View Full Version : North for the Summer: Stanley

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2013-04-15, 07:15 PM
First thing's first, roll me a D10. You are going to start with full blood pool, but your small herd is going to bear the brunt of your thirst post-travel.
Waking up in Calgary is...different. The air feels dry, even though there's been snow on the ground the last couple days. You feel pretty good about yourself though, making it out of the states like that. If the Hunters purge the place, the Sabbat already own half of Canada, and the masquerade breaking will be a damn good argument against the Camarilla.

Your research and general recollection of gossip tells you a few things about the area:

Calgary is Camarilla controlled. You know for certain that the Toreador, Nosferatu and Malkavian clans hold most of the influence here.
The Prince is named Aiden, and he's not often available to the public, prefferring to go through intermediaries. He'll delegate to either his Seneshal or his Sherriff. You really don't want the Sherriff after you. If you were to try getting in touch with the cams, your best bet would be either the local tories, or the local Nos. You know where to find them.

There is a Sabbat cell in Calgary, dedicated to the Path of Caine. It's run by a pretty old Tzimisce, goes by Mark. You've got his number from the same Tzimisce who rearranged your face for you.

2013-04-16, 02:47 AM
Managed to find it!

So before we begin I do have a few questions:

a) How do I know about the local Cammie Toreador. Its important depending on how to approach them... i.e. if I knew someone related to them while back in the States I can get a plausible explanation of why I came here and I could also have someone that is hopefully dead now 'vouch' for me.

b) I put Rituals in the sheet but forgot to cover it. I guess that although Stanley was not a Priest (hence no status) he was groomed to be one. I would choose Vaulderie, Monomacy and Sermons of Caine as my 3 ritae. Is that ok?

c) As a heads up I dont know alot about Canada (but I have been reading wikipedia to familiarise myself) but Stanley is born and raised Canadian so if I do anything very much out of the customs please let me know.

d) Just to confirm Calgary is mostly English speaking right? Only a small population of French speakers.

And lastly your d10


Ah what a glorious night! though Stanley as he rose from his bed.

Well fed and rested, his lips still stained with the blood of Lilly, the hotel owners daughter, he smiled at his own face in the large mirror set in front of his bed.

He rose and looked outside at the city below. It was time for cherry picking and the picking would be good. He was torn though... his instinct told him to pick up the phone and call that Tzimisce his old friend had mentioned... maybe just a Ductus but still as the only other Sabbat pack in this place he had to belong.

But what if they were too nosy and too clingy. He had been without a pack for quite a long time and the idea of having to share a haven and participate in the plotting and planning gave him a metaphorical headache. Lastly, what if the Cammies were aware of them and by reaching out he blew his cover.

Perhaps meeting the local Toreador, presenting himself to the Prince or Senescal and then going to the Sabbat with a nice lump of info would be better.

Choices choices. Perhaps he should just drain Lilly and sleep more... ah that would be grand. Sloth threatened to overcome him but he shook his head.

No. He had wasted enough time already. He walked to his closet and put the suit he had asked Doris, the owners wife, to get for him. Decent but nothing amazing... sloppy cut and old fabric ruined the whole thing in his eyes... perhaps he should visit the tailor and teach him a lesson... perhaps another night.

He descended to the main lobby, took the BMW's keys from Danny, the owners son and stepped out into the cool night air.

Will decide which to pursue depending on your response to a) above.

2013-04-16, 04:50 AM
a) Your introduction to the Embraced years ago in the Eastern provinces kept you appraised of Kindred politics in the way that Russians are aware of American politics.
Being that you spent most of your unlife in Canada, only going to the states for the last 8 years or so, your information was reasonably accurate, if now a little out of date.
The whole "Vampires don't age, and don't die unless killed" thing means that being 8 years out of date isn't a huge deal.

You don't actually know any names except the Primogen, who goes by Bethany.

b) Sure. That works for your ritae.

c) If you spent any time in the United States, Canada is bigger, colder, less populated, generally friendlier, and has french instead of spanish. Also guns are rare and difficult to obtain.

That's about it, really. Can be cleaner, too, depending on where you are and where you're comparing. Take a look at the photo of the City of Calgary Municipal Dump. It's a park. They have water features.

d) If the police ever pull you over, demand that they address you in French. It's one of the two official languages and they have to comply. I was once pulled over and they waited an hour for a translator (One had to be called in bed, and did not wake up). After an hour, I cited unlawful detainment and they had to either arrest me or cut me loose.

Don't do it if you're a murder suspect. Do do it if you're caught talking on your cell phone in traffic. -Note, this is Game advice that your character would be aware of, and I do not suggest you do so in real life.-
Long story short, there are very few french speakers in Western Canada.

It is currently Tuesday the 16th of April, and the time is 8:26 PM. Where are you going?

2013-04-16, 05:07 AM
Thanks for the info! I have never actually been to either US or Canada yet :D Mostly Europe ;)

Stanley opened his wallet. It was mostly empty save for a couple of coins he still had from his time in the states. He took one out and flipped it in the air, catching it deftly in his hand.

Tails he would go to his fellow Sabbat (1). Heads the Cammies (2).


He shrugged as fate tricked him out of a unique experience and dialed the number he once had been given by Lucius, the Tzimisce from Montreal, on his burner.

2013-04-16, 05:21 AM
The phone rings twice before it's answered.
"Hello?" a female voice asks.

2013-04-16, 05:34 AM
"This is Abbot" he said calmly. He wondered for a second if the catchphrase was used in Calgary but any Sabbat worth his salt would know it... or at least anyone that had been in a Crusade or anything of the short.

"I am new in the city and want to make sure Costello doesnt know I am here. Is the line safe?"

2013-04-16, 05:52 AM
You hear a double-click.
"It is now. How did you get this number?"

2013-04-16, 06:36 AM
"Friend of a friend back in Montreal. Does it really matter since I have it?" he responds.

"And while we are at it can I speak with Mark?" he says biting back a nasty comment.

2013-04-16, 04:33 PM
"Mark isn't available right now. This is April. You must be legit or you wouoldn't have asked. Can you get to the Foothills hospital? I can meet you there."

2013-04-17, 12:01 AM
"He is not available?" he asks before stopping. He didnt really care after all and Mark was a Tzimisce... perhaps something had gone wrong and he had ended up staked by the Cammies... wasnt too hard to spot a Tzimisce with a flare for the dramatic.

"Anyway, yes. I am on my way. How soon can you be there? I am already driving."

2013-04-17, 12:19 AM
"I can be there in ten minutes. I'll be in the cafeteria. Look for the best looking girl in the place."

2013-04-17, 12:26 AM
Stanley hangs up. Definetly a Tzimisce ghoul or child of this Markus guy...

He puts the name of the place in the cars internal GPS devise and heads there.

2013-04-17, 01:02 AM
You head to the Foothills hospital. It's more of a research hospital than an emergency care place, but they have a wing for that, too. It's near to the University, and there's a dorm there, too.

You get to the Main building, and it's pretty busy for late night. There's an ambulance pulling up the hill to Emergency with flashers on while you go into the main building.

The food court is downstairs. It's not very busy, seeing as it's almost 10 PM.
There is a woman sitting at one of the tables in a black slip, looking like she was sculpted by Rodin. Surgery cannot make a woman look that good.

She hasn't noticed you, yet.

2013-04-17, 02:56 AM
Stanley watches her for a few moments his suspicion confirmed. Pretty good job too... perhaps he could ask her master to also employ his talents on him... he had grown a bit tired of his current appearance... some cosmetic changes could go a long way while keeping him close to what his documents showed.

Without losing more time he approaches her and sits in front of her.

"April I suppose?" he asks with a charming smile.

2013-04-17, 09:28 AM
"Abbot? Good to see you. Shall we go for a drive?"
She gets up and shakes your hand, with an impressive strength belied by her wispy form.

2013-04-17, 09:47 AM
Unimpressed Stanley nods without any comment.

"Likewise. Shall we take mine" he says with a business like tone.

2013-04-17, 12:15 PM
"sounds good to me."
Standing, she follows you to your car. She seems to be expecting you to state your case. Being the new kid in town, the onus is on you to prove your worth. Give me an Etiquette+Wits.

2013-04-17, 03:35 PM
Was hoping for Charisma roll but sure. ..


Stanley smiled as he took the drivers seat and started heading for the outskirts of the city. Other than the response to the phone he didnt really have any indication if the woman was Cainite or Kine and if she was Sabbat or just a Cammie that had taken Markus alive.

His manner as such was reserved and cold.

"Just flew in a few days ago. Was in New York... saw the sights and all that... decided it was time to go home after the news story. Wonder how that slipped past all the Masquerade puppets..." he begins in order to keep it neutral.

"How are things here. Are people taking it seriously? And by the way... I know very few of us here... is there someone I should meet and introduce myself?" He said picking that word instead of present on purpose.

"And how do you know Mark?" He asked casually leaving the question for last as he pumped some of his blood to his muscles.

1 bp to dex and 1 to str for the scene.

Hope u don't mind me playing it difficult but given the circumstances I guess it makes sense for a seasoned Sabbat.

2013-04-17, 03:40 PM
Rolled two dice instead of 3. I actually have a dot of etiquette. ..additional dice below...


2013-04-17, 04:24 PM
"We've had...security problems in the past. You understand. This city has been Camarilla controlled for a very long time. Our little cell is dedicated to two things, the Path of Caine, and getting at whatever Antideluvian is puppeteering Alistair. The Malkavian Primogen of this city. As you can imagine, it's been difficult."
She looks out the window, as if to take in the city.
"People here are worried, but unafraid. You can thank King Ralph for that. Well, you could have, but he's dead. Someone really should have embraced him. He would have done exceptionally well for the Sabbat, even if it was the Cams that got him."
She pauses a minute to judge weather you know what she's talking about or not, then wraps up.
"Anyhow. The Humans here have no fear of the immaterial. They see the videos, and know there's a problem in the US. But there have not been any murders or strange dissappearances here, and that means it's not thier problem. So long as it stays that way."

2013-04-18, 12:10 AM
Stanley listens carefully. He recalls the name of King Ralph and wonders why a mortal politician was so important to the Sabbat... he doesnt ask the question though, he just nods.

Er what do you mean the Path of Blood? That path is an Assamite loyalist one as it is devoted to Haqim... did you perhaps mean Path of Caine?

Will add to the past after clarification.

2013-04-18, 12:29 AM
(Right, meant path of Caine. Had multiple sheets open, my bad D:)
"So. If you're here, and you plan on staying, I need to know what you bring to the table. Everyone pulls thier own weight. You do a good job stating your case, you might even get to meet the rest of the merry band."

2013-04-18, 12:51 AM
Stanley smiles considering to slap that presumptous woman on the dashboard.

"I bring back the taste of Camarilla blood and the air of the Crusade." he says with a flare.

"You say the locals do not fear murder, disappearance or the boogie man. Why? How do you hunt and wage war on the Camarilla if not through the destruction of their assets? I realise this city is not ready to fall and perhaps you are few but why focus on the Malkavians only? Are the Cammies here that powerful?" he asks.

"Which reminds me... I forgot to introduce myself... I am Stanley, Stanley Yurish, childe of Creamy Jade of the Widows of Montreal. I do find myself lacking a pack and I have not partaken of the Vaulderie for some time so I would relish the opportunity.

As for talents. I am an infiltrator... I debated first 'joining' the Camarilla before coming to you with more to offer on my plate but as I said... I wanted to first taste the blood of my brothers and sisters of the Sword before venturing into their turf. I know some of the Cammies rites and rights, their bowing and scraping and all that so its not hard for me to get on board... pretty sure many of the Americans are scrambling like the roaches they are out of the US instead of taking the fight to the sheep so me coming here shouldnt even raise any flags..."

He paused for a moment.

"Ah and I can snap the head of a vampire or kine in just a few seconds as well..." he added as an afterthought.

2013-04-18, 01:25 AM
She smiles, clearly pleased with your reaction.
"You talk big, new guy. Tell me, you ever bag a Werewolf?
Heh. Well, you're good with me. You want to cause some chaos, there's gonna be plenty of opportunity for that. Our humble cell though, we're more of the diligent study and careful application of power. We're the reason the city has so few cammies for such a big place, y'know? Can't take 'em on directly yet, but we've been sapping them slow and sure.
Heck, there's a new cammie club opening up tomorrow. Part of their initiative to welcome in new arrivals from the states and set up a haven.
Torch that on opening night? You'll get at least ten. Probably more. Might not be a huge loss in the states, but up here that's 5% of their forces.

I'll take you back to the haven when you're ready. You can meet the crew. Unless you wanted to show off a little, first."

2013-04-18, 02:24 AM
"That club sounds like a good way in. Assuming you want someone in from that side of the trench and that you dont have one already." he said.

