View Full Version : Hope Springs Eternal-FFd20 Squad 1 IC

2013-04-13, 06:23 AM
The basic training was grueling, but you made it through and now you are a proud cadet of Asiria Academy, one of the most famous academies of all Seldaria. At least that is what you tell yourself. The truth is you are on the lowest position in the command chain, and you don't really mater. But, you do have potential. Maybe.

You have been assigned to the squad 64272-CH1. As you enter the room you see five more cadets. You think you have seen them all in the training area, but you are not sure. Last few weeks have been so tiring and confusing, you can barely remember your name.

As you look around the room you see three more people, a Nu Mou, Bangaa and a Hume. They seam to be ignoring you all completely, so you think it's better not to disturb them. Maybe you should introduce yourself to your fellow squad members.

2013-04-13, 05:24 PM
"What is it they have us doing here again anyways?" the Nu Mou asks while nervously polishing her staff.

2013-04-13, 11:07 PM
Arianna enters the room and looks around, seeing who is here already. She recognizes a couple faces, but that's it.

She starts making assumptions about who can do what. She can't really help it. She always does that when in a group. And it leads to her guessing who she could beat in a fight.

2013-04-14, 04:43 AM
"I'm fairly sure that this is a test, of sorts. Probably to see how we react to combat situations and work together." A brown haired hume says, shifting his weight. "The name is Vane. Monster specialist, including which taste best with which glaze."

"I guess I'll be relying on those in better armor than me to keep the monsters off my back while I do my thing. It should be a pleasure working with you all."

2013-04-14, 07:47 AM
"You're a good boy, yes you are." A young mithra has a dog by its face; squashing and shaking it why he baby talks to it. It's thick face is slow to react to the punishment and it's moving body gives off a low pitch, but audible grinding noise. He says a couple more cutesy wootsy things to it then snaps up, tucks his hands behind his newspaper boy hat, and starts a stiff exaggerated march walking towards the chatting group. The dog is quick to follow him, staying only a foot or two behind as it does so. Eve addresses the group as a whole, "I'm Ava, it's nice to meet you." He turns to the side as he finishes, "Come on road. Up and Front." A dog nearly as tall as the short mithra comes out from behind him, measuring a couple inches over the Nu-Mou. "That's road. He's glad to meet you too. Vane and...?"

Hands still behind his head he tuggs at his drooping hat to clear his vision, waiting for a reply of any kind.

2013-04-14, 09:06 AM
The Nu Mou stares at the towering beast.... Dog... For a long moment; anybody can see her mind asking "is this normal"...

A moment later she snaps out of her thought path and brain catches up with the conversation. "Oh, I am Ma'kenroh. Ma'ken for short". she says as she extends her hand towards the dog, as if to pet before rethinking it and offering it to Ava".

"Whitemage... If the robes weren't a dead giveaway"

2013-04-14, 10:09 AM
"Ah. Just a second." Eve slips off his thick glove and reciprocates the gesture, giving a firm handshake. "Nice to meet you Ma'ken roh." After the handshake continues for a bit he gives a nod and resends his hand then pulls his hat up out of his eyes, "Feel free to pet him, Road won't mind. Careful though, he's a little coarse."

"A White Mage? Wow. Magic is wonderful, isn't it! It's always a sight to see. Lights flashing, pressure waves, and the excitement that goes along with it. It's like a fireworks show." His hands back on the back of his head. "Let's see, if Vance is a Monster Specialist, you're a White Mage, that would make me a." He grins, "a shop employee. You might of seen me. Sometimes I do a little part time at the stores here. I make stuff. Stuff like road.. Well not exactly"..."I'm pretty good with magic paper and things like that though."

2013-04-14, 02:38 PM
"Edc cu lnuftat eh rana...Yht muug yd ymm draca baubma! Y secsydlr uv uttpymmc ev drana ajan fyc uha.."

The silver adorned woman watched the select few talkative members of her class interact with eachother, an interesting group that she hesitated to approach. She wasn't against introducing herself, persay, but if they werent going to be in the same squad then getting to know them would be wasted time.

Adjusting the straps on her shoulders, the girl sighed while leaning back into the wall, adjusting her helm visor a little lower, concealing the green spiral irises of her birthright. Today was going to be interesting, she hoped

2013-04-14, 10:18 PM
So, you eat monsters, then? Arianna addresses Vane, sounding slightly curious and slightly skeptical. I never really got how that blue magic stuff worked.

2013-04-15, 05:41 PM
Chink. Chink. Chink.

The sound of jingling metal echoes from down the entryway into the corridor. After a brief moment, the sound grows steadily louder.

Chink. Chink. Chink.

Some of the students can hear the sound now. Their faces a mix of bewilderment and abated aggression.

Chink. Chink. Chink.

All of the students can hear it now. The door swings open. Standing in the doorway is a moogle wearing standard issue academy heavy armor adored with the academy's colors. Standing barely little more than 1m (3ft) tall, maybe 1.2m if you count the ears, this moogle carried a sheathed sword to his left side. On his back is strapped a shield big enough to be used by any other student in the room. In his arms, a helmet with spaces cut out for his ears.

Kupo? Is this the right room? I'm looking for Squad 64272-CH1!

A couple students nod in affirmation. Another one giggles but tries to muffle it. Feeling slightly nervous, the moogle enters the room.

Whew! What a relief, kupo! The academy is just so big, I have a hard time remembering where everything is! I hope I'm not late, kupo!

By the way, the name's Kimi, kupo. I've been assigned to this squad as of today. It's nice to meet all of you, kupo!

2013-04-15, 06:21 PM
"Only when I can." Vane replies, shooting a glare at the Mithra who used the wrong name as he does so. "Mostly I observe them and replicate their abilities. The eating part is something my mentor taught me."

2013-04-15, 09:00 PM
Uh-huh. Arianna nods a little, and is about to comment further when her attention is caught by the newcomer.

No matter how many times she sees it, Arianna cannot help but be amused at the sight of a Moogle in full armor. It's just funny. She smiles a little, but keeps from laughing. She didn't want to hurt his feelings. Wasn't his fault that his entire race was so adorable.

She turns back to Vane. Anyways, nice to meet you. Name's Arianna. Red Mage. She holds out a hand for him to shake.

2013-04-15, 10:58 PM
Maken sits quietly; amused by the moogle in the heavy armour and the conversation between all these odd characters.

This should be interesting she thinks to herself.

2013-04-16, 03:26 AM
OOC: I don't think it's been stated yet, but I will used italicized font for thought speech. /ooc

Feeling the rather chilly reception, Kimi stands for an awkward moment with a silly grin pasted to his face.

Yikes! *sigh* I've seen friendlier crowds at a graveyard!

Scanning for a place to sit, Kimi eyed a set of available chairs next to a table with a pitcher of water and some glasses. Kimi hopped his way forward and across the room. Pulling one chair far enough away from the table. The seat itself level to Kimi's neck. Propping himself with his arms, Kimi attempted to lift himself up onto the seat but struggled. His second attempt he pushed up with his legs, easily propelling him up and onto the seat. He was glad to have fur because no one could see underneath his blushing. Kimi reached out to the pitcher of water and and an empty glass. He poured himself a drink and took a seat.

Kimi wondered if everyone was here yet. Orders sounded like this mission was really important.

2013-04-16, 04:51 AM
Eve contemplates putting his glove back on, but decides to leave his hand unclothed until the greetings pass. "Nice to meet you, Arianna. I'm Ava. We sure do have a lot of Mages on our team."

A little pain of regret stings him seeing the moogle's warm welcome go unanswered. More than that though he wants to get to know everyone and be friends with them. Whether Arianna accepts his offer or not he's quick to turn to the seated Moogle. "Over here, Kimi!" He beckons him towards the group. "I'll introduce you to everyone."

OOC: Assuming Kimi comes over.

"Let's see." He starts from whose names he learned first. Eve palm side up gestures, "This is Vance. He's a monster specialist, and likes to glaze them after he's done looking at them." Continuing with his gestures, "This Nu Mou is Ma'ken, that's his shortened name by the way. He's going to be our squad's White Mage. Arianna here is a Red Mage. And, I'm Ava and this is Road, my dog."

2013-04-16, 06:10 AM
Upon hearing his name being called, Kimi quickly downs his beverage and hops down from his seat and across the room.

"Let's see." He starts from whose names he learned first. Eve palm side up gestures, "This is Vance. He's a monster specialist, and likes to glaze them after he's done looking at them." Continuing with his gestures, "This Nu Mou is Ma'ken, that's his shortened name by the way. He's going to be our squad's White Mage. Arianna here is a Red Mage. And, I'm Ava and this is Road, my dog."

