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2006-10-28, 05:42 AM
Post any problems you have with the new board here.

Also read the Known Bugs/Issues before posting.


Meat Shield
2006-10-28, 10:16 AM
Well, I don't think it is a bug (probably more of an admin setting), but the formatting of the board seems off. I would love to see the menu to the left and the poster name/avatar shrunk somewhat. I'm running full-screen at 1024x768, and the posts don't start until fully halfway across the page.

Can we adjust column widths or margins to give more real estate to the posts?

Shhalahr Windrider
2006-10-28, 10:50 AM
I'm running full-screen at 1024x768, and the posts don't start until fully halfway across the page.
Might be a browser thing. I'm going fulscreen at the same resolution on Safari, and the posts have just as much space as with YaBB.

Of course, yesterday, when I first came here, the board did seem a little cramped. But that might have just been how my mind percieved the way stickies and announcements are now displayed. In any case, it all seems fine now.

2006-10-28, 11:19 AM
When I try to send a PM to myself, I get that silly little error that says that I can't post for a very long time in seconds, even though my Inbox + Outbox amounts to 39 messages. I'm not sure if I'm posting this in the right thread, or if it's already been discussed.

2006-10-28, 11:46 AM
I cant PM people, it says I cant send PMs for another Zillion years. Also, even in full WYSIWIG Editor mode I cant get a lot of the editing functions I know Vbulletin has, like superscript, subscript, marquee, glow, that sort of stuff.

Meat Shield
2006-10-28, 12:32 PM
Might be a browser thing. I'm going fulscreen at the same resolution on Safari, and the posts have just as much space as with YaBB.

Of course, yesterday, when I first came here, the board did seem a little cramped. But that might have just been how my mind percieved the way stickies and announcements are now displayed. In any case, it all seems fine now.

Here is what I am seeing:

I'm using Firefox ver

I think that since the whole point of the boards is the posts, that they should probably be given more real estate priority than the poster names and avatars. I know the sidebar is the site as a whole and not part of the boards, but if it is going to be that big, we should lower the column width on the poster names/avatars or any other columns.

2006-10-28, 01:25 PM
I think the time zones might be a little bit messed up. I can't seem to change my time zone to GMT +10. It shows the time zone as GMT +11, and the time is all wrong anyway.

Jack Mann
2006-10-28, 03:23 PM
This is a really minor bug, but I noticed that my AIM nick had moved to the occupation field. As I don't receive any money for my homespun homilies over AIM, I tend to view this as an error...

2006-10-28, 03:28 PM
I had the same thing, it was likely just a small incompatibility error between the two board systems. It doesn't take too much just to move it over to where it belongs.

Now... If I could make money for talking on AIM...

Captain van der Decken
2006-10-28, 03:59 PM
I don't know too much about these boards, but I keep getting subscribed to random threads.

Edit: thanks

Jack Mann
2006-10-28, 04:01 PM
That's because the default is to subscribe you to any thread to which you post.

EDIT: If you go to your User CP, and thence to options, there's a dropdown menu for your default subscription and notification setting. Change it from No email notification to Do not subscribe.

2006-10-28, 05:34 PM
Also, even in full WYSIWIG Editor mode I cant get a lot of the editing functions I know Vbulletin has, like superscript, subscript, marquee, glow, that sort of stuff.
vB does not have these, they must be manually added.

Jack Mann
2006-10-28, 05:40 PM
This isn't actually a bug, but I didn't want to make a new thread for it.

Might it be possible for the Giant to mention the boards are back up on the main page? I suspect a lot of people haven't realized yet that the boards are back, since there's currently no way to find out save word-of-mouth or actually checking the boards, which the previous message said not to do.

Bears With Lasers
2006-10-28, 07:58 PM
I, too, can't send PMs for a zillion years.

Mr. Moon
2006-10-28, 08:10 PM
This forum requires that you wait 60 seconds between sending private messages. Please try again in 3132883465 seconds.

This is the message I recived when trying to send a PM.

Jack Mann
2006-10-28, 08:16 PM
Well, just wait ninety-nine years (and a bit over three months) and it should be working just fine.

Mr. Moon
2006-10-28, 08:19 PM

In ninety-nine years, I won't be useing this site.

Jack Mann
2006-10-28, 08:23 PM
Oh, you're gonna be too important to visit your old friends on GitP, are ya? Look who's Mr. Hoity Toity!

2006-10-28, 10:16 PM
A lot of people, including my alt, seem to 'have' ICQ when they don't.

And for the page width thing, I'm using Firefox and I'm comfortable with the size. The username space might be a little big and is sometime inconsistent, but I'm not really worried about that.

2006-10-28, 10:27 PM
Yeah, the PM system isn't working for me either.

