View Full Version : [3.PF] Blind/Deaf/Mute Necromancer (Wizard)

2013-04-11, 05:25 PM
I want to create an NPC for my current campaign that is not only a Wizard (Necromancer), but is also blind, deaf and mute. I also want him to be somewhat effective without using any DM Fiat.

I would prefer him to be Human and .. still living. Psionics ... may be acceptable but I'm not enthusiastic about it.

Does anyone have a recommendations on where to start? Taking Still Spell and Silent Spell is a given. I plan on him having a familiar (horned owl seems appropriate) and relying on the familiar to give him sensory details via telepathy (helps with day to day stuff).

A feat or ability that lets him ignore verbal or somatic components entirely would be ideal.

The NPC doesn't even need to start out blind, deaf or mute but will be by the time the characters meet him. Long enough to have had him adapt enough to overcome the disabilities.

Thank you

EDIT: Oh yes. The characters are around level 16. They may or may not engage him in battle, you never know. Cheese is acceptable as some 'light' coating is needed for him to challenge them.

Fable Wright
2013-04-11, 06:38 PM
He should be able to still use somatic components, as he still has arms and legs. You can use the Nonverbal Spell feat to grant him the ability to cast spells with Verbal components using something other than speech, such as music using instruments outside of his mouth. Scrying Spells, particularly Necrotic Scrying (due to the low level, short casting time, non-concentration duration and no saving throw), would probably be useful for him.

2013-04-11, 06:48 PM
Ah, DMofDarkness! That is perfect! I can reflavor it as merely a grunt or groan (the NPC would have had his tongue removed). Body language will be extremely important for his communication. His familiar could cue him in on what the characters are saying and he can respond accordingly with some basic sign language.

I wonder, are there any rules about someone else completing the verbal components for him? I think having his familiar doing so would be ... fairly entertaining and give him a 'cool-factor' that the characters might enjoy.

I think I can work blindsense into his bag of tricks, lifesense too (because, Pathfinder). He'll be at a disadvantage at not being able to use the full range of his long and medium range spells but, I'm more than willing to sacrifice some things to pull off the concept.

I'm considering making him adverse to overly exaggerated movement and a general lack of facial expression.

2013-04-11, 06:55 PM
Telepathy plus Mindsight?

You can get telepathy fairly easy. I one level dip into Mindbender is the popular way to go.

Mindsight is in Lords of Madness. It gives something similar Blindsight. Essentially it the ability to detect and pin point a persons thoughts. It fitting because....(wait for it).....OH HE CAN SEE OUR BRAINS.

Zombie/Black Lantern sight anyone?

2013-04-11, 07:07 PM
Telepathy plus Mindsight?

Mindsight would be quite interesting. Telepathy might be a bit problematic simply because I want the character to be extremely limited in his ability to communicate with others.

Basically, I see this NPC resorting to hand gestures and body language to get his point across to the characters. I want this NPC to be a wildcard.

If I could find a way to (without DM Fiat) permenantly surpress telepathy between him and other people, I would instantly consider mindbender.

2013-04-11, 09:20 PM
Have him not speak common....but have him have a permanent comprehend language spell on him. He can understand everyone....just not speak their language.

2013-04-12, 11:04 AM
Have him not speak common....but have him have a permanent comprehend language spell on him. He can understand everyone....just not speak their language.

Hmm... That gives me an idea. Its not that he can't communicate telepathically with them, it's because something prevents him from doing so. Like a curse or Geas with a caster level boosted incredibly high, probably by ritual magic. It would fit well in with a punishment for crimes committed and a society that would permit a person to be severely handicapped in such a way. Most likely an evil society wanting him to suffer for a perceived betrayal.

Yes. I like that. Mindbender it is + Non-verbal spell it is.