View Full Version : Alone in the wilderness with absolutely Nothing

2013-04-11, 07:13 PM
So my werewolf character had been carrying his stuff around in a backpack in his mouth (dire wolf form with a doggy bag yippe!) but recently ran into a treant like monster in the wilds. After trading blows back and forth for a few rounds things weren't looking so good for me as the tree was strong enough to get through my Damage reduction as well as it was doing Con damage to me. So I basically ran away, however I was unable to grab my backpack from the where I had dropped it to fight, and the tree creature decided to pick it up and take it with him.

So basically what Im looking at now is a character with about half health and only about 10ish con stuck in the woods with nothing.

I've contemplated a few things such as attacking a traders carvan I happen to run across on the road and grabing some clothes/gold of of them, but I run the risk of them having some powerful body guard who can own me, especially in my weakened condition, in addition to ruining any clothes that maybe on said persons because its hard to preserve clothing while ripping someone to shreads with my fangs, in addition the clothes might be to big or too small for me to where. (my DM thinks of everything lol)

I have also thought about changing back to human form and wandering naked into a town claiming I was attacked by robbers or something and they took everything I owned, but I somehow managed to get away, but my Bluff skill is basically non-existant lol, in addition some towns have hidden magical wards against shapechangers and I will most definently trip one off if I walk through it, but in small villages it shouldn't be that huge of a risk.

I'm looking for any thoughts or ideas that could help in this situation. I am also looking for ways to actually be able to carry stuff around while transformed a little more reliably than having a backpack in my mouth... lol

However, I also don't want to look to conspicuous wearing something to carry stuff as I want to be able to blend in and be mistaken for a normal large dire wolf, carrying around a backpack in my mouth is already a little fishy looking.

If their is some way to wear invisible armor that would be a plus to as I currently wear none while wolfing it, and my low armor class is beginning to hurt.

Finally Mundane ways of doing this will be far easier for me to achieve than magical means ( i know thats pretty farfetched) as im broke, and magical items are very hard to come by in the area im currently in.

Thanks for the help :smallsmile:

2013-04-11, 07:33 PM
Dude, why didn't you just strap the bag to your back? Or get saddlebags? You probably have more carrying capacity than a horse. Don't worry about being conspicuous; Ordinary Dire Wolves don't drag around bags anyway. You were already conspicuous as all hell.

I guess you could attempt a Disguise check to make your bags look like they're part of your fur. And grab some barding too.

2013-04-11, 08:01 PM
I'd try to find some house in or near the woods, break in, steal some clothes, food, weapons (if they have any), gold, some valuables, and a bag. Be sure to be in wolf form as much as you can, to prevent people from seeing your face.

First, put the stuff in the bag, strap it to back, and run. Then drop the valuables in a lake or river. This is so that the people say "someone stole this gold" as opposed to "someone stole a set of clothes", which has a chance to put the town on alert. Then wait a couple days to a week to make sure the people forget about you. Then just walk into town and you're set.

2013-04-11, 08:10 PM
get a big belt pouch and just wear a kilt when your in human form, then all you need is a tunic or something.

I once played a werewolf who simply took of his over coat when he went hybrid, i never went animal form, and he simply didnt wear shoes and had baggy pants, it helped that i didnt change size catagories

2013-04-11, 09:59 PM
Strapping could work, but when im in wolf form I have no hands to do it, and when im in human form im medium sized while in wolf I am large so if I do it as a human it would break when I changed. I suppose I could tie it so that its lose but then what would hold it on til I changed?

I doubt I could find a house nearby where I am, usually people either live in villages or towns, Their are a few farm houses outside a town that I am nearby(20-30 miles I think) perhaps I could break into one of the houses there. Although when last I was in said town me and the party I was with (before I broke apart from them) had to flee the scene because another member of the party basically went and told the town guard I was a werewolf(its okay though cuz I killed him in the end:smallcool:), although im not so sure it was taken seriously I am cautious about going back there. That particular town also has the alarms to detect me, I know for a fact, although they are in the actualy city walls/entrances not around in the farm houses outside.

2013-04-11, 10:13 PM
ok try a satchel and when you turn just reposition it so it hangs around your neck and then it will just hang under your head

and out of curiosity whats your alignment?

2013-04-11, 10:16 PM
and out of curiosity whats your alignment?

Good question, it was CN but after brutally ripping, a former party member who betrayed me, to pieces (everyone in the group wanted to do it but none of them had the guts lol) its probably CE now.