Monster Specialist? Is that some kind of science? White Mage, OK... Are you sad? Red Mage, I wish I had cat ears. Mine are just big and floppy. Judging from Ava's attire, Ava is an engineer? Will we need a pilot?

Vance, Ma'ken, Arianna, Ava and Road, nice to meet 'cha, kupo! I know the armor is a dead giveaway, but I'm a knight. I've got a strong sword arm and even stronger shield, kupo. I wish I could say the same about my armor, kupo. I'm still getting used to it. It's not like the one I had when we went through basic. Those were well worn in, kupo. These are shiny and new.

2013-04-16, 06:11 AM
"That is enough chatter." the Hume said with a harsh tone.
"You have been called here for your assignment, not to socialize. For some reason your instructors believe you are the best cadets we have. I highly doubt that, but time will show. If you survive your final test you will receive your first mission."
"What my friend Melior is trying to say is welcome, I am Simona and my Bangaa friend here is Darren." the Nu Mou said with a soothing tone. "We will be your... instructors. As the best cadets this year we feel that you are ready for your final test. This test was designed to test not only your combat potential, but also how you work in a team and how you adapt to the current situation. Are there any questions before we start?"
Melior gives you a piercing look and you realize that you should just keep your mouth shut if you do not have anything important to ask.

2013-04-16, 06:24 AM
Startled, Kimi comes to rapt attention. Kimi listens intently before blurting out. What are the specifics of the exam, kupo? I noticed that we have a diversivied squad, kupo.

2013-04-16, 08:44 AM
Arianna quickly decided that she didn't like Melior. Mostly due to his attitude.

However, given that he seemed to be their new instructor, Arianna thought that she should keep her mouth shut for now.

She was going to ask something, but Kimi beat her to it. So, she instead folds her arms across her chest and waits for the answer.

2013-04-16, 10:10 AM
Vane bites back a yell at the Mithra as the proctors step in.

Shifting his positioning again, he listens carefully to what they have to say.

2013-04-16, 10:36 AM
With the greetings presumably over Eve takes his glove from under his arm and starts tugging it down onto his right hand. Keen to hear the specifics himself, but with no questions to ask. At least, until he has some foundation to launch his questions from.

2013-04-16, 10:47 AM
Darren looked at Kimi with an empty look. "It is essentially a combat test, you will be fighting against a team of six."
"And you better do well, your adversaries are from another academy" Melior added. "Do not embarrass us..."
Simona gave Melior a look that made him stop mid-sentence.
"I will assist you in this battle, you have nothing to fear. We just have to know you can fight together before we send you on a mission."

2013-04-17, 11:08 AM
Combat trial, eh? That's different. Against who?

Kimi looked around the room wondering if anybody had any other questions.

2013-04-18, 06:49 AM
As Simona starts to explain about your test a Nu Mou comes stumbling into the room.
"Lady Simona, I have an urgent message for you."
His hands were shaking while he gave Simona a letter.
As she read the letter her face turned pale. This lasted only for a second before she regained her usual calm. She turned to Melinor and with slight sadnesses in her eyes gave him the letter.
Melinor's face changed from surprise to fury while he was reading.
"Who is available?" he asked Simona trying to hold his anger.
Simona looked at her ring, turning it around her finger.
"No one at the moment, but I'm sure we can send someone soon" she said, trying to calm him down.
"No! I am going, and so is Darren. This test is postponed."
The look in his eyes was pure aggression and Simona realized there is nothing she can say to change his mind.
"You can not go alone, you will need my assistance."
Before Melinor had a chance to respond she turned to the cadets and said:
"You have 20 minutes to get everything you need, we are going on a trip. I will await you at the main gait. GO!"

2013-04-18, 07:00 AM
"I have a feeling this just turned unconventional very fast. I hope were ready for this." Ma'ken says outloud to nobody specific as she hops from her seat and gives road a pet on the way to the doors.

"Lets get a move on, faster we move the more time we have to prepare."

2013-04-18, 07:33 AM
Uh oh... I don't like where this is going...

Kimi wasted no time exiting the room, not even bothering to salute his superiors on the way out. Being small meant he ran slower than most. Being small and wearing heavy armor made it even worse. Kimi wouldn't have time to run to his barracks room and then to the main gate. Kimi observed in bewilderment the sudden flurry of activity within the academy. He didn't want to think too much about whatever was going on. Thankfully, he was fully packed and prepared beforehand. Something he learned to make a habit of before going off to any class...or battle.

As Kimi got closer and closer to the main gate, an old familiar feeling hit him. He felt his resolve wane a little. It did start out alot like this... A sudden emergency, little explanation... Kimi hoped it was just nerves as his little legs carried himself around a corner with the main gate now in sight.

2013-04-18, 09:31 AM
Eve's eyes grew big as the scene played out in front of him. Grasping his head in frustration, "Oh, No!" Raising out of his chair, "I didn't prepare for a field trip at all. Let me think. Let me think." All the way to the door he repeated himself, giving the phrase an almost mantra quality by the time he had finished.

Outside the door and in the middle of the hallway all the requirements for a successful pack were pieced together. "Ah! I got it. Road? Road." He turns around and moves down toward the dog. "Road, be a good boy and go get your equipment. Alright? Everything's packed. You just need to bring it all to the shop. Get your equipment and bring it to the shop." Though it might take road a while, even if road was much faster than himself, it should be a simple enough order to follow. More relaxed, Eve made his way toward the shop in a hurried pace. He had been through the halls countless times, still his first visit was one he would never forget.

"Don't run. Don't..." The tour guide had just started to read off an intimidating sized list. As much as Eve wanted to give her his attention, he was having trouble focusing on it all, with the wonder and grandiosity of the school in front of him. The site was one of the largest buildings he had ever seen, easily dwarfing his house. His attention snapped back to focus as the teacher roused the group with the completion of her list. The tour had begun without him. Eve jumped along and started to run to catch up, a stumble and he was skidding across the polished floor. Getting a nasty burn as he came to a stop several feet latter.

The shop line was longer than he had hoped. He sat in line, nervously tapping away as it slowly inched forward. Every ticking second etching away at his calm demeanor. By the time he had arrived at the counter, he had the exact amount of Gil in hand and quietly slapped it on the counter. "Hey." He gave a wave. "No time to talk today. I'm in a hurry; I'll stop by some other time during your break. I'm here for ten iron rations and my usual amount of supplies". With the shop employee fulfilling his request he could hear the loud clanking sound of Road hustling through the halls. A panicked thought of how long he must have been waiting in line crept on his mind, but was quickly dismissed as he noticed his roommate escorting Road. Road's main obstacle would have been the door, and with that out of the way his timely manner all made sense. His friend at the counter got his attention, his order fulfilled, he thanked him and gave a quick farewell. Repeating the process for his roommate as well, he gave a lengthy goodbye wave to the two as he made his way to the gate.

2013-04-18, 09:59 AM
Ma'ken takes her time getting to her room; grabbing her pack and making it to the main gate; barely in time.
Rush never serves her well. If she didn't make it? well such was fate. Better than hurting herself needlessly on the way.

"Did I make it in time? or have we all fallen behind?" She asks as she walks up to the group waiting.

//OOC//: KerfuffleMach2 and Trollael; Post in the Roll Call (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=280580) or you may lose your spot on the bus!.

2013-04-18, 10:35 AM
As you walk through the academy you can feel that something is wrong. Looking at the people around you, you can't see anything different, it seams like just another day. Still, you know that something big is going on, and you are right in the middle of it. There is something in the air, like a calm before the storm. As you approach the gates you can see Simona is there alone, there is no sign of Melinor or Darren. You see a few more small groups forming, but it seams that whatever is going on the majority of the academy is unaffected. You think that is a good sign, if a huge crisis was imminent, then all of the academy would be mobilized.

2013-04-18, 01:15 PM
Eve exits the school, Road on his heels, and looks over the gathering body of students near the gate. With a few familiar faces in sight he makes his way over to Kimi, waving along the way. "Hello. Again. It's nice to meet you too. Back to what you were asking earlier. You could call me an engineer if you'd like. It wouldn't be too far-off. I'm currently signed up for general studies though. But, a lot of my classes are engineer ones." He takes his usual stance of hands bracing the back of his head and pinning his hat into place. "Sadly, I'm not a pilot ... I rather not discuss that..."

"You're a knight? Any chance you're a holy knight?"

"I'm slightly relieved the combat trail has been canceled. I mean, I guess we're not official squad mates yet? I guess..? He says half questioning the statement. "That's not too good, but getting burned alive and shot isn't too pleasant either. Not that that possibility is gone given that they are gathering us here. Speaking of which. Where are the others?"

