View Full Version : Gods of Mortals 3: IC

2013-04-12, 01:42 PM
The birth of a new universe is no small matter. In fact, such occurrences effect the divine energy that unites all things. It is from this divine energy that gods are born.

When a new universe is created, it is nothingness. This void beckons and calls out into the divine realm and the response is always immediate. Gods burst into existence as bright orbs of light. Some of these gods are completely new, having never been known to the divine realm until now. While others are memories or pieces of another universe's gods. In either case, these young deities set out to make the most of this new universe.

Upon entering this empty universe you immediately notice the other gods, each with its own unique light and glow. But, there is nothing else.

That changes, suddenly, when a channel from the divine realm opens up and begins pouring energy and matter into this new universe. The matter coalesces into a single rock while the energy fills each of you with unimaginable power.

As the channel closes, you look intently on the mass before you. There is a silent voice deep within you, calling you to this world.

And demands your godly will to be done unto it...

This is the first turn of Gods of Mortals 3.

Please use this turn to create all things for this universe. You have a massive power boost and as such you can affect the entire universe, not just the planet. These can be divine laws that structure realms or physical laws that all that live within the universe must follow. There will be at least one extra turn for creation, so don't feel like you have to get everything out in one turn.

Please us the OOC to talk with the other players to avoid stepping on anyone's toes. Though you have nearly infinite power this turn, let's keep this friendly :smallsmile:

Also, you won't get your actual appearance until creation is done, so don't worry about being an orb of light for now.

2013-04-12, 02:13 PM
Shen Zhi Huang
Suddenly, the energy pulled Shen Zhi Huang from the other world, to the next world. This world, a world of new possibilities and excitement. A world of new students to teach, new soldiers to drill, and new artists to instruct. A world of new wizards, new strength and young vigor. Shen Zhi Huang smiled and readied himself for a new career.

He soared throughout the Void and considered what he would do next. He noticed that the formless Void contained only what seemed to be a lifeless stone out in the lonely universe. First, would come the magical energy needed to sustain certain arcane life forms. He wove a spell, out in the formless Void, he performed odd hand gestures and waved the hands.

Repeating this gesture several times the magical energy flowed from Shen Zhi Huang's inner most being, and the planet was filled, enscorceled from top to bottom. It was still a life less rock, but now it was full of magical energy. Call it manna, call it chi, call it Heka, it was what it was.

2013-04-12, 04:46 PM

An so, the scientific mind was drawn into the new world. Sensing the creation of magical energies, he determined to give the mundane of this world power of its own. And so, he did:

He created heat and light, mundane forms of energy, and made them such that they would coalesce into matter of all kinds. A multitude of elements would be formed by physical processes alone, and would interact by other physical processes.

Stars formed, to do His holy work and died that their products might spread throughout this cosmos.

And lo, he decreed the equations of the universe, discoverable and comprehensible even to those without magic, so that even the untalented would find sources of power.

At last, He pushed the rock into an orbit around one of His children, created not as a forge of elements, but as a source of light and heat, that it might always be warm and habitable to life.

2013-04-12, 04:59 PM

Seeing the world moving into the orbit of a star Phyros extends his jaws around the world and bites down, cracking the surface like you would an egg into 7 plates that moved freely on the molten rock below. The plates would destroy each other and cause others to rise to replace the loss.

After cracking the planet he moves away and creates a pair of moons to orbit the planet, when the seas were created they would provide the power that would drive them. However not wanting to temper the world just yet he doesn’t douse the surface until he is sure the others he could sense had put their plans into motion.

2013-04-12, 05:15 PM

Seeing what Phyros has done, Thalis smirks (if a glowing orb can be said to smirk):

Ah, nice touch there. You've freed yet more natural energies for use. Well done! And I see you're gathering up some of the matter produced by my children to seed the planet with (specifically elements one and eight). Thanks for saving me the trouble!

2013-04-12, 05:44 PM
Flicking his tail in confusion at the orb talking Phyros quickly overcomes it, this was probably some half formed god of this new universe.

“I care not for elements my only intention was to force the soon to be inhabitants of this planet to adapt as their world constantly changes around them. The water will be helpful in this regard as well.”

2013-04-12, 05:59 PM
Muria zu Latonesh

And thus it is written that our Lady Muria, Lifeheart and She Who Stands At The Gates of Eternity, did step forth from those gates of the same. Power blazing lambent and glorious in tantamount majesty, counterpoint to the stars and wonders forged by those who had already acted upon the reality that she found herself within.

The Dream had ended for now, and free from it she could practice those skills that she had spent countless eternities of Dreaming honing to razor edge. Creation would come. Magic had come. Such sacrifices already made such that reality could flourish. But she welcomed them, as she did all sacrifice for the enrichment of a world long in the making.

But there was something more that waited. Another blazing wonder that must rise into being beside those of her sibling-cousin-children. And so did the Lady Muria, our Lady of Dreaming Light and Majesty, bring forth the Gates to the worlds beyond our own Time and outside our meager Space. Woven into the very fabric of reality, raining down glorious memory and fragments of the Dream upon our worlds, so that we would all know what had passed. And with that knowledge, so we knew what we could then become. Creation sang to the song of Eternity, the place to which the Gates reached.

None can pass from our world beyond those Gates, not our Lady, not any divine or mortal. That was the decree passed to her as price for reaching beyond the bounds of reality to the Dream from which she had come. And there was another price, but what it was our Lady has never spoken. Perhaps it is too terrible, even now. But we thank her with every breath for it, for the Gates would in the times to come grant more than ever could be imagined.

- Excerpt from The Unabridged Creation of Reality

2013-04-12, 06:04 PM

Ah, but such furthers my wishes as well, you see. It is my wish that those inhabitants learn from their world. Learn what it is, how it functions, and how best to use it. I imagine they will indeed adapt to your changes, and learn to harness them. They will build mighty vessels to cross the waters, and will perhaps one day learn to harness the heat you've freed for them to their own purposes.

*noticing the new divine activities*

Ah, yes, more forces for the people to learn of, to harness! More knowledge to be gained, it is Good.

2013-04-12, 06:06 PM
Shen Zhi Huang
"Ah, I see you are more cerebral than I. You have come to this world, how exactly? I have just arrived not long ago, from another world. Are you the same? Or are you a newcomer ?" He addressed Thalis. He was relieved to see there were others here to converse with. The old man smiled as he did so, and hoped that he could look forward to many conversations with these other people, who had reached power similar to his.

2013-04-12, 06:11 PM

Coiling up Phyros lays his head upon his back staring at the planet, so many possibilities for a hunk of rock.

"Yes that would be something to see, so long as they don't become complacent and forget the stuggle to move forward."

2013-04-12, 06:14 PM

to Shen:

I too come from another world. I donot know how I arrived here, just that others in my home cast me out for valuing reason above ritual. I intend to offer the inhabitants of this world a chance to use reason to learn of their world for themselves.

