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2013-04-18, 05:14 AM
First there is a light in the distance, yet it seems to flee you instead of approach, until its gone and nothing remains. Then the thirst comes, filing, replacing the nothingness until is everything. Yet it is still rising, still getting more urgend, becoming more than everything.
And suddenly you are awake, yet disoriented. The thirst, still pulsing in the back, doesn't manage to fill your conscious mind as before and you manage to look around.
You are laying on a medical table together with a number of other figures, seemingly also just waking up, in an artificially lit room.
Next to the table you lie on is a small side table, holding a bowl filled with a blood-red fluid. You might not be an expert in those matters, but something tells you it indeed is blood. And you fell the overwhelming urge to drink is.

On the other side of the room you notice a man in a black suite sitting on a chair next to the only door, reading newspaper. Just like you have the urge to drink the blood in the bowl, there is an equally strong force telling you to jump the man, rip open his throat and drink his blood.

DC 15 Perception check
You notice the page one headline: "Over 200 dead in Channel tunnel collapse. Was it really an accident?"

He seems to notice that you are waking up, as he folds his newspaper and addresses you: "Ah, you are finally waking up, good. My name is George Fulbright Farebrook and I hereby welcome you as the newest members of the "European Organization for preparation against and removal off unexplainable and extraterrestrial threats in the jurisdiction of it's member states." Well, that's at least the current official name on the commissions budget list, today most call us just the "Organization"."

[OOC: Giving you some time to react if you want, otherwise he'll just talk on.]

2013-04-18, 06:47 AM
The thin form of Rockflower stretches its arms as it slowly glides to consciousness. Yawning, she semi-consciously scratches her armpit and picks her nose before her eyelids half-open. Sizing up Black Suit, she groans slightly and covers her eyes with her hands, turning over to face away with him. "Oh, Spirits... have I joined the army again? But I could have sworn it was just happy-buzz stuff, not the daytrip to God stuff... urghhh." Opening an eye again, she takes in the bowl blankly. Sniffing, she tremulously reaches out and drags a finger along its surface, bringing it towards her for examination. She fights a sudden, terrible urge to lick it. "Blood? Oh Spirits another cult? Hrmmmmm or I'm still blasted with that stuff..." Looking around, she continues "Pink rabbit of happiness, are you hiding from your Rockflower?"

2013-04-18, 09:44 AM

Ferret suddenly sits up, eyes wide open. What the **** was that?

He looks around the room. The tables, the bowls the man in the suit. He thinks hard to break through the fog. I don't remember taking anything.

A smile creeps across his face and he looks around again. Rick? It this of your doing rick, you little ****?

perception roll[roll0]

He notices the story on the newspaper and his brows furrow. I remember being on the train and feels the urges. he reaches out and dips his finger in the fluid. Thick. He half grins as he brings the finger to his mouth and then the smile suddenly vanishes and he pops the finger in his mouth. The craving become unbearable and without hesitation he grabs the bowl and begins to drink.

2013-04-18, 11:33 AM
"I know you are most likely completely mystified right now and feel an great thirst. At least the later can easily been rectified by drinking the bowl to your left. To change the former might take a bit more explaining. First of all, no, that was not a dream and you are also not on drugs."

2013-04-18, 11:53 AM
Rockflower grins a crafty grin and points at the man. "Ah but now i've got you there, suit man! I'm always on stuff so I know you a lyi-" her eyes widen in horror "Oh Spirits wait wait how long was I out...?" Looking around, she winces and covers her eyes. "Oh stone-voices, is this what the world actually LOOKS like? It smells like plastic dog-mess!" Reaching out to the bowl, she brings it to her lips and drinks it in one fell swoop. "If you haven't spiked this, little man, I'll.... I'll put a curse on you! With my fist!"

2013-04-18, 12:07 PM

"How? I remember.. everything going dark, being tossed and crushed, and the... rats?". He expects a wave of revulsion to rise at the fractured memory, but feels nothing. He feels his face and tries to move, and is surprised at being uninjured. "How long have I been out? Where am I? Have my folks been told?"

2013-04-18, 12:21 PM

Ferret finishes the contents of the bowl.

Blood. Ferret grins and breaks into song.

Give them all that they can drink and it will never be enough.
So give them blood, blood, blood.
Grab a glass because there's going to be a flood!

Perform sing [roll0]

Ferret looks at Rockflower. Drink up my pretty. and jumps off the bed.

2013-04-18, 04:10 PM
Falcon was galloping underneath her, his movement so smooth that it felt more like flying than riding. She took in the scenery, the sun reflecting in the lake, the rolling hills around, and spurred Falcon on. The earth disappeared under his hooves at neckbreaking speed, and she felt his muscles working against her legs.
She saw her husband in front of her, and turned Falcon around, fleeing. The sky went dark. Before her, the great expanse of the lake lay blackened in the moonlight. She urged Falcon down to the water.
As she rode out into the black water, the land disappeared rapidly behind her. when she looked back, she could no longer see the shore, only a great black surface, seemingly spanning the horizon in all directions. she dismounted, and stood ancle-deep in the dark liquid. She bend down towards the surface, and in a flash, she saw her face.

