View Full Version : Secretly evil character template ideas?

Gwazi Magnum
2013-04-13, 07:35 PM
I'm planning on making a character that is evil but trying to hide it from the rest of the party.

Something like about his blood or what he genetically is, or maybe dark powers or gifts as a result of an evil ritual.

Though some notes...

1. I'm a level 8 gestalt, so I can take any combination of LA and HD up to 8
2. Can't give spell like abilities because it's a spell free campaign
3. Ability score bonuses preferred to go towards Intelligence, Charisma or Wisdom (and in that order of importance).

2013-04-13, 08:12 PM
Vecna-blooded, perhaps?

2013-04-13, 10:53 PM
Vecna-blooded, perhaps?

That's what I was going to say, but it requires arcane spellcasting which seems to be off the menu.

2013-04-14, 01:10 AM
Half-Vampire could be interesting. I can't find enough Dex boosts to help you out in terms of the other thread, but Half-Vampire is kind of cute. Just choose Blood Drain instead of Charm Person.

2013-04-14, 01:43 AM
I'm pretty sure you're looking for the Unholy Scion template in Heroes of Horror. Ideally you'd combine it with the Taint mechanics from that same book for some serious shenanigans.

2013-04-14, 01:58 AM
Why are Int, Wis, and Cha important if there are no spells? What do you plan to use them for just role playing?

Once grouped with a guy who had the shadow template on his character and was LE for a time until changing to LN in a party full of G and N characters, no one ever expected him to have a template nor new his alignment he eventually told us one day about the alignment switch, only reason I knew is because I watched what he did and figured it out and called him on it lol. He as a ninja too.

Might also want to look into the Fey'ri race although most of their abilites are Spell like

2013-04-14, 02:07 AM
Saint. He's so good at hiding his evil he's deceived even himself!

Gwazi Magnum
2013-04-14, 09:23 AM
Thanks for the help guys :)

Half-Vampire could be interesting. I can't find enough Dex boosts to help you out in terms of the other thread, but Half-Vampire is kind of cute. Just choose Blood Drain instead of Charm Person.

It's for the same character honestly, I had originally mentioned it in that other forum but people tended not to reply and it seemed kind of unrelated anyways. I was figuring most of those who knew a fair amount with such templates weren't the ones who would look at the other topic so I made a new one for this.

Half-Vampire does seem cool though, I'll probably use it if the Unholy Scion suggested below is turned down.

I'm pretty sure you're looking for the Unholy Scion template in Heroes of Horror. Ideally you'd combine it with the Taint mechanics from that same book for some serious shenanigans.

I don't plan for this to be a 'screw the party over' character, but he is a character hiding something from the rest of the party. But I do like the idea of an Unholy Scion and did send to my DM for approval.

Why are Int, Wis, and Cha important if there are no spells? What do you plan to use them for just role playing?

Once grouped with a guy who had the shadow template on his character and was LE for a time until changing to LN in a party full of G and N characters, no one ever expected him to have a template nor new his alignment he eventually told us one day about the alignment switch, only reason I knew is because I watched what he did and figured it out and called him on it lol. He as a ninja too.

Might also want to look into the Fey'ri race although most of their abilites are Spell like

Problem here outside of spells is that they are physically given away to have something wrong with them.

I don't want my guys secret to be obvious by just looking at him.

Gwazi Magnum
2013-04-14, 11:16 AM
Also, would feats like Perceived Alignment or Mask of Gentility mask/disguise something such as aura of evil given off something like a Paladin of Tyranny?

2013-04-14, 03:38 PM
Also, would feats like Perceived Alignment or Mask of Gentility mask/disguise something such as aura of evil given off something like a Paladin of Tyranny?

Nope. They can change what your alignment is perceived as. Aura, however, is something else. They'd detect both, then wonder.

Aura abilities are a great big sign floating in the sky, shouting "Evil/Good/Whatever Guy Here" with an arrow pointing down. You can doff your blood encrusted skull themed armor, clean up the scars and welts, go through a complete makeover so you appear as Joe Average in a business suit with a briefcase, and that sign will still be hanging there in the air above you, pointing down, for anyone with the ability to see it.

2013-04-14, 04:07 PM
Also, would feats like Perceived Alignment or Mask of Gentility [...]

