View Full Version : Human-Disguised Illithid: How do I do it without polymorph?

2013-04-11, 08:02 PM
Simple thread, simple question!

I have an illithid that I intend to be prodding towards some player characters soon, but I don't want ol' squiddy to be getting turned into calamari straight off the bat, he needs a chance to talk to a player (face to face for an extended period, illusions, simulacrums, and similar aren't options).

To pull this off, I want to disguise him, but he doesn't have polymorph at his disposal. My thought was some kind of item that would disguise him, but the best I can find is a Hat of Disguise, which won't do - he needs to be touch-proof, my groupies are pretty properly paranoid, so my thoughts've turned towards Alter Self.

My only question is: Is there some sort of magic item that has a permanent, manipulable Alter Self effect on it that Cthulhu here could make use of, or what should I go with?

2013-04-11, 08:10 PM
Who will he be for the party? Quest giver? Cuz you can just give his a biiiig robe with a hood, and have him stand in a dark corner. Unless they seriously violate his personal space, they shouldn't know what he is

2013-04-11, 08:14 PM
It all depends on how the following interaction goes. Squidface might be temporarily accompanying them given a present quest they're undertaking; he intends to present himself as someone highly desirable to have along with them so he can witness a historical event unfolding in person that the group will be one of the few parties witness to - he believes one of the circumstances transpiring there could be twisted to his desire. Hence the need for extended, multi-platform covering concealment.

2013-04-11, 08:17 PM
And is he actually evil? Or is he really an observer, and the whole twisting to his desire thing wouldn't actually hurt anyone? He could possibly try talking to the party in a crowded place, to make sure they dont just hack him up, and then make it more valuable for them to take him along rather than just kill him.

2013-04-11, 08:20 PM
It's well within an illithid's modus operandi to mind control a human servant specifically to act as a go-between.

2013-04-11, 08:28 PM
It's well within an illithid's modus operandi to mind control a human servant specifically to act as a go-between.

While a good point, I've already given a lot of thought to the option. There's a guy he could easily Charm to his benefit, but he knows better than to try it on the party (they include one sentient undead who also happens to be the smartest guy there and most of them have good Will saves, as he's seen from past encounters), and he doesn't think that the group'd prove as receptive to someone who doesn't prove to be a high level Psion, which he is.

As for the other bit, oh yeah, he's more evil than baked beans to someone with an upset stomach and is commonly known as an aberration. Thankfully when disguised there's little chance of somebody detecting him; he's a masterful actor and high level psions are plentiful where the party is right now.

2013-04-11, 08:41 PM
How to disguise an illithid as a human: use the Disguise (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/skills/disguise.htm) skill. -2 for pretending to be another race is pretty minor.

2013-04-11, 09:07 PM
Maybe you could homebrew an item?
I remember there was a mask in the Legend of Drizzt series that allowed him to appear as a surface elf, Artemis used the same mask to appear as Regis, and Catti-brie used it to appear as a drow woman.
As long as you kept a humanoid appearance, I'm sure it would work fine.

2013-04-11, 09:54 PM
If you use a Psionic Illithid he could use Metamorphosis (probably needs an Expanded Knowledge to gain it).

2013-04-11, 10:05 PM
I was gonna suggest greater hat of disguise (a default item in Pathfinder), but then I remembered that alter self works differently in 3.5. I guess that's problematic then, unless you create an entirely custom magic item.

2013-04-11, 10:17 PM
It's well within an illithid's modus operandi to mind control a human servant specifically to act as a go-between.


I believe Flickerdart meant charming an NPC to act as the go between. The PC's won't be any the wiser if you don't present the NPC is strange and could also lead to an interesting sub-plot.

I can imagine this being a much easier method for a weakened Illithid communities to gain supplies from Humanoid settlements without causing to much of a stir :smallsmile:

2013-04-11, 10:27 PM
The "Humanoid Skin" illithid graft is specifically designed to solve this problem. As a bonus, it's undispellable. If I recall right, it appears in the Forgotten Realms Underdark book.

2013-04-11, 10:48 PM
Alter Self is 10 min/level. Thats plenty long enough for an Illithid. Alter Self into an Elan, they look human.

2013-04-11, 10:55 PM
How to disguise an illithid as a human: use the Disguise (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/skills/disguise.htm) skill. -2 for pretending to be another race is pretty minor.

Seconding this. Remember Alter Self, Disguise Self, and similar magic give you a +10 for the check. And an Illithid's massive charisma, higher skill rank maximum, and Take 10 should make his disguise basically impenetrable anyway.

For not being mudered by the PCs, Charm/Dominating an NPC would be an excellent option to drive home the mind-control theme he has going on.

2013-04-11, 10:58 PM
I just remembered a critter from MM5, it's an Illithid thrall or something. They're a human in appearance with something on the back of their neck, tentacles or something in their mouth, and they can shoot barbs of some sort if the situation calls for it.

2013-04-11, 11:43 PM
I just remembered a critter from MM5, it's an Illithid thrall or something. They're a human in appearance with something on the back of their neck, tentacles or something in their mouth, and they can shoot barbs of some sort if the situation calls for it.

They're an off-breed. They belong to the Illithids that worship Thoon and not your standard illithid.

2013-04-11, 11:44 PM
They're an off-breed. They belong to the Illithids that worship Thoon and not your standard illithid.But…


2013-04-11, 11:47 PM
They're an off-breed. They belong to the Illithids that worship Thoon and not your standard illithid.

It could always be reflavoured to fit her needs though.

2013-04-12, 02:26 AM
My only question is: Is there some sort of magic item that has a permanent, manipulable Alter Self effect on it that Cthulhu here could make use of, or what should I go with?
Fleshshifter Armor, page 111 Book of Vile Darkness. 13,160 gp market price, it's +1 leather armor that allows alter self at will.

If you break down the price you can get a value for the alter self property, too:
10 gp for leather armor.
150 gp for masterwork component.
2000 gp for +1 enhancement bonus.
11000 gp for the alter self ability.

2013-04-12, 04:27 AM
The Illithid i once played as a PC used a hat and a scarf to hide his not so common anatomic features... well we didn't take this campaign too serious actually :smallbiggrin:
