View Full Version : Zinc Saucier XIII: Melee madness for lucky 13

2013-04-13, 07:49 PM
Welcome one and all to the thirtenth Zinc Saucier challenge, where Playgrounders come to test their skill in the art of beautiful and bizarre (and bizarrely beautiful) builds. We’re moving, shaking, and doing our thing.

The challenge? To come up with a build that has the same abilities and feel as the Secret Ingredient WITHOUT actually using it!

For the thirteenth challenge get ready to whirl with abandon, from Complete Warrior page 25, the Dervish!

Our challengers will have about 2 weeks to build a complete build from levels 1-20 using a 32 point buy and all official WOTC D&D 3.5 materials (excluding dragon magazine, but including any WOTC online enhancements) with the abilities and feel of a Dervish without actually using any levels in it.

Entries must be submitted by Saturday, 11:59pm GMT, 11 May, 2013.

Contestants will be judged and awarded a score out of 5 in each of 5 categories;

* Innovation (Uniqueness in character concept, race, class, etc)
* Power (How powerful and versatile it is compared to the base class)
* Elegance (What can only be described as how well the build "flows", i.e not using lots of 1-2lv dips, sacrificing flavour for power or using flaws)
* Ingredient (How well the build captures the abilities and feel of the base class)

Presentation would be best in the style of how the iron chef does their presentations, however any style is allowed so long as it is clear on how the build was made.

Recommended style:NAME OF ENTRY
{table=head]Level|Class|Base Attack Bonus|Fort Save|Ref Save|Will Save|Skills|Feats|Class Features

1st|New Class Level|
+x|Skills|New Feats|New Class Abilities

2nd|New Class Level|
+x|Skills|New Feats|New Class Abilities

3rd|New Class Level|
+x|Skills|New Feats|New Class Abilities

4th|New Class Level|
+x|Skills|New Feats|New Class Abilities

5th|New Class Level|
+x|Skills|New Feats|New Class Abilities

6th|New Class Level|
+x|Skills|New Feats|New Class Abilities

7th|New Class Level|
+x|Skills|New Feats|New Class Abilities

8th|New Class Level|
+x|Skills|New Feats|New Class Abilities

9th|New Class Level|
+x|Skills|New Feats|New Class Abilities

10th|New Class Level|
+x|Skills|New Feats|New Class Abilities

11th|New Class Level|
+x|Skills|New Feats|New Class Abilities

12th|New Class Level|
+x|Skills|New Feats|New Class Abilities

13th|New Class Level|
+x|Skills|New Feats|New Class Abilities

14th|New Class Level|
+x|Skills|New Feats|New Class Abilities

15th|New Class Level|
+x|Skills|New Feats|New Class Abilities

16th|New Class Level|
+x|Skills|New Feats|New Class Abilities

17th|New Class Level|
+x|Skills|New Feats|New Class Abilities

18th|New Class Level|
+x|Skills|New Feats|New Class Abilities

19th|New Class Level|
+x|Skills|New Feats|New Class Abilities

20th|New Class Level|
+x|Skills|New Feats|New Class Abilities[/table]

Copy and Paste:NAME OF ENTRY
{table=head]Level|Class|Base Attack Bonus|Fort Save|Ref Save|Will Save|Skills|Feats|Class Features

1st|New Class Level|
+x|Skills|New Feats|New Class Abilities

2nd|New Class Level|
+x|Skills|New Feats|New Class Abilities

3rd|New Class Level|
+x|Skills|New Feats|New Class Abilities

4th|New Class Level|
+x|Skills|New Feats|New Class Abilities

5th|New Class Level|
+x|Skills|New Feats|New Class Abilities

6th|New Class Level|
+x|Skills|New Feats|New Class Abilities

7th|New Class Level|
+x|Skills|New Feats|New Class Abilities

8th|New Class Level|
+x|Skills|New Feats|New Class Abilities

9th|New Class Level|
+x|Skills|New Feats|New Class Abilities

10th|New Class Level|
+x|Skills|New Feats|New Class Abilities

11th|New Class Level|
+x|Skills|New Feats|New Class Abilities

12th|New Class Level|
+x|Skills|New Feats|New Class Abilities

13th|New Class Level|
+x|Skills|New Feats|New Class Abilities

14th|New Class Level|
+x|Skills|New Feats|New Class Abilities

15th|New Class Level|
+x|Skills|New Feats|New Class Abilities

16th|New Class Level|
+x|Skills|New Feats|New Class Abilities

17th|New Class Level|
+x|Skills|New Feats|New Class Abilities

18th|New Class Level|
+x|Skills|New Feats|New Class Abilities

19th|New Class Level|
+x|Skills|New Feats|New Class Abilities

20th|New Class Level|
+x|Skills|New Feats|New Class Abilities[/table]

For entries with spellcasting, use the following table for Spells per day and Spells Known. (Spells Known only if necessary, i.e. Sorcerer or Bard, but not Wizard or Warmage). For other systems (Psionics, ToB, Incarnum, etc.) keep track of PP/maneuvers/essentia separately, preferably in a nice neat list, similar to this:
Spells per day/Spells Known





















Copy and Paste:Spells per day/Spells Known





















Please do not post details of your build on the board before it is ready, so as not to spoil the surprise for others.

Sauciers may submit as many builds as they want but please don't use leadership, as we don't want to overfeed the judges.

Previous challenges;
Soulknife (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=225187)
Bard (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=229736)
Monk (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=233749)
Assassin (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=239294)
Barbarian (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=243627)
Warlock (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=247169)
Paladin (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=252932)
Warblade (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=256004)
Pyrokineticist (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=259654)
Ninja (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=263278)
Druid (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=265347)
True Necromancer (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=276267)

A few administrative notes:

Competitors will be free to use any official 3.5 rulebook in constructing their builds. Dragon magazine is disallowed, and Unearthed Arcana is allowed; but see Elegance below. Web-exclusive 3.0 or 3.5 materials by WotC are expressly allowed, but take care to verify that an updated version did not appear in print elsewhere, as this may cause an Elegance deduction at the judges' discretion. Alternate rule systems from UA such as gestalt are not allowed, as they create a different playing field. Also, item familiars are forbidden because I hate 'em.

Power level is up to you. Cheese is acceptable, but should be kept to a sane level unless you're showcasing a new TO build you've discovered. In the words of one of my predecessors, a little cheddar can be nice, but avoid the mature Gruyere unless you're making a cheese fondue.

Elegance could bear a little elaboration. It basically measures how skillfully you put your build together, and whether you sacrificed flavor for power. We're cooking here - if your dish doesn't taste good, it doesn't matter how well-presented it is. Use of flaws is an automatic loss of one point per flaw in this category. Other things that will cause lost points here are excessive multiclassing, and classes that don't fit the concept - using Cloistered Cleric in a front-line melee fighter, for example, may lose you points. Please note the following change: a legal source's relative obscurity should not be considered as penalizing Elegance, excepting the aforementioned issues with Unearthed Arcana. Using too many sources may be an Elegance deduction at the judges' discretion, but a book's relative obscurity may not.

Is Dragon Compendium Allowed? Yes, but individual issues of Dragon Magazine are not.

What about 3.0 materials? 3.0 materials, whether online or in printed form, are allowed unless they've been officially updated to a 3.5 edition.

Are Dragonlance, Ravenloft, Planescape, Dark Sun, or Kingdoms of Kalamar allowable sources? The Dragonlance Campaign Setting is allowed, but the subsequent books for Dragonlance are considered 3rd party, and are therefore not eligible, despite the "WotC approved" status of those books. The same holds for Oriental Adventures (1st party) and the subsequent Rokugan books (3rd party). Materials from Ravenloft, Planescape, Dark Sun, and Kingdoms of Kalamar are considered 3rd party for purposes of this contest, and are therefore not allowed.

What about online sources in general? If the online source is a) published by WotC, and b) not replaced by an updated version at a later time, it is eligible. Use it, link it.

Where's the line drawn with "acceptable/unacceptable" for Unearthed Arcana? This will likely vary a bit from Chairman to Chairman. Item Familiars and Gestalt have always been verboten, since before IC migrated to GitP; don't expect that to change. Flaws have similarly always been noted as warranting a deduction; while I am Chairman, I'm extending that to Traits, though they warrant 1/2 the penalty in Elegance that a Flaw would because they're roughly 1/2 as useful. Alternate spell systems, alternate skill systems and alternate crafting rules all create an uneven playing field, and as such, will be disallowed for as long as I am Chairman. Bloodlines are ripe for abuse, and will be strongly discouraged as long as I am Chairman (see below). Note that judges are allowed to look askance at any use of Unearthed Arcana not specifically mentioned above, at their discretion, and otherwise penalize Elegance according to their preference.