Aurore opened her eyes. A mouthwatering smell teased her nostrils, and instinctively, she was on her feet, scrambling to the small table, and emptying the bowl in a frenzy. Finally taking the time to look at what she was doing, she saw the crimson dregs on the bottom. The bowl fell from her hand, and hit the floor with a bang. She remembered the train, the blood, the pain. Walking backwards, she hit the bed she'd been lying on. She took in the room around her. "What... What happened?"

2013-04-18, 04:25 PM

Ferret watches Aurore wake and drink and his grin fades.

Well, I am still trying to figure out if this is a piratical joke, the result of some hallucinogen I don;t recall takin' a dream or some combination.

He looks over at the man in black and the newspaper. Mr. MIB might have some answers. His newspaper has a clue.

2013-04-18, 10:09 PM
"Ms Lagragne, please calm down. Technically you, all of you, died. You heart stopped beating, the electric activity in your brains stopped and your cells started to die. This was about 6 hours ago.
Now you live again, kinda. Your heart beats, albeit far to slow and your brain shows activity again. But most of your cells are still dead and while your mind still moves your body as before, still requiring your brain for it, your soul is only bound to it by one thing alone: Your blood." He makes a short pause.
"You, Ladies and Gentlemen, are now what usually is called a Vampire, the soul bound by blood to its deceased body. And for the next time you'll work for us."

2013-04-18, 10:17 PM

Ferret grabs the edge of the table with his finger-less gloves and hops up on it and smirks.

We will work for you huh?

2013-04-18, 11:00 PM
Rockflower blinks, then speaks in a quiet voice. "So, I have my body, my mind, and my soul. Only the mechanisms between them have been altered. So I am still human. Good-o."

2013-04-18, 11:18 PM
Heh, heh heh.

Kevin sat up, clutching his head. It hurt, and it hurt hard.

Dang, he was thirsty. Must have been some night last night for this bad of a hangover. Things hadn't been going so well lately, so he wasn't surprised that he had gotten himself too drunk to remember the last night. It would be another travesty in a rapidly unfolding series of events.

But this really took the cake.

Okay. Vampires?

You really expect us to believe that? All sparkly in the sunlight and I vant to suck you blood and all that ****? Yeah, I'm calling BS on this one.

Something smelled good. It reminded him of the juices that oozed off prime rib while it cooked. Hot and savory. The goon must have something cooking in another room.

He tried to get up. His legs were weak, but they supported his body. A few tentative steps got him off the table, and although his knees were shaky, he was able to keep himself up by leaning on the side table with the punch bowl.

So, let's screw the fun and games. If we're getting punk'd, just play the theme and bring in the host. I simply don't have time for this. I have a train to Paris to catch, and I don't want to miss it.

The punch looked good, although a bit odd. And damn, he was thirsty.

Almost unconsciously, he dipped in a finger, and took it to his lips.

Delicious. It tasted odd though, kind of like...

Red meat...

Kevin thought he should be horrified, but he wasn't. Intellectually, he was disgusted, but his body told him that it was natural, that he should continue to consume the contents of the bowl.

Now that scared him.

And then he caught the headline out of the corner of his eye.

Jesus Christ...

You're not joking...

2013-04-18, 11:29 PM

Simon looks intently at the man, sees the movements of his eye, flushes of skin, and tell tale traces of a pulse indicating he is telling the truth. He then realizes he notices such, stares over at the bowl, and sighs.

"Bugger. I had better not sparkle."

He picks up the bowl, and drinks it messily, getting blood over his face and front.

"Um, can I have a straw next time?"

2013-04-18, 11:43 PM
"No, for now it's rather more likely you slowly burn than sparkle.
And I think we have to apologize, this is usually not our favored method of recruitment, but, well, it happened.
Officially you are truly dead and I fear that will also have to stay that way, though your bereaved will be supported such that your loss wont have any detrimental financial effect on them.
You will be trained according to your given skills and then deployed to help us in keeping the peace where regular police forces are unsuitable.
And this is where I come in. For now I'm assigned as your handler, you'll get most orders from me and if you screw up I'm the one who has to clean and cover up.
Do you have any other burning questions so far or should I continue with a short tour of what will be your home for the next few months?

2013-04-19, 12:35 AM
"This is going to tear my folks apart, if I could, no, it would only be worse for them, best if they're taken care of and don't know.

"Wait a second. You said our cells are dead and we have negligible biological activity? This doesn't make any sense! I don't know biology, but I know thermodynamics, we need to have some source of energy so we can produce work... soul to blood... you're going to say magic, aren't you? Bloody hell."

2013-04-19, 01:06 AM
"Well, I'm no expert on this, but as far as I know the blood coursing through your body maintains the dead cells, keeping them in the state when they just died and even refilling ATP and enzymes. They also still react to nerve signals mostly like they did while alive. But the cell core itself and most of mitochondrions, lysosomes etc. are dead and not working. The cell can't digest, repair or reproduce anymore. So yeah, from the viewpoint of "modern medizin" it's magic."

2013-04-19, 01:32 AM
"I am a creature of blood magic now...? Spirits, why..." still thinking about this, Rockflower passingly asks Suit-man "As long as you are offering- what is your name? And why do we have to work for the Man? That's so suppressing my chakra... I assume you have a damn good reason-***-threat, so count this as curiosity as to what it is."

2013-04-19, 01:34 AM

This is clearly a dream. Possibly the best one I have ever had but a dream none the less.

