View Full Version : [PF/3.5] Help me find my Role in the party

2013-04-17, 03:37 AM
Hey guys!

I'm kinda struggling with my feeling out my role in the party. I am doing a great job with what I have been doing, there no question of effectiveness. I guess its just feeling a little over the top I guess. I'll try and explain what I mean.

Here's our party composition. Its quite the large party. We all level 4 or 5.

War Cleric
Warblade Bard (TWF)
Warblade Bard 2 (DFI) -ME-

I have been working quite closely with the other Bardblade as we are quite similar characters. She does Inspire Courage, and I am doing Dragonfire Inspiration. On top of that we have the Banner from our Crusader helping here too. Huge buffs!

As you can see, we have a lot of Melee focused characters so the doubling up on the two different songs is working great.

My Problem is that I am finding that I am not really needed in melee combat. On top of that, I am finding that I am falling into the Bard role more often than I was expecting, playing up the distraction while everyone else gets it done. Its been quite effective. I was intending on building my character out as Warblade 16, Bard 4. I am currently Warblade 1, Bard 4.

I am thinking that I probably don't need to push into the Warblade direction, and that perhaps pushing in maybe a more support role would work better.

Heres where I am at.

Warblade 1, Bard 4
Silverbrow Human
Feats: Dragonfire Inspiration, Power attack, Draconic Aura, Song of the White Raven

Does anyone have any suggestions for where I should go with this character if not continuing as a Warblade?

My only requirement is that I'd like to keep up with Bardic Music.
I was thinking of perhaps looking at continuing as a Bard or focusing more on spell casting. Perhaps play up more on the Draconic aspect of my character.

Thanks in advance :)

2013-04-17, 04:20 AM
I assume you have a decent charisma score so 1 or 2 levels of Marshal (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/ex/20030906b) would be a boon to your party.

Squire of Legend and Mythic Exemplar (both from Complete Champion) are decent.

Last but not least, War Chanter (Complete Warrior) and Dawncaller* (Races of Stone) are pretty good for this sort of character.

*Note that while it's official requirement mentions being a Goliath, it's adaptation section mentions non-Goliath Dawncallers being a possibility.

I assume you plan on further boosting your Inspire Courage to fuel DFI so you're taking the Song of the Heart and Words of Creation feats as well as various IC boosting items?

2013-04-17, 04:33 AM
How about working to go into Virtuoso(advancing bard) 1/Sublime Chord 1/Virtuoso advancing Sublime Chord?

Warchanters Reckless ability can be really nice in a melee party where things have to die fast. with no real wizard (hence why I would go with Virtuoso and Sublime Chord.

2013-04-17, 05:25 AM
Ya, I have been thinking about a Spell caster route due to the lack or any real spell caster.

My thoughts at the moment for this are Get into Lyric Thaumaturge ASAP, then into Sublime Chord for two levels. Not sure where from here. Maybe two levels of Seeker of the song then maybe Virtuoso?

Virtuoso seems so lack-luster to me. I donno, I really don't care for it on paper....

Yes, my plan to to try and max out DFI as much as I can. Song of the Heart is planned to be taken eventually. Our GM has said no on Words of Creation. I don't mind my DFI lagging behind alittle bit. The other Bardblade has Song of the heart now, and I don't, and its working great.

2013-04-17, 09:25 AM
Not really getting what DFI stands for, I'm sure it'll come to me right after I post this.

Our bard took butterfly sting and a rapier to hand crits off to the heavy hitters in the party.

Otherwise, bards can be worthwhile skill monkeys, but I don't personally put much stock in them as effective combatants.

2013-04-17, 12:11 PM
Ya, I have been thinking about a Spell caster route due to the lack or any real spell caster.

My thoughts at the moment for this are Get into Lyric Thaumaturge ASAP, then into Sublime Chord for two levels. Not sure where from here. Maybe two levels of Seeker of the song then maybe Virtuoso?

Virtuoso seems so lack-luster to me. I donno, I really don't care for it on paper....

Yes, my plan to to try and max out DFI as much as I can. Song of the Heart is planned to be taken eventually. Our GM has said no on Words of Creation. I don't mind my DFI lagging behind alittle bit. The other Bardblade has Song of the heart now, and I don't, and its working great.

Ah, but you can take Sublime Chord, THEN take Virtuoso, and make yourself a fully competent caster (Advance only Sublime Chord from your Virtuoso levels) as well as a decent buffer. Start taking Perform(Weapon Drill) And you have yourself a stylish combatant with fairly devastating spellcasting ability. And with the spells you gain, you can cut yourself a new role in combat in a variety of ways-buffing, enchantment, or protective.