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2013-04-13, 01:18 PM
After being denied by the sword lords to go and explore the lands known as the stolen lands to remove banditry you have decided to go and find these bandits on your own. But unlike before it is because now it is personal, now you will be helping the bandits. What surprises you though is how easy you found them once you began your journey into the stolen lands. It was almost immediate, and with the information you gave them a man named Harper happily accepted you into his group.

Whisper rider
2013-04-13, 02:34 PM
Gazardiel after the denial of the sword lords, enters in a moral conflict.. as she knows that if the final result is worth every sacrifice along the way, then she gladly would do it.
Since its a divine task granted by the celestials above, no man or woman, its in position to grant or deny permission to anyone attempting to complete it.. as so.. she gladly would join this so called ¨bandits¨ for the greater good.

Gazardiel Valtyr (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=544182)

2013-04-14, 12:07 AM
As Happs Bydon pulls you aside from the others he looks to you. I will be counting on you to keep us all alive out there on the field. Some nastie creatures running around these woods. Anyways your first real mission will be in a few more days when it is the first of the month. you see every month we come to collect our...Protection money shall we say from a trading post not to far from here. Never any trouble, some older man and his wife. The boss told me when they stop paying that the trading post will become ours and so my men have been itching for old Oleg to stop paying us. Sad that he hasn't thus far. Anyways I want you to stay close to me in this task. Stay close and stay quite, having a bow ready would not hurt either to make sure they do not try anything funny. Happs says to you in his private tent that houses 6 other smaller tents not including your own.

Whisper rider
2013-04-14, 01:35 PM
Gazardiel looks in to his eyes saying. I´ll do my best to keep you alive then... As for the ¨real mission¨ what exactly are we collecting as payment..?. Hmm... this season of no-trouble may be coming to an end soon, or it may keep being as smooth as always i dont know... The one thing i do happen to know.. is that the sword lords have selected a group to reclaim this ¨wild lands¨ as they call them, so we better watch out for some.. unexpected visitors, better not be over confident.. gazardiel pauses for a moment, eyes looking down.. and suddendly her eyes roll up to meet Happs Bydon with half a smile on her face have you ever thought... of... accelerating this ¨change of administration¨ on the outpost? maybe an early visit.. . and some incresing demands on payment, may be just what we need to finally secure this post for THE BOSS... in any case.. i feel quite uneasy with this whole new group that this sword lord selected.. maybe a change of tactics may be appropiate.. being step ahead of you trouble.. if you know what i mean.. Gazardiel stands straight an errases her smile from the face, waiting to hear Happs reply....

2013-04-14, 10:55 PM
As Gazardiel looks into Happs eyes asking about the real mission and what they are collecting he replies “ Mostly furs and such from the traders that stop there. Every now and then we get something nice like the ring his old lady had, now that was something. Krestel took that for herself when we first went there and ever since she has trusted me to be able to hold this area by myself with the group I have here.” He says meaning those outside the tent as well as now yourself. Then you explain to him that the swordlords have sent people to go and tame the stolen lands and he almost falls of the stool he is sitting on laughing. “ Let me tell you something love, the only time I will be worried about them will be when they get of their arses and come down here themselves. Probably hired a bunch of no names. How do you think our numbers are so large in the stolen lands. They keep sending people in, they have the choice to join us or die, and the circle starts all over again.” Next he notices how you look up rolling your eyes and a small smile comes on his face. “ Girl I listen to the stag lord and though you may be able to tempt me to do it a little ealier in return I will need something as if the plan fails and we do not bring in what we are suppose to it takes off of our cut of the profits and is me on the chopping block. Though I could always send the others in first to look for trouble I suppose. We stay behind on the hill and watch to see if anything funny happens. That is of course unless you would like to lead the group inside.” Happs says returning your smile with one of his own. “You know for one of those celestial being things you sure got a mean side.” He says as if it were a compliment.