2013-04-19, 02:15 AM
"Well, strictly speaking we can't force you to work for us. But we also can't let you out as long as you don't prove yourself to us. And no, this is not a case of "evil, oppressive government. Basically there are two reasons for it. On one hand, there's the danger you pose. On the other side, even when you are peaceful, out alone you would die pretty quickly, either by stepping into the sun, running out of nourishment or getting killed for being a vampire. There exist certain groups with zero tolerance policies to that sort of thing. Usually they wont hunt power-, yet peaceful individuals, since it's not worth it, but a spawn? I would give you about 48 hours."

2013-04-19, 03:23 AM
"And your name, suit-man?"

2013-04-19, 05:19 AM

Ferret shrugs.

And yet I assume that vampires have managed to survive outside of being pets.

2013-04-19, 09:16 AM
"So, we are dead?" Aurore thinks it over for a spell. "I don't believe you. This has to be a setup of some kind, a wierd practical joke or something. Vampires doesn't exist." She looks to the people who woke up with her. "You know this, right?"

2013-04-19, 10:23 AM
"Ah, yes your probably missed it in your confusion. As I said, my name is George Fulbright Farebrook." he turns to Ferret "And sure, some survive their "infancy" alone, but the chances stand against them. Especially since modern weapons somewhat leveled the playing field." Finally he addresses Aurore "If you don't believe me, I would be happy to prove your status to you. But that might hurt."

2013-04-19, 11:30 AM
This is different. Agh. New headache. I need new pills. I'll be damned if I don't have enough of them. My carry-on is a fscking pharmacy, so why not? It's bloody insane, that's why not. It takes me ninety fscking minutes to get through fscking security.


Did I pass out? Why am I lying down? Belt. Shoes. Watch. Tie. No tie? That's not right. Belt. Shoes. Watch... Tie. No tie. Hmm. Belt, Shoes, Watch, T -- No. Way. No way. I wouldn't forget my tie, nut. Don't call me that! Why not? You're not making any sense; why would I wear my WORK clothes and not wear my WORK tie? You wouldn't. Damned straight. Yeah...

I WAS MUGGED! There were two of them! 5. EIGHT hulking miscreants with rifles and bayonets. Bayonets? Yes! They lunged at me! I wasn't afraid. Yes, you were. I was hardly, almost completely devoid of fear. You wet yourself. Something clomped me on the head -- headache! I have to get out of here!


Adrenaline-laced pupils recoil from the bright lights. He rolls over onto his knees, then staggers to his feet, ready to sprint. Strange room, strange faces. Fear gives way to puzzlement at the apparent lack of danger. Recovering his composure, he steps down from atop the medical bier, adjusting his attire.

"Beg your pardon," the gentleman in his late twenties from Forest Hill, London, clears his throat. "My name is Alvin. Terribly sorry to interrupt. Has anyone seen my tie?"

2013-04-19, 12:05 PM
George gives a pitying look to Alvin "I fear your tie didn't survive. A terrible loss, I know, but you shall soon receive a replacement."

2013-04-19, 05:52 PM

Sudden'y Ferret's eyes open wide. He drops on the table again very emotional.

Wait! Wait, wait, wait. We are officially dead and have to stay that way?
That is not going to work at all. I just started getting some real success with Dizzy Maroon and now I need to be officially dead?

Fxck that.

2013-04-19, 09:31 PM
"Well, it can't be helped. Are you now ready for a small tour?"

2013-04-20, 02:57 AM
Rockflower levers herself up off the table and yawns- restraining a wince as she touches her skin and finds it cold- and pulls her hand-knitted cardigan around her. Raising her hands to her face, she connects and contorts them into something resembling a web and peers through them at herself and at each person, wincing as she observes each one.

"Yep... we are the undead, those who have dragged their heels and stayed." Turning to George, she continues "You might as well. Go on, Georgie."

Use spirit sense to detect undead.

2013-04-20, 08:34 AM
*crushed!* That tie was Versace! It set me back a hundred and fifty pounds. Three weeks' pay gone, and this man's pandering. He'd better put his money where his mouth is. Papa needs his ladies to know they're with the best. Alvin's eyes glow at Farebrook's promise of remuneration, but a skeptical brow flags its concern.

Wait, whaaat? Did that fellow just say he's dead? No. "We're dead." *snark* That's even crazier! I'm obviously not dead; therefore, "we" can't be dead. Q.E.D. Twenty quid says you're wrong. Pfft! I'm not going to bet myself. Wouldn't want to look like him, now would you? Shut up; I'm not gay. How do you know until you try try it? *rolls eyes*


Strange. Why doesn't anyone else think he's crazy? They're just... talking. Like therapy. Oh, God! There's another one! She called herself Undead. "We." Shut up!

Okay, great! We're leaving! I need to get home. As soon as we get to the hospital lobby, I'll just discreetly...

"Thanks." Alvin manages a smile through his migraine. "A tour would be lovely."

*don't make eye contact*
*don't make eye contact*
*don't make eye contact*

He absentmindedly scoops up his bowl, a squirt bottle, and tweezers as he hustles out the door.

*stomach gurgle*

2013-04-20, 10:40 AM

Ferret look Mr. I lost my tie. It's a fxcking tie mate. Get over it.

He listens to him ramble on a bit more.

Maybe a demonstration would be nice. He rolls up his sleeve showing numerous crisscrossed scars. Anyone got a knife?

He then looks at George. I think a test is in order and I volunteer.

