View Full Version : North for the Summer: Marcus

2013-04-15, 06:58 AM
Tonight began like any other, with your cell phone going off with a text message alert. As expected, it's Willis with reference material requests, and a list of recommended reading.
This will be an Occult+Intelligence, if you choose to do the research. Doing so will take 3 hours, minus 1/2 hour per success beyond the first. This can be done at any point in the night, so long as you are in your Haven/Chantry.

The news of the Masquerade breaking was like a sign to your fellow Noddists. Many failed to resist the urge to gloat at the failure of the Camarilla and their misguided attempt to interface with Humanity. Kindred, as you know, are stupid. They've always failed to understand that Vampires are meant to be apart from kine. Above them. Like Caine.

It fills you with a bit of intellectual pride to know you were right all along.

Still, that's no excuse to start slipping.
Roll a D10 and add 2 for your starting blood pool. Maximum, of course, is full minus one for waking tonight. You poor student.

You wonder if now would be a good time to make overtures towards the Camarilla in Calgary. Perhaps now they can see what's right in front of their faces, and would be willing to accept guidance from those who knew better.

Then again, perhaps not.

Things of interest:
There are five members in your cell. Your Mentor and yourself, of course, a Tzimisce of both stunning beauty and cold demeanor named April (For the moment, it changes identities fairly often. Last time it went by Mark),
a younger Assamite who calls himself Abe, and a Lasombra who has been struggling to push her abilities, named Tabby.

They've all been a little more excited since the broadcast.
You know Tabby's up to something in a couple nights, but removed from the outside world as you are, you would have to get ahold of one of the others in your cell to figure out what's going on in the city.

2013-04-15, 07:18 PM
What's the picture of?

Blood points: [roll0], max 11.

As his thoughts returned from the sudden urge to teach the hopeless Camarilla the correct path, they instead went back to the previous text message he had gotten from his sire. I do hope it's something worth reading this time around. Last batch was such a great disappointment. Atleast he usually found something interesting. But such was the way of the path they were on. It was a lot of research and little pieces here and there. But it was worth it for what they learnt.

Marcus checked his wrist, curious to see what the time was. He needed to get back to his study to go through the material Willis had requested, though he also felt a need to to do some experimentation upon these sad kine in his vicinity. It was not too long ago he had managed to master the Path of Blood, after all these years. He would not be a Noddist if he did not utilize and explore the limits of this developed mastery.

Work, then play. he thought and started heading to the imitation of the classic Tremere Chantry that Willis had set up years before when arriving in Calgary, pooling resources with other Noddists to set it up as a place of research and learning about the vampiric condition. Marcus thought it was quite an impressive place and gathering of lore, the library much more interesting than the university libraries he had used during his collage years. Of course, university libraries doesn't usually contain lore about blood magic.

2013-04-15, 07:24 PM
The University of Calgary's History building by night, if Google doesn't steer me wrong

You go from your hidden sleeping alcove into the Chantry proper, hidden under the History Building at the U of C. So close to the Camarilla Chantry, they'll never think to look.
Shelves of leather-bound books line the walls, a tip of the hat to April's old habits, especially since it never seemed to learn how to use a computer.
Speaking of the Tzimisce, it's pouring over a tome set up at a private desk in the corner.
Really hard to think of something so gorgeous as an "It", but that Tzimisce is *CREEPY*.

Abe is on one of the two computers, making a soft "Hmm" sound as he works over some problem. You could probably sneak a peek at what he's looking at without incident.

2013-04-15, 07:47 PM
"Hmm?" Marcus uttered himself in response to Abe, not caring in particular, but it gave him something to listen to while he gathered the necessary books and lore he needed to conduct his research. He wanted to get this done quickly so he could head out and feed. He felt a slight hunger, which he intended to sate soon enough. He needed a sufficient supply of vitae to utilize the Path of Blood, in any case.

2013-04-15, 07:53 PM
If you're doing the research, give me that Occult+Intelligence roll :p
Abe is on a university website which lists current excivation projects. He's looking through a report about unsuccessful expeditions, citing Egypt, Pompeii and Carthage.
"Oh, hey Marcus." he greets you, as though just noticing you've arrived.

2013-04-16, 10:11 AM
[roll0], and an extra die [roll1] if the Intelligence Speciality of Book Knowledge applies (I think it does?).
Tremere operations? was his initial thought, considering they were mostly in control of the university operations, as far as he knew based on what his sire had told him. Perhaps they were looking for something in particular.

"Yeah, hello." Marcus replied as he continued to gather the stuff he needed. Feigning politeness usually came with some effort for him, or he just delivered it without any feeling like now. But he wasn't one to like greetings before he left the inferior form of a mortal either.

When he's found all he needed he headed back to his own private study and workplace to go through the material he had gathered, unless Abe or someone else wanted his attention on the way.

2013-04-16, 04:50 PM
You grab your study material, and blow an hour getting your research done. It isn't useless, Willis mostly sent you a bunch of info on Caine in Persia back before the rise of Rome, rumor and legend with a hint of substance that needed verification and validation.

Most of it is at lest interesting, with hints that Caine may have had some necromantic ability. It's definately indicative that he was into the Arcane.

As you finish your studies, you hear April's phone go off.

A couple seconds pass, and April goes to secure the phone line.
"It is now. How did you get this number?"
"Mark isn't available right now. This is April. You must be legit or you wouoldn't have asked. Can you get to the Foothills hospital? I can meet you there."

2013-04-16, 06:32 PM
Anything indicative of Caine dabbling with the arcane or blood magic were potent affirmations for Marcus' own focuses, as he was close to obsessed with blood magic, Thaumatury in particular, himself. These past 10 years he had spent most of his time only developing that particular Discipline, at the price of others. After mastering at least one Path of the blood magic, he was content enough to perhaps learn something else too. Auspex the most likely first step. It was times where he missed those heightened senses others had available to themselves.

The phone call seemed to be from someone who didn't knew "her" well enough to know the name and form had changed, he figured. If it wasn't for his eidetic memory he'd probably not keep track himself. Marcus went over to a shelf at the other side of the room while listening to the phone conversation, and checked if there were any particular ingredients that could be handy for the night. He was going out in a bit, so it was best to be prepared.

2013-04-16, 06:45 PM
The phone conversation doesn't go on much longer before she hangs up and gets ready to go out herself.
From what you can tell, it seems she's meeting with another Sabbat vampire, at a nearby hospital. Close enough that she can run if it's a trap, far enough they won't have a good indication on where your chantry is.

You finish preparing around the same time. You could probably tag along without incident, if you phrased it properly. Or you could go out hunting, you are kind of hungry.

2013-04-17, 12:48 AM
Marcus had no reason to go with her, nor was he too curious about what she was doing. If it was important enough she'd tell him. Or perhaps not. He had other things planned in any case, and that took priority. He was going to go out and find some food and practice his craft if the opportunity presented itself.

Heading to the exit of the chantry he considered the impending hunt, quickly calculating the best course of action in his head for the most efficient hunt possible in the area. Just singling out someone alone to stalk and assaulting them from behind in a dark and secluded area would probably be the best choice. He considered some potential areas with less than optimal lightning, like small parks and alleyways where people sometimes went through.

2013-04-17, 12:56 AM
You're at a university. Prowling the campus would probably net you a snack. Of course, then you're eating close to home.
You could hit a club, see what pickings exist there, but there's a chance you could run into Camarilla vamps.
Or you could head downtown and prey on the homeless. Distasteful but the police don't care and you're next to guerunteed not to get caught.

2013-04-17, 10:15 AM
Kine were all the same to Marcus, food. But he tended to stay away from less healthy kine where the potential for blood diseases was higher. The homeless were a higher risk group considering that, so he usually only fed on that when he was close by and hungry.

The campus wasn't such a bad place, considering there were Camarilla vampires close by who would be suspected instead of them. He didn't perform blood magic experiments at campus though, the disillusioned Tremere could probably trace such things to him if they thought to investigate any of Marcus' "results".

He headed for the outer areas of campus, where not as many were situated. He could probably find something there and and outside of the campus itself, away from potential interest of the university Tremere.

2013-04-17, 12:09 PM
The U of C campus is never really "Empty". With 24 hour golf-cart private security, at the very least you'll find something.
luck roll [roll0]
Please give me a Dex+Stealth to avoid being seen, and a Survival+Stamina for hunting.

within the first hour, you spot three potential targets. One of which is carrying a copy of "Shades of Grey".


2013-04-17, 12:21 PM
Dex+Stealth: [roll0]
Stamina+Survival: [roll1]

2013-04-17, 12:31 PM
Your familiarity with the campus helps as you stick to the shadows, and wait patiently along more-used side paths with poor lighting.

You may gain 2 BP and continue with your night if you like, or you can Roleplay the hunt. There are three potential targets, and none of them saw you.

2013-04-17, 04:21 PM
Roleplaying the hunt, as Marcus wouldn't just take 2 BP.
The book that was carried wasn't any Marcus had read, nor was he too familiar with what it was. It was all the rage among kine at the moment though, as he had heard of it. Not that he cared. He was after the blood within the woman, not what was carried.

As she passed the spot he had waited at he subtly stalked stalking her, light on his feet and staying within the shadows as to avoid being too obvious to potential onlookers. He could easily draw the blood out of her from this range, but that was such a waste when he could drain her with his fangs. He quietly caught up to her and was ready to assault her from behind at a dark patch up ahead.

2013-04-17, 04:29 PM
She remains totally oblivious, she's actually reading while she walks. You've got a perfect opportunity.

2013-04-17, 05:22 PM
With just ordinary kine senses it must take some concentration and focus to be reading in these surroundings. Marcus' intelligent mind had already calculated for that as he came closer and closer to her. Just at the location he had spotten ahead of time he made his move and leapt at her from behind, one arm around her torso and the other covering her mouth with his hand as to prevent her from making any sounds. Then he bit down into the right side of her neck and started sating the hungry beast inside of him.

He continued longer than was safe for the vessel of the blood he was after, long since stopped caring for the life or feelings of inferior kine. Throwing away your humanity was an integral part of the Noddist. However, outright killing people left and right, especially so close to campus could be a potential issue, but probably not something traced back to him, and before him it'd investigate the Tremere proper, who'd most likely sort out the issue themselves. Willis' placement of their workplace was really genius.

There was little reason not sate himself, and a single kine would be enough for that, though with the possibility of death. Not that he cared. He continued even when the woman slipped into unconsciousness. Fully sated he let his bite go and retracted his fangs, and lightly licked the fang marks to remove that particular obvious evidence of what had transpired. It was likely she'd expire considering no one was likely to find her and take her to a hospital quickly enough. With that he let go of her and let he collapse onto the ground of to the side, not making it too obvious she was present for any passer-by, and used the shadows to casually remove himself from the area. He had other things to do tonight.

Drains 7 BP to fill his blood pool of 12, sating his vampiric needs completely.

2013-04-17, 05:27 PM
At first, she struggles. Then, she writhes. During, she faints. Later, she dies.

At least she went out in a way she'd have wanted, being fed on by a vampire.. Too bad that's not actually how new Vampires are made.

Marcus, however, has no care about her wants or desires. He's full and happy. Your inner beast seems sated, too.

The night is still young, and you've got a good 6 hours if you want to go anywhere, with time left to make it back.

2013-04-17, 08:44 PM
Marcus did a mental overview of potential activites he could do. Although his initial plan had been to feed and perform some Thaumatury experimentation, it wasn't the only things he could do. There was still the thing April went and did. He could call her, or him, or it, and inquire what was going on. Perhaps it was something that interested him. Then again, perhaps not. The Tziscime were a strange bunch, even more so than himself from others' viewpoints he figured.

He could also head back straight to the chantry and do some more research now when Willis' things were taken care of. There was several old books to peruse, and there was always opportunity to learn new rituals. It was long ago now since he learnt an easy one, having only studied a single complex one for little over a year as part of furthering his knowledge of Thaumaturgy. With a newly filled reserve of vitae, perhaps it was better to prepare for the coming time as he remembered the TV speech. There was bound to be some upheaval of some sort with the Camarilla's futile Masquerade broken. Conflict, in whatever form it may be. For that purpose it was prudent of him to go back to the chantry to start sooner rather than later.

