View Full Version : TWF idea

2013-04-17, 01:07 PM
Ok folks so I thought about making a twf using the monks unarmed attack in conjunction with a greatsword.

as a caveat some of the feats listed are from the feats book from AEG I am looking for alternatives for them, so please go nuts!

Monk 2/ Barbarian 1/ Fighter 2/ Barbarian 1/ Fighter 2/X?

So the acf's I'll be using are spirit lion totem barbarian, Whirling Frenzy, and wolf totem barbarian, and the monk fighting style overwhelming attack.

Stats (32 pt point buy)
Str 14
Dex 16
Con 14
Int 8
Wis 16
Cha 8

Stats (rolled)(Also I frelling love my dice!)
Str 17
Dex 18
Con 16
Int 15
Wis 18
Cha 13

Flaw 1 Natural Weaponry (AEG feat book) 1d6 uas -> 1d8 UAS
Flaw 2 Imp. Natural Weaponry (AEG feat book) 1d8 UAS - > 2d6 UAS
Human Flying Kick
1st TWF
Monk 1 Power Attack
M2 Improved Bullrush
F1 EWP Dwarven Warpike
F2 Impale (feat book from AEG) (double damage on charge if weapon is piercing and can be set to receive a charge)
6th Leap Attack
Barb2 Improved Trip
Fighter 4 Imp TWF
9th Shock Trooper

And that is all I have worked out so far. I was thinking two more levels of fighter to get Imp twf at 8th and shock trooper at 9th to really do some sickening damage.

So what do you guys think about the concept?

2013-04-17, 01:35 PM
You get full returns on PA with the attacks you make with your unarmed strikes and double on your attacks with your mainhand Dwarven warpike. On a leap attack charge you get double with uas and triple with your dwarven warpike. On the charge when you flurry each of your unarmed strikes will do 2d6+1d12+2(Str)+PAPx2(power attack penalty) Each of your attacks with the warpike will do (2d6+3+PAPx3)x2 and you use them to perform trip attacks and then smash people with your pike.

At 9th level you should have 3 attacks with the Warpike and 3 attacks with a flurried UAS. with a PAP of 8 you should do


If you hit with all 6 attacks you will do on average 302 damage. I know that there are better chargers but this is fun to me.

2013-04-17, 02:40 PM
This feat is relevant — it's from Eberron though.

Whirling Steel Strike Eb p62
PreReqs: Flurry of Blows class ability, Martial Weapon Proficiency(longsword), Weapon Focus (longsword)
You can Flurry of Blows with a Longsword.

There are similar Eberron feats for Long Spear and Two Bladed Sword

2013-04-17, 02:42 PM
if I could get one for dwarven warpike it would be more relevant as I am trying to maximize the use of a two handed weapon and two weapon fighting.

2013-04-17, 02:46 PM
also whirling frenzy is already a flurry like equivalent. It is an extra attack with all attacks being at -2.

2013-04-17, 03:01 PM
Longspear is a two-handed weapon. And longsword and two-bladed sword can both be used as two-handed weapons (two-bladed sword gives up attacks with the second blade to do so). I would pick the longsword personally.

Not sure why the Dwarven Warpike was your first choice. Doesn't it have reach? If so, you need Short Haft to even use it on the same target as your unarmed strike...

EDIT: Looking over the build again, I see the Warpike was for Impale. Hadn't heard of that feat before. Still, based on your description Longspear would work with it too. So make sure you take Short Haft as soon as possible and use a Longspear.

2013-04-17, 03:17 PM
actually the plan is to attack two different targets with the charge or speak to the dm about the style of the charge. The plan is to run up stab the guy when I get in range and then flip along the shaft of the spear and kick the guy twice. Very kung fu style. If the DM isn't willing to work with me then I will get short haft.

2013-04-17, 03:34 PM
if I could get one for dwarven warpike it would be more relevant as I am trying to maximize the use of a two handed weapon and two weapon fighting.

Pole Master (Secrets of Sarlona). Treat reach weapon as a special monk weapon.

Pole Fighter (Dragon Compendium). Choose a polearm, treat it as a special monk weapon.