He liked fires... especially when dancing around them was an option.

"And no, I havent bagged a wolf yet. Shouldnt be too hard if I flash them my winning smile though!" he says self confidently.

"But I guess meeting your pack should be good for today. You said you are careful with the disappearances so I although I would like to bring a present to treat everyone I am not sure if its allowed..." he said with an edge.

"Do you have street urchins and bums here in Calgary?"

2013-04-18, 04:16 AM
"Sure. Set it on fire or infiltrate and blow their Elysium. If you really think you can."
"we have bums. Mostly downtown. Pretty sure that's all the Nos eat."

2013-04-18, 04:41 AM
"I dont object to burning it down... just as long as I dont get stuck in it... but as I said, for me its a good opportunity to mingle and become one of them. Its easier to eat the apple from the inside." he said relaxing a bit. He still didnt trust her, no Albigensian should ever trust another Cainite for they knew the darkness in the heart of the Damned, but he was a bit more relaxed.

"If you are not too busy then let us go towards downtown. I am well fed but some extra blood never hurt anyone and I dont want to go back to a new pack empty handed." he said and smiled showing his teeth.

He turned the car around and headed towards the center looking either for a prostitute or a bum or in general someone looking like they wouldnt be sorely missed right away.

2013-04-18, 04:58 AM
You drive around for a bit, passing a group of girls walking into a club, and a short while later a man dressed in an oversized top hat and purple dress shirt apparently accosting a prostitute.

A little while later, you start spotting the homeless. Behind an office tower, near the exhaust vents. There's a man laying in a pile of dirty newspaper, asleep.

2013-04-18, 05:06 AM
"Dirty..." he mutters looking if the girl is annoyed by that. Still if they wanted to keep the bodycount down it was the way to go.

If she doesnt seem bothered he lowers his window and turns off the lights of the car.

"Hey mister...." he calls out.

2013-04-18, 05:35 AM
The man is either still asleep, or pretending to be. Make a streetwise+Wits.

She seems to be watching you, silently critiquing your style.

2013-04-18, 06:49 AM
Wits + Streetwise [roll0]

Annoyed at this he clears his throat and speaks again a bit louder this time

"If you want the opportunity of a lifetime you better wake up..."

2013-04-18, 08:26 AM
Yeah, he's faking. The street trash is used to people trying to harass them, and they find that pretending to sleep through it makes folk get bored and leave 'em alone.
You have his attention, though.

2013-04-18, 09:15 AM
Stanley smiled.

This was enough. His beast roared as his attention focused on the single individual denying him his attention. The power of the blood called out, its siren song in the voice of Stanley leaving no option for resistance.

He lifted his fingers and pretended to shoot towards the man as he focused his power. Then he spoke as he opened the trunk of the car from inside.

"Get in my precious... and close it after you."

Using Presence 3 to make him a willing, happy to please slave (Charima + Empathy, 8 dice)


2013-04-18, 10:28 AM
"Yes Sir!"
He gets in the trunk.

Your passenger seems impressed.
"Nice. Let's get going, I'll make introductions."

You drive to the University of Calgary's History building, following her directions.
Once inside (A jimmied emergency door), you follow her to a secret staircase.
A hidden panel opens a sliding door, and you're in what looks very similar to a Tremere Chantry. Books, computers, and secluded alcoves dominate the scenery. A man sits at a desk, playing with marbles.

|Ah, Marcus. You're still here. I expected you would be out hunting. Well, good time as any to make introductions."

She seems to be expecting you to introduce yourself.
(You may now Cross-post in Marcus' thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=15115368#post15115368) for the duration of this scene.)

2013-04-19, 02:53 AM
OOC: I assume we continue posting on Marcus's for the time being right? I posted there, just so you know.

2013-04-19, 03:31 AM
(Yep, for as long as you're hanging at his haven, you post in his thread :p)
(I may assemble a new thread or merge threads if you guys become a permanent coterie)

2013-04-19, 03:42 AM
OOC: Not Coterie!!!! We are not Camarilla Lackeys of the Antediluvians ;) We are doing packs!

2013-04-19, 04:03 AM
(I'll make sure to correct that XD You'll have to cut me a break. Entaris and Ascaloth had me up 'til 10 AM yesterday running their combat >.< Gonna have to bed early tonight, but tomorrow I'll be able to run well into the morning.)

2013-04-19, 04:23 AM
OOC: Well I guess you are going by US/Canada time so thats morning for me anyway so it doesnt really matter. And sure thing, go ahead and rest :D

2013-04-21, 02:50 AM
OOC: Thats why I dont like team up thread (experience from AvB)... they get bogged down horribly when one person is not as active as the rest...

Dont suppose you could start that Club scene anyway since Watupwitdat hasnt been around...

2013-04-22, 04:01 PM
The plan is, I will post after every 2-3 player posts. Unless someone starts a fight, it's mostly going to be "I show up and get free XP".
If you start a fight, things will slow down to 4/day per player until things are resolved. If someone does not make 4 posts, they forfeit their remaining actions that day.

So if it's you fighting Entaris, and he posts 6 times but you only post 2, four of his actions resolve, and all other actions resolve when we keep going tomorrow.

2013-05-03, 03:41 PM
--> Returning back here after the last post on Markus's thread.

Stanley drover around with the girl sitting at the codrivers position. He made idle chat with her as he was preoccupied with his own business and considering how to find more mortals for the pack, a dull if prestigious job.

Then inspiration hit him. If he did not want the girl to be reported missing all he had to do is pick those close to her!

"Darling. Do you have brothers, sisters, parents or other relatives in the city? How about another silly boyfriend or husband? I am so in love with you I need to meet them!" he said and assuming the girl revealed info on either boyfriend/husband or first degree family, Stanley drove to the address she provided.

2013-05-03, 05:23 PM
"Uh huh, I've got two sisters, we live with my dad. I have a boyfriend but he's off at school..."
She provides an address, a duplex in the northeast. When you get there, the lights are out, but there's a red minivan in the driveway.

2013-05-03, 05:33 PM
"Splendid. I think your two sisters and your father will be thrilled to learn the news of how the two of us are getting along. But before we go up there let me give you a quick kiss!" he says and leans over.

With care not to harm her... yet, he takes a few quick sips of blood to rejuvenate himself enjoying it as it goes down. The alchohol she has probably consumed makes the blood spicy and he indulges.

Just taking 2 BP no more and then licking the wound.

Once this is done he motions for her to follow and approaches the door and has her open with her keys.

"Which one is your fathers room dear?" he whispers to her.

"Please stay quiet, I want to surprise them by the way!"

2013-05-03, 05:53 PM
Her glossy, dominated eyes look to you, then point to a room at the top of the stairs. She's being very quiet.
You make your way there, and hear soft snoring. She's probably done this before, come home in the middle of the night. It doesn't seem to have anyone on the alert.

2013-05-03, 06:02 PM
"Wait here for a moment dear. I will surprise your father and tell him the good news..." he whispers as he tries to sneak in the room.

As he walked in his plan changed. He had planned to take the girl, her two sisters and the father and offer them all for the feast. But that would be too easy and too many deaths without reason or forcing damnation upon them.

No... this had to be done right. He would take the family but keep the girl alive. Eventually the knowledge that she had caused the death of her family would either break her mind or make her jaded... if the first happened he would have another meal, if the latter he could have a childe or capable servant. Either way, it should be fun. And off course when the boyfriend returned, this would also be good!

Once inside the room he approaches the man and puts his hand over his mouth and then shakes him. As soon as the man wakes up he gives a toothy grin and whispers.

"I am here for you my friend. I am here to take you to the end of the rainbow along with your daughters! It will be swell and they will love you for it just as you love me!"

Entrancement [roll0] DC his unspent WP.

2013-05-03, 06:05 PM
The man wakes groggilly, then panics, then relaxes as your power wraps his will in spidery silk and supplicates it to your own.
He nods lazilly, dreamlike. (Success)

2013-05-03, 06:12 PM
Stanley lets out a short sniggering laugh madness threatening to take him over. He was truly invincinble!

"Now Fred... yes your name for tonight is Fred, please get up, get dressed and head to the living room. Stay there quietly and wait for me. I need to get the girls. Also, if you have any registered weapons, shotgun for example please bring it with you. I might need it!" he tells the man.

OOC: Not sure if you want to RP this but essentially I also do the same for the two other girls.

2013-05-03, 06:20 PM
(Eh. Give me rolls for the Dominate. You are spending the WP for each, yes? Keep track. You'll be gaining some back shortly, but :p)
The man shuffles off downstairs, and stays with his eldest daughter. They look like pod people, standing there tranced.

2013-05-03, 06:31 PM
OOC: Just to clarify I am not using Dominate (I dont have any) but Presence. Presence 3 Entrancement to be specific which effectively gives the effect of a 3 step blood bond but more emotional and effective but with limited time (depending on successes). It requires blood per use, not WP. Also that is why I am also trying to be resonable and not scare them/threaten them but make a plausible story for them to follow.

And yea, I am keeping track. After using it 3 times (for the family) I will be at 7 BP but taking 2 from the girls (1 from each) for a total of 9 BP.

Stanley visits the bedrooms of the girls and does the same process. This time though, to also add the pleasure of the kiss and replenish his own need he also drains a single Blood point from each.

Daughter 1 [roll0]
Daughter 2 [roll1]

Once done he has everyone gather in the living room.

"Dears. The adventure is about to begin. Please do one more thing for me. I need you to each pack a small backpack or suitcase with a few underwear and some clothes. Make it seem like you left in a hurry all togehter! It will part of the fun when we eventually all return and feel as if we went to a crazy adventure. Quickly though, you can take 15 minutes to do so. Dont bother with emails, phones and stuff... I will let people know so they dont worry!"

"By the way, Fred, the red minivan outside is yours right?" he adds.

2013-05-03, 06:37 PM
I...don't know why I thought you had/were using dominate. Well, you've been working Presence pretty well so far, and really the effects are nearly the same except the people aren't as dopey.
They nod, and pack things quickly. You could inventory the bags if you want. All three girls packed backpacks, probably from school. The Father packed a small suitcase.
They're all staring at you with loving adoration. It'd be kind of creepy for anyone else, but you totally deserve it. From everyone.

2013-05-03, 06:54 PM
I like Presence for that reason... as in you need to RP on it and work on it to maintain it but as opposed to Dominate the person becomes a 'smart ghoul' with presence 3.

So if I told the father 'kill your daughters for me' he would probably refuse (most likely he would have to spend WP and roll so he can refuse even if it would last 1 turn only) but if ala DND suggestion I found something plausible to cover it with, I could make him do it.

Stanley smiles a wide smile.

"Thats a great job everyone! I am truly happy we are good friends. Lets go on our road trip now!" he cheers.

He steps outside the house checking to see if anyone is around and escorts the family to their car. He stops with his original victim, the girl from the club, and kisses her on the lips.

"Baby when we meet my friends stay quiet and at the back and we will be going to sleep soon. I know you must be tired. Anyway, remind me your sweet name again..." he tells her and he returns to his car and has 'Fred' follow him to a quiet side of the University.

Once there he has them all exit the car and goes to the haven.

OOC: If everything is okay so far, I shall post in Markus's thread. By the way, how old are the 3 daughters?

2013-05-03, 07:00 PM
(20, 16, and 14.)
"Alright. I'm Theresa. My sisters are Abby and Michelle." she volunteers.
Your trip to the haven is uneventful, though the father is a little puzzled at the destination. (Head back on over :p)

2013-05-03, 07:02 PM
OOC: I assume the clubgoer was the 20 year old.

Stanley reassures him.

"I have some friends in the Uni that will give us provisions for the fun trip. Dont you worry about it. They are a bit strange but they love me as much as you do and all together we can beat the odds."

2013-05-04, 09:28 AM
OOC: Continued from Marcus's thread.

Taking her to the motel he hides the car at the small underground parking for the time being and returns upstairs to his rooms with the girl, stopping only to let the owner know (after entrancing him in case it has faded) that the girl will be in the room next to his. The door should be locked but food should be taken to her.

Then he goes upstairs, places the entranced girl on the bed, locks her in leaving the key on the outside of the door and retires for the night.

I think I had 3 successes for her which mean she is entranced for 1 week. If her willpower is low maybe even more. She had lost 3 blood so with rest she can recover, plus I gave her a point back to blood bond 1 step.

Do I gain any XP for the end of the night by any chance?

2013-05-06, 12:02 AM
Gain 3 XP. Lose 1 BP. Regain 1 WP.

The day passes uneventfully. The girl seems to have eaten, but not finished her meal. She probably slept most of the day. blood loss and late nights will do that.
The Hotel Manager left a chocolate mint as well. Nice touch.

