View Full Version : Flamethrowers

2013-04-13, 06:37 PM
I know this is a question I should ask my DM about but recently our party was attacked by guys with flamethrowers, we killed them (I failed my reflex save and almost died however right then and there), but I was wondering how do flamethrowers work?

We had to make reflex saves to half the damage so I think its some sort of cone weapon and if this is true if I were to loot a flamethrower I would do some tremendous damage I don't even have to make an attack roll so not having exotic weapon proficiency and little dexterity shouldn't hurt me. Considering the damage it was doing I'm fairly certain the DM was using the flamer in the DMG so how does the flamer work?

2013-04-13, 06:40 PM
What rules system?

d20 Modern flamethrowers require no proficiency to use, and deal 3d6 fire damage to everything in a 30-foot line, with a DC 15 reflex save for half damage.

The flamethrower from the 3.5 Dungeon Masters Guide deals 3d6 damage to everything in a 200ft line, with no mention of a saving throw. It has a range increment, so it may require an attack roll. It can only be fired once per round.

2013-04-13, 06:44 PM
What rules system?

d20 Modern flamethrowers require no proficiency to use, and deal 3d6 fire damage to everything in a 30-foot line, with a DC 15 reflex save for half damage.

The flamethrower from the 3.5 Dungeon Masters Guide deals 3d6 damage to everything in a 200ft line, with no mention of a saving throw. It has a range increment, so it may require an attack roll. It can only be fired once per round.

What he said.

If he went the homebrew route, there's no telling what he's got going on. A wand of Scorching Ray or Aganazzar's Scorcher? Burning Hands?

2013-04-13, 06:45 PM
A command-activated custom magic item of Burning Hands can duplicate a flamethrower as well.

2013-04-13, 06:46 PM
What rules system?

d20 Modern flamethrowers require no proficiency to use, and deal 3d6 fire damage to everything in a 30-foot line, with a DC 15 reflex save for half damage.

The flamethrower from the 3.5 Dungeon Masters Guide deals 3d6 damage to everything in a 200ft line, with no mention of a saving throw. It has a range increment, so it may require an attack roll. It can only be fired once per round.

Sounds like he was using the D20 Modern variant as it had the 3d6 fire damage going on and DC 15 reflex save.

It was specifically stated to be non-magical as well. As detect magic didn't work.

Then again it could be the flamer. Except with house ruled reflex save. But would there be an attack roll for either weapon?

2013-04-13, 09:05 PM
What rules system?

Regular old D&D 3.5e