What, exactly, does the ban on Leadership mean? As folks have started to try to work around the edges of this one, I'm forced to spell it out more plainly. No Leadership, Draconic Cohort, or Feats that grant a similar ability are allowed EXCEPT Wild Cohort while I am chairman. Any PrC you choose with Leadership or a Leadership-analog has that ability entirely ignored for this contest, as it may neither be used nor traded away via any means whatsoever.

What's the minimum score in a category? Assuming an entry is legal, the minimum score in any category is 1. If a judge is convinced that an entry is illegal by the RAW, the judge may give a 0 or decline to score a given entry. Because this contest focuses on Player Characters, an entry that is not technically allowed for a PC, but is viable as an NPC, counts as a legal entry, but may receive a minimum score at the judges' discretion.

Level adjustment buy-off (from Unearthed Arcana) is expressly prohibited, because this is an ECL 20 build. You are not granted a set experience point total to use. Bloodlines are permitted, but at the cost of +1LA per bloodline level (this is a change from the rules in UA where the character's ECL does not increase).

This competition is inspired by the Playground Iron Chef Competitions and uses mostly identical rules.

Also it comes with double prize money.

Allez Sauciers!

2013-04-14, 06:31 PM
For the thirteenth challenge get ready to channel your inner wilderness, from Complete Warrior page 25, the Dervish!

Allez Sauciers!

chairman check the copy/paste :smalleek:

dervish. i'm going to have to think of something . . .

2013-04-14, 06:59 PM
... This PrC has been obsolete for so long. :smallbiggrin:

I don't think I'll make this the first one I'll participate in.

2013-04-15, 08:08 PM
chairman check the copy/paste :smalleek:

dervish. i'm going to have to think of something . . .

Fixed it, thanks. Eh, if that is the only error I can live with it. I made the same error in True Necromancer and no one caught it. :smallwink: I won't bother fixing now.

2013-04-16, 12:27 PM
Still going? I've got a neat idea, so I'll enter this time. :smallamused:

2013-04-17, 07:43 AM
I have an entry in the works, who do I submit it to.

2013-04-17, 08:14 AM
I have an entry in the works, who do I submit it to.

Once you finish it, send it to me via private message to preserve anonymity.

2013-04-17, 10:41 AM
Hmmm...Dervish is one of my favorite PrC. I may have to throw an entry together, should time allow.

2013-04-28, 11:59 PM
OK, due to unforseen circumstances, I am extending the contest an additional two weeks. The new deadline is 11 May 2013.

2013-04-29, 12:28 PM
How do you feel about fractional bab/saves? "Okay, but lacking elegance?"

I've got a build that is legal without fractional, but it would get slightly higher saves and bab with fractions.

Is there a high penalty for not including a lot of fluff/backstory for the character?

2013-04-29, 07:20 PM
How do you feel about fractional bab/saves? "Okay, but lacking elegance?"

I've got a build that is legal without fractional, but it would get slightly higher saves and bab with fractions.

Is there a high penalty for not including a lot of fluff/backstory for the character?

No to fractional, but add a note. Judges like those kind of play notes. Backstory should be like a mini skirt, long enough to cover the subject, but short enough to keep things interesting.

2013-05-02, 10:50 AM
So submission number two is in. A little more than one week left until the extended deadline. Deadline was extended due to the recent outage, as well as my upcoming move into an apartment.

2013-05-02, 11:01 AM
I honestly cant think of a build for this challenge. Tried wracking the brain. So I look forward to seeing the entries and seeing what they pulled off.

2013-05-02, 11:27 AM
Really? Maybe I should post my build to show you what I was talking about earlier, Callin.

2013-05-02, 11:30 AM
Yea I just could not think of ways to emulate the SI.

2013-05-02, 12:24 PM
Really? Maybe I should post my build to show you what I was talking about earlier, Callin.

Well, if you don't enter, at least wait until after the deadline to reveal your secrets. :smallwink:

2013-05-02, 01:46 PM
So submission number two is in. A little more than one week left until the extended deadline. Deadline was extended due to the recent outage, as well as my upcoming move into an apartment.

I've got a build done, heck, it's even formatted for the forums.
I just don't have any fluff/backstory for it.

2013-05-11, 02:30 PM
Submitted my build for this contest.

Good luck everyone.

2013-05-11, 02:35 PM
Put mine in the other day.

I hope the submissions are put up soon.

2013-05-11, 03:25 PM
I'll have them up shortly. Probably an hour early or so, I have a game tonight and need to get them up beforehand. I'll be too tired after. 4 Entries so far.

EDIT: Time to get ready to go. Here are the four entries. Please refrain from posting until we're done.

2013-05-11, 04:45 PM
Singing and dancing a lullaby...


1. A member of any of various Muslim ascetic orders, some of which perform whirling dances and vigorous chanting as acts of ecstatic devotion.

No one knows the real name of Vanya Nuru, "beautiful death" in Elven. Some believe she was the daughter of a famous dancer who was murdered and vowed to carry on her mother's legacy while protecting the innocent. Witnesses and survivors of Vanya report that she sings a lullaby filled with sorrow and sadness while fighting.


Elf Bard 4/Battledancer 6/Bladesinger 10

Starting Attributes:
Str 16 Dex 16* Con 10* Int 14 Wis 8 Cha 14

*after racial modifiers

Build Breakdown

{table=head]Level|Class|Base Attack Bonus|Fort Save|Ref Save|Will Save|Skills|Feats|Class Features

1st|Bard 1|
+0|Balance 4, Concentration 4, Hide 4, Move Silently 4, Perform(Sing, Dance) 4, Sense Motive 5, Tumble 4|Combat Casting|Bardic Music, bardic knowledge, countersong, fascinate, Inspire courage +1

2nd|Bard 2|
+3|Balance 5, Concentration 5, Hide 5, Move Silently 5, Perform(Sing, Dance) 5, Sense Motive 5, Tumble 5|---|---

3rd|Bard 3|
+3|Balance 6, Concentration 6, Hide 6, Move Silently 6, Perform(Sing, Dance) 6, Sense Motive 6, Tumble 6|Dodge|Inspire Competence

4th|Bard 4|
+4|Balance 7, Concentration 7, Hide 7, Move Silently 7, Perform(Sing, Dance) 7, Sense Motive 7, Tumble 7|---|---

5th|Battle Dancer 1|
+4|Balance 8, Concentration 7, Hide 8, Move Silently 8, Perform(Sing, Dance) 8, Sense Motive 7, Tumble 8|---|AC Bonus +0, Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Damage 1d6

6th|Battle Dancer 2|
+4|Balance 9, Concentration 7, Hide 9, Move Silently 9, Perform(Sing, Dance) 9, Sense Motive 7, Tumble 9|Combat Expertise|battle dancer's performance

7th|Battle Dancer 3|
+5|Balance 10, Concentration 7, Hide 10, Move Silently 10, Perform(Sing, Dance) 10, Sense Motive 7, Tumble 10|---|---

8th|Battle Dancer 4|
+5|Balance 11, Concentration 7, Hide 11, Move Silently 11, Perform(Sing, Dance) 11, Sense Motive 7, Tumble 11|---|Bonus speed +10ft, Unarmed Damage 1d8

9th|Battle Dancer 5|
+5|Balance 12, Concentration 7, Hide 12, Move Silently 12, Perform(Sing, Dance) 12, Sense Motive 7, Tumble 12|Weapon Focus(Longsword)|Dance of the Vexing Snake, AC Bonus +1

10th|Battle Dancer 6|
+6|Balance 13, Concentration 7, Hide 13, Move Silently 13, Perform(Sing, Dance) 13, Sense Motive 7, Tumble 13|---|Dancer's Strike(magic)

11th|Bladesinger 1|
+8|Balance 14, Concentration 8, Hide 13, Move Silently 13, Perform(Sing) 13, Perform(Dance) 14, Sense Motive 7, Tumble 14|---|Bladesong Style

12th|Bladesinger 2|
+9|Balance 15, Concentration 9, Hide 13, Move Silently 13, Perform(Sing) 13, Perform(Dance) 15, Sense Motive 7, Tumble 15|Snowflake Wardance|Lesser Spellsong

