View Full Version : DM help with ending, boss

2013-04-12, 09:57 AM

I am running an evil campaign which is about to be coming to an end. The players have gotten to level 14. Some of the stuff in the campaign is from the Wheel of Time Series.

Some backstory: Started at level one, sailed down a river on a magic raft that presented them with some tests. They passed the test and they were commanded by Shaitan(basically the devil) to spread his influence, and grow their army. The main force opposing them are the Children of the Light(I have various ranks that I created).

The party consists of a feral grappling huge sized fighter, an artificer, a ranger, and a true necro.

They just entered a huge battle with 17 soldiers that they recruited(2 level 14's, and 15 level 10's). They decided to go charging into a stronghold that was not designed for them to charge into. It has 60+ level 10 or higher soldiers in it. Turns out, they might be able to overcome it. Based on time limitations due to one of the players going out of town, I really need a way to fit in the final boss during or after this battle, if they make it through the foot soldiers. If they get wiped out, then it will not matter, of course.

So, any cool ideas on where I could go with this. Right now I just have a generic "the leader appears in a flash of light" idea, but would like some other ideas.

Also, if there is a list of "bosses" somewhere, that would be useful.

I have until Wednesday. All ideas appreciated. Thanks in advance.

2013-04-12, 12:19 PM
you said lv 14 right? They are high enough level to be effective vs a lot of dangerous monsters and such.

As it stands They will be up against the leader of the "good guys". Since your high level and this is supposed to be a boss, you have a few options.

I would personally go with a mystic theurge as the leader. All of you optimizers quiet down and listen. I think I'll be able to turn you around soon enough.

First, Give him a summoning focus, preferably summoning good outsiders like angels and such. Then let him quicken it so he can summon a bunch in one turn. This could give him credit as the "chosen" servant and leader since he is able to call down the armies of heaven itself on his command. This will also put our "villians" on the clock to finish the fight, before they are overwhelmed by the forces of good..

After that he can focus on persistant battlefield magic effects while summoning MORE monsters for our "villians" to slay. Quick note on control to use, nothing that will completely neuter our "villians". Passive damage areas are good to use, as are effects that force the players to move around to avoid. Maybe telegraph where the boss is going to cast his flamestrike and give the pc's enough time to get out of the way.

When you put it all together you have our "villains" fighting a righteous servant of a god in a firestorm with a battalion of angels desending. Looks to be impressive enough for a final boss.

2013-04-12, 01:12 PM
So, any cool ideas on where I could go with this. Right now I just have a generic "the leader appears in a flash of light" idea, but would like some other ideas.
Instead of just appearing as a surprise at the end, make his proximity a part of the whole stronghold encounter. Some ideas:

-Have him appear briefly, like on the far end of the combat sending in more troops or something, and then leave. The party could try to follow him (therefore making it likely that their hirelings would fall to the superior number of foes) or they could focus on the battle at hand, but if they do this, the main boss has more time to prepare (an ambush, set up traps, reinforcements, etc)

-The boss is nearby hiding (invisible?), waiting for the party to be at their weakest point. He might jump in towards the end of the battle, when the party is injured... Or if the party splits up, he jumps half of the party... Or if the healer drops, he swoops in to take advantage of it. Even if the boss is a 'good guy' he should be smart.

-Let the party know (though an NPC or other means) that the boss is somewhere in the stronghold in a hidden room or something. He can be casting a ritual, trying to gather his precious research notes before fleeing, etc... Basically, the troops in the stronghold are defending him or holding off the attack for as long as they can...

Whatever you do, give the party some indicator that the boss is (or will be) nearby. It can make the encounter more than just another monster mash.

2013-04-12, 02:05 PM
perhaps the boss arrives leading the cavalry (again, too late this time), and takes some of his best soldiers and challenges the party to an honorable fight to the death?

2013-04-13, 01:50 PM
Nice! Thanks a bunch. I think I will combine some of these ideas. I think he will be able to summon some angels, and will appear briefly to do this for a bit, then retreat or disappear unless or until he is followed. I do have a lancer class made up for the Children of the Light that ride Esperi, so he can be guarded by or send in the cavalry.