Jack Mann
2006-10-28, 10:45 PM
Has anyone else had any trouble with the search function? When I use it, I can't find any posts older than October. I asked Lilly about it, but she never got back to me. Am I doing something wrong?

2006-10-28, 10:51 PM
Oh, another quick rant. I'm not sure if this is a bug, or a forum setting. Whenever I go 'View all posts by this user' I can only get the last 500, even if it's someone like Dhavaer with 14k...Or even Myself...Is this to lighten server load or what?

2006-10-29, 12:25 AM
This is the message I recived when trying to send a PM.

This is what I'm getting too, (and its just over 101 years btw) and I am somwhat confused, especially since some of the things I am PMing are moderately time sensitive.

2006-10-29, 12:29 AM
This is what I'm getting too, (and its just over 101 years btw) and I am somwhat confused, especially since some of the things I am PMing are moderately time sensitive.

I have a feeling it might be because, although some people have the right mailbox size, a lot of people might still have overfull inbox's and they might be screwing it up for everybody. Although that's not very likely is it :)

2006-10-29, 12:55 AM
Alrighty I have one that may be unfixable and a side effect of the fuuuuuttttturrrreeee. Is there any way to make it so the entire 2017 group is read and not "new"? I'm asking because I was intruiged by the "New Posts" button but it's almost DOMINATED by the 2017 threadsreducing functionality

2006-10-29, 12:58 AM
What's up with the 2017 thread anyway?

2006-10-29, 01:09 AM
I don't know if this is a bug, or what, but I'm having trouble viewing threads in OOC Forum as well as the IC Forum. Specifically both threads to "Pirates of the Scatterrock Sea" by TonberryKing. I haven't had need to try others yet, but I will amend this after trying. Obviously, Board/Site Issues is working. ^_^

Is there a particular reason for this?


Edit: Disregard. Problem seems to have fixed itself somehow in the last ten minutes. No clue how, but at least I can get to my threads now. Cheers.

Jack Mann
2006-10-29, 01:14 AM
Odd, both threads work for me. What exactly happens when you try to access the threads?

2006-10-29, 01:29 AM
Maybe its just me, but I just noticed that there are quite a few future posts out there at the moment. Like say, mine. Note the post time, and the edit time:
Should be post 350. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=11909&page=12)

2006-10-29, 01:35 AM
Did you leave it an hour between posting and editing, because the times are fine with me...The edit time was five minutes ago, and post time just under an hour...I don't really see anything wrong with that...

2006-10-29, 01:40 AM
To me the post time is 1:41 AM, and the edit time was 1:17 AM. As it just turned 1:41 AM right now... something is up.

Jack Mann
2006-10-29, 01:45 AM
I suspect the answer involves daylight savings time.

2006-10-29, 04:03 AM
Please check your daylight savings settings and report back.

2006-10-29, 04:09 AM
Alrighty I have one that may be unfixable and a side effect of the fuuuuuttttturrrreeee. Is there any way to make it so the entire 2017 group is read and not "new"? I'm asking because I was intruiged by the "New Posts" button but it's almost DOMINATED by the 2017 threadsreducing functionality
Ahha! Thank you! The PM issue is probably because of those 2017 posts.

What's up with the 2017 thread anyway?
A while back on the old boards, the server's date got set to 2017, so many posts came from the fuuuuuture! As vB sorts posts correctly (no more stealth bumping!), I created the 2017 forum to store these posts.

Darn unforeseen side effects. Should I just delete the lot? Is there anything important in there?

2006-10-29, 04:23 AM
I'm trying to troubleshoot the problems with sending PMs, please do all of these steps and then read the entire thread before posting.

1. Delete every single PM in your PM boxes, especially those from before the board switch. After you have done this, try sending a PM to me.

2. Check to see if you have any posts in the 2017 bug forum.

3. Please go and edit your profile, fix your birthdate if it is incorrect. After you have done this, try sending a PM to me.

4. Log off the forum completely, log on again. After you have done this, try sending a PM to me.

5. If you did not have an issue with your birthday and did not edit your profile, edit it now, save changes. After you have done this, try sending a PM to me.

6. Edit your email address. Do not change it, just save it. Then try to send me a PM again.


Reread this first post BEFORE posting, as it may have been edited.

2006-10-29, 04:29 AM
This forum requires that you wait 60 seconds between sending private messages. Please try again in 3132853225 seconds.
I got this error again, I deleted all my PM's and haven't got any 2017 posts

2006-10-29, 04:52 AM

3. Please go and edit your profile, fix your birthdate if it is incorrect. After you have done this, try sending a PM to me.

4. Log off the forum completely, log on again. After you have done this, try sending a PM to me.

5. If you did not have an issue with your birthday and did not edit your profile, edit it now, save changes. After you have done this, try sending a PM to me.

