View Full Version : Heading into the Abyss - Help needed!

Homeric Hero
2013-04-17, 11:30 AM
Afternoon all,

I've been reading the excellent forums here for years - consistently finding helpful and amusing stuff during every visit. The time has come where I'd finally like to ask for some help and advice.

In precis: I'd love advice and suggestions on how to equip my character - and possibly other party members - for this final stretch of the campaign.

*Possible Savage Tide campaign spoilers below*

Rough outline of the campaign situation
I'm currently playing in a D&D 3.5 Forgotten Realms campaign. We're playing an FR version of the Savage Tide. The campaign is a little over two and a half years old, and it looks as though we're about to head into the Abyss - eventually seeking to confront Demogorgon himself in his home territory of Gaping Maw. Hopefully our GM won;t mind me putting a link to our campaign website here (http://cracksmacker.dyndns.org/rpg/savagetide/)

My character has survived all the way from level one (others have not), and - if you are at all familiar with the campaign - is captain of the group's ship, the fearsome Sea Wyvern. My initial concept for him was as a "Homeric Hero", fighting in the style of the hoplites of Ancient Greece and Macedonia. (Breastplate, large round Hoplon Shield, and Warspear [a Bastard sword in spear form]). He began as a harpoon caster aboard a whaling ship, and has continued to progress as a hunter of beasts, and now demonic foes. His role is surviving as one of the group's two frontline warriors - the other being a Paladin built to deal horrendous damage with charge and smite combos. The group's Cleric of Moradin is also quite battle-specialised, but also heals and casts a good lot. The Druid's animal companion (and him too once he's wild-shaped) is also a terrifying spectacle.

I never built him to be optimised, but feel he hasn't gone too badly. We have just hit level 16. His build is as follows:

Ranger 3 (For the skills points - vital now for captaining his ship - and favoured enemy)
Warblade 2 (Have taken Tiger Claw, mobility themed manoeuvres)
(Originally anything from the ToB was either outlawed or heavily re-written. With the ascension of the group's Wizard/Beguiler/Ultimate Magus, Pure Cleric of Moradin, and Summoning Druid - it's been allowed back in to some extent.)Leviathan Hunter 5 (from Stormwrack)
Scion of the Blazing Sun 6 (an entirely flavourful 10 level Homebrew class that is basically a Fighter with Celestial template abilities in place of bonus feats, culminating in minor Celestial Apotheosis at 10th level. Not powerful, no - but fun. And it links with my character's background as a direct descendant of the goddess Sune - very Greek Mythology :wink: See below for details.)

EDIT: Added Homebrew Class
Homebrew Class - Scion of the Blazing Sun


In the distant past, an aspect of the goddess Sune fell in love with a noble and mighty merman by the name of Triton. Together they had eleven sons and ruled below the waves for many centuries - and, when the time came, Triton was borne aloft by Sune - and carried away to her realm upon the astral sea, to live forever by her side.

The eleven sons took human, elven and aquatic wives in and around the islands and coastlines of the Shining sea - founding families of brave, honourable folk; who saw beauty in all things, were kind and generous to their allies and their kin, and swift to deliver due vengeance upon their enemies - with strong spear-arms and dazzling shields. They were the Myrmidons. The folk of Triton. The Merfolk of the Blazing Sun.

Alas, time erodes all things. And, eventually, the glories, histories, and memories of the Myrmidons were all but forgotten. Buried beneath the silt and waves of the Shining Sea. But one lineage, it would seem, remained alight - on the isle of Ithaka, near the lands called Tethyr, Myrmidon and royal blood were, and always have been, one and the same.

Through the generations Myrmidon blood has remained miraculously undiluted - causing kings, queens, and the royal sons and daughters of Ithaka to exhibit unique traits at varying points in their lives: Great wisdom and personal magnetism, acute eyesight in even total darkness, immunity to the crushing cold of the fathomless depths, the ability to breathe water as if it were air, a stroke beneath waves that outpaces the swiftest swimmers of men. And physical manifestations, such as unearthly beauty, golden eyes, blue-tinged skin, and red, fiery manes of hair - that flow like fire or water, without the slightest breath or gust of wind.

The Scion of the Blazing Sun prestige class represents the ultimate fulfilment of this extraplanar and deific destiny. As the scion progresses through the ten levels of this class, his latent supernatural abilities awaken, culminating in a celestial apotheosis whereby his destiny is finally revealed.

Becoming a Scion of the Blazing Sun

To qualify to become a scion, a character must fulfill all the following criteria:

Race: Human, aventi, elf, aasimar, or water genasi.
Alignment: Any good.
Base Attack Bonus: +6
Feats: Luck of Heroes, Heroic Destiny.
Patron: Sune or Triton.
Special: Descended from a royal or celestial bloodline of a region bordering the Shining Sea.