13th|Bladesinger 3|
+9|Balance 16, Concentration 10, Hide 13, Move Silently 13, Perform(Sing) 13, Perform(Dance) 16, Sense Motive 7, Tumble 16|---|---

14th|Bladesinger 4|
+10|Balance 17, Concentration 11, Hide 13, Move Silently 13, Perform(Sing) 13, Perform(Dance) 17, Sense Motive 7, Tumble 17|---|Song of Celerity(2nd)

15th|Bladesinger 5|
+10|Balance 18, Concentration 12, Hide 13, Move Silently 13, Perform(Sing) 13, Perform(Dance) 18, Sense Motive 7, Tumble 18|Overwhelming Assault|---

16th|Bladesinger 6|
+11|Balance 19, Concentration 13, Hide 13, Move Silently 13, Perform(Sing) 13, Perform(Dance) 19, Sense Motive 7, Tumble 19|---|Greater Spellsong

17th|Bladesinger 7|
+11|Balance 20, Concentration 14, Hide 13, Move Silently 13, Perform(Sing) 13, Perform(Dance) 20, Sense Motive 7, Tumble 20|---|---

18th|Bladesinger 8|
+12|Balance 21, Concentration 15, Hide 13, Move Silently 13, Perform(Sing) 13, Perform(Dance) 21, Sense Motive 7, Tumble 21|Einhander|Song of Celerity(4th)

19th|Bladesinger 9|
+12|Balance 22, Concentration 16, Hide 13, Move Silently 13, Perform(Sing) 13, Perform(Dance) 22, Sense Motive 7, Tumble 22|---|---

20th|Bladesinger 10|
+13|Balance 23, Concentration 17, Hide 13, Move Silently 13, Perform(Sing) 13, Perform(Dance) 23, Sense Motive 7, Tumble 23|---|Song of Fury[/table]


Spells per day/Spells Known





















1st-level Songs:

Accelerated Movement
Charm Person
Combat Readiness
Phantom Threat
Feather Fall

2nd-level Songs

Curse of Impending Blades
Eagle's Splendor

3rd-Level Songs

Love's Lament
Sonic Shield

4th-Level Songs

Blinding Beauty
Inner Beauty
Greater Invisibility


Using her songs to increase her mobility, ability to hit while possibly hindering her enemies ability to move, counterattack otherwise escape, Vanya is a beauty on the battlefield.


Being the skilled dancer she is, it is easy for Vanya to adapt to anything. One can swap out the levels in Blade Dancer for equal levels of Swashbuckler, gaining Weapon Finesse, Grace and Insightful Strike. In this case, Vanya wields a Rapier(switching Weapon Focus at 9 accordingly) and replaces her feats at 12 and 15 with Mobility and Spring Attack.

2013-05-11, 04:48 PM
Who was that again? Well, it's tricky...

Ayce (say: Aisha)
Stats at level 1.
Str 14 Dex14 Con 12 Int 14 Wis 10 Cha 15
At level 20
Str 14 Dex 14 Con 12 Int 14 Wis 10 Cha 20
15 Bab. Fort 9. Ref 15. Wis 22.

{table=head]Level|Class|BAB|Fort|Ref|Will|Skills|Feats|Class Features
1st|Bard 1|0|0|2|2|Perform:Flute4, Know:Arcana4, Concentrate4, Listen4, Spot4, Tumble 4, Balance4, Prof:Astrologer4|Dodge, Able Learner|Bardic Music, bardic knowledge, countersong, fascinate, inspire courage+1|Feats|Class abilities
2nd|Bard2 |1 |0 |3 |3 |+1Perform, +1Spellcraft, +1Know:arcane, +1concentrate,+1listen, +1spot, +1tumble, +1balance,+1Profession |None|None
3rd|Bard3 |2 |1 |3 |3 |+1Perform, +1Spellcraft, +1Know:arcane, +1concentrate,+1listen, +1spot, +1tumble, +1balance, +1Profession|Mobility|Inspire Competence
4th|Bard4 |3 |1 |4 |4 |+1Perform, +1Spellcraft, +1Know:arcane, +1concentrate,+1listen, +1spot, +1tumble, +1balance, 1survival|None|None
5th|Bard5 |3 |1 |4 |4 |+1Perform, +1Spellcraft, +1Know:arcane, +1concentrate,+1listen, +1spot, +1tumble, +1balance, +1survival|None|None
6th|Bard6 |4 |2 |5 |5 |+1Perform, +1Spellcraft, +1Know:arcane, +1concentrate,+1listen, +1spot, +1tumble, Nimble Stand|Snowflake Wardance|Suggestion
7th|Spellsword1 |5 |4 |5 |7 |+1Perform, +1Spellcraft, +1Know:arcane, +1concentrate,+1listen|Nonek|-10% ASF, +1 Bard CL
8th|Swiftblade1 |6 |4 |7 |9 |+1Perform, +1Spellcraft, +1Know:arcane, +1concentrate,+1listen, +1spot, +1tumble|Spring Attack|Swift Surge +1/+0ft
9th|Swiftblade2 |7 |4 |8 |10|+1Perform, +1Spellcraft, +1Know:arcane, +1concentrate,+1listen, +1spot, +1tumble|Extra Music|Blurred Alacrity, +1 Bard CL
10th|Swiftblade3|8 |5 |5 |8 |+1Survival, +1Spellcraft, +1Know:arcane, +1concentrate,+1listen, +1spot, +1tumble|None|Sudden Casting, +1 Bard CL
11th|SublimeChord1 |8 |5 |8 |12|1 Intimidate, +1Spellcraft, +1Know:arcane, +1concentrate, 1UMD, Nimble Charge|None|Bardic Music, Bardic Lore
12th|SublimeChord2 |9 |5 |8 |13|+1Intimidate, +1Spellcraft, +1Know:arcane, +1concentrate, +1UMD, Up the Hill|Combat Expertise|Song of Arcane Power
13th| Swiftblade4 |10|5 |9 |14|+1Intimidate, +1Spellcraft, +1Know:arcane, +1concentrate, +1UMD, Twisted Charge|None|Arcane Reflexes, swift surge +1/+10ft
14th| Swiftblade5 |11|5 |9 |14|+1Intimidate, +1Spellcraft, +1Know:arcane, +1concentrate, +1UMD, Swift Concentration|None|Evasive Celerity, +1 SC CL
15th| Swordsage 1 |11|5 |11|16|+1Intimidate, +1Spellcraft, +1Know:arcane, +1concentrate, +3UMD, Back on your Feet|Desert Wind Dodge (Dodge at level 1 becomes Deceptive Dodge)|Quick to Act +1, discipline Focus(Weapon Focus: XXX)
16th| Swiftblade6 |12|6 |12|17|+1Intimidate, +1Spellcraft, +1Know:arcane, +1concentrate, +3UMD, |None|Fortified Hustle, +1 SC CL
17th| Swiftblade7 |13|6 |12|17|+1Intimidate, +1Spellcraft, +1Know:arcane, +1concentrate, +1UMD, +3UMD,|Bounding Assault| Swift Surge +2/+10ft
18th| Swiftblade8 |14|6 |13|18|+1Intimidate, +1Spellcraft, +1Know:arcane, +1concentrate, +3UMD,|Scorching Sirocco|Diligent Rapidity, +1 SC CL
19th| Swiftblade9 |15|7 |13|18|Never Outnumbered, +1Know:arcane, +1concentrate, +3UMD,|None|Perpetual Options +1 SC CL
20th|Sublime Chord3|15|8 |14|18|+2 Spellcraft, +1Know:arcane, +1concentrate, +3UMD,|None|Class abilities
Back on your Feet
Nimble Stand
Up the Hill
Nimble Charge
Twisted Charge
Swift Concentration
Never Outnumbered.

Skill Ranks:
Spellcraft 23
Know:Arcana 23
Concentrate 23
UMD 22
Intimidate 8
Survival 3
Listen 13
Spot 12
Tumble 12
Perform 12
Balance 8
Profession:Astrologer 6

Spell Tables

Spells known (Bard)

Spells Known (Sublime Chord)

Spells per day (Bard)

Spells per day (Sublime Chord)
13th |2|2|-|-|-
15th |3|2|1|-|-
17th |3|3|2|-|-

Casting and Maneuvers
Bard Spells.