2013-04-17, 08:48 PM
(Spending the night learning a ritual? Alright then.)
Marcus returns to the Chantry, finding the place empty with the lights out.
With the whole study to yourself, it's easy to start pulling material onto a small cart, and get to work studying.
(There is a chance that April will return with company. If you stay here all night, I'll check that and then advance you to that point, or to tomorrow if she comes back alone)

2013-04-18, 09:40 AM
(Spending the night learning a ritual? Alright then.)

Not only, as that was just one of the possibilities considered. In fact he's going to perform some rituals as well to make precautions; in this case performing the Level 2 ritual he knows to make backup vitae to carry on his person.
Marcus had come across a lot of lore during the last year relating to smaller and more simple rituals, some of it compiled or written by Willis or another of the few Thaumaturges among the Sabbat in the city. However, due to more important studies he hadn't really had time to learn of these lesser rituals. But he did now. He had a rough priority list in his mind of what useful rituals he had come across, based on complexity and rough estimates of time it would take to learn them by rote. He made it easy for himself and started with one of the quicker and more useful ones, factoring in humans knowing about Cainites. He had come across a particular ritual to aid in the slumper of the day, in the case his haven would be intruded upon and his sleeping form disturbed.

Starting research on the Level 1 ritual "Wake with Evening’s Freshness"
While the study and expanding of his knowledge of Thaumatury was satisfying to Marcus, he had others things to do as well. In particular the preparations he had considered before while out hunting. He took a break from his research and studies, and went over to a drawer located under one of his bookshelfs in his study and opened the top drawer. Within he had various strange trinkers and potential ritual ingredients he had procured and gathered over the years, or something his sire had stored there himself for later use. But Marcus knew what he was looking for, a leather bag of small ordinary marbles. He found it quickly and closed the drawer after he had picked the bag up.

With the bag in hand he walked to the center of the study, a place he usually conducted his rituals at. The open space felt suitable for such work, and he had room to do what was needed. For this particular ritual, though, not much preparation was needed. Marcus sat down on his knees and took out one of the marbles and placed it within his left hand, and then extended his fangs and pricked his right index finger. He placed the index finger on top of the marble and begun the ritual. 10 minutes passed and the marble, infused with some of Marcus' vitae, took on a reddish hue and became slick to the touch. By performing it he had made a sort of backup storage for his own vitae. Usually he only carried one or two of these things on his person, but times were changing. "Better safe than sorry" was a popular expression, one which Marcus tended to agree with. Preparation, especially as a Thaumaturge, was key. Having recently drunk himself full he had the vitae to spare, as well, so he spent the next half an hour turning three more marbles into vitae dispensers for later use. With four total, he should have enough for the next few days unless something unexpected were to happen.

Spending 40 minutes as a break from research to perform the level 2 ritual "Principal Focus of Vitae Infusion" 4 times on 4 marbles, each costing 1 vitae if successful. Will edit the amount of marbles completed successfully depending on the rolls below.

Ritual rolls, Int+Occult:

All successful, 8/12 BP in his system.

2013-04-18, 10:31 AM
After a short while of ritual and study, April returns, with an unknown man of chiseled good looks and dark features.

|Ah, Marcus. You're still here. I expected you would be out hunting. Well, good time as any to make introductions."

She seems to be expecting him to introduce himself.
(Monodominant has been granted express permission to post to this thread for the duration of this scene.)
(I'm going to bed, but you two can RP. I will be granting XP at the end of this scene, as it is the end of the night)

2013-04-18, 01:36 PM
"I've done that already. I prefer to be somewhat efficient regarding that, as you may know. I've got important work that needs to be done." Marcus replied as he looked at the one she had brought. He couldn't recognise this Cainite, but considering he was here it had to be one of the Sword of Caine. He wasn't too happy with just bringing whoever she pleased her though. She should've asked for permission, and if she had, Marcus hadn't heard about it.

"Who's this and why's he here?" he continued, seemingly a bit impatient and slightly annoyed at the disturbance.

2013-04-18, 03:15 PM
Hello first of all!!!

Stanley looked around the place with distaste. Was this really their communal haven? How quaint...

His eyes focused on the bookish Cainite and he suppressed a sneer.

"Stanley Yurish. Childe of Creamy Jade of the Widows of Montreal, crusader and priest in training. And this is food..." he said as a rather dirty mortal followed inside with an eager grin.

"I expected to meet the whole pack and your Ductus and though you say you have eaten, Brother, its not polite to visit empty handed..." he said as he looked around for signs of others living here.

"Perhaps your Priest will also honour me with vaulderie as it has been long since I partook of the Blood of the Sword and lingering ties feel frayed. In return I can perform a Sermon of Caine." he added recalling that the woman had said they were Noddists.

2013-04-18, 04:29 PM
"Our priest, Willis, will be informed. He's likely to show up tomorrow night, as he has his own, private haven."
That said, only a little while later, two more Noddists show up, beating the Sun.
They introduce themselves as Abe and Tabby, an Assimite and Lasombra, respectively. The former thanks you with a practiced decorum, while the latter seems suspicious.
Once the feeding's been taken care of, it is the Assamite who disposes of the body.

You may both fill your blood pools, then deduct one for waking the next day. Those who have spent willpower may regain one point.

You can each gain two experience for the night.


The next night comes like the pale shadow of death across the city, bringing ill fortune and intent with it. The new Camarilla-backed nightclub "The Rabbit Hole" will be opening, and it is an opportunity not to be missed, one way or the other.

As you each wake, the first thing Marcus notices is Willis, standing in the foyer, impeccibly groomed and looking out over a wooden rail to view the archives below. If anything, he reminds you of a college professor, with horn-rimmed glasses framing his dark eyes under short-cropped brown hair.
He wears a brown suit, no tie, and his shirt has the top two buttons undone.

The both of you wake before the rest of the cell, having a few moments to speak with Willis alone if you're so inclined.

2013-04-18, 05:10 PM
"Marcus." he said, reluctant about sharing too much about himself with others. Especially someone he just met. The expression "knowledge is power" is quite accurate. With one's true name there was a lot of things that could be done to you from many miles away. "Walking the Path of Caine, which you should consider doing as well if you're already not. Casting away one's futile humanity and becoming closer to Caine is what every Cainite should strive for." he continued, sounding very convinced himself about what he was saying.

After the rituals he had just performed it wasn't a bad timing to bring food, Marcus realised. Though he did mind the state of the kine itself. Dirty food wasn't that interesting, but as long as the blood itself was healthy it was alright.


While Marcus had his own private haven somewhat connected to the chantry, he had chosen to sleep in his study during this day. He had continued his work late, so it was only fitting.

"Trying to remember a book you need?" Marcus asked his sire as he walked through the space outside his study and towards where Willis was standing. Even most who knew Marcus would probably not be able to figure out if that was a joke or not, or perhaps it was both.

2013-04-18, 05:21 PM
"That, and to see the new arrival, yes. Though you've been doing an amicable job of sifting out the facts from the rumor, so far. It's an impressive collection of Vampiric truths we've amassed."
Willis walks over to you, a gleam of pride telling in his gaze whenever he looks upon Marcus, though anyone unfamiliar with the man would probably find him aloof and cold.

"Did you find anything worthy of note in yesterday's pickings?"

2013-04-18, 06:12 PM
"An arrival you planned?" Marcus could never really be sure exactly what his sire was thinking, though he respected him. Willis' knowledge was greater than his, so it was only logical. That he was much older and of a lower generation didn't play as big a role, strangely. "And yes. But there is still a vast amount left still. If only more bright minds would join us, we could become even closer to Caine." While the rest of the Sword of Caine somewhat followed the general principles of the Noddists, they weren't, and such the actual manpower to conduct research was irritatingly low, thought Marcus.

"As for yesterday, some. Nothing ground shattering, I'm afraid. Though a few passages reconfirming our belief of Caine dabbling with the arcane."

2013-04-18, 07:04 PM
"That's something, I suppose. At the least it opens up new avenues to research.
I did not plan for others to join us, but I won't turn any away who wish to become closer to Caine. I only know about it because April sent me a text yesterday morning, actually."

2013-04-18, 10:30 PM
"They don't necessarily have to join us, but as long as they work towards that goal they can do it wherever they please." He paused a little as if he thought of something. "With what's happening in the US right now there's those bound to turn to Caine, I'm sure. There's conflict coming, and one needs best be removed from the kine to show them their place."

2013-04-18, 10:36 PM
"Eloquently put, my Childe. But I would prefer it if 'whatever they please' at least did not interfere with our research.
So, if you could, I would like you to watch any more 'new arrivals'. Instruct them in the path. If they do not take to instruction, at least keep them pointed at the Camarilla and away from our work."

2013-04-18, 10:48 PM
"Though then their best choice would be conducting their own. And of course. Obstacles in the way of furthering our work will be removed one way or another."

Marcus rememberedt Willis' outfit being unusually groomed.

"What's with the outfit, by the way? Going somewhere special?"

2013-04-18, 11:22 PM
"I just came from a lecture, actually. On the fall of the Ottoman empire and the subsequent influences on the modern middle east.
When politics and history meet, you have to wear your best, because once your done, you need to make sure none of the dirt you wash off is your own."

2013-04-19, 12:18 AM
As the night falls and his eyes flutter open Stanley yawns.

Tonight, if the eager Sabbat did not wish it burn, was the night he started his game with the Cammies... he had not had a chance to practice since New York and he felt a bit rusty but still confident.

His gaze fell on the two men talking but cared little for their discussion. He then looked at the Lasombra and the Assamite. Fitting for a more underground pack he thought... not hot headed Brujah or Gangrel ruining the element of surprise.

Still something was off. They had mentioned a priest but not a ductus... who was leading the pack... could... could the position be open? That would allow an interesting opportunity that sent a thrill through his unbeating heart.

When he detected a gap in the conversation he approached the two men and bowed his head towards the one he had not met before. By deduction he would be the priest.

"Good eve Father" he said with calm.

2013-04-19, 02:56 AM
"Good evening, my son. Welcome to our Chantry. I trust you've made yourself at home?"
Willis looks from Marcus to Stanley, seeming to take note of something.
"April tells me you have some big plans tonight. Any chance you could take my Childe Marcus along? He's been needing a real test of his abilities, something to challenge him without endangering our cell."

2013-04-19, 03:12 AM
Stanley looks from the Priest to Marcus considering it.

He was a guest but baby-sitting a young whelp? He was about to deny the request when he thought better of it.

"It all depends on what you expect. My plans for tonight was to do what I do best. I am new here so I dont know the 'lay of the land' and dont want to step on your packs toes. I was planning to present myself as a newly arrived Toreador seeking shelter and home in the friendly community of the Calgary Camarilla. I assume though that any basic reckon I could do like learn where the Elysium is, who the harpies, sheriff and deputies as well as the scourge and priomogen are you have already..." he said turning the last part into a question.

"April suggested torching the place but that seems as something too brutal and I doubt they wont have security. But I am also unaware what your child knows of the Camarilla and their ways. I can blend in well enough but can he? If yes then I can take him along. If not perhaps burning it down can be the appropriate option after all... its just that I dont like tipping my hand so early."

"And another three questions Father, and I apologise for bombarding you, where and who is the Ductus of the pack? And lastly would you be able to perform a Vaulderie for me? If I will be working with your pack it would be good to create bonds and ties to unite us."

2013-04-19, 03:33 AM
"I can perform the Vaulderie for you. The Ductus was Mark, but he...stepped down due to an issue with his childer. The position is currently unfilled."

2013-04-19, 03:44 AM
Stanley hid his smile at this. A leaderless pack was not unheard of but at times like this it was not proper. Still he was far to knew to claim the position and he had little knowledge of the abilities of the others here so challenging them for the position could prove fatal.

Still... he had considered coming to the city and slowly creating his own pack but if he could become the Ductus for them here... that could also work.

