View Full Version : how to build a follower of the burning hate?

2013-04-13, 11:33 PM
how would you build a follower of the burning hate of pelor, without everyone pointing at you and saying EVIL!

2013-04-13, 11:39 PM
They probably wouldn't? I mean my destruction of Undead generally makes people think I'm GOOD anyway. Nevermind that Evil fighting Evil isn't exactly new territory... Hello Blood War... But people are lazy and ignorant and will look at the mere fact that I just used my power to incinerate zombies as evidence that I am in fact good.

Not to mention people forgetting the the Sun is a ball of hate, and merely displaying suns on my person will make people think that I am good, because they falsely equate the Sun with Life, and Life with Good.

When you use your magic to do things like Summon Fiends, tell people you are a Malconvoker and using the fiends for Good, and totally are not evil.

Buy up items of Undetectable Alignment, and spells/abilities that make you immune to effects like Zone of Truth.

Then bam, you can do whatever you like and people still think you are good.

2013-04-13, 11:51 PM
Make sure you always have something to blame on whoever you killed/reanimated/etc so that you are righteously punishing them, rather than using them for your own purposes. And make sure people know that you are blaming & punishing these unfortunates.

2013-04-14, 04:31 AM
Burn The Witch!

2013-04-14, 05:48 AM
Assuming you mean NPCs pointing at you, the above are great suggestions. If you mean your fellow PCs, either:
a. play in an evil adventuring party, or
b. just roll up a cleric of pelor, and whenever the party calls you on doing something evil, casually point to your "Pelor the Burning Hate" notes (also: make sure to bring your notes).