View Full Version : How can I RP this Dire Lion?

2013-04-18, 10:09 AM
So, i had to reroll recently, bought a war beast dire lion, and wanted to be able to speak with it, after these board suggested Awaken, my DM accepted it and thus it was done.

So, I got a pretty good roll on my int, so its int score is now 18, and its charisma score is now 13.

The back story my DM gave me was, since I've had this lion for 17 years, since I was kicked out of my barbarian tribe, he's very loyal to me. Well, my Goliath is a drunk, and he came across a like minded druid who loved his booze.

After some drinking and cooking, he awoke Goldbeard (lion's name). Well, with the extra skill points from turning into a magical beast and getting +2 HD, I burn them all to make him literate, and learn 14 languages :P.

I wasn't sure how this can come into play, but it seemed like it could be really really fun. lol

How would you RP this lion, the DM says it's my playing field for the RP of it.

2013-04-18, 10:26 AM
First of all, Intelligence doesn't mean human(oid). At heart, he's still a lion. He may suddenly be able to think and plan, but he's going to think in lion terms, not civilized ones (unless you are fearl, barbarian still counts as civilized compared to the lion). Prey is prey, for eating. Intelligence makes it easier for him to hunt. You are part of his pride, and probably the leader. Intelligence, especially if the lion is smarter, may eventually challenge this somewhat.

Especially, he will have memories of a sort. He can recognize people and places but will have a very fuzzy memory and understanding of all the other things sentient beings do. At first he will be extraordinarily curious as he suddenly begins to understand all these things he's ignored up til now. Imagine a dire lion with genius intelligence suddenly acting like a curious kitten again because in many ways all the things he got used to ignoring are suddenly new and interesting again. Constant questions about culture and norms and mores and constant references to things that you have done in the past that it lacks to information and appropriate frames of refences to describe.

Not to mention a total lack of discretion. House training, probably but no understanding about why it's impolite to ask if the Goliath female you are talking with is attractive, and if you want to mate with her and if he can watch to get an idea about Goliaths go about this stuff.

2013-04-18, 10:54 AM
I didn't even think of this, is it still with in the realm of possibility he has learned to read?

2013-04-18, 11:18 AM
Learning a language automatically makes you able to read it unless your only HD is Barbarian or Totemist or you have the illiterate trait.

I would roleplay the lion like a dragon. Extremely intelligent and quite charismatic, but also a physically powerful predator with more than its fair share of pride. Lions are also quite lazy, so you could have him prefer to relax in the shade with a good book on metaphysics or whatnot rather than go hunting.

2013-04-18, 12:05 PM
I suggest a playing a rather royal character with a posh attitude befitting the King of the animals.

Give him a british accent at least.

2013-04-18, 01:24 PM
High intelligence and charisma? Well, I think this (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=08-uyfp2iPM) should be your inspiration.

Dusk Eclipse
2013-04-18, 01:34 PM
High intelligence and charisma? Well, I think this (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=08-uyfp2iPM) should be your inspiration.

This. So. Much. This.

2013-04-18, 01:35 PM
I really hoped this thread would be more about something like this. (http://archive.4plebs.org/foolfuuka/boards//tg/image/1365/56/1365566444878.jpg)

2013-04-18, 02:35 PM
I have a pretty poor british accent, lol maybe scottish. haha

2013-04-18, 02:46 PM
+1 on the english accent.

So you are a incredibly intelligent lion. but you only just became smart. so curiosity is very propable. Were you the leader of the pack/pride? Because a leader could go all alpha male on everyone around him. And now that he is smart go completely sherlock/house/the docter by smartmouthing everyone and insulting people into submission. All the time speakin in your awsome englisch accent and stroking your beard/manes.

go get 'em tiger!

2013-04-18, 04:13 PM
Obviously the lion (which is basically just a very big cat) is the boss and you are his human (well, Goliath but the point still stands).

2013-04-18, 04:16 PM
Which English accent? 'cause there are, you know, dozens. Hundreds, maybe, especially if you count non-native accents.

2013-04-18, 04:17 PM
Which English accent? 'cause there are, you know, dozens. Hundreds, maybe, especially if you count non-native accents.

Posh British Accent.

2013-04-18, 09:27 PM
First of all, Intelligence doesn't mean human(oid). At heart, he's still a lion. He may suddenly be able to think and plan, but he's going to think in lion terms, not civilized ones (unless you are fearl, barbarian still counts as civilized compared to the lion). Prey is prey, for eating. Intelligence makes it easier for him to hunt. You are part of his pride, and probably the leader. Intelligence, especially if the lion is smarter, may eventually challenge this somewhat.

A lot of good ideas, but i disagree with a couple of them.

I think intelligence won't make you hunt better. Intelligence is basically a human trait. So the lion awakened magically, now the lion can understand languages, and solve problems, and think like a human think. It's a magical beast, after all.

Still having lion traits like poligamy, hunting weak ones, or sleep 16 hours a day will be interesting.

2013-04-19, 02:49 AM
Posh British Accent.

So RP (Received Pronunciation), I assume.

I honestly don't see what that accent is so popular. It's not the most interesting or fun English accent by a long shot.

2013-04-19, 03:07 AM
So RP (Received Pronunciation), I assume.

I honestly don't see what that accent is so popular. It's not the most interesting or fun English accent by a long shot.

one word: Alfred

2013-04-19, 06:45 AM
South Welsh is the best accent! :smallbiggrin: