View Full Version : [Pathfinder]Dragonrider

2013-04-13, 08:59 AM
Well yesterday i had sometime and i searched the internet for interesting 3rd party classes and i found Dragonrider my main concern is how to build him

2013-04-13, 11:32 AM
Can you link us to the class, and give us some information about your goals in playing the class?

2013-04-13, 11:36 AM
Dragonrider (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/3rd-party-classes/super-genius-games/dragonrider) its in the Pathfinder SRD under 3rd party classes.

Gives you a Dragon Mount

2013-04-13, 12:42 PM
Looking through the class, there are some really weird rules about the dragon mount. If someone else could try and explain them to me it would be much appreciated. I'm not even so much worried as the really weird roleplay aspect of the class (the CE dragon is always loyal to you because magic), but the mechanics of it.

Bonded Dragon Steed (Ex):
At first the bonded dragon simply must survive as an underpowered dragon, but after a year and a day from its rider’s death if it has no new bonded dragonrider, the dragon begins to gain the full power of a normal dragon of its size (or the oldest category in its size class, to a maximum age category of very old) So after a year the dragon becomes as powerful as it could be at the size it is currently(?). (up to a dragon of very old age?). Okay. That's a very nonstandard way to run a class feature (like class levels or something), but w/e. It doesn't say anything about it increasing in size over time, though.

Consider a red dragon wyrmling. It is Small, and won’t reach Large size for roughly 20 years. It won’t be Huge for 45 years, and Gargantuan size is at least 4 centuries off. But if that red serves as a dragon steed, it becomes Large (Aka a CR 8 creature) immediately, and stands a fair chance to become Gargantuan within a few yearsWait, so a dragon of a dragon rider grows in size through... something... if it swears a bond, and stays that way permanently?

If it survives its dragonrider’s loss, the red dragon will gain the full power of a very old dragon within a few years, jumping its (ubiquitous) plans for world domination ahead 6 centuries.And the dragon becomes more powerful, even after the dragonrider dies?

2013-04-13, 12:50 PM
Yea the Dragon becomes big enough for a medium sized creature to ride at level 1. In exchange for this he stops going up in age categories technically. When the dragonrider dies the dragon starts to gain the powers that it would have gotten through age at a faster pace because of the pact it made.

Its basically a way to entice the dragon into serving as a mount for a few years. Hey join me and then you get to be a Big Bad in 50 years and not 200 years.

2014-03-06, 10:27 PM
Don't mean to resurrect a dead thread - but the Dragonrider class is ridiculously powerful. Too powerful.

I really don't understand how the author could've looked at it and gone "Yeah, that's balanced".

2015-05-25, 06:32 PM
Don't mean to resurrect a dead thread - but the Dragonrider class is ridiculously powerful. Too powerful.

I really don't understand how the author could've looked at it and gone "Yeah, that's balanced".

Apparently you haven't read through the gunslinger class

Milo v3
2015-05-25, 10:18 PM
Apparently you haven't read through the gunslinger class

Just commenting to this, but gunslinger is actually really weak of a class. It can do damage comparable to a fighter and... no, that's it. :smalltongue:

2015-05-25, 11:14 PM
The Winged Mod: Thread Necromancy, but feel free to start a new thread if you want to discuss this.