2013-04-20, 10:59 AM
He sighs "If you insists."
He locks his gaze upon you, puts one hand inside the jacket of his suit and then, with one smooth motion, pulls out a gun and shots you in the head.
He then levels his pistol.
"Don't worry, he'll be fine in a few seconds."

[ooc]Well, that was slightly more damage than planned: You suffer 47 damage (after DR etc.). Remember that you don't have your class-level yet, so you should be out cold for one round.
(pretty much fall down and almost immediately re-awake).[ooc]

2013-04-20, 11:59 AM
Rockflower barely restrains a scream of shock and begins breathing quickly but controls herself, blinking as she watches 'Ferret' slump to the floor. Slowly, she leans forward, getting a good view of the impeding action.

2013-04-20, 12:34 PM
Aurore startled, then scrambled away from the man in the suit. She kept moving right up until she hit the wall, then simply started climbing backwards up the wall. Realising what was happening, she let go, and landed in a heap on the floor with a thud. She got up, and stared at her hands disbelievingly. She then noticed the bullet slowly working its way out of Ferrets head, the gaping wound starting to close slowly. It was all getting a little too much for her to comprehend.

"I guess I'll believe you. For now. How often do we need to..." She seemed to be looking for a nice way to put it. "Drink?"

2013-04-20, 01:32 PM

Kevin just stared as the Suit shot the other newborn vampire in the head.

This F'd up.

He didn't know how to respond. A part of him wanted to lunge at George, to beat the crap out of him, to somehow take revenge for this whole situation.

Another part of him also wanted to attack, but for different reasons...

But the rest...

The rest of him simply didn't have the energy to care.

Just show us around...

2013-04-20, 04:57 PM

After a few seconds Ferret sits up blinking. Owww.

He then bursts into laughter. Oh ****. That was awesome ... owww.

2013-04-20, 05:04 PM
Simon stands shocked in silence, and follows mutely.

2013-04-20, 07:49 PM
WHAT are you doing? Drinking. Drinking... Drinking Bl-ee-Ahh! Ah-aaaahhhh. Alvin's limp rag of a tongue whips around messily as he desperately searches for something -- anything to wipe the ichor off. Handkerchiefs: gone. Shirt: £100. Vest: £90.


Snickt! One sharp shriek, a few seconds of metallic clattering, and Alvin's left whimpering, moaning and rocking face-down in the blood-spattered hall. Fully a third of his tongue wiggles and twitches on the concrete. It worms its way through the slick onto his sleeve up to where he weeps into his hands.

"Wwwwoooo!" Alvin scrambles back inside and slams the door. "By dung! Id's oud do ged be!"

His jaw drops at the reconstitution of Ferret's corpse. Like a lizard's tail, Alvin's mouth heals in seconds as well.

2013-04-20, 11:25 PM
Once everyone is somewhat calmed down George leads you out into a hallway lined by doors.
"Ok, first of all we are in Brussels, right below the Berlaymont building. Officially it has 4 subterran levels, the organization is situated on levels 6 to 22 below ground, though levels 15 to 20 basically one big.
Right now we are on level 10, Medical Facilities, mortuary and most of the prison tract, which would be behind here."
He stops in front of a big oaken double door. "Don't be deceived, this door is safer than any modern construction we could have added.
Now let's go down first."
He leads you to a big elevator and takes it one level down.
When you leave it you stand before rows upon rows of shelves, some open and showing books, scrolls or loos collections of papers of all ages and sizes, others closed. One are even has big stone slabs with different kind of writing on it, the biggest of which, an ancient looking menhir standing prominently in the middle, is so big that the flour had to be removed to fit it in, leaving a view into the levels below.
In difference to the mostly empty hallways above, this level is also populated by quite a number of people, most studying books.
"This and the next two levels are our library and archives.
And this" he toward the oldest man you have ever seen, sitting in a chair, reading. "is our honored chief librarian. Let's not disturb him for now."
When you catch a glimpse of the mans face you must say it's a miracle he's still alive. His skin is paper-thin and lined with more wrinkles than you can count, his cheeks fallen in, his teeth mostly rotten out. His eyes lenses are almost completely obscured by cataract, yet they still burn with an overwhelming intelligence and while he doesn't visibly react to your appearance, you are quite sure he noticed you.
George continues talking "In here you will find almost anything you want to know about supernatural phenomena and if you don't, well ask him. If he doesn't know about it, then no one does. Let's continue."
The next level he shows you consists of a quite large shooting range, a gym and an incredible well stocked armory, showing everything from ancient swords to computer-supported assault rifles.
"Below here are the vault, some laboratories and the sanctuary, all off limits to you for now. So lets go up again, the two top levels contain the quarters, level 8 consists of offices and briefing room and on level 9 is our leisure area. Our "fleet" is stored slightly outside, next to the Berlaymont buildings normal garage. I doubt the offices are all that interesting, so do you first want to see your quarters and maybe change attire or visit the leisure area and mix with your future colleagues?"

2013-04-21, 07:41 AM
Aurore really needed some alone time to come to terms with all of this, whatever it was. "I should like for us to see our quarters. A change of clothes might be nice as well." She glanced at the mangled garments she wore. "Bad memories, no?"

2013-04-21, 10:15 AM

Ferrets runs his hands across his face feeling the dried blood. Yeah, a bit of a clean up might be helpful.