It was totally worth it lol

Its a funny story cuz I actually benched the Werewolf and made a new character just because I actually wanted to be able to play without having to kill him(sorcerer), but Ironically a new member(rogue) to the party went and tracked him down because he wanted his help for a hard quest (actually the other party member basically set a field the group was in on fire(sorcerer) and this character(rogue) had heard the story of the groups history and secretly planned the other characters(sorcerer) demise) well the WW showed up and helped for a little while, trying to make bigons be bigons sort of, but the sorcerer continued with his selfish and careless ways (almost getting the party killed several times...) until finally the Werewolf had enough gave him one final warning to stop doing something, but the sorcerer refused, So I ripped him to pieces. Rest of the party was "on their way to help him" but got their about a round to late. I then had the pleasure of fighting myself (one character vs. the other) until finally the WW said enough( I didn't want to kill myself lol) and ran off into the wilderness once more.

DM told me later that the party came very close to shifting their alignments(most of them are/were good the others neutral) because of their inaction to save him from the big bad werewolf.

2013-04-11, 10:17 PM
well he betrayed you, so id say that is still CN maybe leaning a little towards evil but not too much

2013-04-11, 10:22 PM
Good question, it was CN but after brutally ripping, a former party member who betrayed me, to pieces (everyone in the group wanted to do it but none of them had the guts lol) its probably CE now.

Everyone knows CN is really the same as CE anyway, it's just a good way to get the DM off your back if you're not playing an evil campaign.

Astral Avenger
2013-04-11, 10:24 PM
Good question, it was CN but after brutally ripping, a former party member who betrayed me, to pieces (everyone in the group wanted to do it but none of them had the guts lol) its probably CE now.

It was totally worth it lol

I smell a story, care to share : hopefulsmiley:

2013-04-11, 10:25 PM
See the EDIT to my original post, Or rather my 3rd post

2013-04-11, 10:26 PM
well he betrayed you, so id say that is still CN maybe leaning a little towards evil but not too much

Well Werewolves are inherently evil anway, especially in the campaign im in so the CN was a stretch to begin with.

2013-04-12, 03:45 AM
IF you have invested in the Survival Skill then you have "no problem". Hunt a bit of food, strengthen yourself, track a bit of clothing, get "shapeable" armor (barding/barbaric armor).
Search for healing plants and "improvise" in healing yourself. YOu get your Con back on a 1/day basis and your HP on a 1perHD /day basis (double if you successfully healed yourself) so all you have to do is... wait and prepare.

So do I get this right. The Party HAD a Sorcerer. This sorcerer was already on a deathlist from a rogue. The Sorcerer did stupid stuff ending in nearly killing the party/you a few times and you gave him a final warning. He continued and you shredded him before the party could help him? Right?

Unless you are an Elven Werewolf your alignment has to be CE (or was it NE?) or you are forced to make will saves at every full moon or get a forced alignment change as you slowly succumb to the beast. Elves are different in that they turn CG as the "Beast" in them is auto dominated by their soul or something like that.

2013-04-12, 04:00 AM
Elves are different in that they turn CG as the "Beast" in them is auto dominated by their soul or something like that.

Wait what? :smallconfused:

2013-04-12, 04:15 AM
Wait what? :smallconfused:

I don't quite remember it as the last time I "built" or saw or read something about werewolf characters was around 4 or 5 years ago... there was a table of Lycans with the Larenthi (or similar called same as the werewolf but CG) and fluffwise only being able to come from elves... but it's quite hazy on WHY they are CG... I guess the DM told me the fluff explanation but I forgot it so far.

2013-04-12, 06:54 AM
However, I also don't want to look to conspicuous wearing something to carry stuff as I want to be able to blend in and be mistaken for a normal large dire wolf, carrying around a backpack in my mouth is already a little fishy looking.

1. Abduct some pretty 0-level half-elf commoner.
2. Intimidate her into submission. Make her carry a bow and wear a ranger costume.
3. Pass as her dire wolf animal companion. Carry "her" luggage using a harness and some leather bags.
4. ?
5. Profit! Also, walking emergency ration.

2013-04-12, 08:17 AM
you only auto shift to CE if your playing an infected werewolf, natural werewolves can be of any alignment because you were born that way

EDIT: also im pretty sure that the CG Elf/Werewolf thing is from Faerun

2013-04-12, 10:21 AM
It is from faerun they are called lythari and its a separte strain then werewolves they can only assume animal form and are CG, most of them are elves but I think anyone can be infected as nomral.