Then, with a trickle of divine effort he takes a form resembling the form he had in his home:

http://i1290.photobucket.com/albums/b524/Chad_Picard/386688-fma2_28_01_zps91d1d826.jpg (http://s1290.photobucket.com/user/Chad_Picard/media/386688-fma2_28_01_zps91d1d826.jpg.html) (closest thing to what I was thinking of I could find Not an acurate representation of personality.)

to Phyros:

Ah, but if they do become so complacent, we'll have to give them new things to discover, or reminders of that need, will we not?

2013-04-12, 06:34 PM
Muria zu Latonesh

And so Our Lady descended from her Work, down into the world below where the other gods spoke and crafted, so that she might come to know them and learn of their being and intention. She learned much then, and it is from that meeting that the decrees of our people, in who we treat with, were first drawn to being.

- Excerpt from Laws of the First

Stepping down from the edge of reality, form rippling from ball of light into herself, Muria zu Latonesh flung herself across the fabric of the universe, dancing and spinning in joyous rapture at the glory unleashed by this newest of Creations. Wait...no...second. Fifth. Eleventh. Ah, whatever.

Appearing beside the conversing deities that she had sensed from the Gates, she smiled radiantly, green eyes sparkling in the light of the new-born stars.

Greetings, brothers. She spoke calmly, words measured carefully as if they could not contain the joy of simple conversation if spoken faster. It is with great joy that I greet you, in the name of the Divine Realm for which I am High Priestess in this world. What are your names?

2013-04-12, 06:35 PM
Shen Zhi Huang
"I am Shen Zhi Huang.' The divine mage replied. "It is a pleasure to meet you, but difficult not to monopolize the conversation when I see such a sweetness to the eyes." Shen Zhi Huang spoke charmingly. He smiled and waited for the others to respond.

2013-04-12, 06:46 PM
"I'm sure a few prods will shake them sufficiently out of their stupor."

Turning his head towards the newcomer his scales changing colour in ripples

"Phyros was the name I was given and what I imagine shall continue to be my name."

2013-04-12, 06:56 PM

You may all call me Thalis. But what shall we call you, Lady?

2013-04-12, 07:41 PM
Aeneth, Thalis, Phyros, Sehn Zhi. It is my honor to meet you newborn unto divinity. I hold the sacrifice made for all that you have done here, and I do it gladly. As I will for what is to come, so that the world may ring with a glory brighter than the stars. Muria raised her hands, the infinity hourglass of emerald fluid at her neck shining with the power of beyond Eternity, and smiled at her fellows.

Watch, my siblings. And understand the glory of Creation.

Power blasted out of the void, roaring out of the Gates upon high and focusing around her fingertips as she spread them wide, verdant green light weaving out from her hands, and she called to the world below. A single word, but for a divine, that was all that was ever needed.


Atmosphere bloomed into being, elements rippling out of the void between stars and lights to create a safe shell for the tender life that would follow soon enough. Metal and stone groaned and shrieked below the waters of the world, divine power ripping away great slabs solid mantle and lifting them high, high into the skies of the newborn world. And a second word was spoken, without flourish, but containing in its two syllables power beyond any wrought thus far.


And as the islands rose from their ocean homes into the sky above, fourteen in full total, the hard layers of stone powdered into soil. And from the word came seeds of life. Greenery of all sorts, life in all the glory that you would expect in preparation for what would come. Vast lakes sat entrenched within the islands, fed by divine power and - in time - the clouds that they would dance with. And below the fourteen islands, their rivers spilled great floods of into the air - carrying with it the seeds of life already granted. A world of blue and green and white. That is what would be. At least if Muria had anything to say about it.

The power faded from her hands, the talisman at her throat dimming down to a faint glow, and she laughed musically at the wonder that she had wrought. So much still to do, but this...this was enough for now. Returning her attention to those around her, she grinned.

I am High Priestess of the Divine Realm in this world, Lifeheart and Keeper of the Gates. My name is Muria, Muria zu Latonesh. She held out her hand, somehow individually the same one to each of the four before her. In the name of Divinity and Creation, I welcome you to do the latter with the power which the former grants you.

And so it was that, in the dawn of the First Age, the Islands of Eden were raised from the oceans and life was gifted to them - and from them, the world - by the Lady Muria. And she spoke with the newborn and the traveller, welcoming all as was her duty to the Realms from which she had awoken.

- Excerpt from The Unabridged Creation of Reality

2013-04-12, 10:28 PM

As he looked upon the vistas the Lady had created, Thalis was filled with wonder. And yet, it needed something.

And so, he looked to the moons orbiting the collection of islands. With a thought, he traveled to them. Seeing them too small to be useful, he added to their mass. Copying their progenitor Phyros, he made their interiors molten and cracked their crusts. He added water and air to complete their terraforming.

In time, these worlds would be bluegreen gems in the night sky, and would host peoples of their own. They would be another place for knowledge and science to flourish, and each world would inspire the inhabitants of the others.

2013-04-13, 06:17 AM

Seeing the world now filled with water Phyros threads the water he had been collecting into the heavens to create a nebula that could be seen from the world. After his with a swish of his tail he causes 6 volcanoes to rise from the sea bed at the meeting point of one of the plates.

These six islands would only surface together this once as he set about making each island shrink and grow at different times. Two opposite islands would be at the surface at any one time two would be sinking and two would be rising. This would continue on this way in a clockwise fashion.

Finally he hits the planets north pole with his tail causing the whole thing to wobble slightly giving the planet seasons.

al'Lan Mandrag
2013-04-13, 10:03 AM
I removed my previous posts rather than leave large chunks of crossed out text.


A ball of light, floated about the assembled gods. They knew him though he was young, new. This was the beginning of... time... yes, the idea bled into his minds through the gates in space and reality that Muria had willed open.
He shaped eyes and opened them, drawing in the vision of this imperfect world. A rock, but lifeless, dead: plants were not life, not the kind of which he desired, but there was heat and water, fire and ice, he could work with these.

Hands formed and a golden youth appeared amongst the gods, alabaster skin glowing with divine light, and golden eyes and hair flowing in an imaginary wind. From beneath his crimson cloak two gilded hands appeared - not gauntlets these.

He turned and stepped to the rock beneath him, still wobbling from the blow it had received. He stood at the centre of the shifting seas and reached out his mind. Silver ores from the centre of the world leapt to his hands, but still he drew more, and laced it with iron and the manna that suffused the world. A smooth shimmering plate appeared on the waters and expanded rapidly covering and suppressing the water until it was 3 leagues across in every direction. Lines of fire ran through it forming an impossible pattern that could be seen from the sky.

"This will be the Silver Plate, the home of Gods, but never of mortals." Aeneth decreed, "For no mortal may pass one hour here in sleep and rise again." The fires glowed hungrily.

Perhaps his kin would come now, to make their thrones upon this world, and meet in council to decide the fate of the world to come.

His shaping was not done however, for he could not invite them to a barren plate.

