View Full Version : Balance Concerns for Two Kinds of Parties

2013-04-11, 11:02 AM
I'm loosely planning out two campaigns right now. Although I might merge the concepts into one campaign, because I can.

I should express that these will be Pathfinder campaigns, but some Tome of Battle content will likely make it's way in. 6 Players

The first one is for martial characters only.
Starting classes are Fighter, Rogue/Ninja, Monk, Barbarian, TWF Ranger. Starting level is 3, each player must take 3 levels of their chosen class. At level 5, multiclassing opens broaden slightly, adding in the options of Paladin, Inquisitor, and Bard. ToB material might be involved at later levels, but assume for the question below that it will not be.

The second one is for casters only.
Starting classes are Wizard, Cleric, Druid, Sorcerer, Summoner, Oracle.
However, there is a special rule here, the party must have a minimum of 3 Wizards, preferably 4. Starting level is 3, Prestige Classes must be approved on a case by case basis.

How would you balance encounters differently for each party?