Hearing Ma'ken Eve turns, half expecting the rest of the squad, "Yeah, I think you made it in time. Everyone is still gathering." Eve makes an exaggerated lean and positions his hand as if to block out the sun. "I'm not so sure about the squad though. Did you see the others coming?"

2013-04-18, 05:41 PM
Vane heads out of the room quietly, walking to the shop to buy what he doesn't already have.

Buying the gear he needs, he returns to his room and packs the gear he thinks he'll need most, then heads to the gate.

2013-04-18, 05:58 PM

OOC: I don't think it's been stated yet, but I will use italicized font for thought speech. /ooc :smallwink:

"You're a knight? Any chance you're a holy knight?"

Um... Kupo?

Kimi angled his head slightly to one side in a moment of bewilderment as if to say "What gave you that idea?" Kimi squinted his eyes shut and gave a brief shake of his head, as if to clear out old cobwebs.

I can't say for sure, kupo. I was in a hurry to get here.

Off in the distance, Kimi could see someone vaguely familiar to him. It was Vane. Kimi pointed to his direction, looking at Eve.

Wasn't he in our squad, kupo?

2013-04-18, 06:45 PM
"Ah! Yeah. I remember him, the guy that liked to cook and eat monsters." Eve starts waving towards the approaching Vane. "Vance! Over here!"

With Vane still in the distance. "That makes most of us. I wonder where the others are. I really don't want to lose score for being them being late. It'd be a shame if our squad took penalties before we've even started. I doubt my family wants to hear how I made a mess of my first assignment."

2013-04-18, 09:33 PM
Arianna spent most of the trip back to her room thinking about what just happened. She was kind of looking forward to a trial by combat. But now there's this weird situation that, apparently, nobody is available for, but it's too important to let it go. Weird how that can happen, right?

Anyways, Arianna had pretty much everything she needed. These things were pretty much all over her room, though. Took her a little longer than she wanted to pack everything. But, she managed to gather everything and get back to the main gate on time. With only knocking a couple people over, too.

She even makes it to catch Eve's last statement.

You know, I really don't think they're gonna be scoring this at all.

2013-04-18, 10:10 PM
Wha--?! Eat monsters?!

The image placed into Kimi's mind wretched him with disgust. Fortunately, he didn't have time to express as such. Arianna arrived seemingly out of nowhere, causing Kimi to react with a jump.

Gah! You must be really stealthy, kupo! I completely missed you! Anywho, I think you are right. I just want to know what's going on, kupo!

2013-04-18, 10:17 PM
Arianna shrugs a little. She doesn't seemed to be too concerned by all that's happening.

No idea. Hopefully we get to fight something, though. I was looking forward to that combat test.

2013-04-19, 12:55 AM
Walking up to the group, Vane's eye twitches.

"You. Mithra. My name is Vane. Not Vance. Commit it to memory." He says, glaring at Eve as his tone takes a menacing tilt.

"Anyway, hello to the rest of you." The change in demeanor is nigh instant, and somewhat startling. "What's your theory on this incident?"

2013-04-19, 08:21 AM
Two faux pas in a row. Eve's ears droop down, and if you've never seen a mithra blush you can't say that anymore. He fidgets, squirming in place, embarrassed for talking about a teammate that was near him as if she wasn't and messing over his first impression with Vane.

He tries to laugh it off, but only manages a wide smile, "Vane, Vane, Vaanne. I'll be sure to remember that."

"No clue on the incident, it could be a lot of things. Sure are a lot of students though." With his usual motions he takes a glance around at the gathering students. "Our entire squad is here now, we could always try to find out."

2013-04-19, 12:35 PM
Simona looks at you all, with an unnatural calm radiating from her eyes. A slight concern can be seen on here face when she tries to find something that is not there.
"You seam to be missing one team member, and we don't have time to waste. We need to get to Sandius border by nightfall. We will wait for few more minutes, but we can not afford to lose more time. Since we are the academy closest to Sandius we must be first to react the border."

2013-04-19, 02:53 PM
Kimi looked out over the academy horizon, back to where the centralized area of the school resided. He couldn't see anyone else coming. Kimi turned his attention back to Simona.

{Sandius... Dear God, it really is happening all over again! I...I can't fail this time. I just can't...!}

A shiver of dread rattled up Kimi's spine, causing Kimi to visibly shutter. His ears went rigid, a natural defense mechanism for moogles for sensing impending danger. Kimi steeled his resolve as best as he could. There was work to do. It was Kimi's duty to see the mission completed.

If our time is running short, then I suggest we leave now, kupo. The last thing we want is to have to secure our camp during the night when monster attacks are most frequent.

It pained Kimi to say it. He would rather the squad be at full battle readiness, but he knew firsthand how dangerous those lands can be for the unprepared. Kimi looked around once more to both gather opinions and to see if anyone else was still coming.

2013-04-19, 03:42 PM
Arianna looks around a little, trying to figure out who else was missing.

Ah, right. The Al-Bhed woman. Well, I hope she gets here on time. Something tells me we're gonna want everybody.

At Kimi's comment, Arianna sighs a little. That makes sense, but then we're a person short. Which is never good. So, I agree we should wait at least a few more minutes. She might've gotten held up by traffic in the halls.

2013-04-21, 12:45 PM
Simona looked at her ring again, turning it around. Her face changes to horrified for just a second, before it goes back to her usual calm expression.
"We can not waste even a second, we are leaving."

Road to the Sandius border was a long one, and for you it was the longest trip you ever made, despite the fact that it lasted only a few hours. The night has already fallen when you reached the border.
You could feel that something was in the air and Simona looked worried. Suddenly, as you were going through a small pass, she stopped, as if she has heard something.
"Come out, Selene." She said out loud.
To your surprise, you hear a female voice, somewhere above you. "Still got the ears I see."
"And the nose" Simona added. "Is it your doing?"
As you try to determine where is the voice coming from you see a female Viera coming down towards Simona. With unmatched grace, it took her only a few seconds, and she was already in front of your group.
"You know that is not my style Simona."
"Does that mean you are here to help?" Simona asked.
"Of course not, I don't cooperate with you anymore. I was thinking of stopping your group, but I didn't expect they would send you." Selena said with a weird smile.
"I guess you were waiting for Melinor. He is already gone. Will you let us pass?" Simona asked.
You could sense tension on her voice, as she was talking to Selena. You have a feeling this will not end well.

2013-04-21, 10:19 PM

Die rolls:
Knowledge Arcana: [roll1]
Knowledge Religion: [roll2]
Knowledge Others (nomod): [roll3]

2013-04-21, 11:08 PM
Looking perplexed, but as if to possibly buy time, Kimi spoke while trying to survey the immediate area.

"Kupo? Is this someone you know?"

OOC: Ahh, nothing like the first die rolls of a game...

Perception: [roll0]
Knowledge (anything, it's all terrible) [roll1]

OOC: *golfclap*

2013-04-21, 11:19 PM
Disembodied voices. Those were always good news.


Arianna will look around the immediate area for any hint of who this is. Or if there's anybody with them.

Dice rolls:
Knowledge (Arcana)[roll1]
Knowledge (Local)[roll2]
Knowledge (Planes)[roll3]

2013-04-22, 04:27 AM
Eve patted Road, and pulled his reigns to signal a stop. With the abrupt halt a glance towards Ma'ken confirmed his safety and that he managed to keep his seat. "Careful not to fall off.", he whispered to her.

"Hello Selene!", Eve starts waving excitedly. His voice is quieter than usual, but had just as much flare as his introduction to the group had. "My name is Ava. It's a pleasure to meet you. Want to be friends?", He gives a wide tooth grin.

Perception [roll0]
Diplomacy [roll1]
Appraise [roll2]
Knowledge (Technology) [roll3]
Knowledge (All) [roll4]
Spellcraft [roll5]

2013-04-22, 05:16 AM
Slowly reaching for his spear, Vane eyes the surrounding area...

Skill Checks!
Perception: [roll0]

Know (Beast Lore): [roll1]

Other Knowledge (Untrained, all):
Arc: [roll2]
Geo: [roll3]
Local: [roll4]
Nature: [roll5]
The Planes: [roll6]
Religion: [roll7]
History: [roll8]
Dungeoneering: [roll9]
Nobility: [roll10]

Spellcraft: [roll11]

2013-04-22, 06:38 AM

As you look at Selene you are struck with a temporary blindness. Since the others are not complaining you think it's just you so you say nothing.
Aside from a few minor magical trinkets, you can feel no other magical effects.


You can't really notice anything important.


You can't see much of the ordinary, but you can see a ring on Selena's finger that looks kinda familiar.
You can't see any magical effects, except a few magical trinkets. You guess she has no talent for magic.


You notice a ring on Selena's finger, and it matches the one that Simona bears. You can hear branches breaking, and you are almost sure that Selena is not alone.
You notice and enchanted bow on her back. You can't determine just how powerful it is.
You can see that the ring is shining, as if it was reacting to Simona's ring. The source of the ring's power eludes you, you have never seen anything like it before.


You can remember what you were told in history class, this pas was a sight of one of the bloodiest battles in history. This terrain is just perfect for an ambush. Trees that grow on the both sides of the pas make concealment much easier. There is not much wild life here, it is mostly barren. As you look at Selena you can see a ring on her finger. You can sense it has a powerful enchantment, but with all your knowledge you can not determine it's source.

2013-04-22, 06:42 AM
Ma'ken rubs at her eyes; trying to blink her sight back clear; very confused by her sudden loss of sight.

{Darn shiny dog} she thinks.

2013-04-22, 07:29 AM
Selene looks at Ava in confusion. His friendly smile surprises her.

"Where did you find this one Simona?" she asked, still unable to comprehend.
"Actually, he might be very helpful where you are going." she said, trying to recover from the shock.
"Just make sure you know who to trust." she added with a worried expression.

2013-04-22, 08:05 AM
Not sure what to make of her reply Eve questions with a tone of slight confusion, "Is that a maybe?" He pouts slightly at the potential rejection. "If you're still thinking it over. Would it make a difference if I could be friends with the friends you brought with you? I can be friends with them too! I mean, that is if they want too."

Trying to find the hidden creatures
Perception [roll0]

2013-04-22, 10:35 AM
Hmm...Arianna saw something that seemed familiar...if she could just remember what it was...

She's thankful that Selene's attention seems to be on Eve for the moment. It's let's her take another moment to look and remember something.

Perception [roll0]
Knowledge(Local) [roll1]
Knowledge(Nobility) [roll2]
Knowledge(Geography) [roll3]
Knowledge(History) [roll4]
Knowledge(Religion) [roll5]

Mostly just trying to remember why the ring is familiar. The second Perception check is just taking another look right where the ring is, to see if she can see what it's attached to.

2013-04-22, 11:23 AM

Distracted by Selene's comments, you are unable to find her companions.


While you are trying to remember where you have seen the ring before your gaze falls on Simona and you realize that Selene's ring is identical to her's.

"If the situation was different, my friends would be happy to play with you. However, your mission can not wait." She turned towards Simona.
"There is a cabin not far from here. You will find one of your academy brats inside. Don't worry, he is unharmed. Now go, and clean the mess you are responsible for."
And with that she was gone, moving faster then your eyes can.

"Let's go, we have no time to waste." Simona said.

2013-04-29, 10:24 AM
The fact that Selene and Simona both share the same ring clicks into place just as Selene makes her last comment. Ideas start forming in Arianna's head, but she doesn't say anything yet. Didn't really seem like the time for it.

Once the group starts moving again, Arianna will follow.

2013-04-30, 03:12 AM
"Tch." Vane mutters, looking over the area. "Everyone should keep their eyes open. This is not a good place to be ambushed. Though so many places never are..."

With that, he follows the group, keeping his eyes peeled for anything hostile.

Consider that a "I'm rolling Perception". :smalltongue:


2013-04-30, 06:18 AM
Maken sits on road; still trying to clear her eyes from whatever is effecting them

2013-05-01, 01:23 PM
Just like Selene said, the cabin was just a few minutes from your position. Simona opens the door without any effort and enters. Inside she finds a Moogle. He is not harmed, but you can see that he is still feeling dizzy.

2013-05-01, 03:35 PM
"Kupo..." Mod groans and holds his head in his paws. "What ..." His eyes focus on Simona, and he scrambles to his feet when recognition hits him.

"Engineer Mod, reporting for duty, Kupo! I was given a last minute re-assignment to your squad, and hurried after you to catch up. But ..." Mod glances down at his feet and his pom-pom droops mournfully, "I got lost, kupo.".

He looks up, "I ... don't know what happened, or how I got here. But I'm glad I found you. Kupo! What are your orders ma'am?" He stands at attention and snaps a salute to Simona.

An automaton clanks, steams, and clicks around in a back room. It most closely resembles an elliptical disk with four spindly, spider-like legs propelling it around. It clanks out into the room and moves to stop next to Mod.

2013-05-03, 12:56 PM
Clang! Clang! Clang!

Kimi came charging in right behind Simona, half expecting an ambush. To his surprise, it was just another Moogle with a machination at his side. Kimi couldn't help but feel a little envious as he readjusted his armor from the charge.

"Kupo..." Mod groans and holds his head in his paws. "What ..." His eyes focus on Selene, and he scrambles to his feet when recognition hits him.

"Engineer Mod, reporting for duty, Kupo! I was given a last minute re-assignment to your squad, and hurried after you to catch up. But ..." Mod glances down at his feet and his pom-pom droops mournfully, "I got lost, kupo.".

He looks up, "I ... don't know what happened, or how I got here. But I'm glad I found you. Kupo! What are your orders ma'am?" He stands at attention and snaps a salute to Selene.

An automaton clanks, steams, and clicks around in a back room. It most closely resembles an elliptical disk with four spindly, spider-like legs propelling it around. It clanks out into the room and moves to stop next to Mod.

{I guess that explains where that Al Bhed went. Its so annoying when the Academy decides to do last minute switches like this!}

Maybe the school wanted to see if any of the negative stories about him were true. If this was a combat trial, he would be the only one save for Arianna that might have any skill with a blade. Kimi looked back at her direction briefly. She was frail looking, but agile. He guessed that her skill with her rapier relied on speed and quickness rather than raw force. He would have to be diligent in keeping harm away from the others.

Looking at Mod, he wondered how handy he was with his gun. The last thing Kimi wanted was to be accidentally shot. With two gun users in the squad, the odds of that happening certainly went up. He looked up to Simona for any sort of orders as to what to do next.

2013-05-03, 10:54 PM
Arianna was still pondering the mystery of the rings, so when their new member introduces himself, it takes her a moment to realize that he is another Moogle.

Another Moogle? Huh. Should make battles interesting. Wonder how hard it'll be to attack over their heads...

Arianna will step forward and offer her hand to shake. Nice to meet ya, Mod. Name's Arianna. Resident Red Mage.

2013-05-04, 11:48 AM
Maken hops down from road; her eyes hopefully cleared.

She saunters over to the new moogle. "I'm Ma'ken, Let me check you over; make sure your not to worse for wear. I have a feeling we've a while on the road yet."

Heal Check: [roll0]

2013-05-06, 09:27 AM

As you check the moogle you can see that he is not injured. You can smell an unknown herb and you guess that is the reason why he is so dizzy. Fortunately, the effect of the herb has been neutralized.

2013-05-06, 09:48 AM
Mod shakes Arianna's hand, "A pleasure to meet you, Arianna. I haven't worked with a Red Mage before, kupo."

He blinks when Maken mentions looking him over, but nods his thanks. While Maken is checking him for injuries, Mod stares at Road for a moment before saying with a smile, "Is that Road? Is Eve here?"

2013-05-06, 07:03 PM
Maken pats Mods Shoulder "You'll be good; make sure to drink some extra water today though..." she says as she staunters away to stand by road; wondering where his owner is hiding..

2013-05-06, 09:24 PM
Stepping through the door into the cabin, Vane nods at the moogle.

"The name is Vane. Cordon Bleu Mage." He says, extending his hand. "Pleasure to meet you."

2013-05-09, 10:28 AM
"Nice to meet all of you, kupo!"

Mod flutters up to land on top of his automaton and sits down. He takes a sip of water from his canteen and looks to Kimi. "It's nice to see another Moogle. I think I've seen you around the academy. What's your name?"

2013-05-10, 12:49 PM
OOC: For your increased enjoyment, play this on a loop. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0he_kuQ9T9Q) It'll be my Official Unoffical theme for whenever moogles interact with each other. Maybe some moogle hijinx will happen. :smallamused:

Kupo, right? I was the only moogle in my whole knight academy training...

Kimi's pom-pom droops noticably, expressing his sadness at not having anyone immediately to relate to during basic training.


Kimi bounces excitedly, as if he remembered something important.

By the way, my name's Kimi. Nice to meetcha, kupo!

Kimi came to brief attention, pinging his armored hand off the top of his helm, accidentally causing his eye visor to fall over his face. Kimi can be heard grumbling in frustration. Just like the helmet he had in basic training, it too had a problem with the visor keeping upright. {Wasn't this supposed to be new gear?} Kimi lifted the visor back to its upright position.

