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2013-04-11, 03:03 PM
The meeting hall was built large enough to house the entire Red Claw tribe with room to spare. The great -- some said, the biggest of its kind -- leather-domed structure perched securely in the branches of the clanhold's largest tree, given the honor of housing Riluk's sword -- the Tribe's Heart -- witnessed countless naming, comings of age, feasts, ceremonies and oaths. And, of course, the meetings. At least once a moon -- frequently more -- Olga would call the tribe together in order to hear out any grievances, to address problems and to bring discontent out into the open instead of letting it fester and grow. She would frequently encourage other tribe members to offer help or solutions -- after all, it was only through everyone's efforts that the tribe prospered and grew.

Now the hall holds a mere dozen kobolds -- survivors of the plague. The chief called a tribe meeting and so they attend, as custom demands.

Olga raps her staff on the floor three times to call for order as she always does, though this time there's no real need. The strikes echo across the empty space.

"The Tribe gathers," the aged chieftess intones in a tired-sounding voice. She spent the last three days performing funeral rites -- a duty she was forced to neglect as she cared for the sick. "With the Heart as our witness, let those who have grievances speak them, but speak them truthfully. And let those who offer advice and comfort, offer them from the heart."

Olga pauses and looks at the gathered kobolds -- then visibly suppresses a sigh.

"The tribe has suffered," she continues. "The tribe has suffered greatly. But it endured. We endure and we will continue to endure, like we always did. The Red Claw Tribe lives on!"

"However," she continues wearily, "we are now few in number, our brothers and sisters dead, most of our warriors fallen to a foe they could not fight or deceive. And for those that remain -- before you is the task of protecting the tribe from those who will see our weakness and pounce upon us like a wolf upon a wounded doe. My question to you, our warriors, is how do you plan to defend our borders and protect the tribe?"

"And, more importantly… how can the tribe help you accomplish this?"

2013-04-11, 09:43 PM

The Blood Claw known as Brynar sat sill as a stone, his light moss green eyes staring sullenly at Riluk's sword. He wears light brown leather armor lined with fur over his rusty orange scales. On his left shoulder perches a white gyrfalcon with black spots and dark eyes. Its head swivels around looking at anyone making the slightest noise. The falcon's talons dig deeply into the thick hide gauntlet that protects Brynar's arm from wrist to shoulder. He looks down a his dyed blood red hands before speaking.

"We have always been a small tribe. It is in our blood to overcome numerous foes. Remember Riluk. By the grace of Udin have we been able to hold a territory as vast as the Umberwood." He pauses, thinking, "The gnolls only have kept their distance because they know how well we hold these lands. If they were to know how... weak we have become... We can not let this happen. We need to keep patrols regular, and our traps maintained. We must maintain a facade of strength."

Another pause, "And then there are the other kobold tribes... How much can we trust them. The Umberwood is a much desired land, and they may want take advantage of our current state. Maybe we cold seek aid from the Aliat tribe. We have a surplus of supplies to trade with now. What about you, my friends." He looks at his fellow Blood Claws, "What do you think we should do?"

2013-04-11, 10:49 PM

Spar sits far aback of the meeting, pressed against the wall. He watches the proceedings, nods coolly at the chieftess as he catches her eye, and settles into the shadows. He acknowledges the losses the tribe has suffered, but it is not in him to suggest a solution.

The shadows play across his languid features as he turns to take in the tribe - what is left of it. His eye blinks slowly, the never-quite healed scar stretching the lid to strange, leering proportions. The red of his hands and arms contrasts with the green of his scales, all the more noticeably thanks to the muddied, wilds-stained leathers he wears even now.

He listens carefully to Brynar's words, processing the wisdom the taller Kobold offered. When he was certain the Blood Claw had finished, he added his own support, his soft voice just loud enough to be heard in the hall, "We patrol. It will not do, to be thought of as weak."

2013-04-12, 04:49 AM

Meepo sat near Brynar, quiet and deep in thoughts. He wears baggy clothes, in colors which help him blend in while hunting in the forest and a hide shirt made from wolf's hide on it, for protection, the grey armor matches the color of Meepo's own scales. His black eyes are filled with sorrow as he looks at what remains of his clan, but he livens up when Brynar stops talking.