2006-10-29, 04:58 AM
This forum requires that you wait 60 seconds between sending private messages. Please try again in 3132851488 seconds.
got this again.

2006-10-29, 05:40 AM
Out of interest, how do the 2017 posts stop us sending PMS properly?

2006-10-29, 05:57 AM
They probably don't. But I suspected the timestamp might be checked when you try to PM someone.

Death, your friend the Reaper
2006-10-29, 06:00 AM
... try sending a PM to me...

...try sending a PM to me...

...After you have done this, try sending a PM to me.....

.... try sending a PM to me....

And again

[B][COLOR=Red]...try sending a PM to me...

...After you have done this, try sending a PM to me...

....After you have done this, try sending a PM to me....

First up, if you really are that lonely Rawhide, I am sure we could organize a few people to come around and talk to you.

Secondly, my PMs still aren't working for me either...

Death, your friend the Reaper
2006-10-29, 06:04 AM
It may be no surprise that the amount of seconds quoted is close to 99 years, maybe its waiting for the next time 06 comes up.

2006-10-29, 06:37 AM

6. Edit your email address. Do not change it, just save it. Then try to send me a PM again.

2006-10-29, 06:40 AM
same problem

Death, your friend the Reaper
2006-10-29, 07:09 AM
Maybe changing the time that is needed to PM again? I am not sure why it is 60 seconds, maybe if you took that away that may help?

Then again maybe not, I'm not much of an expert...

2006-10-29, 07:12 AM
Actually, good idea, until this issue is sorted I will have to disable PM spam protection.

Try again now. (Please only Gezina and Death try to PM me, I don't need a flood.)

2006-10-29, 07:14 AM
You should've gotten it now.

Death, your friend the Reaper
2006-10-29, 07:16 AM
Wow, it sent. Who would've thought I would have said something smart? Then again I may have talked to soon if it doesn't work on your end Rawhide...

2006-10-29, 07:18 AM
I got them both.

2006-10-29, 07:19 AM
Good, now at least we can PM again

Death, your friend the Reaper
2006-10-29, 07:20 AM
*Death passes over the toaster.*

I would almost sig myself.

2006-10-29, 07:30 AM
W00t, its working for me too!

Death, your friend the Reaper
2006-10-29, 07:34 AM
Well, no need for this thread anymore.
Now its time for us to strike, quickly, everyone PM Rawhide over and over. The spam guard is down! Viva la revolution
I knew that it would be fixed eventually.

Shhalahr Windrider
2006-10-29, 07:45 AM
A lot of people, including my alt, seem to 'have' ICQ when they don't.
I think there may be a space in the entry for your ICQ address. I had this issue as well but after I edited and saved my profile, including the ICQ box, it was fixed.

2006-10-29, 07:46 AM
A lot of people, including my alt, seem to 'have' ICQ when they don't.
Delete whatever is in your ICQ field. No more ICQ icon.

2006-10-29, 10:14 AM
I turned my Daylight Savings time setting off, and it seems to have taken care of the problem reoccurring, but I might note that before I did that, I lost another hour, putting me two hours away from where I should have been.
I think that setting might need to be tweaked a bit.

Shhalahr Windrider
2006-10-29, 01:57 PM
Don't know how much of a "bug" this is, but leaving the "no icon" option checked for a post icon results in a post being assigned the sheet of paper icon. Doesn't seem like that qualifies as "no icon." :rolleyes:

2006-10-29, 03:56 PM
For the last two hours or so, the top menu thing has said:

You last visited at: 07:01

Its currently 20:57 where I am.


El Jaspero, the Pirate King
2006-10-29, 04:10 PM
I had a problem just a few moments ago where every time I tried to edit an old post that window (though not the whole program) of Firefox locking up, even after quitting and restarting. Then it went away, and I could edit just fine. The weirdness.

Update: It just did it to me again, then went away again.

2006-10-29, 04:34 PM
My pms are working!!!! thanks.. now geek happy

2006-10-29, 04:53 PM
I've just noticed this; all of the formerly locked threads are now unlocked.

2006-10-29, 05:13 PM
For the last two hours or so, the top menu thing has said:

You last visited at: 07:01

Its currently 20:57 where I am.


That just tells you when your last session ended. So you logged off last time at 7:01. Just like it tells me I was last on at 1:42.

The Vorpal Tribble
2006-10-29, 05:43 PM
When I try to edit a thread I started it will not save my change to the topic title. It will show the change on the page itself, but in the thread listings its the same as before.

2006-10-29, 07:36 PM
Hmmm... I think, though I'm not totally sure, that when I post in a thread, it doesn't count that thread as being read. For example, when I go back to the Board Issues forum after posting this, there will still be a little 'last post' icon (the blue arrow, I mean) by the title. I assume this is a bug, and hope it can be fixed or something.

