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View Full Version : [PEACH](WIP) Caster Re-Tool/Fix Thing (witty title pending)

Howler Dagger
2013-04-12, 08:48 PM
This fix is not intended to fix every possible problem with casters. It fails, and is not intended to, fix the individual spells, or mundane class' relative weakness compared to casters

Spell Casting Stats

Spell casters now use 2 stats to determine how they cast spells. Their Ability stat determines how high of a spell level a spellcaster can cast, and the bonus spells per day. Their Power stat determines the DC of any spells they cast that allows a save, and provides a bonus to their casting check (see below).

All arcane spellcasting classes now use Intelligence for their Ability stat. Arcane classes that formally used Intelligence as their casting stat (such as the wizard) now use Wisdom as their Power stat. Arcane classes that formally used Charisma as their casting stat (such as Sorcerer) now use it as their Power stat.

All arcane spellcasting classes now use Wisdom for their Ability stat. Clerics, Paladins, Favored Souls, and other divine spellcasters whose magic is drawn from a god or gods now use Charisma s their Power stat. Druids, Rangers, and other divine spellcasters whose magic is drawn from nature now use intelligence.

TL;DR: Spellcasters use 2 stats

The idea of using 2 stats for spellcasters is not originally created by me, but I am incorporating it into this fix. I am currently unaware of the first poster to come up with this, so I would be thankful if someone could post a link to the earliest homebrew that uses this.

This designed to alleviate Single Attribute Dependency(SAD) for spelllcasters. Mundane classes usually require multiple attributes to succeed in combat, so to even the playing field I required spellcasters to be the same.

The main problem this creates is MAD for Ranger and Paladin. I might do a re-write of these classes.

Casting Check

Casting a spell requires now requires a casting check. If you fail to make the DC, the spell fails and you lose any components used to cast the spell. The DC depends on the level of the spell you are attempting to cast, as shown below in the table.

{table=head]Spell Level|DC

A caster's bonus to the check equals CL+Power Stat. Many feats and class features, such as Spell Focus, give you a bonus to this check. Classes that give bonuses to this check are detailed below:
Wizards gain a +1 bonus to casting checks made to cast a spell from their specialized school, if they choose to have one. This increases to by +1 at 4th level and every 4 levels after that.

Clerics gain a +1 bonus to casting checks made to cast a spell from a Domain granted by their God (or fraim their faith if they do not follow a god or gods). This increases to by +1 at 4th level and every 4 levels after that.

You do not gain these bonuses when counter-spelling.

More to be added

Counter-spelling now works differently. You make oppose casting checks, and are no longer required to burn a spell slot of the same spell being cast. The spell slot expended must be of equal or higher level to the spell being cast. You gain a +3 bonus to your check if it is the expended spell is the same as the one being cast.

This is very much a work in progress, so please stay tuned for more updates.

Howler Dagger
2013-04-12, 08:49 PM
Reserved for new and revised feats.

Howler Dagger
2013-04-12, 08:50 PM
Reserved for any class re-tools I do. You can post now.

2013-04-14, 11:33 AM
Your casting check, the way it is now, is pointless. It's always an automatic success.
Just having the score required to cast a given SL and the appropriate CL is enough to guarantee success.

2013-04-14, 12:19 PM
If you, you know, always roll 10+.

Of course, there is Arcane Mastery... but its just enough to say that that feat can't be taken.