Detect magic
Read Magic
Summon Instrument
Songbird (SC)
Ghostharp (SC)
Phantom Threat
Invisibility, Swift
Silent Image
Whirling Blade
Alter self
Magic Savant
Dispel Magic
Listening Coin

Sublime Chord Spells

Dimension Door
Greater Invisibility
Mirror Image, Greater
Dominate Person
Hold Monster
Antimagic Field
Greater Dispel Magic
True Seeing
Bite of Werebear
Elemental Body

Martial Maneuvers
2|DW|Fire Riposte
2|DW|Flashing Sun
2|DW|Burning Brand
4|DW|Searing Charge
1|SS|Island of Blades Stance
2|SS|Cloak of Deception
2|SS|Shadow Jaunt

Ayce grew up among the nomadic Romani as they were driven from their usual haunts in the prosperous lands of Duke Rastor. While times in the wasteland were not easy, the Romani still found the time for dance and music, particularly as Ayce bardic abilities blossomed in her teens.
By her twentieth year, the Romani found themselves under siege from all sides in their new home which had turned hostile. As each person learned martial abilities, Ayce's casting began an exponential growth as she learned to further enhance her spells. Particularly one spell, Haste.
This continued for several years until the Romani were able to take sanctuary on the lands of a church of Oghma. At peace for the first time in a decade, the Oghmanites went among the Romani learning their stories and spreading their own knowledge, among them.

If using fractional bab, end up with 16.75 bab, instead of 15. While saves are instead 8.833 Fort, 15.33 Ref, and 22 Will
Dodge is used as a prereq for mobility. When gaining Desert Wind Dodge, text for the feat states that I can lose the feat dodge, and replace it with another feat for which I meet the prereqs. So Dodge becomes Deceptive Dodge (from Dragon Compendium, which 1/round allows me to redirect a missed attack to a target of my choice who is in reach of my attacker. Only works on my dodge target, and only while fighting defensively.

I don't need to swap it for another Dodge type feat, but for a character built to move around in combat, I figure redirecting my enemies attacks back to them will help.
Never outnumbered helps with that too, a lone warrior isn't too scary, but not only is she able to intimidate everyone, those still fight find themselves hitting their allies by accident.
Between her dodge bonuses, and her miss chances, that should be pretty frequent.

I know the build looks sort of MAD, but I wanted to try a character that didn't have a two stats 16 or higher, particularly in their casting stat.
Dex could be dropped to favor Str and/or Cha since I don't have weapon finesse.

Could, perhaps should, reduce ranks in UMD to boost Intimidate to help with her 'Never Outnumbered.' But I've always felt that UMD was a very rogue/bard-type skill, in addition to being quite useful/powerful. Particularly when compared with feinting and intimidating in combat with D20 rules.

2013-05-11, 04:50 PM
A sublime barbaric dancer.

The Deadly Dancer twirled her scimitars through a pair of orcish necks, felling both adversaries. Despite her fatigue from the battle, more of the horde advanced. It seemed there would be no end to the defense of the great city. She may very well fall in battle this day. The Deadly Dancer would not accept her fate quietly, though. She still had the strength to fight, and reinforcements were on the way.

She blazed through another squad of the enemy military, blades twirling and ripping, but with a few of the orcish battleaxes catching her skin in nonvital areas. Cursing the evil gods under her breath, she knelt down and wrapped the wounds in bandages, then drank a potion of endurance.

Another squadron called for a proper dance. She whirled and dashed along their front line, cutting down most of them, then doubled back and cut open the rest. The dance continued. She advanced to another raging line of brutes approaching from more to the north. Panting, she struck out, dancing along the line, scimitars shining and catching the red light reflected from blood--

Her blade caught against another, and she reflexively pulled it back. So did the opposite foe, which the Deadly Dancer now recognized as an ally, percieving the wake of bodies on the other side of the line. Their paths crossed in the exact center of the line of expired orcs, their weapons meeting in the clang. The ally's enchanting, fey appreance mingled with an incongrous order to her movement. A balance of law and chaos in one being, one being with lovely insect wings and bright violet bob-cut hair. Perhaps that mixture would explain the draw towards dance. Angular eyes surveyed the Deadly Dancer. The ally refused to land from her flight, but did smile. The Deadly Dancer turned her blade towards the the rest of the approacing army, and the ally did in turn, sparing but a wink of acknowledgement.

Together, they danced in combat. This ally, the Firefly, had her sparse differences, but the two fought as one. The Deadly Dancer used curving motions and two scimitars to attack many orcs. The Firefly preferred flying in straight lines, but could strike many more with a singular blade. When thier dances ended, they began anew. They battled together in harmony, loose-fitting copies of one another, as the cracks in a beutiful mirror reflection.

Finally, both near to collapsing, the battle ended. With other reinforcements holding the line at the gates, the Deadly Dancer and the Firefly had cleared much of the army outside. After the five delightful dances, they approached each other. They clicked their scimitars together once again, a show of fire-forged friendship.

Together, two dervishes returned home to be healed of their battle wounds.

Firefly is a True Neutral Half-Fey Lesser Zenythri Barbarian 17/Exemplar 1.

Point buy: STR 16, DEX 14, CON 16, INT 14, WIS 8, CHA 8

After racial modifiers: STR 18 (level-up pluses go here), DEX 18, CON 14, INT 14, WIS 12, CHA 10

{table=head]Level|Class|Base Attack Bonus|Fort Save|Ref Save|Will Save|Skills|Feats|Class Features

1st|Level Adjustment|

2nd|Level Adjustment|

+0|Craft (Weaponsmithing), Tumble, Survival, Listen, Perform (Dance) (CC), Handle Animal|Flyby Attack|Fast Movement, Illiteracy, Ferocity 1/day

+0|Craft (Weaponsmithing), Tumble, Survival, Listen, Perform (Dance) (CC), Handle Animal||Uncanny Dodge

+1|Craft (Weaponsmithing), Tumble, Survival, Listen, Perform (Dance) (CC), Handle Animal|Great Flyby Attack|Trapfinding

+1|Craft (Weaponsmithing), Tumble, Survival, Listen, Perform (Dance) (CC), Handle Animal||Ferocity 2/day

+1|Craft (Weaponsmithing), Tumble, Survival, Listen, Perform (Dance) (CC), Handle Animal||Improved Uncanny Dodge

+2|Diplomacy (CC), Tumble, Survival, Listen, Perform (Dance) (CC), Handle Animal|Power Attack|

+2|Diplomacy (CC), Tumble, Survival, Listen, Perform (Dance) (CC), Handle Animal||DR 1/--

+2|Diplomacy (CC),Tumble, Survival, Listen, Perform (Dance) (CC), Handle Animal||Ferocity 3/day

+3|Diplomacy (CC), Tumble, Survival, Listen, Perform (Dance) (CC), Handle Animal|Martial Study (Burning Brand)|

+3|Diplomacy (CC), Tumble, Survival, Listen, Perform (Dance) (CC), Handle Animal||DR 2/--

+3|Diplomacy (CC), Tumble, Survival, Listen, Perform (Dance) (CC), Handle Animal||Greater Ferocity

+4|Diplomacy (CC), Tumble, Survival, Listen, Perform (Dance) (CC), Handle Animal|Combat Reflexes|Ferocity 4/day

+4|Diplomacy (CC), Tumble, Survival, Listen, Perform (Dance) (CC), Handle Animal||DR 3/--

+4|Diplomacy (CC), Tumble, Survival, Listen, Perform (Dance) (CC), Handle Animal||Shifting Stance

+5|Diplomacy (CC), Tumble, Survival, Listen, Perform (Dance) (CC), Handle Animal|Skill Focus (Tumble)|

+5|Diplomacy (CC), Tumble, Survival, Listen, Perform (Dance) (CC), Handle Animal||DR 4/--, Ferocity 5/day

+5|Diplomacy (CC), Tumble, Survival, Listen, Perform (Dance) (CC), Handle Animal||Relentless Ferocity

+7|Diplomacy (x5), Tumble, Survival, Listen, Perform (Dance), Handle Animal|Robilar's Gambit|Skill Artistry, Skill Mastery[/table]

Level 5: It's all Barbarian, all the time! ACF list is in order: Skilled City Dweller, Ferocity, and Trapkiller.

Due to level adjustment, you will start the game being rather fragile. Make good use of your fly speed and Flyby Attack to avoid dying to everything. But by the time the party is level 5, you should have enough health from those d12s to do something.

Even at level 5, you can act like a Dervish by using Ferocity and then Great Flyby Attack, hitting everyone next to your path. With your Dexterity improved by Ferocity, Great Flyby Attack should let you hit everyone in your way. Do it with a scimitar, of course.

This isn't all you can do, though. Trapkiller lets you find traps for the party. You get a +2 bonus to the nerfed Survival check for being a Zenythri, luckily.

