View Full Version : How should I go about making an incrediby powerful character?

2013-04-17, 07:20 PM
Hello! I'm a bit new here, and I'm looking for a way to make a crazy powerful character for multiple reasons, one of them being so I can piss my DM off. XD

Also, I've been looking at the SRD and reviewing just about everything... And I just realized something. The Paragon Creature and Pseudonatural Creature templates (Paragon: http://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/SRD:Paragon_Creature_%28Epic_Template%29 and Pseudonatural: http://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/SRD:Pseudonatural_Creature_%28Epic_Template%29) Are not normally playable, BUT! What if you played a Lycanthrope(http://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/SRD:Lycanthrope) and had your were-animal being a Pseudonatural, Paragon, Phrenic, ETC creature-with-1-hit die? This would amount to 3 LA(From the Natural Lycanthrope) but, if I'm right, which correct me if I'm not, it would pass on the abilities of the Pseudonatural and Paragon Creature Templates to the Hybrid form? Oh, and while the Lycanthrope does inherit Racial Hit Dice, I don't think it says that it receives LA from Creature Templates.(As always, correct me if I'm wrong)

So, while I know that LA and Racial Hit Dice are a HORRIBLE thing to have normally... I think this might be worth it. (Especially considering you can get a 480 ft fly speed if the base were-animal is an eagle.) I just need to get an opinion on this. If I messed up on a step, that's my mistake, and I'll scrap this.

But anyway, to add on to this ridiculous power... What kind of class do you think would work best for this thing? I considered Fighter, but it seemed a bit basic. A caster wouldn't work that well, considering the LA and RHD. So, suggestions are open when it comes to class. :3

2013-04-17, 07:22 PM
Monk, of course.

2013-04-17, 07:25 PM
Easy answer that will probably be repeated 1d6+1 times in this thread:

Don't. Just don't.

2013-04-17, 07:26 PM
...That's a very poor reason...

Regardless, you should play a kobold wizard.

2013-04-17, 07:30 PM
Human. Cleric.

'nuff said.

2013-04-17, 07:33 PM
Monk, of course.
Hmm, I always considered Monks a bit underpowered, but possibly.

Easy answer that will probably be repeated 1d6+1 times in this thread:

Don't. Just don't.
I've been told that by a lot of people IRL that I've talked to, as well. XD

...That's a very poor reason...

Regardless, you should play a kobold wizard.
I know it is, but gotta stay entertained somehow. XD Even if he doesn't let me play it, just watching his reaction to this character will be HILARIOUS. XD

Kobold Wizard?... Aren't Kobolds generally geared for Sorcerer, or Rogue, or something like that? Then again, I don't know much about them.

Human. Cleric.

'nuff said.
Could be a good idea. :3 I'll consider it.

I'm surprised how quickly so many people appeared. O_O

2013-04-17, 07:33 PM
Hello! I'm a bit new here, and I'm looking for a way to make a crazy powerful character for multiple reasons, one of them being so I can piss my DM off. XD

Don't. Your DM plays because he wants to have fun. That's also why the players are playing. If you're doing it just to piss people off, you're doing something very... inappropriate.


2013-04-17, 07:35 PM
For what reason are you assuming that psuedonatural and paragon would pass on through lycanthropy?

2013-04-17, 07:36 PM
When your first post on this website is how to piss off the kind person who is willing a DM for you, you are unlikely to get much help.
When you put the words "incrediby powerful" and "fighter" in one post, without the word "not" between them, you will get laughed at.

If you want a powerful character try samurai maybe? Thats all im gonna say.

2013-04-17, 07:38 PM
Half-Minotaur Goliath Warblade, Monkey Grip. Ring of expansion. Jovar?

2013-04-17, 07:38 PM
Don't. Your DM plays because he wants to have fun. That's also why the players are playing. If you're doing it just to piss people off, you're doing something very... inappropriate.


Yeh what he said. Btw, Jaron, why do you sign your name at the bottom? Your forum name is clearly visible to the left. (Just curious, as for some reason it bugs me :smalleek: )

2013-04-17, 07:54 PM
Really, this is a lousy idea in general; there are good reasons for wanting to make super-powerful characters, but "I want to annoy people and demonstrate my oh-so-marvelous [borrowed] superiority!" isn't one of them.

