View Full Version : Warhammer 40K (Only War) Help: Brainstorming plot

2013-04-14, 10:49 PM
So I am trying to prep for a Warhammer 40K game, & I want to have a dynamic & cool plot. But I also want it to seem legitimate within the 40K universe.

My idea is that the players are trained shock troopers from Cadia, who have been put into a newly formed regiment around a Colonel who has been given his new station for past heroics (He did something truely heroic saving a STC for the Adeptus Mechanicus & is now in command of his own regiment)

The 31st Forward Lance (known as the Glorious 31st), a regiment of drop troops that fly down during battles to turn the tide, drop deep into enemy territory for recon, & all other duties that heavily armed & armored men jumping out of the sky can do for the Imperium.

My question is what to make their enemy?

I want to see them fight orks but I want to have them fight orks that have been mutated in someway from different DNA corrupting the animal parts of their hybrid DNA.

Is this possible? I basically want to introduce something like a gene-seed into the genes of a tribe of orks. I was thinking that some foreign xenos had crashlanded into an orkish fungus hatchery & corrupted the bloodline. I'm thinking it will be a daemon but I may change it to fit the story.

Comments & recommendations are desperately wanted

Grim Portent
2013-04-15, 09:53 AM
Trying to depict Orks mutated by other xenos would be rather difficult, very few races can affect them genetically with the exception of Genestealers and similar infiltrator lifeforms.

Chaos mutation might be easier to depict as it's a fairly widespread and understandable concept in 40k. Orks are chaos resistant though, so overt mutations are rare.

As I've understood it though mutations affect the WAAAGH!!! field all Orks project. Mutants don't form the normal societal roles and get pushed out of the Ork force they arose from by their normal brethren. I think you could use Genestealer Hybrid Orks as those can survive on their own and even reproduce and are some of the most terrifying things you could ever meet.

Ork/Genestealer Hybrids make Daemons look positively welcoming.

2013-04-18, 08:52 PM
You could have Kroot-Orks. A substantial Kroot force got stranded on a death-world infested with Orkz, so every kroot on the planet has a good deal of Ork genetic material. But some have still gained traits from various mega-fauna (giant trapdoor spiders, Alien Feline/Canine, etc).

It could be the kroot-ork hybrids have so much ork in them some are forming a waaaaaagh.

It sounds like Tzeentch may be pulling some strings, and if not Khorne is loving all that fighting going on.

2013-04-18, 09:34 PM
yeah, if you want orcs that aren't orcs, either Genestealer Hybrids or Kroot absorption are two good routes due to the average human not being able to notice the changes until it's waaayyyy too late. Enough Chaos saturation effects even orcs, despite their unique resistance. It's not much, but it's enough to justify summoning demons.