2013-05-13, 07:34 AM
It didn't take you long to reach Radestan, a small town near the Sandius border. You follow Simona to a small tavern and she leads you to the back room. Simona explains to you that this will be the base of your operation. As you enter the room you see that Melinor is already there.
"You are late Simona."
"We met a old friend, she says hi."
Melinor's expression changes to confusion, followed by something you do not understand.
"You are here now, that is all that matters. We have a lot to do. There is a warehouse near the city. The weapons stored there must be neutralized. We must gain access to Setron's safe. There is information there that is...not for the public eye. My contacts have not been able to determine the location of the...hostage. All of this must be dealt with before we can contact Setron officially."
"Then we have no choice but to split up." Simona said with a sigh.

2013-05-13, 09:45 PM
Arianna listens to Melinor's explanation of what needs to be done carefully.

So, sounds like we need three groups, huh? One to destroy the weapons, one to get into the safe, and one to find the hostage.

She does a quick head count.

Including you two, we have eight here. So, that means two groups of three and a group of two. She looks to the others. Alright, guys, how are we getting split up?

2013-05-14, 05:49 AM
"Actually, there is 9 of us, Darren will be in charge of the warehouse. There are 3 guards there, and we will have to neutralize them first. I will lead the team that will that will break into the safe. Simona will lead the team that is gathering information. So cadets, no, operatives, you know your own strengths, do you have any preferences?"

2013-05-15, 09:27 AM
"I might be able to break into the safe, kupo." Mod tilts his head thoughtfully and says, "I might also be able to help with the guards." He pats his automaton as he mentions the guards.

2013-05-15, 09:35 AM
Maken scratches an ear while thinking.

Probally be best if I go with whomever is most likley to get hurt...the Warehouse?

2013-05-15, 09:43 AM
"Opening the safe will be no problem." Melinor said with a smile.
"Getting access to it is the tricky part. It will take some persuasion, and people skills are not mu specialty."

2013-05-15, 03:25 PM
Arianna thinks for a moment before making her decision.

If Maken's going to the warehouse, I'll go with the group for the hostage. Once we find him, he may need healing.

2013-05-15, 05:43 PM
"Oh, in that case I'd probably be most useful at the warehouse, kupo. Stalker Zero here is pretty good at smashing things." Mod climbs on top of his automaton and hefts his crossbow. "And what he doesn't smash, I'll fill with bolts!"

2013-05-15, 06:13 PM
"I'm somewhat capable of sneaking. I can go with whoever needs someone to slip around in the shadows." Vane says, looking over the rest of the group. "If infiltration is required for the safe, I'll go with that group. Otherwise, put me where you will."

2013-05-15, 09:05 PM
I should help take out those guard, kupo. Being cunning or sneaky just doesn't work out for me.

Kimi's pom-pom drooped a little as he admitted his own shortcomings (no pun intended).

I will go wherever you wish me to go. Kupo.

2013-05-18, 02:45 PM
"Arianna, you will go with Simona. I don't care what you do, you will find her and bring her here.
Vane will come with me, we will try to sneak into the safe. It would be easier if we could charm our way in, but I guess that is not an option.
Maken, Mod and Kimi will meet with Darren. Go south, you will find him as soon as you exit the town.
There is no time to waste, we will leave now."

2013-05-18, 09:46 PM
Arianna nods and, after making sure she hasn't dropped anything, moves over to join Simona.

So, do we have any leads to follow yet?

2013-05-21, 06:41 PM
Mod directs Stalker Zero to clank over next to Kimi. He stands at attention on the automaton's back, and salutes Melinor. "Yes sir! We'll head out at once, kupo!" He nods to Kimi and Maken and begins preparations to leave.

2013-05-24, 12:49 PM
Simona turns to Arianna and sighs.
"Nothing solid, I'm afraid. There are a few more leads that we need to check out. One of our former operatives is in the city. He should be able to point us in the right direction.
She turns towards the others.
We leave the safe in your hands Melinor. We will meet here in four hours. Good luck everyone."

2013-05-24, 04:12 PM
Mod directs Stalker Zero to clank over next to Kimi. He stands at attention on the automaton's back, and salutes Melinor. "Yes sir! We'll head out at once, kupo!" He nods to Kimi and Maken and begins preparations to leave.

Kimi gives a salute to Simona at her order, again causing the protective face visor to fall over his eyes. {Stupid issued gear...}, Kimi thought to himself in complete annoyance. Leaving the visor as it is, he turned his attention to Mod and his machinations along with Maken. The three looked at each other in nodding agreeance before moving southward to rendevous with Darren just south of town.

Kimi knew he was heading into a battle, but he felt strangely comfortable with the idea. It wasn't so much that he was itching for a fight, but rather this was a real opportunity to prove his old academy wrong. As Kimi marched along with his companions, his thoughts couldn't help but drift to his friends and former squadmates back at the old academy. A part of him wished his friends were with him now.

Instead, he had another moogle in Mod. Kimi couldn't help but feel a tad jealous over Mod's engineering skills. As a cub, he wanted to be just like his Dad in the shop. Poor Kimi, despite his best efforts, couldn't build anything that wouldn't catastrophically fail in some way. The results were usually dangerous. Kimi didn't think that Mod would have the same problems, but he knew well enough what could happen if his machines were to critically fail. Kimi felt glad to have Maken apart of his strike team. It sounded like this mission was going to get rough.

2013-05-28, 11:45 AM
When Simona mentions that they will meet back in four hours, Mod hurries to finish his preparations to leave. After ensuring all is in readiness, he nods to Maken and Kimi, "Ready? Let's go show these guards what cadets are made of, kupo!"

2013-05-28, 12:09 PM
Vane pops a two fingered salute to the leaving group, nodding at them.

"What's the plan? Slip in, loot the safe, slip out? Or is it more complex?" He asks, turning to Melinor.

2013-05-28, 12:29 PM
When Simona mentions that they will meet back in four hours, Mod hurries to finish his preparations to leave. After ensuring all is in readiness, he nods to Maken and Kimi, "Ready? Let's go show these guards what cadets are made of, kupo!"

Kupo! Kupo, kupo!

You didn't have to understand moogle to know that Kimi was ready for action. With Mod at his side, Kimi turned his attention to Maken.

2013-05-28, 12:31 PM
Maken Shrugs "Sure. lets go."

2013-05-28, 08:14 PM
Arianna nods to Simona.

Alright, then. I'm ready to go when you are.

2013-05-31, 04:07 AM

You follow Simona through dark alleys and secret passages of this strange and unfamiliar city. Finally you reach your destination, a small black door with one yellow flower on it. You take note of the flower, since it looks out of place.
The door opens and a moogle greats you.
"It has been a long time Simona."
"Yes it has, and I wish that this was a social visit, but it is not."
"Yes, I know. I am afraid that there isn't much I can tell you."

As you look at the moogle you can see that there is something off, but you are not sure what. You are not sure if you should do something or just let Simona take care of it.


"There is one important thing missing in your plan-don't get caught." Melinor said with a smile.

In less than 10 minutes you were standing in front of Setron's mansion.

"The safe is in the south wing, we will get in through the window and sneak to the second floor. Time to take some initiative, cadet."

Maken, Mod and Kimi

As you walk through the city you feel a little strange. You have no idea what awaits you in the warehouse. As you exit the city you see Darren waiting for you. Without Simona or Melinor to talk for him he looks a little uncomfortable.
"I will distract the guards at the main entrance. While I do that you will take this powder and pour it over the weapons. If we are lucky there will be no need for a physical confrontation."
Darren gives you a few small bags of a white powder that for some reason reminds you of salt.
"Are you ready?"

2013-05-31, 09:39 PM
Arianna debates trying to press the moogle for more, but decides to hold off for now. Simona might have picked up on it as well. After all, she'd been doing this kinda stuff longer than her.

2013-06-03, 09:54 AM
Maken, Mod and Kimi

As you walk through the city you feel a little strange. You have no idea what awaits you in the warehouse. As you exit the city you see Darren waiting for you. Without Simona or Melinor to talk for him he looks a little uncomfortable.
"I will distract the guards at the main entrance. While I do that you will take this powder and pour it over the weapons. If we are lucky there will be no need for a physical confrontation."
Darren gives you a few small bags of a white powder that for some reason reminds you of salt.
"Are you ready?"

Mod stores the bags he is given and nods, "I'm ready, kupo."