Think the Twilight werewolves for reference. EWWWWWW lol

2013-04-12, 10:24 AM
So do I get this right. The Party HAD a Sorcerer. This sorcerer was already on a deathlist from a rogue. The Sorcerer did stupid stuff ending in nearly killing the party/you a few times and you gave him a final warning. He continued and you shredded him before the party could help him? Right?

Basically, but the party was about 10 feet away as it was happening, but they couldn't "get there in time" to help.

It was a long, long, long time coming.

2013-04-12, 10:26 AM
1. Abduct some pretty 0-level half-elf commoner.
2. Intimidate her into submission. Make her carry a bow and wear a ranger costume.
3. Pass as her dire wolf animal companion. Carry "her" luggage using a harness and some leather bags.
4. ?
5. Profit! Also, walking emergency ration.

Also other things, if I'm evil now I might as well enjoy it.

I must extend my pack! MUAHAHHAAHAH

Forgive the multiple posts I don't know how to quote multiple people in the same post :smallfrown:

2013-04-12, 10:29 AM
Dude, not funny. :smalleek:

Granted, kidnapping ist not exactly funny, either... but still!

2013-04-12, 11:49 AM
1. Abduct some pretty 0-level half-elf commoner.
2. Intimidate her into submission. Make her carry a bow and wear a ranger costume.
3. Pass as her dire wolf animal companion. Carry "her" luggage using a harness and some leather bags.
4. ?
5. Profit! Also, walking emergency ration.

6. Say goodbye to your alignment.
7. Get a new player to play the Commoner and give it Ranger levels. Hilarity ensues.

2013-04-12, 12:19 PM
6. Say goodbye to your alignment.

Why, I thought the "CN" werewolf has already shifted to CE?

2013-04-12, 02:35 PM
All right. Firstly, what class levels do you have? If you have a ranger level then you're golden. Get a few ranks in craft Alchemy (level up, retrain, etc.) and make yourself some shapesand (this assumes you didn't dump wisdom).

Shapesand can be found in the Sandstorm book and is wonderful stuff. With a wisdom check, it will become any non magical item you want (by volume) and function perfectly as that item. Now you have platemail barding, a tent, a few hundred feet of rope, whoopee cushions, rubber chickens... you get the idea. The stuff is so damn good it's like buying a new class feature for only 100g.

As for your immediate future, a few survival checks, raiding a clothesline or two. Maybe snag a pie from a windowsill or snatch a few chickens. You'll need time to heal, so hide, spot and listen will need to be your go to skills for a while.

And try to not shift to Evil if you can. You have a hard enough time it sounds without getting every pally coming after you as well.

2013-04-12, 03:49 PM
Most D&D worlds predate the washer/dryer machine by rather a lot. Steal someone's drying laundry, so you have clothes.

Walk into the NEXT town over (hopefully, nobody will spot their missing clothes), saying you've been robbed by bandits.

If anyone believes you, offer to take the bandits down, if anyone can spare a sword and armor...

Work from there. If you can turn into a wolf, starvation shouldn't be a problem in the wild.

2013-04-12, 08:10 PM
All right. Firstly, what class levels do you have? If you have a ranger level then you're golden. Get a few ranks in craft Alchemy (level up, retrain, etc.) and make yourself some shapesand (this assumes you didn't dump wisdom).

Shapesand can be found in the Sandstorm book and is wonderful stuff. With a wisdom check, it will become any non magical item you want (by volume) and function perfectly as that item. Now you have platemail barding, a tent, a few hundred feet of rope, whoopee cushions, rubber chickens... you get the idea. The stuff is so damn good it's like buying a new class feature for only 100g.

As for your immediate future, a few survival checks, raiding a clothesline or two. Maybe snag a pie from a windowsill or snatch a few chickens. You'll need time to heal, so hide, spot and listen will need to be your go to skills for a while.

And try to not shift to Evil if you can. You have a hard enough time it sounds without getting every pally coming after you as well.

I have 2 barbarian levels, Plan to go into warshaper once I finish out my Werewolf Lord Savage progression.

Not worried about food at all I have no problem with that. As far as paladins go it really doesn't matter what my alignment is in this world certain organizations will hunt you down just because of what you are no matter how good you are.

But I've been doing alot better job lately of keeping a low profile, or at least trying to.

