View Full Version : Mark of Amilmar

2013-04-12, 08:37 PM
"My brother was killed by those damned goblins at Shalavant last week!"
"Droaam knows that Brelish military is split and weak after the end of the Last War."
"They say the siege against Orcbone Keep was a quick and decisive victory to Droaam."
"How is Breland going to keep the monsters back now? Most of the Brelish military might is divided up between the borders of Aundair, Thrane, Darguun, and especially the Mournland."
"The monsters are spreading out to thin Brelish forces, and attacking with fresh troops while ours are weary from the Last War still."

These are just a sampling of the rumors passing around in Sharn, the City of Towers. The streets are busy day and night with business, as usual- not that one can tell the difference between day and night in the most heavily populated city in Khorvaire. Sharn is a city of wonder, where a weak-spot in the planar cosmos allows for weaker gravity in the area, thus allowing for the city to be built vertically thousands and thousands of stories high, instead of ballooning outward like traditional cities. Without this rift, the uppermost levels of the city would come crashing down to the ground. The higher up in the city one lives, the more status and reknown they have. The lower in the city you go, the more impoverished and undernourished the population becomes.

Please post where in Sharn your character is and what he/she is doing.

2013-04-13, 02:57 AM
As a former soldier in the Thrane Army Wolf will be keeping a low profile, as the war having just recently ended it could end badly if he was recognized. He is wearing his armor, (which he had altered to remove all of the emblems and sigils of the Thrane military) but he is not riding his mount. so as not to be recognized he is wearing a long dark cloak, with his weapon concealed beneath. he is looking for a room about 1/3 - 1/2 of the way up the city but so far has had little luck finding anything.

2013-04-16, 09:37 AM
As a former soldier in the Thrane Army Wolf will be keeping a low profile, as the war having just recently ended it could end badly if he was recognized. He is wearing his armor, (which he had altered to remove all of the emblems and sigils of the Thrane military) but he is not riding his mount. so as not to be recognized he is wearing a long dark cloak, with his weapon concealed beneath. he is looking for a room about 1/3 - 1/2 of the way up the city but so far has had little luck finding anything.

Due to the number of refugees flooding the city from northern Breland, it is difficult to find an inn with a vacancy. Nobody seems to be paying any attention to you, because you seem like any other person to them.

You eventually come across a halfling of House Ghallanda offering a place to eat and sleep. It seems she has turned the dining hall of the inn into a makeshift sleeping quarter to house the overwhelming number of refugees. It is filled with Brelish women, children, and very old men.

2013-04-16, 12:04 PM
Caedmon & Mialee (Middle Menthis Plateau)

A round of feeble applause emerges among the refugees as Caedmon finishes the last stanza of a song and takes a bow. As much as he hated working for the House anymore these days, he was grateful that they often stuck him with reconaissance jobs that allowed him the opportunity to pass plenty of downtime. Today, he was assigned to monitor the influx of Brelish refugees and make sure order was maintained. In all his years, Caedmon had learned that the best way to get upset people to behave was to take their mind off the task at hand, and this was why he sang: to give the refugees an escape. The officer excuses himself from the crowd, promising to continue upon his return. "I'm getting some tea, Mialee," he lets the dancer know. "Can I get you anything?"

Caedmon waits patiently at the bar for his tea, sipping gingerly at it and cursing under his breath with a satisfied smile as it burns his tongue. He didn't care much for warm tea, but it was rare to find a place that took the time to boil it anymore. He'd have to add this one to his list. As he makes his way back to the makeshift stage, his wandering mind causes him to bump into a stranger in a black coat, sending boiling tea spilling everywhere.

"Son of Siberys!" Caedmon curses as the hot liquid spills over his hand and onto the floor. His gaze meets with the strangers, and Caedmon realizes that, beneath the black cloak, the man is armed and armored. "Apologies, sir," he bows to Wolf, "I should have seen you there. Allow me to buy you a drink to set things right?"

2013-04-16, 04:52 PM
"Sorry 'bout that wasn't paying attention to where i was going. I think I might be the one who owes you a cup of tea as I see the one you had before has 'magically' managed to evacuate the cup."

Wolf calls to the Innkeeper for 2 cups of tea. As the tea arrives Wolf carefully examines Caedmon before removing a gauntlet and offering a hand, introducing himself with a slight bow and mock flourish of his cloak.

"Hello my name is Wolf. And who might you be, Sir Bard?"

2013-04-16, 09:14 PM

With a slight nod, the bard introduces himself. "Caedmon d'Medani," he says, "professional watchman and amateur tenor. This here's my colleague Mialee Nightbreeze," he says with a motion to the half-elf woman standing nearer the stage. He invites Wolf to sit with them. "So tell me, Brother 'Wolf,'" Caedmon emphasizes the name as if he doubts it's the soldier's given name, "Did the gobs displace you, too?" He looks around the inn with weary eyes, as if he was waiting for something to happen at a moment's notice.

2013-04-17, 07:14 AM
"no the goblins didn't displace me. ive been a bit of a floater since the war. I have not stayed in any one place for longer than a few weeks, you know just trying to see the world before it ends. the day of mourning was a bit of a shake up, ya' know?"

Wolf walks up to Mialee and introduces himself

"Hello my name is Wolf, and your friend there says yours is Mialee, its a pleasure to meet you."

2013-04-20, 04:13 PM
Mialee Nightbreeze (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=549573)
"Caedmon told you correctly, my name is Mialee" she replies smiling. She then takes a sip of wine from the mug she is holding. After she finishes she puts the empty mug on a nearby table "I don't want to appear to be running away " she laughs "But I was going to preform now.". Mialee then walks to were Caedmon was preforming and starts to dance.

Rolling just in case
Preform; Dance: [roll0]
Profession; Dancer: [roll1]

2013-04-29, 06:14 AM
Caedmon d'Medani

Caedmon chuckles, but immediately feels bad about doing so. "You must excuse me," he says as he raises a hand in apology, "but I've never heard a monumental catastrophe referred to as a 'shake-up.' Seems a bit of an understatement, no?"

2013-04-30, 11:02 AM
A man enters the inn. His full plate armor is highly decorated with gold and green linear designs, widely popular in Breland. The armor is a direct contrast to the man's shoulder-length black hair, neatly trimmed facial hair, and dark eyes. He has a large, two-handed sword strapped securely on his back, and it is obvious that he is not a refugee.

He sits at the bar next to Caedmon and Wolf, and orders a drink.
When he recieves his drink, he just stops and looks into it with a blank stare.

2013-05-04, 01:21 AM
Wolf looks at the man and back to his tea, before pulling his hood farther forward to cover his face. he whispers to Caedmon 'i dont like the look of this guy, but then i dont really like the look of anyone in this town. lets see if we cant get a table somewhere a little more private. '

2013-05-29, 02:52 PM
Mialee Nightbreeze (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=549573)

Onstage Mialee watches as the guy enters. Her eyes tracking him across the room. Curious as to who he is she decides to investigate after her performance.

2013-06-03, 07:49 PM
Caedmon d'Medani

"Decided you weren't thirsty?" Caedmon jokes, trying to gauge the soldier's affect with a smile. If he smiled back, things were easy. If he remained stoic, Caedmon wouldn't be surprised; such was the trained reaction. If he drew his sword and lunged at Caedmon, it would just be another day in Sharn.