2013-06-06, 06:34 AM

"Of course there is." Simona says with a smile.
"You have all the contacts in the city, you must know something."
"Well, I...I don't know anything."
"You never were a good liar. Tell me where she is." She says with a smile.
"Big brick house two blocks down. I'm not sure if she is there, but if she is not at least you can find more information there. Good luck."

2013-06-06, 07:27 PM
Maken, Mod and Kimi

As you walk through the city you feel a little strange. You have no idea what awaits you in the warehouse. As you exit the city you see Darren waiting for you. Without Simona or Melinor to talk for him he looks a little uncomfortable.
"I will distract the guards at the main entrance. While I do that you will take this powder and pour it over the weapons. If we are lucky there will be no need for a physical confrontation."
Darren gives you a few small bags of a white powder that for some reason reminds you of salt.
"Are you ready?"

Kimi nods, trying to not make much noise.

2013-06-06, 09:09 PM
Maken Also nods; hiking his robe a bit higher in his belt so it doesn't rub along the floor.

2013-06-06, 09:11 PM

"Of course there is." Simona says with a smile.
"You have all the contacts in the city, you must know something."
"Well, I...I don't know anything."
"You never were a good liar. Tell me where she is." She says with a smile.
"Big brick house two blocks down. I'm not sure if she is there, but if she is not at least you can find more information there. Good luck."

Well...that went rather faster than she thought it would.

Eh, oh well.

She's prepared to follow Simona to the house in question.

Once there...

You want me to go in first? In case it's a trap?

2013-06-08, 10:52 AM

"This is definitely a trap, that's why I will go in, and you take the back door. It will be unlocked."

Maken, Mod and Kimi

For someone who doesn't like to talk Darren does a great job of distracting the guards, you are impressed by his drunken act. You try to sneak in.
Stealth check, +3 bonus DC 15


Slipping in through the window was no problem, but as you reach the second floor you can see a guard in the distance. Melinor manages to hide in the darkness and you are left with three options. You can attempt to hide, attack the guard or try to bluff him.

2013-06-08, 09:53 PM

Arianna will give a short nod, then move to the back of the building. She'll try to move as quietly as she can, in case there's anybody either behind the building or at the door. If nobody stops her reaching the door, she will slowly open it and look inside for a moment before stepping through.

Stealth: [roll0]
Perception: [roll1]
She has Low-light vision, in case the inside of the building is dim.

2013-06-09, 01:33 AM
The man dives for the shadows, rolling and coming to a stop somewhere he'll hopefully be concealed.

Stealth check: [roll0]

2013-06-09, 09:11 AM

You enter through the back door and sneak in the house. You can see that Simona is already there. There is no one else in the room, and as you start to think that this might not be an ambush, two figure enter the room. Simona's ring starts to glow and the thugs stop, unsure what to do.


The guard passes you and you are relieved that it worked.
"That was impressive, cadet."
You get the feeling that a praise from Melinor does not happen often and you take a moment to feel special.
"No time to day-dream, we need to get going. The safe should be that way. We need to open that door."

2013-06-10, 08:00 AM
Melinor, Vane and Karth

From another place of shadow, closer to where Vane and Melinor had reached the second floor, a brown haired Hume in cadet colours revealed himself to the pair. Approaching cautiously, he whispered when he was close enough.

"Been chasing you the whole way here, Melinor, didn't want to risk your quiet til now. Sorry I'm late."

2013-06-10, 11:37 AM
Maken, Mod and Kimi

For someone who doesn't like to talk Darren does a great job of distracting the guards, you are impressed by his drunken act. You try to sneak in.
Stealth check, +3 bonus DC 15

Feeling a little nervous about not trying to blow the distraction, Kimi stows his shield on his back and attempts to sneak by quietly.

(the bonus negates my armor check penalty)

EDIT: OOC - Woot!

2013-06-10, 09:18 PM

Arianna will draw her knightsword, her yellow eyes focused on the two figures.

Alright. Start talkin'.

Intimidate Check: [roll0]

2013-06-11, 12:31 AM
Maken, Mod and Kimi

For someone who doesn't like to talk Darren does a great job of distracting the guards, you are impressed by his drunken act. You try to sneak in.
Stealth check, +3 bonus DC 15

Mod shushes Stalker 00 and motions to it to be as stealthy as possible.

Stealth Check: Mod - [roll0], Stalker 00 - [roll1]

2013-06-11, 11:11 AM
Vane and Karth

"You are late cadet, we almost finished the mission without you. I requested an infiltration specialist, so you can start showing your talents by opening this door."


As you draw your weapon you notice the glow from Simona's ring. As the light becomes more intensive it morphs into a staff, and makes Simona look even more threatening. The combination of your sword and Simona's glowing staff makes one of the thugs faint. The other one, scared for his life, starts stuttering.
"Don't worry, if you help us we might let you live. Now, where is she?"
"She is in the basement. You will need this key to pass the invisible door. Please don't kill me."

Maken, Mod and Kimi

One of the guards notices something. Before he has a chance to respond to it Darren pretends to stumble and falls on him. The distraction works and the guard temporary forgets about the noise.
OOC: Mod gets to reroll his stealth check and Maken can roll twice.

2013-06-11, 12:05 PM
In his haste to get Stalker 00 to enter stealth mode, Mod accidentally thumped his crossbow against the adjacent wall with a quiet clacking sound. He drew himself up into the shadows, held his breath, and tried for all the world to appear like part of the wall.

Stealth check: Mod - [roll0]

2013-06-11, 05:56 PM
Vane and Karth

"You are late cadet, we almost finished the mission without you. I requested an infiltration specialist, so you can start showing your talents by opening this door."

"Yes sir."

Karth quickly moved to the door and brought out his lockpicking tools.

Disable Device does locks now too? Pathfinder yay!
Take 10 if I can for result of 18, else:

2013-06-11, 09:41 PM

((Gotta love them natural 20s!))

If Arianna is closer to the thug, then she will take the key from him. If not, she will let Simona do it. Regardless, she keeps her glare on him until they have the key.

So...should we tie them up, then?

I mean, they wouldn't want the thugs to come at them from behind and attack. That wouldn't be a good idea.

2013-06-12, 04:59 AM
Vane and Karth

"And you didn't even scratch the lock, that it very nice. Now, if you can do that with a safe they won't even know we were here."
As you enter the room you see that it is a small office. It has a desk two chairs and lots of papers. What catches your eye is an oil painting hanging on the wall opposite of the door.


It takes Simona a few moments to recover as her staff changes back into a ring.
"Yes, but quickly, we need to go to the basement. Take the lead cadet, and watch out for traps."
Aside from a few minor traps the path that leads to the basement is clear. As you approach the end of the corridor the crystal-shaped key starts to glow, and a door appears in the wall.

2013-06-12, 08:10 AM
Vane and Karth

"And you didn't even scratch the lock, that it very nice. Now, if you can do that with a safe they won't even know we were here."
As you enter the room you see that it is a small office. It has a desk two chairs and lots of papers. What catches your eye is an oil painting hanging on the wall opposite of the door.

Karth nodded his head towards the conspicuous painting.

"No safe, unless it's behind something."

Perception to get a closer look at it [roll0]

2013-06-12, 08:22 AM
Vane and Karth

Taking a look at the painting you can see that there is something behind it. As you take a closer look you can see that there is a safe. It is trapped with a simple trap.

Trap DC 12
Lock DC 15

2013-06-12, 10:44 PM
Vane and Karth

Taking a look at the painting you can see that there is something behind it. As you take a closer look you can see that there is a safe. It is trapped with a simple trap.

Trap DC 12
Lock DC 15

OOC: Where's Vane's player at? I don't wanna be stealing all the thunder just because I'm on every day.

Carefully studying the trap, Karth thought he had the perfect way to disable it.

Take 10 if I can for 18, else:
Trap [roll0]
Lock [roll1]

Bypassing both easily, Karth turned to Melinor, his happiness at not letting his companions down quite evident.

"And there we go."

Karth stood aside to let Melinor approach the safe before Karth looked inside it.

2013-06-13, 01:41 AM

Simply staying near the door and keeping watch while the others operated, Vane looks over to the two.

"You about done?" He asks, before taking a glance around the room. "We just taking the safe's contents, or are we going to remove other stuff?"

OoC: I'm actually online every day, but don't post unless I see a reason to. Since Vane's not really helpful at this point unless a monster shows up...

2013-06-13, 03:02 AM

Simply staying near the door and keeping watch while the others operated, Vane looks over to the two.

"You about done?" He asks, before taking a glance around the room. "We just taking the safe's contents, or are we going to remove other stuff?"

OoC: I'm actually online every day, but don't post unless I see a reason to. Since Vane's not really helpful at this point unless a monster shows up...