Two shapes rose from the silver, the first a golden palace that shaped itself around Aeneth, with a funnel to the centre of the earth where molten fire could rise to his forges.

The second building rose at the centre of the fiery spiral; a slender spire, and at the top a flame burst to light, bright, white and pure. "Come sisters, come brothers, come sit in council here with me," he called.

2013-04-13, 10:22 AM
From the Void

Our Lord Palnax came from the void where nothing yet something could exist in an eternal paradox, there he spent his time drifting since he had left the previous world after its destruction. He was alone for a long time until he almost thought he was gonna go mad, for if suffering existed for the Gods that was it for him.
But soon he would feel something drawing him to this world soon after it was formed The Great Gates of Eternity were felt by him and like a newborn animal that cannot see he was drawn towards them, but he dint quite make it there.
Instead he crashed and into what in the future would be called the great Island of Pera, its entrance to it would exist in this world and only those mortals who knew about that entrance would be able to find it.

-From the Scroll of Animals

Palnax looked around as his initial surprise left him, and the island that came into existence with his arrival. He quickly took the form of a great steed and started running above the water surveying the newly created island, hope and sadness filled him, this world had so much potential this world would never be destroyed, he changed his form once more shifting into a giant centipede.

Gathering Power he started shaping and creating reality something from his old memory he thought of the sea and the pearl he had found and bound all the power he could into it, as a big white pearl was formed in front of him he spoke with words of power into it.

From the piece of myself my grief my sorrow and hope i bind to protect this world Beyond the end of Times, by mortal or Divine hands let this world endure.

The forming pearl shifted in his eyes and for a moment the Sea itself seemed to stop moving around Palnax before the pearl simply stood still and dissapeared.

Now the only thing Palanx could do is hope, so he left to meet other Gods perhaps the one who create those Gates he saw yet missed crashing closer to them.

2013-04-13, 10:29 AM
Shen Zhi Shu

Shen Zhi Shu opens a portal, and fashioned magical energy as a duplicate to the world that had already been made. Eventually, this Mirror World, as Shen Zhi Shu would call it, would have similar or exact reactions to the original world. For example, if one world had Elves, so would the other, if one world had Dragons so the other would, if not at the same time, then they would somehow develop them. All credit for one world would go to the God who introduced his concept in the other.

The purpose for the Mirror World was one both of practicality and also of experimentation. Shen Zhi Shu's making of the Mirror World crackled with energy. A brilliant glow encircled everything the gods had made, and looked as if it would soon explode and destroy everything. However, eventually, the glowing stopped, and portals had opened in various locations around the world the gods had made, entrances To the Mirror World.

Shen Zhi Shu smiled. "The Yin, And The Yang". He proclaimed proudly.

2013-04-13, 11:24 AM
The Silver Plate

As Palnax moved he remembered the voice he heard, someone had invited him to them, and it would be rude not to go to them even for a short visit.
So the giant construct that brought him here would have to wait for now he left as fast as he could towards the other God.

Of course he kinda failed in that and instead he crashed yet again somewhere on the Silver plate not far away from the Palace where the other God was at, thankfully it dint seem to hurt much so he ran with all of his legs towards the other God.


This time Palanx kept his cool and stopped far away from the other God so he wouln't have crashed on him, even if he was excited enough on finally meeting someone to speak...in a long long time, either way it dint matter now he would finally be speaking to someone and generally be a bit more carefull where he crash-landed.
Still he tried to relax a bit and as he walked as a normal as it is possible for..... a giant centipede towards the other God.

"Hello sorry if i am late, i just came here my name is Palnax what is yours?"

al'Lan Mandrag
2013-04-13, 12:20 PM

"I am Aeneth Brightforge," said the human figure who appeared upon one of the marble balconies of the palace. He eyed the gigantic insect in front of his, and his gilded hands glowed. Such an ugly thing would need reshaping if it were to come here again: it would barely even fit within the council chambers he had created. How selfish of this Palnax...

2013-04-13, 02:38 PM

Responding to Aeneth's invitation, Thalis (from whose form, Aeneth drew inspiration for his own, it is said) appeared.

A fine creation, brother! We do indeed need a place to meet and dwell apart from mortals, least they come to rely too greatly on us.

To Palnax:

I am Thalis, the Philosopher.

*politely bows*

To Aeneth:

I don't know, brother, Phyros might also have trouble fitting in structures sized for us. Perhaps the meeting area should be able to accommodate them, rather than asking them to accommodate it?

Speaking of structures, I suppose I should build my abode since you graciously provided this place for us all, should I not?

*then, with another relative trickle of divine power, he builds his home.

He builds a grand university. With lecture halls and libraries, and places where experiments of all kinds may be conducted. And a home for himself, comfortable if not overly luxurious (as knowledge and learning are all the luxury he needs). In the center of the campus, he places a grand pool, at its center a pedestal holding a great open book, pages of gold and bindings of ivory.*

In time, I shall empower that pool and book, but for now, It is Done.

al'Lan Mandrag
2013-04-13, 02:55 PM

"Size is not beauty, and we are gods: everything is relative. I need not be even this big," he gestures and suddenly a tiny version of Aeneth's body replaces him, "but I could be this large." Now a twenty foot version of Aeneth faced Thalis. "These displays are purile, but I hope that Palnax and this Phyros take note. If they want to be included then they should put aside their barbaric love of size and act like civilised deities."

2013-04-13, 03:00 PM

Of course, we may chose our size. Still, should one not be allowed whatever from they find most comfortable?

2013-04-15, 01:38 AM
Inferndyim, Dragon God of Awesome.

Fire, Flame, Heat, Exhaustion, conflagration, Words associated with Inferndyim, the Dragon king, and Lord of flame.
However, This..New world, lacked the core elements of life itself, Fire.
So, Inferndyim Fixed that, Crafting out of his own breath, mighty monuments to his might, though none would know of his hand in it.

1st Action: Inferndyim Creates Volcanos, Scattered all over the world, some undersea, some on the landmasses.
2nd: To Create Vast Swathes of land, raised from the ground, Without water for miles, Known as "Deserts"
3rd: to Create large, Emphty temples, perfect for housing small creatures, like those he envisoned.

2013-04-15, 02:50 PM
Shen Zhi Huang

The wizard looked down from his place in the Void once again, the world was forming out quite nicely. The volcanoes, the islands, the moons, and other elements of the world were taking shape to be a beautiful land of great possibility. No people as he remembered him though. There wasn't much life on the place at all.

However, now was the time to prepare for the coming mortals. Shen Zhi Huang created a powerful gemstone, composed of the magical Force of energy he had infused the universe with, and a metallic ring in which to place the gemstone. He would not yet construct the Ring, he would wait until it was time for the mortals to come.

