View Full Version : Darker than Black IC

2013-04-16, 05:02 PM
Andreas, Daisuke and Michel found themselves in a conference room at a library in Minnesota, sitting at chairs next to their handlers. Tabitha wore a pair of skinny jeans, a white tank top and a denim jacket. Livia wears a green skirt with a blue blouse, a purse on the table in front of her. Vincent wears a pair of jeans and a heavy overcoat. The six of you are waiting for someone Vincent had called the “Caller”.

Livia began speaking the moment a digital clock turned to 5:58. “This is a test, we came to the conclusion that you three would work well together. Part of the assignment is to see if you three are intelligent enough to find each other’s strengths and weaknesses in order to become the best team possible. Give information as it occurs, remember, you are testing each other as well as yourselves, we need to know the extent of your abilities.” She stopped just as the door opened and a short Mexican man entered the room. He is a little overweight and has beads of sweat on his forehead.

He stood at the doorway and spoke in a barely discernable accent. “You three are getting on a plane in two hours to go to New York, you are to retrieve a doll from a contractor who can manipulate fire. We do not know the extent of his ability, how it works or what his payment is, but we do know where he is. He is currently working at a theatre. You will receive more information on the plane ride to New York.” He put his hands behind his back and paused, listening to something no-one else could hear. “Your handlers have some information, ask them whatever you will although there isn’t much more information that you need.”

2013-04-18, 05:31 AM
Daisuke merely stared lazily at the ceiling for a moment before her lips parted.

"Tell me, since I didn't quite catch it," she blurted, "are we retrieving the doll, as in it is as simply as it sounds, or..."

Her eyes flickered towards her handler.

"...are we "retrieving" the doll?" she emphasized this with hand quotation gestures.

2013-04-18, 12:59 PM
Livia smiled at Daisuke. "We want the doll back in our possession dear. If you return her alive, it is better, but we want the body either way. The most important part of the mission is the doll, if you kill the contractor or let him go is of no circumstance, but you may need to get him out of your way."

2013-04-19, 06:55 AM
"Heh." A amused smirk flashed across her face just before she returned to her neutral expression.

"I'm assuming this is a public airline flight we're catching and we are to retrieve our equipment upon entering New York?"

2013-04-19, 07:04 AM
"Of course, we cannot waste funds on private flights for every mission. You will leave tonight on the 8:30 flight, we'll give you the ticket information as you leave."

2013-04-19, 10:00 AM
"Reasonable but... inconvenient." Daisuke sighed, "How long is our estimated duration of the mission? I will also require a hotel room, regardless of the duration, since access to a shower is a prerequisite for my payment..."

2013-04-19, 10:16 AM
"It will take as long as you require, I can have a room ready for you if you wish, or you can take some money with you and select your own. We were intending to just add in that expense into your allowance, but if you would prefer to not have to waste any time looking for a room, than so be it."

2013-04-20, 06:45 PM
Michel sat listening to Daisuke and Livia speaking while rolling an egg around his hand before saying "This mission does sound fun, I mean, we can go see a movie and take out this guy afterwards. I see it as a win win scenario."

2013-04-20, 11:45 PM
Vincent laughs and raises and eyebrow at Michel. "It would be better if you were to finish the mission before screwing around, but we will give you a few days after the mission before we arrange the next one."

Milo v3
2013-04-21, 08:15 PM
Andreas sighed, it seemed Michel was either a fool or highly arrogant of his acting ability. There is no reason to act so juvenile without an audience. And playing with his obeisance, unless it was a bluff.

"8:30 should give me enough time to obtain my equipment.

Do we know if this contractor is part of an organisation?"

2013-04-22, 09:25 AM
"It doesn't matter, at least not enough for us to know." Tabitha shrugged and leaned back in her chair. "No one is going to back him up if that is what you are asking, he has been alone there for a while."

2013-04-29, 02:22 AM
"Alright, what about phone calls? Anyone contacting him regularly that we know of?" Asked Michel sitting back in his chair. "As for when we leave I'll be ready anytime after 8am."

2013-04-29, 08:32 AM
"No phone calls we can discern, other than that, we are not aware of any communication."

2013-04-30, 08:35 PM
Daisuke shifted her weight to the point where she barely managed to keep her balance. Then she suddenly rocked forward, sprung up, and stood in a lazy and equally energetic fashion.

"Alright!" she said with feigned enthusiam, "I would be willing to distract myself for the next hour or so but airport customs take so long that I might miss my flight!"

Her voice became less energetic as she began readjusting/fiddling with her flight jacket. "I would prefer that you guys book a room for us: I know little of the area and I know you guys arent omniscient but you'll definitely make the more practical decision than I."

"So!" her prior chirpiness returned as soon as she was content with her jacket, "Meeting adjourned? I think that is the correct term... I think." She bit her bottom lip nervously as she finished.

2013-05-01, 08:57 AM
Tabitha stood, looking at the rest, "We will give you a ride to wherever you want before the airport." She paused for a moment, listening to something that was not there. "As for your room." She took a pen and notepad from a pocket in her jacket and wrote something down. "We just reserved your room at the Novotel, it is not close to the airport, but it is less than a mile from the target. Your gear will be waiting for you there."
Livia watched Tabitha as she spoke, but then turned to Daisuke. "You are free to leave, Tabitha has already sent for the cars."

2013-05-02, 01:20 AM
"Thanks!" she said as she made her way towards the exit, "Don't know about you two but I'll be at the airport reading e-books."

The tall contractor then pulled a phone from her jacket as she began muttering to herself.