Whisper rider
2013-04-17, 08:34 AM
Gazardiel smiles and says: " ... well, one got to do what one got to do... although l realy think getting something more than just furs and a occasional ring would come in handy... what about... gold? Some kind of weapons? Food? Transportation???" .... her eyes light up as those words come out of her mouth.
In a more serious tone she sais: As this is actually my first rodeo.. I wont question you in your field of expertise, although i'm eager to take our actions further ahead, on a more ambitious road.. I maight be trying to run before being able to walk... that doesnt mean I wouldnt be able to succed (she smiles again as if with pride).
Being decendant from celestials themselves is a blessing, and i"m a proud bearer of their gift! That doesnt mean that I can make desicions on my on, as I said once.. my desicions are influenced by my moral compass and my moral compass only. I see this as an oportunity to purge this lands of the unworthy an ensure freedom for everyone and right now... the ones trying to take this lands as their own, with out any right to do it.. are the sword lords... besides trying to extend their reach beyond what they deserve, they are not even doing this them selves.. and sending some "no names" to make the hard work for the thats the kind of work a treacherous person does... with a different look in her eyes.. and on a really low voice as speaking to herself.. "that my lords is what unrepentant evil is.."
As she starts to walk around the encampent.. she asks.. is there any way to find some war trained horses?... lets see if we can make a recon mission, a couple of days before getting in to bussiness.

2013-04-17, 10:05 AM
I must say I like were you are going with this, if certain things did not need to go certain ways I would be quite scared for the other PCS. That know nothing about this.

Ass you mention getting more useful things like weapons, gold, food, and even transportation Happs nods his head in agreement. Every now and then we get lucky and a merchant has just left or just arrived. Ain't to often though. As for transportation we have plenty. The stag lord trains them all himself so they only listen to those loyal to him. he says to you as he watches your eyes light up.

We all know we could easily take the trading post, just at this point and time it would serve no purpose. Traders would not come no more, thus we would gain nothing out of it. All the other generals of his army had to take over there own individual places and now no one goes near them. I rather keep our income coming to us and build our own base in truth. Lets see how you do your first time then we will talk, hows that. he says to you trying to stroke your ego.

As you mention being descendent from the creatures of the heavens themselves and how you follow your moral compass all Happs has to say is Make sure them morales don't cause to much trouble here on our front. We got enough with the taxes we pay to the stag lord. he says before adding, As for the swordlords they have just not learned that these lands are ours yet, in time they will learn and stop sending people in. Happs says knowing the riches people they sent in normally carried.

As you walk around the encampment you begin asking around about some warhorses and one of the larger men walks over to you, What you be needing them for? We ain't got no mission I heard of yet. he says. Just by his speech you can tell he is not very intelligent, and by his looks one of his parents may have even been an orc.

Whisper rider
2013-04-17, 10:58 AM
Good thing, that you like how this is going, im really looking forward to see where we can get with this. If theres anything you'll like me to avoid doing, or if im in some way taking it to someplace where you dont want to go please let me know. Jaja and the other PCs shall be afraid as well :smallamused::smallwink:
Lets hope we find some merchant then, i could use some new and exotic item, like those this merchants alwasy find... there you go again with that name... Stag Lord... Would you be so kind to give me a little background on him? interest light her face up.

Gazardiel noticing on happs intentions withe that last comment... She replys: well watch out then... You could find yourself out of job haha she laughs in a friendly way.

we pay taxes to whom?? Assuming she doesnt know who the stag lord is... if she does know who the stag lord is. Then her answer is well... I stand by my morals, if someone got a problem with them, they got a problem with me. But as long as we work towards the same goal and they keep their noses out of my way, i shall do the same.

Looking a the tall "man"...Is there any way, in which you could help me find some? If no... Then i do not need to answer those questions. Since i dont know who you are.

2013-04-17, 01:34 PM
Well hopefully in the next two days the real missions will begin which on there second day of arriving at the trading post you and the group of bandits will attack. Any person with green writing is a non important person just to let you know.

As you ask about the stag lord Happs looks at you as he tries to get you to hush your voice. The stag lord happens to be our boss, controls all the bandits out here he dose. Each second week of the month we bring 10% of what we have looted to him, and in return he provides us with backup when it is needed, and a few extra benefits for only us senior members to know about. Happs says playing with something under his shirt.

Spot check DC 15 to find out what

Just remember with me out of a job you are out of a home. And the woods are not the safest place for a lady that looks as good as you. he says in turn letting her know that bandits were not the worst things in these woods.