2013-05-06, 12:34 AM
Stanley rises slowly enjoying his bed but soon enough his impatience gets to him. He walks over to the room of Theresa and opens the door.

He does not even speak to her as he descends on her with a grin, opens a wound on his palms and presses it on her mouth.

"Feed my daughter. Through me the blood of Fred flows in you." he says as he bonds her a second step which along with the entrancement should suffice for now.

"Stay here tonight. I shall see you tomorrow evening and we shall be free to realise our love. DO NOT make a fuss. Goodnight for now, enjoy one more restful day." he tells her before he leaves locking her in.

I am at 12 out of 14 BP. Can I take 2 BP from my Herd without causing any issues? There are 3 of them. If yes I do it.

Stanley will proceed to dress his best wearing the specially tailored suit and putting the kevlar vest under it. It still makes him look slightly bulky but the effect fakes more muscles than fat.

With that done he goes out into the night and tries to come in contact with the Toreador whip or primogen depending on whose number he had acquired.

You had mentioned I have an idea who to talk to and how. If its an address instead of a number I go there.

2013-05-06, 12:46 AM
Yes, though it takes 30 minutes to get there and do the deed(s).
You head for the Calgary Tower. It's in the dead center of the city. That the Tremere are here and the Prince is not, speaks of a power play.

That the surrounding office towers are all taller than the spire, speaks of the counter-play, and that this has been going on for a long while.

In the ground-floor plaza, there's a security desk with two guards. Working the heart of the city, they've got to be Ghouls. Looks like they're both in mid-late 20's, both male. One's scrawny with glasses, the other is a big guy, bald with a goatee.

2013-05-06, 01:58 AM
Before exiting the car Stanley will put a pin on. Its a simple thing depecting a rose and made of platinum.

As he walks up to them he smiles and checks his broken pocketwatch.

"Evening gents. I am here to see the Roses."

2013-05-06, 02:14 AM
The shorter guard looks you over. His eyes catch on the pin.
"Right. Nobody told us to expect you, but I'll check with upstairs. Wait here, please."
The bigger guard, looking rather imposing, makes his way over to you. His suit uniform tight over his muscles. Guy must seriously work out.
"So, you're new in town? Glad to meet you. What brings you here?"
...this guy talks with the most camp-gay voice you've ever heard. Holy.. you'd never have expected it.

2013-05-06, 02:25 AM
Stanley smiles. You had to be nice to cattle when you were a Camarilla.

"The name is Stanley, a pleasure my friend." he says offering his hand.

"I have just arrived to your fair city... I am an immigrant and seek shelter. My patron from back home had suggested the city as a quiet place to settle for the time being given the stormy 'weather' in the US. I off course wish to do things properly and present myself first though and observe all traditions." he says choosing neutral words that could refer to anything in case the man was not actually a ghoul.

2013-05-06, 02:40 AM
"Oh, oh right. Well, we're glad to have you."
The shorter guard returns as the big guy seems to be getting a little too close to your personal space.
"You're cleared to go up. Have a nice night."
He points to an elevator, and presses a button. The doors "Ping" open.
The interior of the elevator has mirrors on three sides, and unlike a number of other towers you've been to, is entirely inside the structure. No glass wall to look out of.
Two minutes later, it dings again. You're on the first floor of a two-floor rotating restaurant. There's a man in a starched and pressed suit, close-cropped blonde hair and very stylish glasses.
"Good evening, sir. How are you tonight? Would you like me to take your coat?"

2013-05-06, 03:09 AM
Stanley thanks the ghoul and shakes his hand not minding the intrusion. Or rather having plans to make the presumptuous creature pay at a future date.

Stanley checks himself on the multi-mirrors, adjusting any final details before the doors open again.

Once in the restaurant he looks around and at the man greeting him and nods.

"I am fine thank you. Enjoying the fresh Canadian air! And certainly you may!" he says giving the jacket.

2013-05-06, 03:18 AM
He takes your coat, hanging it in a nearby closet, with a tag on the hanger. He gives you a small number card.
"This way to your table, sir."
he leads you on upstairs. You get a nice view of the city... well, the parts that aren't obstructed by large office towers.
You come to a table with an aged lady wearing a purple gown and mink stole. She's chatting with a much younger woman with fiery red hair and light freckles, a diamond necklace with a rose design at the center, and low-cut black dress.
The second makes brief eye contact with you as you approach. The first cuts off what she was saying.

"Ah. Our new guest has arrived. Welcome to Calgary. So good to see a friendly, well-groomed face among the new arrivals."

2013-05-06, 03:26 AM
Stanley gives a polite short bow to the two women and smiles.

"Good evening ladies. I am very pleased to make your acquaintance, my name is Stanley Yurish and I hope I am not interrupting." assuming they allow him he will kiss their hands when they name themselves and then sit only if they allow it.

2013-05-06, 03:34 AM
"Rebecca Fairmont, and this is my dear friend Lady Caprice." The attractive redhead gestures to the graying matron.
"Have a seat. What brings you here, Stanley? It can't just be the weather." she says with a rueful smile.

2013-05-06, 03:41 AM
Stanley sits and looks at the two women.

"I am coming from New York, was lucky to have a few contacts from an old trip in Canada a few years ago. Had to burn through them to get out of the States in one piece. Between the deranged President and the Sabbat monsters that prowl the Big Apple I decided it was time to get out. My..." he stops at this point his voice breaking, "... my sire had given me some information about who to meet and who to talk to in a series of cities he had acquaintances in before he... before he met his untimely end six months ago." he says.

"I apologise if I am ruining your night with bad memories and bad news, it is not my intention but the past year has been very emotional and I am still young in this existence... its easy to get overwhelmed. Still, my sire was a brilliant man and he taught me alot. As such I wanted to make sure the first thing I do after arriving was to reach out to the local clan and to also present myself to the proper authorities..."

2013-05-06, 03:47 AM
"Ah. I see. Well, I'm afraid I must ask, but who was your sire? Can you provide for yourself? We'll make sure you have a proper presentation at this saturday's Elysium."

2013-05-06, 04:05 AM
My sire was the 9th gen Toreador I diablerised. He is part of my Alternate Identity...

Lets say his name was David Delacroix

He nodded and looked at the woman with a sad smile.

"Do not worry about it my lady. His name was David Delacroix, he was working with the whip of the Toreador clan in New York before those monsters got him..." he says with a sigh.

"I can provide for myself... I owe it to him and to his memory. I have found suitable location for a temporary haven and after I am presented I shall the Prince permission to make it permanent."

2013-05-06, 04:24 AM
"Ah. Good lineage, then. I'm sorry to hear about David. His passing is a loss for us all."
She takes a moment of silence.
"On the matter of your presentation. I see you have good taste in clothing, so that shouldn't be a problem. It wouldn't hurt to bring a gift. Something tasteful without being pretentious. The Prince likes old books. Poetry and ballads are his vice. If you need help with that, let me know. Further-"
she reaches into her purse, which is resting beside her.
"Take my card. Without David to speak for you, this could be...difficult. Call me if you need anything."
She nods to you as she passes the card, then she turns her attention back to her elderly friend.
It's rather apparent you've been dismissed.

2013-05-06, 04:38 AM
Stanley rises and thanks both of them. He stops by the entrance and speaks to the concierge.

"I realize their tastes might be specific but whatever bill the ladies have for tonight is on me. You can start a tab in my name as I guess I will be coming often but lets start with a deposit." he says considering that perhaps they would like some champagne in their 'food'. He gives the man as much money as Fred had in his wallet and in his house.

Assuming its a few hundred and not like 10... I will assume guy with 3 kids did have some running income he kept on him.

He will then leave the place after picking his coat and also greet the two ghouls at the entrance.

Not needing blood and having taken a step forward to his infiltration he wonders what to do with his night. And then it strikes me... he had told the officer to meet him at the airport.

Indeed that is what he does he drives to the airport and waits by the arrivals to see if the entranced officer comes to meet him after all.

2013-05-06, 04:44 AM
Indeed. It takes you a moment, as he is not in uniform, and he looks like he needs a shave and a shower- who knows how long he's been waiting? But he smiles when he sees you, and waves.

2013-05-06, 04:46 AM
Stanley smiles as well and motions to man to join him in his car.

"Good evening friend! So, how did things go last night? Did you manage to get them?"

2013-05-06, 04:50 AM
"No, I spent the last 12 hours in a hospital, thinking I was a chicken. But! The one is wanted for questioning. When I file my report, there should be enough for a warrant. I don't know WHAT he dosed me with, but that stuff CAN'T be legal."

2013-05-06, 04:58 AM
"Probably the same drugs they put in people's drinks. I heard some people saying they saw a monster or something!" he says pretending to be worried.

"In any case, I wanted to tell you to be careful. This goes deeper than you think... I dont want to sound crazy but the people who have that club are connected. File your report but then keep some distance as you dont want them gunning for you... you are too important!" he adds playing with the mans feelings like with those of a puppet.

"Are you married by the way? Do you have kids? And off course... heh... foolish me.... in the heat of the moment I forgot to ask your name and rank!" he adds.

2013-05-06, 05:01 AM
"Joseph Fries." (Pronounced like "Freeze") "I'm just a beat cop, but I'm young. Gunning for Detective in a couple years. Not married, no kids. I have a sister."

2013-05-06, 05:12 AM
"Splendid!" he says thinking of the sister.

"Well Joseph. I have good news. You have caught my eye. I shall do my best to help you and your career. I am not a detective so cant help you with your cases but I shall do my best from a politics perspective. I shall explain more at a later date but all you need to know is that your dedication just earned you a friend..." he says with a winning wide smile.

"As I said, file in your report but let others pursue this. The mobsters that own that club are over our heads for now!" he explains.

2013-05-06, 05:19 AM
"Yeah, good idea. I'll file that report first thing in the morning. The doctors cleared me on temporary mania, so I should be fit for work, with supervision for the next week. You don't dope up a cop and walk away. We'll get 'em for sure!"
With that, he goes to leave, smiling.

2013-05-06, 06:09 AM
"Damn right!" he responds.

Stanley taps him on the shoulder encouragingly and asks him for his phone number so they can keep in touch.

He then drives off. Though presence would eventually wear off he now had a decent way in the police department. The Sabbat despised the Camarilla way of pawns and influence but Stanley, faithful as he was to the cause, also knew that access to information, weapons and warm bodies willing to fight for you was always a good ace in the hand. He wasnt attached to his toys but having them sure made unlife fun.

This settled he focused to the next thing in his agenda. He drove around the streets looking for a young man or woman with one of those iphones, galaxy tabs or whatever the youth of today was using to be connected 24/7. He himself had little knowledge of that stuff and cared little to learn more but he had use for one such person for now.

2013-05-06, 06:16 AM
It doesn't take long. You're at an Airport. People come and go at all hours, AND have the latest tech devices. Usually they phone cabs with them from the arrivals check-in.
There's three such people spotted before you leave the plaza.
Do you still want to drive?

2013-05-06, 06:21 AM
Stanley parks his car in the short term stay lot of the airport and actually steps near one of the three. The least geeky looking one.

He smiles as he approaches and waves.

"Hey! Its me James. Came to pick you up after all! Follow me cause we have a lot to talk about." he says as he unleashes his social might.

Entrancement [roll0]

Difficulty is his Willpower so either 2 success or... more (or less if he is a scary dude!)

2013-05-06, 06:47 AM
"Oh Hey! ...James!" His momentary confusion is replaced by a friendly smile.
"Thanks for the ride! Saved me like 30 bucks on a cab. So what do we have to talk about?"

2013-05-06, 06:58 AM
"First of all, where are you going? Dont want to make you late!" Stanley says jovially as they get in the car. The man felt they were friends which was enough for him since he didnt plan something gruesome this time... his real attention would be on Theresa and warping her mind and humanity and he didnt want to mess with two many people at the same time.

"So, I want to get a gift for Rebecca, you remember Rebecca right? my older sister, and she has been great with the kids the past weeks basically taking care of both of them for me... so I want something nice and expensive. So, Rebecca is very into all those old books. Poetry and ballads are her vice so I want you to check on your ipad thingy and find me the best place in Calgary for those. I dont care for how exclusive it is or how expensive, I just care for quality. And you know me... tech stuff give me the creeps so I rely on you. Can you do a google-fu or however you call it while we drive?" he asks.

2013-05-06, 07:11 AM
"Sure, if you're driving I can do that. I'm going to*He rattles off an address*"
it takes him a few minutes, but he gets you the locations of a few book stores. There's two downtown, plus the one on the U of C campus.

You imagine the Prince probably scours some of them for books, whichever may lay close to his territory.

