View Full Version : questions about tsochar

2013-04-16, 10:35 AM
I'm planning on using tsochari as a major antagonists in my next game, and I was wondering if anyone had any ideas of how they would be effected by mind effecting magic directed at their hosts. Would a charm spell cast on a host, inhabited or replaced, effect the tsochar within? Would a symbol spell? The Lords Of Madness splatbook they come from says that they take half damage from physical attacks directed at their host, but don't mention mental attacks. They do supposedly attach themselves to the hosts nervous system though.

Also, would a player with telepathic abilities, like a helm of telepathy or detect thoughts or suggestion spell, be able to tell that there was another mind in someone just by trying to use it?

Jair Barik
2013-04-16, 10:38 AM
As I recall the Tsochari can choose to either consume the host completely or leave it alive.

If the host were still alive then I would assume the spell would be directed at the host. If it had consumed them then it would be against the Tsochari. For area spells such as Symbols both would be effected (for things that effect closest first it would start with the host). Also bare in mind that something such as charm person cast upon a Tsochari would not work as it is not humanoid.