Headlong Rush (Races of Faerun). Double damage on a charge attack, except you provoke AoOs (including your target). Orc only.

2013-04-18, 08:57 AM
hmmmm spiffy.

2013-04-18, 09:21 AM
Can you be a monk/barbarian? Since they have conflicting alignment requirements?

2013-04-18, 09:27 AM
Can you be a monk/barbarian? Since they have conflicting alignment requirements?
Yes, but you lose the abilities of whichever alignment you aren't.
If you are lawful, you are a Monk/Ex-Barbarian. If you are not lawful, you are a Barbarian/Ex-Monk

Fortunately monks don't lose any abilities, they just can't gain any more levels in monk. Ex-Barbarians lose the Rage ability.

2013-04-18, 10:16 AM
Which is why we take monk first.

Keld Denar
2013-04-18, 10:30 AM
Yea, you'd have to have a very specific setup of bad guys in order to pounce on one with the pole arm and the other with your UAS. Its the same reason that a dragon can't pounce (it's bite has slightly longer reach than all of it's other natural attacks). Per the charge rules, you HAVE to stop as soon as you are able to attack your foe, and you HAVE to charge to the nearest square to hit that foe from your position. This means that you pretty much have to have your foes set up absolutely perfect. Given the high number of ways to stop a charger and adding this perfect setup to get your full attack, I'd suggest charging with a sword or other, shorter weapon, then switch to your polearm after you smash up the foe you happen to be charging. It'll save you some heartache.

Also, you might want to look into ways of Flurrying with your non-UAS. There are a few feats and a class ability from Shou Disciple (OA) that add weapons to your Flurry choices. More attacks are better than fewer attacks, especially if you can use Shocktrooper to dump the penalties from PA.

2013-04-18, 02:56 PM
like I said if the DM will let me do what I want for fluff fun then I'll be good. If he makes me do it exactly per rules then I will just take short haft.

Keld Denar
2013-04-18, 03:55 PM
You'd take 2 feats, just for that? I mean, one to wield an exotic polearm, and another to wield it as if it weren't an exotic polearm? Heck, I'd just get a non-exotic polearm that only deals about 1.5 average damage less (glaive), and then use a normal greatsword for your charging and save yourself 2 feats that could be better spent on doing cool stuff.

2013-04-18, 05:08 PM
ok well with and without the feats from AEG in mind how would you build this monster?

Keld Denar
2013-04-18, 07:34 PM
Probably use more PsyWar. Maybe something with Tashalatora. There is a feat in Secrets of Sarlona that lets you Flurry with a Longsword, so you could TWF with a longsword 2handed and then your UAS.

Typical Tash builds are Monk2/PsyWar18. Alternatively, less PsyWar and more Slayer gets you slightly higher BAB at the cost of 1 ML, along with all of the fun stuff that Slayer gives (Favored Enemy = Favored Power Attack, especially if you can use Complete Mage's FE: Arcanist rule with Slayer).

Seriously, with Favored Power Attack, you'd get 3:1 PA with your sword and 2:1 PA with your UAS against anything that can cast spells or use SLAs. That's 5:1 PA returns BEFORE factoring anything like Leap Attack which would double that.

Plus, PsyWar is a very sturdy chassis. You have awesome buffs and mobility at your fingertips.

Just be careful about Expanding yourself. TWFing feats have pretty heavy Dex reqs, especially the higher ones, and Expansion drops your Dex by 2 points for every size you gain. Greater TWFing requires a 19 Dex, so you'd have to have a 23 Dex minimum (after items) to Expand that large without knocking out your feats.

2013-04-18, 11:10 PM
Also, did you use 4d6 minus lowest die or did you use a more generous system? That's a pretty lucky slew if the regular method.

2013-04-19, 09:15 AM
yes 4d6 reroll 1s drop the lowest. My dice have been on fire. I rolled a stat set of almost all 16s and another with 3 18s. I am very lucky at stat rolls.

2013-04-19, 09:16 AM
So Keld could you write me up a progression for that with feats?

I am not set on the dwarven warpike or any of the build really.