2013-05-06, 07:43 AM
A thought strikes Stanley. The Sabbat Chantry had a whole lot of books. He could potentially just take one, something not too Cainite focused, and offer it. Sure Marcus might be upset but what was some healthy anger between brothers.

"Hmm... those seem pretty mainstream. Dont suppose you can look for something more obscure? It doesnt have to be in Calgary... anything nearby can also work!" he adds annoyed.

2013-05-06, 07:54 AM
"What kind of books are you looking for, man? I mean, New books, used books, antique books, old books that have been reprinted to LOOK like antique books, books about what subject? There's so many listings, you gotta narrow it down.

2013-05-06, 08:04 AM
"Antique books, antique books of poetry or ballads. Perhaps something European!"

2013-05-06, 08:08 AM
"Hmm... OK. "
he gives you this. (http://www.cabinfeverbooks.ca/)

2013-05-06, 08:22 AM
Stanley has a quick look and chooses two books.




He then smiles at the man when they finally arrive outside his passengers house.

"Well. Thats you here. I shall keep the tablet until tomorrow and return it to you. Need to ask my girl to make the purchase for me and I will forget unless I have it." he says calmly.

2013-05-06, 08:25 AM
"Oh. Sure, just need to call my mom first, let her know I made it here safe."
He does so, it's annoyingly sappy and drags on, and on, and on...
But he gives you the infernal contraption, and shows you what button to push to call up the address of the book store. That should be enough for your purposes.

2013-05-06, 08:34 AM
"Great thanks! See you tomorrow! Will come by at around 10." he says and smiles as he departs having also secured a victim for tomorrow.

What time is it more or less?

2013-05-06, 09:08 AM
it's almost midnight.
(I had to check that three times because I was sure it was later :p)

2013-05-06, 09:29 AM
Stanley yawns. He had done all he had set out to do tonight.

Advanced the ties he had with Theresa,
Made contact with the Camarilla.
Ensured his contact in the Police was compliant.
Figured out his gift to the Prince.

And yet... he felt as if the night was just starting. He could lazily drive around looking for sport or he could just turn in and sleep early. Time was on his side for all eternity.

Deciding it would prove useful in the long term to know the city, especially hiding places, Stanley continues to drive around basically just learning the various districts. He tries to see if he can figure out bad neighborhoods just by passing through them and see if anything happens.

2013-05-06, 09:34 AM
Well, it's Canada. It's Alberta. It's Calgary.
Gun control is high. Police are competent. The criminals with access to guns, know better than to use them without good reason.

(Roll Wits+Streetwise to get a feel of the criminal element, if you please)

2013-05-06, 09:37 AM

Spending a willpower on it.

Stanley has time so he goes around not worrying too much about it. Apart from just seeing any criminals, just learning the city is good enough.

2013-05-06, 04:46 PM
Alright. You drive around a while, and go from place to place.
Eventually you come across a couple shady people downtown, making some kind of trade at the mouth of an allley.

2013-05-07, 12:04 AM
Stanley turns the car to face them turning on the headlights to blind them. He quickly steps out and activates Awe as he stays in the bright light of the headlights to seem like nothing more than a shadow.

Awe: [roll0] + Spending 1 WP point.

The effect I am going for is that they cant see my characteristics but can hear my voice and sense my Awe-someness...

"Good evening. I apologise for the interruption but I wish to speak to you of matters big and grave. I do not wish to sound cliche but if you two are nothing but at the bottom, I wish to speak with a lieutenant or something to that effect."

2013-05-07, 12:07 AM
"Oh man, who is this guy?"
"No idea, but I'm outta here!"
One of them runs away carrying a baggie.
"Hey man, you wanna talk to someone, cool. What's it about?"

2013-05-07, 12:17 AM
Stanley's anger flares as the second man flees. He considers pursuit for a second, instict taking over, but as he is not actually interested in drugs the man might have in the bag he stays put.

"I represent a certain individual that wishes to extend his ties, influence and resources in the area. He does not wish to step on any toes though so he has sent me as his equerry to work with any local interested in an agreement or partnership for mutual benefit. Hence I ask of you, if you have a... leader or lieutenant with whom I may converse."

2013-05-07, 01:11 AM
"OK man. I can hook you up. Let me make a couple calls. Can you turn that light off? We're gonna get the wrong kind of attention."
Then your phone rings.
That's odd... you don't remember giving out your number...

2013-05-07, 01:56 AM
Stanley nods at the man, switches off the lights and nods.

"Very well. As I said, this will be beneficial for both of us so I am glad to have found someone eager to do business." he says and he returns in the car not wanting to worry the man.

Overall just so you have a heads up of what I am doing, my plan is to develop contacts/allies/influence/retainers on the two opposites of the spectrum: Police and Underworld.

When the phone rings he looks at it confused. Indeed noone had the number so this was either a wrong number call... which he could pretend otherwise and get some fun out of or someone who had somehow gotten it.

He picks up and murmurs a neutral hello.

2013-05-07, 02:08 AM
"Hey, Stanley. I was hoping you could set up a Presentation on campus. Drum up some upstanding citizens, or some folks you just don't like. Susie and me is real keen to work you. A debonair suit like yourself. Two gals like us could really help you save face here and there."
(I checked to see if you gave out your number from anywhere. Looks like no, unless she woke up early and rifled through your pockets. For synergy's sake, I'm willing to let it pass [unless you don't want it to] but Grassy needs to come up with a how it happened, and Stanley's probably not going to be happy.)

2013-05-07, 02:27 AM
No worries. April has my number, she is April's childe so perhaps she gave it to her.

Stanley pauses trying to figure out who it was on the other side and what they were talking about.

"Who is this and how did you get this number? And after those are covered I have to admit I dont have the slightest idea of what you actually need" he simply responds.

2013-05-07, 02:56 AM
OOC: We can continue with our own scene if you wish... this conversation over phones may take alot of RL time given its between PCs and different timezones :D

2013-05-07, 02:59 AM
(Sure. [roll0]
Grassy IS on, and has skype. If you do as well, we can do the phone stuff there.)
(Post reserved for stuff)

2013-05-07, 03:06 AM
Unfortunately I am currently at work (its 10.06 am here :D) so skype is not option. It generally is a possibility during weekends or evenings my time but not so easy during working hours...

2013-05-07, 03:18 AM
The man comes back over to you.
"Alright. I got my supplier on the phone. He wants to know who you work for, and how much you're offering."

"This is Luanne. April's pal, she gave me this number. I need for you to arrange a meeting around campus. Meet me beforehand and I'll get you in show-face."

2013-05-07, 08:10 AM
Stanley listens to his current call and finishes it.

"Very well. I will try to make it to the haven tonight so we can talk details. Might be a few hours though." he says and hangs up after any further response.

He then turns back to the man and smiles as the hook is in.

"My name is just Stanley. The man I represent is Kaiser Soze Karl Gotuzain. He is offering everything and nothing over a phone. We can either meet in person and I can saw you an example of our work or we can cut this conversation now. Feel free to take precautions but I hope that such high level discussions wont be polluted by violence." he explains.

2013-05-07, 08:15 AM
"You have our interest. Where are we meeting?"

2013-05-07, 08:30 AM
"I am downtown right now. Give me an address and I can be there right away so you can be confident I mean business and dont have time for any games." he says.

2013-05-07, 08:32 AM
the guy nods, talks into his phone, and then back to you.
"Five hundred now and take a hit of this to show you're not a cop, and we'll give you an address."
He passes over a baggie filled with something white and crystaline.

2013-05-07, 09:16 AM
Do I have any money left from the various wallets etc I have acquired? If yes then I give him as much as he wants.

If not, I will use Presence 3 [roll0].

Stanley laughs quietly and takes a double hit of whatever the man gives him. One in each nostril and in quick succession.

"I have been doing this since I was a kid. Anything but a triple hit of the pure stuff wont do anything!" he roars with pleasure.

When it comes to the money it depends to the results of the Spoiler.

2013-05-07, 09:25 AM
"Sure, sure. I can tell you're not a cop. Go down to the north fap tunnel, by the potted plants. My boss'll have a guy there."

2013-05-07, 09:42 AM
Stanley complies and heads to the location provided.

"Thank you kindly" he says smiling.

2013-05-07, 10:57 PM
You get there, there's a couple guys in loose shirts and cargos.
They look like they're just hanging out and talking.

2013-05-08, 02:56 AM
Stanley walks up to them, his hands in more or less open greetings.

"Evening gents. Are you to be my escort?"

2013-05-08, 03:11 AM
They stop talking and look you over.
"Yeah, that's us. C'mon, let's walk."
They start heading north.
(If you want to talk with them/presence them, I'm leaving you a post for that before skipping ahead :3)

2013-05-08, 03:25 AM
Stanley doesnt care to deal with these two right now. A sixth sense does tell him this could be dangerous and that these two might just aim to rob him or try to kill him but self confident as he is he ignores it.

He stays silent not wanting to waste his words with them.

2013-05-08, 03:40 AM
You end up in an underground parking lot a few buildings over. An athletic, balding east-indian man is waiting outside a buick with tinted windows.
"Ah, so you're the new business in town, yes? Tell me my friend, what is it we can do for you, and what do you offer us?"

2013-05-08, 03:56 AM
Stanley smiles. He didnt want to enforce his power on the man as he felt he could do it with less effort... as such he only made himself the center of attention rather than enslave through feelings.

Using Awe and not Entrancement yet...

[roll0] + 1 WP (2nd of the night!)

Edit: Oh my! Just the success from the WP it seems!

Edit2: Just realised I rolled d6s not d10s! rolling again below!!!

"What no searching me for weapons and all that?" he says with a grin.

"In any case I dont carry any. When you are a man of influence you dont need such paltry means of protection." he explains as he steps up closer to the man offering his hand.

"I offer my services and the backing of my employer. For now he does not wish to be involved as he is both unaware of what your capabilities and aspirations are. That is why he sends me, his right hand. I am to work with you and for you.

For now I offer you lives. Tell me who is your worst enemy or rival and where I can find him and I shall bring him to you alive, dead or however else you wish. In return I ask for your trust and that I am allowed to enter your inner circle or whatever you call it."

2013-05-08, 03:58 AM
The Awe roll from above with d10s this time!


Lets hope it works this time!

2013-05-08, 04:10 AM
He looks both incredulous and appreciative.
"No need to search you, we're all friends here."
he spreads his arms, palms out, with a wide smile.
"Now, you tell me you will eliminate my rivals as a gesture of good faith. That goes a long way, but I do not wish to start a war. We have an understanding. The Asians keep to the southwest, the americans to the southeast, I and my associates keep to the Northeast, and the Northwest is for the brave and the stupid."
he clasps his hands, rubbing them a little.
"That said, if you want to eliminate an enemy we all don't like? There's Hell's Angels running between here and Red Deer that I know we'd all like to see gone."

2013-05-08, 05:10 AM
Why do I feel you are sending me to kill gangrel/lupines?

Stanley nods.

"Dont expect me to kill the whole gang. But if they have a leader or key figure, I can work with that. Do you know any names or where I can find them? I am new to your fine city!" he says with a smile.

"And I meant the... eliminating part not to goad you into a war. But I guess offering someone the life of a rival goes a long way to show you mean business. Cash or a pile of drugs could be procured by everyone... lives are another issue."

2013-05-08, 05:27 AM
"You're looking for Harvey Riel. He lives in a place off Gasoline Alley. The rest, I don't know."
He motions for his people, who get into his car.
"Soon as you're back, head to the Lebanese market on 16th and 52nd. Ask the cashier for Bader. He'll know how to find me."
He gets into his car, if you let him, and drives off.

2013-05-08, 06:59 AM
Stanley nods.

"See you soon then." he says calmly as he returns to his own car.

So many things to do. He almost felt giddy with excitement. This Hell's Angels guy would be good fun hopefully. If he knew anything by his experience on Cainite politics someone was bound to be working with this Hells Angels cadre. A Gangrel or Brujah perhaps...

With this settled, Stanley returns to the haven to see what the Tzimisce wanted.

2013-05-09, 02:49 AM
Bleh! More waiting! I hope Grassy pops up soon enough to respond to Stanley...

2013-05-09, 02:52 AM
tell me about it. You guys are two days behind! I've got Elysium running right now, which Stanley would have been invited to, and the same night, Lox is trying to bomb a Haven belonging to one of you :p So yeah.Need you and Grassy (and Marcus) to advance.

2013-05-09, 03:14 AM
Well we can potentially say that I take Thursday and Friday to do as much of the task Grassy wants (get people for him to embrace) and jump to Saturday for Stanley.

I was done with Thursday mostly anyway.

Actions for Friday would be a) getting the books for the Prince, b) Giving another blood point to Theresa to make her 3 steps so I dont have to worry about Presence and c) start gathering mortals for Luanne.

