View Full Version : The Malfean War, Terrestrial Group IC

2013-04-15, 09:50 AM
The two of you, along with three other Dragon-Blooded, have been assembled for a surprise inspection by a Solar general. Each of you has a particular set of skills. Zeeva is a born leader, despite being so young. Tsunami knows demolitions like no one else. The others have their own specialties, and because you're familiar with them, you know what they're good at.

DB-4925, a.k.a. Longshot: a male, Wood-Aspect sniper who claims to have been created purposefully flawed, so that he sees better from a distance.

DB-2814, a.k.a. Flyboy: a male Fire-Aspect pilot who made his name testing out new ships the Twilight Caste came up with.

And finally, DB-3730, a.k.a. Specs: A female Air-Aspect who knows technology better than some Sidereals.

While the five of you stand at attention, waiting for the Solar General to arrive, he finally walks into the room. General Ben Lucas, sometimes known as Starkiller, because he struck the killing blow against the first Stellar Intelligence to be destroyed. He's human, with pale skin and brown hair and beard. He doesn't look too impressive, but the Dawn Caste Exaltation he bears makes him much more formidable than he appears.

He smiles, and says, "I've been told that you five are the best Dragon-Blooded I could ask for. We're going to put that to the test." He has a Capitol accent to his Galactic Standard, making him sound slightly posh. "I have a mission for you, which will require all of your skills."

2013-04-15, 12:13 PM
Tsunami stays at attention while being addressed by the general. She'd heard of him, of course, and showed him the proper respect.

"Sir, what is the mission, Sir?" She asks, keeping her question short and to the point.

2013-04-15, 01:16 PM
Zeeva remains quiet, one thing that can be said about her companion is she likes to get the job done. She likes that in a soldier. She remains at attention as he describes the mission.

She mentally contemplated the Solar before her. His namesake did make him legendary, One of the dawn killing a stellar intelligence. Her own ambition nagged at her that she would prove the terrestrials could do just as well.

2013-04-15, 10:28 PM
General Lucas smiles and says, "At ease, troopers." As the others drop into parade rest, the General starts to pace back and forth in front of you. "This mission will not be an easy one. We are but a small strike team, facing improbable odds. One of our own, a Zenith Caste, has been captured by Cecelyne. Our job is to get in, rescue her, and get out. The Deliberative did not see fit to launch a full-scale assault to rescue one woman, but I was able to convince them to compromise."

2013-04-15, 11:24 PM
Though she doesn't know much about the intelligences, Zeeva knows basics. Cecelyne is the one who insists on the strong ruling over the weak, right sir? Have we had any scouts able to provide any briefing about what we should expect? No pilot likes to fly blind into hostile territory. Also is there anything we should know about the Solar?

2013-04-16, 11:52 AM
The general nods. "Yes, that's correct. And because of that fact, we suspect that Cecelyne is attempting to convert her, to tempt her into becoming an Infernal Exalt. She... was my student before the War began. I cannot allow her to fall."

2013-04-16, 06:45 PM
When she was allowed to fall to parade rest, Tsunami looked at the commander with pity.

"I'm sorry you lost her, Sir. But we'll get her back!" The same fierceness she had when one of her sisters was threatened flickered across her face. Not only was this a chance to deny the Yozis a new pawn, but it was a chance to strike back at one of them.

And really, any day when Tsunami was allowed to blow something up was a good day.

2013-04-16, 07:13 PM
"I thank you for your enthusiasm, Trooper." says General Lucas as Tsunami speaks. "And we'll be leaving shortly. One of the smaller, stealthier ships from my fleet has been authorized to ferry us to our destination. Expect plenty of demonic resistance, and hope that we don't arrive too late."

He pulls a small device from his pocket and presses a button, causing a holographic display of a space-station to appear. "Cecelyne has left the operations of this station to one of her lower spirit-programs. The entire station is a "reeducation" facility, which supposedly specializes in creating Akuma. Apparently accepting the bargain under torture still counts as accepting it of one's own free will..." He trails off, disgusted. But he quickly regains his composure and continues.

"Flyboy will provide a distraction while Specs and Tsunami hack into security systems and blast through doors, so that we can move through the station unhindered. Longshot will stay behind the group and provide cover fire, while Zeeva and I lead the charge. Any questions?"

2013-04-16, 07:25 PM
She shakes her head. "No questions here, Sir. I'm ready to go as soon as the ship arrives."

2013-04-16, 07:33 PM
Zeeva looks at the Dawn. Just one. Do you want us to save you any? Her confidence was unwavering and she had a slight smirk on her face.

2013-04-16, 07:48 PM
He smirks at Zeeva's one and only question. "I like your confidence. If there are no other questions, the ship has arrived and been refueled. Follow me."

He leads the five Dragon-Blooded to the ship. It's small, but still large enough to carry Flyboy's fighter.

"The ship has it's own minor spirit-program pilot, so we can go over strategy and get to know one another better during the journey there. It should take about a day."

2013-04-16, 08:19 PM
Zeeva Salutes and with a twirl of her finger to signal her troop to form up and follow, she moves along with the Dawn Caste to the ship.

2013-04-17, 04:58 PM
Tsunami dutifully follows along with the rest of the group, and boards the ship. She looks around at the small space and replies, "Is there anything in particular you'd like to know, Sir?"

2013-04-18, 09:08 AM
The General shrugs once you're aboard the ship. "Anything you're willing to share, really. I find it most interesting to speak with clones."

The ship silently lifts off, and heads out into space, quickly flying towards the nearest Canal.

2013-04-18, 09:41 AM
"I'm not sure what to say, Sir." She shifts uncomfortably in her seat. "I mean, I like blowing things up, but you already knew that."

2013-04-18, 10:05 AM
Zeeva nods and chimes in, and most of what you would want to learn about me is in my file. I've been vocal about my distaste of the fact that we are seen as disposable units simply because there are a lot more of us than Celestials. My whole "We're still Exalted" stance. she sits down as she says this.

It's very true, she is a very vocal individual when it comes to carelessly tossing Dragon Blooded to the slaughter just because there's a lot of them. She's never been insubordinate about an order, but she's been vocal about it.

2013-04-18, 10:14 AM
General Lucas smiles at Zeeva. "I find it's much better to hear it in person than to read a file. And I admire your stance, I truly do. If you've read my file, then you know that I like to bond with my Troopers, refer to them by name, rather than serial number. Each of you might be physically identical to millions of others, but you have different Essence, different souls."

The ship glides into the entrance of the Canal, and begins the long part of the journey to the Station.

2013-04-18, 10:46 AM
"Thank you, Sir. It seems that too many people forget that."

2013-04-18, 02:40 PM
Zeeva almost lets her professionalism slide but stifles the smile. That said do not take my stance as cowardice of course. If I must sacrifice myself for the betterment of this universe, so be it. She clasps her hands together on the table.
I know the military got a lot of guff when the public found out I was in it, and not just a dragon blood in training, people don't like child soldiers, but there's a difference between being forced into something because you are expendable, and doing something because you feel it's what you should do.
She adjusts her timepiece on her wrist.
It's that to me, and the fact I get to fly cool spaceships. That's the 12 year old in me. All pew pew and lasers. She pulls a small rectangular pack from her pocket opens it, revealing cigarettes. she pauses with one in her hand and looks at the dawn. This one of the ships where smoking is OK? and more importantly do you mind? The stimulant stays hovered over the box until he responds. Ready to be put away if need be, or requested.
Being a smoker was not in her file. Not like it could really effect her. Where and how she got them is a mystery.