Level 10: Power Attack needs no introduction, but you'll be using it by two-handing a scimitar. This build is pretty straightforward, and has nothing new.

Level 15: Burning Brand is for additional reach when the enemies won't stay in a line for you, and Combat Reflexes is nice with your high Dexterity. Also of note is that your Ferocity is now Greater Ferocity. Combat Reflexes is honestly mostly for...

Level 20: Robilar's Gambit. Needs no introduction. We also have a random level of Exemplar at the end of Barbarian, which masters Perform (Dance), Jump, and Tumble, with Skill Artistry going to Tumble. See below.

I'm not really sure this section is necessary; the build is really simple.

Imitation of the Secret Ingredient
AC Bonus: Ferocity, Shifting Stance, and Greater Ferocity actually team up to +4 AC instead of +3.
Dervish Dance: Imitated by entering Ferocity and then using Great Flyby Attack over and over. THis allows Firefly to hit everyone in a rough line; rougher if she uses her Burning Blade for the encounter. Like a dervish, she ends up with exactly 5 uses of the dance. The to-hit and damage increase doe not quite get to +5, but the strength bonus from Ferocity provides up to +3. Firefly also cannot do so in armor heavier than light or lose access to her fly speed, cannot concentrate, and gets debuffed at the end of it all--sickened, specifically, but that's close. Moving in a straight line means that Firefly cannot turn around in the same way that a Dervish can, but extended reach with Burning Blade can get hard-to-reach enemies.
Slashing Blades: As a fey with Craft (Weaponsmithing), Firefly can make a feycraft scimitar. Ta-da, now it's basically a light weapon. We don't care, but it counts. We can still two-hand the thing for Power Attack, though, since the lightness applies to Weapon Finesse only.
Movement Mastery: Exemplar's Skill Mastery.
Fast Movement: Barbarian Fast Movement. It doesn't get to +15', until you realize that Firefly's fly speed is double land speed, so that's effectively +20'. This is limited by load and armor as well, if not the exact limits.
Spring Attack: This is Flyby Attack.
Dance of Death: Attacking more people during a dance? Firefly can hit up to 7 within her reach, and this is before Gloves of Dexterity. She always "cleaves". If you insist on the actual Cleave feat, get a Sylvan Scimitar.
Improved Reaction: Ferocity as an immediate action; get a +3.
Elaborate Parry: C'mon, I can't do everything. This bonus is pretty unique, actually.
Tireless Dance: Relentless Ferocity.
A Thousand Cuts: This is what a Belt of Battle does, basically. Grab an extra full-round action once a day, then strafe-attack twice.

Fiend Folio: Half-Fey
Monster Manual II: Zenythri
Player's Guide to Faerun: Lesser Planetouched
Player's Handbook II: Robilar's Gambit
Savage Species: Great Flyby Attack
Cityscape: Skilled City Dweller and Ferocity
Complete Adventurer: Exemplar
Magic Item Compendium: Belt of Battle

2013-05-11, 04:51 PM
A sage of the dance.

CN female human Battle Dancer 5/Binder 3/Swordsage 12
Str 12, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 15
+1 Dex at level 4, +1 Cha at level 8, rest go to Dex

{table=head]Level|Class|BAB|Fort|Ref|Will|Skills|Feats|Class Features

1st|Battle Dancer 1|
+0| Balance 4, Hide 2, Move Silently 2, Jump 4, Listen 4, Perform (dance) 4, Tumble 4|Expeditious Dodge, Mobility, Improved Unarmed Strike (B)|AC bonus (Cha to AC)

2nd|Battle Dancer 2|
+0| Balance +1, Hide + 1, Jump +1, Move Silently + 1, Tumble +1| |dance of reckless bravery (+4 vs fear effects for her and allies)

3rd|Battle Dancer 3|
+1| Balance +1, Hide + 1, Jump +1, Move Silently + 1, Tumble +1|Evasive Reflexes|

4th|Battle Dancer 4|
+1| Balance +1, Hide + 1, Jump +1, Move Silently + 1, Tumble +1| |bonus speed +10 feet

5th|Battle Dancer 5|
+1| Balance +1, Hide + 1, Jump +1, Move Silently + 1, Tumble +1| |dance of the vexing snake, +1 dodge AC

6th|Binder 1|
+3| Intimidate 3|Swift Tumble|soul binding (1 vestige)

7th|Binder 2|
+4| Intimidate +1, Concentration 2| |pact augmentation (+2 insight to initiative), suppress sign

8th|Binder 3|
+4| Intimidate +1, Concentration +1, Sense Motive 1| |

9th|Swordsage 1|
+6| Balance +1, Concentration +1, Hide +1, Jump +1, Move Silently +1, Sense Motive +1, Tumble +1|Improved Binding, Weapon Focus (B)|quick to act +1, discipline focus

10th|Swordsage 2|
+7| Balance +1, Concentration +1, Hide +1, Jump +1, Move Silently +1, Sense Motive +1, Tumble +1| |AC bonus (Wis to AC)

11th|Swordsage 3|
+7| Balance +1, Concentration +1, Hide +1, Jump +1, Move Silently +1, Sense Motive +1, Tumble +1| |

12th|Swordsage 4|
+8| Balance +1, Concentration +1, Hide +1, Jump +1, Move Silently +1, Sense Motive +1, Tumble +1|Adaptive Style|discipline focus (insightful strike)

13th|Swordsage 5|
+8| Balance +1, Concentration +1, Hide +1, Jump +1, Move Silently +1, Sense Motive +1, Tumble +1| |quick to act +2

14th|Swordsage 6|
+9| Balance +1, Concentration +1, Hide +1, Jump +1, Move Silently +1, Sense Motive +1, Tumble +1| |

15th|Swordsage 7|
+9| Balance +1, Concentration +1, Hide +1, Jump +1, Move Silently +1, Sense Motive +1, Tumble +1|Sidestep|sense magic

16th|Swordsage 8|
+10| Balance +1, Concentration +1, Hide +1, Jump +1, Move Silently +1, Sense Motive +1, Tumble +1| |discipline focus (defensive stance)

17th|Swordsage 9|
+10| Balance +1, Concentration +1, Hide +1, Jump +1, Move Silently +1, Sense Motive +1, Tumble +1| |evasion

18th|Swordsage 10|
+11| Balance +1, Concentration +1, Hide +1, Jump +1, Move Silently +1, Sense Motive +1, Tumble +1|Combat Acrobat|quick to act +3

19th|Swordsage 11|
+11| Balance +1, Concentration +1, Hide +1, Jump +1, Move Silently +1, Sense Motive +1, Tumble +1| |

20th|Swordsage 12|
+12| Balance +1, Concentration +1, Hide +1, Jump +1, Move Silently +1, Sense Motive +1, Tumble +1| |discipline focus (insightful strike)[/table]

Maneuvers and Stances





















Design Notes
Tabitha starts as a standard Battle Dancer. She has unarmed strikes, a bonus to Armor Class from Charisma and dancing abilities that can help her allies against fear and by 5th level she can Tumble at her full movement speed at her normal movement rate.

Tabitha next enters the Binder class with the ultimate goal of being able to bind Paimon. She can bind vestiges as she needs early on in her Binder career. Once Tabitha gains 9th level and gains the Improved Binding feat she binds Paimon exclusively. Though all of Paimon’s Granted Abilities are excellent for Tabitha, the ones that are of particular interest are the Dance of Death (another dance style that mimics the Dervish), Paimon’s Blades (Weapon Finesse with rapiers and short swords), Paimon’s Dexterity (+4 untyped bonus to Dex [yes, thank you]), and Paimon’s Skills (+4 untyped bonus to Tumble and Perform [dance]).

Tabitha ends her pre epic career by going the rest of the way in Swordsage with a starting initiator level of 5 thanks to her previous careers. She also gains a bonus to her Armor Class based on her Wisdom bonus as well as more bonuses to initiative. Her maneuver and stance choices will help her continue her development of newer and more deadly dance styles. Desert Wind would be flavorful considering the real life inspiration of the Dervish class. Diamond Mind has to be considered by any Swordsage. By 19th level she hits 8th level maneuvers.

Source List
Cityscape -- Swift Tumbler feat
Dragon Compendium -- Battle Dancer
Miniatures Handbook -- Sidestep feat
Player's Handbook II -- Combat Acrobat feat
Races of the Wild -- Expeditious Dodge feat
Tome of Battle -- Swordsage, maneuvers, stances, Adaptive Style feat
Tome of Magic -- Binder, Improved Binding feat

2013-05-11, 04:52 PM
Those are all four. Begin discussion, but preferably without revealing your own entry. Allez judges!

