View Full Version : 1st time d20 modern

2013-04-17, 11:17 PM
So in the next week or 2 my normal dnd 3.5 group maybe trying out d20 for a few weeks while we wait on an out of towner to return (normally we would just play without him but due to in-game reasons its kinda important hes there)

anyway, ive never played d20 before and don't have any real experience with it, I said I'd be willing to try it thought because one of the other group members suggested it, but normally I'm more of a fantasy person than a modern day type game person if that makes any sense.

So basically what I'm looking for is something that I can play in a modern setting that still has a fantasy flavor too it. Maybe something with like a Supernaturalish (the TV show) flavor to it or something.

Are their templates in d20 modern? Werewolf? Vampire? Etc.?

Reading a little bit about some past adventures and the setting it seems that there are zombies, and potentially aliens, as well as crazy cults and things so if that helps thanks.

2013-04-17, 11:45 PM
You could find some adventures here:

Otherwise, about anything is possible, though I'd suggest you start with the story and then you try to find the right setting/system. Some D&D adventures are easy to convert too.
I once used Second Variety by Philip K. **** as an adventure. The players loved it and it ended with the necessary PvP. You could just as easily create a zombie slasher.

2013-04-18, 12:29 AM
I'm sorry if I was misleading in my post, im a player not the DM

2013-04-18, 04:09 AM
There isn't just one d20 Modern setting. Vampires and Werewolves are both described in the core rules (yes, both as templates, fairly similar to their 3.5 incarnations) but your GM has every right to rule that they don't exist. So ask your GM what level of magic/psionics/tech/etc. exists in his campaign setting. You might ask if he's using one of the premade settings, Shadow Chasers for example is very Supernaturalish and Urban Arcana is basically D&D in the modern world.