2013-04-21, 11:34 AM
"Ok, this way."
He leads you up to the second housing level.
"You are new to the organization, so don't expect the most sophisticated of rooms.
He stops in front of a door, showing the name "Alvin Chan" and produces a key card.
"Here we are, let's go in.
The door opens into a room of about 30 square meters, sporting a simple bed, and a table with chair. One wand is composed of an currently open walk-in cupboard showing a variety of formal suits, sweat suits, uniforms and street clothing and different shoes, as well as a collection of about 40 ties.
Vis-a-vis to this, next to the table, is what looks like a small minibar consisting of a fridge with a small, inset sink and a few glasses. There is also space for bottles, but no liquor.
The table sports a small phone and a laptop.
The 4th wall is adorned by the bed and a door leading to the small bathroom.
"The other rooms are pretty much identical to this one. The interior is standard issue and can be individualized if you choose to. If you want, you can get a coffin, but that would be quite redundant since everything that could lead to sunlight falling into this room would pretty surely also destroy your resting place. The laptop is for you to use, but I fear that you don't have the clearance to use most of the internet right now, mostly to stop you from doing anything stupid until we are sure you are stable and trustable. Though there is a pretty exhaustive intranet library of music, games, movies etc. and passive access to most news networks."
The fridge contains a few bottles of fresh blood for your leisure."
He points towards the closet.
"That cabinet should be stocked with clothing for almost every occasion. And I'm sure you will find one or two ties to match your tastes, though I have to admit that everything above the level of a Salvatore Ferragamo or Borrelli will have to come out of your own budget. Barring the case that it is required for a mission at least."
He then hand each of you a keycard.
"Your rooms are situated directly next to this. I would say we meet here in about one hour and I'll introduce you to the leisure area and some of your colleagues. If you find yourself with more questions or run into any problem, press the "George" button on your phone."

2013-04-21, 11:07 PM
Rockflower visibly winces as she looks into Alvin's room. "I can feel feng shui dying in there, slowly and terribly... despite all those lovely ties."

She takes her card and heads warily off into her own room.

2013-04-22, 12:50 AM
Who am I? Ow.

WHAT am I? Oww!

Ever since they wrapped Alvin's identity and sense of reality in flowery tissue paper and drove a tank over it, he's been touring the facility as a walking vegetable. Shoulders hunched, feet shuffling, slack-faced, and mentally exhausted; that which should have been cause for soaring spirits, a time-honored fascination born of countless action flicks and video games, he didn't even register the weapons of egregious destruction. The grand library of all knowledge -- geekdom's holy grail: Nothing. He watched a fly clean its antennae. He didn't even protest about the sub-par dress code, even though his former self would have secretly tried on every single tie during the space of the evening.

Instead, he stumbles and trips into bed in the hope that this is all just a bad dream. A hotel nightmare after too many drinks and the mental atrophy of three weeks of stake-outs in Paris.

2013-04-22, 11:23 AM
Simon heads off to his quarters and flops onto the bed, letting the magnitude of things fall on him. Everything he knew of his life is gone. No more time with family. No more drinking with friends. No more ladies. No more life in academics, just an uncertain and unknowable life, not a life, existence in the shadows.

After a while, he heads to the laptop to look for news broadcasts on the attack. In a macabre sense, he wants to see his obituary.

2013-04-22, 12:06 PM
Aurore snatched the punchkey, and went to check out her room. She quickly went in, shutting the door behind her. She sat down for a minute, staring at nothing while trying to decide what to do. Absentmindedly, she took a bottle from the minibar, opened it, and sipped of the blood inside. Not bad at all, she thought. It was weird though, it still smelled like blood, and tasted like blood, but now, he smell had an aluring quality to it. It was just like waking up and finding that you suddenly enjoyed the taste of cheese, while having lived her whole life finding the stuff repugnant. In her mind, the smell took her bac to the train. She had difficulty remembering why she was on it in the first place. Something about... A husband? My husband, yes. The fight... Oh, and my parents, I was going to see them after all these years... Aurore collapses on the bed. She had lain there for a while when suddenly, she could no longer bear wearing the clothes she for all intents and purposes died in. She clawed at them madly, and ripping them to shreds. She had nearly forgotten her life from before and now that she remembered, just a bit, all this pain.

She decided she would seek no more of her past. She was dead, and in this next life, she would see about finding a new identity. This organisation showed promise, she would make their purpose her own.

She took a long, cleansing and relaxing shower. When she stepped out of it, she picked up her old clothes, and threw them in the thrash bin. She looked through the walk-in closet. Black seemed fitting, somehow. She put on a pair of loosefitting black jeans, with lots of pockets, in one of which she stored her keycard. She then put on a tiht-fitting, black t-shirt, that wouldn't fall down when gravity went upside down, the way her old skirts would have. She completed the outfit with a black belt, to keep the slightly too-large jeans up.

She sat down on the bed again. A name. I need a new name. The old is filled with memories. And it hardly fits a vampire. She thought to herself with a wry smile. She sat there, thinking, for a long time, until she looked at the clock by chance, and realised how much time had passed. It had simultaneously felt like an eternity had passed, and very short time indeed. Both feelings served her badly, however, as the hour had passed a minute ago.