"I would appreciate that Father. What is the packs name?" he asked. He already had a good idea if they had not named it. Something to please the Noddists though he himself was not as devout as they probably were to the whole Caine aspect of their existence.

2013-04-19, 04:02 AM
"We eschewed our old pack name when the Dictus stepped down. We'll have a new one when someone proves able to take the mantle. I need to go make some preparations, if you'll excuse me."

Willis heads off to inform the others about the Vaulderie, leaving the two of you alone, for the moment.

2013-04-19, 04:28 AM
More and more interesting he thought to himself.

He inclined his head with respect as Willis departed and turned his gaze back to Marcus.

"So brother, may I ask what your capabilities are? If we will be venturing out together it will be good to have an idea."

2013-04-19, 09:07 AM
Listening to the conversation of the newcomer and his Sire, Marcus had felt a feeling akin to anger washing over him. The newcomer and his less-than-subtle way of fishing for information regarding their pack situation, and his Sire's trusting way of sharing that information did not go over well with him. He was of the opinion of such things should be kept under lock and key until such a time that one would earn that information, either by his own ability or finding it out himself. But then again, if not for the Vaulderie his Sire would be the only Cainite there Marcus respected or liked anyway. One could say he was rather fastidious when it came to company. To be joined by the Vaulderie with this one was probably the only way Marcus could stand working with him.

"My capabilities?" Marcus asked in return, his tone indicating a sense of superiority and that he took offense for even being asked the question in the first place. "I am quite capable I assure you. Look around you. Many of these books contain lore and information regarding Caine, as well as blood magic, and I have read a vast amount of them. I am assured my nature and being is much closer situated to Caine, The Dark Father, than yours." He looked at the newcomer, wondering if the implications of what he said sunk in. "In short, my capabilities are much higher than needed for this excursion."

2013-04-19, 09:19 AM
"So if a Harpie asks you to whom you own a minor boon and who is your Sire you will be able to answer or will you quote scripture to him?" Stanley asked irritated.

"Knowledge of the Cainite nature is good enough but infiltration requires a cleanly thought dissemination of the opponents way of thinking. Start speaking of Caine and the Sheriff will be on us in less than a minute. While in the presence of the Camarilla we are Kindred not Cainites, while in the presence of an Elder we bow our heads and lick his boots if he asks us too, we dont tell him of how we dont bow down to the Antediluvians and his pawns" he continued his beast rising.

"So yea, I dont doubt you know what is in these books and I dont doubt you can spit out some phrases in Enochian even like a catholic school girl can speak Latin but out there..." he said and pointed towards the wall he had come from "... little of this matters. And your high and mighty horse is surely in the wrong stable if you think you come closer just by reading... I am assured my friend of how close I am for I took the blood and soul of an Elder in the Crusade to take New York while you were reading dusty tomes like some Tremere lickspittle." he concluded.

2013-04-19, 09:58 AM
"Hmph." was the only audible thing Marcus uttered, his control of his beast enough to suppress the urge to lash out and claw at the Cainite for making the gathered bits and pieces of lore regarding Caine seem insignificant when compared to Camarilla politics. Sure, infiltration and "blending in" with the Camarilla wasn't any strong traits of his, but it was also not something he had any interest in. Among the Camarilla, and especially around Princes, the Tremere worked their blood magic. Marcus prefered to stay clear of that, in case his existance may be detected due to an off-chance of misfortune.

"You may want to lick the boots of the 'Kindred' Prince and Elders, but I will do no such thing. I'd rather drink their souls to become closer to Caine, the only logical choice of action if having to choose.

Perhaps my capabilities at the present aren't suited for infiltration, but blood magic is adaptable and versatile. You may not believe in any good come from study and research, but you'd be incorrect in that assumption. If you only knew what could be learnt with enough effort." Marcus said as he pointed and swept his arm around indicating all the gathered lore in his chantry. "I am sure you've heard the expression 'knowledge is power' before."

2013-04-19, 10:14 AM
"I did indeed. But while knowledge is power I am sure you are also aware that... power is power. Regardless... I do not wish to fight brother. I am sure you have your talents and your skills and are a valuable member of the Sword of Caine." he said in a re-conciliatory tone.

"And I do not wish to bow down to the Cammies either. But your sire asked me to take you with me in the midst of them and when in Rome you do like the Romans. And yes, at some point you get to be Brutus if you time it right and plan it. I have tasted that and it tastes like ambrosia... but once more... to get there it needs patience and guile." he said with a smile.

"So, what do you say. Will you put your pride aside for a moment and try to learn a few things that will come in handy and are not in your books from me? I can cover you well enough, I can spin the tale that your sire died in New York along with mine and I promised to take care of you cause I owed him a boon but you are still just a fledgeling. This should suffice should you blunder something and it wont raise suspicion... plus if you can work blood magic and we get asked too many questions you can say you are a Tremere... just as long as no Tremere are around to ask too many questions... but I doubt their ilk will be in a club!"

In case its not clear, Stanley has not realised you and your sire are Tremere... as far as he knows all Tremere Antitribu died some time ago though he has no clue why... he has seen a Salubri Antitribu once that boasted it was their doing but its not as if he has any way to verify it.

So for all he knows you are probably one of those Tzimisce that play around with blood magic and spirits as well!


2013-04-19, 04:34 PM
Willis comes back at this point, with the other members of the Pack. He's carrying a ceremonial knife, and a wooden bowl etched with runes.

"Brother, we take you into our pack and offer you to partake of our essence. Do you accept the rite of Vaulderie?

The Assamite and Lasombra flank him, while the Tzimisce goes to stand beside Marcus. They move to create a circle, and include you in it, next to April.

2013-04-19, 06:24 PM
"Fine." Marcus said with his beast in check, just as Willis was making his way back. A Cainite with less control over his inner beast would probably have frenzied by now.

2013-04-19, 06:31 PM
Willis pierces his flesh first, bleeding into the bowl. He passed the knife around, and slowly fills it with the vitae of the other pack members.
Passed to Marcus, it's his turn to add to the bowl.

2013-04-19, 10:33 PM
Marcus' cut was swift and precise, and he willed the vitae to flow into the bowl. He'd never really liked, or cared much, for this part of the Sabbat. While he had nothing against the ritual itself, being quite akin to the blood magic he himself practiced, the result was less than optimal. But atleast it was much better than what the Camarilla Tremere had forced upon themselves, judging from what his Sire had told him of his time with the Tremere proper before his defection.

After Marcus had filled his share of the bowl he passed it on to April.

2013-04-19, 10:34 PM
April cuts herself like the rest, bleeding into the bowl, and passes it to Stanley.

2013-04-19, 11:53 PM
Stanley does not hesitate for a moment. This ritual, from what he had learned, was what had made the Sabbat free as it was. The breaking of the shackles of the blood bond and the forging of a new connection between many.

It was a pity really that he got so little out of it.

Without his usual theatricality he accepts the knife and slices his wrist letting his blood flow into the bowl.

"In Nomine Caine" he says loudly enough to be heard by all. He had always liked it when Jade had used that phrase and among noddists he was sure it would be appreciated.

2013-04-20, 12:03 AM
The priest nods, taking back the bowl, and begins chanting. The language is old and dead, moreso than most vampires, and it would take a lot of practice to intone the ritual as easilly as he seems to do it.
A soft glow emenates from the runes on the bowl as he sworls the vitae inside around, mixing it.

Then, he takes a drink, passing the bowl around again.

Marcus- Roll me 5d10.

2013-04-20, 12:08 AM
When his turn comes Stanley drinks with pleasure and with eagerness. The heady taste of vampire vitae is overpowering and he has to really really try and not just finish the bowl.

Once everyone is done he looks to all of them and smiles.

"Brothers and Sisters of the Sword, I thank you for taking me in your pack. I shall strive to prove I am a worthwhile addition and shall not fail you. In the war, that will soon engulf the entire world, I shall stand beside you as we tear down the Camarilla and its puppetmasters!" he said with fury.

2013-04-20, 12:20 AM
And now giving Marcus a chance to reply before advancing...

2013-04-20, 11:24 AM

Marcus took a quick few sips of the mixed vitae of the bowl, the power of it flowing over him.

2013-04-20, 02:30 PM
Marcus' Vinculum ratings:
Willis: 4
Abe: 1
Tabby: 2
April: 10
Stanley: 4

Completing the ritual, Willis looks you all over with a spark of empathy lighting his usually cold, analytical eyes.
"Well. With that settled, brothers, I believe it is time we made preparations for tonight. Marcus, Stanley, I leave what to do about the club to the pair of you. If you decide to infiltrate the Camarilla, then do so. If you cannot, or if they catch on, burn it to the ground, with as many inside as you can muster."

2013-04-20, 03:52 PM
Stanley thanked the assembled Cainites once more and turned to Marcus.

"We could just do both. Go to the club, present ourselves and see what's going on and then burn it down after we have officially left... Are you any good with manipulating the minds of the Kine?" he asked and assuming Marcus did not disagree he drove towards the new club he had heard about.

did consider going back to his haven to change but with a passenger on he did not want to tip his hand. Plus the whole not living thing meant he did not sweat or get dirty anyway!

2013-04-20, 03:59 PM
(One reply from Marcus, then I'm starting a "Club" thread. Most of the players are there. You can still use this thread for actions you do not wish the other players to be aware of :3)

2013-04-21, 09:07 AM
Alright. :smallsmile:

The Vaulderie had only a slight effect on Marcus in regards to the newcomer it seemed, as he could still remember the difference in his disposition towards him, though now he felt slightly inclined to aid him. Most likely. Annoyingly it was worse in regards to the Tziscime. How much he couldn't say, but Marcus could feel his thoughts and opinion about her warping and changing for the worse.

"Both is preferable." Marcus quickly said, still not too eager to go in the first place. While he was there he could do more productive things like research or study. Or continuing the research of the ritual he hadn't concluded yet. "If you're refering to the Discipline of Dominate, one of Caine's mentioned Disciplines in the Book of Nod, unfortunately I cannot regard myself as proficient in the practice of that I'm afraid."

2013-04-21, 12:31 PM
"Not ideal but what can one do..." he said disappointed. He didnt know this ones talents as he kept it far too close to his chest but the more he spoke with him the more it seemed he had nothing useful to contribute.

He first shaked his head and then shrugged.

"Very well. Is there something you can do in a combat situation? Or in a social situation with the Camarilla?" he asked.

Regardless of the response he drove to the club anyway.

2013-04-21, 01:03 PM
"I can lie, if that's what you're asking." Marcus didn't like the prodding for information regarding his abilities and capabilities, and instead wondered why that information was needed. Besides, by telling the joys of discovered would be denied the Cainite. "And I'm fairly alright in a combat situation, though it was long since I partook in one." However, the last time he had used a sword. Such a thing he'd not bring now. Though he was sure his knowledge of Thaumaturgy would suffice.

2013-04-21, 03:48 PM
Cool. So its now all about Acanous posting that scene post.

Stanley nodded.

"Perhaps when we are back and with the permission of our Priest I can show some techniques to you and to the rest of the pack if they so desire. With the flames sparked in the US I am sure everyone will need it sooner or later." he explained.

"As for swords... you are gimping yourself by using such clumsy implements. We Sabbat are the Sword of Caine but we already have the gifts he gave us to inflict Final Death to our enemies without employing cheap steel..." he said and showed his fangs.

Stopping the car a good distance from the club and looking around the area to familiarise himself with it Stanley covered his face by raising his shirt collar and putting on a baseball cap and dark mirrorshade glasses.

"Lets have a look around before we go in. Would like to know possible escape routes, camera locations and all that for when we need to run from the fire. Dont want to end up in a dead end. If you know the city well that could be a benefit as I definetly dont while our enemies will... Hopefully they wont realise we hit them and they will stay with the positive impression we will make but better safe than sorry..."

2013-04-22, 05:14 PM
Hey look, it's the club thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=15140125#post15140125)

Your pack makes it's way to the new club. Willis holds the fort, while Abe goes to a nearby strip mall, manning the getaway ride.

2013-05-01, 02:56 PM
Is the Abe and April mentioned in the club thread the same Abe and April that's in Marcus' Sabbat pack?