2013-05-09, 03:31 AM
Eh, OK. Let Grassy know Stanley will get on it *Tomorrow* and I'll go to Friday for you, get that done then plunk you in Elysium. It won't be a problem unless you engage another PC anyhow, and then we can resolve it in your thread with them here.

2013-05-09, 04:34 AM

After the visit at the haven Stanley returns home to rest. Before doing so he stops by the motel owners sons room. He knocks and gives him the car keys.

"Thanks. I will try to get you a better one soon enough. In any case, I need your help for tomorrow..." he says and describes where the book store is and which books the boy needs to get.

"Theresa will come with you. She has the credit card on which the books will be charged." he says and stops by her room opening the door and stepping inside.

"Evening darling..."

2013-05-09, 04:40 AM
She looks at you, her expression a mix of awe, love, panic and hunger. It suits her.
"Hey... Are you here to feed me again?"

2013-05-09, 04:57 AM
"If you have not been fed I must really punish someone... discipline is lacking in this house." he says his anger flaring.

"Do not worry. I shall have someone arrange to bring you food." he says and sits next to her.

"Theresa..." he begins faking emotions.

"... all the things that have happened to you have done so because you are at the precipice of a change. Like a butterfly sheds the cocoon that binds her to a slurred existence you shed your past life. You are reborn to something greater next to me. Believe me, the change is painfully but the rewards are glorious. Damnation is a small price to pay for the wonders I shall show you!" he says his voice strong with passion and vigor.

"I require one thing from you. Devotion and obedience. You might do things the old Theresa would not even consider but you will also get to enjoy things more powerful than the old Theresa ever dreamed off..." he says and offers her his hand.

"Will you join me?" he asks with a sly smile.

2013-05-09, 05:11 AM
(It gets hard to play people hit by Presence, like trying to look through a lense and imagine what it'd look like if it were smudged with vasaline XD)
She looks at you, basking in your glow.
"Will I get to see my family again?"

2013-05-09, 03:00 PM
Its more or less a ghoul but with more creativity and flare. Thats how I always played presence 3 affected people...

Stanley shakes his head.

"No, not yet. Maybe at some point. For now you must be strong without them and focus on the family you do have. Me mainly..." he says kindly.

"Now there is one more thing. It is a test more or less... I want you to do something for me tomorrow. I need two books purchased from a store." at this point he will indicate the store and the books and give her the tablet saying its a gift.

"You need to go there, along with Tobias, the young man that brought you food yesterday, and using the credit cards you have you can pay. If tomorrow when I get home you have those I shall give you a yet greater gift." he says and grins.

Depending on how the girl feels towards you he might indulge her sexually by employing the Kiss to give her pleasure but will not drink her blood. Once done he will return downstairs and scold the family for not feeding their guest. He will have them bring up food for her and then retire to sleep.

2013-05-09, 04:32 PM
She agrees to getting the books, and is very relieved.
The family says they did feed her. Once. Like you said. But not three squares.
They take her some more food when you're done.

Thursday ends and Friday dawns. Lose a BP, gain a WP. Gain 2 XP.

2013-05-09, 04:59 PM
Stanley rises and spends some time thinking and planning. This quickly becoming boring and his impatience leads him to get up just a few minutes later.

He walks to Theresa's room to check if she is there and if she has the books.

2013-05-09, 05:17 PM
She is, and yes, she has the books.
"No idea how I'm going to pay for these, but here they are."

2013-05-09, 05:24 PM
"Money will mean little soon. You shall have as much as you wish." he says truly pleased.

He gives her a hug that turns into a hold as he feeds her his blood in the passion of a Kiss. Thus she is bound thrice and her soul now damned almost as much as that of Stanley.

With a look of perverse love he stares in her eyes for a few seconds and then laughs.

"We are close to done my dear. You are now free to go were you please until I have need of you. Tell noone of my existence and of this motel and about the fate of your old family. Yes I do refer to the old dream you had a few nights ago. It was real and yet it mattered little to you now that I am here for you. Am I not correct?" he asks but does not let her answer.

"I am your light in the darkness, I am your God and you are my willing servant. Fear not for you are now of the blessed or rather the damned. I shall explain more in time. Take the time to learn of my friends in the motel but do not disturb the guests. Only the owners are in the know and they even dont know alot. I leave you now for I have things to do..."

I assume I gain her as Retainer without having to spend XP on increasing my Retainers to 1.

Does she have any useful talents/skills/knowledges overall or any decent backgrounds?

"Ah there is one more thing. You were a student in the Calgary University right? Is there a more secretive or athletic based Frat? Something with decent numbers but not the biggest. Even better if they are pariahs..." he asks her.

2013-05-09, 05:30 PM
"Yes, my master. My family is nothing before your glory..." She looks totally lost.
"There is a Football team, we have a number of fraternities and sororities, though I never pledged. The medical students have a seperate dorm and a wing in one of the hospitals. They're apart from us, as close to pariahs as you'll get."

2013-05-09, 05:43 PM
"Hmmm... I need something more specific. A name or address to one of the Fraternities or Sororities... medical students could work but I need to consider it." he says and asks her for any info on particular frats.

Once he gets it Stanley spends some time feeding on the wife and husband this time. He has not used his herd since his first night in the City and as such it should be safe.

Not sure if you want me to roll a hunting roll or if I can just take blood from my herd. Its Friday and I last fed from them on Monday so ideally I would take 2 blood from each to go to full and leave them capable to function.

2013-05-09, 05:49 PM
You can take 2 each, no problem. They'll be looking sickly and weak tomorrow, and have a higher chance of actually getting sick, but aside from that they'll be fine.

You jot down the addresses of two Sororities she knows of, and one Fraternity. The medical dorms are off-campus, but you could find them with the directions she gave you.

2013-05-09, 05:53 PM
Stanley heads to the address of the fraternity identified by Theresa. Today he dresses in simpler clothes not wanting to scare of the kids.

2013-05-09, 06:04 PM
You head to a three-story frat house, labelled Phi Gamma Delta.
Looks like the lights are on inside, though it's surprisingly quiet for a Friday night.

2013-05-09, 06:07 PM
Stanley knocks on the door and waits for a response.

2013-05-09, 06:23 PM
A short wait later, a muscular young man in his very early 20's opens the door. Looks like he could be an athelete.
"Can I help you?"

2013-05-10, 12:16 AM
"Evening, friend. I am looking for the frat brother who is either in charge of the House or in charge of hosting parties and activities. Even better, both."

2013-05-10, 12:20 AM
"Kinda late, isn't it? What do you need him for? Most of our events are organized online, with the forum."

2013-05-10, 12:31 AM
"I am offering unique opportunities for the Frat. We are planning the opening of a new event venue and I want to discuss some options we are offering for campus fraternities to prebook space. In any case, I realise its late but this wont take long... I had called earlier during the day but they were both out or busy so I didnt get a chance to talk to them..."

2013-05-10, 03:17 AM
"Alright. We usually have events run by the Faculty before we actually commit to anything, but if you want, I can give you the main administration number, and the forum URL..."
This guy's gonna take some convincing. He, in the words of a salesman, is not empowered to say yes.

2013-05-10, 03:33 AM
"Listen friend..." Stanley says as he unchains his magnetic personality.


To be added...

2013-05-10, 03:34 AM
This roll just doesnt want to happen... 2nd time I didnt put it correctly.

Once more:

*Fingers Crossed*

After you post I will also delete the above post, leaving it there for now so you know I didnt delete it to hide a failure.

"Listen friend..."says Stanley stepping closer to the man and putting a hand on his shoulder just as he unleashes his beast to push the man down using its magnetism.

"You will do as I have asked cause displeasing me will feel like a broken heart. I realise you did not mean all you said and your tone and demeanor were driven by worry and uncertainty. But enough is enough. Take me to them now. Make sure its just the four of us as well please..."

2013-05-10, 03:44 AM
"A...alright. Right this way, sir."
He opens the door the rest of the way and starts leading you upstairs.
"Hey Scott, who's your friend?"
"Event organizer, here to see Nathan."
"Alright man. Have fun."

Scott leads you to the 2nd floor, and takes you to one of the back rooms. He knocks twice, and the door opens. There's a gangly guy in a Christian Rock T-shirt.

"Hey, what's up?"
"Hey Nathan, this guy wants to talk to you about some event."

2013-05-10, 04:47 AM
"Awesome!" says Stanley as he walks inside motioning for Scot to join them and close the door.

"Well Nathan, I have good news! I am planning to organize a series of events on campus and I have chosen your Fraternity as the test subjects so to speak." he laughs at this point and unleashes his magnetism at the guy not wanting to have to chat idle with cattle.


[roll0] + Willpower.

Stats for our reference
BP: 12/14
WP: 6/8

Edit: 3+ successes depending on his WP... nice :D

"This event is secret. Its more like a first try to see if the concept works and if it does we will first do something similar on a whole University level and then on national level. The idea is a kind of party like noone has seen before. I dont want to spoiler it too much dude..." he says conscious that he is using such vulgar dialect to keep the mortal from side stepping.

"... yea so, I want you and Scott here to choose among your brothers the 20-30 greatest party animals. If you can, focus on this years pledges to make them think its a hazing. That is actually even better... you should present it as a kind of final test before accepting them so that the surprise will be even greater and the effect magnified. So try for more freshers and only a few of the senior 'ranks'

I need you to have the people ready for Sunday evening so you have 2 whole days to do so." he says smiling.

"So any questions? Can I trust on you for this?"

2013-05-10, 05:06 AM
"Yeah man, that sounds great! I'll see about rounding them up. Where do you want to host this shindig?"
He's looking at you with excitement and hope. The poor fool.

2013-05-10, 05:11 AM
I wouldnt say poor! He gets to become a part of the Sword of Caine! Even if it is for an unworthy cause!

Stanley considers this for a moment.

"I will let you know tomorrow. It will be on campus or near campus so dont worry about it. I am working to get permission from the University but if I dont it will be at a warehouse space I have arranged for. Should be awesome!" he says and shakes the mans hand.

"Ah and it goes without saying for both of you. Not a word of this to anyone else outside the House and outside the people that will be there. I dont want anyone stealing the idea or crashing the party before we are prepared. This is paramount to the success and enjoyment of all involved! Ah and dont worry about alcohol. We shall have that covered!" he says to add a further layer of excitement.

2013-05-10, 05:12 AM
"Sure thing, dude. Just let us know, we'll have people there."
He nods, then goes back to his desk. "Anything else you need?"

2013-05-10, 05:21 AM
He takes the phone number where he can reach him and then taps him on the shoulder like a fatherly figure.

"No, thats all! See you in a couple of days!" he says as he departs.

He gives a quick call to Luanne or whatever iteration she is for the day.

"This is Stanley. On Sunday we will have between 20 and 30 frat boys for your needs. You need to secure a venue on the uni or close by in a warehouse space or something. The majority will be freshers thinking they are to be hazed. Get some alcohol as well..."


Basically we can skip to Saturday's elysium now?

2013-05-10, 05:27 AM

Saturday arrives, and you get a note delivered to your door (You did tell the Toreador Primogen where you were staying, yes?). It invites you to attend Elysium at the Big Four building tonight. You may bring one guest, be they Kindred or Ghoul.

2013-05-10, 06:39 AM
Stanley puts on his best clothes and prepares himself. He considers bringing Theresa along but decides against it. She had seen too much, even if she thought it a dream, and had not yet learned anything about his true nature. No need to risk anything during his presentation.

OOC: Yes, I told her I am using a motel as a temporary haven and gave the address.

Once certain he is at peak appearance, Stanley will go to the location. Concerning armaments he carries no weapons with him but he does wear the reinforced vest under his clothes to have at least some protection in case things go wrong.


WP: 7/8
BP: 11/14 ... I hope they have refreshments :D

2013-05-10, 04:55 PM
You pull up to the Big Four building. There's Valet parking at the door, should you choose to take advantage.

The first thing you notice upon entering hall C is the refreshments, standing off to the left in cute little waiter/waitress uniforms.

The Prince is visable on a raised stage at the end of the hall, talking with what you assume are the Primogen. You can make out Rebecca talking with him.

2013-05-10, 05:13 PM
Stanley will not bother with the refreshments yet. First he must do what every... Kindred needs to do.

He clears his mind and his thoughts, just in case anyone is listening, and then advances slowly. If the Prince is talking or if any of the Primogen are talking he will stay silent and not intrude. He will look around for any Kindred attendants, perhaps someone taking the role of the harpy, if the Prince does not acknowledge him for more than a few minutes.