I could also be wrong.

The Giant
2006-10-29, 08:00 PM
Crossposted from the "I hate the new message boards!" thread:

OK, some changes:

1.) I've removed the "Maximum Images per post" restriction. This may come back once the avatars are re-enabled, but at a much higher level than 4 images per post and sig.

2.) The maximum characters-per-post has been doubled to 100,000.

3.) The maximum characters-per-PM has been increased to 50,000.

4.) EDIT: Never mind.

Bears With Lasers
2006-10-29, 08:05 PM
The PM thing hasn't gone away for me. :\

Emperor Tippy
2006-10-29, 08:10 PM
Um, Mr. Giant.

Rawhide turned off the flood protection on the Pms to fix the problem and it had apparently worked.

Actually, good idea, until this issue is sorted I will have to disable PM spam protection.

Try again now. (Please only Gezina and Death try to PM me, I don't need a flood.)

From here. http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=26351

You might want to talk to him as you two may be working against each oher.

The Giant
2006-10-29, 08:22 PM
Ah! Well, that makes more sense now.

While we endeavor to communicate, it's a big board and I don't see every post. Further, since Rawhide and I live on opposite sides of the globe, we don't always have the ability to confer via Instant Message.

Turned back off.

Mr. Moon
2006-10-29, 08:55 PM
So any idea when we'll be able to send PM's again?

Edit(2): I also noticed that another HTML option has been disabled.

Edit: I think...

Is this because of the anti-HTML images rule, or just a fluke?

Gorbash Kazdar
2006-10-29, 09:14 PM
So any idea when we'll be able to send PM's again?

Edit(2): I also noticed that another HTML option has been disabled.

Is this because of the anti-HTML images rule, or just a fluke?
That's actually a bulletin board (or, as it's called here, vB) code that isn't yet properly enabled. It will be added in eventually.

For PMs, check the troubleshooting thread Rawhide put up and see if implementing some of the things suggested there will clear up the problem for you.

2006-10-29, 09:17 PM
Cross-Posted from the "I Hate this board" thread. I appologize that some of them aren't officially 'bugs'

List of Grievances:
Lack of Avatar
Division of In Character forum to Channels
Quotation marks in transferred posts showing as html script instead of as quotation marks
Carriage Returns in transferred signatures showing as double Ampersands
PM limit of 100 messages
Instant Messaging client usernames entered in my user profile in the old forum didn't transfer properly.
Private Message 'Empty Folder' link doesn't seem to work at all times, particularly when targetted to a subfolder.
Deleting a Post takes an extra step now.

And this one doesn't have much to do with these boards in particular. Its something that carried over from the last boards. But there is a bit two-inch wide tan bar on the left side of the screen which is just wasted real estate. It comes from the 'new' template applied to all of the website pages. Its because of the News, Comics, Forums, etc links on the left bar. The space reserved for them carries down the entire page.

As I find more, I'll add them to this thread.

Gorbash Kazdar
2006-10-29, 09:57 PM
The avatar issue is a known concern, and is being worked on. Custom avatars should be back relatively soon.

The quotation mark, carriage return, and IM username issues are known hiccups due to the process of importing the data from YaBB to vB and were beyond our control; they, are however, easy to fix - just go into your profile or into the post and edit it back to where it should be.

We know the PM limit is lower than it should be, and it will be fixed, but it may a take little time before it's gotten to. Note that you can download copies of your messages from the PM folders so you don't lose them if you clear them. The issues with mass-deleting PMs seems to stem in part from the fact that they were imported in from YaBB; you can still use the "check all" box to delete the 50 or so showing on a page at once.

The fact that deleting a post takes an extra step is simply a forum feature, and is actually in many ways a benefit - makes it harder for someone to accidentally delete a post (and if you do, it is possible for mods to restore them).

2006-10-29, 10:48 PM
Hmmm... I think, though I'm not totally sure, that when I post in a thread, it doesn't count that thread as being read. For example, when I go back to the Board Issues forum after posting this, there will still be a little 'last post' icon (the blue arrow, I mean) by the title. I assume this is a bug, and hope it can be fixed or something.

I could also be wrong.
Okay, well, I think I was wrong. Perhaps I was misusing the back button on somesuch. However, despite all of the posts between the quoted post of mine and this post, this thread din't register as containing any new posts. GO figure. Either something's really wrong, or I'm a complete idiot.

I'll tell you tomorrow.

2006-10-29, 11:00 PM
The link to view all threads when replying doesn't work.

Don't know what I'm talking about?
Click the Post Reply button, and scroll to the bottom of the page. At the end, you will see a link saying 'Click here to view the entire thread.' It only opens the first page of the thread in a new tab/window instead of showing all the posts in the thread.