I was under the impression Abe went to another place and April.. no idea where she went.

2013-05-01, 04:11 PM
Yep. That's your Abe. He was going to watch from elsewhere. SOMETHING happened.

2013-05-01, 04:22 PM
That's good to know. Has Marcus noticed any of them and is aware of their presence? Might be better to take this here than in the club thread assuming no one else knows they're Sabbat.

2013-05-01, 04:50 PM
so far nobody else knows. Abe and April are together in the club, you're not sure where Tabby went. Willis isn't there at all, and you two are together.

2013-05-02, 12:27 AM
Yea, I think I mentioned at my first post we are together but left it at that...

2013-05-02, 12:35 AM
You're treated as together until one of you states otherwise :p

2013-05-02, 01:04 PM
Well I wasn't expecting that turn of events. Someone kickstarted Plan B, evidently. :smallbiggrin:

"Prepare his blood" as mentioned in the club thread: 1 BP to activate Blood of Potency, difficulty 6: [roll0], using a Willpower point to gain an automatic success.

Base: -1 generations/1 hour duration
5 successes, potency/duration distribution: +3 potency and +2 duration.
Final effect: -4 generations/3 hour duration (runs out 3 AM as I believe it's midnight currently).

2013-05-02, 02:01 PM
Yea, that ability is really nice for avoiding Dominate completely or making resisting Presence 1 WP per scene instead per turn :D

I wasnt sure IC (Or OOC for that matter) if you had Path Blood, Lure of Flames or something more wacky... hence my comment IC

2013-05-02, 02:15 PM
Yea, that ability is really nice for avoiding Dominate completely or making resisting Presence 1 WP per scene instead per turn :D

I wasnt sure IC (Or OOC for that matter) if you had Path Blood, Lure of Flames or something more wacky... hence my comment IC

Yep. ^^ Not that it was needed (I think the one who managed to Awe him has left? Never really got who it was that got the better one).

I figured as much, but now Stanley should know it's something akin to Path of Blood, assuming he actually knows of more than that 'iconic' one where people can boil your blood. :smallbiggrin: Though I'm not sure how much non-blood magicians know about the specifics of thaumaturgy, assamite sorcery, koldrunic sorcery etc, or understand differences between them for that matter.

2013-05-02, 03:09 PM
I would say that Stanley would have heard tales of maybe Kolduns summoning lava and Tremere boiling peoples blood or draining it from far away. Maybe he knows also that apart from just disciplines they also practice weird rituals. Ah and offcourse the phrase 'never give a Tremere your blood'. He wouldnt know if a Tremere has access to all, a few or many though... and most abilities dont have a physical obvious manifestation either!

Nothing more (even though I have Cainite, Sabbat and Camarilla Lore, given that:

a) The Tremere keep their secrets very close to the vest.
b) 99.99% of Tremere Antitribu were destroyed around the year 2000
c) Blood magic is a very specific clan discipline and not one presented in Book of Nod OR common in most clans.

2013-05-02, 03:38 PM
Though of course there are still those who practice Thaumaturgy within the Sabbat (the antitribu taught others and so on), but since the antitribu disappeared there's no real authority for the discipline among them that comes even close to a chantry of the Tremere.

I suppose Stanley thinks Marcus is one of those Sabbat members who's been taught it at some point, seeing how unlikely it'd be that he was actually a Tremere in the Sabbat. ^^ Not sure what exactly he'd believe he was, though. A Ventrue focusing mostly on blood magic and less on what they stereotypically do? They share Dominate so could make sense considering Stanley asking about that before. :smallamused:

2013-05-02, 04:38 PM
Liz had the better Presence, and she's still there (Near the entrance, with her ghoul)

2013-05-03, 06:23 AM
OOC: Nice scene... a bit confusing at times but overall nice. I think you guys are all in US timezones so its hard for me to follow given I am in Europe but still it seemed cool :D

On a side note I so love my Eye of the Storm Nature... didnt spend WillPower but this scene really was made for Stanley :D

Back to IC:

Stanley smiles to the girl he has with him.

"Oh darling... we shall have so much fun you and I!" he murmured.

Turning to Markus as they go to his own car he murmured.

"April and the other Fiend seemed badly wounded. We have my girl here but we may need more. Will you hunt and bring something back to the Haven or shall I?"

2013-05-03, 06:27 AM
(I had written "Stanley gains 1 WP" before checking your sheet, then had to go delete it XD)

2013-05-03, 02:11 PM
"More is likely needed, yes." With April wounded she'd need more, and he himself could probably benefit from draining two himself now as his blood was concentrated. Could be a good opportunity to use the overconcentrated vitae for rituals, instead of letting it go to waste later. "How about bringing food for a small afterparty? You wouldn't seem to have any issues getting people for such an event, and intoxicated people are probably abound at the moment looking for somewhere to go have more 'fun'." It was evident that Marcus didn't share their taste in what's fun.

2013-05-03, 03:37 PM
"I have no issue with that. My dear girl here can be an appetiser. On the other hand I have learned that this city is generally quiet. If we go around removing people from the populace our presence will be evident. Still... I want to indulge myself tonight. Meet you back in the haven in a couple of hours... please DO bring something yourself though..." he added with a smile as he dropped of Markus wherever he wanted and moved away with his car.

Heading back to my thread for now...

2013-05-03, 05:20 PM
When you make it back to your haven, April is there looking like she's taken a serious beating. Willis is tending to her, and Abe has some new girl layed out on a table. A second new girl is standing near the table, looking scared.
"Ah, Marcus. Glad to see you made it out in one piece."
April calls to you as you enter, though it obviously pains her to speak.
"Hey, Marcus. Glad I didn't have to pull your ass out of the fire too. Good job in there. Is Tabby with you?"

2013-05-03, 05:43 PM
Is it possible to make a roll for an off-scene feeding before Marcus gets back to the chantry? He'd prefer to stock up on vitae in case he needs to share his now more concentrated blood with April, instead of bringing someone with him like Stanley suggested — the lack of Presence or Dominate makes that harder for him, and he prefers not bringing strangers, even food, to the chantry.

He'd not care about the life of whoever he was feeding on, so he'd only be subtle enough that no one identifies him afterwards. If his victim sees him he doesn't mind, cos it'll be dead soon enough.

"Do you need assistance with healing?" Marcus bluntly asked April, not feeling compassion due to the Vinculum, but instead an overpowering sense of compulsion to help her heal any way he could.

"Tabby? No. Wasn't aware of her presence." Then again, he hadn't really known that Abe or April would be there either. "As for the fire, it didn't take. Someone crashed the party with badly aimed molotovs before we could act outselves. Spiraled everything into disarray and made the task impossible to complete in the end."

2013-05-03, 05:49 PM
That'd be a straight survival roll.
"More's the pity. We did some damage, I'm sure we got at least one, but that put them on alert. Whoever crashed the party has no bloody sense."
He gestures tot he stiff on the table.
"Ah yes. That would be one of my Childer. Luanne. She..is a constant dissappointment. Always trying to die for the cause. Stanley will love her. The other girl, I'm not sure. She's a Cainite, but very new. I've removed her tongue for the moment."
Willis chuckles softly at that, though Abe does not look amused.

2013-05-03, 07:06 PM
An hour or so later Stanley enters the haven accompanied by 4 individuals. Marcus recognises one of them as the girl Stanley got at the club. She is about 20 and seems fed on already as she is tired and slow. She moves to the corner of the room and waits there eyeing Stanley.

The others are an older man and two young girls (16 and 14 years old). All 4 mortals have a certain resemblance as if they are of the same family.

"Hello everyone. These are our guests for today. Please do not mess with Theresa..." he says pointing to the girl in the corner.

"Feel free to wine and dine! I have taken care of the avenues of ensuring my friends here dont get missed any time soon and I explained to them they are here for a nice party!" he adds motioning to the mortals to step forward and closing the door behind him.

"Isnt that right Fred?" He says as he extends his fangs and taps the man on the shoulder.

2013-05-03, 07:17 PM
Fred looks about. There's a naked woman laid out on a table, a second woman who, while seeming to suffer from full-body sunburn, is also nude and in the process of dressing, a THIRD woman, fully dressed, cowering in a corner, a college proffessor type, and two college students.

Fred coughs. "This uh... This is a Frat Party, right? Not some weird cult thing?"

2013-05-03, 07:21 PM
"Look at the bright side Fred. You get to go first and not see your daughters die! I promise Theresa will be taken care of though!" he chuckles as he lunges at the man plunging his teeth into him.

Taking 4 blood points (and going up to full blood pool) while leaving the 2 young girls and the rest of his blood for the others

2013-05-03, 07:28 PM
The girls scream, terrified. The youngest stands there in shock, while the middle grabs her arm and makes for the exit.
The eldest, fumbles around, tired and drained, for a weapon. She gets a book.

"Oh bloody hell, they're not housebroken?!"
Willis mutters something under his breath, and the middle girl stops. Blood leaves her body in gouts through her eyes, ears, and mouth, and floats in the air. She drops to the ground, pale and barely breathing.
"Abe, get me the bucket from the closet, please."
Abe rushes over to a broom closet, takes out an empty bucket, and holds it up. Willis directs the flow through the air into the bucket.
"And shut that girl up, she's giving me a headache."
Abe walks calmly toward the young girl, taking a book to the head. He shoots the elldest a look, but walks to the youngest, and silence walks with him. She's still screaming, but not making a sound.

2013-05-03, 07:36 PM
Having had his fill Stanley laughts. Such beautiful mayhem.

"House broken? I dont buy from the supermarket dear... this is the real stuff. Like... Bio-market you know? No GMOs here!" he says as he focuses his attention on Theresa.

"Theresa dear. Calm down and stop yelling. Drop the book and close your eyes. This is all a bad dream, a nightmare. I after all am here for you... would I ever do such a thing? No. No I wouldnt. There must be a reasonable explanation about this and it is that someone, probably that bartender back at the RabbitHole, gave you a roofie. Dont worry. I got you and it will all be okay." he says his empathy and study of the human emotions allowing him to say such calming things with the silvered tongue of a serpent.

He approaches her and smiles reassuringly and holds her tight. If she doesnt resist he gives her a kiss and drains yet another point of blood while at the same time he feeds her his own to bind her to his will further. He then leaves her unconcsious (as she has lost a total of 3 BP) to a corner of the room.

"When you are all done we can discuss what happened tonight..."

2013-05-03, 07:42 PM
She collapses unconsious. The girl cowering in the corner, the one you don't recognise, her eyes flash and she dives for the bucket, washing her face in the blood and drinking like an animal. Without a tongue.

Willis goes to the youngest, and picks her up, without apparent effort. She's crying, and struggling. It's kind of weird to see it without any noise.
She's knocked out a few seconds later, as the priest drains her enough to put her under.
Abe goes to feed some from the girl on the floor. He vomits it back up, disgusted.
"Innocents?! **** man. I can't feed on the blood of the innocent."
Miffed, he gets up and leaves, probably to find his own food.

2013-05-03, 07:48 PM
"Noone is innocent. There are varying levels of guilt..." calls out Stanley having heard the quote somewhere. Still interesting to know that the Assamite had such a weakness. he thinks to himself.

He shrugged and waited for everyone to finish up their meal.

"So is the burned victim the crazy one that started throwing around molotovs while appearing as an 8 foot monster? Thats kind of ruined our plan but I did get some faces and names..." he says when they are done and describes the Cainites he identified focusing on the one with the gun to some detail.

"By the way, there was a small kid with that guy. Appeared unphased and powerful. Is it someone we should watch out for? It had a basket on its hands and was chatting with the one that shot April." he said and gave a description of the kid.

2013-05-03, 08:06 PM
Willis narrows his eyes.
"A small child? That was Alistair, the Malkavian Primogen. I've heard very little, and diametrically opposed tales of his abilities. He either controls animals, or turns people into animals, or turns VAMPIRES into animals, or makes animals into vampires, or you believe he turned you into an animal.
It's connected to animals, somehow. He also has a way to drain blood at range. His opponents have left discussions he was attending, only to frenzy shortly after leaving, and being put down, while he was still in attendance.
He IS a malkav, so don't make eye contact, and don't listen to anything he says. I know of Alistair from before my time. He's been around since before the Camarilla formed. He's also a primary target for us, if we want this city.
The one with him, no idea."