"Yes. We need to patrol and to keep our traps working... But we need to plan it well first. Our tribe was much bigger and could afford to keep this territory. Now we are just a few." He says, while pointing around with his right hand. "We don't have much of a choice. We need to either decrease the territory, we consider ours... or somehow gain the numbers..."

2013-04-12, 05:14 AM
Lox stood from next to where Spar was sitting, brooding in shadows as he does, Why not send a scout to our Brothers of other tribes? According to legend, we were all once one Great Tribe, so why can't we be again?

2013-04-12, 09:47 AM
Taking a deep breath Meerk steps forward out of the shadows where he'd been listening to the others discussing the future of his beloved tribe whilst not one of them has so far mention the greatest problem facing the Red Claws.

"Although patrols are important the greatest threat to the tribes future right now is the Udin situation" he declares boldly while looking around at each of his fellow Red Claws "He stopped responding to us and shortly afterwards the plague" a haunted look enters Meerks eyes when he mentions the plague but he shakes it off softly adding "Almost wiped us out" taking another deep breath he pushes on with his thoughts "Does it mean we've lost his favour? or that another spirit has usurped him? Either way without the blessing of the spirit that controls Umberwood no tribe can dwell here, without Udin's support we will be forced to leave the Umberwood and seek out new lands elsewhere"

After saying his piece Meerk takes his seat once more, looking a little bit nervous after having spoken his thoughts so openly.

2013-04-12, 11:33 AM
Lox waved the notion away, We can deal with you spirits once the flesh and blood of our people are taken care of, Meerks.

2013-04-12, 01:40 PM
"If the Blood Claws think that they can maintain the patrols with only a quarter of their number remaining -- so be it," Olga nods heavily. "You know your own capabilities best. As for Udin -- I… I still do not know what happened to the spirit. I called upon him countless times since he fell silent, but…" the chieftess shakes her head. "I was going to journey to his grove this summer, bring Traya with me that she could swear fealty and receive his gift…"

She falls silent for a long moment.

"It would be a long journey," she says quietly. "A perilous one, for Udin resides at the heart of the forest, where trees are old and… old things hide beneath them. I was there only once before, when I succeeded Istriel as leader of our tribe. And I do not think I would be even allowed to find that place, were it not for Udin's permission," Olga shakes her head. "If we offended Udin for one reason or another, journeying there would only mean death. Please, warriors. Do not go."

"Now, does anyone else has anything they would like to bring before the tribe?"

Itzi, the farmer stands up.

"Yes. The animals. I think we need to slaughter some… a lot of them. There's just too many... No, I don't mean it this way!" her voice takes on a defensive tone. "Yes, it's tiring. Yes, I can barely stand at the end of the day. But I'd gladly continue caring for them -- if there was a point to it. There's too many of them and too few of us -- the eggs, the milk, we can't eat all of it, so most goes to waste! The meat we could at least preserve for longer that a few days."

Others have something to say as well. Tcherkyy complains that one of the clanhold's larger platforms is "feeling wobbly" and says he needs help to get it fixed. Kros offers it -- he says he doesn't have much to do anyway with no hides coming in from hunters, so unless anyone has any better ideas for where he could be useful… Kiroe brings up a similar issue -- with the tribe so greatly reduced, there's suddenly very little demand for their skills.

"Me and Mom can keep on fixing leather straps until the end of winter, but I'm sure our warriors could find a use for our skills -- you just have to tell us what you need," she finishes.

Finally, Merun, who up until now was sitting quietly, petting Shia who lay beside him, her head in his lap, gets up and speaks in a slightly shaky voice.

"I just wanted to ask… I mean, I know that with what happened…" he swallows nervously. "I know that it's too early -- that I'm too young. But we need warriors and we need them now. I… I want to take the Blood Claw oath."


Planning out patrol routes so that your handful can cover sufficient ground will require a Knowledge (Local) roll -- you can use Aid Another with no limit on participants -- you're essentially pooling together your familiarity with Umberwood, though I'll ask that you choose who makes the "main" roll beforehand.

Also, the rolling can probably wait until the meeting is over.

2013-04-12, 02:58 PM

Brynar frowns at Lox's derision of Meerks' comment. Brynar and Meerks were of age and were trained together as Blood Claws. Brynar always respected Meerks intelligence and forethought.

Brynar did his best to listen to all the needs of the tribe. "Itzi, you're right. We have a surplus of animals and we don't need you collapsing to care for them all. You are too valuable to risk. The animals may prove to be useful for bartering however, so try to hold off the slaughter until we can make contact with other tribes."