2013-04-12, 08:40 PM
Hang around in the woods until you happen upon a small girl walking alone.
Follow her to her grandmother's house.
Wait for the girl to leave.
Enter the house and eat the grandmother.
Disguise yourself as the grandmother and wait for the girl to return.

2013-04-12, 09:07 PM
Hang around in the woods until you happen upon a small girl walking alone.
Follow her to her grandmother's house.
Wait for the girl to leave.
Enter the house and eat the grandmother.
Disguise yourself as the grandmother and wait for the girl to return.

Try to avoid passing woodsmen. That just ends badly for everyone involved.

2013-04-12, 10:41 PM
isnt there a feat or a spell that lets you shallow things and "get them out"
when you need smthing??? hoard smthing... from a book with "dragon" in its
name... draconomicon? dragon magic? smthing..

shallow your boh :P

now about the other problem...
any river nearby? maybe one that goes near a village? go in, follow the riven
towards village during the morning.. ohhh... there are some women there
washing clothes.. well.. want me to tell you how exactly you ll take those clothes
from them? :P
know nature or geo or local? any nearby ranger or druid village? wait hidden
somewhere near, wait for the younglings that go into woods to play...
trick em to be a hurt and NICE wolf.. they will bring you food and maybe treat
your wounds and will not tell they parents ofc :) hear them talking about
how they get in/out of village without the elders notice them, get in & get
your clothes :)

2013-04-12, 11:01 PM
IF you have invested in the Survival Skill then you have "no problem". Even if you didn't. It's usable untrained, and merely getting along in the wild - while travelling, mind - is only DC 10; were-critters have a natural bonus to Wisdom. Take ten, and unless you've got a negative wisdom modifier (bad idea in D&D, many of the Will save spells are *worse* than getting killed, at least as far as the party is concerned), you're fine, and can probably even take care of someone else to boot.

2013-04-12, 11:58 PM
Try to avoid passing woodsmen. That just ends badly for everyone involved.

Trap the grandmother's house. Heavily. And fill it with random monsters. This way, the Woodsman needs a Thief, a Priest, and a Magic-User to aid him if he wants to survive it. And dig a tunnel under Grandma's house, which leads into a forgotten cave system (or an abandoned temple to Chaos) which the Woodsman and his allies must brave to rescue the girl and defeat you in a climactic battle in your throne room.

...That would be a pretty trippy dungeon crawl, actually.

2013-04-13, 12:07 AM

Um. I think, don't quote me here, that you can probably survive just fine for a couple days while your Con and hp improve. Find a wolf-sized hole and hide there for a couple days. After you get a bit more health, look for food. The best way to do this is probably go hunting (you are a wolf...). It might not be easy, but your nose can probably point you to the nearest dead something or other, and I'll wager you are the apex predator in the area, so you shouldn't have much trouble with competing with other scavengers. Eat food (cook it if it's sketchy...), and wait to heal.

Good luck. It's not actually that hard to survive in the wilderness if that is the only threat. Compared to trees trying to beat you to death, foraging for food and sleeping for a couple days straight is pretty simple.

2013-04-13, 12:13 AM
Yeah, I echo the whole "rest and heal" bit.

As for what to do next, once you reach 6 HD (or if you're there already as soon as you get your next feat) take Leadership. Get yourself a rider as a cohort (mounted archery or perhaps mounted wizard for god-mode powers) and then pose as their mount.

Also, don't forget that magical wondrous items (not weapons or armor, but anything else) automatically resize with their wearer (IIRC, otherwise get something like Wild armor or a Wilding Clasp but for lycanthropes), so a HHH, Ring of Sustenance, and Amulet of Mighty Fists (excellent for non-Druid lycanthropes) would be useful.

2013-04-13, 12:33 AM
Not really worried about surviving/food its more of a how do I re-enter a human settlment naked and with no monies lol.

The HP damage is no problem really its the Con damage that im only slightly worried about. I have a feat from some 3rd party book players companion I believe? Well it was in heroforge lol so I found it. The feat lets me basically eat somethings heart to headl 1d4 for every hit die the monster had. I think it fits the werewolf theme very well don't you :smallsmile:

I plan to take leadership as my next feat, but sadly thats a long long time coming.... but actually to start building a little werewolf army to unleash as I see fit muahahhaha.

In my current place magic items are hard to come by, there is no I got to town with a shopping list and buy this, this, and this. The biggest place of civilization near me is the town that I know is warded with anti shapechanger wards.