"The eight foot tall monster is my Childe. She's...impulsive and reckless, but her heart's in the right place. Give her a target, she'll do whatever she can to make them die in as messy a way as she can."

2013-05-03, 09:29 PM
"Draining someone's blood at range isn't that hard, though." Marcus said as he did what his Sire had done just before and willed blood out of various orifices of the girl on the ground that hadn't been good enough for Abe to feed on, most likely taking whatever she had left in her.

"Not knowing exactly what happened, lunatics generally give me the creeps. An old enough to predate the Camarilla, even more so. Perhaps a good route would be returning the next night and look for traces of them. Any blood left behind would be beneficial to me. Wouldn't surprise me if the lunatics were absent-minded enough to not erase traces of their presence." he continued as the blood flowed through the air and was mystically absorbed around Marcus' extended hand.

1 BP to use Theft of Vitae, [roll0], diff. 7

Takes 3 BP, probably everything she still has left in her body after Willis and Abe's attempt, landing at 12 current BP.

2013-05-03, 09:39 PM
Gain 4 BP.
The girl on the ground is now most certainly dead.
"Returning to the scene could be a very bad idea, unless we go back better equipped. The club will be closed, but is likely a haven for them during the day. They'll be expecting something.
Still, with the fire at Republik, and this, the Camarilla must see a pattern. They'll think we're hitting nightclubs, making it harder for them to feed.
It isn't a bad idea.
April, wake your Childe when we retire. She'll be good bait for further nightclub attacks. Abe, if you could round up some new recruits, and find Tabby, that would be helpful. Marcus, Stanley, if you see opportunity in this chaos, I suggest you latch on to it."

2013-05-03, 11:54 PM
4? Does 10s count as 2? I thought 10s didn't do anything in V:tM.
"I was more thinking of the outside where April's Childer had done her 'thing'. The unknown, whom I assume is a lunatic, may have left something." Marcus said as he grabbed the dead girl on the floor by her arm and started dragging her from the middle of the room. "Of course, I can just scry the area for signs of traces instead of physically going there." he continued as he half-threw her to the side, as to not being in the immediate way. Someone had to take care of the body later though. Though perhaps he could find some use for it in a ritual too.

2013-05-03, 11:56 PM
That's how much was left in her body.
"Hmm. You know, we may want to sire some childer, set up the creation rites. Later, not tonight, but we're going to need more hands if we're going on the attack."

2013-05-04, 12:25 AM
Right. Thought you were counting differently from me on the Theft of Vitae successes. :smalltongue:
"Have your suicidal girl here go wild at that and unleash the fledglings, if so. I'd prefer not wasting my resources better spend doing other things on ineffective distractions. My eventual progeny aren't warriors." While her suggestion perhaps had merit, Marcus partaking in it had little bearing. Childer Tremere without time to learn the secrets of blood magic, just thrown out, was ineffective, not to mention that the Camarilla Tremere might realise what they are if they are compromised.

With that, Marcus headed for his own study to prepare the scrying of the nightclub. If they weren't going there, he could atleast find out what was going on there, if anything. In his study he opened one of drawers where he gathered most of his esoteric reagents and ingredients and took out one of the vials of owl's blood, the reagant he needed for this particular ritual.

Of course, he also needed something else. In this case a fairly large bowl, 15 inches in diameter or so, that he stored on the top shelf of the tallest bookshelf he had in his study. A rather annoying place to keep it he always thought, considering he always had to stand on his chair too reach it. Then he'd only have to fill it with water, which meant he had to walk all the way to the bathroom rarely used and the tap there, before he could start the ritual.

Marcus is going to fill the bowl with some water so he can use it as a scrying medium in the level 4 ritual Scry. Takes 20 minutes to conclude when he initiates it, which he'll do if there's no one else (I'm guessing perhaps Willis or Stanely) that wants to talk to him.

2013-05-04, 02:32 AM
Welp, he had a while to interrupt, I suppose he doesn't :p
You Scry on the Rabbit hole. You see the hatters running around moving things. The guy with the funky gun is coming up some back stairs with a small child. Police at the door are finishing a report, and a fire marshal has just red-tagged the sprinklers.
Looks like some highly-paid lawyer is there, too.

2013-05-04, 03:12 AM
Stanley listens to what Willis and April say and considers it.

"I am all for Chaos and destruction while riding the beast but I am too new here to know the details of the city's Cainite population. If you think we can take it we can go on the offensive... otherwise continuing a guerilla war sounds like a better plan. Hitting targets that cost the Elders here influence and removing the younger vampires they use as lackeys might be the best tactic. As for the Elder malkavian... we could form a War Party and go after him but we need to know things about him before doing that.

From my side I suggest the following. I shall continue my efforts to infiltrate the Cammies to gather info from inside. When an opportunity target appears I shall contact you so we can work together to destroy them. Other than that we can work on anything else you guys bring forward.

As for creating progeny... if or when we need foot soldiers I am more than happy to contribute but unless we start an all out war right now we should hold back..." he added.

2013-05-04, 03:20 AM
"Just an idea. I'm a little vengeful after the molotov.

2013-05-04, 03:43 AM
"Well we know where that particular one lives and whats his method of fighting. Did you observe him doing anything else?" he asks.

After the answer he slowly gets up.

"Continue your preparations. Give me 3-4 days to scout things from my side and see what we can do. Marcus can do his own thing and so can your childe April. If something comes up that needs another pair of fangs I am in without a doubt. I will keep in touch over the phone with Willis to give him updates." he concluded.

Unless there was any further points to be covered he stopped to take Freds keys and wallet and then took Theresa and walked outside heading for the red minivan.

OOC: Going back to my thread for now.

Perhaps Acanous you would care to create a thread called Sabbat Communal Haven so we can interact there as needed so we dong highjack Marcus's thread every time?

2013-05-04, 12:28 PM
Anything interesting said inside the club as he watches the malkavians or lawyer, or well, everything? The ritual works as if he's "personally there to see and hear", but he wouldn't be able to use Auspex like the Auspex power Clairvoyance (assuming he had that Discipline).

If it matters in this instance the ritual works for [roll0] (diff. 7) 1 hour, and Marcus just needs to concentrate on the pool of water for it to work at any time during that period of time, and he cannot change the location of the scrying during that duration. He'll use the full hour's worth of Scry to see and listen in on what happens in the club.
Marcus, who had placed the bowl of water on the left side of his study desk (though having to clear away some papers and books first) concentrated some more on the pool of water. There was still activity inside the nightclub, which was good. If he watched and listened longer he might find out more that'd help them going forward.

Considering Marcus spends, I'd say atleast, 80% of his waking time in the chantry, I believe this thread is rather fitting for anything that goes on there, like when Stanley comes around and visits. Makes it a bit easier for me to know when Stanley comes around, as I'd not need to check another thread all the time in case of.

I'm not entirely sure what April, Abe and Tabby uses as their personal havens, but Marcus got one just nearby he only sometimes sleeps in, as he also uses the chantry as a haven.

2013-05-05, 11:57 PM
Well, as you scry the place, the first thing you notice is that a young child is talking to one of the hatters.
"Primogen, if I may make a suggestion, Why don't we put a pressure switch on it, and plant it under the Passenger side, so it gets more than one?"
"An excellent suggestion" says the little boy, "I wholeheartedly approve."
They exit the building with a crate marked "For Frapacious day" in different coloured markers.

The police are in the club, forensics guys, not the uniforms. They're taking samples of the air, scrapings from the wall and floor, and doing other such things. If you want to roll Int+Science, you can figure out what they may find.

There is a fire marshal and a couple guys from a sprinkler company. They're looking at the sprinkler system.

(Give me an idea of what you wish to focus on, and I'll give you more detail. You'll be aware of other things in general.)

2013-05-06, 12:08 AM
Int+Science: [roll0]
Frapacious day? Some kind of themed club event? It almost sounded like the Malkavian primogen was planning one of the dreaded "pranks" the lunatics conducted. Marcus had fortunately never had one directed at him, but he like most others had heard of others who had. It usually didn't end up well. Especially not with pressure switches involved, he imagined.

Looking through around the room he paid more attention to the forensics than the ones examining the sprinkler system, curious regarding what they'd find. Marcus was quite aware what had happened to the sprinklers already.

2013-05-06, 12:23 AM
Looks like they've found some glass belonging to the bottles. Might be able to get prints off of it, if the fire hasn't warped them too badly. With the composition of the glass, they can probably tell where it came from, and from the residue on the bottle, what was in it.

The wall, they're looking for some kind of explosive, but not finding any. The air, they can get chemical residue and work out how bad the fire was, and what contributed to it.

The guy looks like he's an old hand at it, and this late/early, maybe he's one of the prince's guys. That noted, you find his name is Stuart from the badge he's wearing.

The Malkavs are in and out, but mostly out. They let the emergency services work, but with a paranoid eye on them the entire time.

2013-05-06, 01:56 PM
Marcus followed the activity of the mortals running around inside the club, but followed the known and suspected lunatics and other Cainites whenever he thought he saw someone be inside of the location. So far he'd not seen or heard anything too interesting though, but he continued the scrying as he could feel the ritual would cease soon.

2013-05-06, 04:39 PM
As the police leave, the hatters begin filing doenstairs. Looks like that's where they sleep. That's an important note.

Your ritual ends, and you realise there's not a whole lot of night left. Any plans? You've got maybe an hour.

2013-05-06, 06:37 PM
The intermediary Tzimisce gleams eagerly as she enters the Pack's company and erstwhile conversation.

"The name's Luanne. Luanne Braggs. You find me a herd of two-four dozen kine somewhere around campus tomorrow night and I'll do the shovel-work. We can plant a little hedgerow around this chantry and make some publicity for the Prince."

The leather jacketed blonde drags one of the cowering kine girls from the shadows and gorges on her in gluttonous guttural gulps. She licks her lips with a thin gloss of vitae and retires for the night.

"Course, I want to make the most of a tight spot. So let's plan a follow up. Or at least a route we can lead the shovelheads on."

Drain 5 BP

2013-05-06, 06:41 PM
And that's the entire family.
April nods to Luanne. "Just make sure they stay in the ground until we're ready."

2013-05-06, 10:13 PM
As the ritual ends, Marcus hits the books he had started reading the night before. Atleast he could get some time in this night for research, as the rest had been quite busy with other things, something which usually wasn't the case. He'd probably not get much work done, but it put his mind to ease after the night's failure to burn down the club and spread destruction.

Continuing the ritual research he started the previous night, until it gets late and he'll have to go rest. He'll sleep in the chantry this night too.

2013-05-06, 11:00 PM
The day passes, and night claims the city once more. With it, monsters rise. Like yourself.
Lose 1 BP, gain 1 WP.

2013-05-07, 01:18 AM
Luanne nods off in the chantry sprinkled in her grave dirt. When she awakes, Luanne checks the stores for stakes and removes them by the box. She grabs two chains with locks, a hammer, a shovel, one parcel of cotton, four newspapers, and a bag of fertilizer.

"April, babe. Tell me you bought a Mossberg just for me. Pretty, pretty please."

Luanne flips her cell to dial Stanley, "Hey, Stanley. I was hoping you could set up a Presentation on campus. Drum up some upstanding citizens, or some folks you just don't like. Susie and me is real keen to work you. A debonair suit like yourself. Two gals like us could really help you save face here and there."
Resources check for stakes, craft supplies, and a shotgun.

2013-05-07, 01:49 AM
You can get everything but the shotgun.

"Who is this and how did you get this number? And after those are covered I have to admit I dont have the slightest idea of what you actually need" he simply responds.

2013-05-07, 04:13 AM
"This is Luanne. April's pal, she gave me this number. I need for you to arrange a meeting around campus. Meet me beforehand and I'll get you in show-face."