I know the later is from Exemplars of Evil, but where is "Perceived Alignment" from?

Silva Stormrage
2013-04-14, 04:34 PM
I would suggest going full vampire actually. Then going into vampire lord here http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/mm/20021018a once you hit level 10.

In addition, you get dominate, telekinesis, and flight all as Supernatural abilities which seem to be allowed.

Try to get some protection from the sun until 10th of course though.

2013-04-14, 04:39 PM
I know the later is from Exemplars of Evil, but where is "Perceived Alignment" from?

Rokugan. Got recommended on a nigh-identical thread at roughly the same time as this one.

2013-04-14, 04:46 PM
I would suggest going full vampire actually. Then going into vampire lord here http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/mm/20021018a once you hit level 10.

I don't think you can take Vampire Lord as a PC- it has no listed LA.

2013-04-14, 04:51 PM
Thanks for the help guys :)

It's for the same character honestly, I had originally mentioned it in that other forum but people tended not to reply and it seemed kind of unrelated anyways. I was figuring most of those who knew a fair amount with such templates weren't the ones who would look at the other topic so I made a new one for this.

Half-Vampire does seem cool though, I'll probably use it if the Unholy Scion suggested below is turned down.

I don't plan for this to be a 'screw the party over' character, but he is a character hiding something from the rest of the party. But I do like the idea of an Unholy Scion and did send to my DM for approval.

Problem here outside of spells is that they are physically given away to have something wrong with them.

I don't want my guys secret to be obvious by just looking at him.

The fey'ri have alter form at will so you can look like a human or an elf or w/e you want to look like 24/7

The shadow templated person in our game looked just like a normal elf.

Ace Nex
2013-04-14, 05:00 PM
Vampire lords were intended to even out the Vampire level adjustment. The template is nice at lower levels, but at higher levels you'll be outshone by the non-vampire party members. Vampire lord was actually a way to even things out.

2013-04-14, 05:11 PM
Vampire lords were intended to even out the Vampire level adjustment. The template is nice at lower levels, but at higher levels you'll be outshone by the non-vampire party members. Vampire lord was actually a way to even things out.

Regardless, there's no listed LA so you can't take it as a PC.

Silva Stormrage
2013-04-14, 05:23 PM
Regardless, there's no listed LA so you can't take it as a PC.

That may be the RAW case but it wasn't the RAI case. Also vampire lord came out before LA was actually a thing I believe...

Relevant quote: From a dragon magazine article.

We actually have encountered this problem a lot and have received many e-mails in regards to it. The thing is that with the vampire’s abilities to create spawns the character had the potential to become fairly powerful indirectly instead of directly. So that is why we actually created the Vampire Lord template. To quote the Unearthed Arcana rule book, “When a character with a level adjustment advances in experience, the level adjustment he started with becomes more and more of a burden. Eventually, the benefits of the creature type may come to be eclipsed by those of his class features, and the player may regret his choice of race.” We found this to be overly true with a template such as vampire where at first with four class levels it can potentially be powerful at about the mid to high level “sweet spot” it’s powers seem to not really even out with the other characters and any character with this template really falls behind. So we created the Vampire Lord Template and a way of balancing the character out for many more levels. We decided not to include a farther level adjustment on this as it would spoil the whole point of the balancing effect of the template. So far it has actually worked out quite well in practice and we may include similar templates for other races of templates with a really high LA in the future. However so far nothing has been decided.

Gwazi Magnum
2013-04-14, 09:12 PM
I would suggest going full vampire actually. Then going into vampire lord here http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/mm/20021018a once you hit level 10.

In addition, you get dominate, telekinesis, and flight all as Supernatural abilities which seem to be allowed.

Try to get some protection from the sun until 10th of course though.

Issue with that for me is

1) The sun
2) Never coming indoors without invite

And my DM got an evil enough grin and laugh about the sunlight that I'm pretty damn sure anymeans I used to protect myself he would use DM bull**** to overcome.

The fey'ri have alter form at will so you can look like a human or an elf or w/e you want to look like 24/7

The shadow templated person in our game looked just like a normal elf.

The changeling has a similliar ability and they weren't allowed in the campaign for having that same sort of power sadly.