Full Version : Campaign Advice

2013-04-10, 11:54 PM
What I'm asking you:
I have a campaign setting, for Pathfinder. I've made it. Should I do it or should I start some pre-made campaigns that would probably be easier.

If you think it's more rewarding to do your own campaign, can I have advice on mine? I know it needs a lot of work and I'm willing to do a lot more to it.

I'm pretty new at DMing, I've dm'd one campaign and never finished it (I finished university and left.) and never had the chance to stick out an entire campaign before.

My campaign setting:
The Reclamation Of Empire
given to players for their own amusement and to set the tone of the campaign.
It was the year 4050 when the war began. A war like none other, for the very barriers of space and time were wrent asunder as the many forces of the stricken empire collided in an orgy of destruction.

It was the time the world as it was known, ended, and our world began. Ships that soared the stars were wrecked upon the shores of worlds unknown, towers that caressed the stars brought low, cities that stretched from sky to sky across the land were laid ruin unto the ground. The populace of the many worlds were stricken under as they beset their enemies with plagues, beasts and weapons.

This was everything that has been and is no longer.

Now the world that we live in is beset, mankind is dying at the claws, tentacles and limbs of monsters brought into existence by the war. Beings of unimaginable power watch over the land and strike down those who do not worship their might. The most powerful tools of the age gone past are wrought unusable by powers unknown, the very last weapons fired on the war ensuring that no others of their like would be ever fired again.


You have lived your life in a city, overrun with monsters, humans and other neutral specieis eek out a living by salvage and fighting for their lives.

You are a salavager. This is non negotiable, all slaves of Edwards Hall are pressed into service as salvagers, only those that survive the harrowing experience win their freedom. You are close to being free and becoming a full citizen.

Campaign Rules:
Each character is a slave (currently) level five. You have 0 gold. You may have up to 8000 gold worth of items.

Your backstory may include how you became a slave. As long as you have a good back story, I'll probably allow it or adjust it to fit.

You have a collar around your neck. it's thick, black material and indestructible short of removing your head. If you can survive that, your character is aware it will kill you anyway.

The Collar contains a kill switch, as well as letting authorities know your location at all times.

You may have any species/class in the core rulebook. Every time you change your class please provide a copy to the DM so I may tailor situations to the party.

The scenery

Located in a city that spans the horizon is the ruins of humanity. Towers reach to the sky, mementos of better times, tunnels carve deep into the earth so far that the very air burns the flesh off those unfortunate to wander that deep. The ruins of different lands lay nearby, forest filled by monsters and ruins of brightly colored ships, each flying a skull and crossbones on their beaten flags.

Rivers, both naturallly formed and made from scars carved into the ground cross the ruins, some towers are intact, looking peaceful, others are naught but rubble.

The centrepoint of the world is the Tower of Demon. The largest surviving structure visible from any elevated position. The Tower vanishes into the sky towards the massive structure that orbits geosyncrously above: what it is noone knows. Noone has managed to enter the Tower in living memory, monsters dwell within.

The streets are unsafe. Plagued by monsters, both by foot and wing, the monsters ability to see great distances help when the relatively uncluttered streets stretch for miles in straight lines.

Need to make a map. though it'll be generally useless as you'll rarely be in a position to make use of it.

The People

Since the fall the survivors have mostly banded together in halls or enclaves. Each one has taken advantage of their relatively organized survival, taking slaves in from the surrounds or amongst themselves in exchange for supplied protection. The slaves are used soley for scavenging and salvaging of the surrounds. Each slave is used for a period of two years before earning their freedom or being banished for their failures. This keeps the hall strong, well armed and ensures that those who are banished are less likely to fail and kill everyone.

Many minor groups live in less comfortable places scattered around, above and below the streets, even tribes of pirates live in the deep forest nearby.

Themepark Pirates! the place where your family can have a Whale of a time! ride the swinging ship! experience the thrill of boarding other ship while the safety contra-gravity ensures a thrilling yet safe fall! be keelhauled! swim with one of the rare $FSD$FSFD.

What else?

There are rumours of the war restarting, how this could happen noone knows, after all... nothing from the old world works. And the things that DO work? Well, noones figured out how! or why.

A few bits for thought.
many Ceilings glow twenty four hours a day, bright enough to grow plants under, many enclaves keep themselves fed with these plants in undercover farms.

Fresh air is always circulating throughout all the structures.

Noone has figured out where the air comes from.

Debris and Damage is removed as time goes on.

Noone has ever seen what repairs or cleans
Sometimes the damage is repaired. Other times just cleaned up.

Thanks in advance for your advice and help

2013-04-11, 12:02 AM
There is a middle ground: run modules set within your setting. Grab an adventure off the shelf, browse through it, and then make any modification necessary before incorporating it in your world. Also, about the whole enslavement deal, how close are they? If it was more than a single session thing, it would grate on me as a player. Of course, I absolutely hate restrictions, so I might not be objective. It just seems like the players would be strait-jacketed into whatever it is that their employer wanted them to do. Not a bad thing for a slave, but if I'm playing D&D I don't want the DM's response to my actions to be "lol, no, your master hits the kill-switch, reroll."

Oh, also, have you been reading Terry Brooks?

2013-04-11, 12:28 AM
There is a middle ground: run modules set within your setting. Grab an adventure off the shelf, browse through it, and then make any modification necessary before incorporating it in your world.

cool, thats a really good idea, thanks for that :)

Also, about the whole enslavement deal, how close are they? If it was more than a single session thing, it would grate on me as a player.

The slave thing should be very close, three sessions max.

The first session an introductory one, where they've gotten a new 'Handler' who puts them through their paces in some tests. If everyone shows they can play their character well enough i'll merge the second session into this.

Second session is a search/rescure/scavenge session. They get sent out under the direction fo the handler to find out what happened to another party that's overdue for return. They will run into things that are _very_ clearly out of their level range and will have to use trickery and skill to salvage the corpses and return alive. A few hiccups along the way will ensure there's a little bit of combat within the range they can win.

If the OOC talk prior indicates that they realize this isn't a my little pony campaign, i'll begin session three with their freedom.

Third session, handler comes out with, runs away at first glance against something dangeorus... they're forced to continue themselves.

They return from the mission and are granted their freedom, a chunk of gold and given options - stay on as adventurers or leave the enclave - never to return.

In either case, the next 'job' will be to get to an enclave near by. if they choose banishment it'll come up as a history or location check and the only place that's safe nearby, if they stay, they'll be told that the enclave has fallen silent and requires an investigation.

Of course, I absolutely hate restrictions, so I might not be objective. It just seems like the players would be strait-jacketed into whatever it is that their employer wanted them to do. Not a bad thing for a slave, but if I'm playing D&D I don't want the DM's response to my actions to be "lol, no, your master hits the kill-switch, reroll."

Oh, also, have you been reading Terry Brooks?
Restrictions are going to be obvious, most of the players I've played with have been more than a bit crazy. I want this to be in game reason, ie: they've just been freed and they're happy about it. so when people try crazy things, npcs and other pc's have reasons to act in character about it."just because you're free now, doesn't mean you have to throw your life away!"

The kill switch would only occur if the party actively rebelled against Edwards Hall. so, short of running away from your work or comitting murder/etc in edwardshall, your fine. In game explanation is that noone wanted to scavenge for resources (it is scary and somewhat dangerous), so all the powerful people made the collars so the scavengers didn't run away.

- Edit-
don't know who terry brooks is?