OOC: Okay, cool, good to know :)

Karth glanced more about the room.

"We should at least check to make sure there's nothing else of note."

Percepting the desk for documents of note. [roll0]
Percepting the drawers for traps. [roll1]
-> If there are any traps and Melinor doesn't stop me disabling them. [roll2]
Unless stopped by Melinor saying not to, percepting the contents of the drawers. [roll3]
Hope that's all okay.

2013-06-13, 10:00 AM
Stealth: [roll0]
Sorry about that; kinda been dragged into things offline alot lately.

Maken hikes up the hem of his robes; tucking them up into his belt in an effort to be as quiet as possible

2013-06-13, 10:23 AM
Vane and Karth

"We are not taking anything, but we can check if there is any important information in this documents."

As you open the safe you can see a faint light coming from Melinor's sleeves. As you look into the safe you can see three things, a longbow, some important looking documents and a glowing bracelet.


Most of the documents on the desk look quite boring. A few pages catch your eye, but you are not sure if they are important.

2013-06-13, 10:43 AM

Maken looks around for the weapons she needs to use the powder they were given on; hoping this not to hard to find.
perception Check: [roll0]

once she locates one; she goes and uses the powder on it; and then moves to the next one; hoping mod is doing well.

2013-06-13, 12:26 PM
Mod moves quietly around the warehouse, taking the time to examine the weaponry they are to destroy. He destroys any that appear mundane, but tries to determine if they are just here to destroy supplies, or if there is something special about these weapons.

2013-06-14, 01:12 AM
Vane and Karth

"We are not taking anything, but we can check if there is any important information in this documents."

As you open the safe you can see a faint light coming from Melinor's sleeves. As you look into the safe you can see three things, a longbow, some important looking documents and a glowing bracelet.


Most of the documents on the desk look quite boring. A few pages catch your eye, but you are not sure if they are important.

Karth carefully shifted a few of the documents, making a mental note so he could put them back where they were, and looked closer at the few that caught his eye.

Knowledge uhhh, local? [roll0] to see if anything stands out. -4 to the result if Local is not appropriate.

2013-06-14, 10:32 PM

Once the door appears, Arianna will take a moment to examine it before trying to open it. Never know if some kinda spell's hooked to it, or if somebody's making a racket on the other side.

Perception: [roll0]
Knowledge Arcana: [roll1]
Knowledge Dungeoneering: [roll2]

2013-06-15, 10:08 AM
Maken, Mod and Kimi

As you look around the warehouse you notice that it is full of weapons. Good thing that Darren gave you enough powder to destroy them all. As you dust the weapons they give a faint light and start to rust. As you start to think that your job is done you notice a small bag in the center of the room.


The door seams to be unlocked and you can't notice any traps on it. Aside from a few illusions, there are no magical effects in the corridor. You can hear no noise coming from the other side of the door. It is almost too quite.


None of the documents seam important, but you can't be sure since you do not understand them. Most of them seam like some kind of shopping lists.

2013-06-15, 05:49 PM
Maken, Mod and Kimi

As you look around the warehouse you notice that it is full of weapons. Good thing that Darren gave you enough powder to destroy them all. As you dust the weapons they give a faint light and start to rust. As you start to think that your job is done you notice a small bag in the center of the room.

Kimi taps Mod on the shoulder and points over to the suspicious bag in the center of the room. Kimi remains vigilent, keeping his wits about him for any sign of trouble.

2013-06-15, 08:17 PM

None of the documents seam important, but you can't be sure since you do not understand them. Most of them seam like some kind of shopping lists.

Karth turned to Melinor.

"Just lists, lots of lists for lots of things. We want these?"

2013-06-15, 08:57 PM

Arianna will nod to Simona, indicating that she can't sense anything waiting for them on the other side. She'll take a quiet breath, then slowly open the door and peer inside.

Perception: [roll0]

2013-06-16, 10:03 AM
Vane and Karth

Melinor took a look at the papers.
"You have been a busy boy Setron, haven't you?" He murmurs to himself.
"This is a list of all weapons that he bought, and he was foolish enough to put them all in the warehouse. Darren is gonna have his hands full." He said with a smile.


The room is rather small and poorly lit. The only thing you can see is a girl sitting on a chair.

2013-06-17, 03:24 PM
Maken, Mod and Kimi

As you look around the warehouse you notice that it is full of weapons. Good thing that Darren gave you enough powder to destroy them all. As you dust the weapons they give a faint light and start to rust. As you start to think that your job is done you notice a small bag in the center of the room.

Mod moves up to a few feet away from the bag and eyes it warily for a moment. "Hey, what do you think this is?" He whispers to his teammates. He carefully checks the area to see if it is trapped, and assuming he finds nothing, the war between his curiosity and his caution is quickly lost when he reaches out to open it up to see what is inside.

2013-06-18, 07:48 AM
Vane and Karth

Melinor took a look at the papers.
"You have been a busy boy Setron, haven't you?" He murmurs to himself.
"This is a list of all weapons that he bought, and he was foolish enough to put them all in the warehouse. Darren is gonna have his hands full." He said with a smile.

"Well if that's all we came for..."

Karth walked quietly to the door.

2013-06-18, 09:38 AM
Maken, Mod and Kimi

As Mod opens the bag colored lights come out of it and fly upwards. They shine so brightly, that they attract the attention of the guards. First guard storms into the warehouse. The second one tries to follow him, but he is quickly knocked down by Darren.

Vane and Karth

Don't forget the content of the safe, the bow is a reward for job well done.

2013-06-18, 11:40 AM
Maken, Mod and Kimi

As Mod opens the bag colored lights come out of it and fly upwards. They shine so brightly, that they attract the attention of the guards. First guard storms into the warehouse. The second one tries to follow him, but he is quickly knocked down by Darren.

As the first guard looks around looking for the colored light, he opens his mouth as if to yell. Strange enough, no sound came out as his eyes went blank and he hit the floor unconscious. In his wake, a 5'11" Female hume in chain armor was flourishing her weapon after having struck with the butt end of her scythe.
"I see i got here just in time" she said while slightly panting, sweat dripping from her forehead. Gathering her breath, she proceeded with procedures before she got in trouble for skipping them again. "Cadet Rayana, combat specialist transferred from squad 64272-CH2 reporting for duty" standing off with the academy salute.

2013-06-18, 03:08 PM
As the first guard looks around looking for the colored light, he opens his mouth as if to yell. Strange enough, no sound came out as his eyes went blank and he hit the floor unconscious. In his wake, a 5'11" Female hume in chain armor was flourishing her weapon after having struck with the butt end of her scythe.
"I see i got here just in time" she said while slightly panting, sweat dripping from her forehead. Gathering her breath, she proceeded with procedures before she got in trouble for skipping them again. "Cadet Rayana, combat specialist transferred from squad 64272-CH2 reporting for duty" standing off with the academy salute.

With no time to question whether friend or foe, Kimi noticed that another guard had gotten by Darren. Kimi strapped on his shield again and ran as fast as his little legs could carry him.

Kupo, move!

Rayana stepped to the side just in time to give Kimi enough space for a hopping bull rush to the guard's solar plexis.

EDIT: Mighty Kimi strikes again! (for the first time)

2013-06-18, 08:32 PM

Seeing nobody else here, Arianna's body relaxes slightly as she approaches the girl, sheathing her sword as she goes.

Hey, are you alright? Can you tell me your name?

2013-06-18, 10:12 PM
Vane and Karth

Don't forget the content of the safe, the bow is a reward for job well done.

OOC: Figured Melinor or Vane would grab that since Karth went off to the desk and then we'd sort all the safe contents out after we were out of here.

2013-06-18, 10:15 PM
Glancing out to be sure the coast is clear, Vaneturns to head towards the safe.

"We're taking everything, right?" He asks, peering into it.

2013-06-19, 04:01 AM
Maken, Mod, Kimi and Rayana

With all three guard down, Darren turns towards Rayana.
"Right on time cadet, I am impressed." He says.
"Now, who is good with the rope?"


"Leliana." the girl says. "Where is my brother?"

Vane and Karth

"The documents and the bracelet are ours. The bow is our compensation for making us go through all the trouble." Melinor said with a smile. "Just keep the bracelet away from me and it will stop glowing."

2013-06-20, 08:40 AM
Vane and Karth

"The documents and the bracelet are ours. The bow is our compensation for making us go through all the trouble." Melinor said with a smile. "Just keep the bracelet away from me and it will stop glowing."

"Yeah, what is it with the glowing anyway?"

Karth asked as they were gathering all the belongings and leaving. (OOC: Yeah?)