I as a player recently learned that things are much easier to find in a big city, (the wolf is a side character I play alone from time to time) the main group actually ventured to their first actual city and boy how excited we were that people actually had magic items to sell! But the wolf does not know such things, well he has an idea about big city= more stuff but big city also= more protective ooh a werewolf lets kill him magic.

Its a tough world for a shapechanger and my DM warned me :smallsmile:

2013-04-13, 09:09 AM
1:Collect some wild berries/fruits etc.
2:Squish them up and leave them to ferment.
3:Live in the wilds for a week or two to get your strength back.
4:Travel near a small, unwarded village.
5:Wait til nightfall.
6:Down the fermented berry mixture.
7:Wander into town, drunk and naked.

At worst, you'll get arrested and thrown in a cell for a little while, where you'll be given some clothes. At best, you end up going home with someone who can go out and find you some clothes the next morning.

2013-04-13, 10:07 AM
Also, don't forget that magical wondrous items (not weapons or armor, but anything else) automatically resize with their wearer (IIRC, otherwise get something like Wild armor or a Wilding Clasp but for lycanthropes), so a HHH, Ring of Sustenance, and Amulet of Mighty Fists (excellent for non-Druid lycanthropes) would be useful.

Alternate Form additionally resizes gear as necessary.

2013-04-13, 10:30 AM
How large is the forest? If it takes more than a day to cross, then find the nearest large thoroughfare, shadow the first merchant caravan to come along until they make camp, and then sneak in and steal some clothes and supplies during the night.

2013-04-13, 10:48 AM
i second the "Fake being a drunk plan" on top of probably working its freakin hilarious lol

2013-04-13, 11:41 AM
Alternate Form additionally resizes gear as necessary.

Not in this game, we follow the original rule in the MM about stuffing being shredded due to size change

2013-04-13, 11:45 AM
How large is the forest? If it takes more than a day to cross, then find the nearest large thoroughfare, shadow the first merchant caravan to come along until they make camp, and then sneak in and steal some clothes and supplies during the night.

Its actually more of rolling plains with pockets of trees here and there, im on my way to the "actual" forest that is about 1200 square miles.

2013-04-13, 11:54 AM
In that case, trailing a caravan might get tricky (unless there is tall grass). You could either try and make it to the forest proper, or set up a trap on the road that will break their wagon's axle/inflict other damage that will force them to stop for repairs near a grove you can hide yourself in.

Alternatively, pick a bunch of grasses and weave your own clothes. A peasant's outfit is 1 sp, and would count as a Typical item (DC 5). Even with an Int of 10 and a -2 penalty for having no tools, you can pick the 3 cp worth of materials yourself, and then take 10 on a Craft (weaving) check using the "progress by the day" option, for a result of 8. 8*5 is 40, which is 4sp. It will thus take you about 6 hours of work to weave the outfit. You'll look a little silly, but it would cover your shame.

2013-04-13, 12:10 PM
I don't see my DM letting me do a craft check untrained. Also I have an int of 12 :smallsmile:

2013-04-13, 12:15 PM
I don't see my DM letting me do a craft check untrained. Also I have an int of 12 :smallsmile:
Craft is not one of the skills that cannot be used untrained.

Corundum Dragon
2013-04-13, 09:44 PM
Loosen your clothes before you change, have stuff you can adjust the size, or have a larger size of clothes to change into before. See if you can find an Enveloping Pit (MiC 159, 3,600 gp (Bunko's Bargain Basement)) 10'x10'x50' that shrinks to a 1' of cloth. alignment LE, LN, NE. Stick a ladder in and build platforms.
Grab some shrubbery to hold and just walk up to a caravan, farm, etc tell them you where robbed while you were taking a swim in a local stream. offer to do some work in exchange for clothes. Tell them that "The worst part was that it was a tree that did it. Must not have liked me swimming in it's stream or something. Stole my clothes and beat me half to death."
Hoard gullet spell
(Dragon Magic)
Level: Sorcerer 1, Wizard 1,
Components: V, S,
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: 1 hour/level

2013-04-13, 11:29 PM
Loosen your clothes before you change, have stuff you can adjust the size, or have a larger size of clothes to change into before. See if you can find an Enveloping Pit (MiC 159, 3,600 gp (Bunko's Bargain Basement)) 10'x10'x50' that shrinks to a 1' of cloth. alignment LE, LN, NE. Stick a ladder in and build platforms.
Grab some shrubbery to hold and just walk up to a caravan, farm, etc tell them you where robbed while you were taking a swim in a local stream. offer to do some work in exchange for clothes. Tell them that "The worst part was that it was a tree that did it. Must not have liked me swimming in it's stream or something. Stole my clothes and beat me half to death."
Hoard gullet spell

Just a heads-up; the mods once busted me for linking dndtools, so it probably violates a forum rule or something. Usually, you're fine just mentioning the spell's name, level, class, and source. Like saying Hoard Gullet (Sorc/Wiz 1, Draconomicon). That gives people all they need to find the full text.

