View Full Version : Nomad Shaman advice.

2013-04-14, 03:13 PM
Boy it's been a long time since I've posted here. Anyway!

As the thread name implied, I need advice from anyone familiar with this somewhat obscure PrC. It is a class from the Dragonlance: Age of Mortals book, but by itself it's lacking in setting-specific material, thus the DM of a play-by-post game I'm in has graciously allowed me to use it in the mostly Core-only game, and even cut back some of the skill requirements because my PC is a cleric.

The campaign is itself 80% story and 20% skill checks/combat, so the class choice is by and large for RP purposes. Yet, I don't want to get absolutely smushed next battle (this is thus far a low-wealth game, with all of ~4 permanent magic items between the fluctuating five-six of us at ECL5.) I've also been asking the DM questions quite excessively lately, and figured I would give his eyes a break.

Essentially, my question boils down to what I should do regarding the very specific gear requirements of the class. For those who don't know the class, the Nomad Shaman is limited to a small list of allowed weapons depending on the homeland of their tribe (tundra, mountains, plains, etc.) Additionally, I'd be forced to kiss any armor heavier than Light goodbye. Fortunately for me, another fighter-type has joined us, and my little half-orc with Elite Array-quality stats likely won't have to pretend to melee any longer. Should I simply do everything I can to obtain a magical chain shirt ASAP and spend a few spell slots on just myself each fight, or are there other special materials out there that reduce the effective type of a suit of armor, aside from Mithral?

Thanks in advance.