2013-05-10, 05:26 PM
The prince and the Primogen stop talking, and Aiden stands, a small mic on his suit broadcasting his voice across the hall.
"Greetings, friends, enemies, and associated other Kindred" he says with a smile.
Tonight's Elysium marks a pivitol moment in our society for two very important reasons.
Firstly, we will be setting the new policy for refugee Kindred from the United States.
Secondly, I am reopening the office of Keeper of Elysium. I need the time to manage the influx of new Kindred, and to keep your lives in this city as stress-free as possible.
No, don't worry, it won't be a problem. Your Primogen and myself have spent a long while proposing and reviewing candidates to fill the office. We won't be putting a dunce on the chair for political gains like they did in Edmonton."
There's some laughter from the front rows.
"That said, I've been told there's some new Kindred here to present themselves. I'm opening the floor for them."

2013-05-10, 05:33 PM
I guess I missed the actual Elysium and hence you are running it just for me eh?

Stanley is used to the spot light. He does not know the local customs but this doesnt change his determination. He steps forward and bows his head first to the Prince and then to the Primogens, his eyes lingering on the Toreador for just a second more.

He waits to be addressed before speaking as protocol dictates though.

2013-05-10, 05:49 PM
Before you can be addressed, another steps forward and speaks. You see the Prince's eyebrow raise, and another new arrival, standing to your left, is obviously irked by the interruption.

Greeting, fellow children of the night. My name is Elizabeth, I have come from America to escape the persecution of the super natural that is currently going on. I have come to seek shelter in your fair city, until such time that life in America returns to normal.

2013-05-10, 05:58 PM
Stanley frowns and drowns the beast. The woman will pay. She will suffer and plead before he is done with her. This slight is not one he will forget soon enough.

He stiffles a laughter as the woman calls the assembled Kindred as children of the night instead of addressing the Prince...

2013-05-10, 06:08 PM
You see the Prince walk to the edge of the stage and loom over her. You can almost see him sigh, but it might have been your imagination.
"Do you agree to uphold the tradition of the Masquerade, to forsake creating childer without the approval of your elders, to leave behind any personal grievance against other Kindred, and to respect the boundries and hunting grounds put in place by this council?"

Yes, for all of my nights.
The Prince waits a half beat, as though allowing her the opportunity to correct some mistake. As it passes, he narrows his eyes, and asks the obvious.
"What is your Clan, and whom was your Sire?"

Toredor, and I call my sire, "Mistress Jane"
You see a man in the front row, to your right, facepalm.

The Prince turns to his left, facing Rebecca.
"Rebecca. Do you agree to take in your clanmate, to provide her succor in your hunting grounds, and to discipline her should she violate the traditions or the edicts of this council?"
He's facing away from the crowd. Probably to hide the look he is no doubt giving her.

Rebecca steps forward, looking 'Elizabeth' over.
She shoots a glance to her right, locking eyes with you. You get the impression she did not miss how Liz slighted you, and is letting you know you'll have your opportunity.
"I do."

The Prince nods, and after a brief moment where you can tell he's debating having her kiss his shoe, extends a hand down to help Liz onto the stage.
Then welcome to my city, Elizabeth."
Once she's up there, he extends his hand to be kissed, and Rebecca does likewise.

Rebecca looking at you before accepting Illven was actually put in to both of the other threads, as I guessed this would happen. Funny how that worked out :p

2013-05-10, 06:15 PM
Very perseptive of you :D

I only wish I had managed to made my introduction with other PCs around to impress them... if it was a separate thread maybe you can add my presentation/descriptive to add to the effect :D

Is there a link to it by any chance?

Stanley waits to see if it is his turn or if another vampire will go into his blacklist.

2013-05-10, 06:22 PM
The Sheriff moves over to the Prince, whispering something to him and gesturing to the other, Female vampire who was waiting her turn.
Looks like he might be asking if it's OK for her to go next. There is a lull, though. You could step forward and claim the next introduction without having to say anything. Or you could see how this goes.

2013-05-10, 06:24 PM
If a kindred of status, like the sheriff, goes to the Prince, Stanley will obediently wait. He does not plan to make any mistakes on his first night given how he does not actually know the various intricacies of the local court.

His patience is wearing thin though and he scans the room looking for any of the kindred he had seen at the Club.

2013-05-10, 06:35 PM
You remember seeing Liz at the Club. She was singing. This other girl, the one beside you waiting, she was there as well, though you don't recall her name.

The Sheriff backs away from the Prince, and he gestures to the girl beside you.

She steps forward. Her singer's voice projects well, you're sure the whole hall can hear her. "My name is Darling Lafleur. My sire is Ophania, of Quebec. Clan Gangrel."

Rebecca looks visibly shocked. Outrage plays across her statuesque features a moment. Then she smiles, saying something to the others on stage. You wish you could hear it.

The Prince continues.
"I've already heard your oaths. Ryan, Do you agree to take in your clanmate, to provide her succor in your hunting grounds, and to discipline her should she violate the traditions or the edicts of this council?"
"I do."
"Then welcome to my city, Darling."
He extends his hand down to help her up.
She hops onto the stage with practiced ease, kisses his hand, and the Sheriff grabs her in a bear hug before putting her down, with a big grin.

Hm. Apparently the Sheriff is a Gangrel, and pulling double duty as Gangrel Primogen.

Rebecca says something, and the Prince nods to you, extending his hand palm-up.

2013-05-10, 06:42 PM
Stanley steps forward and does something he has been considering for some time.

He kneels and bows his head to the Prince.

"My Prince. I come before you asking Hospitality as per the fifth tradition." he pauses for just a moment.

"My name is Stanley Yurish, childe of David Delacroix, childe of Eleana Macleigh of the clan Toreador. I too seek shelter in your domain as I had to flee New York given the recent events despite having fought for years against the mindless beasts of the Sabbat. I swear upon my blood to uphold the six traditions and sacrifice my unlife to serve you while within your city." he says with some theatricality but keeping his practiced voice calm and level not wanting to appear too self-assured or pompous.

2013-05-10, 07:12 PM
The prince looks to you appreciatively.
"Very well, Stanley. Rebecca, do you agree to take in your clanmate, to provide her succor in your hunting grounds, and to discipline her should he violate the traditions or the edicts of this council?"
Rebecca stands, looking every inch the senatrix. "I do."
"Then rise, Stanley Yurish, and welcome to my city."
The Prince offers his arm to help you up onto the stage.

2013-05-11, 02:26 AM
Stanley stands up and approaches with confidence accepting the offered hand. As he is brought up on the stage he takes out the packed books and with a calm voice speaks. He doesn't say it very loudly, not to show off, but he is sure all attention is here so it will be obvious.

"My Prince, a small token of my gratitude for your kindness. I am sure your collection by far surpasses my ability to find something suitable but I hope that signed first editions will make them relevant. "

2013-05-11, 02:52 AM
The prince seems taken aback.
After that performance from Liz, you imagine it's like the difference between ice water and warm blood.

"Thank you for this token. Do you have a boon to ask of me?"

2013-05-11, 03:11 AM
"I do not wish to further trouble you or waste your time with my neonate hopes and wishes my Prince. Perhaps after I have settled in and learned the ways of the city we may come back to it?" he asks knowing how the politics of boon giving work in a Camarilla court.

To be owned a boon by a Prince was not something he wanted to waste on a whim. He could ask for domain but he was not confident yet that he cared enough for it...

2013-05-11, 03:18 AM
The prince weighs your words. You can tell this guy is pretty sharp.
"Very well. I will hear your boon at a more appropriate date. Please, make yourself comfortable and enjoy the refreshments."
He turns back to the audience.

"And now, if I may have your attention, it is time to announce the candidates for Keeper of Elysium.
Clan Nosferatu has graciously declined to submit a candidate, and Clan Malkavian has apparently decided not to make an appearance at all.
From clan Ventrue, Rue Masters."
There's some applause as a leggy blonde in a red dress takes the stage. She seems to breathe grace and poise, and even though she's only 5'4 she seems imposing.
She holds up her right hand like a beauty queen.
" From Clan Tremere, Alex Redford."
a lanky man in a U of C letter jacket takes the stage. He smiles, gives a little bow.
"From Clan Toreador, Amanda Wright."
She's young. Very young. Long, black hair. She doesn't look like a steriotypical Toreador.
"Lastly, from Clan Gangrel, Darling LaFleur."
Several members of the audience are literally howling. a guy with a tail a table over is one of them.

That Darling girl who presented herself right before you rejoins them on stage.

2013-05-11, 03:52 AM
Stanley smiles as he listens to the nominations. The Venture candidate seemed interesting... he off course was better but he would pick her if it wasnt that he was playing the game for the side of the Roses. Unimpressed though as he was by the Toreador and given he had just arrived he refrains from making any signs.

Instead he looks around for the Sheriff and approaches quietly as the decision making goes on. He stops to pick up a glass of ... refreshments on the way there and drains it quickly.

2013-05-11, 04:03 AM
The Sheriff is up on the stage, behind and to the right of the prince.
The refreshments aren't in a glass. They're wearing cute little waiter/waitress uniforms.
A hook-nosed attendant greets you with a smile and invites you to partake.

2013-05-11, 04:08 AM
"Impressive!" he mutters.

"I am rather new here but whoever can organise such events should have the priviledge of being Keeper!" he says quietly in case its one of the candidates he is not supposed to be supporting.

"Are there any... specifics or... flavors?"

2013-05-11, 04:19 AM
The hook-nosed consierge leans in to speak with you.
"The Prince has been organizing these events personally for quite some time. His appointment of a Keeper has been the subject of some dismay for the last few weeks.
We have men and women, both ripe and fresh. They can ingest alcohol, chocolate, or cannabis at your leisure. We used to have a larger selection, but some unfortunate events have left us...understaffed. I apologize for the lack."
that said, he gestures towards the table. You see they do in fact have a refrigerator and a bowl of chocolate bonbons.

2013-05-11, 04:27 AM
Alcohol and cannabis is something he has tasted before in the blood of mortals and neither pleases him... they make him slower and unresponsive and he hates those feelings.

He taps his lips for a moment and grins.

"Let us try chocolate. It is an interesting idea and I would love to partake. The Prince doesnt need my compliments but indeed noone needs to apologise for being able to offer such a bountiful... buffet under trying times."

2013-05-11, 04:42 AM
"Glad to be of service. Chocolate it is. Would you care to make a selection?" he runs his hand along the backs of each of the kine.

2013-05-11, 05:27 AM
Stanley looks around. Despite his nature he has no real preference. He does instictively like prettier people but given he cannot inflict the pain he would normaly would like to, emotional or physical, he simply choose a rather young female.

2013-05-11, 05:33 AM
You picked a Female and Chocolate. She's quite glad for both reasons.
nomming a bunch of chocolate bonbons, she presents her arm for you.

2013-05-11, 05:47 AM
Stanley smiles at the girl with a predatory but hopefully somewhat reassuring smile.

"What is your name my dear?" he asks her and waits for her to respond before proceeding.

He then kisses her hand softly twice, to enhance her excitement of the kiss and bring forth andrenaline, and on the third time he bites deep.

OOC: I guess taking 2 BP is overall ok for such situations right?

2013-05-11, 05:51 AM
Yes, 2 BP would be acceptable. The girl will be rotated out after, though.
It's considered polite to take it as slowly as you can ;p
She gives her name as Carly, and her blood tastes very subtly of chocolate.

The Prince clears his throat over the speakers.
Now, on to my last point of the night. I am reinstating the office of Scourge.
The joviality and conversation immediately cuts off to hushed whispers and surprised gasps.
"We, as a city, have a plentiful bounty. We are few, and the Kine are many. They buy into the Masquerade and we do not cause them undue alarm.
But the situation in the United States has a number of Kindred flocking to any safe harbor, and I assure you that at least some of them are responsible for the crisis we as a race are currently faced with.
They have endangered us with their recklessness, and my choice to appoint a Scourge is not to alarm you, nor to cull lower-generation kindred as is done in some more barbaric times and areas. No, I instate a Scourge to seek out and test the newcomers. To, if they behave, merely serve as a warning. A Personal sign that we will not tolerate the kind of misbehavior that caused the masquerade breach in the United States.
At worst, the Scourge is indeed authorized to execute those who would cause problems for us as a whole."
There's some discontented murmuring.
"Now I know many of you do not recognize the faces you saw put forward for Keeper of Elysium. I understand you are worried, but I have selected a person who is both loyal and able. Some of you know him already.
James Richter, please step forward and be deputized."

Wow. He's publicly appointing a Scourge. That's... almost unheard of. Usually it would incite a panic. But he seems to have the room under control.

2013-05-11, 06:34 AM
Stanley indeed takes the blood in slow gulps allowing his victim to feel the protracted pleasure of the kiss. He does not wish to feed again tonight so this has to suffice hence he indeed does take 2 BP but not more.

