View Full Version : Price of this custom item?

2013-04-11, 10:40 PM
One in our group wants a custom item that's a flowery/viny vest that 3/day the vines grow to a reach of 10' and entangle as the spell. So I was thinking the spells would be plant growth and entangle. Would this be the right cost for the spells?

3(sp)x5(CL)x1800 for plant growth
1x1x1350 for entangle
And for 3/day
5 divided by 3= 1.6
For a total of 45,360.

If there is a more cost effective or my custom magic item math is off please let me know. As always, thank you playgrounders!!!

2013-04-11, 11:23 PM
Just entangle is probably good enough, honestly, since it's less powerful than the spell, but doesn't require existing plants.


2013-04-11, 11:26 PM
Makes sense, thank you so much.