He looks to Kiroe, "There are going to gaps in our patrol. It's inevitable. We can try to make up with extra traps and early warning systems. We can't allow for anyone to get through our boarders unnoticed. Perhaps you can your mother can work on a system to stop that from happening"

He glances at Tcherkky and tries not to be frustrated, "Yes, you and Kros can work to make the platforms right. They need to last through winter."

When Merun speaks up Brynar glances around looking for the Blood Chief, but only sees his fellow Blood Claws. He sighs and says, "I think we should allow him to take the Oath."

2013-04-12, 04:55 PM
In response to Lox dismissive words Meerk says "If the spirit of Umberwood does not want us here anymore he has the power to turn the whole forest against us, he also has the power to"

Instantly silent when Olga starts talking Meerk listens to her attentively frowning slightly when she says not to seek out the forest heart where Uldin dwells but remaining silent as the other members of the tribe begin to speak, wondering if there's another way to find out whats going on with Uldin.

After Brynar stands up for Merun Meerk supports him "Yes we should, though he is younger than normal we need all the help we can get and he does have valuable skills that could by of great help to us"

2013-04-14, 03:28 AM
"You are young, Merun," Olga says to the young trainee, "and you lack many of the skills and experiences a warrior is expected to have. However," she raises her claw, cutting him off as he's about to protest, "you are right in saying that right now the tribe needs every warrior we can muster. It appears Brynar and Meerk support your request. Does anyone else? Does anyone object?"


Regarding Meerk's Knowledge (Shamanism) roll:

You are not sure what the problem is in the first place -- or if there even is one. Assuming that the spirit did not cut off contact with the tribe of its own volition, you'd imagine it would take a being of great power to somehow harm or silence a spirit -- another spirit, perhaps.

2013-04-15, 01:18 PM

Meepo's tail twitches slightly showing his uncertainty, when he hears the young warrior proposal.
"I say we make him one of us. But he still has a lot to learn. No solitary missions till we deem him ready. He would mostly stay in village protecting it when we would patrol our territory, although we would take him with us from time to time so he could learn faster." he turns to Merun "We need warriors. Do you accept these terms?"

2013-04-15, 08:59 PM
Lox nodded curtly, ready to be on to more important matters, Agreed. He could learn trapbuilding and begin setting up the perimeter and tending the traps that will defend us in case of invasion. A constant hand will make our defenses grow faster... Lox agreed, While he's doing that, the more experienced Claws need to got on with a plan...

Knowledge (Local) to know about nearby activity of other races, like orc patrols or outposts or merchant routes.


2013-04-15, 11:47 PM

Brynar nods at Meepo words, agreeing with what he has to say, "Of coarse, we will keep a careful eye on him."

Brynar looks to Lox and says, "Right. But is our plan? Patrolling is necessary, but we need a more active plan. I think we need to contact the Aliat tribe in some way. How is this been done in the past?"


Knowledge Geography [roll0]

For the purpose of knowing how far the Aliat's tribe land is from ours.

2013-04-18, 04:03 PM
"I accept," Merun replies to Meepo, though he looks somewhat disappointed at the prospect of "only" defending the clanhold.

"Then it is settled," Olga decides. "Merun shall become a Blood Claw. I will need time to prepare the dye, so you will take your oath in three days from now."

In response to Brynar, she says:

"If we wish talk with the Aliat, we would, as always, send an envoy, along with gifts -- and guards. Do you wish to contact them? Why?"


Unfortunately, up until this point Lox has only been posted along the northern edge of the woods, so he only has solid knowledge of the Red Claw Tribe's most visible (and antagonistic) neighbor -- the Black Patch Pack gnoll tribe. There hasn't been a year in living memory without several border skirmishes between Blood Claws and gnoll warriors, most of them provoked by the latter's constant incursions into Umberwood.

(Knowledge (Clan Lore) roll if you want to know more about them)

Other than that, there is a Tengu trade route not far from the eastern edge of Umberwood. A tribe of them wanders past the forest once or twice a year -- your tribe has a trade post set up for them and there would usually be someone posted watching over it if a caravan was expected -- but the next one won't show up for a month or two more.

The Aliat Tribe's territory is a three days' journey from your clanhold.

2013-04-19, 05:02 AM
Shot in the dark [roll0]