Monk, of course.

I love this answer. So much.

2013-04-17, 08:00 PM
If you want to piss off your DM, make a Tier 1 character and always cause trouble.

That said, Pissing off the DM for entertainment could result in you getting banned from the group. It is better to outwit your fellow players, stab them in the back, and cause them trouble because it is alot more fun. Besides, DMs possess the "Rocks fall, your character dies" power which your fellow players do not have.

Seriously, DMs spend their limited time to make adventures up for you to play and then watch players wreck things and you want to do the same to your DM? Ruining the DM's fun?? A DM who is not having fun is something you should work hard to avoid, because sometimes they decide to do horrible things to you for fun.

2013-04-17, 08:03 PM
Even if this was rules-legal (which is dubious), no sane DM is going to let you Air Bud whatever templates you want onto your character through lycanthropy with no LA cost.

2013-04-17, 08:21 PM
Hello! I'm a bit new here, and I'm looking for a way to make a crazy powerful character for multiple reasons, one of them being so I can piss my DM off.

I hope you're kidding about the "piss the DM off" bit. Otherwise, you deserve every horrible thing the DM does to you.

Remember that D&D is a cooperative game. There isn't much point in dismantling the DM's carefully-made adventure ideas, unless you're some kind of horrible jerk.

Is this sort of one-upmanship common at your sessions, and is it the sort of thing everyone takes in stride? That is, does your DM react to your shenanigans with "Oh, you! :smallwink:" or ":smallfurious:"?

If it's the latter, I'm not sure why we should even help you.

2013-04-17, 08:28 PM
Oversized TWF chain with Bastard Swords. Take EWP to make it work. I recommend a Drow Soulborn 18 as the chassis; alignment doesn't really matter.

2013-04-17, 08:31 PM
First of all, Pseudonatural changes a creature's type to Outsider, making it impossible to include a Pseudonatural animal as a component of a Lycanthrope. Furthermore, a DM is well within his rights to prohibit nonpublished custom monsters from even existing in his campaign world. A Were-Paragonwolf is nonstandard and there's no such thing if he says so, just like he can say a Were-Giantsquid doesn't exist.

Judging by your response to the first few suggestions, I'd guess you lack the experience and game knowledge to pilot such a build to game-breakingness. Your scheme is destined to fall flat, and you'll probably end up causing yourself more frustration than your DM.

2013-04-17, 08:51 PM
Yeh what he said. Btw, Jaron, why do you sign your name at the bottom? Your forum name is clearly visible to the left. (Just curious, as for some reason it bugs me :smalleek: )

Just habit. I've always done it, since a long time ago when I was posting in places where it wasn't so obvious. I know it bugs a few people but... *shrug*


2013-04-17, 08:54 PM
Disclaimer : I do not condone the ruining of an entire campaign for personal amusement. I had that happen to me just a couple months ago and now I have to give up on my Truenamer because the group Wizard/Incantatrix couldn't stay away from Draconic Polymorph and the Orb spells.

That said, for purely hypothetical thought experiments : play Truenamer. Some people will think I'm joking with this, but I'm actually rather serious. With Knowledge devotion, an item familiar, and affiliation with the Paragnostic Assembly, you can actually use your abilities rather well and there's not a whole lot people can do to stop you. You get a selection of abilities that are nigh on impossible to block. Your party will also love you for things like no-save damage and slow, Freedom of Movement from level 1, Universal Competence which is +5 untyped to all skill checks, Temporal Twist and Temporal Spiral which cause dazing, a notoriously hard to avoid status effect.

2013-04-17, 09:07 PM

Hey. Hey no. Don't do that.

2013-04-17, 09:08 PM

Consider trying to figure out how much of the advice in this thread is...

a.) sarcastic, and giving you bad advice because they don't like what you are doing
b.) telling you not to do it
c.) genuinely given advice, but still bad advice anyway
d.) actually genuine advice for the question that you tried to ask, that really does what you think you want

Hint: most of the answers in this thread are not one particular of those options...

And consider why that might be...

2013-04-17, 09:25 PM
Monk, of course.
Hmm, I always considered Monks a bit underpowered, but possibly.