2013-05-07, 08:14 AM
"Very well. I will try to make it to the haven tonight so we can talk details. Might be a few hours though." he says and hangs up after any further response.

2013-05-07, 04:38 PM
Marcus was back to his work he had continued on before he went to rest the previous night. There were no pressing matters to attend to, seemingly, and he intentionally did no interact with April's brash childe, fairly annoyed with what had happened at the club and throwing everything in disarray.

For now, he'd just go through some scribbles in old books and research documents in search of what he wanted. Ritual research he had found was a little hit or miss. Sometimes one had a treasure trove of information in a single page, while at other times you had to go through several worn out books to find a single reference pointing to where it was you should look. But atleast it was a lesser task than having to create the ritual oneself.

2013-05-07, 11:05 PM
Luckilly, Marcus is in a Sabbat Chantry, and most of the books have SOME kernel of truth to them. Well, the older ones. The new acquisitions that Willis brings in for you to sift through are hit or miss.

As it stands, digging through the misinformation for the kernel of truth in each of the books is like a mental challenge, a test all it's own to prevent the undetermined and stupid from accidentally draining out all their blood in the middle of a stadium.

You make some progress, sifting through book after book, noting your findings and references in a binder. It takes a few hours, but maybe Luanne will leave you alone.

2013-05-08, 07:03 AM
Stanley returns to the communal haven chantry with a self confident childe and looks for April and her childe Luanne and her own childe.

"Evening ladies. I guess I am needed for something but on your call you were not very clear on what you exactly need..."

2013-05-08, 07:14 AM
(Right. I'm gonna let you guys set up a plan, and when you've got it together I'll ST how it goes. Currently it is Thursday.)

2013-05-08, 10:43 PM
Besides April and Susan, Stanley encounters a black-haired man in aviator glasses, wearing the signature oversized leather jacket Luanne once sported. The man's short hair barely covers the tread mark ridden across his scalp.

"So you're back," the black-haired man says with familiarity, "We need you to chat up a small crowd somewhere around campus and post eyes on the block. Two dozen kine should do the trick. You keep the herd compliant and quiet. I'll lock the exits, give 'em the business, and plant 'em around the chantry. Once we're clear, I craft your face back on and you can get back to court, playboy."

2013-05-09, 12:21 AM
Stanley looked at the man. Perhaps he had misunderstood or simply the Tzimisce was as deranged as the rest of the Fiends he had met.

"Interesting proposition. And you plan to keep those staked into the ground for how long? I ask because speaking with our Priest he has informed me that despite the occasional 'hits' they have so far chosen not to overplay their hand and strike from the shadows rather than make a big crusade style war. That plus this isnt the states... 20 people missing will be rather obvious to the locals... especially if we want anyone important. Still... it has merit"

2013-05-09, 03:32 AM
Lou looks at Stanley with eyes that shift like balanced scales. Weighing sensation against subtlety, the vampire answers, "You're absolutely right, Yurish. We should be keeping low-rent shovelheads instead of would-be media darlings."

"I'm keeping the leechsicles on ice until the chantry is compromised, or we find a haven to storm. So, two days max."

2013-05-09, 04:30 AM
"Very well. I shall work on this tonight. I have an idea in mind... perhaps instead of a lecture it can be a frat party. How would you like two dozen frat boys for your consideration?" He asks.

"In any case. I shall set this in motion tomorrow. Might take a day or two to set up and gather just the right amount of people without having to go over board. Students do go missing from time to time so this could explain it. We can have one of them phone in plans for a getaway or something..." he says smiling.

"Expect that on Sunday you will need to go through this. I will take Friday and Saturday to arrange it." he says and departs unless if something further is needed.

2013-05-09, 02:18 PM
"So we're to use a weekend jaunt as cover," Lou muses, "Acceptable. I'll just do a bit of headhunting for April in the meantime. We're both still very voracious."

2013-05-09, 02:47 PM
Stanley nods before departing.

"Good hunting! And be careful... the cammies have seen your face so they might be out to get you."

2013-05-09, 03:42 PM
Marcus, done with his research for the moment, passes by the newcomers as they discuss whatever plans they were brewing up. As long as they avoided causing too much mayhem too near the chantry, Marcus didn't mind at all.

Seems April's childe is a man now. Like sire like childe, evidently. he thought as he passed them in the chantry heading for one of the bookshelfs with whatever lore they had of recent local Malkavian history. Perhaps this child Primogen turned up in that. He grabbed a book that may contain something.

2013-05-09, 04:38 PM
Perhaps unsurprisingly, you do get some lore on Alistair. Accoarding to the books, he was either a british black plague victim embraced at the height of his hysteria, or a Carthagian slave who caught the interest of a Malkavian prelate.
Either way, he enjoys inflicting pain and fear upon others, has a thing for animals, and feeds exclusively on children.
There's cause to believe he may be the root of the "Boogeyman" legends.

2013-05-10, 05:36 PM
Luanne's phone rings:

"This is Stanley. On Sunday we will have between 20 and 30 frat boys for your needs. You need to secure a venue on the uni or close by in a warehouse space or something. The majority will be freshers thinking they are to be hazed. Get some alcohol as well..."

2013-05-10, 07:17 PM
If even an incling of the lore on this Malkavian was true, it wasn't boding well. Marcus quite enjoyed his unlife, so he wasn't too inclined to go up face to face with this lunatic, as that'd most likely mean his own destruction. But how would one plan to maneuver against one who could see plots unravel in the falling of leaves?

Marcus spent little while more going through a various assortment of books, texts and documents for different project of his, not really feeling like only pursuing one thread for the moment. There seemed to be some activity in the chantry, but he was unaware of what exactly was going on as no one had yet informed him on what Stanley and April's childe were up to. He expected someone to tell him if it concerned him, though.

2013-05-10, 07:23 PM
April's childe doesn't come back for the rest of that night, and neither does Stanley (Marcus is still on Friday, I believe)
Willis and April have a brief argument, which ends with both parties seemingly satisfied. (Perc+Alert to hear)
If you stay in the Chantry all night, you advance in your Ritual learning.

2013-05-10, 07:42 PM
"... alright, I'll survey an address tonight."

The even reply feels cold as snake's skin rolled across a receiver. The Tzimisce hangs up curtly.

2013-05-12, 05:01 PM
Perc+Alert to hear: [roll0]

Staying in chantry all night unless something specific happens, Marcus isn't hungry as he's almost full since the last night.

2013-05-13, 04:37 PM
Marcus: Nothing further happens that night.
Lose 1 BP, gain 1 WP, you're now on Friday.

2013-05-17, 07:18 AM
10 current BP.
Marcus' work continues friday nighty after checking if his Sire hasn't found some new materials on something relevant, like this lunatic primogen.

He thought he had heard something about plans for the end of the weekend, so he did his work now so he could join in on the mayhem later.

Unless it's an eventful day, Marcus will go ahead and research. Oh and he'll also work on his lvl 5 ritual Teleport to Friend or whatever it was called, as it needs 6 days to be completed I believe. It's obviously going to be tied to his Sire Willis. You'll have to judge if he's already performed some work on the ritual a previous night before the chronicle started or he'll start from the beginning now. Or perhaps he has already completed it beforehand?

2013-05-17, 07:21 AM
Oh I forgot, Marcus will scry on the club this night too, and check in once in a while to see if anything interesting's happening over the period of it being active.

Scry ritual duration, successes hours: [roll0] diff. 7.

Looks like 1 hour duration, so he'll check in once in a while during that hour and see/hear.

2013-05-17, 07:23 AM
[roll0] # many days you've been working on.
Willis has made some progress. He disappears during the day, not staying at the Chantry, and comes back late that night.
April, conversely, sleeps at the Chantry but goes out Friday night, probably looking for food. Before she leaves, she gets a text on her phone. "Abe's dead. Hunter. At the University."

2013-05-22, 02:25 AM
Sorry to barge in. Was wondering if watupwithdat is still around or did we lose most of the Sabbat before we even began...

2013-05-22, 02:41 AM
Watup posts at a slower rate than...everyone else. Grassy's still up and about (and killing things in droves) so you're not alone.

2013-05-29, 01:47 PM
"Hunter? Hm. Not too surprising, though." Marcus wasn't surprised. It was inevitable. He was surprised Abe was the one who had been found, though. The Assamites were known for being assassins. Assassins were usually stealthy.

It wouldn't change much, though he was unsure exactly what had happened outside while he had been burried in his work and research. And he was not done yet, though would he most likely ever be.

I guess Marcus a bit behind everyone else in the in-game continuity by now, but seeing as he's not doing anything that he needs to interact with others for (i.e. research, performing rituals) it's not much of an issue to just skip ahead for when stuff's happening for Marcus specifically.

In any case, he'll need to feed due to vitae spendature during teleport ritual which I suppose should be finished + waking up after any time skip.

2013-05-29, 05:43 PM
Just to be clear, Marcus is going to remain in the Chantry, dilligently working on his Ritual, and not going out until at how many BP?

2013-05-29, 09:03 PM
He'll need to spend 6 BP in total (3 per night, 2 nights in total) to complete the teleport ritual. [I noticed we did it wrong, but as we've already started that route we might as well finish it, so he's done 4 of 6 needed nights already I guess] He's got 10 BP right now, so he'll go down to 7 during this night (Friday I believe?) and he'd be 6 when rising next night (Saturday), so that's when he'll feed, then go back and complete the ritual with the last 3 BP. Might feed again after that. Assuming he's well-fed after that he may stay in the chantry for a while, as only rising costs BP. Not sure at this point if he'd use vitae for something else.

I can't remember how many nights he's been working on the research for the level 1 Ritual, or how many he's got left at this point. After he's done, he's probably going to start work on another in any case. He'd prefer not to waste time by not working on something to further his knowledge of Thaumaturgy. But what that'll be I'll decide upon when I get there. :smallsmile:

I guess he might do some Scrying at some points as well to keep an eye/ear on the lunatics in the club in case something's happening.

In any case, something along those lines were the plan immediate plan.

You want to play out the 'going out to feed' breaks in research he'll need the next night or just roll for expediency?

2013-05-29, 09:59 PM
I thing we should RP you going out to feed on Saturday night.
Scrying the Lunatics yields similar results. They're packing explosives for "Fraptious Day" into a tan Hummvee. They leave the club shortly after, seems they had some kind of prearranged plan.

When you wake on Saturday, you've got a couple books on your dresser from Willis, while Stanley and Luanne are nowhere.
For that matter, your other two compatriots are still missing. Looks like the elder Tzimisce is still safely asleep, though.

2013-05-31, 10:58 AM
"Now what's this?" Marcus says slightly unimpressed when he sees the books obviously left by his Sire. But it's not like something of that sort would keep him from going through them, anyway.

Though that had to wait until later, first he needed to complete the ritual. He estimated another session of chanting and bloodletting would do it. And considering his supply of vitae would be running low after he'd be done with that, he'd need to feed. He could use his backup supply of vitae he carried with him at all times, but that'd be a waste. He felt like he needed to kill too. There was that itch.

He spent the hours and the blood needed to complete the ritual, completing the drawing of the circle, attuning it to his Sire. Now he had a means of expedient transportation to his Sire, or if the chantry, Caine forbid, was compromised, he'd be able to use it as a means of escape. In any case, it had been a tough ritual, the most time consuming one he had both learnt and performed.

Marcus took a jacket he rarely used and headed out to hunt, for a short moment wondering where the others might be or what they were doing. He hadn't seen Stanley either.

He had lots to do tonight, so he figured he'd quickly find someone on campus. If Abe had been killed by a hunter around here, it was little point in trying to hide a cainite presence. They knew they were around anyway. That'd not mean they'd be able to find their hidden chantry, though.

Hunting the campus for a quick meal, finished with a dessert of killing the meal afterwards basically. He'd try to stay unseen, but doesn't care if the meal sees him or not — would prefer it to be quiet though.

2013-05-31, 05:11 PM
Give me a survival roll for the first hour to see if you spot anyone nearby.
Sundown was at 9:40, so how many hours does that ritual take? Just so I know what time it is :p

2013-06-01, 07:05 PM
[rollv]4d10[rollv] if that's a Stamina+Survival you meant, otherwise only 1 die.