Class Skills

The Scion of the Blazing Sun's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Profession (Wis), Swim (Str).

Skill points at each level: 2 + Int modifier.

Class Features

Hit Dice: d10

Lvl BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +1 +2 +0 +0 Aura of Good, Otherworldly
2 +2 +3 +0 +0 Aquatic Adaption I, Elemental Resistance (Fire)
3 +3 +3 +1 +1 Divine Health, Smite Evil 1/day
4 +4 +4 +1 +1 Aquatic Adaption II, Elemental Resistance (Cold)
5 +5 +4 +1 +1 Daylight 2/day
6 +6 +5 +2 +2 Smite Evil 2/day, Elemental Resistance (Acid)
7 +7 +5 +2 +2 Celestial Immunity
8 +8 +6 +2 +2 Aquatic Adaption III, Elemental Resistance (Electricity)
9 +9 +6 +3 +3 Smite Evil 3/day
10 +10 +7 +3 +3 Celestial Apotheosis

As you advance as a scion, your latent divine and extraplanar abilities begin to emerge.

Aura of Good (Ex): The power of a scion's aura of good (see the detect good spell) is equal to twice her scion level.

Otherworldly: At 1st level, the scion evolves from a humanoid into a native outsider. The scion gains darkvision out to 60 feet.

Aquatic Adaption: This ability evolves in three phases.

I: At 2nd level, the scion gains a swim speed of 20 feet. Anyone with a swim speed may move through the water at its swim speed without making Swim checks, may always take 10 on a Swim check even if distracted or endangered, and can use the run action while swimming in a straight line.

II: At 4th level, the scion grows gills and can breathe salt water with ease. He can also breathe fresh water, but find the experience to be very uncomfortable and are treated as fatigued while doing so and for 10 minutes afterward. The scion also becomes so accustomed to aquatic life that he ignores pressure for the first 500 feet of depth, and only takes 1d6 points of damage per 200 feet below that when determining vulnerability to pressure damage.

III: At 8th level, the scion becomes increasingly at ease in the water and her swim speed increases to 40 feet.

Elemental Resistance (Ex): As the scion's extraplanar abilities emerge, he gains resistance 5 to fire at first, followed by cold, then acid, and finally electricity.

Divine Health (Ex): At 3rd level, a scion gains immunity to all diseases, including supernatural and magical diseases.

Smite Evil (Su): Once per day, a scion may attempt to smite evil with one normal melee attack. She adds her Charisma bonus (if any) to her attack roll and deals 1 extra point of damage per scion level. If the scion accidentally smites a creature that is not evil, the smite has no effect, but the ability is still used up for that day.

Daylight (Sp): At 5th level, the scion gains the ability to use Daylight as a spell-like ability twice per day, with a caster level equal to her scion level.

Celestial Immunity: At 7th level, the scion gains immunity to poisons of all kinds.

Celestial Apotheosis: At 10th level, the divine heritage of the scion is fully realised in its potential. The scion ceases to age physically and cannot be aged magically. The scion no longer takes ability score penalties for aging, however any penalties already incurred remain in place. Bonuses still accrue, and the scion still dies of old age when his time is up.

The scion often undergoes minor physical changes in form and appearance, sometimes gaining one or more visible indicators of their divine heritage such as: golden irises, golden or flame-red hair that constantly swirls and shimmers as if underwater or aflame, perfect golden-hued skin that seems to emit a soft radiance, or a more beautiful or melodic voice.

The scion's elemental resistance increases from 5 to 10, and she also gains Damage Resistance 5/magic. The scion gains Spell Resistance equal to 11 plus character level.

Any weapon wielded by a scion is counted as good-aligned.

The scion's ability to use Daylight increases to at will, and he gains the ability to use Sunbeam once per day as a spell-like ability with a caster level equal to his scion level.

Ability Scores

Base: STR 20, DEX 14, CON 14, INT 12, WIS 12, CHA 10

With Items: STR 26, DEX 18, CON 18, INT 14, WIS 12, CHA 14


Luck of Heroes, Exotic Weapon Prof. [Warspear], Track (Ranger), TWF (Ranger), Iron Will, Endurance (Ranger), Steadfast Determination, Power Attack, Clever Wrestling (Leviathan Hunter), Heroic Destiny, Indomitable Soul, Armour Specialisation [Medium].