Shhalahr Windrider
2006-10-29, 11:37 PM
The page navigation buttons are still there, though. All that's going on is that it opens the whole thread in a new window as if you had right-clicked on the thread name in the main forum page and selected "Open in New Window."

The Demented One
2006-10-30, 12:07 AM
When I try to edit a thread I started it will not save my change to the topic title. It will show the change on the page itself, but in the thread listings its the same as before.
Pretty sure this isn't a bug; just an annoying quirk of vbcode. Mihght be a way to fix it, though, but I wouldn't know that.

Meat Shield
2006-10-30, 12:10 AM
Gorby or Rawhide (or Giant of course) - any hope of getting more screen real estate for the posts, and less for the avatars and other margins?

Mortia De Luna Draco
2006-10-30, 12:59 AM
personaly, I like the tighter space. It makes my posts seem like their a little larger than they actualy are... (I feel smarter...)

2006-10-30, 03:38 AM
OK, some changes:

1.) I've removed the "Maximum Images per post" restriction. This may come back once the avatars are re-enabled, but at a much higher level than 4 images per post and sig.

2.) The maximum characters-per-post has been doubled to 100,000.

3.) The maximum characters-per-PM has been increased to 50,000.

4.) EDIT: Never mind.
Inform the troops! Communications have completely broken down!

I actually already fixed these Rich, max characters per post went from 10k to 50k (largest post on the old boards being 30k), so if you don't mind I'm just going to go and halve these numbers to help save the boards...

Shhalahr Windrider
2006-10-30, 07:50 AM
Given that I browse in a fully maximized window (the entire site—not just the forums—is pretty much necessitates that), I would find more "real estate" to the post conetent would probably make the lines too long and difficult too read. I honestly feel the posts are currently near the limit for their readable size.

And, yeah, there is a such a thing as too much room. When reading, the eye and brain need a break every so often, such as that provided by a line or paragraph break. And it also gets tiring if after every line break, your eyes have to scan back 12 or so inches (guess how wide my monitor is! ;)). Basically, it's coming down to the same reasons a newspaper prints their articles in columns rather than rows going across the entire width of the page. Heck, magazines do it too.

Of course, I suppose if your browser's font size comes out as a bit bigger than mine, I suppose you could have a bit more room without any of the above factors being too much trouble. But me—I think its set up just perfectly.

2006-10-30, 08:41 AM
Hi, All

I posted a poll on this thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=26442). When I went back, there had been 5 votes. So I refreshed the message list in the forum, and it only showed 2 views. Wtf??

2006-10-30, 08:53 AM
Hi, All

I posted a poll on this thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=26442). When I went back, there had been 5 votes. So I refreshed the message list in the forum, and it only showed 2 views. Wtf??
Views only update once per hour.

2006-10-30, 09:54 AM
The link to view all threads when replying doesn't work.

Don't know what I'm talking about?
Click the Post Reply button, and scroll to the bottom of the page. At the end, you will see a link saying 'Click here to view the entire thread.' It only opens the first page of the thread in a new tab/window instead of showing all the posts in the thread.
Incorrect. You have to actually click the word 'here' down in that phrase at the bottom. Stupid, I think, but it's certainly there.


Hmmm... I think, though I'm not totally sure, that when I post in a thread, it doesn't count that thread as being read. For example, when I go back to the Board Issues forum after posting this, there will still be a little 'last post' icon (the blue arrow, I mean) by the title. I assume this is a bug, and hope it can be fixed or something.

I could also be wrong.

Okay, well, I think I was wrong. Perhaps I was misusing the back button on somesuch. However, despite all of the posts between the quoted post of mine and this post, this thread din't register as containing any new posts. Go figure. Either something's really wrong, or I'm a complete idiot.

I'll tell you tomorrow.
Alright. So this is really confusing me now. When I went back to the Board Issues Forum after making this post, it listed the thread as having an unread post. But it also listed me as the last poster.
I'm not even gonna make any guesses this time.

2006-10-30, 03:13 PM
Search :

I can get search results off of new posts, but not off of pre-transfer posts.

Anyone notice this or am I just losing it?

Gorbash Kazdar
2006-10-30, 09:00 PM
Comrade Gorby: Please note that this thread was originally two threads that have been since merged into one. Refer to the title for each post to track which thread it originally came from to help follow conversations.

2006-10-31, 02:47 AM
Ok I noticed that when I try to click on an old link (like say the ones in the compendium (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=10826)) it sends me back to the main forum page instead of to the appropriate link.

Just thought I’d let you know… my work here is done

just a couple of how to question:
how do I unsubscribe from threads? and how do I keep from subscribing to every thread i post in?
I seem to be unable to find any such options in the user CP section.