It would be the Shen Heart Stone. The Shen Heart Stone, an incredible Artifact of ultimate magic and power. The bearer of the Ring could commune with Shen Zhi Huang, pull forth power from Shen Zhi Huang himself, and even tap into the energy field that Shen had created at the beginning of the world. This was Shen Zhi Huang's plan for the future.
Later, Shen Zhi Huang thought it was time for him to make a literal mark on the world below. For the power of the universe to be planted in the world. With a word and gesture, crystalline formations clung to the world below, forming mountains of enchanted crystal. Throughout the land, pockets of crystals clang to the world, soaking energy from the sky like beacons. Regardless of the crystal's location, whether on the surface, mountain or underground, the magic seeped into them.

2013-04-15, 03:37 PM
Shen Zhi Huang
Aeneth was met with Shen Zhi Huang. The bearded deity of the other world smiled. "I apologize. I had much business to take care of. As I understand it, you wished to see us?" Shen Zhi Huang waited for a response. Shen Zhi Huang had waited for Aeneth to respond, with excitement. He was bored of just creating and preparing for the future. As odd as his attitude was for him, he was only Human, after all. Well that was not entirely true, he was Ascended, but he was Human.

2013-04-15, 04:02 PM

Seeing the planet was lacking in living things Phyros decided to do something about it. Using some of the seeds of life falling from the floating islands he injects some of his changeable essence into them letting them grow beyond his or any of the others plans.

As a parting gift to his creations he planted a simple command into the minds of all the species that would form from these seeds, “Reproduce and grow stronger.”

After this he left them to their own devices whether they could carry out his command he would have to wait and see, but he wasn’t going to help them again. Prefering to let them find their own way.

2013-04-15, 04:43 PM

Seeing what Phyros had done, Thalis strokes his beard.

Impaitient. With these conditions, something living was going to develop anyway. Still, not a bad start.

Finding Phyro's creations, he whispers to them:

Some of your decendants will become much like us, to know of their selves. Those that do will know of all the gods, goddesses, and other divinities of this world, that they may chose which, if any, to pay homage to. And all such creatures will crave knowledge and seek it. The laws of this world will be decipherable to them. So I decree! Those of your decendants not destined to become so aware will variate and form the flora and fauna of this, no these worlds.

He then spreads these seeds to all corners of the planet, all the islands, and the moons, that Evolution might take its course amongst them.

Decreed that Phyro's lifeforms will give rise to sapient creatures through evolution, and the varried flora and fauna as well. Instilled a latant desire to learn and accumulate knowledge. Spread the lifeforms to every habitat and potential habitat so far created.

For those keeping score, the lifeforms now have the commands: Reproduce and Grow Stronger, and Learn and Accumulate Knowledge. They also have the latant abilities to decipher the laws of the world, and to know of and chose freely among, the divinities of the world (including chosing to worship none of us.) These latant abilities will trigger when sapiant beings evolve, which they will.

Also, yes, this does mean that the silver plate is crawling with microbes now (It being on the planet and all). They don't sleep and as such wont be killed by the povision "any mortal that spends an hour sleeping here will not rise again." I suspect they'll evolve into other creatures that never sleep. Also, any such creatures that evolve elsewhere can colonize the Plate just fine. Just pointing that out.:smalltongue: NO Take Backsies on that point, either! Your fault for chosing such a wording! :smalltongue:

2013-04-16, 05:12 AM

Well Aeneth dint like him, but oh well you cant make everyone happy, and besides he wasn't that big. Nonetheless neither his mood or spirit were dampened by the broody god "Nice to meet you Aeneth".

To Thalis:
Palanx turned to face the new god, this world dint look like it was bad after all.

I am Palnax the familiar, nice to meet you Thalis
He bowed his head as his body couldn't exactly bow in a way that would not break the laws of physics or at least look weird.

Palnax listened as the two Gods talked and decided if he took another form he would at the very least be able to fit in there and stop the argument, so he took a new form, something smaller and more fitting, like a corporeal steed made of shadows, smaller than the centipede around the 'normal' size of the other god if a bit shorter, still he did a mental note that Aeneth was one of the meaner god and that Thalis one of the good ones, as far as Palnax was concerned that is.

Not forgetting he could make his home he used his own Godly will and created what looked like a giant turtle shell with a small lake and a garden on top of the shell. It was smaller than the palace of Aeneth, but Palnax dint need much space to live in and besides he had ideas for the inside. Surrounding the shell is some very short grass that doesn't spread, after all people might not like grass for all that Palnax knew.

Still this gave him an idea, so he left for a moment to make it real in his semi hidden island. It would be a glorious spawning pool that would create life which could get stronger by eating each other a true place where the strongest animals survive and the pearl could influence to ensure the world dint go downhill from this action.
After that was done he returned it wouldn't do well to keep any of the other gods waiting.

Godly will to create a home that looks like a hollowed shell from a turtle(even if turtles don't exist here). Its description is detailed above.

Godly act used for the life pool or spawning pool, now at the start its gonna create all sorts of different animals on this island that can get stronger by eating each other, after more than a couple manage to survive, the pool is gonna stop creating them in big numbers.
Instead it will randomly create at times more animals but it will be a very rare event.
The pearl can influence the pool itself to create more or less or specific 'animals'.

2013-04-16, 09:36 AM
Deep in the reaches of space, a swam of energy spins together and grows. As this energy grows, it begins to take the shape of a planet, made entirely of gases and storms. It grows to a massive size, dwarfing many of the other planets and moons in the system. From above, the planet is a mixture of swirmly clouds and patterns. Inside the planets cloud layer is a massive raging storm, full of terrifying energy and power.

From within the swirling mass emerges Tor'vus, god of Ice and Storms. He blows a breath of frost into his hand, and spins this into a planet of stone and ice, equal in size to that of the planet of storms. He then shatters this planet, throwing millions of pieces of rock and ice across the galaxy.

He then scoopes up a handful from the planet of storms, and an icy chunk from the smashed planet and hurls this small ball of vortex towards the other planets. May these planets know fear, as these tiny fragments play across the planets for eternity.

1st Act: Created a Gas Giant. This is left a fair distance from the other planets.
2nd Act: The creation and smashing of the planet was to create asteroids, metoers and comets. Just your general space junk.
3rd Act: Created Storms on the other planets. Thunderstorms, Hail and Snow storms will now roam the planets.

2013-04-16, 03:58 PM
A ripple, starting from the very center of the newly formed planet, spread out to all reaches of the universe. No. The ripple started from the outer reaches of the universe and ended in the center of the newly formed planet.

And as it passed the young gods, they felt their power wane. The divine power that they had used to mold the universe left them and flowed with the ripple toward the new world and coalesced. With a burst, time began to move forward with great haste and the gods where left with no other power but to watch their universe advance. All things that they had set in motion continued, and it was magnificent.

They watched as life evolved on the world and the lands shifted. Until a new life form appeared. Without much notice, time slowed down. And they watched as this new creature began to evolve and started to learn. And when it first spoke, time stopped.

Within those words, within these mortal creatures, the gods found a new source of divine power.

Before you sits the world as you have fashioned, only more populated and a bit greener. And upon its surface is a new creature, humans. Within their souls lies the divine power you had all lost.

