View Full Version : Soulknife and Psionic Powers

Marcus Amakar
2013-04-14, 10:52 AM
Does a Soulknife have a manifester level and if so, can this be used in conjunction with the Expanded Knowledge feat to learn psionic powers?

If not, is the only use to the wild talent feat on someone who can cast psionic power to unlock psionic feats? (Which would still be worthwhile in the optimisation level of the group I'm in)

2013-04-14, 10:56 AM
Does a Soulknife have a manifester level and if so, can this be used in conjunction with the Expanded Knowledge feat to learn psionic powers?
No, the Soulknife class does not have a manifester level, because the class does not grant manifesting of any sort. Therefore a soulknife cannot take Expanded Knowledge unless he has a manifester level from some other source.

However, do look at the Hidden Talent (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/psm/20070214a) ACF, which gives you the Hidden Talent feat at first level instead of the Wild Talent feat, and which does grant you a manifester level.

2013-04-14, 01:24 PM
There's always the Hidden Talent option for Soulknives here...About halfway down the page. A little unbalanced, because it's all gain and no loss, so, subject to DM approval. And I believe PF has a psionic Soullknife archetype.


2013-04-14, 02:40 PM
Hidden Talent doesn't actually give you a manifester level - you're simply treated as having one for the purposes of manifesting the power it gives you.

I recommend porting the Gifted Blade Soulknife from Pathfinder. In fact, I recommend porting everything to do with Soulknives from Pathfinder.

Marcus Amakar
2013-04-14, 02:52 PM
Thanks for the responses everyone.:smallsmile:

I'll run all of the options past the guy who's going to be the DM but he's pretty cool about alternate features and so on.