2013-06-20, 12:22 PM
Vane and Karth

"It is a part of a bigger set, and I have another piece. When it is not wielded it glows when another piece appears near it. This piece belongs to my sister. He pauses to take a deep breath. "We have less then an hour, we should get back to the others."

2013-06-21, 12:23 AM
Maken, Mod, Kimi and Rayana

With all three guard down, Darren turns towards Rayana.
"Right on time cadet, I am impressed." He says.
"Now, who is good with the rope?"

Whoa, whoa, kupo, whoa! We don't need to kill 'em!

Kimi went wide eyed at the thought of Darren wanting to hang the defeated guards in the warehouse.

Search them and take their weapons, yes? We can tie them up and leave 'em here for their buddies to find later, kupo.

2013-06-21, 12:31 AM
Maken pokes Kimi in the midriff with her staff.
"Calm down young one; I'm pretty sure that's what he meant...rather than a hanging.."

2013-06-21, 12:44 AM
Maken pokes Kimi in the midriff with her staff.
"Calm down young one; I'm pretty sure that's what he meant...rather than a hanging.."

Maken's poke towards Kimi causes him to flinch and jerk for a sudden moment, breaking his visor down over his face. It left his voice with a metallic echo as he spoke.

Kupo! Well lets be quick about it. I just hope nobody else saw that kupoin' flash.

2013-06-21, 06:17 AM
Maken, Mod, Kimi and Rayana

Darren looked at Kimi with a surprised look.
"I never said we should hang them, you need to pay more attention to what your instructors are saying. So, Mod, do you wish to open the bag again?" He added with a smile.

2013-06-21, 09:59 PM
Maken, Mod, Kimi and Rayana

Darren looked at Kimi with a surprised look.
"I never said we should hang them, you need to pay more attention to what your instructors are saying. So, Mod, do you wish to open the bag again?" He added with a smile.

I didn't want to say it, kupo...but I can't understand you with the way you talk.

Kimi searched the guards while still speaking with Instructor Darren.


Kupo, it's like your from a whole other different world. Its just the way you said it made me think...well, kupo...you know...

Any discovered weapon secured, Kimi reaches into his pack and pulls out a coil of rope.

Kupo, care to help me with this Mod?

2013-06-22, 11:46 AM
Mod looks sheepishly at Darren and glances at the bag again. When Kimi pipes up, Mod gratefully nods his head and assists him in tying up the guards. When they finish, Mod looks around, "Have we destroyed all the weapons?"

2013-06-22, 08:52 PM

If the girl is tied to the chair, Arianna will set about untying her.

Well, my name's Arianna, and I'm pretty sure your brother's waiting for you. Just gotta get you outta here first, okay?

Of course, Arianna didn't remember a brother being mentioned before. She hopes he's alright, so that way she isn't lying to the girl right now.

2013-06-24, 07:02 AM
Vane and Karth

"It is a part of a bigger set, and I have another piece. When it is not wielded it glows when another piece appears near it. This piece belongs to my sister. He pauses to take a deep breath. "We have less then an hour, we should get back to the others."

Karth moved to the door and listened closely, just to make sure there were no nasty surprises waiting on the other side of it for the group.

Perception [roll0]

2013-06-26, 04:49 AM
Maken, Mod, Kimi and Rayana

Kimi's comment made Darren smile.
"If this was that kind of mission we wouldn't send you. We have a special squads to deal with such problems."
He does a thorough inspection of the warehouse, making sure to check all the weapons.
"Mission successful cadets. Now, before we go you can take the content of that bag as a payment, you have deserved it."


Aside from a few mundane sword there is nothing you can find.


You untie the girl and as she tries to get up you realize you will need to help her get out. Before you try to help her you notice a bag in the corner. You could take a look at it, Simona would probably not mind.

Vane and Karth

The corridor is clear, you hear no footsteps outside.

2013-06-26, 09:41 PM
Vane and Karth

The corridor is clear, you hear no footsteps outside.

"All clear." Karth whispered, opening the door carefully, leading the others stealthily back to their entrance.

Stealth [roll0]

2013-06-27, 09:33 PM

Arianna does notice the bag, and makes a quick decision. She turns her head back to the door.

Hey, Simona, can you come help Leliana up? She turns back to the girl. My friend Simona is gonna help you for the moment, okay, I just wanna check that bag over there. Be right back.

Once Simona is over, Arianna will go check out the bag.

2013-07-02, 03:44 AM

"Simona. Does that mean my brother is here?" You can see that a girl is having some difficulty concentrating, but it should be no problem getting her out.
"He is here, finishing a mission. He is probably waiting for us at the inn."

2013-07-02, 11:26 AM
Maken, Mod, Kimi and Rayana

"Mission successful cadets. Now, before we go you can take the content of that bag as a payment, you have deserved it."

Mod brightens up almost immediately, and heads right back over to the bag. He picks it up and looks to his teammates. "Maybe we should join back up with the others before we open the bag again, kupo?" The tone of his voice makes it clear that he really, really wants to open the bag again now. Assuming everyone is fine with waiting, Mod offers to tie the bag to Stalker 00 for ease of carrying.

After that is done, Mod snaps a salute to Daren and says, "Ready to leave when you are, kupo!"

2013-07-02, 04:55 PM
Mod brightens up almost immediately, and heads right back over to the bag. He picks it up and looks to his teammates. "Maybe we should join back up with the others before we open the bag again, kupo?" The tone of his voice makes it clear that he really, really wants to open the bag again now. Assuming everyone is fine with waiting, Mod offers to tie the bag to Stalker 00 for ease of carrying.

After that is done, Mod snaps a salute to Daren and says, "Ready to leave when you are, kupo!"

Agreed, kupo! Lets make like a chocobo and "Wark!" on outta here!

Kimi helps tie the bag to Mod's machination, Stalker 00. He secures his own gear, prepping himself for a quick departure.

2013-07-03, 03:39 AM
"Ah moogle's, always in such a rush. Very well; lets be on our way.." Maken says with a non-convincing sigh

2013-07-04, 02:33 AM

Taking the bracelet to keep the light low, the hume stows it inside his robe and begins moving, carrying the bow with him.


Stealth: [roll0]

OoC: Sorry for not posting sooner. Stuff has come up that eats time/life, so... Yeah. Think I've got this mostly worked out, though.

2013-07-04, 08:35 PM

Arianna continues going to check out the bag.

2013-07-09, 10:26 AM
You have all returned from your missions successful, and Simona looks at you all with pride.
"You have done well cadets, I am impressed."

You notice a girl that came with Simona and as Melinor enters the room she jumps in his arms.
"Brother." She says in excitement.
After taking a good look at her to make sure that he is all right he turns towards the cadets.
"This is my sister Leliana, thank you Arianna for getting her back. Now, we need to pay Setron a visit. I know you must be tired, but we have to do this right now."

2013-07-10, 09:43 AM
Mod chimes in after Melinor speaks, "Is there anything we should know about Setron, kupo? And what is it that you want us to do?"

2013-07-12, 10:23 PM
Arianna nods to Melinor, seemingly pleased that she could reunite the siblings.

The others there may notice that she has a great big old honking sword strapped to her pack that wasn't there earlier. Must've picked it up on her solo mission.

She waits for the answer to Mod's question, since she doesn't have anything to add at the moment.

2013-07-22, 12:58 AM

Setting the bracelet and the bow down on the nearest elevated surface, Vane nods to the others.

"Been a while." He says in a half-joking tone. "What all happened while we were split?"

Hearing the orders to head out soon, he simply shifts, adjusting the placement of his spear.

"Can do. What are the odds we'll need my expertise, though?" Vane asks, before thinking for a moment. "In fact, as the moogle says, what all do we need to know about this job?"

2013-07-23, 10:24 AM
"Setron is a corrupt noble, and he has a lot of authority here. This is a problem for us, since he is working behind our backs. For that he must pay. Our mission is to escort him to the academy for his trial. Getting an audience with him will be no trouble, since we are allies, but he may not like the idea of a trial. That is why you are here, in case he doesn't wanna go willingly. And also to see how the academy deals with problems."

2013-07-23, 11:05 AM
Mod nods solemnly, "If he doesn't come quietly, we knock him out and drag him back." He looks at Kimi and Ma'ken, then the little moogle stands at attention and salutes Melinor, "I'm ready when you are, kupo."

2013-07-25, 09:34 AM
Arianna doesn't salute, but she adjusts her stance to be more at attention.

What the moogle said.

2013-07-25, 10:03 PM
"Well then, I'm ready for this at least." Vane says, glancing over the group. "I'll stick near the back, I suppose."