2013-04-30, 10:31 AM
After one hour that seems like an eternity, George returns to collect you.
Together you go down towards the leisure level.
"Here we have a small cinema, a few group rooms with tables and chairs, a collection of games and playing cards, a pool table, a place to play darts, a small kitchen for cooking yourself, the canteen with big commons room and a few private facilities, like Arnaldus lab."
He leads you to the commons, a big room lined with tables and the food counter on one side. While far from crowded at this time, there are still a few people there. At one table you see a young girl of about 20 in causal clothing play cards with another guy in suit, this one also far younger than George, and another person, male you think, completely covered in burns.
Slightly apart from them sits a bloated man in robes, reading a book. He looks quite strange, not really fat but rather as if someone pumped him up with something. You quite wonder if he can even walk.
At another table you see a group of about 6 talking men in sweat suits, looking quite exhausted.
Alone in one corner sits a big man, eating.
"Just mix with the others, make yourself known and get accustomed. Your training will start tomorrow at 6 p.m. Oh, and please try not to bite anyone."

2013-04-30, 11:30 PM

Ferret walks over to the table with the young girl.

Is this what you guys do for fun around here? He pays particular attention to her.

Diplomacy on the girl:[roll0]

2013-05-02, 09:12 AM
As you step to the table they look up from their game. It seems they play some kind of poker and, judging by the size of coins in front of her, the girl is winning right now. The young man in suit even has a look of desperation on his face. "Ah, hello. You must be the new guys. Sorry for what happened to to. Yes, playing cards is one of the things we, like most people in the world, do for fun sometimes. My name is Anne, this handsome, now quite poor, young man is Paul. Our expiating friend here is called Jacques and" she points towards the fat man "that is Arnaldus. Oh and somewhere around here should be Kiyomori, the last of our merry bunch. Say, would any of you fancy joining a game? It seems Paul can't go for much longer anyway."
The young man just sighs in desperation.

2013-05-02, 09:21 AM

I'll pass. Cards are not really my game.

2013-05-02, 12:24 PM

Simon walks up, still is his tattered clothes from the train, and says, "I'll play. I have no money and I doubt my shirt will cover the ante, so let's keep it friendly. My name is Simon, and I was just volunteered for, um, the organization."

2013-05-02, 04:05 PM
"Was volunteered. Nice way to put it." She mutterss wryly, and plops down in a chair at a nearby table. She really doesn't feel like socializing.

2013-05-02, 04:15 PM

Ferret grins. I suppose it is better than being completely dead...at least no one is going through my pockets for loose change.

2013-05-03, 02:59 AM
The next evening George picks you all up.
"First you have to learn what you have become, than you have to understand what the world is really like and what dangers lurk in the shadow and then you'll be individually trained to counter those dangers. In a way, trained to protect humanity from chaos and extinction. The first few weeks might seem dull to those of you that are not really the "studying" type, but believe me, it is all important. And it will get more exciting afterwards."

As he promised, the next days were mostly listening.
Listening to Arnaldus describe to you the power of blood, what a vampire is and that you now a one of the lowest kind of bloodbound. And what powers await those that unlock all their potential.
Listening to the old archivist talk about the millenia long struggle of humanity against all those monsters, both in the night and in daylight and how the advent of industrialization and progress tipped the balance in humanities favor
How the churches, governments and secret organization try to keep it all away from the common folks and how they sometimes fight between each other over different approaches.
And listening to the burned man about how important it is to stay good, not to give in to your lower instincts, to values humanity over all and serve society to your best abilities.
In the end some of you had a hart time to stay awake through all of it...

After 2 weeks of mind numbing lectures your personal training begun, each of you being evaluated, tested and then trained in different fields.
Simon and Rockflower spend most the time in the library, reading obscure texts under the tutelage of a number of the scholars and chief librarian. While Simon kept to occult books and scrolls, Rockflower showed a special interest and was introduced to the old, druidic texts, most still only found on the old stone slabs.

The rest got mostly trained in the use of different weapons. Here Aurore showed quite some talent with a sword and thus was taken to receive some single training with Jacques, while Kevin mostly just honed his existing skills.

Additionally, Alvin, already quite skilled at not being seen, got shown some ancient, secret techniques to elude even the most canny observer and also learned how to quickly kill a target if needed. In the end the ghostly man seemed quite satisfied with his progress.

While Ferret didn't seem very talented with either weapon or spell, he managed to learn both to some extend. But his true skill was only discovered late, when he tried to entertain everyone one night and somehow, accidentally tapped into his hidden power to enhance his play.

The first evening:

"Hmm, well, as new recruits you should get somewhere around 2000 Euro pay per month, right? I guess we could accept a bond on tho?" The burned man interrupts her "Ann, cut them some slack. I know how you like money and all, but isn't it enough for you to fleece our poor handler?" He turns to Simon "Here, take those coins for the game tonight. They should be worth about 1000 Euro, try not to loose them all at once. Oh, and NEVER think you could read her facial impression."

You hear Arnaldus silently chuckle and murmur from the side "And the good Samaritan strikes again."

2013-05-03, 08:18 AM
The day is approaching to give it your best
You've got to reach your prime!
That's when you need to put yourself to the test
And show us the passage of time.
We're gonna need a montage. (Montage)
A secret-agent-training montage! (Montage)

Sitting upright through the weeks of lectures, Rockflower seems perfectly focused until the instructor notices her eyes are crossed and pointing at different sections of the whiteboard. History class is frequently interrupted by her attempts to tie all vampiric activity back to the repression of 'the Man', despite being told otherwise. Being told to be good and to fight instincts is punctuated by Rockflower's lectures to the rest about the value of the all-tofu diet, and in never harming a living creature except spiders and rapists and people who won't share their pot. Outside of classes she experiments with the blood everyone must drink, culminating in her choc-chip-blood cookies which soon prove a messy hit.