Roland St. Jude
2006-10-31, 09:08 AM
Ok I noticed that when I try to click on an old link (like say the ones in the compendium (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=10826)) it sends me back to the main forum page instead of to the appropriate link.

Just thought I’d let you know… my work here is done

just a couple of how to question:
how do I unsubscribe from threads? and how do I keep from subscribing to every thread i post in?
I seem to be unable to find any such options in the user CP section.

Regarding the links, yes the links to things on the old forum are busted and this is a problem, particularly for things like the Compendium. The good news is that the threads are all still there. The bad news is that the links will have to be fixed manually. This will, obviously, take some time.

Regarding how to unsubscribe to threads, that's pretty easy. Go to "Quick Links" in the upper right hand corner of your screen and choose "Subscribed Thread." You should now be looking at a list of your subscribed threads. Click on the box at the right of any threads that you don't want subscriptions to. Then go to the drop-down menu at the bottom of the list. Your second option should be "Delete Subscription." That should do it.

Regarding why you are subscribed to many threads, the default is to subscribe you to any thread that you post in. This can be changed under "User CP" located in the upper right portion of the screen. Click on "Edit Options" and you should see a whole list of various settings and so forth. The first drop down menu on the page lists your default thread subscription options. I have mine set to "No subscriptions" which means I only get subscribed to threads when I affirmatively subscribe.

2006-10-31, 09:16 AM
As a veteran vBer, I use the "New Posts" link, a LOT.

However, the 2017 forum is thowing off the new post search - its treating all of thoses posts as new even tho the forum has been marked as read.

Easiest fix is to simply hide/disable the 2017 forum from view by marking the forum inactive, but that means you essentially soft-delete all those posts. (Which would be fine with me but not necessarily with everyone else.)

2006-10-31, 10:01 AM
Can't you mark them all as read by double-clicking that forum's footprint or something like that?

I heard something along those lines mentioned before, though I can't remember where, exactly what, or if it turned out to be true. Mods...?

2006-10-31, 10:03 AM
Can't you mark them all as read by double-clicking that forum's footprint or something like that?

I heard something along those lines mentioned before, though I can't remember where, exactly what, or if it turned out to be true. Mods...?I mentioned it, and yes it is true from the top level of the forum.

2006-10-31, 04:07 PM
I've tried that - mark the forum read specifically from the top level of that forum, but it still comes back with all of those 2017 error posts at the top of the new posts list.

2006-10-31, 04:09 PM
I don't know about the 2017 forum--

Captain van der Decken
2006-10-31, 04:22 PM
I just posted an image, then the boards went down for a few minutes, citing maintenence. Just a coincedence?

2006-10-31, 05:28 PM
Regarding the links, yes the links to things on the old forum are busted and this is a problem, particularly for things like the Compendium. The good news is that the threads are all still there. The bad news is that the links will have to be fixed manually. This will, obviously, take some time.

Regarding how to unsubscribe to threads, that's pretty easy. Go to "Quick Links" in the upper right hand corner of your screen and choose "Subscribed Thread." You should now be looking at a list of your subscribed threads. Click on the box at the right of any threads that you don't want subscriptions to. Then go to the drop-down menu at the bottom of the list. Your second option should be "Delete Subscription." That should do it.

Regarding why you are subscribed to many threads, the default is to subscribe you to any thread that you post in. This can be changed under "User CP" located in the upper right portion of the screen. Click on "Edit Options" and you should see a whole list of various settings and so forth. The first drop down menu on the page lists your default thread subscription options. I have mine set to "No subscriptions" which means I only get subscribed to threads when I affirmatively subscribe.

ahh, thanks for the info, I've got it under control now.

2006-11-01, 01:10 PM
New PM issue:

Having set my control panel to notify me of a new PM via pop-up message box, the subject of the new message appearing in the message box is wrong, instead giving me the title of a Private Message I kept from the before-time.

EDIT: Issue appears to have resolved.

2006-11-01, 01:50 PM
Regarding avatars, I'm fairly certain there is a simple solution. On a different board using vBulletin, there is a remotely hosted avatar option, very much similar to YaBB's. I don't have access to the Admin CP there, but as far as I know, it is a default option, and it can hopefully be configured seperately from the forum-hosted avatar option. I'm trying to contact one of the admins for more information.

:edit: wait, I may be wrong, it might just be uploading the linked image still

2006-11-01, 08:53 PM
I'm not sure if this is a bug or simply my own incompetence, but I'm finding myself unable to find one of the threads I was in. I've looked manually in the IC areas, though not all the way through, and tried searching, which also didn't work. Did we lose some threads?

2006-11-01, 09:45 PM
Make sure that you have your thread viewing settings set to "from the begining" or more than "the last 30 days".

It's at the bottom of the forum view.