2013-05-11, 04:54 PM
Who are the judges?

2013-05-11, 05:03 PM
Who are the judges?

That remains to be seen. Would you like to offer your services, perhaps? :smallwink:

2013-05-11, 05:15 PM
Sure Will. If I can get the particulars of what im judging.

2013-05-12, 09:17 AM
Sure Will. If I can get the particulars of what im judging.

Well, Dervish is in Complete Warrior. If you have access to that, you can judge. The "Use of Secret Ingredient" component is comparing the class features the various entries have cobbled together, and seeing what they have obtained and what was missed. The rest of it is basically the same judging Iron Chef gets.

2013-05-12, 11:14 AM
I am very interested to see how this turned out. :smallsmile:

2013-05-12, 11:53 AM
Aight gimme a few days and I will have some results for ya.

2013-05-12, 12:59 PM
Thanks for judging.

2013-05-12, 02:41 PM
Thanks, Callin. As always we rely upon volunteer competitors and judges.

Also, Snowbluff, if you are so interested, why don't you judge? I'm pretty sure you have enough system knowledge to throw your hat in the ring.

2013-05-12, 09:00 PM
OMG HOW DO THE JUDGES DO IT!!!!!! Halfway done and I dont wanna no more... please dont make me go back in there.

(still gonna do it of course but OMG. much more respect for judges now.)

2013-05-12, 09:07 PM
Also, Snowbluff, if you are so interested, why don't you judge? I'm pretty sure you have enough system knowledge to throw your hat in the ring.

Sure. I'd like a bit of a rundown on what you want, first. :smalltongue:

2013-05-12, 10:31 PM
I HAVE JUDGINGS!!!!! (forgive the rudimentary way I did it)

Innovation, Power, and Elegance start at a base of 1 then I add from there)

Innovation 2.5
Uniqness: Battle Dancer and Bard were both used by other chefs. Almost for the exact same levels. Bladesinger was not
and you use a fairly crappy PrC to good effect.

Power 3.75
Combat: Class Abilities, Spells, Skills and an almost full BaB 2
Utility: Other than spells very little and very little in there. +.25
Roles: Group buffs through class abilities, and makes a Good Melee +.5

Elegance: 2.25
Backstory: Minimal 0
Flow: The build flows well together and really fits a good theme +1
Flow: The builds abilities compilment each other well +1
Explination of Build: You add a variation and Routine. +.25
Rules Violation: You cant take Overwhelming Assault at lvl 15. You dont meet the BaB +15 prereq. Could have
been switched with Einhander to be correct. -.25

Use of the Seceret Ingredient 2.5

meets all prereqs: Missing the feat Mobility but using Dance of the Vexing Snake more than makes up for it.
AC Bonus: Same totalling out to +3
Dervish Dance: Close
Movement Mastery: Nothing emulates this ability
Slashing Blades: Nothing emulates this ability. Honestly this is a hard one to emulate.
Fast Movement: Better with +10 from Battle Dancer and Accelerated Movement
Spring Attack: Nothing emulates this ability.
Dance of Death: Nothing emulates this ability.
Improved Reaction: Same using Combat Readiness
Elaborate Parry: Worse. Only gets a +2 from Einhander
Tireless Dance: Nothing emulates this ability.
A Thousand Cuts: Nothing emulates this ability.

Total: 11.25

On the note of Dervish Dance and why I judged it that way is because yes while you do get extra attacks you do
not get to move while doing it. Yes you can attack more than one target if they are close enough but Dervish Dance
actually lets you move around alot more.
Note on where your Stat Increases went. You didnt state so I only used the Base Stats.


I like this build. Its actually very very close to what I initially came up with then tossed away. Honestly glad I did
because then I would have stepped all over your toes and I dont like doing that.

(Innovation, Power, and Elegance start at a base of 1 then I add from there)

Innovation 3
Uniqness: Another chef also used Bard and for almost the same amount of levels. Swiftblade though is uniqe as is
Swordsage Spellsword and Sublime Chord.

Power 5
Combat: 8th lvl SC Spells, 3rd lvl Bard Spells, Bardic Abilities, 4th lvl Maneuvers/Stance Swiftblade Abilities
and Skill Tricks 3
Utility: Skill Tricks, Maneuvers, Spells, UMD 1
Roles: Combat Ginsue Knife

Elegance 0
Backstory: Minimal
Flow: You traded alot of Elegance for Power here. 1 level dips and a minor class dance. The build does not
seem to be a natural progression of a character. Also along with switching the Swiftblade Spell Progression from
Bard to Sublime Chord while not strictly against RAW it rubs me the wrong way. -.75
Explination of Build: Your notes show a description of alternates and explains some things. +.5
Rules Violation: You do not meet the prereqs for Spellsword at the level you take it. -1

Ingredient 3
meets all prereqs: No Performance Dance
AC Bonus: +3 from Swift Surge and Haste
Dervish Dance: Close Perpetual Options. Close Whirling Blade Spell
Movement Mastery: Close Diligent Rapidity
Slashing Blades: Nothing emulates this ability.
Fast Movement: Better
Spring Attack: Same
Dance of Death: Nothing emulates this ability.
Improved Reaction: Worse +1 Quick to Act.
Elaborate Parry: Nothing emulates this ability.
Tireless Dance: Nothing emulates this ability.
A Thousand Cuts: Nothing emulates this ability.

Total: 11

The reason I say you dont meet the prereqs of Spellsword is because you dont have proficency with all martial weapons and all armors.

I like this. I honestly do. The powergamer in me loves this... even the cheese that I docked you for. The normal player, DM,
and judge in me screamed OMG nononononononono and I swear Cthulu is coming for me. With all that it surprised me that you
missed the prereqs for Spellsword though.

(Innovation, Power, and Elegance start at a base of 1 and I add from there)

Innovation 3.25
Uniqness: All new here for this build. No body copies the classes, the race is fresh
However the feats are not all that fresh.

Power 3.5
Combat: Its a Barb doing what a Barb does best 2
Utility: Can Fly, Little by way of skills, Little by way of Class Abilities .5
Roles: Basher

Elegance 3.75
Backstory: Love it. Well written and tells a nice story 1
Flow: Build flows well for the first 19 then outta the blue you get Exemplar .75
Flow: The builds abilities compliment each other well .5
Explination of build: As you say it needs no introduction but you do it just fine
anyways. +.5

Ingredient 4
meets all prereqs: None of the feats
AC Bonus: Better
Dervish Dance: Same to Close with using Flyby Attack
Movement Mastery: Same Exemplars Skill Mastery
Slashing Blades: Nothing Class wise emulates this ability. Though you do mention
how equipment can.
Fast Movement: Better +20
Spring Attack: Nothing emulates this ability.
Dance of Death: Nothing emulates this ability. Though you do mention how equipment
Improved Reaction: Better +3 Ferocity
Elaborate Parry: Nothing emulates this ability.
Tireless Dance: Close Relentless Ferocity
A Thousand Cuts: Nothing emulates this ability. Though you do mention how equipment

Total: 14.5

The reason I said you did not emulate certain abilities is because with out equipment you didnt. Either by feat or by
other class ability. You do mention how it can be done with equipment though which is nice.

Great Build and THANK YOU for showing how you did the SI. Made judging this character a breeze. Its a straight up bash your opponents
face into the other guys face using the first guys face.

(Innovation, Power, and Elegance start at a base of 1 and I add from there)

Innovation 3
Uniqness: Battle Dancer was used by another chef and for almost the exact same levels. Binder however
was not and im happy to see it. Swordsage was also used but you utilize it more.

Power 3.75
Combat: Maneuvers/Stances, Good Bab, Vestiges, Class Abilities 2.5
Utility: Maneuvers/Stances, Little in Skills, Little in Abilities .25
Roles: melee,

Elegance 3
Backstory: None though you do provide a pretty picture -.25
Flow: This build flows well 1
Flow: The builds abilities compliment each other 1
Explination of Build: You give one that explains why you took certain things .25

Ingredient 3
meets all prereqs
AC Bonus: Close Wis mod to AC
Dervish Dance: Same Paimon
Movement Mastery: Nothing emulates this ability
Slashing Blades: Nothing emulates this ability
Fast Movement: Worse +10
Spring Attack: Nothing emulates this ability.
Dance of Death: Nothing emulates this ability.
Improved Reaction: Better Quick to Act and Pact Augmentation
Elaborate Parry: Nothing emulates this ability.
Tireless Dance: Nothing emulates this ability.
A Thousand Cuts: Nothing emulates this ability.