And just show a lot of things happenin' at once.
Remind everyone of what's goin' on. (What's goin' on?)
And with every shot, show a little improvement
To show it won't take too long.
That's called a montage. (Montage)
Even Rocky had a montage! (Montage)

Personal training begins, Rockflower is shown the voluminous and ancient library. Early attempts at teaching her meet with dull incomprehension, followed by attempts to learn knowledge by burning the books and tomes and consuming the smoke, fortunately foiled. As time passes and she casually reads her interests grows and she rapidly reads every single book in the library, much to her instructors' bemusement. Her questions- ones suddenly not about drugs or '1942 in Butlins!'- direct her to the ancient tablets, which she pores over late into the night. One day she removes her spectacles and never uses them again, and begins being able to spot vampires and humans at a glance.

In any sport, if you want to go
From just a beginner to a pro
You'll need a montage. (Montage)
A simple little montage! (Montage)

Given a gun and a sword to practice with, Rockflower barely avoids shooting the instructor or beheading herself. She shows far more prowess in her defense, idly dodging to the side and back-stepping to avoid powerful blows with an odd grace before raising a hand and summoning water from thin air to slam her partner into the wall. Shown one of the department's treasures, the preserved skin of an ancient 'dragon', she tricks her way into the treasure-room the next night and steals it, and by the morning has knit the scales and bones into a lining for her cardigan and shawl, protecting her easily from blows.

Always fade out (Montage) into a montage... (Montage)
If you fade out it seems like a long time (Montage) has passed in a montage... (Montage)
Montage... (Montage)

Rockflower's training fades out to the new her, sitting for her briefing. Her cardigan and shawl is trimmed leaner and tighter against her, freeing her movements, and parts of it seem far more bulky than would be required. Her gaze, where once glassy, now seems clearly focused and driven, though now above a smile that is friendly rather than bemused. And, as her purse would indicate, she has become something of an expert at reading poker faces, much to her teammates' sadness. Finally she has somehow managed to fight off the typical pallor of a vampire and retained a rosy plumpness to her cheeks.

2013-05-05, 11:21 AM
After about 4 weeks of training, George one day wakes you in the middle of the day and calls all of you together in front your rooms.
"We just had a mission come in and we decided that you are ready for a field test. So, this mission is yours. Grab your equipment and follow me to the helicopter. Your combat gear is already prepared there and you will be briefed during the flight."

2013-05-05, 05:06 PM

Ferret raises an eyebrow.
Snap to it boys and girls. Time to pay the piper for all this glorious living in a coffin.

2013-05-05, 09:07 PM
Rockflower nods calmly and, without comment, grabs a small satchel and fills it with some wool and three sets of knitting needles. Hoisting it up onto her shoulder, she smiles gently. "Well dears, shall we go?"

2013-05-06, 10:45 AM
He leads you to a hidden underground heli-pad where you board an A109 with closed of passenger compartment.
An very short flight later you change into a private jet.
Inside you find full briefing room with a running television showing breaking news. The headline reads "Hostage drama in Helsinki suburb".
"So, this is the situation: A neighbor heard a screams from the house and called the police, who send 2 patrol cars. When those didn't report in they send another one, whose officers were shot at when they approached the house. So they started a large scale operation, surrounded it and send a Karhu Team Squad in, who managed get to the cellar before contact was lost too. And this is where we come in. The things the Karhu Team managed to report before going MIA unsettled the forces on site enough to call for us. It seems the fire from the house came from the police men who went in first, walking around with sliced throats and possessing inhuman strength. Also there is the last radio message.
He presses a button near on the table and the messages gets played, first in Finnish, then an English transcript:

"First and Second floor clear, proceeding to the basement."Oh my god, what is that? Looks like we found a literal pet graveyard down here, just without actual graves. I've never seen so many dead animals."
"Something's moving in there.""WhatAARrrg" "****, ****, shiiitt" *You hear gunfire in the backround*"They're everywhere!" *static*

"So yeah, we seem to have at least a least Zombies to worry about and probably some kind of undead animals, though we have no idea yet where they come wrong. This doesn't look like the plague variety, thus there has to be someone or something creating them. You mission is to remove all undead threats and find the source. Afterwards you are to blow up the house with this" He places a small bomb on the table "to make it look like a hostage situation gone wrong. Take cover in the basement while you do this, we'll then dig you up afterwards."

2013-05-07, 02:59 AM
Without raising her hand or giving any indication, Rockflower asks "How long is the flight going to be?"

2013-05-07, 11:24 AM
"Overall about two hours, so we now have about 1 hour an 40 minutes lest."

2013-05-07, 12:00 PM
"In normal circumstances, a plan involving digging a grave for oneself and hopping in would be considered foolhardy. In seriousness, what should we do if we find noncombatants or civilians? Herd them out before we blast the place?"

Simon does not look up from his three ring binder of eldritch lore, unblinkingly searching for spells to use in battle. He has thrown himself into this revolutionary field, free of basic biological distractions.