To grow powerful once again, you must gain their worship.



The first turn is done and you are all now beholden to the framework of the game system.
You all start with a population of 1 and the have no resources, no technology, and no specialization.
Please be sure to understand all the rules before using Acts, Wills, or issuing Commands.
I would like each turn to last no more than a week, but I also believe that these first few turns can go really quickly.
After any post where you use and Act, Will, or a Command, please state your what you are trying to do in a spoiler. Posts without spoilers may lead to misunderstanding or misinterpreting what you wrote!
When you are done with your turn, please make a post stating as such in the OOC.
Once all currently active players have stated that their turn is done, I will start the next turn. Currently inactive deities will be lost within the universe if they do not make a post during this turn and their populations will turn to 0 (though they can still join later...though they will be weaker than the other players).
If you have any questions, please ask in the OOC before posting!

al'Lan Mandrag
2013-04-16, 05:23 PM

Aeneth watched as the others continued to beat at the world in their fashion, shaping it.

He had grown weak, frozen and alone and even the Silver Plate was abandoned. Aeneth dove through his palace and dreamed himself a body. Even that was hard and he had to draw on much of his divine might to create it. The same body that had walked these walls times ago now stepped out once more, youthful and full of fire.

Godly Act: Create Avatar

He stepped from his palace, past the giant shell and the library of Thalis and rose into the air, hurtling towards the nearest land mass. Once there he took a ball of silver from his pocket, a round sphere which he cast into the dirt before him. He knelt and his golden hands began to sift the earth and metal, shaping them effortlessly. The two elements mixed and soon he had formed a figure before him in the earth. His hands had been made for this work, for the shaping of life, and the shaping of destiny. He smiled and drew a small dagger from his belt: it was a superb feat of craftsmanship, but he had barely had to even think about it and it had formed within the forges of his palace. He drew it across his palm and molten gold fell onto the creature before him, so brilliantly bright that for a moment all there was was golden light.

Godly Will: Use Godly Act: Make a Race.

1 = failure, 2 = success: [roll0]

If failure: [roll1]

2013-04-16, 05:37 PM

Finding himself coalescing after being spread throughout the oceans of the world for so long, Phyros begins to laugh. Gods never die they may be reduced to a whisper on the wind but it only takes one person to hear their voice and their back.

Finding the person who had heard his call he instructs them to begin gathering resources for the tests ahead while he begins to work his power to cause the number of worshippers to grow.

Command: Gather resources
Godly act: Increase population

2013-04-16, 06:35 PM

Delighted that the decree he spoke to those first life forms is coming to pass, Thalis found the tribe that had chosen him.

My people, you have chosen me. I see in you the acme of my decree: to love and gather knowledge. I grant you a blessing of fertility, and prescribe that you indulge your desire to learn.

With his word and will, he makes his people and their land more bountiful.

Godly act: Increase Population
Command: Learn and Advance
Godly act (via will): Gather Resources:

calamity? 1= fail, 2= success

if failure, [roll1]

2013-04-16, 10:46 PM
Angry at being stripped of power, Tor'vus looks upon all that has been created and quietly rages. These HUMANS have taken his power, and now taunt him with it. He needs them, but does not want them.

Instead, Tor'vus shall create a newer, better spieces. But first, he needs to fashion a home for them.

He calls upon his creation the storm, and sends them to the ends of the earth to planket the world in ice and snow. In these regions, only the strong will survive.

From this region, Tor'vus whirls together beast and man and ice, to form a great hulking sapient wolf. He shall call them "Wargs." May the beings of this world fear Tor'vus' newest creation.

Godly Act: Creation of Polar Ice caps and regions of snow and ice.

Command: Increase Population.

Godly Act (Godly Will): Create new race, Warg. An ice wolf the size of horse, that is sapient. Specialization: Combat.

Calamity Chance:[roll0]

Calamity Roll:[roll1]

2013-04-16, 11:04 PM

Stripped of his power by these...scaleless...weak, Creatures, No, No, This..cannot be happening, "NO!"

Godly Act: Create New Race: Dragons, Intellegent beyond most, If not all others, and near immortal, Powerful, and almost deities themselves;
Specialization: Combat, +1
Godly Will: Saving it this round.
Command: Increase Population

2013-04-16, 11:08 PM
Shen Zhi Huang
Shen Zhi Huang found the people that had chosen Thalis . . ."Thalis, it is highly important that we stick together. Though we are opposites in theory, I believe it is highly mandatory that we keep together, for the people's sake. We are now weaker than we once were. Together, you and I, Thalis, can keep these two tribes safe, and build a paradise on the world that will never be removed."

2013-04-16, 11:13 PM
Agreed, Shen. Indeed, in the world I once called home we would be foes. But that needn't be so here. For the good of these people that must not be so.

You are welcome to my university and home on the Plate. Perhaps we could discuss strategy there?

2013-04-16, 11:17 PM
"Of course. . . brother Thalis." Shen Zhi Huang responded. "That would be best." The wise man responded with a cordial tone. "Thalis, I am curious, these people are primitive, without even the means for to protect themselves from horrible beasts that now wander the world. Some of us are re-creating the mistakes from the past unknowingly, making hideous monsters. The people won't last long, as few as them that there are, because of this, unless something is done."

2013-04-16, 11:55 PM
*In Thalis' sanctum*
to Shen:
No surprise that we would care for these people, as we were both mortal, once. Right... brother Shen?

You are right, of course the introduction of these magical creatures could indeed prove problematic. I wouldn't worry about the natural creatures, though. These people evolved alongside them, afterall. As they won the race to sapience they are or would soon become the world's greatest predators even without our help. Hmm, I am somewhat disappointed that only one sapient species arose. I was hoping for at least three: one on the planet and one on each moon. But, I digress...

What to do about the threats presented to the humans?

I see four strategies:

1. Create a compact amongst the divines to protect humans and other similar races, and to promote peaceful coexistence generally.

2. We could move some people to the floating islands and the moons.

3. We could create creatures of our own to protect humanity.

4. We could take measures to equip the humans to better protect themselves.

I suggest we work diplomatically. Afterall, starting an arms race would not serve our purposes. As an additional measure, perhaps we could teach the humans means of defending themselves. If we do so, though, I recommend offering the knowledge to all humans, not just our worshipers, again to prevent an arms race. Of course, I might be being naïve with these ideas.

2013-04-17, 12:02 AM
Shen, In Thalis Sanctum

"No you are not being naïve, Thalis." Shen Zhi Huang replies. "As a god of war, I am suggesting that we first teach the Humans how to defend themselves, from. . . themselves. I seem to work on the spirit of men, whereas you seem to work with their minds and physical well-being. I shall teach them how to use the magical field I created from before their springing to sapience. Later, I think it would be best if I taught them how to fight without the need for weapons, and how to fight."

"You would be a good teacher of technology and innovation. Thus, I suggest that it would be a good to merge our two people's as one Alliance."

