View Full Version : [PF] Sorcerer taking 5th level feat

2013-04-12, 01:12 PM
so far I'm a dual blood line sorcerer(orc/brutal) focused on casting big magic missiles.

I'm about to hit 5th soon and just tryin to prepare.

I am considering a few feats:
improved initiative (currently at +6 init... +10 sounds sexy)
combat casting (I am typically playing with 1 other person so monsters are often in my face with reach and grabbing at me)
extra traits (I was thinking havok of the society for another +1 damage to all spells, and the other "magical lineage" type trait, to start trying to specialize in another spell. probably another damage spell with some control element as well)

at 7th I'm planning to take intensify spell and probably toughness(blood line)

I guess improved init and combat casting both have their merits for helping me to get a vital spell off in combat. extra traits is just something I was considering, if i wanted to go for another spell specializtion.

thoughts are appreciated. thanks.

2013-04-12, 01:45 PM
Focusing on magic missiles isn't really a good way to blast. Even intensified toppling magic missiles are a bit lackluster as you gain higher level spells.

That said, Improved Initiative is definitely a must-have feat for any spellcaster. As far as traits are concerned, you can only have one single trait in any given category. So you can't get two magic traits, or two regional traits, etc. Combat Casting is a decent investment, but most of the time you're just better of levitating or flying, so they can't get to you. I find that a trait with +2 to Concentration checks and a Circlet of Persuasion (if the DM agrees the bonus also applies to Concentration checks) are more than enough to cast things defensively. Also, why do you need Intensified Spell at 7th level? That's only a good choice if you focus on a spell that maxes out at 5th level, like shocking grasp, but that's more magus territory.

2013-04-12, 01:54 PM
Consider Spell Focus(Evo)-> VarisiaMagic Tattoo. +1CL to Evocations.

Craft Wondrous Item would help you make Pages of Spell Knowledge cheaply (i.e. not eating your entire WBL) to make up for your nerfed spells known progression. Also cheapens your Metamagic rods.

You can't take two traits from the same list.

2013-04-12, 02:15 PM
Magical lineage and the other one that limits the choice to 3rd or lower aren't on the same list.

I already have varisian tattoo.. I am considering blood mage adept eventually for another +1 CL with all EVO.

I have 4 bonus caster levels for magic missile. At 5th level I will be making 5. At 7th with intensify ill have 6... Eventually ill be doing 7d4+16 with them as 1st level spells. Not bad pew pew.

Also craft wonderous item doesn't get rods, you need craft rod, but that is a decent option. Love cheap quicken rods.

edit.. Its a novelty build.. trying to emulate a warlocks eldritch blast with magic missiles.

Edit edit.. also at 7th I can do 8d4+10 burning hands for 2nd level spells if I take intensify.

Jack Zander
2013-04-12, 04:41 PM
Consider taking Skill Focus: Concentration rather than Combat Casting. +3 Concentration, but useful in ALL situations.

2013-04-12, 05:48 PM
Concentration isn't a skill in pathfinder.

Jack Zander
2013-04-12, 06:03 PM
Oops, silly me. I started playing 3.5 again (new group of friends) and forgot about that change.

2013-04-12, 06:17 PM
Dazing magic missiles are pretty nice, though it's a bit early. Toppling is nice and IIRC you could use it soon. Dazing toppling persistent magic missiles could be cool too, even when you get to high levels.

The typical use for magic missile is reliability and hitting strategic back line targets which makes up for the lack of damage. In a party of 2 so narrow of a focus probably isn't that great though, and I would vary up your spells a bit. Flaming sphere is good for more damage, especially with the Pathfinder upgrade. Then fireball comes soon. Battlefield control isn't as great because there are only 2 of you, but it is still good. Web, sleet storm, black tentacles and solid fog are nice. You could fireball or battlefield control a group, then start picking of stragglers with tweaked out magic missiles.

As you get to higher levels your magic missiles are battlefield control. You open with a full spread of missiles with battlefield control metamagic. Then once the enemies are split up enough you pick strategic straggler or damaged targets and hit them with damage boosted magic missiles.

