View Full Version : Playing a "Dark Mage"

2013-04-11, 07:14 PM
Heres the important parts

Class: Sorcerer
Non negotiable Feat- Spell Thematics

Character concept: Her whole concept is "summoning dark spirits", shes going to be primarily using Necromancy (duh), Evocation, some Conjuration, and Illusion.

Campaign Rules: Infinite cantrips, Item Creation cost no XP, and Spell Research only takes time

now im open to suggestions on feats, fun spells (the entire party is mages, a wizard another sorcerer and a bard so spell selection isn't really important) and fun PRCs

2013-04-11, 07:27 PM
Well, the one that jumps to mind right away is the Demonologist/Diabolist.

I admit I haven't seen them in play, so I'm not sure entirely how they play out. But that's their entire schtick. Summoning for Demons/Devils and using their powers.

The various "Thrall to ____" and "Disciple of ____" PrCs might also be worth looking into, if you find one that really strikes your fancy.

Beyond that my inability to remember a lot of spells hurts my ability to suggest anything at the moment. Spell Research being on the table however means good things all around. Corrupt Metamagic makes sense thematically, but Energy Substitution is a much better way to go. Corrupt turns have the damage into "vile" damage which almost nothing I can think of has immunity/resistance to. But Energy Sub means you could just swap out the energy type as needed.

2013-04-11, 07:40 PM
Escalation Mage PrC in Faiths of Eberron would be good for you too look at. It screams Dark Mage to me. And I like to use Necromancy / [Evil] spells. Also look to the Shadow Weave feat in Forgotten Realms requires 15 wis though.

2013-04-11, 07:52 PM
the Escalation mage is freakin sweet, im also thinking about taking Fiend-blooded, except the last level