2013-04-17, 12:26 AM
Thalis, in his Sanctum

I agree to your proposal. But might I suggest offering overtures to Muria, Palnax, Aeneth, and Phyros as well? I believe that Muria desires that this world flourish. Palnax actually bound up much of his power to ensure this world's survival. Phyros actually brought the first seeds of life into existence, I merely ensured that they would achieve sapience. As for Aeneth, he's shown no desire to create monsters and by creating this meeting place for the good of us all, has shown some desire for negotiation over violence.

In addition, might I suggest we blend our domains? Let us create a discipline that requires both magic and science to use properly, but will greatly boost both as well. It needn't eclipse either of our domains entirely, but it would allow the potentials for synergy between them to be realized.

2013-04-17, 08:14 AM
Rage. From across the void. A brother in hate and of fire. Creating these "dragons" was a stroke of genius.

Together, perhaps, we could reclaim the power stripped from us by these... HUMANS.

"Inferndyim... Fire... Brother!"

al'Lan Mandrag
2013-04-17, 08:18 AM

The youthful Avatar watched as the light faded and the first Attendant stood before him. A woman with alabaster skin that pulsed with a golden light, a fey beauty beyond that of the old humans, and stranger still, her hands were made of silver. She stood blinking as life filled her and Aeneth smiled. He cast out his hands and the light swelled again as eight more figures rose from the earth, pale as he with silver for hands and gold for hair. Four men and five women.

"You are the nine. The Nine Attendants. Life is yours, and birth and death will come. Grow as a people, learn. But know this. You were created by Aeneth Brightforge, god of Fire and god of Light. I will teach you the arts of shaping so that you may travel the seas and pay homage to me upon the Silver Plate. A debt is owed."

And with that he cast his fiery knowledge into their minds an flew up and away, leaving them with the art of fire, and of ship building, and eventually, once they assimilated it all, of metal work and forging.

This is the RP for the results of the previous post.

The Race will have +1 in Crafting.

Command: Increase Population.

Aeneth's physical form soared into the sky on wings of fire and he swept back to the Silver Plate. He landed within his palace, revitalised by the belief of his new race, but he new there was more to do.
He stepped beneath his palace, into the bowels of the Plate, where molten lava spilled into his forge and the room rang with the possibilities of tomorrow.
He laid his hands upon the anvil for a moment, breathing in the scent of the forge, the beginnings of creation, and then begun his work.
Ores flew to his hands, and fire to and all were bent within his shaping hands. Soon a golden sword lay before him, and a crown and sceptre, the accoutrements of his power. But he was not yet done; there were still humans beyond the Plate, stranded in this world and he would raise them to his banner.
His golden hands ran across the pooling flame and soon a black iron staff rose from the maelstrom. A weapon of fierce powers, not strong enough to harm a god, but with the caged might of raw Anger and wrath, it was a weapon that could waste a town. Aeneth looked on it and smiled, but at that point a strange vision assailed him. He saw humans from the Dream, burning and killing. I cannot give them this. I cannot give them war.

He gripped the staff in two hands and snapped it effortlessly and then breathed on it. Silver skeins threaded threw the blackness now and bound its evil tightly. Safeguards.

His avatar took wing on fiery pinions and flew north to the islands where his Attendants and humans both now lived, though currently in ignorance of one another.

He flew first to his nine Attendants, who camped now within a large bivouac and warmed themselves by a fire.
"Attendants, I return with a gift." He handed the first of his creations one half of the staff and told them of humanity. "There are others on this island, humans, less gifted than you, but with strength and numbers. They worship me also in my many guises and I would ask you to go amongst them. You carry my teachings and my power, though much diluted and I wish you to spread them to these children. To the wisest of their kind I shall give the second part of this staff, and each bearer will be bound to their half and be known as Guardian. Your name?"
"Aurora," the woman responded as she accepted the black and silver rod.
"Daughter of the dawn, you shall guard your people and when danger threatens you must stand with the human Guardian and together you may unleash the power of the Staff. But you must be in accord."

He left without further word, expecting them to accept his precepts and learn, and sure enough, as he took wing, the Attendants left their temporary home and began to trek east, towards the human encampment.

Aeneth made sure to inject his arrival with great pomp, and as he concentrated his newly forged artifacts, his sword, Phoenix, and his crown and sceptre all scintillated with blinding light.

He arrived before the humans and they cowered. He gave to them the same speech he had visited upon his Attendants and then handed the second half of the staff to an aged man who bravely looked his Avatar in the eye.

His work done he took his leave and returned to the Plate, pleased that his will was being enacted upon the world.

Godly Will: Create the sword Phoenix an incredibly powerful magical sword.
Godly Will: Create the Forge-Crown, an artefact that projects a glamour inducing awe and wonder on all minds not divine.
Godly Will: Create Aeneth's Sceptre, a golden staff that contains the very power of shaping. With one touch it can correct any and all imperfections to a living being or man made structure.
Godly Will: Create the Black-Iron Staff, a two part staff that is always bound to two Guardians, one Attendant, one human, both worshippers of Aeneth. When combined and used by both guardians it can perform great feats of destruction.

2013-04-17, 03:44 PM

Deciding it was going to be necessary to give his followers a few advantages so that they wouldn’t be overwhelmed by the others followers. Phyros set to work restraining the seas for his followers, whenever a ship captained by one of his followers set out it would find the sea as smooth as a mill pond, while whoever tried to wage war on them would find the seas a tempest even under clear skies.

He also created a map of the world and made sure that it ended up in the hands of his followers. The map would always update showing any sandbanks or hazards that had grown since they were made and couldn't be destroyed by any normal means.

Godly will:Seas tamed for followers so even in storms the sea remains calm. While Sea acts against whoever they end up at war with. Possible godly act so i will roll for it.


Godly will: Indestructible constently updated map, Artifact.

2013-04-17, 03:47 PM
Muria watched as the other gods played with their power, crafting wonders as she observed - the green infinity logo glowing gentle at her breast. And she laughed, indeed did she cry out with utter joy, at the explosion of power that washed over them that brought with it the creation of humanity.

Oh Creator above,
in the courts so high.
See me now and whisper,
Let your creations fly!

Power surged through the fabric of reality, rippling down from the Gates above to pour with seeming unending strength into a mold formed out of the image of humanity. Dreams and wonder, life and magic, awakening changes through wisdom in all it touched. And these would be her chosen, those protectors and wise leaders to her people. Those whose legacy would pass through the fabric of time with little in the way of whispers, sliding down the ages from the dying hand to the young one. The symbol of the Divine Court and the Creator who sat at its head would be their guide - and it would point the way to new wonders and peace.

Her race rose beside those humans who had already found her ways in the world around them, and she reached down with her power to bestow the first of many gifts upon them. Talisman. Not the one she wore, but to mortals it would hold all the power of the original. And the name would remain unchanged. For that is what must be.