As you ask the man if he can help you find some it is clear to see he is confused. How expect find mission? We told them. If you mean horses you need mission. he says scratching his head.

Whisper rider
2013-04-17, 02:58 PM
Gazardiel lowers her voice and replys.Oh... I see, now thats something i would like to know more about... History its something i always appreciate. :smallamused:

Haha she laughs friendly again... And says Well i better keep an eye on you, dont want to be a homeless girl around this woods then. after all thats one of my objetives... Keeping you safe.

:smallannoyed: You bring horses...? Horse help in mission... MY mission.. For the BOSS.


2013-04-17, 03:09 PM
Yes who knows in time you may even get called to a meeting and get your own route. Happs says to you as you catch the glimpse of a silver pendant depicting a stag.

As you mention to the half orc that the boss gave you a mission he quickly begins to back up clearly seeing you frustrated. Sorry boss not tell me we going out. Right this way. he says clear scared as he leads you to the horses.

Now keep in mind Happs will hear about this as he did not give you permission and well with no intimidate roll yea.

Whisper rider
2013-04-17, 03:22 PM
Oh wait... I thought happ was with me...
Thats a bautiful necklace... You holding in your hand.. Gazardiel says.
Not trying to get on the wrong side of people. gazardiel stops the half orc. And says
SHOW ME the horses.... LATER you ready the horses, boss coming LATER with me.

2013-04-17, 03:45 PM
As you notice the necklace around Happs neck he looks to you putting it away. Its a sign of the stag lord, those who wear this pendant are his direct lieutenants and to disobey them is death. Happs says to him.

As you put things in simple terms the half orc brings you to were the horses are being kept.

Whisper rider
2013-04-17, 05:03 PM
[COLOR="Navy" Good to know... Its there anything else i could do for you? Before we part to the "traiding" post?[/COLOR]

As im around the horses... I Thank the half orc, a say:
BEST female horse? I use, best demale horse...

2013-04-17, 08:51 PM
As you ask Happs if there is anything else you could do for him he thinks for a moment. Not that I can think of at the moment. You are free to do what you want until then but make sure you do not reveal our location. If possible try not to kill anyone. Happs says to you as you leave his tent.

As you ask the man before you for the best female horse he looks at you and then to the horses before looking at you again. I watch the horse, know nothing about them, these two are female though. he says grabbing two of them by there bridals and leading them to you.

Whisper rider
2013-04-17, 09:13 PM
in that case.. I would be on my way. Before leaving i just would like to say.. that I've not take the chance to thank you, for this opportunity and assure you that as long as we work together I'll do my best to fulfill my duty, hopefully this would lead us to a great part ership and fruitfully association

Gazardiel jus goeas around camp.. and familiarizing with whats whitin there.
Thankyou gazardiel replys to the half orc.. as she take both of the horses and starts to talk to them... as trying to see if she can find a friendly response from them.

2013-04-17, 10:49 PM
Need a handle animal roll now, unless you are a druid in which case wild empathy will do.

Whisper rider
2013-04-18, 09:59 AM

In case of succes, Gazardiels stays a while with the Horse.. and shall name her Prelude, and would like her to be her new mount.

After that, gazardiel will step outside the stables, thanks the Half orc again and be on her way. She´ll go to her tent, meditate for a while about this new stag lord, and the mission on the outpost, she will pray to Desna just at Sunset.

2013-04-18, 10:29 PM
As the day comes to a close you reflect on what you have accomplished so far today including gaining a new mount which is not only a female, but trained in the arts of war as well. Praying to Desna just before sunset in the hopes that he will not only hear your prayers, but also understand the decisions you have made to join the bandits. Only time will tell in the end though.

Whisper rider
2013-04-19, 08:12 AM
May my faith rest upon your will... as the one of my foes rest on mine, guided by yours. and like that Gazardiel exhales and counts her day as successfully finished. She goes to rest IF there is no other assignments to be done. If so...quietly she lays and waits for sleep. Dreaming of the sword lords some forshadowing on whats to come, medditating about this stag lord, and dreaming and wishing to succed on this mission, and one day fulfill her wishes and become fully blessed and adquire the blessing as her brother.