Head: +2 Headband of Intellect
Face: -
Throat: +2 Amulet of Natural Armour
Shoulders: +4 Cloak of Charisma
Torso: +5 Vest of Resistance
Body: +4 Celestial Armour
Arms: +4 Bracers of Health
Hands: +4 Gloves of Dexterity
Ring 1: Ring of Freedom of Movement
Ring 2: Ring of Protection +2
Waist: Belt of Giant Strength +6
Feet: Boots of Speed

- Ruthaen T’Chan: +2 Cold Iron Holy Bane [Evil Outsider] Warspear
- +4 Darkwood Heavy Shield
- +2 Adamantine Longsword
- 4 x +4 Leviathan Hunter Trophies
- Lesser Ring of Swimming
- Ring of the Ram (13 Charges)
- Horn of the Tritons
- The Nimbus Bow <Artifact>
A campaign artifact. The party archer died, and my character picked it up for its situational usefulness. It's a +3 Sacred, Force, Shattermantle, Mighty [Adjusts to users Strength] Composite Longbow. With these Spell-like abilities: – CL15 1/day: Chain Lightning, Control Winds, Moonpath, Sunbeam.
- Quiver of Sehanine Moonbow [With lots of arrows]

How much have we got to work with?
In our last session, we trashed an enormous pirate stronghold on the trail of the campaign's BBEG - coming into possession of a vast wealth of currency, valuables, and over a hundred unidentified magical Items. Without a single magical item sold (few will be useful to us raw, so it's likely most will be sold) we're looking at over 40k each to spend on gear upgrades. I'd guesstimate about 100k each once everything is sorted out. Meta-gaming slightly, we may have the chance to go shopping in Sigil before descending into the Abyss.

So - there we go. Any suggestions for my character (feat swaps, class choices, tactics etc.) are more than welcome. But I'm mainly looking for Demon slaying gear - and /or stuff that'll keep me alive, and give me more options in the high level fights to come. As an aside, this is my first high level 3.5e experience (I know it tends to break down a little - we've experienced that in some large aerial fights etc. already)

Many thanks in advance for your time!


2013-04-17, 01:05 PM
Random nitpicky things in no apparent order.

Why is your main weapon a +2? Nothing I can conceive requires it to be a +2, only +1 or +3...
Depending on what part of the abyss you are headed to, you would do well to prepare for underwater combat or undead. So a sustainable method of water breathing (perhaps a simple alter self) and negative energy effect immunities (soulfire armor enhancement) are very nice choices. A fight against Demogorgon would necessitate both as he is blatantly amphibious and dishes out negative levels with his attacks.
A magic item of mind blank, 1/day or something along those lines, to block all mind affecting stuff. Then drop Indomitable Soul for something else, because you are now immune to everything its granting a bonus against.
I see that you have an ability score boosting item for every stat. So why not go ahead and purchase the Belt of Magnificence +6 for only 200k? Sure the pricetag is hefty, but it gives you savings of two sorts: one, buying all the items individually at +6 would be 216k, two, YOU SAVE 5 BODY SLOTS which is potentially very valuable (considering unslotted items cost 2x their normal value). If your DM is open to the idea, perhaps you could have an NPC fuse your 6 items together and upgrade it a bit to create the belt counting them at full value against its pricetag.

Also, for feats (some repetition here), I advise that you drop Heroic Destiny, Armor specialization, and Indomitable soul.
1. Heroic destiny is a 1/day that can easily be replicated by a magic item. Feats are rarer than magic items...
2. Armor specialization. DR 2/-. Wow, I don't think that will make much of a difference against anything. If enemies are dealing 40 damage a hit, you will be getting 10 effective HP out of it if you have 200 HP. And it doesn't apply to magic or SLAs.
3. Indomitable soul. Already immune to fear from leviathan hunter, should be buying a magic item to get you mind blank. Of no use if you are auto succeeding against these effects.

Homeric Hero
2013-04-17, 01:28 PM
Thanks for replying with such haste!

Why is your main weapon a +2? Nothing I can conceive requires it to be a +2, only +1 or +3...
The campaign has been quite low (well, very low) on chances to purchase or create our own equipment. It's all been found stuff, and that hasn't been exactly common. My character's main weapon was found as a +2 Cold Iron Holy example. There has only been the opportunity to add a Bane to it so far - as we've mainly been fighting Demons, so the Bane seemed more sensible than a bog standard +1.

Depending on what part of the abyss you are headed to, you would do well to prepare for underwater combat or undead. So a sustainable method of water breathing (perhaps a simple alter self) and negative energy effect immunities (soulfire armor enhancement) are very nice choices. A fight against Demogorgon would necessitate both as he is blatantly amphibious and dishes out negative levels with his attacks.
Thankfully have the amphibious corner covered. The campaign has been extremely nautical in flavour - and the homebrew class my character has can breathe water, and has a swim speed. I'll post the homebrew class in a moment in the original post so that it can be seen.