2006-11-02, 02:03 AM
Search :

I can get search results off of new posts, but not off of pre-transfer posts.

Anyone notice this or am I just losing it?

Same happened to me when looking for a replacement link for my sig. Either that, or the Giant has never used Belkar's name, and neither has anyone else before the board move. :smallwink: It finds old posts just fine without something in the word searching part (like if you're only looking for ANY posts by a certain member), but as soon as you put something in there it restricts to what's been posted or edited since the board move. The most amusing part was when after checking with a clear 'word field', I put in the first word of the first post it had given me ("Geez", as luck would have it) and it told me it couldn't find any posts by the Giant with that word in it.

2006-11-02, 11:13 AM
Inserting the new hr bbcode tag into my sig doesn't work. It works in preview; just not on the main board.

The tag gets changed to html code but displays as <hr> in the sig and in the sig edit box when I go back to change it.

Shhalahr Windrider
2006-11-02, 03:27 PM
Regarding the new tables: a line break after a closing list tag is not recognized as the start of a new row. You need two carriage returns for this.

This is a cross-post with an edit to my last post in the Table thread.

Also: is it possible that quote and code boxes are occasionaly setting themselves up to be longer than it should be? I've run into a fair number of pages with the Horizontal Scroll of Doom™, and those boxes appear to be the only things causing it, as there are no particularly large images or anything else that would do it.

2006-11-03, 09:28 PM
All my old threads have &quot in them in place of "

Is this fixable?

2006-11-03, 11:36 PM

Well, you can go through and edit them individually...

And if it helps, it did this to all quotation marks, the boards aren't prejudiced against you.

2006-11-04, 03:34 AM
This is a cross-post with an edit to my last post in the Table thread.
Please do not cross post issues.

All my old threads have &quot in them in place of "

Is this fixable?
You will need to manually fix this in your posts.

Jontom Xire
2006-11-06, 07:34 AM
I just logged in, wrote a lengthy post, and hit submit. I was told I was not authorised. It still appeared I was logged in, but when I refreshed as requested, I was no longer logged in. It appears that the login lifetime is a little short. Can we make it something like 24 hours and maybe also have an option to be logged in indefinitely?

2006-11-06, 07:43 AM
I just logged in, wrote a lengthy post, and hit submit. I was told I was not authorised. It still appeared I was logged in, but when I refreshed as requested, I was no longer logged in. It appears that the login lifetime is a little short. Can we make it something like 24 hours and maybe also have an option to be logged in indefinitely?
The log in time when you do not check "Remember Me" is 15 minutes of inactivity, the log in time when you check "Remember Me" is indefinite.

This is normal and the same as the old forum. This setting also affects the "Who's Online" page.

2006-11-06, 09:16 AM
Gah :roach: they're everywhere


Arhgh :roach::roach:

The site appears to still suffer from clunky death slowness :roach::roach:
is it these fellas?



Jontom Xire
2006-11-06, 09:58 AM
The log in time when you do not check "Remember Me" is 15 minutes of inactivity, the log in time when you check "Remember Me" is indefinite.

This is normal and the same as the old forum. This setting also affects the "Who's Online" page.

Ah I see. I thought that check box was like the ones on Yahoo and Hotmail and would mean that the website would configure the browser to automatically fill in the username every time you needed to login.

Perhaps the label "Login indefinitely" or "Keep me logged in" might be a bit clearer.

Also it can often take more than 15 minutes to type in a long post - perhaps having the timeout a little higher might be a good idea.

2006-11-10, 10:49 PM
Here's a CSS issue:

On the old board, doing a color tag inside of a url tag would change the color of the text and its underline to the color specified. On the new board, only the color of the text changes, while the link's underline remains the standard link brown or followed link tan, and changes to green on hover. I see this behavior both on Safari and Firefox on the Mac, but it does not show up in IE on Windows.

A Gratuitous Example Link (http://www.ivorysanctuary.com/)

2006-11-19, 02:28 AM
This thread will be unstickied in 7 days time.

Are there any outstanding bugs?

Lord Iames Osari
2006-11-21, 01:33 AM
Sorry if this has been addressed before, but the search function doesn't bring up anything from before the switch. Is there anything that can be done to fix this?

2006-11-21, 03:45 AM
Sorry if this has been addressed before, but the search function doesn't bring up anything from before the switch. Is there anything that can be done to fix this?
Although I already did this during import, I can try rebuilding the search index. This is a very server intensive process so I will wait until a suitable time to do so and may take the boards down during the process to ensure all is completed successfully.

2006-11-21, 09:39 AM
No offense or anything, but whatever merging just happened made this nigh impossible to read. Could you perhaps list which threads just got combined with this one?

