View Full Version : Mimicing someone's voice

2013-04-17, 07:19 AM
Here's the thing. I have a Bard with Disguise self, and am planning to use the spell from time to time. The problem is that if she disguises herself into a male guard, NPCs will probably be ticked off by her voice. Are there any spells or skills that I could use to mimic a male voice, or is this part of the standard disguise roll?

We are using the Pathfinder system.

2013-04-17, 07:30 AM
I think you might be able to use ghost sound. They'd get a will save against believing it, but it says it can create talking specifically and that you can create virtually any sound within the volume range you can make.

2013-04-17, 07:34 AM
Here's the thing. I have a Bard with Disguise self, and am planning to use the spell from time to time. The problem is that if she disguises herself into a male guard, NPCs will probably be ticked off by her voice. Are there any spells or skills that I could use to mimic a male voice, or is this part of the standard disguise roll?

We are using the Pathfinder system.

Generally, it would fall under the use of the disguise skill. However, you may be looking for the Vocal Alteration (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/v/vocal-alteration) spell.

2013-04-17, 08:36 AM
NPCs will probably be ticked off by her voice.

Why, does she sound like Fran Drescher? lol

Duke of Urrel
2013-04-17, 10:23 AM
I'm not qualified to comment on Pathfinder rules, but I have always understood that Disguise skill includes vocal mimicry, so that if you're using a real or illusory disguise to impersonate someone, your Disguise check reflects your ability to imitate other people's voices.

One may question whether a +10 enhancement bonus should be added to one's Disguise check if one's illusory disguise relies heavily upon vocal mimicry. I personally allow this bonus in most cases, because I believe most creatures orient themselves primarily by sight and only secondarily by hearing. However, if you had to impersonate someone in the presence of a blind creature, I would deny the +10 Disguise-check bonus and add a familiarity bonus to the creature's opposed Listen check, because this creature orients itself primarily by hearing.

I offer my apologies if my comment has no relevance to Pathfinder rules.

2013-04-17, 10:33 AM
I would argue that putting on a different voice would be part if a Disguise check. Or maybe a Bluff check. A Perform(Acting) check at worst.

If you want a magical solution, Alter Self beocmes available at Bard level 4 and would presumably change your vocal apparatus. Or at 7th level there's Sculpt Sound (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/sculptSound.htm).

Piggy Knowles
2013-04-17, 11:06 AM
The kenku has a racial feature that allows them to mimic voices and other sounds with a bluff check. I'm on my phone right now and can't post the link, but if you do a Google search for them, I know that WotC released the stats for them on a preview.

Doesn't help you much if you've already got a character in progress, but you can at least look at that ability and use it as a baseline for coming up with a feat or spell that would function the same.

The Viscount
2013-04-17, 11:48 AM
The aforementioned kenku (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/iw/20040912b&page=4). Listen to This, the skill trick enables you to repeat what you hear, so I think you could use it for impersonating a specific person.

2013-04-17, 12:38 PM
A changeling would likely change his/her voice as part of changing form, given that the sound of someone's voice is at least partially influenced by their vocal cords.

2013-04-17, 12:49 PM
Hmm... that is a good question. The Disguise skill as written states that it is "to change your appearance."

I live in New Orleans and hang out often with TV and TG people... and I can honestly say that I've been fooled visually as to gender by several individuals, but once I talk to them the voice has given it away 100% of the time. A few years post-op it can become harder to tell, but it still seems obvious to me. I dunno, maybe I'm just better at picking up on it because I see/hear it so much?

Maybe you could get by with some quick pleasantries, but I'd think it near impossible to do a cross gender voice for an extended conversation (unless you were pretending to be a boy whose voice hasn't dropped)

So magic would work... or be a female guard and bypass the whole issue? In a world where females have the same stats (ie. Str) as males, it makes sense that there would be plenty of female guards...

2013-04-17, 12:52 PM
Since Disguise is more visual, I'd say voice mimicry falls under the Bluff's "deceive someone" function (apply any Bluff modifiers to acting in character, in addition to disguise check modifiers from the age, race, sex, etc. of the creature to be emulated). And roll a Bluff vs. Sense Motive check once when you make a vocalization, and for every minute of vocalization thereafter (usually speech or conversation, but could also include singing, screaming, grunting, or any other vocal sound made in that period of time). The bluff check must be rolled whether or not the Bluffer's vocalization is intentional or even comprehensible as speech.