I'll definitely look into Soulfire Armour - as negative levels are a definite problem.

A magic item of mind blank, 1/day or something along those lines, to block all mind affecting stuff. Then drop Indomitable Soul for something else, because you are now immune to everything its granting a bonus against.
This sounds solid. I'll see how much money we actually get - as I know that Mind Blank items can be prohibitively expensive.

I see that you have an ability score boosting item for every stat. So why not go ahead and purchase the Belt of Magnificence +6 for only 200k? Sure the pricetag is hefty, but it gives you savings of two sorts: one, buying all the items individually at +6 would be 216k, two, YOU SAVE 5 BODY SLOTS which is potentially very valuable (considering unslotted items cost 2x their normal value). If your DM is open to the idea, perhaps you could have an NPC fuse your 6 items together and upgrade it a bit to create the belt counting them at full value against its pricetag.
This is nice - I'd long thought of getting a Belt of Physical Perfection, or whatever it's called (I don't have access to many of the books) that would do all three physical stats in one slot. However, so far we've never had access to more than 20k each at any one time (usually in the 5-8k ballpark) - so even a +4 single stat item was a LOT of money. 200k will be way out of my reach. But If I can persuade him to meld all the stat items together, perhaps something similar could come out of it.

Also, for feats (some repetition here), I advise that you drop Heroic Destiny, Armor specialization, and Indomitable soul.
1. Heroic destiny is a 1/day that can easily be replicated by a magic item. Feats are rarer than magic items...
2. Armor specialization. DR 2/-. Wow, I don't think that will make much of a difference against anything. If enemies are dealing 40 damage a hit, you will be getting 10 effective HP out of it if you have 200 HP. And it doesn't apply to magic or SLAs.
3. Indomitable soul. Already immune to fear from leviathan hunter, should be buying a magic item to get you mind blank. Of no use if you are auto succeeding against these effects.
I hear you about the feat choices. Sadly Heroic Destiny is a specific prerequisite of the homebrew class my character is taking. It's not too bad - and has saved my bacon on more than one occasion. I'll look into swapping the other two. Any suggestions on feats to swap to? Also - with regard to Fear Immunity, our DM has started bringing out creatures that cause Terror, Panic, Horror, and various other BS(!) versions of what is ultimately fear - and saying that Fear immunity does not protect against them. Is this at all true?!



Homeric Hero
2013-04-17, 03:01 PM
If anyone else has advice on Demon-fighting equipment, or tactics for use in the Abyss or when fighting Demons, please do post.

Also choices for my character (shown in detail in the first post).

This is most likely the last re-equip chance we'll get before the campaign finale(!). :smalleek:

Many thanks,


2013-04-17, 03:55 PM
Your DM is tossing homebrew status conditions at you, none of those ring any bells and I've read most books around.

RAW you can make a 1/day use activated item of mind blank for 43,200 gp (market price) using DMG magic item creation rules.

On fighting Demons...

Have the necessary movement modes: haven't looked over your stats too much, but you might be needing some flight to deal with winged demons.
Immunities, can't stress these enough. here's a checklist of immunities and such to pick up: Stun Negation/immunity, Negative Energy immunity, Freedom of Movement (good pick on your part), Daze negation / immunity. Some of the nastier demons pack at will (or nearly so) AoE stun effects, don't become another player who dies to tag team balors.
Prepare yourself for common Demon SLAs: greater dispel magic is a bummer to be hit by, especially when it takes out something critical like the spell thats keeping you flying. A spellblade enhancement on one of your weapons keyed specifically to Greater Dispel Magic would do wonders. Also, many demons have teleportation abilities at will. A use activated 1/day item of Anticipate Teleportation, Greater held by anyone in the party would warn you over incoming creatures 3 rounds in advance (also delaying their arrival by 3 rounds)
Miss chances, because armor class doesn't mean much to giant demons unless you have tons of it (which you don't appear to), find a cheap x/per day cloak that grants miss chance or such
Things to boost initiative (impress this upon your party) going before team monster means you get to attack first and reorganize, the second is very important when nasty SLAs are floating around.

As for feats... improved initiative may be nice if you find yourself wanting a higher initiative.

Martial Study to pick up Iron Heart Surge, seriously. Its very useful if strictly interpreted... loosely, well, don't go destroying the sun, or gravity for one...

If the spear you are using happens to have 10 ft reach: combat reflexes is a possibility for extra pokes.

Homeric Hero
2013-04-17, 07:35 PM
Thanks Xervous, that's all fantastic advice. :smallsmile:

Off to start trawling through Magic Item tomes!