I think it's 5 or so hours needed per night for the ritual.

2013-06-01, 07:07 PM
Let's try that again. [roll0]

2013-06-03, 05:07 PM
You get your things, head outside, sight a target, and the university explodes.
Specifically, the History building and the Main Library. You had 20 minutes before the explosion after completing your ritual.

Your target is bowled over by the concussive shock from the blast. Give me a soak roll.

2013-06-04, 06:33 AM
Soak: [roll0]

The explosion caught Marcus by surprise. It was the last thing he was expecting, really. His immediate thoughts were regarding the integrity of the chantry and all the collected lore within. Being beneath the history building, it was at risk depending on the explosion.

But this was a good distracting if any, and he was not going to let it go to waste. His target was incapacitated for now it seemed, so he got a hold of himself and ran over, intent on feeding while all potentially nearby eyes were on the university buildings. Someone dead at the same time of an explosive had gone off could be explained away.

He's pouncing and feeding until full/drained/dead.

2013-06-04, 05:26 PM
You aren't bowled over by the explosion. Pouncing on the unwitting and shocked student, you drain him 'til you're sated. He's probably going to die.

You survey the damage as the wail of sirens picks up in the distance. Looke like the remains of both buildings are on fire.

2013-06-05, 06:07 AM
Marcus has the wit to cover his tracks before the life of the student is estinguished, and licks the bite marks left by his greedy feeding. He quickly removes himself from the immediate area, going for a more shadowy nearby place while he makes his way back towards the chantry area.

This can't be the work of any of my cell, nor can it be any Camarilla-aligned party seeing as the university is controlled by the Tremere. That leaves independants. Independants that there seemed to be plenty of, and whose movements were largely unknown to him and his Sabbat cell. It was unlikely the hunter, or hunters, who got Abe would blow up a place with lots of people he figured. They were still human.

How close were the explosions/fire to where the chantry is situated?

2013-06-05, 05:40 PM
One was on top of your Chantry. The other was underneath the Tremere Chantry. They both got a sploded.
Sirens get closer, and you can see a couple fire trucks on approach. Which is good, since there are residual fires cropping up. Students from nearby dorms have started pouring out to the sounds of bellowing fire alarms, and soon there's a crowd of gawking onlookers.

2013-06-06, 09:02 AM
Marcus was unsure what to do exactly. He didn't really have any immediate purpose outside of the chantry, but inside could be risky at the moment. Though there needed to be someone there in case of unintended intrusion, he thought, not to mention inspecting the chantry for damage.

Now he just needed to get inside, using the chaos of the explosions and scared people, most likely making it easier for him. Atleast he wouldn't be caught in a fire with the new ritual he had just completed, but it would be disasterous if the chantry was compromised or destroyed.

He started moving himself back to the chantry as quickly as he could without arousing suspicion and avoiding being stopped by any fire officials.

2013-06-06, 05:07 PM
There was definately some structural damage. The ceiling came down, which made a bloody mess of things and broke Abe's computer (Like he'll mind)
The biggest problem is the collapsed ceiling. Your books are intact for the most part, though there was some damage. Also, your secret entrance is a little busted up and visable.

The second biggest problem is twofold;
One, the building is still on fire
Two, the fire department is showing up with hoses.

2013-06-12, 09:30 AM
It was worse than he'd have hoped. Something which could be found when repairing stuff of the building wasn't very secret. He'd need to try to fix something himself, make-shift or not.

He got his cellphone and sent his sire a quick text message. "Explosions in the history building. Some damage to ceiling. Chantry's entrance may be compromised. Could need assistance in repairs, though fire & fire department both at work."

Marcus went to work right away, analyzing what the best way to hide the secret entrance for now. Maybe barring it wholly meanwhile. He could get out thanks to the ritual in his workroom, in the very least. He wasn't trapped in a burning building.

Alright, so he needs to fix that busted up and visible secret entrance. Liftning and moving stuff's probably involved, I'm guessing. He'll want to cover it up/hide it to the best of his ability, so no one finds it by accident. The burning building's damage will keep any closer inspection long gone for now, he figures.

What do I need to roll, if anything? And what are his options for the entrance?

2013-06-12, 08:45 PM
For the entrance: You could hide it with rubble, or maybe get a downed tree or bush to help cover it. Would stop *Immediate* intervention from finding the door, but would call attention to it later.
You could cause problems elsewhere and divert the fire dept., which would buy you time, but then you'd have to fight this fire yourself.
You could leave it and hope nobody notices for now, or attributes it to structural damage, repairing it later.

In any case, you get a text back from Willis.
"Protect the books, I'm on my way."
There's another from April. "We must have been comprimised. Save what you can and get out of there."

2013-06-13, 11:04 AM
It was a tricky decision. Trying to cover it up could make it more obvious. He'd want to somehow block the passageway behind the entrance itself, in that case. Perhaps that'd allow the structural damage to be repaired while not minding what's behind it. Though when that'd happen could be quite some time. Since when was construction expedient?

In any case, for now Marcus situated himself in the chantry, closer to the damaged secret entrance. If someone were stupid enough to venture into the fire and stumble upon the entrance, he'd taken them out swiftly and brutally if needed.

He replied to the messages he had gotten. A simple "Ok." to his sire and "The uni is a camarilla base of operations, kind of. Remember that. We shouldn't be compromised. If we are, they'd not have hit the chantry by accident." he sent to a worried April. Then he waited.

2013-06-13, 05:51 PM
The fire department starts hosing down both buildings. You can hear the thunder of high-pressure water over the crackle of burning plaster.
You are reasonably certain that if you don't do something inside, there will be heavy damage to your library. Leaving the entrance unguarded, though, could cause problems.
If April was right, someone could trap you inside the burning building.

2013-06-14, 05:47 AM
Marcus wasn't going to leave all this gathered knowledge and lore to chance. He was to do what he could to protect it all. But what course of action to do just that was the most urgent?

He wasn't afraid of getting trapped inside. He had an escape route. He just had to make his way to his study room and enter the circle on the floor.

So basically, what are the most obvious options he has for saving the stuff in the chantry instead of doing nothing?

2013-06-14, 07:11 PM
Well, the collapsing roof section is over the main hall, so the books on the tables or cart are in the most danger. The computer is also down there, but data might be recoverable if it's damaged by smoke or water.
May be.

The stacks are away from the hole, and higher up than the main hall, so less danger of water damage and more from smoke, but fire would only be a problem if something down here catches.

As a quick measure, moving things from the desks to the cart, then moving the cart up to the stacks would be prudent. If you have other ideas, though, go for it.

2013-06-17, 09:36 PM
He didn't spend much time before he decided what to do first. The condensed information in the risked computer and whatever notes there might on the desks would be the first. He quickly it onto the cart, being as rough as was acceptable to move it along faster. Then he moved the content of the cart to safety, taking as many turns with the cart as needed to get most of the important things.

The collapsed roof was a issue. He wished his blood magic could help him with that, and that he had the knowledge and power that could. But he didn't, as far as he knew. He could rip the blood out of a man, but not repair inanimate objects.

2013-06-20, 08:08 PM
You manage to cart away the computer before a small rain of hot plaster crumbles down into the study. The dust it leaves makes you happy you don't breathe.
A pale shadow flickers through the dust, from the direction of your secret entrance. It's hard to hear anything over the noise coming from upstairs.

2013-06-20, 09:20 PM
As soon as Marcus noticed the shadow he turns around to find out who was casting it. If it was an intruder, it was an unlucky one, because he had walked into his death.

2013-06-20, 09:33 PM
It's a scant few seconds before a shape takes form in the dust, and strides carefully towards you. You make out a tall, lean figure before he gets close. The plaster dust has given him a ghostly cast, but you recognise Willis easilly.
"Marcus! Glad you're still here. I've got a truck outside, we'll save what we can."

2013-06-20, 09:45 PM
Marcus was both relieved and disappointed it was his sire that had come. Relieved he had assistance and disappointed that it wasn't someone he could exercise his power on.

He wondered how easily they could move things to this truck he had outside, but he could think about that later. For now he needed to concentrate on the important things to save, and there was a lot.

He took the partially filled cart and moved it to a part of the chantry's library containing some of the more ancient and important lore at their disposal and took what he thought was most important and went through a part of the wall there. Then he took the cart back to Willis and they could move together to the truck to unload. He assumed they'd do just that a few turns, trusting his sire to make the important decisions in regards to what to save — it was still his sire who who had founded it.

2013-06-24, 05:13 PM
Good news and bad, I suppose. The GOOD news is your luck holds, and the Tremere and mortal authorities don't get suspicious of a faculty-looking man and a student trying to save books. The bad news is you don't get to save it all. The truck, while sturdy and relatively clean, just can't hold a library.
You manage to load it up, the fire and smoke starting to prod the beast in your subconsious, while the fire dept. opens up with hoses and slurry rain starts to fall into the Chantry.
Willis is obviously pained by the loss of so much Cainite literature, but you're only two people and a work truck.
"We've done all we can. We'll take all this to my private haven, and regroup from there."

2013-06-24, 06:38 PM
Marcus was just as upset as his sire at the potential loss of so much collected lore, but perhaps some would be saved somehow in the aftermath.

"When do you think we can return and see the what has survived? I feel reluctant to abandon it wholly, if that was your thought."

2013-06-24, 08:08 PM
"If we are lucky, the Camarilla Tremere will think it is an archive belonging to one of them, and it will be excavated and protected. If we are unlucky... Well, best not to dwell on it. We saved what we could. Would have saved more if the others hadn't been so bloody short-sighted...
You secured the Computer archives. That's important, we had the main index there. We can audit what we saved, and prioritize the rest. This is merely a very frustrating setback, we have eternity."
You're not sure if he's talking to reassure you or himself. He certainly does seem to be simmering on quite a bit of anger.

You pull up to an apartment complex on a hill nearby the university. Looks like he kept his personal haven pretty close.

2013-06-24, 08:35 PM
"And if they think its their own, it might be tricky to get to it. Assuming they realise what they've found after the firefighters are done."

Marcus looked around the area outside of where his sire's haven was and tried to remember if he had ever come past here while hunting or otherwise. He couldn't really remember, but it was likely.

"Are we stashing all of it here for now?" he asked his sire, not knowing if he had room to spare.

Seeing how Marcus' personal haven was somewhat connected to the chantry, I assume it's not safe to return there?

2013-06-24, 09:26 PM
"Yes, we'll have to make do. There's room enough, if we're careful."

He's not joking. When you get into the small, single-bedroom apartment, you have to push one couch against a wall and put the TV on top of it to make room for your salvaged lore. The place has a bathroom, a kitchen, a single bedroom and a living room, which is now being coopted by piled books.

"You OK with sleeping in the tub for now?"

2013-06-24, 09:56 PM
Marcus had always imagined that his sire's personal haven was some lavish, or atleast big, place. Not such a small apartment. It was barely larger than the simple place he had used himself. But Marcus didn't need a big place, nor the possessions to fill it. But without a central place to store the lore he researched at the moment, he was uncertain how he'd do his work.

"Yes, it will have to do." he said, still upset about the whole situation. He had invested vast amounts of time into his work, and now someone had assumably unwittingly made himself an enemy of a dangerous sort in him and his Noddist cell.

"Do you have any musings in regards to who may have done this to the university, or perhaps specifically the Camarilla's slaves of the pyramid? I doubt it was targeted against us."

2013-06-25, 09:17 PM
"I am unsure. We have a few feelers into the Camarilla, and there was no warning, no signs of preparation. The Pyramid was not the culprit, they'd have strangled the blood from us with unseen hands, not blown up a building."
He's still trying to organize things to his liking, and finding it an unwinnable battle.
"This is going to set us back years. I believe we should make finding who did this and repaying the favor a priority. Otherwise it could happen again."

2013-06-25, 09:41 PM
He knew what his sire said most likely was correct. It would set them back, but atleast they should have had digital records of most things they had learnt — though not been able to save most of the actual lore. Marcus hoped he could recover it soon, if possible. Not to mention all of his personal possessions he had stored in his work room, especially the more rare ritual ingredients he had use for.