A hourglass of infinity, from its heart shining a radiance brighter than the fiercest star. To the First, those born from the dreams of the Gate, this would be Her symbol among them - one that would never lose its power. And that would garner respect from all. For in truth, Talisman was not her symbol. It was the symbol of that which she served. And none could look upon it without feeling an echo of the power that had pushed forth the creation of those they worshiped.

Her command rang out through her symbol, wordless - but what god needed words.

Rejoice children, for you are in safe hands. My First shall guard you, my symbol shall guide you, and the Isles of Eden shall be your homes eternal.

And thus did our Lady of Dreaming come among us in the form of her own Chosen people, to guide and protect us in our times of need. And to them -and through them, us - she did gift the most holy of symbols. That of the Divine Court and Creator that stands above all. The symbol that she held at the request of her progenitor, and that would show us the way to our new homes.

And so we traveled hard to the Isles of Eden, and on reaching, lo did the power of the Lifeheart grant those of her creation the strength to carry us to those places of utter paradise and wonder. Our numbers grew, and with it so did our faith in Our Lady, for she had delivered on all that had been promised And so did we erect temples in her honor, and lift our voices skywards in prayer and praise, so that She might be secure from the dangers of her power with us, Her followers, anchoring it with our own belief.

Talisman showed us the way, and our fields grew ripe. The harvests were fine upon the Isles, the First showing us the ways of living, and together we forged the beginnings of a nation that would endure Eternal.

- Excerpt from The Isles of Eden

Godly Act: Create Race: The First. Beautiful humanoids, the First of Muria are also the defenders of her chosen. With razor claws, like those of the lions that had evolved in the moments of passing to the divines as the world turned, they will fight - literally - tooth and claw to protect those that worship Muria.

+1 to Combat spec, +1 population

Godly Will: Create Talisman: An echo of the power of Muria's own Talisman, the first symbol of holy power, this artifact is as powerful to mortals as Muria's is to her. Granting her a means to voice her commands to her faithful, Talisman is also a worker of wondrous miracles when for whom it is wielded are in need.

Command: Worship

Godly Will: As Act (Increase Population)

[roll0] 1 success, 2 fail.

If fail:


+1 population

2013-04-19, 01:10 PM
Shen Zhi Huang in Thalis Sanctum

"Indeed, it would be truly wise to form an alliance for those of us who wish to see the First Race thrive and prosper in this strange new, young and primitive world."

2013-04-19, 03:03 PM

nodding, Thalis concentrates to contact some of his fellow divinities.

Muria, Palnax, Aeneth, and Phyros

each receive the following missive:

My fellow divinities,

Shen and I have grown concerned over recent events and would like to take council with you to discuss the future of these worlds. If you're willing, please meet us at my University.


2013-04-29, 01:06 PM
Our works were not in vain, nor labour without end. Lady Muria saw our works, saw the beginnings of greatness that we had sculpted from the raw earth, and with her still power she reached out a slender hand to aid us.

From the rocks of the Isles there sprouted monoliths of white marble, great monasteries formed of rock made living in the moments of their creation. These were to be the foci of the eternal power of the Gates, the material connection between the realm of dreaming and the world upon which all life would inevitably flourish.

And as the great monuments to our Lady were brought to completion by Her power, their walls arrayed in sweeping concentric patterns, streams of pure dreamstuff erupted from the Gates. Fourteen strands from fourteen Gates, each flung down from on high to the Enclave of Dreaming that faced it.

Dreams exploded as the strands found their homes, roaring pillars of radiant power bursting through them as the line between reality and dream blurred for a brief moment across the Isles. But that line would be held - for the time to join the Dreaming was not yet.

The Enclaves of Dreaming would be our centers of faith and learning. Places where any could come to find the truth of our Lady, but only if they wished to. To the records of the Plate, these would be a match in mortal terms. And nothing would ever be lost, for within the Dreaming every written memory would be secured. Such was the gift of Our Lady.

- The Dreaming Citadels

Muria heard the missive, her hands retreating from the great wonders she had wrought across the Isles that held her people, and she turned from the world towards the Plate. A brief step Outside brought her there, flickering into being beside the two already there in a shimmer of dreaming colours, and her lips curved in a gentle smile.

Greetings, beloved brothers. What is it that concerns you so?

3x Divine Will: Forge the Enclaves of Dreaming/Dreaming Citadels.

Great castle-monasteries formed of white marble, the Enclaves are found at the center of each Isle of Eden - easily located by the pillar of Dreaming power reaching down out of the heavens from the Gates so far away.

The Citadels are the places of learning and memory for the people of Muria, where all may learn (including those who do not follow her) and all is remembered.

Anything committed to paper or other such medium within the Enclaves will be retained within the Dreaming through the connection to the Gates, and in times to come Muria's people shall be taught of how to find and navigate those records. In time, even if one of the Citadels falls, nothing within shall be lost.

2013-04-29, 01:11 PM
Shen Zhi Huang
The ancient mage god inputs his power into a new quasi-scientific magic force. "It is time." He says simply, pouring his power from this age into the discovery of Alchemy.

[Shen Zhi Huang spends his Act to create Alchemy with Thalis]

al'Lan Mandrag
2013-04-29, 01:33 PM

Crowned, sceptred and with sword belted at his waist, Aeneth's physical Avatar flew to Thalis's sanctum on the Plate.

"Greetings brothers, will we together use this place for the purpose for which it was designed?"

2013-04-29, 04:15 PM
Ok, I'll use another godly will to try to give my people some resources (low 60% fails):

2013-04-30, 12:34 PM
"Go my people, be one with Thalis'es people, and make your way. ::Commands the people to integrate with Thalis'es::

1 Command used.

2013-04-30, 12:53 PM
The mortals continued to grow and learn. They started to create a civilization. And new mortal races created by the gods walked alongside the humans that worshiped the same god.

The world was still young and new for many.

Player Info for Turn 3

Namste, NagromC, and Malachi Lemont have all been silent since the game started so their characters will be crossed off in the player list and not included in these updates.