Total: 12.75

Great Build!

Great Job Chefs! Do not consider this a final result of my judging. Feel free to make your case for things if you feel I misinterpreted or unfairly judged you. Also if anyone finds a mistake I may have to higher Firefly to come find you. (though still please tell me)

All in all a great round of Chefs and it was an honor to judge you.

(edit: Had to go back and check on something and decided that a negative score in elegance wasnt going to fly for Ayce. So with a minimum score of 1 and then a -1 for an illegal entry I changed it to a 0.)

2013-05-13, 08:24 AM
What I am about to say is not to be taken as a slight against my fellow contestants or the judges. I'm also going to my best not to reveal which entry is mine. While I understand each individual judge may have there own judgement on something that wasn't expressly mentioned in the rules, I personally feel as though using an item to emulate an ability of the secret ingredient is a cop out. To say that a Belt of Battle can emulate Thousand Cuts is true, by that logic, you can give any class/prc "Thousand Cuts" while missing out on the fluff and flavor of the Dervish.

Also, with my entry, while some of the abilities of the secret ingredient are difficult if nigh impossible to recreate using other classes, I feel as though I captured the flavor/idea of the secret ingredient as best as one can.

2013-05-13, 09:38 AM
The way I judged the use of the SI is a little wonky I might add. I layed out all the class features and figured out if they emulated it or came close and how well they did. I took all of that and for example said "Ok they emulted half of the abilities. Some were better or the same. 1 was worse, and 2 were close". Gave it a base score of 2.5 and then said "Ok how well does this emulate the class" and then gave it the final score that I felt was best.

Lots of things that may seem to have penalized someone actually did not. It was just how I layed it out.

2013-05-13, 03:24 PM
I personally feel as though using an item to emulate an ability of the secret ingredient is a cop out. To say that a Belt of Battle can emulate Thousand Cuts is true, by that logic, you can give any class/prc "Thousand Cuts" while missing out on the fluff and flavor of the Dervish.

Different judges will rule differently on this. Use of items is permitted to qualify for classes (for example, ring of evasion grants evasion, so the PC is now qualified for class X that requires evasion). This is permitted per the FAQ. So using an item to replicate an ingredient is permitted. That said, loss of said item is a concern, and may warrant a deduction in the judges book for elegance.

Items are equally available to all competitors, based on WBL, and referencing particular items to provide a particular ability unavailable elsewhere might enhance the overall score (as the competitor is making a greater effort to replicate the ingredient). Referencing items should almost never detract from the overall score, unless the character is completely dependant on those items.

Sure. I'd like a bit of a rundown on what you want, first. :smalltongue:

Well, from the OP you have this.

Contestants will be judged and awarded a score out of 5 in each of 4 categories;

* Innovation (Uniqueness in character concept, race, class, etc)
* Power (How powerful and versatile it is compared to the base class)
* Elegance (What can only be described as how well the build "flows", i.e not using lots of 1-2lv dips, sacrificing flavour for power or using flaws)
* Ingredient (How well the build captures the abilities and feel of the base class)

Also, below is a spoiler that contains previous judging criteria I used - you should set your own, however.

Judging criteria:

Generally, entries will start at 3 in each category, with bonuses and penalties assessed from that starting point. Please list the sources of all feats/classes used outside of the SRD, sometimes it takes me a while to find a particular item.

* Innovation (Uniqueness in character concept, race, class, etc)

-> Is the build boring? What new tricks did you find or use? Does it look like the other entries? Are you unique in some way? Bonuses will be awarded for using races, classes, concepts, feats that others did not. Penalties will be assessed for "expected" tricks, slight penalties may be assessed if multiple entries use the same overall build. If it seems "vanilla" you will be assessed a penalty of some sort.

* Power (How powerful and versatile it is compared to the base class)

-> How strong is this character compared to a straight half-orc barbarian 20 build? How strong is this character compared to other entries? Is this character a one-trick pony? How does it function if that trick doesn't work? Bonuses will be awarded for being more powerful than a barbarian and the other competitors, as well as over-all utility both in and outside of combat. Penalties will be assessed for being weaker, overall, than a barbarian and/or other competitors, and for not having a minimum BAB of +16 (four attacks) at level 20. You should be able to do as much raw damage as a raging barbarian at level 20, otherwise a penalty will be assessed.

* Elegance (What can only be described as how well the build "flows", i.e not using lots of 1-2lv dips, sacrificing flavour for power or using flaws)

-> How does the build feel? Is it chopped and ugly, with small, unjustified dips? Are the dips completely justified and rationale? Do you meet the pre-requisites for each feat and class when you take it? Obscure classes and feats that get you what you need will not be penalized, nor will 1-2 level dips that make sense, both at the time you took it and with regards to the overall flavor of the ingredient. Bonuses will be awarded for smart, legal decisions that get you towards your goal, obtaining class features of barbarian in a similar time frame. Penalties will be assessed for not meeting pre-requisites at the time you took a class or feat, for dips that do not add to the flavor of the dish sufficiently (in comparison to a different dip), and for questionable reading of the rules.

* Fluff (How well the characters back-stories and classes mesh)

-> How does your story grab me? Does it blend seamlessly with the build? Does it make sense? Are you changing alignment solely to move into a PrC? Bonuses will be awarded for an interesting story that takes your starting character at level 1 all the way to 20, penalties will be reserved for decisions (class entries) unsupported by any story. Length really does not matter too much, a well-written paragraph may well be awarded more points than a one-page boring story.

* Ingredient (How well the build captures the abilities and feel of the base class)

-> Does the entry feel like a barbarian? How well does the entry attain or exceed the abilities of a barbarian 20? If I stood your entry next to a barbarian, would I really be able to tell them apart? Bonuses will be awarded for meeeting or exceeding all basic barbarian class features and abilities (or alternate class features of a barbarian, please cite which ones you are going for). Penalties will be assessed for failure to get basic class features without explanation of how what you can do is equivalent or better.

2013-05-13, 03:42 PM
Alright. Where can I see the builds?

2013-05-13, 03:42 PM
mattie if ya need me to redo or look back over what I judged let me know.

2013-05-13, 03:52 PM
Alright. Where can I see the builds?

Entries start here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=15215778#post15215778), there are 4 this round.

mattie if ya need me to redo or look back over what I judged let me know.

I'm fine with your judging for now. If there are competitors with questions or comments, I ask them to PM me, I will post it here to preserve anonymity. You can respond as you see fit.

** While we're judging, are there any thoughts on new ingredients everyone would like to see? We've had 5 of the 11 base classes from the PHB, 4 other base classes, and 4 prestige classes, covering a wide range of options.

2013-05-13, 07:39 PM
Entries start here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=15215778#post15215778), there are 4 this round.

I'm fine with your judging for now. If there are competitors with questions or comments, I ask them to PM me, I will post it here to preserve anonymity. You can respond as you see fit.

** While we're judging, are there any thoughts on new ingredients everyone would like to see? We've had 5 of the 11 base classes from the PHB, 4 other base classes, and 4 prestige classes, covering a wide range of options.
How about ashworm dragoon?
I've got an idea that I think will do well for originality, though I need to do a little more research to be sure. I'm also sort of interested in the various environmental prestige classes and books after doing this dervish.

2013-05-13, 08:47 PM
How about ashworm dragoon?
I've got an idea that I think will do well for originality, though I need to do a little more research to be sure. I'm also sort of interested in the various environmental prestige classes and books after doing this dervish.

One limitation there: I do not yet have access to the big 3 environment books (Sand, Storm, Frost), although I want them. I got a buddy that I think has two - need to ask. I feel bad trying to chair a competition when I don't have the source. We'll see how it turns out.

2013-05-13, 08:56 PM
I'll be able to finish my critiques tomorrow. Hope I don't mess up.

Personally, I would have done a Swordsage4/Warblade6/EternalBlade. Time Stands Still is a good way of getting 2 full attacks, and Warblade+Swordsage would be able to handle most of the other tricks. I'd grab the Spring Attack chain manually, and add the Shi'quos School from DotU book with explanation the Blade Guide (A good source of elven things) had a had in the origination of the school. :smalltongue:

2013-05-14, 02:02 PM
One limitation there: I do not yet have access to the big 3 environment books (Sand, Storm, Frost), although I want them. I got a buddy that I think has two - need to ask. I feel bad trying to chair a competition when I don't have the source. We'll see how it turns out.