He listens to the proclamation with interest. Had he been Prince he would have had a Scourge appointed the day he learned of what happened to the States... or given a potential danger sense, two days before!

He still makes a face as if worried or horrified with the news as he leaves the girl and looks around further. He tries to calculate how many kindred are present and also to see if he can spot the man he found in the club that gave him warning. Lastly he checks for any obvious Harpies and any more brutal Kindred that perhaps are wearing any Hells Angels paraphernalia.

2013-05-11, 06:56 AM
No HA gear in this banquet hall.

The Harpies are obvious. There's a table near the raised stage. The girl with the black hair is there, along with the older woman you met at the Toreador Tower.
There's three others with them, elegantly dressed and sniping about people.

Perception roll for a number on the Kindred, but you'd guess around a hundred.

2013-05-11, 07:03 AM
Perception [roll0]

Retry given I have alot of time during the night [roll1]

Also so see if I find the guy I saw in the Rabbit Hole: [roll2] (Perc+Alert)

Stanley approaches the table and waits a few moments to give them a chance to finish what they were talking about without overhearing.

2013-05-11, 07:15 AM
Oho, if it isn't our newest rising star. Hello Stanley, how are you this evening?" the elderly lady asks, with a resonant tone in her voice. She seems...deeper somehow, than the rest of the Kindred.

2013-05-11, 07:22 AM
Stanley smiles and inclines his head.

"You are too kind my lady. I am perfectly fine and wish you the same... but as for rising star, I am but a newcomer and do not wish to step on any toes or even think of upsetting the status quo of the court!" he says with false modesty, putting just the right amount of effort to make it sound not true but at least partially intended.

"Would you introduce me to the rest of your company? If I am not intruding off course!"

2013-05-11, 07:56 AM
"Well, I'm Joy, this is Amanda. The lovely ladies to my right are Sharon and Gwen. You've got a good eye, Stanley. What brings you to our table?"

2013-05-11, 08:25 AM
"A pleasure to meet you all ladies." he says and kisses their hands one by one.

"I wish to inquire about the domains as set in the city seeing as I am new. I do not wish to intrude on anyones granted territory and get the Primogen in trouble and bring shame to my sire's memory. That and also, if I can ask you to indulge my curiosity I also wish to ask of the status holders in the city.

It may be strange to have someone ask of such basic information but as a newcomer I know little other than the obvious!"

2013-05-11, 11:46 PM
Ah. The domains." She nods to the young woman.
"The Toreador have City Center, except Chinatown, and the Alberta College of Art and Design. Gangrel have a number of locations in the southeast, but mostly in the foothills industrial district. Nosferatu have Chinatown and the parkades. Ventrue control Banker's Court, the Airport, and the Northeast along Marlborough way.
Tremere are in the Southwest. The Hospital, University Drive, and nearby neighborhoods.
Clan Malkavian have a couple areas in the Northeast, the mental hospital and SAIT. Also a club in the southwest.
Caitiff are graciously allowed to feed at any bar or nightclub, if they do not take too much or break the Masquerade."
"Certain individuals in each clan hold specific areas or buildings. As for Status... Well, with how things are shifting, I believe you'd be better off watching for yourself."

2013-05-12, 01:55 AM
Stanley listens with interest and makes mental notes on all these new information.

"Very well ladies... then one last question, could you tell me of the Primogen council? I have off course met my own Primogen and see who represents the Gangrel but I am wondering about the rest of our Prince's advisers. Ah and our Sheriff off course, I have heard not a thing about him."

2013-05-12, 02:20 AM
"Ryan is Primogen of Gangrel and sheriff both. Gangrel do not have much of a presence in the city, so it rarely conflicts, and he's tough but fair.
Donovan is Primogen of the Nosferatu. He's quiet, tricky, and keeps to himself when not speaking to other Primogen or the Prince. Getting a word out of him, to you, is like pulling teeth.
Neil is Primogen of the Tremere. He kowtows to the Pyramid, and has been courting the Toreador. Probably on their orders.
Samuel is Primogen of Ventrue. He and Rebecca go way back, not in a good way. Getting them into a room is hard. He usually skips Elysium, but his Rue girl there looks like a threat to me. And a challenge.
Alistair is the Malkavian Primogen. Can't miss him. He's a young boy and dangerous. I... don't like talking about him."

2013-05-12, 02:45 AM
"Thank you!" He says with honesty and a smile.

"If you will excuse me now ladies I shall do a few rounds to meet the rest of the court. Even though I am sure that after having a chance to spend time with you nothing will be as exciting."

Indeed he is excused he walks around for a while introducing himself to any interesting Kindred but in the end his path takes him to the Sheriff if he has been freed from other engagements.

2013-05-12, 03:24 AM
Perc+Alert on the Sheriff.
You shmooze and mingle a little. You made a good impression, and the attitude is a wary friendliness. You're a Toreador, they're in power, and you're the new arrival with the winning smile. They're watching their step around YOU for once. It feels good. Gain a WP if you're down any.

2013-05-12, 04:59 AM
Perc+Alert [roll0]

Stanley enjoys the attention. It would be so easy to disappear from the Sabbat and become a Camarilla member...

But he couldnt tolerate the boot licking for too long. Let alone annoying things like respecting kine and not slaughtering them like the sheep that they were.

2013-05-12, 06:02 AM
You notice the Sheriff isn't there anymore. Neither is the Prince, but he at least made an announcement about it.
Three of the Primogen are still there, though. Neil, Rebecca and Donovan.

2013-05-12, 06:58 AM
Stanley curses under his breath. He had wanted to chat with the man and offer his support against any... Sabbat.

Wanting to not abandon the opportunity to do more here he appoaches the Toreador Primogen. He does consider the Nosferatu and the Tremere but both of them could be as nosy as their clans are known for being and that would be an issue...

2013-05-13, 04:00 PM
"Ah, Stanley! Glad you could make it. How do you like the party?"

2013-05-13, 04:05 PM
"Primogen." begins Stanley inclining his head to the other Kindred.

"I am enjoying myself. After a few weeks of being forced more or less underground it is good to be about beautiful and interesting company. I wanted to thank you for giving me the tip on the books. It seems to have put me on the good side of our Prince which is always a good thing! I owe you..." he says conscious of how this can be intrepreted.

2013-05-13, 04:48 PM
"You did the right thing coming to me first. We did not win the west on brash individualism, and it pains me to see my clanmates make embarassments of themselves..."
You're pretty sure you know who she's talking about.
"I do expect to be kept abreast of any future plans you have brewing, so that I can offer further advice of course. So long as you keep me informed, and are willing to listen, we shall get along famously."
She gives you a smile, patting your arm.

2013-05-13, 04:51 PM
"Certainly Primogen. I shall endeavour to do so..." he says and smiles hiding the pleasure he feels by being touched.

"I had a questions regarding our structure in the city. Is there a Whip to whom I should report or should I contact you in case of such ventures?"

2013-05-13, 05:05 PM
(And that question is why Illven could not get ahold of the Primogen while in a car chase and you can >.>)
"Of course there's a whip. Her name is Layla, and I'll give you her card. She couldn't make it to the party, she's been very busy since Friday."
She hands you a card, with the name Layla Danvers, apparently she's an accountant at a downtown law firm. There's two numbers, you assume one must be a cell.

2013-05-13, 05:19 PM
Stanley pockets the card.

"Thank you Primogen. As for the other young clanmate... I saw her singing at a downtown club a few nights ago. I left as it was becoming too crowded and the music was not to my liking... regardless she does have some talent. Would you like me to perhaps try and help her reach her potential? I unfortunately do not have her details as we didnt get a chance to speak..."

2013-05-13, 05:37 PM
"She's staying with the Malkavians at the Rabbit Hole. She did not give me a contact number- I assume she doesn't have one yet.
If you could help her, I'm sure she'd appreciate it. She needs all the help she can get."

2013-05-13, 05:56 PM
He looks taken aback.

"She... she stays with the Malkavians? But why? Does she prefer their company to that of well... more stable individuals?" he asks carefully.

"I did not see their Primogen tonight and I was told none of them attended. May I ask if I should be weary of them and what is their capacity in the city?"

2013-05-13, 06:24 PM
"Yes, you should be wary of them. I'm surprised you even asked. There are thankfully few Lunatics in the city, and they are...difficult to deal with. Still, when you need something done that would dirty your hands or leave a bad taste in your mouth, you can usually get them to do it by convincing them it would be fun.
As for why she stays with them, I have no idea. I assume she lost everything running from the US. Really, I'd hate to be a refugee. Better to die with grace than live in desperation."

2013-05-13, 06:28 PM
He nods thinking on her words.

"Very interesting. I shall try to raise her from her current fate if I can though I do not make promises." he says.

"My lady, now I must leave you. I shall mingle a while more." he says and smiles to her before returning to the assembled Kindred. He will, like before, make a few rounds introducing himself and chatting with other Kindred showing interest in their lives and interests.

OOC: Basically I am done with the Elysium seen unless if there are any particularly interesting Kindred still around.

2013-05-13, 06:40 PM
The other kindred present, and those filtering in, seem to be of the unimportant variety.

You do see that blonde in the red dress, though. You might be able to chat her up before you go.

If you want to end the scene, just let me know where you're going. You've got 2 XP so far.

2013-05-14, 12:20 AM
Blonde and red dress. She was obviously compensating for something and that something could be his bread and butter.

Stanley approaches her and makes his introduction.

"Good evening miss Masters. I would like to offer my congratulations for being named on of the 'contenders' for the Keeper of Elysium and wish you luck with it!"

2013-05-14, 12:25 AM
She stops, looks at you, and raises an eyebrow.
"Really? Well wishes from the Toreador? I must admit I was expecting a catty remark. Thank you, though I doubt I'll be selected."
False modesty? Or practical knowledge?

2013-05-14, 01:55 AM
"I am sure when you decided to run you did so because you had some ides that you could potentially be named Keeper. Still the Prince's elysium, although this is my first time here, seems like a tough act to follow..." he says smiling at her.

"As for the Toreador... we are not a single entity but individuals and I assume the same applies to most Kindred regardless of clan... well maybe with the exception of the Tremere!" he says softly and gives a low laugh.

"So I do not come with 'preconditioned, prerecorded and preconceived' notions about you and your worth just because of your lineage. I would hope the same because I have to admit you are one of the few interesting presences in the court and I would hate to not have the opportunity to speak with you because of what our bloodline is..."

2013-05-14, 02:30 AM
She gives you a smile and a wink.
"Glad I could meet a free-thinker, then. You sure you won't get in trouble for talking to me?"
She deliberately walks towards you, her whole body moving in fluid grace.
"We wouldn't want that, now would we?"

2013-05-14, 02:39 AM
"I could say something cliche like 'trouble is my middle name' but that would be... as I said, cliche. I hope I wont be in trouble... I believe my performance tonight gives me some leeway to have my way!" he says with a hint of innuendo. Her more seductive movements dont go unnoticed. Unfortunately for her he has transcended his old humanity and is now a husk of unholy flesh moving at the tune of the beast and his own desires. Still, he would not pass the opportunity to make her think he is interested... nothing better than a Kindred that thinks you are at their beck and call.

"So tell me, miss Masters, what do you do in your unlife?" he says smiling at her.

2013-05-14, 03:09 AM
"A little of this, a little of that. I run a very lucrative business in the field of women's clothing. If you think Elysium can be catty, you should see underwear models."
She chuckles pleasantly.

2013-05-14, 03:47 AM
“I have to admit, I wouldn’t mind seeing them at all!” he says and laughs quietly.

“So, have you been in Calgary long? Do you have any tips for a newcomer like myself? What to visit, what to try, what to see by night and with whom?” he asks.

2013-05-14, 04:15 AM
"You're Toreador, so you should dine at the tower at least once. The Stampede's in June, I hear it's a riot, though it's not really my scene. Are you an Art or a Music sort?"

2013-05-14, 04:41 AM
"Music is my preference. Sculpture and other less... popular means as well. When I was in Europe I had been to the Human Body exhibition. It was both repulsive and impressive but I enjoyed it after all..." he says perhaps revealing the one true thing he has said tonight.

"In any case, perhaps one of these nights you can show me a little known secret of the city or two. If I may be so bold as to ask that of you miss Masters."

2013-05-14, 04:45 AM
"Certainly. I could show you a few sights, when I get the free time. Being a candidate for Keeper has really upset my schedule, you can imagine. Of course, if that were to suddenly change, if I had an aide... Perhaps I could give you a better tour, sooner."

2013-05-14, 04:49 AM
He laughs openly and heartily.