Linking to d20srd.com (3.5 SRD) or d20pfsrd.com (Pathfinder SRD) is apparently fine, though, because it's open source material.

2013-04-14, 02:21 AM
Well I survived barely lol, attacked a group of 3 wood elves, they promptly owned me in about 1 round managed to get away with exactly 1 hit point left.

Spent the next 5 or so days hiding under the roots of a giant tree praying nothing found me.

Few days later 3 gorgons happened to find me so I ran for my life, yet agian. Found a new place to hide and continued to do so. Fought a few weak creatures used my special feat to eat them and heal a few hit points.

Ran into a medusa, was forced to have relations with her or have her kill me. (medusas are actually very attractive in this game except for their hair and eyes of course so it wasn't that bad lol)

Did a good job so she liked me :smallsmile: offered me a business proposition that we should attack a small village nearby because they had a magic item shop that had items she wanted, I agreed and said we would set out the next day. Pretended to go to sleep waited til she went to sleep then COUP DE GRACE!! lol.

Ran into a few other things then encountered a large number of small fey creatures called Jermlaine (MM 2) fought tons of CR 1/2 creatures that couldn't even get through my DR but they litterally just kept comming and comming, throwing tanglefoot bags at me, as well as coating themselves in something so that every time I hit and killed one I took damage lol... fought through a few waves of them before getting taken to about 1/4 hp and running away lol. DM told me after that 67 more of them were about to run out and join the fight...

Ended the night with only 19 hp left, but pretty sure I set a record high of over 7k exp points lol, don't think anyone in our group has ever gotten over 3k before in one night.

2013-04-14, 06:22 AM
offered me a business proposition that we should attack a small village nearby because they had a magic item shop that had items she wanted, I agreed and said we would set out the next day. Pretended to go to sleep waited til she went to sleep then COUP DE GRACE!! lol.

So you killed an existing solution to your problem, is what you're saying.:smallsigh:

2013-04-14, 08:24 AM
Keep running from things that pose a serious threat, take advantage of vulnerabilities (go for the throat), and heal up.

Then raid the treant's last spot. Odds are, it left the bag alone as it couldn't use it. You might be able to do a snatch and run.

Little things should be cake for you, keep taking them on (like kobolds and goblins? Cake.) Get beefy, emerge from the forest mightier than ever, raise a cult in your name (Leadership), and set your agenda.

2013-04-14, 08:25 AM
Did the medusa have clothes? Consider becoming a hipster.

2013-04-14, 10:59 AM
Did the medusa have clothes? Consider becoming a hipster.

Negative, she was very shapely and nude as my DM described lol

2013-04-14, 11:00 AM
So you killed an existing solution to your problem, is what you're saying.:smallsigh:

More or less what my DM said lol, but Didn't really want to go parading around with something that I could accidentally look into its eyes and turn to stone.

2013-04-14, 01:16 PM
So you killed an existing solution to your problem, is what you're saying.:smallsigh:

You're right, he doesn't have enough enemies yet. Attacking a village as a medusa's cohort is an excellent way to fix that.

2013-04-14, 02:28 PM
You're right, he doesn't have enough enemies yet. Attacking a village as a medusa's cohort is an excellent way to fix that.

but doesn't everything on this planet already hate him? Might as well get a benefit from it lol.

Still gotta admit the death by glancing thing would worry me a bit too. I woud have gone on the raid, gotten some phat lootz, then stabbed her in the back and left her to die by the guards. Odds would be if they kept half their stuff and got one of the perps they wouldn't want to chase you, especially if you were half of a team wrecking them and you wrecked her in front of them.

EDIT: also, see if your DM would be willing to turn this werewolf excursion into a pbp game, I want in dangit!

2013-04-14, 03:31 PM
EDIT: also, see if your DM would be willing to turn this werewolf excursion into a pbp game, I want in dangit!

Given some of the things discussed, I don't imagine it would pass the forum rules, at least not here.