Here's the ashworm, http://dndtools.eu/classes/ashworm-dragoon/
I don't think my original idea would work as well as I thought though.

Table of Callin's scores.
{table=head]Char|Innovation|Power|Elegance|Ingredient|Total|Av erage
Vanya|2.5| 3.75 | 2.25| 2.5| 11.25|2.8125
Ayve |3 |5 | 0 | 3 | 11 |2.75
Firefly|3.25| 3.5 | 3.75| 4 | 14.5 | 3.625
Tabitha|3 | 3.75| 3 | 3 | 12.75|3.1875

Bard 4/Battledancer 6/Bladesinger 10
Bard 6/Spellsword1/Swiftblade 9/Swordsage1/Sublime Chord 3
Barbarian 17/Exemplar 1
Battle Dancer 5/Binder 3/Swordsage 12

2013-05-17, 02:06 PM
I'll be able to finish my critiques tomorrow. Hope I don't mess up.

Hey Snowbluff, how goes the judging?

2013-05-17, 04:14 PM
Hey Snowbluff, how goes the judging?

I then caught a nasty cold and everything in my life happened all at once. :smallfrown:

I'll have it done within the next few days.

2013-05-17, 09:37 PM
I'm sure I speak for everyone when I say that I totally understand.

Feel better.

2013-05-25, 07:52 AM
Well, we shall see if Snowbluff decides to judge or not. Today is his, and yours, last day in this competition. I will reveal the names in about 12 hours or so, and open a new competition.

2013-05-25, 10:57 AM
Alright, let's watch me try and not screw this up.

Contestants will be judged and awarded a score out of 5 in each of 4 categories;

* Innovation (Uniqueness in character concept, race, class, etc)
* Power (How powerful and versatile it is compared to the base class)
* Elegance (What can only be described as how well the build "flows", i.e not using lots of 1-2lv dips, sacrificing flavour for power or using flaws)
* Ingredient (How well the build captures the abilities and feel of the base class)


Innovation: Use of the Blade Singer is highly unusual. The combination of Bards spells are both flavorful and coherent with the fighting dancer type. No one will be earning bonus points for the use of Battle Dancer.

Power: The character has a pretty fair amount of power. While the Bladesinger is 1/2 caster and does not afford much benefit, but it allows all of the spells to be cast as swift actions. Bard and Battle Dancer allow a bit of buffing.

Elegance: The build certainly flows. Only 3 classes are seen, an all of them have a decent number of levels in them. No flaws were used. Flavor wasn't subverted. I'd like to point out the character can exactly quicken spells as high as she can cast, but no more. I kind of like that.

Ingredient: It's certainly a dancer fighting with slashing stuff. Unfortunately, a lot f the abilities that make a dervish a dervish are no present.

2013-05-25, 12:04 PM

Innovation: This is a Sublime Chord with Swiftblade. While the classes are powerful, they are not an innovative solution to the class. Bonus points for not focusing on the casting.

Power: It's a very strong setup. The limit of the number of times the class can full attack and move compared to the Dervish Dancer is much smaller. The innate miss chances of the Swiftblade plus the array of defensive spells should blow a Dervish out of the water.

Elegance:Two 1 level dips and a 3 level dip. Swiftblade gets a singular line in the fluff despite being nearly half of the levels in the build. Dodge being retrained, which could have been handled more elegantly.

Ingredient: This one comes pretty close. While it can not make the doubled up full attacks, it has Spring Attack, some AC bonuses.

2013-05-25, 02:00 PM
2 down, 2 to go! (Incidentally, Snowbluff, Vanya is missing a score for elegance)

2013-05-25, 02:27 PM
No she isn't.:smalltongue:


Innovation: I actually didn't expect the use of Greater Flyby and having a new race I haven't seen in play is an interesting choice. Due to how simple the build is, I can't say much else about it.

Power: Once again, not much different going on here. I think it arrives about the same power level as a dervish.

Elegance: Lots of cross class ranks are cross classed, and has a single one level dip. Not much to be said here, either.

Ingredient: Come really close in a lot of catergories. I can't give points for the item use. The Flyby Attack doesn't full substitute the Dervish dance. I'd like to point out Dervishes can not Power Attack with their slashing weapons. I'd let it slide if it were not a class feature.

2013-05-25, 03:51 PM

Innovation: Nothing really special going on here. The Paimon binding is pretty out of left field, and it functions. Battledancer is utilized a little better here.

Power: Better than a Dervish. Swordsage is a rather versatile class, and Binder could lend other options if it wasn't binding exclusively.

Elegance: 3 classes. The worst offender for this score would have to be the Binder levels, which were cut a tad short.

Ingredient: Dance of Death covers Dervish Dance, but it can not focus. The cap stone isn't represented either, despite it being possible to use 2 full round attacks with Time Stands Still.

2013-05-26, 12:48 AM
And now it is time for the big reveal!

{table=head]Rank|Competitor|Entry|Callin's Score|Snowbluff's Score|Average Score

Callin, I did notice a slight discrepancy in your listed score for Vanya. Vanya's totals add to 11, not 11.25. Do not that this slight discrepancy does not affect the order of finish.

Congratulations to all competitors, I hope you had as much fun this round as I did.

Special thanks go to Callin and Snowbluff, our judges.

I will be posting a new competition soon, probably tomorrow as I was out late at a face to face 3.5 game. Feel free to speculate on the ingredient.

2013-05-26, 07:45 AM
Sorry about that.

Congrats guys!

2013-05-26, 08:02 AM
I had no idea that using equipment was a no-no. :smallredface: I was just trying to imitate Dervish as best I could. Next time there will be none of that, because apparently it rustled some jimmies.

This one was close! Congrats to the competitors.

2013-05-26, 08:17 AM
Well I have always been of the group that equipment does not count as class features for feat or PrC prereqs (even though I know it is accepted here) and that sorta crosses over into this scenario. Basically what I gather from this contest is that the chef is trying to build a class that emulates the abilities and style/feel of the SI. Anyone can use equipment to do that. Even a Commoner.

The listing of the equipment and how it can be used to do this is neither here nor there for me. I dont count it and I dont discount it.

2013-05-26, 08:19 AM
While I don't agree with Callin on using equipment for qualifying, I do believe that the DM can forgot/fail to give you WBL, so items were not getting points. :smalltongue:

2013-05-26, 09:25 AM
Items are nice. They can really round out a character. I find them to be fun and helpful when creating a character, but I agree that while they might add to the flavor, tossing every item in the game onto one, especially mechanical reasons, might overwhelm the dish.

To me it is like salt. You should add salt to nearly everything cooked, but too much has its own problems.

EDIT: New competition is up (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=285337). Good luck.

2013-05-26, 10:47 AM
How about that! I totally forgot about this one . . .

Been working on my Iron Chef entry to much I guess.

Thanks for the judging Snowbluff and congrats Kazyan. I liked your build a lot too.

2013-05-26, 11:05 AM
Yeah, we're not as popular as our bigger brother Iron Chef. So we don't spend as much time on the 1st page as they do. We make do, however.

2013-06-02, 07:21 PM
I've got a critique of the judgement for my character, but not sure if it's relevant now that so much time has passed (I hate traveling sometimes).

Is it even worth posting it now?

2013-06-02, 07:32 PM
I guess send mattie_p a message. He is gone for the weekend so im not sure he will see this before it gets off of page 1.

OR if its with my judging then go ahead and ask away. :smallbiggrin:

Humble Master
2013-06-02, 07:37 PM
Hello. I just rejoined the forums and was wondering if you are still accepting judges for this competition. I would be honored to be one.

2013-06-02, 07:40 PM
The next competition is up and going so im pretty sure that this one is close. Though im sure they would love a judge for the next one.

Link to the new thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=285337)

Humble Master
2013-06-02, 07:41 PM
Thank you for the information and link Callin.

2013-06-05, 10:49 PM
I've got a critique of the judgement for my character, but not sure if it's relevant now that so much time has passed (I hate traveling sometimes).

Is it even worth posting it now?

I guess send mattie_p a message. He is gone for the weekend so im not sure he will see this before it gets off of page 1.

OR if its with my judging then go ahead and ask away. :smallbiggrin:

I guess feel free to post your question, I can't guarantee it won't hurt anyone's feelings but it won't hurt mine.

Or, if it is a private discussion then pm Callin. No skin off my nose.