"Yes. Bloody favor. But where to start I do not know."

2013-06-25, 10:50 PM
"April may be correct that the best course of action is to play dead and keep contact only with those we are sure we can trust. Until we can ensure safety and secrecy there would be no point in recollecting our library. I will continue with my 'normal' routine for now, I seriously doubt it was either of us who shat the bed. Personally, I think it was that Luanne.
Should that not be the case, at least the others will be safe if they come for me."

2013-06-25, 11:03 PM
"That mongrel? Most likely. Though I heard Abe died on campus. That could perhaps be related to this as well. Hunters playing at being terrorists, assuming the knew it was part of the pyramid... Mayhaps."

His own 'normal' routine wasn't entirely possible seeing as how he'd not be able to conduct his work at the chantry, which is where he spent much of his time recently apart from when the newcomer Stanley had been around. Wherever he might be now.

"I'll try to go through the things we managed to save as best as I can in the meanwhile, until I can find a better place to rest for myself. I'm not planning on staying in a bathtub for the rest of my existance." Marcus gave his sire a cold wicked half-smile.

2013-06-26, 08:39 PM
"Good idea. We don't have much time left tonight, but I have a desktop and reasonable internet speed if you need to look. I'll leave it on when I head out tomorrow."
He makes an exit to his bedroom. You've got maybe an hour before sunup.

2013-06-26, 11:02 PM
Marcus wonders where he should start sifting through all of this. He barely knew what exactly he had taken from the bookshelves, so now was the time to find out. He spent almost all of the next hour just retrieving the books they had brought up, looking at the title to see if he could remember what they contained, and trying to somewhat organize them in stacks somehow. That was all the time he had before he took to the bathtub to sleep.

2013-06-26, 11:36 PM
You get a rough order. Wouldn't stand up to any librarian's scrupulous order, but at least it's more than a pile on the floor.

The bathtub isn't exactly comfortable, but at least it's safe. You hope.

Gain 6 XP, lose 1 BP, gain 1 WP.

2013-06-27, 10:51 AM
When he rose again, he knew what he had ahead of him. More sifting through and organizing of lore and books they had saved. He didn't know how long it'd take, but someone had to do it, and he doubted his sire would leave such menial work for himself. It's not like Marcus hadn't done such things before, anyway. He was used to it by now.

2013-06-27, 08:30 PM
Well, organising and tallying the books you've got, and matching them to the files on the PC you saved takes about four hours. It's mostly drudgery. Anything else you'd like to do, or just lay low?

2013-06-27, 09:04 PM
After the librarian work is done, next is looking through the now assumably empty apartment for some kind of large bowl or container that can hold a body of water for scrying purposes. As his own sire, Marcus is assuming Willis has got some spare ritual ingredients laying around somewhere too if needed.

With the needed ritual items gathered, he'd then scry their chantry and immediate university area to see what's happening over there — if anything, as it's probably closed off due to the bombing and fire. He's intent on investigating what he can, in any case.

No idea what to roll if any is needed.

(I assume it's alright to handwave the ritual rolling, because I'm not anywhere close to the Scry ritual and it's pretty easy to succeed on anyway, especially when retrying).

2013-06-27, 10:08 PM
Right now it looks quiet. Dark. There's water on the floor and dust caking everything. The area is roped off outside if you go look. The Police and Fire Department have been busy sifting through rubble, but have not found your chantry yet.

2013-06-27, 10:26 PM
Marcus spends the rest of the night alternating between scrying the chantry, bombing area and the club where the malkavians seemed to have their hideout, and doing what he can with the lore that was saved. If he could see or hear something while scrying during the night and his sire was out finding leads, then perhaps they could find something out regarding who was behind it.

He'll see/listen through scrying at some points during the night inbetween checking lore, then he goes to sleep in the bathtub unless Willis comes wanting to talk or so.

2013-06-27, 10:37 PM
Scrying the club gets you a party. It IS a nightclub. There's a guy on the ceiling. Standing upside down.
The Bombing area is interesting. You catch a small meeting going on, of people in business suits waling towards the old library.

2013-06-27, 10:59 PM
If the old library was some kind of meeting place, then Marcus quickly prepares another body of water to use as a scrying tool and focuses on that place. He's been there before during his studies, so he's familiar enough with it for scrying purposes. That might be more interesting than the party in the nightclub, even more so if it's warlocks.

2013-06-27, 11:41 PM
And Warlocks it is. You see a circle of eight snappily dressed men and one in the center. Palpable, barely contained rage seems to be the order of the day.
"So we've accounted for everyone?"
"Yessir. We lost Gregory in the Library. Everyone else was at Elysium, barring a few ghouls and a neonate we hadn't initiated yet."
"Then we can count ourselves lucky. Have Gr- Wait, no. He died. Have Fiona scry on every bloody haven in the city. Get her some laybrothers who can keep it up. If anyone seems unusually jovial I want to hear about it."
"Yes, Primogen. What of the Hound?"
"He seems loyal enough for now. Gave me a few video records to pour over. Put out the word that the Pyramid will keep the peace wherever possible, but we WILL demand blood for blood."
"It will be done."
"How long until we have a working Chantry again?"
"That depends, sir. If we can risk a breach, we could have the chantry functional by tuesday. If we stick to mundane methods... three months or more."
"I find both of those options unacceptable. Find me an alternative. Carl, I want you to find me a lead."

2013-06-27, 11:59 PM
Well that's interesting. Seems they have the seem problem as we. Ironic. Almost laughably sad. he thought as he was listening to what was transpiring in the old library. Evidently the warlocks of the city did not know either who was behind the attack, though it seemed like the pyramid warlocks were the primary target of it. The Sword of Caine operations was unfortunate, or unlucky, collateral damage.

Marcus studied the appearances of the ones present as best he could, especially of the one that had been called the Primogen. It could be handy knowledge for the future if he didn't know them already. It might also be possible to piggyback on their investigations into who was behind it to lessen his own load. They had vastly more resources than a Sabbat cell without their chantry.

2013-06-28, 12:09 AM
Once their meeting is concluded, the one you're paying the most atention to gets into the back of a white Honda with tinted windows. The guy he called Carl heads towards the faculty dorms, and the rest disperse towards the road. But you've got a face, now, and you can catch the plate.

2013-06-28, 12:16 AM
Taking a pen and a block of paper he's been using while organizing the books, Marcus is able to write down the plate, though he's unsure how he'll get much information out of it. He personally doesn't have any connections within any police deptartment or wherever you looked such things up. He had a vague memory of that being Abe's thing, but he could be wrong. But Abe had met final death now, so he'd have to wait until next night, assuming Willis had returned until then.

Unless anything else happens, it's casual scrying/book work and then bathtub-sleepy time until next night.

2013-06-28, 02:32 AM
Monday was rainy. You wake early, at 9 PM, and there's no sign of the sun.

Willis is still asleep.
Gain 1 WP, 2 XP, and lose 1 BP.

2013-06-29, 12:15 AM
It's time to go through the list of recovered material again, see if something there hasn't been gone through before. During a break doing that Marcus sends April a text, "You got any contacts within the police or smth that we can use to look up a lic. plate?", hoping she has contacts to use.

2013-06-29, 02:31 AM
I can check. Why?

2013-06-29, 11:19 AM
"Might be a lead related to the bombing."

2013-07-08, 08:35 PM
"Alright. I'll check up. Going to ditch this phone in case it's being monitored. Suggest you do the same."

2013-07-08, 09:06 PM
Marcus sends a quick text with the license plate before he puts it to the side. He wasn't as paranoid as April seemed to be, as he was under the impression that their hidden chantry had just been collateral damage, the real targets being the pyramid. But he supposed it was better safe than sorry, but that was for later.

For now he still had some more work to do trying to organize everything here. And so he did, until he felt it was time to go out and feed a few hours later. It was a few nights ago he last fed, and he needed to get out of this cramped apartment for a while anyway.

So he's going out for food in the area. I think he hasn't hunted there before, and doesn't want to do it too close to his sire's haven. He'll wander 20 minutes away or so before starting to hunt for real in dark backalleys and the like, lone people being his target. He finds it hard dealing with two at a time, understandably.

2013-07-09, 10:11 PM
Alright. Give me a Streetwise+survival roll. (You can roll one die if you have 0)

2013-07-09, 10:25 PM
Alright. Give me a Streetwise+survival roll. (You can roll one die if you have 0)

2 dice for that: [roll0]

2013-07-16, 08:32 PM
As luck would have it, you do spy a somewhat inebriated passerby waiting at a bus stop down the block. Doesn't look like any cars are nearby...

2013-07-19, 07:01 PM
Are there any dark areas close to the bus stop? Is the bus stop lightened? Is it a booth or just a pole?

2013-07-22, 06:14 PM
The stop is a booth, and there are street lamps, but no lighting for the stop itself. You won't be invisible in the shadows, but you will be obscured.

2013-07-22, 07:01 PM
Marcus walks casually to the bus stop and stands next to the other one waiting for a moment, 2 yards to his side and behind. After 40 seconds or so, when the other one has stopped caring and there's no one around, Marcus creeps in close and puts a hand over the man's mouth and grabs him backwards to where there's a bit more shadows. He then extends his fangs and bites down in the neck, proceeding to drink himself full.

When he's drunk all he wants, he licks the marks and tosses the man into an alley if there's one behind, or sits him next to the building wall out of view if possible. He may be dead or dying, but no one needs to know that if he's not laying down.

Full and sated, he'll walk a bit futher down opposite the way he came, and circle around a few blocks from there back to his sire's haven. On the way he'll check his phone for any messages or emails he might have missed, wondering how April would contact him with information of the plates if she had disgarded her phone.

When he reaches the haven, instead of going inside, he changes his mind and continues to to campus, making his way to the history building that had been bombed and burned. He needed to inspect the damages in person.

2013-07-22, 07:11 PM
How many points, excactly, are you taking? Just so I know what to tell the coroner :p


The History building is a burnt out shell. It's been roped off at a distance of 20 meters, and there's a car inside the rope. Looks like the police aren't done with the investigation. The Library is likewise roped, you pass it on your walk. You also see a small group of people entering and leaving the library, looks like they're sifting for evidence more than salvaging what they can. One of the men looks very out of place, a decidedly large and gruff fellow who wouldn't be out of place in a biker bar. His shaggy hair and visable tattooes mark him as decidedly not with the police, but they seem to pay him no mind.

2013-07-28, 08:46 AM
I believe 5 BP will max him out.

If there's any police or other official-looking people close to the rope, he'll go up to them and say "Hey, you there. Do we know what horrible people did this to a school yet?!", attempting to sound concerned about the well-being of students and faculty who might have been affected by the bombing.

2013-09-04, 03:24 AM
"I'm sorry, sir, but we can't disclose our leads to the public at this time. We are doing our best, and we WILL bring them to justice."
The guy in blue is pretty fit and in his early 20's. You get the feeling that you're hearing a canned speech.

2013-09-11, 03:58 AM
That response hadn't been very helpful. It was at these points he almost felt regret for concentrating all his effort on furthering his knowledge on blood magic, and not a more 'applicable' discipline for dealing with kine unwilling to cooperate. Of course, there were ways to get information without using disciplines, but not like this out in the open.

"That's good to hear, but there's other civilians over there." Marcus said and pointed to the out of place people not with the police. "They're with the public just like me aren't they?"

2013-09-12, 02:59 AM
"Those are special investigators, sir. I really can't say more. Now, please move along. These buildings may not be safe."

The people seem to be hauling equiptment around, but you're not sure if it has anything to do with a police investigation.

2013-09-12, 05:24 AM
Warlocks, or ghouls of the same. Marcus knew they were connected to them, at the least.

"Ok ok, I'll move." he said and moved back a bit, eyeing the the equipment they were carrying.

What's the equipment? Books and stuff? Anything noticeable in general, or that stands out? He'll circle the perimeter around to the side of the civilian looking people, maybe note down a license plate or two and so on. Information gathering etc.