{table]Player Name|Deity Name|Act(s)|Will(s)|Wills Remaining|Commands|Population|Resources|Technology |Combat|Crafting|Learning|Wonders
Spacewolf|Phyros|Increase Population|Calm seas for followers, Artifact: Phyros's Map|5|Gather Resources|3|2|0|0|0|0|None
Chilingsworth|Thalis|Increase Population|Gather Resources (calamity, 0%), Reduce effect of Calamity|5|Learn and Advance|3|0|2|0|0|0|None
Armin|Shen Zhi Huang|None|Create Alchemy, Integrate with Thalis’s followers|5|None|2|0|0|0|0|0|None
ShadowFireLance|Inferndyim|New Race: Dragons|None|5|Increase Population|4|0|0|1|0|0|None
Icilia|Tor'vus|New Race: Wargs|Create Polar Caps|5|Increase Population|4|0|0|1|0|0|None
al'Lan Mandrag|Aeneth|Create Avatar|New Race:??? (no calamity), Artifact: Phoenix, Artifact: Forge-Crown, Artifact: Aeneth's Sceptre, Artifact: Black-Iron Staff|2|Increase Population|4|0|0|0|1|0|None
Snowfire|Muria zu Latonesh|New Race: The First|Increase Population (no calamity), Artifact: Muria's Talisman|5|Worship|4|0|0|1|0|0|None

2013-04-30, 01:11 PM

Within the University, on the Plate
(Shen, Muria, and any of the other gods I sent missives to can read this)

I welcome you to my home, Sister, Brothers. We are concerned by some of our fellows' creation of monstrous beings (specifically, Inferndyim and Tor'vus). We fear for the safety of the humans and others like them. As those two rogues of our kind have shown their intent to be the extinction of humans. We've called to all the gods that have shown some care for humanity that we might ally to protect it. As a first step, Shen and I are forging a means for the humans to defend and better themselves from both our domains. Would you be willing to join our alliance and add some of your power to our creation? We wish to spread it to all humans that they might better survive.

Accept the followers of the great mage among you, my people. And go among them, for they are kindred spirits!

Adds his godly act and his godly wills to Shen's in the creation of Alchemy.
Orders one population to focus on increasing population, one to gather resources, and the last one to learn and advance.

Also, the non specific order to mingle with Shen's people and accept them as brothers and sisters.

al'Lan Mandrag
2013-05-04, 05:54 PM

To Thalis et al:

"Rogues, already? We have barely begun, and yet they seek to threaten? I have made certain arrangements, defences as you will, but perhaps some sort of accord or treaty ought to be made? Something that will stop those others from unleashing whatever destruction it is you fear they will yet unleash."

Aeneth bowed his head; his people were only begun, but he had thought this would be an idyllic time, before war and violence occurred. His people were only now learning to live in harmony on there small island, and had not even grown in number enough to begin to travel to the Plate and serve him as he had intended.

With his Avatar flying above the world he caught a glimpse a jewelled creature in the sky far off and briefly considered creating a race of gigantic drakes to match Inferndyim's dragons, but passed over it quickly. What with Thalis's warning about an arms race occurring, perhaps it would be better to keep his creations hidden in his sanctum, and deal with war if and when it occurred.

His flesh body appeared before the main village of Neathia, where a few Attendants lived alongside the humans. He saw clearly his two Guardians walking about with their two halves of the Black-Iron staff and nodded to himself: for the time being they would be safe from the threat that the creations of these 'rogue gods' might present, though how long one weapon could defend two whole races, he just didn't know.

Mingling with his people, his Avatar began to set down the precepts that would help them to grow as a people: they were already the most capable of craftsmen, what with the knowledge Aeneth had imparted to his Attendants and he knew how they must progress.

"Gather now, for the harvest does not last. Work now, for strength does not last. But build for forever, for the shapings of Aeneth are eternal."

Godly Commands: Gather Resources x3
Increase Population

2013-05-04, 10:30 PM
Sitting idly was not something Tor’vus did well. His Worgs were working out nicely. They were fast, powerful, strong. But the humans could do things the worgs couldn’t. They used their hands to make the land bend to their will. That’s the Gods domain, dammit! But… It is efficient.

Perhaps, they could be fused together. The humans are so weak and pathetic, but they do have their uses. Tor’vus takes his creation, and the humans, and blends them together. He hides the beast within each human. Although they were human, at least they were now blessed by Tor’vus. Over time, they will learn to harness the beast, calling it out when they need it. Werewolves, they shall be called.

And as a final blessing, the ability to propagate the species with a bite. Tor’vus almost feels affection for these humans. Perhaps he could learn to like his people. He seeds his newest people among the humans who currently worship him, and have them transfer their blessing.

As a last minute thought, Tor’vus attempts to create a more powerful Werewolf. A personal servant to enact his will upon the world.

”I wonder what Inferndyim is up to. Brother?”

Godly Act: Create Race, Werewolves. Increase combat by one.
Godly Act: Create Avatar, a massive white werewolf
Calamity chance: 1 pass, 2 fail
Roll: [roll0]
If fail, calamity table roll
Roll: [roll1]
If there is a fail, will use Godly will to bring the roll up to a 3 for a zero effect.
Commands: Increase Population, Gather Resources.
Use of one Godly Will to change all my followers into werewolves.

EDIT: reclarrifed use of godly will

2013-05-04, 10:49 PM

Still little more than a voice on the wind Phyros continues to whisper in the ears of his followers. He needed more before he could pull his full consciousness so he puts all his efforts to that task.

Trying to make life alittle easier for his followers he also starts to gather up resources to allow them to survive easier.

Godly Act:Increase population
Command increase population

Godly will:Gather Resources
Godly Will:Gather Resources

Calamity rolls

al'Lan Mandrag
2013-05-17, 02:49 AM

Reaching his people, Aeneth spread wide his arms and hurled bountiful life into them, using his powers to shape infants within the women and to make the race stronger and more fertile.

Godly Act: Increase Population

2013-05-20, 11:05 AM
As time waned, so did the power of some of the gods. Their mortal followers became less as their names turned to legend.

Player Info for Turn 4

All inactive players will have their characters set to Lesser Deities. Active players can use them in RP but their stats will not change.

{table]Player Name|Deity Name|Act|Will(s)|Wills Remaining|Commands|Population|Resources|Technology |Combat|Crafting|Learning|Wonders
Spacewolf|Phyros|Increase Population|Gather Resources (calamity, 25%), Gather Resources (calamity, -25%)|5|Increase Population|3+1+1+1|2+1-1|0|0|0|0|None
Chilingsworth|Thalis|-|Create Alchemy|5|Increase Population, Gather Resources, Learn and Advance|3+1+1|0+2-1|2+2|0|0|0|None
Icilia|Tor'vus|Create Avatar|New Race:Werewolves (no calamity), change all followers to Werewolves|5|Increase Population, Gather Resources|4+1+1+1|3|0|2|0|0|None
al'Lan Mandrag|Aeneth|Increase Population|None|4|Gather Resources, Increase Population|4+1+1|2+2|0|0|1|0|None

I left the math in so you can all see the calculations. I will edit this post later to set it to the totals.

Since this turn ended up a bit weird:
Chillingsworth, you retcon using a Godly Act if you wish, creating alchemy is not a Godly Act (look at the OP for a list of available Godly Acts).
Spacewolf, you can retcon spending a Godly Will to reduce the calamity (the minus 1)

Tor'vus and Aeneth each have avatars on the planet.
Races in the world include: Human, Werewolf, Wargs, Dragons, The First, and The Attendants.

2013-05-20, 07:48 PM
Tor'vus was pleased with how the world was going. His followers were powerful and relentless. Even many of the unfaithful cursed him when the sea raged from storms or crops died from early frost. But he also felt scorned. His brothers had abandoned him. To long had it been since he spoke to a fellow God.

For now, he was content to wait and plot his next move