Guys. Guys. I just want to point out that Monk was just taken seriously as a "possible" contender for incredibly powerful character. My Detect Sarcasm registers nothing. I don't think OP's DM is in too much trouble if this guy decides to optimize.

I think your Paragon Pseudonatural Lycanthrope is a really good idea. Take levels in War Hulk to boost your Strength to insane levels (don't worry about the lack of BAB, your Strength covers it, and the ONLY thing BAB is used for is Power Attack, and I don't think anyone's actually decided on a way to do remotely decent damage with Power Attack, especially with no way to mitigate the to-hit penalty). Fighter is pretty good, but honestly I support Samurai as suggested. You get free TWF (twice the attacks with Str and then 0.5 Str on the off-hand is better than normal attacks with 1.5 Str) and can intimidate anyone vulnerable to fear (which is really hard to be immune to, only like Paladins, and you can beat one of them in a fight easy). You're going to have a good Reflex save, so getting 9 levels of Ninja might be worth it for Evasion (not to mention the precision damage). Samurai Ninja! Since you have such high Strength, invest in a Composite Longbow too, so you can add it to damage for ranged. And just for fun, take one level of Cleric so you can DMM Persist a few helpful buffs. You will be absolutely unstoppable.

Huh? Did I forget the Blue tags?

2013-04-17, 09:38 PM
Ok, I agree with just about everybody else on this thread that this is a terrible idea, but if the man wants an insanely powerful character, or if he wants to piss off his DM, it is not our business to judge. Let his DM do that in what way he sees fit.

But I am going to be impartial and give him the answer he is looking for.

Here (http://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/Pun-Pun_(3.5e_Optimized_Character_Build)).

Yeah, you're welcome. I guess they can close this thread now...

2013-04-17, 09:47 PM
Step 1: get a content list from your GM.

Step 2: Read all content cover to cover.

Step 3: Repeat step 2 a variable number of times depending on your reading retention.

Step 4: Catalog the information in the content into synergistic groups.

Step 5: Rank the information in the content based on power, judging power by these categories; Raw mechanical power, power of convenience, power through synergy, and sustained power.

Step 6: Try to cram as much synergized high powered stuff onto one character.

Step 7:????

Step 8: Profit.

P.S. If you are gonna be caustic, you should have to do the work on your own. Go read. No shortcuts for trolls.

2013-04-17, 09:54 PM
Must... resist... urge... to use Logic Ninja's (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=104002) and Treantmonk's (http://community.wizards.com/go/thread/view/75882/19873034/Treantmonks_guide_to_Wizards%3A_Being_a_God&post_num=5) guides for evil...

...Oh, dang it. I'm sorry, Zenkatana's DM. I am so, so sorry.

Gnome Alone
2013-04-17, 10:48 PM
no sane DM is going to let you Air Bud whatever templates you want onto your character

Did you just coin "Air Bud" as a verb? I can't stop laughing to myself about this, and I'm on a train.:smallredface:

2013-04-17, 10:54 PM
I would just write up a Great Wyrm Silver Dragon with about 150 levels of Sorcerer added to it, and call it a day. I would also take the feat Spell Knowledge lots of times to increase the list of spells known, at all levels.

2013-04-17, 10:57 PM
Did you just coin "Air Bud" as a verb? I can't stop laughing to myself about this, and I'm on a train.:smallredface:

Stealing it. It's mine now.

2013-04-18, 12:07 AM
You know, I don't know how I missed the OP's username. It lends just the right slightly-surreal quality to the proceedings.

Anyone got ¥2,400,000 lying around to commission a solid-steel-block cutting implement?

2013-04-18, 03:33 AM
There are many fools who will suggest that full casters are the way to go.
In This thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=280682) you will find proof that this is false.

Go for a human fighter 20. Feeling cheesy?! Monk is what you are looking for; if you are wondering why, read the quote in my signature. This pearl comes from the linked thread.

2013-04-18, 04:38 AM
If you want to annoy your DM for fun then it doesn't necessarily matter what character you build. Just sit there and blow raspberries every time he starts to speak (I understand that's "Bronx cheers" in some parts of the world).

Keep that up for half an hour until he starts to get frustrated: It'll be so hilarious!