2013-05-07, 08:47 PM
"Get them into the basement with you, the bomb should just blast away the overground levels. At least if you don't place it upside down."

2013-05-09, 12:20 PM
After you arrive in Helsinki you get packed into a closed van.
"We'll drive this van up to the door of the house to keep you out of the sun. If you think you'll be overwhelmed, call for help over the radio and we'll take care. But that would show us you are not yet ready, so better don't do it. Also be careful of the windows once inside. Some stray light doesn't hurt, but don't stand directly in front of them."

As he promised, the van gets driven directly to the entrance of the house while under gunfire, though once he reaches the house the fire stops.
You burst open the door, breach the house. Behind it you find yourself in a small cloakroom. No enemies in sight, the house suddenly lies silent.

HERE (https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/11zE1M2INFQSvrI6A15yLqrTOVWAWj8ivmXU39zbrACQ/edit) is a map of the house. You so far only know this small room. The map can be edited so you can place yourself, but please try not to change the map itself

2013-05-11, 02:18 PM
Rockflower spends the helicopter ride meditating, humming merrily to herself as she sits legs crossed.

Prepare Spells
0: Detect Magic, Stabilize, Spark
1: Obscuring Mist, Ray of Sickening, Faerie Fire

Dropping from the van to crouch low against the ground, Rockflower slowly shuffles forward into the house. Cocking her head, she joins her hands together and aligns her fingers to form an intricately connected web, peering through it as she listens.

Spirit Sense; Detect Undead, Fey, Outsiders, astral, ethereal and incorporal creatures.
Detect Magic.
Perception to hear anything: [roll0]

2013-05-12, 01:24 AM
You hear some noise from behind the first door to the right and the one at the end of the hallway.

2013-05-12, 12:48 PM
Simon pulls a wand from his bag and uses it on himself, to no visible effect.

"Where first? Shall we see what is behind door number 1," as he points to the first door on the left, "Or shall we investigate door number 2?" pointing to the right. "I like door number 1." He moves over to the left of that door and listens carefully.

Used wand of mage armor on self, boosting AC to 18.

Perception check: [roll0]

2013-05-12, 10:15 PM
You hear nothing behind that door, the room behind it is pretty sure empty.

2013-05-13, 09:28 AM
Rockflower raises an eyebrow at Simon and walks rapidly up to the first door on the right, roughly kicking the door forward to slam open. Still scanning, she peers in.

Maintain spirit sense. What's in there?

2013-05-13, 09:33 AM

Ferret smiles. Two very different approaches.

Knock, knock Neo.

2013-05-13, 11:05 AM
Rockflower kicks in the door and suddenly faces a tiny skeleton. Closer examination suggests that it is an former Chihuahua, now preparing to viciously jump her. The room behind it seems to be some kind of big study with an expensive looking stereo system in one corner, bookcases and and desk with computer (left out of the map for ease of play, you should either way all be acrobatic enough to just jump on top...). Sunlight falls into the room through three broken windows, somewhat concealed by shot-through curtains. Also the room houses two Karhu members and one normal police men, all clearly dead, yet currently starting to aim at you.

Combat! I took the average of your modifier for a group initiative, you act first. If you want to use personal ini in the future, tell me. And yes, the chihuahua is tiny, so no reach.

2013-05-13, 11:14 AM
Simon hears the commotion and lets out a little "RAARGH!" to psych himself up as he runs over to engage in battle. The fearsome monster in his imagination is swiftly replaced with the let down of reality, but he unleashes arcane power as a bolt of light into the critter.

Moves to get line of site on the fearsome undead monstrosity
Casts disrupt undead
Ranged touch attack: [roll0]
- I do not have precise shot, so will take a penalty if the yap beast is in melee
Damage: [roll1]

2013-05-13, 11:24 AM
The bones of the dog rattle under the spells impact, but he so far remains standing.

2013-05-13, 05:27 PM

Ferret laughs. An evil undead lapdog?

2013-05-14, 11:15 AM
Just realized I get Obscuring Mist as a domain spell; mind if I swap it for another Faerie Fire? Cheers.

Rockflower smiles at the little creature gently, and with her spare hand beckons towards one of the undead cops. Out of thin air a mighty wave of water springs into life, slamming towards him and pulling him towards Rockflower. "Along you come, there's a good dear..."

Surge to Drag one of the cops towards Rockflower. CMB: [roll0]

2013-05-14, 12:04 PM
The policemen is suddenly pushed towards you, almost crashing into the chihuahua.

Sure, exchange it.

Lately only Simon, Rockflower and Ferret were active, I fear we might have already lost the rest.
But since the posts seem to be coming in slow in general I'll give you one more day before the zombies act (if you don't post until then you can still rejoin the next round).

2013-05-16, 12:30 PM
Rockflower, standing right in the open door, is shot at by all three zombies and hit by multiple bullets. The chihuahua on the other hand just stands there, shaking violently after being hit by Simons spell.

6 Damage after DR etc.

2013-05-23, 09:43 AM
Maybe I should have made that more clear: The round is over, next round, who hasn't posted this far can either quickly post them in front of his new ones or looses his actions for the round.

2013-05-24, 12:54 AM
Rockflower curses loudly- "Muffins!" and drops to the floor as the bullets fly into her.

Drop prone, wait until everyone else acts before I use my standard action. If I can't do both, then just wait.