"Its one thing to play with my head by as you said 'wishing you well and talking to you' and another to pit me against our own candidate. Still I am sure that if you are chosen we can have this discussion again and our Primogen's would also see as much merit in having an aide to the Keeper from our clan as I see in working with you." he says allowing a hint of interest to show its face among the shoals of Camarilla clan politics.

2013-05-14, 05:15 AM
"I'll hold you to that, if I end up running the show."
She stretches, and while it looks rehearsed, the effect is not lessened for it. Does this woman practice everything she does?
"Here, take my card. Let me know if you have any interesting offers to put on my table."
She hands you a card that she prestidigitated from somewhere, probably during that stretch routine.
Rue Masters
Corporate Executive Officer
Fantasia Diobolique
For life's Sinful Pleasures

2013-05-14, 06:14 AM
"Love the name of your business. And certainly, I shall try my best to do so" he says taking the card.

Unless the woman has something further to say he makes his excuses and leaves her company. Satisfied both with the mental and social challenges provided for him tonight but also with the amount of information he has gathered today, Stanley departs.

What time is it?

2013-05-14, 06:22 AM
The time is 2:10 AM.
Where would you like to go?

2013-05-14, 06:25 AM
Stanley departs and heads towards the bar indicated from his underworld contact as a location where the Hells Angels gather. He does make a stop on the way back at the motel to change to more comfortable and less provocative clothes. He puts on combat pants and a jacket along with the kevlar vest.

2013-05-14, 06:37 AM
You get to the bar 2 hours later. It's now 4:10 AM, and yes, there's a group of four bikers there.

You have 2 hours 20 minutes before sunup.

2013-05-14, 06:39 AM
Ah sorry... if it actually takes 2 hours to get there and 2 hours to get back I wouldnt risk it for 20 minutes of conversation...

How long would it more or less be required to get back to my haven?

2013-05-14, 06:44 AM
the university or the hotel? About 20 minutes to the uni and maybe 26 to the hotel, from Elysium. From the bar in Red Deer? 2 hours and change.

2013-05-14, 07:10 AM
Aha... it takes 2+hours to get there. Didnt realise that!

So I would say we retcon this for now... I wouldnt risk going 2 hours there and 2 hours back so late in the night!

Leaving the Elysium, Stanley will try to buy a map of the city and a map of the region. He will study it and realise that getting to the club the Hells Angels seem to frequent is probably not for tonight. Instead he will make marks of the various clan domains as given to him by the Harpies to make sure he doesnt forget.

He will then send a quick text to the Frat head to check if the arrangements from his side are underway and also text Luanne.

"Have you secured a location?"

That done he will return to the motel and rest for the night.

2013-05-14, 04:41 PM
Gain 9 xp, Lose 1 bp, Gain 1 wp. I'll copy the Text into Grassy's thread when he wakes on Sunday (If you're texting right before you knock off)
When you awaken, your blood-bonded ghoul looks a bit frayed. Actually, it seems the hotel staff are wary and worried as well.

2013-05-14, 11:48 PM
Currently at 19XP, 11 BP, full WP (8).

Okay, time to spend some XP.

Purchases (with your approval):

1 dot of Auspex since I have been using perception and alertness quite a bit. Plus being into more dangerous situations requires it. Minor question : You do use the danger sense effect from Auspex right? It is in my opinion the most important thing to be honest...

1 dot of Celerity

1 dot of Streetwise

Stanley rises and speaks with the ghoul first.

"What is the matter darling? I sense you are uncertain and worried about something..."

2013-05-15, 12:11 AM
You're Toreador, you can take Auspex. Yes, I use the danger sense, though with one dot... Well, good luck. From the look of your purchases, you're expecting combat. I haven't actually thrown combat at you, which makes me wonder what you're up to, but it's the other players' problem :p
"There was a bombing at the University. They've got the roads closed, and the mayor's talking about Martial Law."

Well. Great. Wonder if THAT one's Luanne's fault, too.

2013-05-15, 01:56 AM
Planning is a key thing in vampire. You dont NEED to be in combat but you should always be prepared for it. If you noticed I didnt put alot of dots in melee/firearms. This is due to how inefficient such abilities are for vampires (dealing bashing and lethal while opening yourself up to counter-attack).

After years of exploring Vampire me and my group (especially when playing Sabbat packs) came up to the conclusion: Unless you have Potence 4-5 (so you can go for decapitation which requires difficulty 9 melee attack and needs to do 5 levels of lethal AFTER soak) you are ALWAYS better off with a grapple -bite routine. That way you deal aggravated, your opponent cant fight back unless he breaks the grapple AND if you want you can instead deliver a Kiss and gain 3 blood (while your opponent loses it) AND demand a willpower roll for them not to submit to the kiss).

With celerity 2 your round looks like this: Dodge (just in case), Grapple, Bite.
With celerity 3 your round looks like this: Dodge, Grapple, Bite, Bite... which should destroy MOST vampires in 1 round...

And yea, 1-3 rounds is the most you should do combat in V:TM otherwise you end up in Final death or torpor from little by little damage...

So in conclusion... I dont plan to fight anyone (dead people cant be pawns!) BUT in case I need to, I want to make sure my chances are good!

Stanley almost frenzies. IDIOTS! This caused so many issues he didnt even want to think about.

"Oh my that is terrible news. Was anyone injured?" he says truly concerned. Not for the same reasons as the staff and Theresa but for the cell. He had not warmed up to them yet but some of them were seemingly useful.

Stanley opens the TV in the room and watches the news to see what details are available. Meanwhile he takes out his phone, removes the battery and simcard and destroys the device. He had disposables for just that reason and in the off chance another pack member had been compromised he didnt need to be identified so easily.

2013-05-15, 02:20 AM
Well. Looks like Luanne won't be getting back to you any time soon.
At least you have a viable identity within the Camerilla.

The news is reporting on the bombing. There were a few casualties, but since the bombs detonated only in the central library and the History building, there's only 4 reported deaths, and 13 injuries.
Most of the injuries are a result of smoke inhalation.

The message seems to be that the city is still safe, and that the police are on the job. They don't want whoever did this skipping town.

2013-05-15, 02:27 AM
The fact that he was nowhere near the location on Saturday pleases Stanley to no end. If the cell survived they will have maybe even used the chance to pretend to being dead.

He sends a quick text to April, seeing as he had her number anyway.

"Worried about you hun. Is everything fine? I heard there was a bomb at the university. Text me when you get home!"

Well... this meant the party was probably cancelled as well but he could use this opportunity to do something educational.

He takes Theresa to his room and sits her down.

"There is something I need to tell you dear. Had happened at the university was an attack by a sect of evil people. I and others like me work against them by any means possible but even the people I work with are not nice. Overall its a bad situation...

I dont want to scare you but there are things, bad things, in this world that you might have dismissed as tales growing up. Unfortunately, the boggeymen in the closet are real and it is against such people that I struggle and fight. My personal talents allow me to infiltrate these bad people and work against them from within. You are still very... new to all this so I just want you to have a basic understanding... I shall tell you more with time.

Suffice to say, the people I work against caused this so you can imagine how evil and corrupt they are despite the facade of a human face that they wear..."

2013-05-15, 02:37 AM
1: You destroyed your SIM. How are you texting April?
2: Give me a Manipulation+Subterfuge. I believe she's at -2 dice to resist your social rolls, so
Wits+Empathy: [roll0]- her DC is your Manip+Subterfuge. Your DC is 5.

2013-05-15, 02:52 AM
1: Points at trappings in equipment from recruitment thread Here! (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=15097583&postcount=75)

Her DC is also 5 (so she failed)
[roll0] and spending a WP as he wants her to believe him and puts effort on this.

Edit: 5 successes :D that's nice!

2013-05-15, 03:12 AM
You got 5 successes and she *Botched*.

Stanley has her total, devoted, undivided attention. She believes your word like gospel.
You don't get a text back from April, but she might have burned her phone.

"Please, tell me what you need, how we fight these bad people! I need to know!"

2013-05-15, 03:30 AM
"We fight them with patience. We watch them, learn about them and when the time is right and they are open and vulnerable we strike." he says calmly touching her shoulder.

"I do have some more bad news. Those people... they are responsible for your fathers and sisters deaths. I believe they used their influence to control others and have them kill them. These people, Theresa, they are not human. They are... and I know this sounds crazy... they are vampires." he says with a finality that does not allow for discussion.

"And... and... and so am I. But! Dont be scared... I might not be the sparkly kind from Twillight but I am still working to make sure the world becomes a better place. There are two factions in the vampire world. The oppressors that are responsible for your parents death is called Camarilla. They prance like lords and ladies of the night while destroying everything good in this world. The rebels, that are also bad in their way but at least bring the fight to the Camarilla, are called Sabbat. I am part of this Sabbat and even though I disagree with many of their methods and ways, I too see the reason why we need to fight...

Alas the Camarilla is too strong and too established. They have placed a web over humanity called the Masquerade and they use it to protect themselves and their identity. They operate through it by controlling humanity via the media, the politicians and even the police and military. What happened in the US was something the Sabbat had been planning for generations... we brought down the Masquerade but unfortunately the message was twisted... the US did not realize that it had a friend in the Sabbat but rather called a hunt on all vampires.

Which brings us to the next part of what I must tell you. I am giving you all this info because I trust you. You must tell noone, ABSOLUTELY noone of any of this. Not only will they think you crazy and commit you, and I could not suffer that, but also the Camarilla will learn of my presence in their city and try to destroy me... if the fanatical humans dont do so first.

So though you now know the truth, you must keep it for yourself. Together we will continue my work of infiltrating the Camarilla, pretending to be obedient pawns all the while, until we can topple them..." he says.

He realizes he has gotten away. The twisted prism from which he presents the world of the Cainites to the girl is a masterpiece that he admires himself. he almost gets lost in the sugar coated version of the truth and believes in it. Off course little of this zealous crap matters to him... it matters to the Sabbat though and if he wants the girl to remain loyal in the long term he has to use it. He hopes her blind devotion to him will work for now, both due to the Presence and the blood bond. With time he may reveal more but for now she should be convinced...

2013-05-15, 03:50 AM
She is very convinced.
"So what do you need me to do? How can I help, I'm just a girl..."

2013-05-15, 04:13 AM
"Every great man needs a great woman next to him. We shall train and work together. Its probably not what you dreamed off but I need someone to take care of things for more while the sun still shines. Perhaps you can still attend university when I dont need you but you should be very careful..."

2013-05-15, 04:27 AM
"That won't be a problem, classes are off for the week. Resume monday. Tell me what you need, and I'll do it! Anything!"

2013-05-15, 05:14 AM
"For now I dont have some specific need. During the day I want you to train yourself. Join a gym or self defence class and try to use your personality to get others to do what you want. This is a natural gift you may develop from association with me.

Improved strength, magnetic personality and increased stamina are all things you will get in the long term but you need to also train.

I will need you to keep an eye out for me during the day from time to time and I might have errands for you. On occasion we might have to entertain our enemies as guests and it is during those times that the test will be. You will need to pretend that everything is fine and work with me into lulling them into a sense of normalcy and safety..."

2013-05-15, 05:16 AM
"Right. Normal. Act normal. I can do that, I think. Work out, self defense. Be crafty. So am I like the new Buffy?"

2013-05-15, 05:30 AM
"I guess you could call it that. Only prettier, better, smarter and without the wacky friends. You are my Buffy!" he says and hugs her. Physical intimacy with ghouls could ensure an even further degree of loyalty and Stanley was not against the concept even though it meant little to him.

2013-05-15, 05:42 AM
She cuddles into you, happily. After a few moments, you decide she's probably not going to cease the contact of her own volition. Your Auspex also lets you know her body temperature has elevated, her heart rate increased, and her skin is flushed.

2013-05-15, 06:50 AM
Stanley does not believe in wasting blood to get his... useless parts working again. He instead leans closer and delivers a Kiss that he knows to be much more intense and strong than even the human orgasm. He maintains the kiss for a while draining only 1 blood point as he does not wish to make her weak or tired but still needs to pump some life into his own stream to deliver the effect.

Once done he smiles at her.

"Now sleep and rest. You have a lot to do tomorrow and I need you rested!" he says calmly before leaving.

He departs and sits down with his herd trying to calm them down and sooth them. He cares little for their emotional well being but edgy, worried people create issues and he cant have that. He hands them whatever money he has left from the various victims and people he has interacted with and promises better days and protection in case something happens.

He then leaves the motel on foot to clear his thoughts. With the roads closed and the police on alert the night or even the following few nights, wont be as easy. He decides to play the good boy and he calls the Primogens whip.

2013-05-15, 06:59 AM
"Go for Layla" is the answer. Sounds like she's had a busy night.

Your herd is slightly becalmed by your presence, and resume their normal duties, but you can detect the hint of fear following them like a specter.