View Full Version : Trying to find a webcomic that was here (I think)

2013-04-14, 09:36 PM

2013-04-29, 02:20 PM
Not to hijack the thread or anything, but I have something bugging me too.

It's a real comic in the usual album format, like Tintin or Asterix. It's not in the superhero-format. It is old, at least from the early 80s. The main character has a blue-and-whtie striped shirt and black unkept hair, I think. His name might be Nicolai. The only other thing I remember is that this comic is seriously weird. At one point they are riding giant hands. I remeber reading it as a child and not having a clue as to what was going on.

One more comic from my childhood: In this comic the main characters are a pack of rats. One is the king. He has this ball-on-a-string thing where you are supposed to swing it and catch the ball on a peg. He only manages to hit himself over the head with it a few times because he is nay too smart. The other rats are kind of one-dimentional. One is fat, one is slim, one is stupid and to on. There are 5 or 6 in total, I think. In one story, one of them, a baby I think, is swallowed by a giant catapillar and they have to go on a quest to save him. I don't think it is immideately apparent, but it turns out this is some kind of post-apocalyptic scenario where these rats are the only intelligent life left on earth. Pretty heavy for a childrens comic.