That leaves solo monsters with SR. You can get penetrating spell and greater spell penetration, but what's better once you finally get some extra spells known would be to buff your partner instead. Greater heroism is ok. Stoneskin is better but costly. Bull's strength is so-so but it's better than nothing. You can use SR:no battlefield control too, but with only 1 foe to engage it's mostly a delay tactic.

Since you'll get stuck in melee a lot, try false life each morning after you hit level 6.

2013-04-12, 07:20 PM
The problem with magic missile is that shield and similar effects block it, no matter what spell level you cast it as. It might be prudent to research higher level equivalents (like force missiles), assuming your DM lets you develop new spells.

2013-04-12, 07:23 PM

I'm looking for 5th level options for feats, but I'll keep that in mind.

since you brought up spell options I will mention..

I will be getting my first actual 2nd level spells at 5th level.. 'bull strength'(bloodline) and I am thinking 'resist energy'(since it's sometimes a must have and I'm the only caster). I will also use the alternate human racial favored class ability to grab a bonus 1st level spell. I am thinking I will nab 'touch of the sea'.. it's situational, but it should be nice having a swim speed when I need it, and this is a kingmaker campaign in "the river lands".

till now I have been using empowered magic missiles as my 2nd level spells since I have the slots but don't actually know any 2nd level spells yet. [(4d4+10) x 1.5] guaranteed hit, is some pretty good damage for level 4!

when I hit 7th and get my first 3rd level spells I get 'rage'(bloodline) :smallfrown: and 'fractions of heal and harm' (too bad my best option with it will be intensified burning hands at this point, but it's a spell I'm looking forward to trying out)

2013-04-12, 07:28 PM
The problem with magic missile is that shield and similar effects block it, no matter what spell level you cast it as. It might be prudent to research higher level equivalents (like force missiles), assuming your DM lets you develop new spells.

I have alternatives for casters trying to get cute with me.. I will mug them with some ear piercing screams. but honestly that's not a "problem with magic missile", there aren't many monsters out there buffing shield anyhow. heck some monsters are only effected by magic missiles, and I will rail them in the face..

this is kinda getting off topic.

2013-04-12, 07:35 PM
I wouldn't grab situational spells like resist energy or touch of the sea on a sorcerer. You'll use then way too infrequently. Get them on emergency scrolls instead. When you're 8th level and you have a lot of low level spells to blow then maybe, maybe, and only if it comes up a lot.

I'd get web. Levitate is a distant second, to rescue important targets. Though bull's strength will sometimes be worth casting, perhaps on your ally before a fight. ~30 damage is pretty good at your level, force or not. Nevermind about flaming sphere then.

It might be good to plan long term on your feats, because all that metamagic plus spell penetrations take a lot of feats. SR will become a real problem for your missiles at high levels. Toppling spell is only a +1 metamagic so it could be good for your 1st level slots. The modifier is low so you only sometimes trip, but for a +1 it isn't bad.

2013-04-13, 01:09 AM
I'd say Penetrating Spell is almost always better than Spell Penetration for a sorcerer. Then again, if all your spells allow SR, the cost of former may become too steep at higher levels. Depends on the kind of campaign you're playing, really.

2013-04-13, 01:13 AM
When your main tactic is SR yes and lots of high level things have SR, I'd get both. Not right away, but eventually. I would get penetrating spell first since at first not all things have SR. It could take some time before even part of the foes have SR. But with 3 feats to consider you need an early start. Taking SR no backups is another solution, especially before SR foes are common.

I've heard stories that SR is worse in Pathfinder, and it seemed that way in the last campaign I played, but I don't know if it's true in general.

2013-04-13, 01:23 AM
Well, like I said, it depends mostly on the campaign. If all you're facing is humanoid opponents with class levels, then the only ones with SR are gonna be the occasional cleric, maybe a sorcerer. But if you're going up against hordes of Devils, then getting penetration feats sooner rather than later is gonna help immensely.

Personally I never really found a need for anything beyond Penetrating Spell on sorcerers, but most sorcerers can afford a couple of extra feats anyway. This is especially true if you're focusing your build on a lower-level spell since you can use lesser metamagic rods with it.