2006-11-21, 02:55 PM
No offense or anything, but whatever merging just happened made this nigh impossible to read. Could you perhaps list which threads just got combined with this one?
I think it was only two threads that were merged. You can look at the subject of each post to see what was what.

I merged a thread of one post (and accidentally changed the name and sticky status in the process it seems, whoops, fixed), its the one on searching problems, just there, *waves*.

2006-11-21, 03:46 PM
Ah, okay. It was the inclusiong of 'Bug Reports' in 'Searching Problems' that got me confused.

And then there are come threads titled, 'Oh, the Bugs! Get 'Em Off of Me!' or something like that.

2006-11-29, 11:36 PM
Well, rebuilding the index is complete, only took 15 hours longer than expected. You should all be able to search old posts now.

2006-12-01, 04:48 PM
The confirmation of PM receipt seems not to work. In detail, I PM'ed Silkenfist about my action in his game and checked the box for confirmation. It still shows unread, but as he had implemented my action in his last update correctly, he has obviously read my message.

2006-12-01, 08:14 PM
The confirmation of PM receipt seems not to work. In detail, I PM'ed Silkenfist about my action in his game and checked the box for confirmation. It still shows unread, but as he had implemented my action in his last update correctly, he has obviously read my message.
Did he deny read receipt?

Rex Idiotarum
2006-12-02, 12:28 AM
I think it was only two threads that were merged. You can look at the subject of each post to see what was what.

I merged a thread of one post (and accidentally changed the name and sticky status in the process it seems, whoops, fixed), its the one on searching problems, just there, *waves*.

Thank You, your hard work is well respected.

2006-12-02, 06:49 AM
Did he deny read receipt?

No, he didn't :smallcool:

2006-12-06, 04:52 PM
I don't know if I'm missing something or what, but my post count isn't going up, and I've posted more than four times. Are only certain boards able to increase post count or is my counter glitching.

I even click "Find all posts made by this user" and it shows some 20+ posts.

Please notify me if I'm just incompitent...

Rex Idiotarum
2006-12-06, 04:59 PM
Post made in the SMBGs section (including Town) don't count to your total, all of your Temple posts don't effect your counter.

2006-12-06, 05:02 PM

Alright. Incompitence noted...

(@V so as not to overpost:) Personally, I view the town as a semi-legitimate roleplay. It's perhaps, if not IS, the most popular section of the playground.

Are there bandwidth reasons for this, cause this I could understand. If it's just a bunch of people being stupid about posting random snippets of information that have little to no relevance to anything happening in the town, then there could be a rule like:

No out of character chatter unless relating to the main chat or accompanied by actual roleplay.

IE: (did you see that <sports referance> on <day>? That was totally awesome!)

would be illegal, wheras:

(Yeah, I did see it. Too bad the officials didn't count it!)

Aikidu wanders over to the <insert place> and says <insert words>

would be legal...

I would like to know the full reasoning behind the decision, however I doubt i'll get it.

Rex Idiotarum
2006-12-06, 05:05 PM
I know it's evil that the Idiots arguing about whether the Wizard, Druid, Cleric is the most broken has more preference than ones who contribute to the GitP largest RP.

2006-12-07, 10:09 AM
There have been a number of discussions of this. Mods have said there shouldn't be more (post counts barred subject). Here's the Giant's post that explains their reasoning.

Yeah, as Gorbash said, the Town and the SMBG boards were accountable for something like 3/4 of the bandwidth used by the old message board, especailly as people refreshed over and over to see if anyone had added to a specific thread. The debate was had on how to handle this, and more than one member of the staff suggested to me that they be shut down entirely. I decided that this was too drastic, and that they SMBG and Town specifically did deserve a place here.

However, they ARE prone to quick, thoughtless posts for the purpose of running up a post count. I'm not saying everyone who posts there does that--far from it--but come on, you're kidding yourself if you think there aren't a fair number who do. I made the decision to turn off post counting on the theory that the people who really enjoy the games will not care, because they are here to play first and foremost, and the people who want to just boost their post count will not continue to drain the resources of the new server, because they won't be getting their precious post count anymore.

2006-12-07, 03:32 PM
In the comic pages, on the most recent Erf or OotS comic, clicking the "next arrow" takes us to #.html, which the server tells us is "Forbidden": it's a little jarring, I think you just meant it to go to #, doing essentially nothing.

2006-12-07, 03:34 PM
I like it, it gives me the illusion that something is there and I just can't see it.

2006-12-09, 08:04 PM
The confirmation of PM receipt seems not to work. In detail, I PM'ed Silkenfist about my action in his game and checked the box for confirmation. It still shows unread, but as he had implemented my action in his last update correctly, he has obviously read my message.

Did he deny read receipt?

No, he didn't :smallcool:

May I humbly bump my issue? :smallwink: